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Hoard of the Dragon Queen IC

Belle rushes forward. Positive energy cloaking her lips.

"Bran!" She cries out, cradling him into her lap, and giving him a healing kiss.

[Casting Cure wounds, for 8 points of damage.]
The half-dragon snorts, saying "You should let the weakling die. But I'm a man of my word-release them!" he shouts to the kobolds holding the mother and two children.

The kobolds follow his orders, and the family dashes towards the keep. The half-dragon then begins to travel out of the city, his raiders in tow.
The first thing Bran felt upon regaining consciousness was Belle's lips on his own. He groaned softly in both pleasure at the kiss and pain at the ebbing sting of his wounds as they knit shut. He cracked his eyes open only slightly as his rescuer pulled away, the light making his head spin and blurring the image of her face. "Is this Paradise?" he croaked, still disoriented.
"Truly an honorable and confident warrior, who only fights a single other and holds hostages to ensure he won't have to suffer the indignity of a real fight."
"A man on a man, or an army on an army. My army already won-all that was left was a single man. But," he says, turning to face Jasmine, "if you wish a fight as well, I'd be happy to oblige."
"No this is Belle." Belle replied concerned.

"How are you feeling?" She asked feeling for a fever by touching his forehead with her cheek.
"Belle...okay...not dead..." Bran let his head sink back again and closed his eyes against the painful light. "What the fuck happened?"
"Ye were brave, laddie," the castelan says, coming out with a man holding bandages behind him. "Braver than I-too old and responsible for a duel like that. Feel free to rest here in the keep while ye get yeself together."
"Well you tried to take out the half dragon, but it didn't work out." Belle admitted.

"I mean the prisoners are free and that's good. But you almost died."
"They're alive?" Memory rapidly returning, Bran lifted his head to see the former prisoners as they crossed the courtyard. "Okay," he said, smiling. "I guess everything worked out in the end."

(Just wanted to get that post in before the chapter transition. I'm good to move on.)
"Oh, um.... I think I got the wrong door." Belle blushed.

"Could you tell me where the governor is, please?" She asked.
"He promised me to join me on a divine ritual." Belle replied, reaching over and knocking on the next door.
"What, naked dancing and all that?" the castelan says with a chuckle. Inside the governor's room, you hear the sounds of movement.
"And more!" Belle replied brightly.

"Governor Nighthill, are you ready!?" She calls sing songliy at the door.
"Wait-really?" the castelan says, eyeing Belle's voluptuous figure. "Well, if ye is gonna be dancing naked, I think I might join, iffin' that's okay."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," the governor says as he opens the door. "Ah-Belle. What are you doing here?"
"Of course it's okay!" Belle said brightly.

"You promised to dance with me to honor my goddess." She replies.
"I did? Oh, yes-I did. I, ah, apologize-I had forgotten in the midst of everything that had happened. So," Nighthill says, "What do we have to do?"
"Well follow me!" Belle says extending each of the men a hand and leading them to the first outside area she could.
Meanwhile, after finishing his supper, Bran realized that he'd completely forgotten to ask Jasmine whether she'd managed to get any more information on the Cult of the Dragon out of Fickle. Having gotten directions from a helpful guard to the room Jasmine had been offered, he approached the door and knocked twice. "Jasmine? It's Bran. You have a minute?"
Smiling, Jasmine made her way over to the door while creating an illusory nightgown to avoiding any spontaneous nose bleeds. Opening the door, she replied "Always, Bran. What do you need?"
Seeing Jasmine answer the door in her nightgown made Bran worry he'd woken her up, but given that she didn't look upset, he decided it didn't bear mention. "Well, I realized I forgot to ask you how things went with that kobold, Fickle. Did he tell you anything else about the cult? Finding them is important to me," he added, realizing she'd probably expect some explanation.
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