Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

She blinked. She felt the need to duck her head away from his touch but she didn't. She had the feeling that something was off but knew she needed to brush it off for now. Her gaze flickered up to him. "I can get started whenever," she spoke lightly as she stood up and retreated to the bathroom to do a quick clean up and get dressed. When she emerged, she was clothed for the first time in a while since yesterday and looked over to him. "I suppose I can go and test the waters and return? Though, I might need to think up a few sensible lies in order to keep him calm. He's rather eager to know you're gone."
Izaya nodded his head. "I'm not sure what you're plan is, but try to get as much information as you can... as for returning" his eyes roamed around his apartment, taking it all in for a short moment then settled back on her, "I probably won't be here by nightfall." His stay in this location had been over welcomed, almost settling down for a month now which was completely abnormal to him. "After you're meeting with him, I'll tell you where we'll meet but it probably won't be until tomorrow." His new place would be ready by that afternoon so he'd be busy all day changing locations.
"Right," it wasn't abnormal to be moving around herself. She hadn't recognized that she had stayed too long in one area as well, though it wasn't on top of her list of things to acknowledge. She nodded to him before patting his shoulder and smirked as she passed by to head out the door. "Alright then. I suppose you'll call me, and I won't call you." She did, however, remember he had told her not to call him on his phone even if she used disposables when making business calls. It didn't matter so long as she didn't end up dead before then. This probably would take a long day to get anything useful out of the guy.
He nodded at her as she made her way towards the door. "Expect a call around midnight, I should be situated by then." Izaya laid back on the couch, crossing his legs lackadaisically, "and try not to get yourself into too much trouble; I kind of need you to stay alive." With that he saluted her a fair-well until the next time they'd meet. It was already slightly past noon and Mizuki hadn't called or messaged Sayaka which was pretty unusual, he was usually on her tail about that kind of stuff.
"Don't get all sentimental in me now," she teased lightly, waving a hand over her shoulder as she left the apartment. After she had left the building and gotten down the street, she picked out her mobile to give Moulin a call with a slew of false information to make it seem as if she was trying to do her job. She typed the number in from her contacts and made the call, waiting for Mizuki to pick up. Sayaka noticed the lack of eagerness to hear from her.

It was not long after Sayaka had left the apartment that Izaya's assistant made her presence known. She walked up the steps to the door and knocked. Namie cracked open the door. The girl accompanying her smiled brightly and opened the door even wider. "Apologies! Your receptionist here is so stubborn. She wouldn't pen me in even when I tell her I have an offer you simply can't refuse." The girl was Japanese with dark hair and brown eyes. She appeared to not have a care in the world even when approaching a dangerous situation.
The man waved his employee off, and now he was left with nothing solitude. His silence was soon breached by an unexpected visitor, knocking at his door to his dismay. Letting out a long strenuous sigh, Izaya lowered his eyes and peered at the door, unamused by the two women who made their appearance. His eyes instantly turned to the unfamiliar Japanese girl's. "I don't have time for your inquiries miss, I run a very busy operation," the man proclaimed, hesitant to let her in.

On the other end of town Mizuki was managing one of the Yakuza's warehouses where they had collected an arsenal of weaponry that they shortly sell. It was their most recent and biggest project that he happened to be working on around the time Sayaka called. The man picked up his shortly after it rang. "Did you find our anything?" the busy environment could be heard in the background. Short tempered and as ill-patient as ever, the man seemed to put Sayaka in a rush.
"Yes, well, busy enough toppings on the couch, I see," the girl angrily replied before putting on quite the large smile. "You are going to want to listen to this one. I am looking for an old colleague of mine who last I heard was passing through here." The smile flinched as she looked to him, meeting his gaze. "Dark hair. Blue eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if you have done business with her as she does business with just about anyone these days. Saya-chan always was one to flip sides. Makes a lot of enemies, no?"

Sayaka rolled her eyes grateful that he wouldn't see the gesture. "Quite," she answered as she walked along the street. "Shall we meet up? I am available at anytime you see fit. I am very excited to say the least." Or she was seeming so. It would have to be quite the web she would have to weave in order to direct suspicions away from herself.
Izaya laid back on the couch, peering at the girl with an intensive gaze. His eyes lowered rather annoyed by the girl as she continued to attempt to coax the man's interest. After she spoke, he let the silence sit for a good minute. Eyes completely on her, but his mouth shut and the man didn't look the slightest of entertained. "It's nice and all you're looking for such a lovely girl, but do I look like Sayaka to you?"

Mizuki's eyes widened slightly with a faint smile lingering on his lips. "Yes, yes. I'm working on a project right now hun. I'll be at headquarters in an hour, make yourself at home before I come."
The girl tilted her head to the side before she playfully grinned. "I never told you her full name was Sayaka, did I~? You amuse me by being so confident." She tapped her chin a few times and raised an eyebrow. "But lovely? Sayaka? You must not know, then... well, of course she wouldn't tell you what happened. She jipped you too, eh? How nice. I guess that means you are a lost cause." She waved a hand as she turned to leave. "Don't feel bad when she turns on you, okaaaay? But don't worry about anyone else falling victim. It won't be long until that freak gets what she deserves."

Sayaka flinched a bit as he called her hun. Nothing disgusted her more than when people assigned her endearing names, even without the intention of being condescending. "I will be there." She answered before hanging up. She walked over to the building before stepping into a restroom to change. "Alright, here we go..." she didn't sound too thrilled about it. She changed and put her hair up before putting some soft pink lipstick on and checking herself out in the mirror. She frowned before sighing, getting her frustration out before leaving the bathroom to wait for Mizuki.
His eyes perked up when she claimed he 'must not know.' Her eye opening words were met with a smile as she continued to blab on about how terrible Sayaka was. "Yeah, yeah, victim she's after me, I've heard it all. Now how about you get some damn respect and leave from where you weren't invited." With that Izaya copied her wave, dismissing her... There was sure to be more of her in the future, but the way she talked down on Sayaka made his blood boil.

Even though Mizuki didn't seem like the type of person to have himself together, he was promptly on time for their meeting. Like always he would have her escorted to the room they met. It was a secret room at that and everytime she came threw he'd have her blind folded along the way.

She'd be guided to the door and there is where she'd see him. The short tempered, self-conceited man at at the table with a disdainful grin on his face, awaiting the one who would get rid of Izaya, Sayaka.
It would have appeared like he wasn't interested in what she had to say about the hacker for hire, which always left the girl in a disappointed rut. She didn't appear like it on the outside, however. "How lackluster..." she mumbled beneath her breath after shutting the door behind her. It seemed getting the information broker on her side was out of the question for now but it wasn't a tide turning thing she had been concerned with. It would have made things easier, that's all. She pulled out her cell phone as she left the building to make a call to a friend of hers.

When Sayaka finally arrived to that room, she ruffled her hair a bit after the blind fold was removed to get it to set straight again. "This must be very important to your employer. Sorry to keep you waiting~." She decided to try and change her tone a bit, like she actually wanted to be there, She sat down at a chair across from him and crossed her legs.
Talking I'll of Sayaka was the last thing anyone could do to get Izayas attention. He had completely written the woman off as far as he was concerned. She had started off on the wrong foot and it would take a tremendous amount of effort for him to give her a second chance. The man let out a sigh once she left, sprawling his hands from one side if the couch to another, "What a prude bitch." He got up... It was moving day and the few boxes containing he clothes had already been packed.

He appeared from the darkness of the room. The notorious Mizuki, well dress but I'll mannered he sat down on the other side if the round table, eyes staring into hers. A condescending grin lingered on his face as his eyes trailed to her hair, her face, and then finally her breast. "What's got you flaunting breast today?" He laughed heartily leaning back in his chair.
She had been expecting a question like this. Had it been Izaya and how he would have been able to articulate it, she probably would have felt a desire to be taken start to stir within. However when Mizuki made his comment it only made her stomach churn unpleasantly. She masked her reaction. Sayaka gave a knowing smirk and propped ger head up in a hand, elbow on knee as sge leaned forward a bit more. "Hmmm? Maybe I want to look good on th back of some positive news. I quite like this outfit. Don't you?"
Mizuki may have been a blunt bastard, but he wasn't a fool. The man wore a huge smile as his eyes connected with hers. "No one wears a dress like that," he paused intentionally taking the details of her figure and bust in, blatantly infront of her, "unless they're trying to seduce their boss." The man smiled. He'd been a bit apprehensive about Sayaka since she hadn't really provided any new news to the Yakuza... Skeptical eyes looked into hers with an undertone of a lustful gaze. More calm than normal, the man smiled cheekily. "What do you want from me?" There had to be an ulterior motive behind that dress.
"Oh?" Sayaka inquired innocently as she leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest, shielding his view of her breasts from him. "I have no reason but to feel nice in my own body. If that concerns you, sorry." She paused and smirked. "After all, I am the one who has something for you instead of the other way around. Do you want to hear about what I found out or not?" She attempted to redirect the conversation. There was no use in prying when his guard was up. "The reason why Izaya Orihara is difficult to pin down is because he transfers between a few locations throughout Ikebekuro. I happen to know the locations of these places... just in case you needed any of the information he gathered. I'm sure some of that stuff is pretty sensitive to whoever the Hell you are working for, right?"
He looked at her with unconvinced eyes. Obviously there were ulterior motives, but what was it to him as long as he got his information. As far as he knew, she hadn't provided a spec of information for him. Finally, she'd posed something moderately useful to him. "I'm glad you've finally gathered something useful, and to think I was going to replace you," his eyes redirected in her location, "now to make sure you're not giving me any fluff, I want you to take me to these locations by sunrise in the morning," the man had a clear smirk on his face.
Sayaka was betting that he was going to careful with his next few steps with her and so she had pieced together her next move carefully. "Well, sure. But it might be for the best if we wait in the later hours. I'm certain he has surveillance installed around his places. If he were to suspect and catch us driving by at all, he might jump the gun." She rolled her shoulders and pressed a hand benath her chin, propping her head up on one arm, elbow against the desk. "Must be something rather serious for you want to get rid of Izaya so quickly. You all didn't give him too much information or something, did you?"
It seemed like they were going one step forward then two steps back. Listening in dismay, Mizuki gritted his teeth at her objection. "I completely understand that he has surveillance set up, but none of that should matter especially to you," the man would stare her sharply with fierce eyes. "I hired you to give me information, what I do with it shouldn't be any of your concern right? Well you haven't given me anything." The man stood up and began pacing toward her nonchalantly, "Now I'm sure you like your job..." at this point he was behind her, "but more importantly your life," his hands fell on each if her shoulders, clenching them in a light massage. The domineering man leaned in to whisper in his employees ear, "Give me what I need to know and we won't have any problems sweetheart," he'd kiss her cheek and peel away.
"Hoh, it is very sweet of you to think that I value my life," Sayaka responded with a sweet smile. Although she knew she would much rather slap those hands away, she played along as she had the intention of trying. Glancing pver her shoulder to him with light blue eyes, before reaching up and placing a hand over one of his own. "I never said that they would be that much of an issue. Only that we need to be cautious. Good things come to those that wait... we will still get to the locations before sun up." She gave a light chuckle. "Whoever you are working for must appreciate you doing all the drab work hm?"
At this point Mizuki realized that anything Sayaka said was full of fluff and went in one ear and out the other. Nothing concrete has been provided by the agent so far and her credibility was beginning to crumble. Taking his seat back on the opposite side of her, he'd take his glasses of making sure she could clearly see his eyes. "Look," he said with his eyes beaming into hers with sincerity, "You've been working for me for two weeks and what have you given me?" he left that up to her to figure out, "If I don't get concrete evidence by tomorrow, you're fired." The man waved his hand at Sayaka, "Take your leave and get out of here."
The girl closed one eye, appearing to be frustrated if only for a blink of an eye. "Haha. What happened to me taking you to those locations? I thought you wanted to know." It seemed she might have to change her tactics. It wasn't that much of a shame, really. "If you are so desperate, why not go now then?" She shrugged before turning around and heading for the door. "But if you insist~."
The man looked at her unimpressed with inattentive eyes. 'Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,' she was all talk and no action and until she had proven herself otherwise, Sayaka had no real value to him. He didn't bother replying, waving her off as she made her way to the door. At the same time he pulled his cellphone from his pocket, calling the other agent he had hired. "Buzzz... buzzzz..." the phone rang for Namie
This was an unfortunate turn of events but not one that Sayaka was ill prepared to handle. Sayaka left the building and decided that it was time to get ready for the latter idea she had in dealing with Mizuki, though that might require some extra pairs of hands. She had a reliable network that would assist her. Returning home to her apartment, she withdrew her laptop and began her work. A camera's streaming played on the screen as she stood up and walked over to a cabinet and opened it. It had been a while since she had any fun with her equipment. Looking back at her laptop, she watched quietly for a moment. Well, she would also have to wait until Izaya got a hold of her before doing much of anything.

Namie had been sitting at a desk at her computer before the phone went off beside her keyboard. Looking at it, her eyes narrowed before she answered the call and placed the device to her ear. "What is it?" She asked with no hint of curiosity in her voice.
Mizuki frowned at his other assistant's flat tone. Holding his tongue, Mizuki simply tried to make things painless for the both of them. "How was your encounter with Izaya earlier today?" He needed Namie to get her foot in the door so that she could replace Sayaka.... "Before answering that, you're not too keen of Sayaka are you?"

Izaya.... lets say he was paying Sayaka a surprise visit in a rather unconventional way. The man had made his way into her house while she was gone and had decided to reside in her own bed. All the rustling of cabinets and movements in the main area disturbed his slumber. The man simply yawning as he got out of her bed, opening the door to her own room, and peering out into the living. "Oi, can you keep it down, I'm trying to sleep ~" Izaya peered at Sayaka with taunting, looming eyes.
Namie looked to her phone as if she were speaking to Mizuki face-to face, a sting of anger in her eyes. "...If you're asking about my personal agenda with her, then you can forget it. If you want to stop me from getting her out of the picture, that's not possible. That's always been my intention in the first place. Whatever job I'm doing for you is extra." She sighed and sat back in her chair, speaking honestly. "...It was like speaking to a brick wall. Seemed rather defensive when I brought up Saya-chan's erratic behavior. Izaya is just as much of an idiot as the others."

Sayaka whipped around after yanking open a drawer and withdrawing what looked to be an ice pick, turning around and pointing it at her intruder before seeing that it was Izaya. She slowly lowered her weapon of choice and frowned. "Why the Hell..." Sayaka soon realized in mid-question that it was useless. She had her front door and windows armed with traps. Maybe he had gotten passed them, but she hadn't been prepared for him to come by just yet. Setting the ice pick on the counter, she crossed her arms. "Made yourself at home, huh? Rude."
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