Fairy Tail (CaptainNexus616)

(Don't worry about Lucy...we'll let Natsu deal with Gajeel like in the canon)

Azrael only narrowed his eyes at the demon as Katie spoke. "I have no more time for you then." and with that he shot Qui in the head killing him as his body burned away. "I am sensing several other magic energy signatures present. Including the guildmaster. If we defeat him, then this madness will stop and she will be safe. Plus we will gain the info we need."
"You really think they will talk after all of this?" Katie said looking around at the mess. All granted her new guardian had done some of the damage himself, but adding the damage they had done to the guild hall and her home it was nothing to compare to. "I don't get it you killed him and he vanished". She added looking at the spot where the demon was.
"He'll talk to me." Azrael stated checking the condition of his weapons. While his orders to keep Jose alive remained in place, that didnt mean he couldnt harm the man. When asked concering Qui from vanishing he turned to her. "He was a different breed of demon compared to what your familiar with. An older species that doesnt belong in this realm. When faced with their death their body can no longer survive due to no longer producing magic energy to sustain them." he explained to Katie before looking up. "Cover your ears little one and shield your face." Azrael said raisng his hand up to the celing as he charged another Necroplasm blast.


Erza panted tiredly as Jose smirked arrogantly at the legendary Titania. Her strength was all but gone yet she still stood her ground. The knight refused to back down as she Re-equipped into her Black Wing armor ready to continue to fight. That is until a blast of green energy erupted out of the ground between the combatants.

Once it stopped however did Jose merely smirk as Azrael levitated up through the hole while holding onto Kaite. "Well isnt this quite the surprise." Jose laughed. "I thought the Hellspawn were nothing but myth. Yet here you are serving a little brat." he laughed as his shadow aura flared about him while a green aura coated Azrael. "How does it feel Ms. Godmore to know you have a mosnter for a pet? Or are you to busy crying at being an orphan now."
"What are you after? If Lucy wanted to go home she will". Katie said seriously. "If you tell her father where she is, IF he really wanted to see his daughter HE will come and see her". She said smiling at him. Something her mother taught her about dealing with ones you don't like as they can't work out what you are thinking it can creep them out. "You are nothing but a coward. Attacking those who can't defend themselves, attacking animals, the worse think was four lives you took were defenseless puppies what were not old enough to open there eyes, they didn't have any teeth so there is no excuses that it was self defense". Katie said aiming some gold shards in his leg. "Oh and another thing men like you get battered in prison for daring to raise a hand to a women". She added after seeing the state Erza was in. If she saw the state Lucy was in she would have lost it especially since she was forced to drop her keys and didn't have her whip on her to defend herself with.
"I'm done with talking." Azrael stated raisng his gun up and opening fire on Jose whose shadows blocked all of his bullets. "Now you suffer!" He said tossing his guns to the side and pouncing forward upon Jose.

"Then come on Hellspawn!" Jose taunted as the pair connected and slammed into a nearby pillar shattering it in the processs Azrael roared as he slammed his fists into the Guild master as he raised his hands to block. "Impressive!" Jose grinned as multiple shadow bullets ripped through the Hellspawn causing Necroplasm to seep through his wounds before they closed up.

"What does he think he is doing taking on Jose?" Erza asked Katie in ddisbelief as she tried to take the moment to recover her strength. "He is a Guild master!" Erza stated as Azrael growled grabbing said man by the skull and throwing across the room before firing a chain to grab him by the foot to reel him and punch him hard across the skull.

"What you are witnessing is the full destructive powers of a Hellspawn warrior." Alister spoke up as he entered the room with several minor cuts and bruises from fighting his way through. "Azrael does not rely on the magic energy you and I know of." He explained as a Shadow warrior slammed Azrael into the ground before he leapt out and produced spikes and slash the monster to pieces.
"Don't look at me my family didn't tell me a thing about him. Plus I don't think he cares who he is. With what I have figured out anyone who is connected to my family in a positive manner, he gets mad if they threaten. I don't know much on the matter". Katie said cringing when the guild masters head was slammed against the wall. "Lets just say he can handle a lot more than that without anyone knowing he is even there. Its only when they were screaming whats going on when he revealed himself from the shadows, and tell tossed them like they were a rag doll. That's when he has just woke up". Turning to her godfather. "Alister is all of this normal?" Katie hugged her godfather when he was close enough to her. She was ready to aim some more golden shards if and when necessary. She was waiting to get a clear shot of his knee caps as she could pull her own gold out of him like a magnet to cause even more pain than it did going into the skin.
"Believe me child. This is quite normal for your guardian." Alister said as Azrael unleashed dozens of his chains with spikes on them from his body impaling dozens of shadow warriors. Erza only gritted her teeth raising her sword ready to join back in before a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Don't." Alister said sternly. "Trust me you will only get in his way and that is the last place you will want to be." he warned as they turned back to the fight.

Azrael dashed forward with his fist cocked back as Jose smirked purple energy forming in his hand as Erza immeadilty recognized the attack. The same one that took out Gray, Mirajane, and Elfman whom were laying off to the side unconscious. "Watch out!" she cried out as it was far too late.

The explosion hit Azrael's face point blank right in front of Jose whom remained unphased as a large cloud of smoke was where the Hellspawn once stood. "Fool." Jose laughed. "Not even he could withstand one of my attacks at point blank!"



A hand shot out from the smoke grabbing Jose by the throat as a pair of glowing green eyes were seen before the smoke cleared. Revealing Azreal with his mask completely blown off revealing a heavly scarred and burnt face with glowing green eyes. A hand was risen up in attempt to cast another shadow spell only for a chain to grab it and snap his wrist. "Do you enjoy what you do little man? Pretending to be a demon?" Azrael growled out as fear began to register in Jose's eyes.

The Guildmaster had little time to react to the pain as he was slammed down into the ground. "Did you laugh as others did your dirty work?" he demanded with his eyes burning brightly with rage as he dragged Jose across the ground before throwing him into the wall. "Making two innocent girls suffer because you were being paid too?!" Azrael spoke slowly stalking towards his opponent who raised his other arm up casting another explosion which did nothing to slow his opponent as he walked thorugh the dust with more damage done to his armor which began to seal up with the exception of his mask.

"P-P-Please stop!" Jose begged as Azrael grabbed him by the neck again and slammed him into the wall several times to the point it actually broke to reveal the outside to show that Jose's shadow warriors had leveled the entire Fairy Tail guild hall

"I have been ordered specifically not to kill you....however the human body can endure much before suffering a fatality!" Azrael threatened and to prove his point slammed his fist hard into Jose's stomach causing him to cough up blood. "NOW TALK! NIGHT HAND! GODMORE ESTATE LAST NIGHT! DID YOU SEND MEN TO GO WITH THEM TO KILL ROLAND AND MARIA GODMORE!" He demanded his voice sounding far more terrifying as Jose began to cry.

"Yes! Ok yes I did. I didn't know the guys! They offered me millions of jewels to help them! They sent Qui after they found out about their daughter fleeing and wanted her collected instead!" he cried as Azrael's eyes narrowed black tendrils of his suit slid up and formed around his face and back into his mask.

[end music here]

"I think that is enough." A new old but wise voice said as a short man with a balding head with white hair and a thick moustache said approaching the scene. "You haven't changed much I see Azrael." Fairy Tail Guild Master Makarov said with a serious look on his face as Azrael looked briefly at the man before at Jose

"If you are lying or are withholding information I will find you and have another chat less pleasant than this one! Call off your puppets." Azrael said whispering the final part as the sky began to clear with the shadow minions dissipating. The moment they were gone Azrael connected his fist with Jose's face knocking the man out.

Turning away from the man and back towards Alister and Katie , Azrael's rage calmed in an instant as seen by the look of his masked face as his cape once again formed around his body. "Apologies you had to see me like that my little master." he spoke. While Katie did state she didn't want to be called such he did it for the specific reason. Katie Godmore was in charge of his actions, she was the one who was in control of this powerful warrior and no matter what she could control how much damage he can cause.
"I don't get it who were you really after. My mother by any chance?" Katie asked the man. There was more then one reason for this one. One the keys, two her grandfather was the one who made the money for this area and her mothers side was still in control of making and recycling it for the whole area. As for her fathers she didn't know the family history or connection to her guardian linking them to the demon world. "The Celestial or the Godmore family? Which was your target?" She needed to know as she had no idea that her cousins were dead there power used to try and bring back Zeraf. She said all of this still clinging to her godfather she couldn't loose him or Lucy yet. Not so close after her parents and friends deaths. "And also what have you done to Lucy? You do realize that if Lucy is harmed in any way you wouldn't get paid didn't you. So you might as well stop waiting your time and call this mission a failer." She picked up all the gold shards she had already summoned turning them into a blade flicking it at the now beaten man. "Use it if you dare". Katie said in a warning tone she didn't tell him the blade was so weak it would shatter instantly and impaling into his skin.
"We will not get anymore out of him." Azrael said motioning to the unconscious man as Makarov was busy dealing with his own guild members. "He knew nothing more than that of a hired thug." he stated as Alister placed a hand on Katie's shoulder.

"It is time we spoke." Alister said with a solemn look on his face.

-Several Hours Later...Alister's home...private study-

With the fighting over and saying their goodbyes to Lucy and the others it didn't take long for the Rune Knights to show up and start hauling off both members of Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord to a military outpost. It may was just pure luck that both Azrael and Katie were able to avoid a similar fate. That and the fact Alister was the commander of the military within Magnolia. So after several confirmations and vouches from the commander did they finally find themselves within his home.

Inside the personal study they wwould see most of the walls adorned with bookshelves filled with either books, trophies, and pictures. Some of which included the Godmore family. "I'm really sorry Katie for everything that has happened." Alister began tiredly sitting down behind his desk and pulling out his flask taking a swig. "I had no idea things would escalate so quickly and cause so much pain and death..." he said grimly.

Meanwhile the two infant puppies slept peacefully nearby as Reedus brought them back to Katie after he regained consciousness at the safehouse where they were last left.
"What will happen to the members of Fairy Tail they did nothing wrong. It's not like they put any innocent parties in any harm or ask for there home to be attacked. Further more they had no idea that Lucy was a run away". Katie said. "Also how did the guild master know about Azrael? And speaking of that if he was still alive why was he in a coffin designed for the dead? I get a sinking feeling that this mess has something to do with Lullaby you and father were talking about and you were warning him away as it had nothing to do with his work". She had no idea that there were no longer along as Reedus brought back the puppies. "The weapons in the family vault they are Azreal's aren't they. Father always said they don't belong to us. We are minding them for someone".

Lucy felt bad the whole time they were being questioned. The giuld members were hurt, their hall destroyed all because she ran away from home two years ago so she could become an offical wizard and be apart of fairy tail. Hoping to find some happiness away from her home the same happiness she had while her mother was still alive seven years ago.
"I doubt Fairy Tail will suffer any severe consequences as Phantom Lord not only instigated the attack but nearly committed multiple counts of murder with both the Abyss Break and Jupiter Cannon. I suspect at worse they will get a slap on the wrist." Alister commented. When the topic turned to Azrael however did he release a sigh. "You do not mind if I explain do you?" Alister asked turning to Azrael who merely shook his head in response. "Makarov knows of Azrael because he met him before when he served your father when he was but a boy only a few years younger than you. No doubt you are aware your not the first to awaken Azrael from his slumber to aid you. Many members of the Godmore line have called upon his powers for generations. Each time nothing more than a fleeting memory of the Hellspawn that passes with time. The coffin you found him in is designed to induce a sleep like state to whomever is inside, combine that with his ability to not die by most conventional means you have a time capsule for an immortal to feel less of the burden at the notion of eternal life." Alister explained.

"As for the weapons you speak of yes they are mine." Azrael stated. "If they survived the estates destruction and were not pillaged then my weapons should still be there. The rest are no doubt with Rodin my supplier." he stated having a feeling if his weapons were stolen Rodin no doubt bought them and would try to sell them back to Azrael double for what he got out of them. The demon certainly enjoyed turning a profit and only even aided humanity to this point was because of how much money he could make from humanity's greed.
"The vault was never in the house, it has a complex lock what needs more than one means to open it. Blast proof so no attack can damage the doors. The Key my Maid and freind Matilda held hidden. The number we all knew and changed monthly, the crest whats on my ring and the card you were asked to mind Alister, also hidden there is all of the important documents what are needed within life, medical insurance papers, birth, death and marriage certificates. Plans of the house along with others what have stood in its place over the years, and other deeds proving we own the different proprieties and business. There is something you were never told. A secret told to mother to daughter starting with my grandmother Margret. Witch's weekly you know was done by a man called Aurthor Mightwing. What you didn't know is that it was my grandmother the whole time. Without those sexist men knowing it they were taking orders from the women they hated". She added laughing she could only imagine the look on there faces if they knew the truth.
"OK why can't you just stay awake?" Katie asked as Mouse reappeared to them so he can explain some more about the situation they were in. "I am right in guessing that you also knew they were coming to the house?"
"Things are worse than you know. but for this we need the fairy tales master present as we have discovered how Katie got her gold power and he knows exactly who did it". Mouse said seriously. "Further more when you are finished I really do need to explain some more things about her mothers family, it's important as her life will be in danger if others have figured out who she is I have this sinking feeling that the guy who gave her the power knows the truth. Something what goes back to when our keys were made".
Once Mouse had finished speaking did Alister sigh. "That may be difficult at the moment I'm afriad. " He stated. "All of Fairy Tail has been taken to a military outpost. Which one I do not either. It may be an entire week before we can contact Makarov." he spoke

Once the spirit and commander where done did Azrael speak again. "As for the circumstances you asked prior. I chose to sleep in that coffin. I can stay awake as long as I want however I do not enjoy slowly watching the world change around me while I remain the same." the Hellspawn said before his glowing green eyes focused on Alister.

"I want to know who Night Hand is." Azrael said as Alister nodded.

"A dark guild that has been plaguing Fiore for the past several centuries. They are demon worshippers making pacts with the wicked to enhance their powers. " Alister said before looking at Katie. "They are not like the demons you know today. These wizards form contracts with some of the darkest and crulest creatures in existence." he said opening a drawer up and began to search through it. "As for why they attacked your home? Your father wasnt always a doctor, once he was a powerful wizard and a personal agent of the Magic Council known as a Archangel." he said showing Katie a picture of her father no older than she is now dressed in a dark set of clothes with none other than Azrael's shadow in the background. "Your father was their best secret agent and with Azrael at his side nothing could stop him. Back then the Night Hand was once known as the Shroud and was believed to have been wipedout."

"But it seems Roland and I missed a few and they have reorganized themselves under a new name." Azrael growled understanding now why he didnt know who these people were.
"So do they have anything to do with Zeraf?" Mouse asked.
"He wasn't exactly a monster throw. He had death magic but with his dark magic he created objects and creatures what helped caurse great destruction throw out time. He died a long time ago part of his history and horrifying accomplishments are long forgotten by most, as to try and stop history repeating it's self". Katie said. "So the way you are talking they have to have been worse them them in there day?" She turned to Mouse. "Whats going on this time?"
"First we need to know an answer about Makarov son to fully understand the situation we are in so far. There is one thing. That golden box open it and pull out the bottom". Mouse said
Frowning Katie did as she was told placing the photo album on the table. Hidden in the bottom was spirit keys.
"Your grandmothers side the Celestial family were one of three families who made the keys they all made the star Zodiacs and between them the many silver keys what are around today, but your side made mine the animal zodiac's plus one other the planet staffs, they all work the same way as the keys. Normally your family's name is passed down throw the women in the family but your mother didn't for one reason or another what might save your life if no one finds out her maiden name. The keys were make using maker sealer magic or creator sealer magic using a lock and key. Your grandmother was the only one who could use the keys as she couldn't slowly place her magic into the keys to help make the portals between worlds. Along with your cousins, Ally and Rebecca. We have found out that Ally when she was taken, was taken to the tower of heaven to resurrect Zeraf, but she died as a result. Last year we lost Rebecca we couldn't sense her, she has died coz the two contracts she had are broken, suspect the same people who took her older sister". Mouse explained.
Katie sat there trying to understand all of this. "Slow down way too much too fast. How did you meat my father?"
Alister smiled somewhat as Katie asked how he meet Roland. "Once long ago I was an Archangel agent like him. We became partners and after the Shroud guild collapsed we retired to pursue other careers. While Azrael here entered his coffin to sleep until you awoke him" he said pulling out another picture showing a younger Alister in his thirties with the twenty year old Roland. "Regardless this attack on the Godmores estate has proven the Night Hand are planning something. " he said before looking at Mouse. "This Tower of Heaven you spoke of. I have heard of it before. I'll consult some old friends I have in high places to find out all I can on it. " he said before looking at Katie.

"In the meantime we need to make arrangements. For the time being it may be best you stay in Magnolia until we find out more. For tonight you can stay here. In addition I had some depart for the Godmores estate earlier today. They'll....bring your parents here so we can give them a proper funersl when your ready. I'll let them know to also located the maid you spoke of so we can recover the contents of the vault." Alister said
"Thank-you. I just hope Matilda is still safe. She was a friend from the village. That key she is in charge of is really needed other wise it will bring mager problems for everyone. Word had already been sent out that the old money needs to be recycled, without those documents the guilds who take on the quest to guard the money plus all of the workers in the factory can't be paid, even worse once all the money has worn out won't be able to make any more. Not unless the king makes some acceptations while somehow paper work is redone or the key is found before this happens". Katie said her grandfather never got rich doing this job but it was him what made sure the whole land had the same money making sure everyone was equal in value. "The next problem mother was going to teach me how to handle the whole business when i turned 18, the same problem goes for the which weekly with people not being paid as won't be able to access the business account and i don't know when they all get paid. And i am not sure what investments my father has set up i know he wrote medical books to make sure his grandchildren are not homeless but the way he talked i think he might have done more". Katie explained. "From what Mouse has just said the Celestial proprietary needs to be removed off the Godmore's land. The old angel in the rose garden in her hands it looks like there is a stone missing". She explained pulling the stone necklace from around her neck. "It's an underground passage Hidden behind that wall is a vault, there is two keys, one if for grandmothers house in Silver, the small heart shape gold one has a bronze key attached to it goes to the storage unit at the back of grandmothers house. In there is all the information kept on all of the keys including the ones contracted to them once they had been found, also relationships throw out time. Not all of them are contracted. To get to that information all you need to that family crest of a key and lock behind you off mother. It's the Celestial family crest". She could feel her eyes getting heavy. She couldn't remember the last time she had even slept. Everything was in such a mess it was hard on where to start. "I am sorry". She added not remembering the last time she had talked so much about her families affairs.

Mouse just stood there as she told everyone to slow down as things were going too quickly for her to handle.
"I think it would be best if we stop for the night." Azrael stated watching his young master barely remaining awake. After everything that occurred and with the little sleep she had on the train it made sense she was growing weary.

"Agreed. We will deal with the other matters in the morning. I may have a potential vacancy for an old manor that was converted into a fort. Ill see if we cant use it still. In the meantime a room has been prelared for you Katie. Ill have one of my servsnts fetcb you some new clothes as well." He said motioning to her outfit. "As for the pups with you i'll have a maid look after them for tommorowas well. She's a bit of a dog enthusaist." He said
"Thank-you Alister. Won't it be a little too much work for your maid to look after the puppies since they both need feeding every 2 to 3 hours at a time?" Katie asked she hated her maid and friend Matilda taking on too much. Katie always liked doing things herself so she ended up doing more work around the house than her parents. Mending her own cloths sorting her own room out. The small stuff like that. She still had the money he gave her for her birthday so Katie can easily replace her cloths. "The puppies have no names as father wanted to sell them". Katie added. She was temped to keep them now as there mother was her dog.

Once in the room and she was alone Katie cried herself to sleep.
She woke up early so while she waited for everyone to get up she started to do a list of everyone who needed contacting about her parents deaths before it all went public. The business were easy as all what was need was to contact the managers and owners, the only problem was the retired ones. The rich families just needed to contact the head of the family. The problem was the heads of court. Those can be dealt with as she went along to the different areas.
"Good morning. You haven't been asleep for long little one." came the familiar voice of Katie's guardian as Azrael stood nearby his form as usual covered entirely by his cape. As a Hellspawn his life was tied directly to Necroplasm and no longer required sleep either. That was who he was, a powerful warrior that could keep fighting until his body ran out of the source of his powers. "Did you sleep well?" he asked watching her work.
"Not really but with everything as it is and what needs doing its enough to keep anyone awake, that's not adding the events. What about you?" Katie asked as the only thing she knew was that he didn't eat or drink.
"I'm ready at a moment's notice." Azrael stated as the sun slowly rising over the horizion casted a light into the room both indivduals stood. "However if I am able to perform my duties properly I will need to visit my weapons merchant Rodin. Despite my powerful magic it is limited to a form of energy flowing through my body known as Necroplasm. If my reserves are depelted I will perish. In order to save my energy I utilize firearms on weaker opponents that do not require my powers to destroy." he stated.
"How much will the weapons cost?" Katie asked as no one had explained the payment methods. She had some papers on her letting the banks know that her gold was safe to use as she had given it as a gift.
"It will depend. My supplier is a demon named Rodin, he was the reason for my quick return to the battle yesterday." Azrael revealed. "Rodin will take in all customers and will accept various forms of currency including Jewles, trade, and his preferred currency. Demon souls." he said allowing those words to sink in.

"Rodin will take the souls and convert their energy into various weapons and other trinkets then sell them back tohis customers. I have approximately thousands of demon souls currently storred within my armor. I have been hunting them down for many centuries and acquired quite the collection. I will have more than enough." he stated.
"OK if you are sure". Katie responded trying to work out how you could use a sole and turn its energy for a weppon. "Well all i have done is made a list of people who need contacting before the papers get hold of what happened to the estate so running out of time. I will call Lucy's father and tell him everything including what i think and need to work out where the retired ones are living so i can pass on the news, but starting with the bussness as they can pass the news on to more people faster. Hopefully some of the retired ones as well. Where do you need to go?"
"To the market." Azrael said turning his glowing green eyes out the window towards said location within Magnolia before turning his gaze back to Katie. "Do you wish to come along. Rodin tends to offer more than just weapons." the Hellspawn offered to his master. "I plan to leave shortly. Unless you require more time to finish paperwork." he stated bluntly.
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