Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Another deep breath escaped his lips as he settled in his bed. Hazel eyes cracked open to look at the girl in front of him. They stood there in silence for just a moment before he shook his head. "Comfort me," his eye twitched and his face winced from the random pain in his chest. Talk about the Yakuza was the last thing he wanted to hear.
Sayaka tilted her head to the side at his request. She wasn't really one to be sincere even with her close friends. Maybe she didn't know how. It was better than standing there like an idiot and apologizing, over and over. "Why don't you just try to relax? Don't force yourself to do anything even if that means also keeping your eyes open." She pressed a hand to the top of his head, running her fingers through his dark hair.
"Shhh.." he silenced her after she had began talking. His eyes closed and he breathed steadily into her warm touch, "Thank you~" Shortly after a nurse came in holding a clipboard. "Hey," he addressed Sayaka, "The surgery went well, we had to stick a medal rod through the bullet hole to stop him from bleeding.." she paused, "but he's going to have nerve damage in his right arm that may progressively get worse. Are you his partner or caretaker?... Well he will need bed side assistance at home, but we can release him today."
Sayaka turned when the nurse walked in. It really wasn't her business to know who she was but she nodded at what he said. It sounded grim and she felt all the more guilty for what had happened, even if she wouldn't voice it. "Well, thanks. If you don't mind, I think we're going to wait a bit so he can get some strength. I don't want to hurt him further by moving him around."
"Alright you guys can stay for a while.." The nurse didn't quite know how to respond to that. she abruptly left, leaving the two alone. Izaya sighed in relief for the silence. Meanwhile looking back at Sayaka. He wanted to leave an continue his work.
Sayaka waited until the nurse left and then turned to Izaya. "I know you might be grumpy but I want you to take it easy okay?" She pressed her hand to the side of his face. "Let me do work in the meantime... Concentrate on yourself. I will be upset if you go and die on me."
Izaya shook his head and eased into the bed. A large sight escaping his lips. Dying wasn't that big of a concern to him ,although the doctors also said he could internally bleed out, but he had unfinished business with the Yakuza and others that he couldn't attend to. The male kissed her forehead, "Just don't do anything stupid."
Sayaka grinned. "You mean like I did this evening? I won't dream of it." She shook her head and smoothed her hand to his shoulder. "You need to rest. How about we get you home?" She hadn't truly been in this sort of situation before. It felt almost too domestic. "When you feel a bit better, I have some people to ibtroduce you to. They helped us and they're good friends of mine." Her grin faltered a little. "And they are asking why I had seemed so concerned about you."
A puzzled looked flashed on his face when she claimed she did something stupid that evening. He let out a reliving sigh, stretching in his bed slightly. Though he wasn't looking at her directly, he was listening. It seemed as time went on it was hard and hard to disguise whatever that had going on between them with just the two. He was ready to go home, but was also tired. The man yawned and smacked his lips together cordially, "What are you going to tell them?"
Sayaka hummed thoughtfully as she stood up. "Namie knew about it and so therefore others did too. I guess it would be impossible to keep it a secret the way rumors start up in this city." She looked over at him. "I could tell them the truth if you're comfortable with it." She figured that she could give him some time to give her an answer if that was what he needed. After all, they would have a full day to think over their options before she saw any of her friends again because they were keeping a close eye on where they were keeping Namie. "Will you be able to walk or should I get a wheelchair for now? Either way, the whole hospital scene is gross and uncomfortable."
Izaya fawned over the thought. It was unpleasant to him, everyone knowing that is. A stressful sigh escaped his lips from the whole situation. "It wouldn't be safe for either of us if you did." Anonymity was kind of key for the business he ran and if anyone knew he was linked to Sayaka they'd come after her to get to him. The male sat up in the bed wincing as he did so. "I'm just ready to go." Wheelchair or not it didn't matter how he got out of the facility, although he was in no condition to walk.
"I trust them to keep things quiet. They know what would happen if there was to be a mole in the group." Though Sayaka would not say anything if that was really what he wished. She turned and exited out into the hallway in order to see where she could find a wheelchair. She wasn't too thrilled about wheeling the contraption in as she disliked the idea of herself being confined to something like it in order to move around. "How about you take hold of my arm so we can get you into this thing?" She scooted closer to him and held out her arm for leverage. "Don't get used to me being your personal nurse, though," she tried to make light of the situation with a little tease.
Izaya shook his head. It was for their safety and her friends, if anything bothered Izaya if was that he had to be taken care of like a disabled child. He sighed when he saw her roll the wheelchair into the room, an irritated groan escaped his lips. "Maybe I can just walk," the male moved the comforter from his bed. He swung his feet to the edge before a sharp pain seared through his body. Teeth clenched he held his upper rib cage. "Damn.." He whispered hollowly under his breath. Instead he accepted her offer and took her hand to work his way into the wheelchair. He pursed his lips at her comment, "You're already my personal care taker down below," he mumbled annoyed under his breath.
Sayaka rolled her eyes as he commented on being a caretaker at all. She grabbed onto the handles at the back of the wheelchair and escorted him into the hallway, ready to get the Hell out of the hospital. She managed to get them to the exit and outside,briefly looking around just in case before she made their way to her car. "Tell you what, you concentrate on getting better and you can have me all you want one day as incentive." She smirked as she opened the passenger door. "You're going to have to tell me how to get to your apartment, in the mean time."
Just being in the wheelchair for a short amount of time made him feel helpless, but he couldn't help but feel relieved once he made it out of the chaotic institute. Out in the bright sun they made her way to her car. A smirk crept on his face at her proposal as he prepped himself for the pain of getting in the car. "Now isn't that the norm? I should get something special," he teased, his hands reached up for her shoulder, propping himself against her as he winced, but surely he made it to the car. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he turned his head and looked at her... "Uhm..... it's not exactly an apartment.."
Sayaka assisted him into the car and took a moment to get the wheelchair in the car just in case. "Damn..." she sighed before getting into the driver's seat and starting the engine. "Well, everyone has some sort of fantasy. Perhaps we could have a whole lot of fun later figuring it out," she clicked her tongue as she drove away from the hospital. She briefly looked back to him before focusing on the streets. "Just lead me to where ever you want to go."
He couldn't help but smirk at her comment. The name leaned back in his seat, letting out a heavy sigh as he tried to come to grips with his pain. Eyes closed for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. "Its pretty far from here," the male looked back at the hospital one last time to make sure no one was following them, "turn right," and the driving began. He navigated her along the way and it quickly became apparent that Izaya was very far from the city. Izaya led them down winding and twisting roads in the country, the two almost looked lost.. Then they came upon an arm of trees, gated by an iron fence, "Turn here." Izaya typed in the coad for the gate and the gate led into another winding pathway.
Sayaka didn't want to seem like she was confused as they made their way out of the town. She had once thought that izaya loved ikebekuro so much that he wouldn't want to live away from it but safety came with some isolation. She followed his instructions, the sun having already set as they drove through the gate. "Did you buy a mansion or something while i wasn't paying attention?"
"Ughh," Izaya rebuttled, "something like that." The winding pathway led to a ominous grand, red brick estate. Edges and corners of the outside of the three story manner was outlined in white. "Welcome to my new home~ I forgot to buy a disability ramp.." He mumbled
Sayaka looked at the place as she pulled around the front. She closed the door behind her and then walked around to his side, smirking as she opened his door and leaned in, looking wickedly mischievous as she poked fun. "Aw. Want me to carry you across the threshold like a new bride~?" She chuckled a bit before beginning to act more seriously. "I will help you up the front steps and into bed... or the couch. Whatever you would please."
He hated being immbole. The man had to wait on his partner for everything. When she came around to his door he couldn't help but frown at the taunting look on her face, but it did make him wonder.. His eyes veered towards her fingers in search for the ring she stolen, the result a raised eyebrow. As the woman helped him up he inquired about the items, "Where's the ring I gave you?" It was a slight irritation to see the ironwork gone despite the fact that she stole it.
Sayaka paused as she leaned over to help him get out of the car. "Oh," she turned and opened the glovebox at the question and pulled out the ring from its confines. She held it up. "I took it off at the time that I met with Mizuki so he wouldn't question me about it." She quietly slipped it back on. "So much happened. I need to remember to keep it on now," she looked back at him and frowned slightly. "...Want me to lighten up or something? You look irritated."
He sighed somewhat relieved, calming down. The male tried to get out of the car himself, holding onto the door handle as he winced in pain. His breath became shallow and shakey, but he made it to his feet. His ominous hazel brown eyes peered into hers. Lips curled in to a soft smilebas he tried to lighten up the mood, and his hand made its way to settle on top of her hair as he pet her calmly. "I'm just being cranky," he fumbled trying to stand straight.
Sayaka couldn't help but scoff at that. "Don't worry. You got shot. You have a right to be a bit pissed off." She chuckled as she led him to the front door of the home and waited for him to unlock it so they could head on inside. She led them in and tilted her head. "A bit more... spacious than your apartment, I would say. Where do you want to sit down at? Bedroom? Living room?"
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