Fairy Tail (CaptainNexus616)

"I have only just done a list of names and ticked the two off what already know". Katie said. "So i am ready when ever you want to leave".
Kaite said all of this while putting her cloths back on behind a changing curtain used in the victorian times. "What about self mending fabrics?" She asked coursly.
"Then get yourself something to eat to hold until breakfast later today." Azrael stated. "We leave immeadiatly."

-Magnolia Marketplace-
In a small alleyway near the market Azrael appeared with a hand on Katie's shoulder through green flash. "Give it a moment the first time is always the hardest." he stated.


Pulling his hand back into the confines of his cape his form once more shifted into his trenchcoat and hat disguise as they exited teh alleyway. It hadnt changed that much in the last 18 years since Azrael was last awake. While most vendors were closed due to the timing of the early morning some were present setting up for the busy day ahead.

Heading down the streets Azrael's eyes scanned the buildings looking for Rodin's Seal. Just like he explained to Alister wherever that mark was they could find Rodin with no problem. Turning down another corner he spotted the site of a familir semi rig sitting in a nearby alley. "Over there." Azrael stated turning down the alley and past the magic truckto spot a magic circle graffitied into the wall. "Stand back.." he said extending a hand out and touching several runes in a certain order which began to glow when touched. Then pressing the symbol in the center the circle glowed brightly sucking both individuals in.

-The Tenth Circle Bar-
Once Katie's vision cleared she would find herself standing in the middle of what looked like an ordinary empty bar with a jazzy tune currently being played on a nearby record player with none other than the dark skinned man standing behind the counter cleaning a glass while smoking a cigar. "About time you showed up." Rodin saidwith his smooth yet dark voice releasing a puff of smoke while setting his glass down. "Who's the girl? This Roland's kid?" he asked pointing his cigar at Katie.
"If you would please mind not calling me a kid. I am now 18". Katie asked politely. "And yes i am his daughter Katie". She added looking around the place. Not what she had respected. Especially for it to look like a bar. She looked up at her guardian as he knew way more than she did on this kind of matter.
"Pleasure to meet ya." Rodin said with a chuckle taking antoher puff of his cigar before looking at Azrael. "So what can I do for you.?" the demon asked as Azrael's form reverted to normal.

"I need guns Rodin. Lots of them." Azrael stated as Rodin grinned crouching down beneath the counter and pushing a button as the wall behind him meant to hold the various glasses and forms of alchol moved back and slid down revealing a wall covered in various types of guns. Then another button was pushed as the counter opened up to reveal a glass case housing various handguns. One final button and several pannels next to the guns on the wall opened up revealing several rifles.

"What can I do for you?" Rodin asked as Azrael eyes roamed the walls.

"The sub machine gun with the extended clip and laser sight." Azrael said looking at the one mounted on the wall as Rodin removed it and handed it to him while the demon explained it to him. Checking the sights and how the weapon felt in his hand he set it down on the counter. "The tripple barrelled handgun with black paint scheme and silver markings." again Rodin removed the weapona and Azrael checked it and the weapon's capablities. "The explosive round heavy rifle with advanced magic scope and recoil support." as Rodin grinned.

"You'll love this toy just got it in. Not one of my specialties but this baby is just as good." Rodin explained as Azrael looked down the scope. "Point taht thing at something pull the trigger and its history. Rumor has it that baby can kill a dragon with one shot. Though I don't believe it since the dragons are long gone."

"What about those four heavy machine guns.." Azrael said as the weapons were presented to him. "I'll take it."

"Which ones?" Rodin asked already grinning knowing the answer.

"All with 1000 rounds each. Along with five large canisters of Necroplasm" as Rodin pulled out a small cash register from his coat.

"Ok if your using Demon Souls then the total will come up too.......2700 souls. Since your a special customer Azrael I have a special offer for you. How does Gun Re-Equip spell sound to you? A few wizards figured out how to do it with magic weapons your burnt ass was snoozing. I'll throw it in for another 50 souls. " he said as Azrael nodded. "Pleasure doing business with you." he said as Azrael set the guns down next to the others before raising his hand up as the required amount of spirits the size of a ball exited from his hand and flew towards Rodin's register.

Turning his gaze to Katie he drew another puff of his cigar. "Do you want anything little lady? I have some magic accessories for sale to if your interested." He offered.
While they were doing the gun exstange Katie pulled out a load of large leaves placing them into a large circle on the floor. When she was satisfied with what she was doing she turned them into gold. She loved doing this kind of thing as the leaves lasted for possibly ever and they made good Christmas decorations.

Katie thought about it for a moment when she was asked if here was many thing she needed. "Long shot as no one has heard of them. Gloves what isn't effected by my own magic. Also whats hard to get old of a spell book to effect fabrics to what you need them for".
After Azrael requested antoehr handgun and smg to have two Rodin smirked. "What's your size lady?" Rodin asked pushing another button as the weapon racks retracted and were replaced by various pieces of apparel on display. "And what color would you like?" he grinned before extingushing his cigar. "Your book will take some time to track down. Considered it ordered exclusively." He said
Katie was surprised that he managed to get hold of that book. She had book trying to track it down for years. More surprised by the gloves. its been a long time since she would wear any during the winter time. "I only have small hands". She responded to the size. Picking up the leaves she had turned into a golden reaf for Christmas she walked up to the cabinet. "There is loads. Everyone who i mentioned these type of gloves to gives me a right strange look". Looking into the cabinet she asked "How much are the pink ones?"
"The reasons being is because those others aren't as skilled as yours truly in crafting such apparel." Rodin said concerning Katie's shock over him having the gloves when others didn't. When she picked out the ones she wanted Rodin once again consulted his register. "1000 jewels unless you have Demon Souls then its five. Or I'll take six of those gold leaves of your for trade." Rodin said before checking the amount for the book. "While your spell book will cost a pretty penny. 50,000 Jewels." He revealed as Azrael waved his hand dismissive.

"We will worry about the book when you find it and bring it here." The Hellspawn said
"There is a total of 45 leaves on this". Katie said showing the reaf to Rodin, she only did it out of boardom and since there is still loads of leaves on the trees there i still plenty of time to replace it. "There is no mager hurry for the book it's just when i was younger i wanted to be a fashion designer and it would have worked out cheaper to put the enchantments on the cloths rather than buying fabrics with them on as some of it will go to waist as scraps, plus i had always been interested on what was a spell or a potion. As for my gold magic I have no idea on how long it lasts. All I know is that the gold what comes out my hands are sharp pettles, but when my powers were first revealed at 9 someone tryied kidnapping me, I lost my temper turned him into gold and he is still that statue today almost 9 years later, what ever I turn into gold stays the same weight as it did before it turned into gold".

"I can explain what the power is". Mouse said appearing out of no where. "As for how that really need to be descused in front of fairy tails guild master as it involves his son".
"Don't do that you frightened the living day lights out of me". Katie said really wanting to hit mouse for scaring her like that. "I know what it is lost magic".
"Half right and will exsplain some more when everyone is present. It's the golden dragon's magic". Mouse exsplained.
"I wasn't raised by dragons". Katie responded like this was some kind of joke.
"That's why we really need to talk when everyone is pressent, Was there a reason why you were where you were or someone elts pressent?" Mouse asked
"No other people but as for why that links to Lucy but it was normal kid stuff". Katie said in responce.
"The metal and stone dragons what could change or protect an object with there power. Lets say the things they turned into those expensive stones, gold, silver and bronze are still in the same state the dragons left them in and the gold dragon died in the time of the first dragon slayers, so that man will stay a nice reminder on what will happen if anyone messes with you".
"Interesting." Azrael noted. "However you heard Alister, spirit the guild master will not be available until the end of the week." He stated. With them being questioned by the Rune Knights concerning the events of the Phantom Lord attack it would be impossible for them to sneak in with no consequence for certain.

"And while this little history lesson is interesting I would like be paid." Rodin noted watching the two speak back and forth.
(She did show the reaf she made from the leaves)

Katie re showed the reaf to see if he was interested in it for payment it had a lot more leaves than he was asking for.
"That will do quite nicely." Rodin said with a grin taking the reaf. "I'll see if I can't track down a few more books related to the one your looking for as a nice bonus." Rodin said as the pair finished their transactions did he open up his cigar case and pull out another one. "Come back soon." he spoke raising his thumb up as it ignited like a lighter and used it to light his cigar.

Soon the week went by a blur for master and guardian, the pair were moved into the fort Alister mentioned to them before known as Fort Langsterade. It was a nice set up, in truth it was really a manor with several other buildings set up around it all enclosed within a stone wall sitting next to the lake. According to Alister the home had once belonged to another dear friend of his whom passed six months ago and left the commander nearly everything in his will. Which meant furnishing was not an issue either as most of the furniture remained covered in tarps.

However during the week as Katie and Azrael were settling pieces of buisness before getting to work. The Night Hand acted, destroying the Weekly Witch headquarters in the middle of the night when no one was there. Destorying the buisness and sending another message to the young woman they were not done.

Soon word got out that Fairy Tail had returned to Magnolia and already were quick to begin rebuild their guild hall. THe first day passed by and already the rubble was cleared and construction was underway. As the sun was hanging high in the sky during noontime. Guild Master Makarov currently in his giant form helping place a beam into place heard several shouts coming from below. "Master we have two people approaching." a guild wizard shouted up to him. "I think its both of them!" he said as Makarov turned his gaze to down the street seeing the figures approach. One a young woman and the other the tall figure with glowing green eyes shrouded in his red cape igorning the people looking at him like always.

"I knew it wouldnt be long." Makarov said to himself using his magic to revert to his regular size as he approached the partially rebuilt threshold. "Good afternoon." Makraov said with a smile and his arms crossed behind his back as Katie and Azrael approached him. "I never did get the chance to thank both of you for helping protect our guild against Phantom Lord." he said kindly before looking at Azrael. "You haven't changed much either Azrael." he noted

"You've gotten more wrinkles since we last met." Azrael relplied making a chuckle escape Makarov's lips.

"So what does Fairy Tail owe this visit?" Makarov asked as several others of the Guild gathered wanting to watch the scene.
"Hello Leo". Katie whispered down Loki's ear showing him the only picture that her mother had taken for witch weekly with his former master titled lion and the lamb. The look of shock and fear on his face made her smile. "I take it they don't know. Not my place to say". She responded to him.
"Mouse I know you are listening. You might as well show yourself". Katie said.
The young black haired spirit appeared. "He is the reason he wasn't to know if he can explain something about my powers it involves your son". Katie answered answered to the giuld masters question.
At the mention of this relating to his estranged son did Makarov frown before nodding. "Come." he gestured leading towards a corner of the construction site that was away from the others. "How exactly does this pertain to my own son?" Makarov asked in a calm controlled tone
"Can do better and show you". Mouse said pulling out a mirror from no where.
"What this time Rat?" The mirror responded.
"About the time we were descusing Fortune but go a little further back as Kaite as already said the others name". Mouse said.
"Alright". Fortune said Her face dissapeared showing the Godmores house Little Katie and Lucy were in Katie's fathers office. "Father said they were put in here Lucky Lucy". Katie said.
"Found the henna pen's". Lucy said pulling them off the desk then started to draw a heart on Kaite on her right arm and lower back right where gold hearts are now. Katie took the pens off Lucy and drew a butterfly on Lucy's hand. There parents come in both of there fathers furious.
"What are you two playing at?" Lucy's father yelled snatching the pens out of Katie's hand then dragging his daughter away put of the room.
"You two are old enough to read. Start doing so". Katie's father yelled. "These are perniment markers. As for that those Henna ones they are going straight in the bin". He chucked them in the waist basket then smacked his daughter quite hard on the bum making her cry. "You are grounded for a week, now get out of my site and stop crying". He yelled kicking Katie out of his office to stop himself from saying something he didn't mean.

Katie went crying into the rose garden her father had never hit her that hard before, then a man walked up to her with black spiked up hair, mustash and beared.
"Who are you?" Katie asked still sobbing.
"A friend of your fathers he lied". He placed his hands next to her head and placed a Dragon Lacrima inside of her turning the drawings Lucy did on her body into gold.

Lucy's mother come out and asked her where the gold marks come from on her body she told her that an old man did it.

The image dissapeared back to the mirrors face "Is that all?" The mirror asked in her harsh sounding voice.
Azrael's glowing Green eyes narrowed at the reflection seeing the way Roland acted as Makarov frowned before turning to Katie. "So then you are a 2nd Generation Dragon Slayer then...just like my own grandson. " he said before looking back at the spirit. "So why did you need to show me this? Was that man connected to my own son?" He asked Mouse.
"Fortune go back and zoom into his face then pause". Mouse asked
"You own me one Rat". She responded doing as she was asked revealing his son a few years back.
"If our soures are correct that's you son?" Mouse said "What we haven't been able to find out is how he got hold of that thing and why he would do that. The only thing us spirits know for definite anyone up till now who has killed a member of the Celestial family has taken them to try and resacect Zeraph. Let's say we hear things throw our keys so if we all get together we are well connected on what's going on in this world". He added to prevent any confusion.
"Second what? I wasn't raised by dragons and what was that thing?" Katie said a little taken back for being called a second generation dragon slayer.

"Lacrima." Makarov stated. "Designed to bestow Dragon Slayer powers upon whomever it is implanted inside of. In your situation the power of the Gold Dragon based on the gold markings on your body. This isnt the first time my son Ivan has done something like this. However why he did it to you? I do not know the answer." The Guildmaster explained as his eyes turned to Azrael. "You've seen this before if I recall correctly."

"Yes." Azrael stated plainly before turning his gaze to Katie. "Your father was tasked by the council to track down a dark guild facility that was producing this kind of Lacrima. The operation was daunting and in order to complete it successfully the Magic Council requested that several wizards from different guilds accompany us. One of those guilds was Fairy Tail." he said before looking at Mouse. "Spirit the others you mentioned that were sacrificed. Were they implanted with this Lacrima as well?" Azrael asked
"No but they were attached to many types of machines or either use or used on things linking to Zeraph himself". Mouse said. "As for the tower of heaven it's hard to say as there was no key present, it's by chance a survive recognized the late Miss Celestial or we would be all still looking for her and the news is only recant, but we do know she never reached her next birthday after being stolen from her home".
"To me it's sounding like some kind of war, but if that's the case why not take the children with him and raise them to do his bidding". Katie commented to the guild master. "Does Lullaby mean anything to anyone?"
"Lullaby, was a magic flute that could kill those who heard its music. It was destroyed some time ago by wizards from my guild including your friend Lucy.....while destroying part of Clove..." He said grumbling the last part out before looking back up at the three. "I appreciate you informing me of what Ivan has done. However I do not know where he or his guild, Raven Tail are." Despite the fact Makarov would give anything to figure out where his son was hiding. "Nor do I have answers for your current situation with the Celestial family and Zeref."
"What happened to that quiet shy girl i grew up with seven years ago". Katie mumbled to herself after hearing what the guild master had just said.
"It sounds like the skull wooden flute of silence well saying that only us spirits have called it that so there is a high possibility it's the same thing". Mouse said.
Katie sat there trying to prossess all of this biting her right thumb nail while she did so. "Maybe my family holds the answer to it all. After the keys were made and stolen they had passed to many handlers what ever the spirits had done or the relationships they had made were added to the family storage unit". She bit her bottom lip it had been a long time since she had been to her grandmothers house and she was only small when she passed away from old age. While she was talking about the spirits Loki quickly got out of the hall.
"That was odd". Mouse said nudging Katie in the ribs. "Do what you think is right, no matter what family you are born to we all have our own path to find and follow".
"Yer i showed him a photo. I think he is scared I am about to blab his secret when it's up to him to say or not". Katie said before the other two spirits got any idea's. "Please can I join. I have something Erza can borrow. It was for the Goddess of war given by the God of war Mar's but she was never found. So it can never be given only borrowed for that reason. The staff of war. I have did make armor. It repairs it's self. Mar's gave grandmother the fabric. No idea if it will fit the goddess of war but it should fit Erza, if she would wear something what is pink and blue".
Hearing Katie's request the guild made the old man in front of her made a smile form on his features. "I don't see any reason why not, I'm sure some people here will be pleased to have you here. You will have to ask Erza herself concerning the armor" After the guild war against Phantom Lord some were curious as to whether or not the two mysterious individuals who had come to help them would in fact be joining. That did bring another question to his mind as his eyes turned back to Azrael. "I presume that includes you as well Azrael?" he asked as the Hellspawn nodded in return.

"I go where my master leads." Azrael stated. Until Katie had access to the remainder of her inheritance still hidden within the Godmore vault they were broke with the exception of the little money Alister gave her for her birthday. Not to mention while being in charge of the city's militia, most of Alister's remaining money would be going to help fund their investigation into the Night Hand while also tracking down information on the Tower of Heaven. The Hellspawn had no issues with Fairy Tail either, he had met Makarov before in the past and then he considered the Guildmaster a respectable man whom cared greatly about his own. Unless Katie ordered otherwise he wouldn't do anything against them.

"Well then I welcome both of you to the Fairy Tail guild. Come with me." Makarov said leading the group away from the corner and towards where the new bar had been built in the center of the construction site. Standing nearby offering refreshments to the guild members and others busily working was a familiar white haired woman. "Mira! We have two new recruits." Makarov said as the crowd's eyes turned towards where the Guildmaster shouted. Sure enough some slightly tensed up at the sight of Azrael while the others tensed remembering the destruction he could cause in an instant.

Smiling Mira set the tray of drinks down on the bar and picked up the Guild Mark Stamper from underneath. "Welcome back." Mira said to both Katie and Azrael. "Its always nice to have new faces in the guild despite the hall still being rebuilt." she said kindly as Azrael could not shake the strange aura he felt coming from this young mage. "Now what color do you want your Guild Mark to be and where do you want it?" she asked Katie first.
(Cool i always thought the mark changed color to who ever it was stamped on)

Katie felt a little embarrossed with everyone staring at them like that.
"They think Azrael scary they haven't seen Katie loose her temper". Mouse whispered down Makarov ear passing him a photo of a male gold staue. "That's what happens if she looses her temper and it can't be reversed. Try being alive hearing and seeing everything but unable to do a thing, at least Azrael kills them". Mouse moved near Katie. "Got to go. Even throw Margret didn't get chance to show you how to use the keys we are still contracted to you. Keep the keys close me and Cat can still come to you without needing to be summoned". He said sluting to her then vanishing.
"I am not five any more and no longer find that funny". Katie said as Mouse dissapeared. she looked at her cloths she normally wore dresses but this time she was wearing a skirt and top. "Mouse thinks what ever goes on my skin will turn gold". As for where she had no clue so she looked up at her guardian to see what he thought.
"Perhaps the mark should be branded on the back of your left hand." Azrael said noting that the blonde Katie considered her friend had the Fairy Tail seal on her right hand in pink. However giving him this mark may prove a bit more...disturbing for Azrael however he would wait before dealing with that.
"Sure". Katie said. She was just glad that it wasn't the chest area where she would have to take her top off in front of the men. "What about you?" She asked Azrael unsure if he would want to have it or not.
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