Fairy Tail (CaptainNexus616)

With a smile Mira waited for Katie to extend her hand before pressing the stamper against skin for a moment before pulling back to reveal a golden Fairy Tail guild seal imprinted in its place. For a moment Azrael looked at his master then to the stamper. The problem wasn't the mark itself. The problem was the mark had to be applied to skin and if anyone during his fight with Jose remember what laid beneath was not a friendly sight. "Where would you like yours?" Mira asked with a smile.

"I will need to...retract part of my armor for you to apply the mark." Azrael said before moving to kneel on one knee so it would be easier for her to reach. Placing a hand to the left side of the base of his neck he looked at Mira a moment before Katie then back at the barmaid. "Your not going to like what you'll see." He said as the mask began to peel back with tendrils slowly pulling back into the dark mass of his suit as the disfigured skin came into view displaying scarred skin from dozens of burns rendering the bald head inhuman in appearance along with the glowing green eyes that appeared as nothing but lights as they surged with his power. He could hear the audible gasps and whispers from those who were just happening to glance and after their shock drew in more it only grew. Mira however looked at the man with a hint of sadness in her eyes before placing a glowing green guild mark on his neck like indicated. With the placement done he quickly stood up as his mask reformed around his face covering it once more in black mask with white stylized patches made of the same material as the rest of his suit.

"There you both are now." Mira said trying to sound a bit more happy now that the process was done. "You are both official members of Fairy Tail now." she said
"You know mother always said if no one likes you because of your looks they are not worth wasting your time. As they are shallow and ugly inside there hearts". Katie responded to him. She thought who ever did it to him should be ashamed of themselves.

Loki was still giving her a wide birth.
"I did tell him I wasn't going to say anything so I don't know why he is avoiding me". Katie said loud enough for him to hear her.
"There is more to it than just that little one." Azrael said grimly before going silent that is until Katie mentioned Loke once again did his eyes narrow. "Shall I bring him over here and terrify him of me instead of you?" He asked not one to deal with such minor and trivial things.

"Oh don't worry about Loke." Makarov said. "He gets like that around Celestial Wizards, speaking of which you haven't seen Lucy around have you? She was supposed to come by to help with the rebuilding."
"She has gone back home to make sure her father doesn't do another stunt like that again. I have already given him a peace of my mind so if Lucy comes back crying i am going down there and dealing with him in person. You don't know what i showed him. Let's just say my mother met him before he come here and leave it at that. I think he will be avoiding Mouse more than anything throw". Katie responded. "Huh Loki". She added a bit surprised as it nothing sounded like his real name. By that point he left the room. "Opps". Katie muttered going red. She placed the photo inside of Azrael pocket hoping that he won't tell the guild Loki's secret. Of Leo, Aris and there former owner from Blue peg.
"Well in the meantime then why don't you both get acquainted with the others." Makarov suggested with a smile. "Just don't mind the mess since we are still in the middle of rebuilding." He said before giving a wave and returning to resume his work. When Katie shoved the photo past the cape covering his body as he grasped the photo.

"Do not worry about the him." Azrael spoke handing the photo back to Katie so she could stick it in one of her pockets instead. "You should do as the Guildmaster suggested and go speak to the others." he suggested to his young master.

"Well well look who it is!" A loud voice laced with arrogance barked out as glowing green eyes turned to the source. A blond man wearing a set of spiked headphones and a long coat with fur trimming drapped over his large frame. A grin on his face as he looked at Katie and Azrael. "I heard a lot about you two, a brat and her freak monster pet." Laxus spoke moving closer as Azrael's eyes narrowed.

"Laxus I wouldn't do that!"

"Please stop!"

"Your going to regret it!"

All pleas for him to cease fell on deaf ears as Laxus stood before both of them. "In fact I remember that you were the one who threatened to tear my head off we met." he said as Azrael did not move from his spot. "What's wrong no threats now?"
"A true gentleman would introduce themselves and speak politely in a ladies presents". Katie said. "Since you seem to be scoring for a fight, just a warning i am not sure on what he will do to you. And all I have asked for him to do is not to kill any one". Katie said. "Azrael has his own free will it's his choice if he wants to accept you request or not but i would from what I have seen advice you to cool off. On the record he is no pet".
"Well if you want to know the name's Laxus." He said to Katie the arrogant grin never leaving his face. "I don't need to ask for your name, I already know your the one that is friends with that little princess that caused the entire attack." He said referring to Lucy. then as Katie spoke of advising against a fight against Azrael did he laugh. "Or what?" He asked turning his gaze back to Azrael before a fist connected and sent the man flying out back.

"That." Azrael said as the arm withdrew back into his cape. Turning his gaze to Katie did he speak again. "Do you mind if I teach him a lesson in manners?" He requested knowing already that Katie does not want him to kill. All around them the members of the guild looked on dumbstruck at what exactly just happened. It was hard to register when an S-Class Mage was just punched hard enough to send him flying.
"Something tells me that your going to do as you want any way, so not quite sure why your asking me, but don't you think you should hold back some more I am sure the guild master won't want you to harm his grandson". Katie said backing off away from the pair. She did try warning the boy after all. "Plus with that force your going to destroy the joint all over again". She added having no clue its what Natsu and grey do when they have a fight any way.
"Then I will take the fight outside." Azrael said moving forward as his cape parted revealing his form as Laxus pulled himself up glaring at the Hellspawn as he stalked forward. "Be thankful she has placed such restrictions on me boy." he remarked to the lighting mage as his body was coated in lightning before vanishing.

"Do you think that matters!" Laxus remarked appearing behind Azrael as strands of the Hellspawn's cape shot out from behind him grabbing the man before both vanished in a green flash.

"I hope you realized what you have just done." Makarov said as he approached Katie once more before the sounds of a battle occurring outside was heard. "There is no way for Laxus to defeat him." he said.

"What?!" a familiar salmon haired boy said immeaditly catching what the Guildmaster said. "He can't be that strong gramps!" Natsu said as Makarov shook his head beckoning for Katie and the others to follow him outside.
"Want to bet. What i woke him up like my father ordered when time was it's darkest he killed 8 wizards before anyone knew he was there then 3 more who he revealed himself to before they would react. All he did was throw them at the wall. Once out side 3 more who attacked him, not a single mark, he then killed them for touching my mother". She then went quiet not looking at anyone after talking about the day her parents were killed.
"That does sound like him." Makarov commented as they watched the fight transpire between his grandson and Azrael.

Laxus growled each blow he delivered was with skill and precision all charged with his lightning magic. Only for each blow to miss as Azrael ducked and weaved. Chains shot out from his body towards Laxus grabbing him only for the man to vanish in the process. "You should stop...." Azrael said before slamming his fist down on Laxus's skull as he reappeared next to him. "...being so predicatable."

"He is keeping up with an S-Class Mage with no issue." Happy said floating nearby as Azrael was suddenly bombarded by multiple bolts of lightning but remained unphased. "And withstanding lightning?!"

"That is because Azrael is not like any other mage you know." he said to the gathered group before focusing on Katie. "Do you know exactly what a Hellspawn is?" he asked while Laxus punched Azrael directly in the face but remained unphased before backhanding Laxus away.
"Not prophetically, I am still trying to convince him I am not his master". Katie said "I am glad he is holding back. A lot". Katie said shutting her eyes when she was him go for poor Laux's skull. "Please just give in". She called out not quite sure on how much anyone can take before perniment damage. "Did he have to go for the head like that. Seems uncalled for, just for teaching someone some manners, I know he doesn't sleep, age".
Lucy stood there horrified after seeing the pair at it. After all she hasn't met the blond guy yet.
(she met Laxus already, he was introduced at the Guild Hall before the Phantom Lord arc started up. That's how she found who is the strongest in the guild)

"Its a quick way to incapacitate your opponent. Unless your stubborn....like some people I know." Erza commented glancing sideways towards Natsu and Gray.

Azrael's aura appeared once more as his cape began to move and shudder as if they were actually flames forced into serving as his attire. "That is accurate, not much are known of the Hellspawn anymore but I can tell you the full extent of his abilities." Makarov spoke as Azrael grabbed one of Laxus's arm forcing it behind his back painfully forcing a howl of pain from the mage. "He has the strength, speed, and durability of a superhuman. His armor allows him to produce any solid construct from his body and is only limited by his imagination. He can fly, teleport, create energy blasts, turn invisible, and even sense the pain of others around him." he spoke as Azrael grasped him by the back of the skull.

"Do you feel pain boy?" Azrael asked growling squeezing the arm harder causing another shout to emerge. "Good." he said as Laxus forced himself out of the arm lock and tried overpowering Azrael with his own weight only for him to remain fixed in place. Instead the Hellspawn delivered a powerful knee to the stomach that caused several to cringe seeing the air knocked out of Laxus.

"His only weakness are that of holy and dark magic, and depleting his own source of power. " Makarov said averting his gaze as fist after fist connected with Laxus's body each blow bruising his body further falling to his knees in pain he grasped Laxus by the head one final time and brought his mask down to eye level. "Laxus mistake was holding back against Azrael, he is easily much stronger than this."

"Next time don't back against me boy. For I may not." Azrael growled as Laxus spit in his face.

"yeah? Let's show confident you will be when I take over, the first thing I'll do is send you and your little bitc-" before the insult towards Katie could be finished Azrael headbutted Laxus into unconsciousness. Dropping the prone body onto the ground he wiped the saliva off his mask with the man's coat before his cape covered his body once more and his aura died down. Turning to the gathered crowd Azrael stepped towards Makarov.

"I hope I did not give you reason to throw my little master out of your guild." He stated cooly the anger and malice in his voice gone like the wind once more. For a moment Makarov looked at where his grandson laid and then back at Azrael.

"I'll let it slide this time. He deserved it after all." Makarov said with a sigh moving past Azrael to go tend to Laxus while the rest of the crowd looked at Katie and Azrael for a moment. The air of silence was strong as gazes remained focused then.

Smiles broke out and cheers. "Good job new guy!" many members of Fairy Tail cheered happy with the sight of Laxus being put into his place by the stranger. Almost immeadiatly Katie and Azrael where swept into the sea of approval from the guild as some patted Azrael on the back or tried to shake his hand others including Natsu wanting to fight him as well, while others did the same with Katie knowing that Azrael was her guardian and she was the one who sanctioned for him to fight.

"You kids are alirght!"

"Your welcome to have a drink with me anytime little lady."

"Fight me next!"

As the people accepted the new members of their guild, Azrael turned to Katie. "Everything seems to have worked out." he commented
(Forgot about that part sorry)
"I am so glad I asked you to hold back if you wanted to accept his little fight, other wise with what I saw I have a sinking feeling that you would have broken all of him bones". Katie sighed. "The funny thing is when i asked you to hold back so did Lauxs, I did advice him not to do the fight throw". Turning to Erza "I am guessing that you have gone for the head before? You have no idea on how much he held back. Azrael can kill someone by throwing them like a rag doll against a wall." Kaite then walked up to Lucy and placed one hand onto her shoulder. "It's over, Did your father behave himself or do I have to go down in person and deal with him that way"

"No it's fine. I achally told him exactly what I thought then walked out". Lucy said
"Oh Lu I am so proud of you. You have never stood up to him before". Katie said hugging Lucy She let go of Lucy. "Is Uncle Jude coming to town in two days time?"
"He didn't say". Lucy said grabbing Katie's hand
"I knew he had changed from what he did here but I didn't think he would discard his old friends like that" Katie said passing Lucy and Mariejane a black envelope revealing the date of her parents funnel. "Sorry I can't do this". Katie said walking off back towards the house.
"Please forgive her. It's nothing any of you have gone. A week ago today her parents were killed on her 18th birthday". Lucy said to the giuld. "Your not helping matters". Lucy said to Lauxis throwing the funnel invite at him just in case he didn't bleave her then went running off after Katie.

Katie was already at the house checking there was enough glasses and plates for the funnel. The only problem was getting the money to buy it all. She then sat on the sofa to feed the puppies one more week and they can be trained for solids. Lucy walked into the house and sat down in the living room, next to Katie fussing one of the pups. "You don't have to do all of this on your own you know". Lucy said.
"Done just need to get the food and Apple cider". Katie responded.

(I was finding it hard to find, plus i thought that pic was cool)
As the girls talked inside of the house, Azrael sat perched on the tower of a nearby building within the fort. His cape drapped over the building as he held one of his rifles in his hands keeping watch over the grounds in case something were to happen. All was quiet, well with the exception of Rodin taking a swig from a bottle next to him. "So what's this all about Azrael? Got something on your mind you don't want your new little friend to hear about?" he deduced.

"What do you know about the Tower of Heaven?" he asked not averting his gaze from the fort. "A Celestial Spirit mentioned it earlier today." Azrael revealed remembering Mouse's words.

"Not much." Rodin shrugged with his shoulders. "Heard from some old friends that a cult worshipping Zeref were building it to replicate one of his old projects. The R-System." that grabbed Azrael's full attenion as his glowing green eyes turned to the demon merchant.

"Impossible, I was present the first time Zeref constructed such a device. It didnt work for him back then." Azrael said remembering his time serving Katie's ancestor and encountering the dark wizard himself

"Wouldnt get your cape all bunched up over it. Those guys are long dead, no word on whatever happened to the slaves that worked there. Rumors are they are now in charge and are working on finishing it." he continued taking another swig of booze. "Hell who knows how they plan to use it by building some tower. You would need millions of wizards to generate the power."


"But I hear enough stuff to know there could be a way...ever hear of the Etherion?" he asked as the two continue to talk atop the tower.
"How many are coming?" Lucy asked talking about the funnel.
"No idea, I wrote to as any people as I knew off and wrote to the magic council and asked them to contact all of dads old friends so I am not sure on how many will turn up on that half, same with the witch weakly not sure if all the retired workers are still around even throw I sent the message a week ago". Katie said letting the pups go to play. they chased one another around the room then and a wrestling match what made Katie laugh watching the pair.
"Come on it's not good to be on your own all the time". Lucy said grabbing hold of Katie's hand and making her walk out of the house, she was planning on taking her back to the guild hall.
"Is there nothing else you can tell me concerning the tower?" Azrael asked Rodin who was lighting a cigar with a flame atop his thumb.

"Nope, I can send some of my boys out to look for it. Should be near Fiore. However what exactly do you plan to do?" Rodin asked taking a deep puff from his cigar.

"Destroy it. The spirit said that someone related to Katie was abducted and taken to the tower in an attempt to resurrect Zeref. She may be next and they may be related to the Night Hand." Azrael said watching as Katie departed.

"Hmph I'll see what I can do just remember its going to cost you." Rodin said with a laugh vanishing through a magic circle beneath him. With Rodin gone, Azrael rose from his spot and leapt off the top of the tower his cape spreading out slwoing his descent to the ground. He was sure to remain quiet and out of sight. Right now Katie needed the comfort of her friend more than her guardian. He would keep watch over her from the shadows as they walked down the streets. Despite his immense and destructive powers, he was not unskilled in the arts of stealth.

As they approached the Guild Hall, Azrael watched them enter the construction site. "Lucy there you are!" Natsu said with a big grin on his face as usual. "We found a job to do with the others." he said as Happy floated nearby with his wings.
"I went after Katie". Lucy said walking up to them not letting go of her hand the whole time they left the living room. What is it this time?" She asked trying to take a look at the notice what had been pulled off the board.

Katie instinctively scratched happy be-hide the right ear like she would do with any other cat. Not that many ever stayed too long with all the dogs they had on the land. She spotted the headlines on a news paper one of the members were reading while drinking some bear.
Sorcerer Weakly Head Quarters Destroyed. But Katie had all ways know it as Whitchly weekly. The original name given by her grandmother. She then spotted a quest on the S class board with a 24 hour dead line to escort members of the court to where they were. "That's Prince Capult's writing, not seen that since he graduated from school". Katie said "Not like the king to spend that much for an simple exscort mission. There must be something wrong". She douted that anyone would want to take on such a request with a tight dead line like that.
"Its a pretty easy job!" Happy said as Natsu showed her the job request. "And you'll be able to pay your rent this month too Lucy." the blue cat added before Katie began to scratch him behind the ear causing him to jump slightly before leaning into it with a sigh of content practically melting at the touch.

Looking at Happy's state of pure bliss then towards Katie, Natsu smiled. "You want to come us with us new girl?" he asked with a grin. "Your Lucy's friend right and your part of Fairy Tail too so that makes you part of the family now." the Dragon Slayer said noticing the lack of a tall caped figure stalking behind Katie's every step. He was really wanting to fight that guy after seeing what Azrael did to Laxus only made it that more exciting to try.
"Heard easy before". Lucy said thinking back to her maid mission where Natsu and Happy tricked her into buying a maids alfit for the job for a good laugh. "It better not be another trick like the maid instant?"

"I take it that's the spot little one". Katie said to Happy keeping her touch genital so he didn't fall to the ground. "Known Lucy ever since she was born as our mothers had been friends since they were young teenagers". Katie responded referring to Natsu's. "My name is Lady Katie Nightingale Godmore. Night bird of Angel. Only if your sure we don't know how well we work together after all". Katie said Angel was the name of her holly blade left in her room the say the house was attacked. Lucy kept hold of her hand the whole time she spoke.
Hearing Katie speak again did Natsu smile. "Hey only one way to find out lets go!" he said practically dragging both Lucy and Katie out of the guild hall and down the streets towards the train station where Erza and Gray were waiting for the group. As they approached Natsu explained they were taking Lucy's friend with them, something of which neither the knight nor the Ice Mage minded.

Meanwhile watching from a nearby rooftop was Azrael as the group welcomed Katie with open arms. This is what his little master needed in the wake of her family's death. These wizards were welcoming her into their ranks with open arms and kindness. Something that had always been in short supply all the years he had roamed this earth.

As the group were busy getting their tickets at the booth for the train Katie would feel a hand placed on her shoulder from behind. "You did not intend to leave me behind did you little one?" Azrael asked wearing his hat and trenchcoat disguise.
CaptainNexus616 said:
Hearing Katie speak again did Natsu smile. "Hey only one way to find out lets go!" he said practically dragging both Lucy and Katie out of the guild hall and down the streets towards the train station where Erza and Gray were waiting for the group. As they approached Natsu explained they were taking Lucy's friend with them, something of which neither the knight nor the Ice Mage minded.

Meanwhile watching from a nearby rooftop was Azrael as the group welcomed Katie with open arms. This is what his little master needed in the wake of her family's death. These wizards were welcoming her into their ranks with open arms and kindness. Something that had always been in short supply all the years he had roamed this earth.

As the group were busy getting their tickets at the booth for the train Katie would feel a hand placed on her shoulder from behind. "You did not intend to leave me behind did you little one?" Azrael asked wearing his hat and trenchcoat disguise.

"No. Blame Natsu for that one he practically dragged me and Lucy here". Katie said in a low voice. She didn't think it was intentional for him to do it after all.

"Hay what is wrong with this quest since your not telling me the details". Lucy said hands on her hims towering over Happy.

"What happened to that quiet timed girl i grew up with. That pose can be scary if your smaller than her". Katie commented.
"People change with time." Azrael muttered stopping for a moment his gaze turning back towards Magnolia. Something made the Hellspawn feel uneasy as his eyes scanned the buildings looking for trouble only to find none. A shout from the conductor ordering an all aboard pulled him away from his search with one final glance before making his way to the train.

As the train's whistle blew departing a lone woman standing atop the cathedral smirk. Her long flowing green hair billowing past her as a smirk formed on her lips. "So you are awake darling" the woman cooed a smile forming on her face as her red eyes looked over teh city. "Serving a new Godmore brat also...well I think its time for the games to begin." she said with a devious smile.

-Two Days Later....Returning to Magnolia-

Azrael stood quietly next to the door leading into the cabin Katie and the others were sitting in, standing guard should something occur. The job invovled clearing out a low level dark guild, and freeing the prisoners they took recently. At first Azrael assumed they were connected to the Night Hand, only for no connections relevant to turn up. However that said the building they were using as a hideout was completely leveled in the process by the others. Twenty years since he last saw them and even then the current generation of Fairy Tail was still as destructive when it came to property damage.

The train blew its whistle as it was pulling into Magnolia. However people on the opposite side of the train were quickly rushing to the other side looking out towards the city. Turning his glowing gaze to the source, his eyes ever so slightly widened. Magnolia was covered completely in flora wildlife. Long green vines cocooned entire buildings, plants and covering the roads. While no one seemed to be present at the train station. It didnt take five seconds for Azreal to suspect who was behind this."Lily." he growled

"People change with time." Azrael muttered stopping for a moment his gaze turning back towards Magnolia. Something made the Hellspawn feel uneasy as his eyes scanned the buildings looking for trouble only to find none. A shout from the conductor ordering an all aboard pulled him away from his search with one final glance before making his way to the train.

As the train's whistle blew departing a lone woman standing atop the cathedral smirk. Her long flowing green hair billowing past her as a smirk formed on her lips. "So you are awake darling" the woman cooed a smile forming on her face as her red eyes looked over teh city. "Serving a new Godmore brat also...well I think its time for the games to begin." she said with a devious smile.

-Two Days Later....Returning to Magnolia-

Azrael stood quietly next to the door leading into the cabin Katie and the others were sitting in, standing guard should something occur. The job invovled clearing out a low level dark guild, and freeing the prisoners they took recently. At first Azrael assumed they were connected to the Night Hand, only for no connections relevant to turn up. However that said the building they were using as a hideout was completely leveled in the process by the others. Twenty years since he last saw them and even then the current generation of Fairy Tail was still as destructive when it came to property damage.

The train blew its whistle as it was pulling into Magnolia. However people on the opposite side of the train were quickly rushing to the other side looking out towards the city. Turning his glowing gaze to the source, his eyes ever so slightly widened. Magnolia was covered completely in flora wildlife. Long green vines cocooned entire buildings, plants and covering the roads. While no one seemed to be present at the train station. It didnt take five seconds for Azreal to suspect who was behind this."Lily." he growled
"Trific, they better not be what I think they are". Katie sighed when she saw the flowers in full bloom.

Lucy had a look on her face like she was about to have kittens. "Why what do you think they are?"

"An exstreamly rare flower when blooms puts pepole to sleep and the fower is already in full bloom. On top of that it can fight back, but if it is that flower someone has use magic on it to make it flossom, spread its seeds much faster. On top of that for the average person it only comes to the knee the the vines just trip you up". Katie exsplained looking around at the scale and size of the things. She hoped her insticts were wrong.

As she got off she spotted some she was in school with and instantly cursyed when she spotted the princes, they bowed back. A boy a year older then Katie walked up to Katie and painted a symbol on her right wrist, as he specialized in protection magic. "Lady Katie we need to move quickly before things get any more out of hand, all I can do now is track you by placing a small amount of my magic on your skin".
"Lord Troy don't waist your magic like that in times like this". Katie said worried.
A tall girl around Mariejanes age with long red hair and tanned skin walked up to her wearing mettle armer. "Get changed". She said pointing to the toilets passing Katie a blue dress with armer around the neck and waist area. The sleeves and skirt part were royal blue the body part sky blue on the golden armer were redish blue gens, She went into the toilets got changed coming out with a sawrd at her side. She pointed at everyone in Turn. "Lucy she is a Celestial wizard. Natsu, fire dragon, Grey Ice wizard, Lord Troy protection magic, Lord Oscor wind, Prince Nathan potions, Prince Kaine healing, Prince Capult, magnetic and control magic, Erza and Singa same magic equipt. Where has Azrael gone?"

(If you don't remember what everyone looks like, the armer is with Lord Troy)
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