Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Even though the girl sounded angry on the phone, that was exactly what he wanted to hear... The last part of his statement though caught his attention.. "Great well I am trying to do away with her... But defensive about Sayaka? Elaborate there shouldnt be a reason for him to be defensive.." Mizuki was frowning heavily at her unexpected words.

Izayas eyes stayed calm as the girl turned around ready to strike. Those cat-like luminescent eyes gazed into hers, "Now, now ~ that's no way to treat a guest." His slender figure came saunter in front of her, eyes reviewing the rather tight clothing shed had on that revealed her voluptuous curves, "Someone's looking sexy today~". The man finger slowly pushed against the tight business clothes barely covering her cleavage, "Did you take up casting for adult films or does your other boss just like it tight?"
"Let's just say he had walls up about whatever business he was having with Sayaka. To be honest, my intuition is telling me she had visited him before I came to see him. Though..." Namie closed one eye and propped her head up before continuing, "Well, I decide to dig my nails in, see how he might react to me telling him about her turncoat behavior. It came as a surprise to me that he told me to get the hell out. Saying to learn some respect. It seemed a bit more emotional than I had thought someone like him could muster."

"Not a guest when you don't even knock," she rolled her blue eyes before he touched her at all. She frowned. "We have a problem. Well, not exactly problem. Just call it an inconvenience." Sayaka peeled off the button up jacket, wearing a loose hanging top beneath it. "He's too suspicious to call the bluff. More importantly, I'm fairly certain he replaced me. He talks far too much about what he is doing for a man who wants to act like he has the world to hide." She tossed the jacket carelessly aside to the couch. "So, new plan. I am using street cameras to watch his movements. To see where he goes." She waved a hand to the laptop. "Aaand things might get a bit dirty from here on out. But I'll get what we need out of him."
Mizuki took it all in trying to make some kind of connection or assumption... Izaya emotional over Sayaka... Sayaka isn't ratting out Izaya... "Well that does sound like quite an interesting predicament.. Every time I try to ask Sayaka about Izaya she gives me a long-winded speech full of bull shit..." He paused for a moment thinking of a plan, "Lets not make any assumptions, but I want you to try to get close to Izaya and see how Sayaka reacts... the only problem is try not to bring up Sayaka when you do talk to Izaya.. Make it about you and him."

Izaya's playful demeanor diminished into that of one that was much more serious. Eyes caving in as they frowned in distaste. When things got serious, Izaya was an avid listener before making any assumptions. He'd let Sayaka have the show for now and followed her to her laptop. His eyes peered at her screen reviewing the cameras. "What happened?"
"Close to him? " Namie scoffed at the idea. "He has already turned me away. I doubt he would have interest in me enough to let me get close to him. Unless you had an idea." The tone of her voice could not disguise the fact that she was displeased with the idea.

"Well, he immediately questioned my motives." she crossed her arms. "I managed to redirect his attention for a short while. However... he wanted a whole load of proof. I was willing to play along but I suppose the fact that I told him about being careful somehow rubbed him the wrong way. As if it was not obvious one should be careful when moving locations." She sat down. "He is emotional. I am sure he has another player in mind... I will simply have to stay up and watch his moves. He cannot stay inside that building forever. And I have not yet tapped into his mobile."
"I do ~" Mizuki said with a grin as wide as the sun on his face. "Next time you go around to him, offer him information about the Yakuza and make sure you dress a little... questionable, show off those curves, you're a good looking gal." Typizcal Mizuki appealing the male sex.

"Control doesn't seem to be one of his God given talents." Izaya took a second to mule over the situation... He'd sit beside her, sprawling out on the couch as he yawned unamused at the situation. "Well we still need Mizuki until you find out who his boss is... Maybe you should do more chasing after him instead of the other way around that way it looks like you're interested in whatever failed scheme he has planned out for me."
"He doesn't seem to be one to find interest in those sort of activities. Though I suppose I could give it a try..m what do you want me to say?" Namie frowned a little. "Something false? Something true?"

Sayaka glanced over at him. "Oh, I had no intention of doing away with him until we got what we needed." She looked back at the laptop. "Feigned interest, huh.. Well, he will rattle something else off eventually. Until then, I will keep an eye on who he is calling." She sat back and finally looked at him fully. "And you are going to be relocated now?"
The man's lips perked up in a smile, "Nothing false, but nothing entirely true," he'd let that sit in, "tell him you know who the head of the Yakuza is, the man that's out to kill him.

"That man can't keep his lips shut if you sewed them together." His eyes idly wandered to hers deep brown orbs mixing with hers blue hues. Turning away at the sound of her question... he sat silent for a moment. "I'm going to have to move out of town..."
"But I don't know," Namie held the phone in both of her hands. "What do I do? Give a false name? I could certainl do that but if he finds out it is a lie..."

"Hm." Sayaka blinked her eyes once and gave a tilt of her head. "I know how that goes. What a shame." She smirked slightly. "There is plenty of excitement here. Though I suppose that would die down quite a bit with you gone."
The man wasn't worried about a fake name or this that and the other. "Don't worry about the name, I'll tell you whose name to give... Just be on your best behavior... and looks." With that Mizuki hung up the phone on her, texting her an encrypted message with the name.

"Hey ~" fingers moved to sift through the river of her flowing hair, "It's the life of a wanderer," she knew how it went. Hazel brown eyes lewdly lapsed over her low hanging top. "I might invite you once or twice ~" those same gentle fingers that ran through her hair trailed down her lower back to slip into her pencil skirt. Index and thumb pinched at her panties as he pulled them up in to wedge between her thighs, outlining her lower half.
Namie sat back in her chair and looked down at the message a small smile playing at her lips. Well, if she wanted to get to Sayaka, she would have to get through Izaya. Hopefully that would not be a problem. An annoying guy like that needed to die.

Sayaka lowered her gaze as he thumbed through her hair before she felt him ghosting along her back and then a sudden friction in between her legs. "Mm..." she bit the inside of her cheek. She leaned toward him and gave his ear a playful nip before pulling back with a smile. "You think you'd find me after all this? I probably won't stay in Ikebekuro."
From her back side to her front, his finger filed along the brim of her panties. The soft pads dipped between her legs, running along the line of her slit only to scroll around the ball of her nub. His fingers circled like a gentle wave around the ball of her clit. The male's brown eyes peered straight as he fingered her, in thought about the future. A terribly evil smirk curled from the flat-line of his lips, the man poking at a devilish topic in a light hearted fashion, "Well it's a good thing you'll be my wife ~"
Her body anticipated the intimate touch and gave a light shiver as his fingers trailed along the bundle of nerves between her legs. Sayaka hid her face into his shoulder as the heat rose to her cheeks and then he spoke. "Wh-what are you on about... don't even joke about things like that..." He had to be joking. They had been working together for a short time, and screwing around for even less. She didn't think that she should take what he said too seriously as he did come off as rather dramatic.
The man let out a hearty laugh, his finger sliding against the lips of her entrance, sealing it and stopping after covering her slit. A warm pair of lips settled on Sayaka's forehead as she cuddled in, in an adorable fashion. "Ohhh ~" he played along and raised his eyebrow, the light taunting movements as his finger tapped against her slit, "And what if I told you there's a ring on the table for you ~" the lewd purrs of his voice echoed in the canal of her ear.
It was difficult to focus on thinking about one thing at a time, especially with his fingers teasing her as they did. She slowly shifted her head to look, though she supressed her reaction whether or not there was anything waiting for her. "A ring is just a ring... it doesn't mean anything, really..." She couldn't believe it until it actually happened. And what were the chances of that? She closed her eyes, allowing a low moan to escape her lips.
Once her neck contorted to turn to check for a ring, the ridge of his index finger curled against her lips, parting each one to sink into her innards. He brought her attention back from fully looking at the table, leaning into her neck. Lips parted and fangs showing before the man clamped his pearly whites into the girl's silky skin. Like a baby sucking a bottle, he suckled, milking the skin between his lips with a finger wriggling inside of her.
When she felt his finger plunge into her folds, she gasped. The combination of him stretching her with his finger and then suckling against her skin sent strong waves of heat throughout her body and she gave a second shiver. Her legs parted a little more, aching for more so suddenly. Tilting her head back, she gave a whimper before reaching for his form, pressing her hands to the sides of his face and brining him up to kiss his lips, allowing the contact to linger for a moment before parting and speaking, “You were tricking me. Will there not be a time we spend together where we don’t end up with our hands all over each other?”
Her hands on his cheeks, focused hazel eyes peered taunting into hers. Plush pink lips met hers with the slightest of touch, both pulling against one another. His eyes closed and his fingers curled to the rhythm of their kisses, pumping and pulling into her while they grinded against the silky moist walls of the inside of her slit. Their lips pulled away as his amorous lust-filled eyes locked with hers. "Who knows if I was ~" he'd make sure she didn't see the table, the man patted his lap, "One of use will probably end up dead before that happens~" though a joke... it was rather true..
Sayaka knew that he was trying to keep her distracted but that was fine. She shifted her legs and crawled into his lap, placing her slender legs onto either side of his hips. Purring, she pecked his lips before she leaned down and pressed her lips to the column of his throat, leaving a trail of kisses before reaching the junction between his collar and neck, flicking her tongue out against the pale skin there before nibbling against his pulse.
The male sat back and sank into the couch as her knees planted on both of his sides. Lustful hazel eyes stared into hers as a level grin curled on his lips. Warm lips met the sensitive skin of his neck as he threw his head back to uncoil the smooth skin. Light gasp could be heard as his breath fell in shallow waves. His fingers reaching between her legs against her panties to fight back, "No fair ~"
"You're the one that started it," she softly accused against his skin before planting another kiss. Pulling away, she gave him a look, eyes hot with desire before her hands dipped low, reaching for his belt and unclasping it. Sayaka squeezed her legs tightly against his and smirked, "Oh, I guess I have your intention, hm?" She teased him lightly as she unzipped the fly of his pants and dipped her hand inside, stroking the hardening rod.
It didn't take long before the hardening figure began to take shape in the palm of her hand; bulging, growing, and coming to life as the damp, warm texture rubbed against her hands. His fingers still making the slit between her legs home, pulling her panties to the side. "Well I'm not Ikebekuro's number one trouble maker for no reason ~" the hinge of his fingers pulled back before thrusting bulgy fat tips into the warm canal of her slit, thumb lightly circled the ball of her clit like a click, flicking it back and forth.
"Hm..." Sayaka purred approvingly at his touches. Her hands moved slowly up and down the length before she withdrew it from the confines of his pants and boxers. "Oh, I don't doubt that. But perhaps I enjoy making waves as well." Despite enjoying the sensations his talented fingers were causing in her nether regions, she slipped from his lap and smirked devilishly before settling on her knees before him. With her hand still stroking the base, she leaned forward, flicking her tongue out and giving the tip an agonizingly slow lick before allowing her hot mouth to encircle his cock.
Fingers slid out of her nethers, coated with her nectar. Low olive-shaped hazel eyes followed the vixen's frame as her knees hit the floor. With a satisfied grin on his face, the man leaned back, both hands sprawling on top of the couch behind him, encouraging his pronounced member now free from the loins of his cloth. The bulky base of the veiny shaft rested like a tree stump between her hand, and the tip pointed arrogantly in the air, pulsing snobbishly and spoiled by her touch. It wasn't long before the aroma of his musky cock filled the air around her, the sweet taste of the smooth underside of his skin lingered on the girl's tongue as her lips engulfed his flaring mushroom tip. 'You sure know how to ask for trouble~" he cooed, lewd eyes locked with hers.
Sayaka would have smiled at the comment if not for the fact her mouth was preoccupied. A few up and down motions on his cock and she withdrew her lips with a pop sound, looking up at him as her encircling fingers pumped him slowly. "I do. Perhaps I enjoy being punished... Recalling you cuddling my hands together, it can be rather exciting to feel helpless while you ravish me." She chuckled and dipped back down, taking the cock to the back of her throat. "Mm..." The hacker bobbed her head.
His bulbous cock gleamed in the light, coated in her saliva. Oh how the plush tip flared almost taunting her as the gorging knob sat puffed at the tip of his cock, pointing at her. Lewd eyes looked slightly amused and scanned the girl figured, his eyes retraced back up to the girls lips as they recalled for attention once again circling his cock. One inch... two inch... three inch... four... The girthy flavorful rod disappeared in the depths of her throat, dragging along the crease of her tongue. Condescending eyes looked into hers, lips parted slightly as he spoke in an edging whisper, "Said like a true wifey~"
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