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Hoard of the Dragon Queen IC

Wiping the rats' blood off his sword, Bran frowned at the lock. Old and rusted, it looked none to durable. "I've got it," he announced, before raising his weapon and bringing it down hard on the top of the lock, hoping to break it off.

(Not sure if this is an attack, but if it is, 16 to hit and 10 damage.)
The lock screams as the metal rends, the sound of shearing metal clearly audible for a long distance.

"What was that?" can be heard beyond the door.
Easing off of her captive's now-shrinking member, Jasmine gave the exhausted-but-satisfied kobold a kiss on the head. "I'll give you some time to recover for now; you'll stay chained, because the idea of your helplessness keeps me ready to go. Ta ta, pet." With that, she walked out, resetting her illusory clothing to be visible once more. With the assistance of a helpful guard, she found her way to where her friends were clearing out the mine, just in time to see Bran brute-force a lock off a door with his weapon.
"Oh shit," Bran swore under his breath, quickly stepping back from the door and holding his sword ready towards it. "How do you know?" he whispered to Belle, not looking away. "What did you hear?"
Trusting her friends keen ears, Jasmine takes a step back as she readies dark energy at her fingertips, suddenly nervous.
"Wait until you see them attack before you do," Bran cautioned. "They might not be dangerous. Not that I think that's likely." Just in case, he tensed to run the first target through.

(Failed my Perception roll. Readying an action to attack the first creature that tries to attack any of us.)
Nodding in agreement, Jasmine decided to change tactics, finding a corner to hide around as she disappeared from view.

Stealth roll was 19 in the dice thread.
Belle nods in understanding. "Maybe they are just scared of the rats?" She whispered.

[Rolled a 11 perception.]
The door flies open, and an elf and two kobolds are visible. The elf raises a cudgel high above his head and shouts "Attack!"

Jasmine, you have surprise on them. Bran, Belle, you have readied actions and can go first.
Without a word, Bran lunged for the elf, driving the tip of his sword toward the cultist's chest.

(8 attack, 9 damage.)
Belle follows up, Sacred fire yet again lunging towards the elven enemy.

[DC 13 Dex saving throw, or 4 points of damage]
Taking advantage of the enemies distraction, Jasmine fires her blast of dark energy at the elf, the fell bolt lighting up the room with purple light.

Rolled in the dice thread, forgot my advantage but it didn't end up mattering. Attack 26, damage 7.

Edited to preserve continuity.
The elf, burned by fire and pummeled by dark energy, drops to the ground, unconcious. The two kobolds, however, seem to be braver than others and lunge forward at Bran, but their rusted blades bounce off his armor.
Grunting with the impacts against his mail, Bran quickly pulled back to regain his footing and bring his blade around to slice down at the kobolds.

(Using my Heavy Weapon Master feat for -5 to attack and +10 damage. 18 to hit, 18 damage. In case I get a second attack on the other one, 19 to hit and 7 damage.)
The kobolds fall, bleeding heavily from the wounds inflicted by Bran. They aren't quite dead, but any fight in them has left.
"Should we interrogate them?" Belle asks.

"If they were down here, maybe the cult knows about the secret tunnel." Belle adds.
"Tie them up," Bran nodded, already unslinging his pack to retrieve his own coil of rope and his first-aid supplies. "I'll patch them up as well as I can once they can't get free." He knelt down in front of one of the kobolds and set about alternately restraining it and bandaging its injuries, depending on how quickly it seemed he could do the former without worsening the latter.
Within a few minutes, the kobolds and cultist are bound and stable. The kobolds likely will not be waking up any time soon, but the cultist appears to be rousing.
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