Fairy Tail (CaptainNexus616)

"Wait before we do anything else who are you people?" Erza asked with a stern questioning look on her face. Something that her fellow guild members mirrored as well. The group standing before them was odd to say the least all of them dressed and bearing a regal appearance was highly unusual as the plants overrunning Magnolia.

"Hey where is Azrael actually?" Gray added in noticing the absence of the Hellspawn as well.


Azrael growled as his attire returned to normal. Whoever that group of children was did something the moment Azrael departed the train. Now not only was his young master no where in sight but he was currently face to face with a large monster composed entirely of vines and floral life. Raising up an arm from within the confines of his cape one of his assault rifles appeared in his hand. "I don't have times for games Lily!" Azrael snapped opening fire on the creature prompting it to release a screeching howl of agonizing pain and torment while pieces of it fell to the ground and dissolved.
Katie sighed when that question was asked. She couldn't bleave they asked even throw she had just summoned up who everyone was. "Are they being real". Singa blurted out wanting to bash Erza for being so rude.

"Cool it Singa. And no starting a fight". Prince Capult warned before Katie could.

"Prince Capult is the Kings Second eldest son, Prince Nathan is the Kings youngest Son, Prince Kane is the Kings eldest Nephew the son of his youngest brother, Lord Oscor is the kings other Nephew and the son of his other younger brother, Lord Troy is Prince Nathan's childhood friend, Singa is the daughter of one of the kings best knights. We all met in school". Katie explained.

"We were the invaluable ones, and Katie your record still isn't beaten". Singa said

"Not my fault they are not observant". Katie responded.

"I seance a demon near by". Prince Capult said but it was from where Azrael was stood moments ago. "Oh and the rest of the Army is on the way here your town is covered in magical plants, so enough chatting". He added walking in the direction of the plants.
The attitude of the nobles immeaditly brought a frown to the guild wizards however what was occurring in the town was able to divert their attention instead. In the distance the sounds of gunfire, and inhuman screams were heard from where the group was currently at. "Do you hear that?" Gray asked as the members of Fairy Tail turned their gaze towards the sound as well.

"That must be Azrael." Erza deduced her eyes narrowing as she heard the noises accompanying the bullets. "These plants must have more then the effect you mentioned Katie. Something out there is attacking him." she concluded as she reequipped a sword.

While Natsu however had a grin on his face as he pounded his fist into an open palm as it ignited into flames. "Then lets just burn all the plants down now." He said eager to see what kind of fight these enchanted plants could do.

"If you do that you'll set the entire town on fire! We can freeze them instead of burning everything down!" Gray snapped at the Dragon Slayer as the two began to bicker over using fire over ice. An argument that swiftly ended when Erza interjected.

"Enough both of you!" the knight snapped at her two team members quickly ending the argument they had as they looked in fear towards Erza. "Right now our concern is finding out what is causing these plants and the others at the guild." she said the authority in her tone clear and reasonable before she turned to Katie and her friends. "We will head back to Fairy Tail and locate the others." she said referring to herself, Natsu, Gray, and Lucy. "But Azrael is still out there Katie, I know he is more than capable of defending himself but we need to at least stay in small groups and not by ourselves." she said.

Azrael growled as he returned the empty weapon to whence it came as the plant monster fell to the ground and burned away. A giggle was heard as Azrael's eyes narrowed and began to scan every corner. "Oh darling it has been too long~" a voice whispered all around the Hellspawn. "Nearly five hundred years wasn't it?" Lily asked him.

"Last time I saw you I set you on fire." Azrael remarked only to receive a laugh in response. "What do you want with this town?" he asked aloud.

"Oh silly little Hellspawn." Lilly chided as if she was speaking to a child. "What must I do to gain your heart?" she asked as a vine with thorns ripped straight through Azrael's chest from behind where his heart was supposed to be. "Perhaps I should just rip it out!" she snapped before the Hellspawn growled and ripped the vine out through the front of his chest and fell to one knee with the gaping hole in his chest slowly closing shoot as it oozed Necroplasm. "Or maybe I should send a messenger to proclaim my love for you~" she cooed in her sing song voice. Looking up Azrael's eyes took in the sights of dozens upon dozens plants emerging from the vines and flora covering the buildings. All shaped as humans, slowly approaching. "Or maybe I'll just finally have the satisfaction of killing you!" Lily said in her far more menacing tone as magic circles began to appear in the hands of the plant men approaching Azrael.
"Don't worry we were all trained in school together as a team, and our team was put together by the king himself". Katie said.
"Being related to the King has nothing to do with it. Unless you are the next king you have to prove you are the best in the school and hand in hand combat to be picked, plus Katie's record still hasn't been beaten so there is no need to worry". Prince Capult explained.
"Don't worry me and Lady Katie are the spread we have the best chance out of all of us at getting the info on the plants and back to the group". Lord Troy said with a friendly smile.
"Erza, fearful some plants can double once they are cut so make sure the plants are not of that type before cutting them all down". Katie said a little nervous that she would have chopped everything down in site. "Lu no going off on your own. Stick with the others".
"You no telling any one off". Lucy responded placing her hands on her hips
"Can't promise that one as I don't know what will happen". Katie responded moving towards the group she was in school with.

Singa had already gone ahead of them heading to where the screams were. Using her holly sward of justest she slashed at the plant man close to Azrael.
(Not saying the plant is destroyed as I am not sure on how you want this one destroyed)
His glowing green gaze turning to the girl who had slashed at one of the plant men Azrael quickly grabbed her by the waist and dashed backwards as the creature exploded into a multitidue of razor sharp vines impaling everything near by. "What are you doing out here child its not safe." Azrael growled to Signa as Lily laughter erupted from the plant life.

"You have more important things to worry over Hellspawn." Lily said as two of the plant warriors one armed with a revolver and the other with a rifle opened fire riddling Azrael with gunfire and forcing him against a wall before chains shot out from his body and sliced the monsters to shreds. Normally Azrael's chains could defend him against bullets but Lily was ableto catch him off guard when he saved Signa. Panting as his wounds began to slowly close up Azrael narrowed his glowing green eyes as another plant wizard had a deck of cards in its hands and was preparing to attack him.

"ENOUGH!" Azrael roared as his magic seal appeared over his outstretched hand. "NECROPLASM BLAST!!" A powerful of beam of Necroplasm erupting out of the seal and obliterating all of the plant men caught within the blast and blowing off most of the plants on the buildings without harming them.


Lowering his hand and examining the environment Azrael saw the area was clear of danger. With the threat averted Azrael turned to Signa. "Now who are you? What are you doing out here while a demon is over running the town?" he asked the girl.
"Personal business linking to the crown". Singa said as they were there to give Katie her armor and holly sward Angel only to find the plant life in the town. To a re leaf to them she wasn't in the area at the time so they knew there old team mate from school was safe. "Not sure to take it as an insult or a compliment to being called a kid. I am 21". Singa said summoning her royal armer so that she had some more protection. "That type of magic is forbidden to use these days as it's too destructive costing lives". She warned. "By the order of the king I comand you to stop and return everything the way you found it". She commanded to Lilly.

Lucy went off with the other members of fairy tail leaving Katie with the remainder of her older school friends. Prince Capult half sighed and growled with a large scowl on his face. "We had better so after Syco then". He said as it was Singa's nickname in school. And for a reason her temper is triggered as easily as Erza's and Natsu's at times worse on top of that she also has Erza's strength. They all dashed off towards the city. Katie and Lord Troy in front as they were the fastest two Prince Nathan less then an intch behind of them.
(Erza is much faster physically and magically)
"Your orders do not sway me little girl." Lily spoke through her plants with a laugh. "The last king that tried to control me, well...ohhh I'm sure you heard about that little unexpected murder in his own bed chambers~" she laughed as Azrael's eyes narrowed.

"You are the last of the Floral Devils here in this world Lily show yourself!" Azrael barked out towards the plants as Lily sighed.

"If you insist darling." Lily spoke as a large plant vine rose out of the building in front of them with a budding flower on the top. As the flower opened up it would reveal an attractive woman who's light skin had a green tint, barely decent with the vines and plants melded into her skin, her crimson eyes looking at the Hellspawn and Knight impassively as she lounged atop her flower. "What do you think? Still the fairest Devil of them all?" she asked running a hand through her emerald hair which had various flowers in it.
"Ones who are vain are exstreamly arrogant and find it hard to see what is in front of them as they are too absorbed into themselves". Singa said. coming out of no where to the right of Azrael

Katie and the others finally managed to catch up after cutting down some plants what had gotten in there way. Well after checking that none of the pants grew back with two heads, so it took them sometime before they had managed to get to Azrael. "Azrael your hurt". Katie said after catching up with him. "No one is invinsable you really shouldn't go off on your own. You have any idea on how many pepole you made worry, and Singa your just as bad". Katie said stepping in front of him so wouldn't get more hurt than he already was.

"I have more armor than you so I will be safer, so if one gets destroyed I can change to another one". Singa said

"Not the point and you know better". Prince Capult said in a commanding tone. "For your crimes to my grandfather and here you are under arrest". He added towards Lilly pulling out the Magnetic holly sward.

Nathan showed a lime green potion in his hand making them all not without a uttered to one another they had there holly weppons to hand. Singa changed her armer to a grass green one protecting her against pousions. Prince Capult lead the way to the front towards Lilly. Lord troy behind of him his holly blades attatched to his unckles slicing throw any part of the plant what got into his way making way for Prince Nathan to throw the potion at Lilly's feet. If things went to plan the plants wouldn't go throw the photosyoic they go throw to make the leaves turn green. Once the potion was thrown Katie grabbed the back of Nathans clothing, then Troy knocked him back with his elbow giving Nathan the chance to pull out his sward, once the potion had smashed near Lilly's feet they all backed off back next to Azrael. Waiting to see if the potion did any effect on her magic.
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