Fairy Tail (CaptainNexus616)

"Its too late my child.....Azrael...take ca...care of her.....Katie...I...love..you..." he said as his hand fell from her grasp before his eyes were closed shut courtesy of Azrael.

"Rest in peace..." Azrael said gently setting the man down onto the ground. "We must leave at once before more enemies arrive."
Katie started crying as she craidled the two pups in her arms. She had no idea why they all had to die like this. Still crying making it hard to see or breath she followed Azrael then lead the way to the train station she payed for the tickets then got on the train. "How do you exsplain what has just happened?" She asked as she started shacking "I don't know why they did this or what they were after in the first place".
As Katie wept and mourned the loss of her family Azrael sat across from her leaning back in the seat remaining silent. What was he supposed to say to the girl? How could he say it? "I cannot explain it, perhaps you will find the answers in Magnolia." He calmly replied. The puppies however tried to offer some comfort to the grieving girl as one curled up and sat in her lap. While the other one tried nuzzling at her side. The train rode into the night time country side of Fiore as the landscape passed by swiftly. Her new guardian remained stoic as always watching his master and eyeing anyone that passed by their cabinet. At some point to draw less attention Katie's new bodyguard utilized his abilities to form his flowing red cape into a crimson trench coat and a black hat formed on his head to further hide his features and appear more human in a sense.

Then as the early dawn arrived the train's whistle blew as the engine's slowed down and the Magnolia train station came into view. Upon exiting the train both master and servant were able to take in the sight of the beautiful city situated near the lake. While in the distance sat the proud and famous wizard guild, Fairy Tail, which seemed to have taken a considerable amount of damage to be noticed all the way from the train station. Azrael remained on guard as his eyes scanned the crowd as they departed the train station and moved through the crowd. "Do you know where we can find this Alister?" Azrael asked referring to Katie's godfather whom served as the commander of the city's defenses and normally at his office on the west side of town.
Katie looked at her watch. "It's hard to say. If he did the night shift he will be heading home but if he was doing the morning one he will be on the way". Katie said getting off the train. "I need to go to the shops first as the puppies need feeding but they are still bound to there mother so need something to drop the milk into there tiny mouths". Katie said spotting a small shop near the station. She sighed seeing the crowds she remembered loosing her father in one this large when she was small. Was never really a fan of them ever since. That was when they were going to visit Alister.
She rushed to the other side trying her hardest to avoid the crowd and dived inside of the small shop. "Azrael do you need anything before we go any further?" Katie asked spotting a saringe used for baby medicine. She then picked up some milk for the puppies and water for her and Azrael. She waited at the till area waiting to find out if he needed anything at all. "I know you two are starving i am getting the things you need now". As the puppies started to cry out for there mother to come and feed them.
"I do not require nourishment at all." Azrael replied as his deep voice made several people around him wary of the two. While Katie looked for what she needed and conducted her purchases, Azrael listened into the various gossip occurring around them. It would seem several incidents have occurred since yesterday. An attack had occurred yesterday at the guild hall he spotted upon there arrival. While today it would seem three members of the same guild were strung up with a message written on one of them from another guild.

However this did not concern the silent guardian watching over his ward. His duty was to ensure the protection of the Godmore family and with Katie as the sole surviving member his priority was her. As they sat on a nearby bench while she fed the pups did he speak again. "Did you family ever speak of me? Of my purpose?" He inquired.
"No father was very vage he never even said what was in the coffin for some reason". Katie said fighting with the male pup as he didn't want to take the milk that way. "Come on little one you can do it". She said wetting one of his paws to shock him into opening him mouth. "He just said to use the key when all things are dark and to make me promise to only do it then minutes before the attack on the house, Some 18th birthday not really something want to tell the world about". She finally managed to feed the pups. "My godfather is always having meetings daily because some of the members of Fairy Tail biased here go over board and end up destroying things on there missions and mother worked with ones of the members Mary Jane when she modeled for witchly weekly, so finding out if the guild master has seen him will work out what shift he is on". She said talking about her god father. She pointed in the direction of the guild while putting the things away in the plastic bag she was given. "So if you don't eat how to you survive?" She asked curious about the comment in the shop. She noticed how quiet things were at this end and considering there was a large famous guild they normally attract some attention as people want to see there hero. She saw smoke in the distance. "If i remember correctly that's the fairy tail guild. I don't know any of there names Alister always said guild masters but i do know he is an tiny old man without him we can be wondering all over this place trying to find Alister".

She got up and rushed over in that direction. "Whats going on its against the law for the guilds to fight?" She said to her guardian.
Azrael sat silently as Katie explained she was both almost completely unaware of all regarding himself before she asked her question concerning how he survived. "Due to our time constraints I will be brief. Consider me your guardian one of great power.. I will follow your orders, whether they be to protect or destroy. When we meet with Alister then I will go further into depth." He said before rising and following her to the guild hall as she spoke of her plan to locate him through the guild master as they seemed to have regular meetings concerning the chaos Fairy Tail causes.

However when his young master took in the sight of the ruined state of the guild hall did he speak once more. "While you were occupied I heard rumors of an attack against this guild by another." He said moving towards the doors. "I did not mention it because it wasn't relevant at the time." Azrael added as he brought his fist upon the door. Several loud knocks and a few moments later the doors creaked open to reveal a woman a couple of years older than Katie with long white hair with a small pony tail in the front and blue eyes that radiated warmth and kindness.

"Hello there...I'm sorry but the guild is currently closed right now." Mirijane Strauss said with a small smile trying to not hint at what the guild was really up to at the moment.
"I will make this breif then". Katie said in a polite tone. "I am trying to work out where my Godfather maybe at this time and i know because of one reason or another he speaks to your guild master daily. So i really need to know if he as seen Alister yet or if it will be later on in the day". Kaite was still in her white and pink party dress from the night before as she had no close left due to the fire. She was hoping to ask this more casually but it didn't seam like she had a choice in the matter to do it in the same manner as a common messenger. She pulled out the golden box she grabbed after finding the dogs bodies and pulled put the album showing her a picture with Katie and her parents, she did know her mother from the photo shoots after all.
"No I haven't seen him today and Master Makarov is currently not here. If you are talking about Commander Alister Aberoth of the city's military he lives near by actually." Mirajane said with a smile pointing down the street towards a nice large brick home which had two guards posted out front. "He actually moved there recently to keep an eye on us." she giggled before her eyes caught sight of Azrael whom stood several feet back so the two girls could speak. Her eyes briefly trembled as she felt something...different about the magic energy within him. Something Azrael couldn't help but notice concerning Mirijane. Then her blue eyes returned to Katie noticing the state of her dress and the fact she had to infant puppies in her arms. "Is everything alright? Do you need something to eat or some clothes?" She asked. After all what harm could be done from just offering some food and clothes to these strangers. They wouldn't suspect their guild had set out to attack another one in retaliation if it was mostly deserted because of the damages
"My name is Katie Godmore, and you have worked with my mother Maria". She started crying when she meantioned her mum. "A group of men attacked the house last night when we set down to eat, the dogs started to behave funny growling whats not normal then yelped befoure going silents some men come in dad held them dad went to hold them off, Matilda one of the maids dragged me and mother out, they followed mother went to hold them off so the stress signal could go off. No one came and everyone was killed".
Miri eyes widened upon hearing of Maria and what occurred just the night before her hands clasping over her mouth before she opened the door fully. "Come inside Katie." She said ushering the young woman into the guild hall as Azrael followed behind. Leading her past the destroyed interior and into the basement where several tables, a makeshift bar, and the job request board stood. "Here sweetie sit down." she said leading the young woman to a nearby seat next to one of the tables. "Here." Mira said returning with a glass of water for Katie and some water for the puppies.
"Sorry for telling you like that, i don't have exsperancce in this kind of thing". She said "Thank-you". Katie added taking the glass as the puppies started calling for there mother again for some food. With a shaking hand she started to feed them one at a time, she didn't really know what she was doing but she knew if she did nothing the pups would starve to death. Even throw they were hungry they wouldn't take it as they wanted there mother. She didn't know how to tell her that the pups weren't old enough to open there eyes so they didn't drink the water in the bowl.

Looking throw the Alubm she managed to save from the fire she spotted two photo's identical to the one in the office. She was grateful that Lucy and her father weren't present during the time of the attack. She also knew that her mother hadn't been to the house in some years with that photo still being there.
"its alright." Mira said as Azrael's eyes wondered around the basement. "I'm sorry for what happened...." she whispered watching as the pups eventually began to give in and feed off the milk Katie offered them. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" she asked as Azrael stepped forward unfolding a piece of cloth. Torn off the clothing from one of the Night Hand members from the previous night.

"Perhaps you know this symbol." he said holding it up to eye level. While they openly displayed the mark of the Night Hand, this mark was different and one that he was not familiar with. As Mira's frown only deepened as she nodded her head. "Where?" he asked as her eyes looked away briefly before Azrael's hat vanished allowing him to look directly at the woman who took a step back at his mask and glowing green eyes. "Where?" He asked with more tact behind his voice.

"It...it is the symbol for the Phantom Lord guild." she revealed as Azrael's eyes turned to Katie.

"They may be involved with what happened last night master." he spoke as his glowing green eyes narrowed as his mind turned over the possibilities of how and how deep their connection was.
"Try and control your temper and not kill anyone, the dead don't talk". Katie said watching him body language. "And please do things more polite as you are scaring Marie Jane. Things could have been worse last night the Heartfealia's could have been present and my Godfather could have stayed a bit longer, as for why they did what they did i don't know apart from father was respecting them to show up at some point."
Hearing the words leave Katie's mouth did Azrael comply and nod. "As you wish." he spoke to her before turning his head to Mirajane. "Apologies." He said to the barmaid of Fairy Tail who like everyone else who saw his appearance was slightly hesitant however it eased her somewhat knowing that the being standing before her was capable of listening to reasoning and seemed to obey Katie's request without question. "However I must ask more." he said as she tilted her head. "The location of Phantom Guild." he requested as her eyes trailed off slightly.

"The damage you see here was caused by Phantom." Mira said beginning her story. "They attacked our guild hall during the night two days ago...then last night they attacked three of our own and left them on display." she said sadly as Azrael looked briefly at Katie noticing that the attack on the members occurred during last night just like the attack on the Godmore estate. Then his eyes returned Mirajane to continue. "The master was furious along with the guild and left to confront them at their branch in Oak town where there master is currently at." Mira said as Azrael nodded.

The red trench coat around his body parted and reformed into his cape. "I know where that is." he spoke recalling the location during his last time awake prior to when Katie released him. "I have a favor to ask of you now. To watch after the two small dogs accompanying us and a change of more practical clothing for my master to wear." he requested

-Oak Town....Phantom Lord Branch-

The members of Fairy Tail looked towards their fallen master with concern and fear in there eyes at his sickly green state. The master of Phantom Lord, Jose smirked proudly at his cunning plan to use Aria's abilities to weaken his nemesis. "I think its safe to say we've won this round Fairy Tail." the man said as everyone could practically hear the smirk in his arrogant voice as the words left his foul lips.

Things began to take a turn for the worst for Fairy Tail. The members of Phantom Lord riding high off of the morale boost against their opponents renewed their assault upon them. Left and right members of the proud Magnolia guild were taking injuries. Then it happened. From the destroyed threshold chains emerged from the light smashing into Phantom Lord members sending them flying in every direction and away from the cornered wizards of Fairy Tail. The sounds of heavy footsteps were heard as something was emerging from the light. Whoever decided to join in was tall, cloaked entirely in a red cape with the exception of the black mask and the eerily glowing green eyes.

Azrael stopped as he stepped inside scanning the entire scene as the wizards he easily knocked to the side slowly regained their footing. "What are your orders my master?" Azrael requested as everyone grew tense at the voice came from this imposing and terrifying individual.
"If one looks familiar make sure he answers to my god father, i have a feeling he knows why they attacked the house since father wasn't supersized they turned up". Katie said. "And don't kill them. No one will have there answers if you do". She had no clue on how many people needed answers from them but if they were still alive at least there is still hope. She throw a thin peace of gold at the master cutting his cheak. "What were you after both my home and at fairy tail last night?" She asked she gave him a serious look something she hasn't done since she was 16 then it was around that time when she last lost her temper what isn't a good thing considering her power.
Jose growled as the gold passed through his mental projection as Azrael stepped forward. "I have no idea what your talking about brat....everyone consider them the same level of scum as Fairy Tail. KILL THEM!" he ordered as Azrael's cape moved on its own appearing as if it were mimicking fire. A wizard foolish enough to get in his way with a full frontal assault was grabbed by the neck as Azrael's glowing green eyes glared at his foe.

"Be thankful I am not allowed to kill." Azrael he growled a glowing green aura formed around his body as he threw the wizard into a group knocking them down like bottles. The wizards foolish in their morale boost charged at Godmore Guardian with the intent to overwhelm him with their sheer numbers. Foolish indeed as Azrael's cape shot out grabbing those closest and slamming them into the ground creating cracks in the foundation. Then quite the unexpected happened for the Phantom Guild members. Their opponent released a roar and pounced upon them his fists connected with the two closest faces and sending both individuals crashing into the ground. Another felt a sharp pain in his abdomen as Azrael's boot connected sending him crashing into several more.

Jose's eyes widen and looked in horror as this...this monster was brutally beating his men to a pulp. A chain wrapped around the throat of another man as he was swung overhead and straight through the projection of the guildmaster. "None of you look the ones from the night before!" Azrael roared out as a blade sprouted from his wrist and stretched out to three feet long and was the width of a broadsword. Glowing with green energy he released energy slash downing several more without killing them. Jose could only watch as this figure laid waste to everything getting in its way while he was curious to see its potential against Gajeel and Aria it wouldn't be wise to do so right now before the next phase of their plan. It was time for the important members to retreat. Before his form flickered out Jose took a final look at the figure in black. So this is what he was warned of, this is the Guardian of the Godmore family.

"Hey who the heck are you showing up and having all the fun!" Natsu snapped as bodies were flying in every direction as Azrael was clearly on the warpath. Grabbing another by the neck as metal studs appeared on Azrael's mask before head-butting the poor wizard into unconsciousness. All the while one was slowly crawling away mumbling something about Lucy only Natsu and Happy could hear prompting them to drag him off and far away from the others with no one noticing.

In what was considered five minutes for the injured and wounded members of Fairy Tail was an eternity of pain for Phantom Lord as the last wizard under there banner present. "You don't look familiar either...." Azrael said throwing the final one into the Phantom Lord sign creating an imprint with his body before falling into the pile of other beaten, broken, but still breathing wizards. With a final growl Azrael returned to his full height as his cape covered his entire body once more. "None of these present were responsible for the attack last night master. While the guild master was utilizing a form of mental projection" Azrael said turning to Katie as the members of Fairy Tail who hadn't taken Master Makarov away for aid looked on in a mix of shock and awe at the two individuals who came to their aid.
"I will ask you again, what were you after at the house and fairy tail". Katie said with a smile what would creep some people out in a situation like this one. Something her mother taught her as they have no idea on what you are thinking. when you are smiling and acting all polite. "And please don't say such distressful things about my parents". She said still smiling them suddenly got a serious look on her face making a load of tiny gold pestles appear in the air ready to move in what ever direction she wished them to. "oh and one more thing i can lip read what is this about Lucy and Lucy who? And don't lie to me or you will be stuck to this floor". She added turning one of her guardians chains into gold makes them stronger but her magic the objects stay the same weight even throw they have been turned into gold. This was to prove she wasn't messing around on this one. That point she needed to prove she wasn't bluffing as one of them tryed to run off so she turned his boots into gold making it impossible to move. She looked at her guardian to see if he recognized this one.
"I told you we are wasting our time none of these fools were present last night." Azrael growled out placing his boot on the head of the man Katie was interrogated began to cry out loud.

"I-I don't know anything about this Lucy girl! All I know is some of the guys were hired to go and find her that's it!" He wept as the figure only sighed and kicked him into unconsciousness.

As the two turned back they would be confronted by a young woman dressed in a suit of armor with long red hair and dark brown eyes. "Thank you." She said in a serious no nonsense voice as the members of Fairy Tail began to depart helping each other up and such. "If you hadn't shown up we would have been forced to retreat. I'm Erza" Erza Scarlet said introducing herself.
"My name is Kaite Godmore and this is our family guardian and protector Azrael". Katie said. "I might be able to give more information if he says who hired him, for so many to be involved it has to be someone with a lot of money and they tend to normally stick in the same circle of friends, but not always the case depending on there original backgrounds". She said walking about the ones who earned there money and not inherited it off someone. "Hang on who dragged who here". Katie thought as she never said she was going to come straight here. At least they knew that none of them had arrived back yet. "Be careful they all haven't come back yet". She warned Erza she had no idea on how many was at the house that night.
"We are not staying. " Erza replied turning to her fellow wizards. "We suffered heavy injuries including our own guild master..." She said bitterly her eyes filled with regret wishing she stayed with Makarov. We're returning to our guild I suggest you leave as well before others come."

"We have our own reasons for pursuing these wizards." Azrael spoke up as he stood motionless next Katie. " At the moment our interests are aligned and we have no where else to go. Perhaps we can accompany you back to your guild and discuss and alliance. " he suggested watching as the request processed through her mind before nodding.

"Very well." Erza stated before turning and following the others out.

Once Erza was out of earshot, Azrael placed a hand on Katie's shoulder. "Due to the absence of their master I deduced she was the next in charge based on her stance, tone, and how she was the first to confront us. Iff we are to find out more it would be wise to ally with enemies of our enemies" he explained
"I wouldn't call them that. Mother was good freinds with Marie Jane, besides you ordered her to watch the puppies who aren't old enough to be away from there mother". Katie said to him in response to what he said about fairy tail. "Is there a way for you to find out who hired them for us or fairy tail?" She whispered not quiet sure on what the answer would be. "I wish they didn't mention the word Lucy it makes me miss the Heartfealia's even more than i did yesterday". She added a little louder as she headed towards the door to leave the building. Flicking her long sliver blond hair behind of her so it was away from her face. while she was walking out of the door.
"I am not certain. " Azrael confessed to his little master concerning her question. "If these entry level members were not aware then we must confront the elites or the guild master himself." He spoke as they walked behind the Fairy Tail group. When Katie spoke of worrying if the Lucy spoke of earlier was of the Heartfilla family did his green eyes narrow slightly in thought. "Is the family of a similar status to that of the Godmores?" He inquired for that name was one he did not hear prior to his slumber ewithin the family crypts.
"I grew up with them up and till seven years ago when Lucy's mother Layla died. We stopped hearing from them. Layla was mothers best friend, they met at love and Lucky when mother first started out her modeling carer. Mothers side as always had the money but grandmother said we need to find our own path in life by mixing with all classes. As time come our fathers come friends then we were born, our parents always said I protected Lucy or Lucky Lucy as her mother called her as a little sister. My pink white rose i called Lucy. Meaning in Rose terms. For ever loved". Katie said. "Lucy's father started out at the bottom and now Judy owns the railways, making him one of the most richest and powerful men in this area".
"I see." Azrael commented as they continued to walk while his cape remained around his body concealing his form underneath. "I can understand your concern for her more clearly now." Indeed now that he knew both the significance of the girl's family and her own relationship with Katie it was within reason for her to behave as she did against the Phantom Lord member. However he did not express his opinion concerning this Lucy's probable fate. It was indeed likely this was the one the Phantom Lord Guild was hired to capture most likely for ransom money. It would also align with the boldness of making such moves against two wealthy families such as the Godmores and Heartfillas. However there were still more questions that needed to be answered. Whomever hired them to kidnap Lucy wanted her alive a clear requirement, and obviously for either leverage or some other vendetta the client has. While the attack on the Godmore estate wasn't a kidnapping it was a slaughter. While the murders were clearly part of some group called Night Hand they also owed allegiance to the Phantom Lord guild. It was clear two different clients hired the faction to do there dirty work. Why kidnap one girl from one wealthy family then murder the entire family of another with connections to them?

So how does this all connect together? That was the thought that confused the towering and powerful guardian of the Godmore family. Was the Night Hand a sub group or team that did the shady operations for the Phantom Guild Master? Or were they someone else using Phantom Lord as a means to an end? Did the Guildmaster even know of what happened the night before? Was he capable of multitasking his campaign against this Fairy Tail guild while also organizing the attack on the Godmores plus the kidnapping of another girl? It was all connected somehow and there were missing key pieces of the puzzle to solve it.

Perhaps this Alister person Katie and his previous master Roland knew could shed some light on these details. No doubt Roland knew of the Night Hand and their intentions or he wouldn't have chosen to give Katie the key to his coffin to awaken Azrael and protect his only daughter and the entire family. So did he and Maria know they were going to die and accepted that? Did they come close to discovering this group's secrets and were not prepared enough? Why? Roland could have awakened Azrael himself just as easily and done the deed. Ensuring Katie would never have to feel the pain of there loss and now following a guild back to the city of Magnolia with a strange being protecting her existence from enemies she never knew existed. Did Roland fear re-awakening their dark secret for this situation and finally decided too late?

To many questions needed answering and now they had to glance over there shoulder for Phantom Lord since they sided with Fairy Tail. For now Azrael pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as they neared Magnolia. His cape reshaping into his disguise from earlier along with his wide rimmed fedora forming back on his head. A feat that did not go unnoticed by several peering over there shoulders at the two individuals following them. Some even commented they would kill to have that kind of trick.

Would they really be so willing if they knew how he came to possess his abilities?

"Once we return and your settled. I feel we must talk my young master." Azrael whispered to her as the damaged Fairy Tail guild came into view. "I do not know many of the answers to our situation. However I feel I must explain certain things concerning myself." he added as they followed the wizards into the basement where they were warmly welcomed back by Mirajane whom only frowned noticing the grim and saddened looks on her fellow guild mates faces.
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