Fairy Tail (CaptainNexus616)

Katie had thing she wanted to know about him as well. Like why he was buried with her dead family members when he was still alive. What connection did he have with the family? as there must have been one for her father to give her the key but also what did her father mean they his key was more important than the celestial ones? And if he was still alive why was he only aloud out of the coffin when the family was endanger. Not much made sense when her father gave her the key and she had no time to ask him more on the keys matter.

"Mother placed all photos and copy of all paintings what were specially made for the house in here, that way everything is replaceable. As for the box its archaically wood i used my magic on it to protect it from the fire". She opened the file. There was a picture of Lucy 10 years old wearing a bright bikinni top and skirt. Katie age 11 in a sky blue bikkini top and skirt both soaked. Katie laughed seeing the message on the back Has Aquarius forgiven Lucy yet. Found the picture call us some time. "Layla asked Aquarius to keep an eye on us while we were next to the pool, she didn't like Lucy's drawing of her and the result was Aquarius trying to drawn Lucy, I was sat next to her at the time. We both come in the house dripping wet. Layla laughed went Lucy said Aquarius didn't like her picture. Layla died before the photo could be sent, 7 years has gone by too quickly". She said showing her guardian the photo since he was curious about Lucy's family. "Since you are alive how you were found makes no sense". Katie said to Azrael after placing chairs behind the hurt guild members making sure they all sat down. Before she helped the others the album was placed on the floor with older pictures of the Heartfealia's, Godmores there was also the first picture her mother had with Mariejane for the magazine.
"Because I chose to sleep within that coffin little one." Azrael explained as his form reverted to normal once more and led his ward away from the others and up to the damaged main floor of the guild. "I have been in service to your family for the past 700 years to protect the Godmore family with my life until death." He stated. "Nor am I human hence my ability to survive for so long."

"He is being known as a Hellspawn." a new voice said from the doorway revealing none other than Alister. "I had only heard of what happened at the Godmore estate this morning and was preparing to leave once more for it. Until that is I received word of a young woman matching your description accompanied by a tall figure that barely talked unless spoken too." Alister said moving forward to embrace his god daughter. "I am so sorry for what has happened Katie...." He said hugging her.
Katie started crying in her Godfathers arms, "When they come the dogs started barking and growling whats not like them, father said they are here like he knew they were coming". She said burying her face into his chest. Still sobbing away in his arms. She had no idea on why anything was happening or really what was going on around her. "You knew they were coming didn't you? I heard you telling father to move or go away for a bit i thought it was about his work". She could feel his top getting all wet. Most things that happened so quickly that they were a blur. "They got to where Azrael was sleeping meaning they have Matilda and the keys, that is if she is still alive". She hoped that he knew she had the keys to the safe hidden to the grounds meaning that all they needed was Katie's ring and they had all of the Godmore's important documents. She also hoped that Matilda was still alive as she was much more than a maid to her, she was one of her closet friends and was only formal in front of her parents. Things slowly started to get dark as all the events what happened last night fully sunk in. She fainted safely in her godfathers arms. Too much death and information to take in all at once for her brain to handle in one go.
Both godfather and protector were alarmed when Katie fainted in Alister's arms. As Azrael took her unconscious form from him and carried her to a table that was still intact did he explain the events that has occurred since he awoke. It didn't take long to go over the events that had occurred taking only brief pauses to tend to the last of the Godmore family. "I see, when I heard of both of you sighted in Magnolia. I suspected when she wasn't aware of where I lived she would come here first." Alister spoke as the Hellspawn nodded. "My poor child...this is to much for one girl to go through at once." he mumbled before looking back at Azrael. "What is it that you plan to do?"

"It is my duty to protect the Godmore family from any threat. This...Night Hand as you called them will not stop until they wipe out the entire family. They must be destroyed." Azrael stated, his intentions were clear and Alister knew all to well unless told otherwise by Katie he would not stray from this goal. "To do that I will need two things. The first is information...but not until Katie is awake and ready." He said knowing this was something Katie needed to be awake to hear.

"And the second thing?" Alister asked with a frown.


After giving out a small list of what specifically Azrael was desiring for equipment did the man nod and turn to leave. "I will be back shortly then. Please until I do keep her safe." He said knowing that arming this powerful being was dangerous but there were several weapons currently in rotation within the barracks he knew he could get his hands on without them being traced.

Once the man was gone did Azrael turn back to the unconscious Katie and remained silent waiting for her to awake as he stood guard. Listening to the sounds of the mages beneath him. Certain he heard one or two speaking of both himself and his master. Then a creak was heard from the front doors at first he assumed it was Alister but that is until three figures entered. One being a small blue cat with wings, the other one a pink haired young man he recognized from earlier at Oak Town. The other was a blonde young girl that Azrael recognized based on the old pictures within the Godmore Album. The first thing the blonde did upon seeing such a menacing figure standing in there guild hall was shriek.
(That sounds like something she would do)

Lucy quickly hid behind of Natsu clinging onto his shirt out of fear from this figure standing right in front of her. Her knees tremmbling as she looked up at him.

Katie slowly come around everything was so blurry around her for a bit. She slowly sat up looking around "Alister?". She said only remembering being in his arms before everything went dark. She had no clue on how she had gotten on the table. Katie slowly got off the table still feeling a little weak. That was when she spotted Lucy hiding behind of Natsu. "I can't bleave it's been seven years already. You really do look as pretty as your mother Lucy. My pink white rose".

"Who are you?" Lucy asked.

Katie got up and showed her the last picture of them together soaking wet.

Lucy ran out of the guild scard she would put the guild in danger.

"Lucy". Katie called out surprised by the reaction. "I am clearly missing something here". She said in a surprising tone to her guardian.

Lucy ran to an area covered in trees within the town.
"Wait here." Azrael grumbled moving forward before vanishing in a green flash of light making both Natsu and Happy suddenly look around in confusion. Teleportation was always somewhat difficult to perform due to power consumption but it had its uses such as allowing both Katie and himself to arrive so quickly to help Fairy Tail earlier.

"Who the heck is that guy?!" Natsu said trying to process how the guy in black could keep doing so much strange magic. A moment passed before Azrael reappeared with Lucy standing in front of him looking as if she just came to a screeching halt in front of him. No doubt she hit the brakes when he appeared and used her confusion to bring her backk with him through the teleport.

Azrael's eyes narrowed slightly as he grunted slightly. "Please don't do that again..." he said weakly to Lucy taking a step back as his hand slipped back underneath his cape. "Just talk and sort this out..." he said the strain audible in his voice before he raised up his arm as a set of glowing green numbers appeared on his arm.


Not good he didnt have that much power left. It was a risk using his magic this early following his awakening but it was necessary. It would be in his best interest he if relied on his armor's natural abilites for the time being. "Just get this straigthened out.." he said as the counter vanished
"I am from the Godmore family". Katie said quickly to Natsu but she didn't have much more time after that when she was brought back to them.
"Lucy what's going on? It's not like you to run off like this." Katie said looking at her consurned.
"I can't put the giuld in danger". Lucy said Katie grabbed hold of her wrist pulling Lucy close to her chest;
"Lucy do you know who sent them men after you?" Katie said calmly.
"My father". Lucy whispered crying.
This wasn't right. This wasn't the man who doted on hit wife and daughter. But no one ever made Lucy cry she even told there parents off for making Lucy cry. She then noticed the broozes all on Lucy's legs. "Who beat up sweet Lucy?" Katie said with a serious look on her face. "No one ever makes her cry, not even our parents and before you ask Lucy. Not a clue".
The Hellspawn watched in silence as the two childhood friends were reunited and both spoke to one another. Eventually once the dust was settled and it was clear Phantom Lord's attack on Fairy Tail was to acquire Lucy did the group return to the basement.

All around the wizards were licking their wounds and pooling there resources together. Two of them going by the names of Wakaba and Macaro were gathering Explosive Lacrima and other spell books from the archives.

While one young woman around Katie's age dressed in nothing but a blue bikini top and caprees was reading a set of cards and snapped when she stated she was unable to locate someone by the name of Mystogan.

Lucy was quiet sitting in a corner with a sad and depressed look on her face feeling this all was her fault.

Then there was Mirajane who was communicating through a communication Lacrima. It seemed she was trying to contact a man known as Laxus. "Why should I care?" Azrael heard Laxus say through the crystal ball. Mira pleaded with the S-Class mage to come to there aid explaining the situation as he only continued to critcize and insult them. The Hellspawn's green eyes only narrowed even further with each word he heard. Then the last comment made Azrael snap. "I'll tell you what I'll help you out if she becomes my woman." he spoke with a grin before Mirajane could say another word a chain wrapped around the orb and brought it to Azrael's face. "Who the hell are you?" Laxus asked casually. This Lucy girl was his master's friend and right now that made her well being his buisness as well as Katie's. If Katie considers these people her priority right now then they will be his as well

"Someone who will tear your head off if we meet." Azrael growled as Laxus was about to retort before the Lacrima was smashed into the wall by the chain. "Sorry about that." Azrael replied calmly as Mira sighed.

"Don't be..." she said as her eyes lowered in sadness. "How can someone part of Fairy Tail be so cruel..." she said as she began to tremble and hold back her tears.

"We don't need him anyway." Cana said turning to Katie and Azrael. "You two certainly know how to hold your own...even if you did just showed up out of nowhere."

"LIke real men are supposed too!" the tall spikey white haired man known as Elfman said holding a fist up with a grin.

"Yeah your big scary friend here took on almost 20 wizards on his own wihtout breaking a sweat." Wakaba said drawing a puff from his pipe. "You both really pulled our butts out of the fire. "
"Lucy don't you dare". Katie said knowing Lucy too well from there childhood. "I will dealing with your father later to find out what the hell he is doing hiring thugs like this just so he can see his daughter". She said seriously. She pulled a right face at her guardian. "Ripping someones head off is pretty grouse. I am not an complete idiot i know sometimes it can't be helped to kill someone, but looking for blood makes you as bad as them plus you need to know all the facts before deciding someones fate, with all the cursed objects black magic, potions and spirits out there, that person wouldn't in control of there actions, on top of that there are mental reasons why someone can be acting funny meaning that they are sick and can't be fully reliable for there actions. Then you have the orders. Not everyone has a choice to follow orders or they will be killed or someone they really care about, so when possible, know all the facts first". Katie said sighing at her guardian. "Right Lucy what's going on coz this isn't the same man i remember growing up with?"

"I am sorry you guys". Lucy said crying again making Katie sigh as she put her arms around her. Clearly Lucy wasn't going to stop blaming herself for all of this mess. "This is all my fault. I ran away from home two years ago. My full name is Lucy Heartfelia my father owns the railways, I didn't mean to deserve anybody i am sorry".

Katie had no idea that Elfman was calling her a man as well. She didn't know how to explain how they got mixed up in all of this or how to tell Lucy what happened on her 18th birthday. "Things are a little complicated right now I don't have all the answers.

"I will just go with them, i don't want anyone getting hurt because of me". Lucy said still crying after seeing how hurt everyone was.

Katie got annoyed with Lucy for being so stupid after all they have done to her so far she feared they would deliver Lucy in a wooden box. She slapped Lucy across the face then pulled her close to her chest. "Don't you dare do anything so stupid, Just look in the mirror at what they have done to you". She said in a serious tone but in a sadder tone. "I can't loose you as well".
"I don't know..." Natsu began as a grin broke out on his face. "I can't see you playing the pretty princess sitting in your mansion. Laughing with us in this filthy guild hall. Going on adventures with us even though you freak out all the time. That's who you really are." He said as Lucy's eyes averted while he continued. "You said you wanted to stay with us. Why would you ever go back to the place you ran away from? Come on your Lucy of Fairy Tail." He said with a confident smile on his face. "No more running because you belong here with us." he finished.

Then came a loud thud that shook the entire room. Perhaps the entire guild hall. "What going on?" Gray asked looking up at the ceiling as another guild member wearing a poncho came rushing down the steps beckoning everyone outside. Rushing towards the back entrance of the guild hall they bore witness to the impossible. An entire castle with legs slowly marching towards them.

"Master." Azrael said to Katie as they watched the moving fortress approach them both. "It is Phantom Lord, I can sense there master's energy from within." he spoke as his eyes narrowed.
"Do not kill him or we won't get any answers out of him, besides no one has ever gotten away with making Lucy cry not even our parents". Katie said in a serous tone plus she wanted him to pay for beating up Lucy like that. She staunched her hands up when she mentioned her parents. She looked at the puppies now sleep on a box the male one chewing at his sisters ear. What made Katie laugh and smile for a second. "How safe are they down here?" She asked as she wasn't sure where to move the defenseless puppies.
"Nowhere near it." Azrael stated as the castle came to a halt. "I cannot order you around master only suggest that you take them and Lucy and get yourselves to Alister's home. The Phantom Lord guild wants Lucy alive. IF they are connected to the Night Hand...they may not care what happens to you." he spoke before his eyes slightly widened at the sight of a massive cannon emerging from the guild hall. "Go now." he stated as he began to walk forward his cape parting in the process as the cannon charged. Just as Erza was about to move and re-equip did the Hellspawn pass her giving her a look to stay.

"What is that guy thinking is he trying to take that massive cannon head on?!" Wakaba exclaimed in confusion as the cannon began to charge as a magic glyph circle appeared in Azrael's hand.


"Necroplasm..." Azrael growled as a bright ball of green energy formed in his hand as the Jupiter Cannon fired. "BLAST!!!!!!!!" Azrael roared unleashing a smaller beam of magic at the cannon. The blasts connected in mid air both attacks struggling for dominance. Green and Purple moved back and forth as the water parted underneath the attacks the force of the attack caused Azrael's flowing red cape to flap violently behind him as he joined his other hand with the attack while his counter appeared on his arm


The number was steadily dropping as Azrael dug his feet into the ground spikes emerging from his boots anchoring him into place.


Slowly the Jupiter Cannon's attack was gaining dominance over Azrael's own as the smaller green blast of energy was beginning to lose its battle against the larger dark blast of purple energy.


It was clear now what had to be done to stop the Jupiter Cannon's attack. He had to increase the power output of his own attack by pumping more of his Necroplasm into it. However with the little that remained it could deplete him entirely and effectively kill him. No this had to be done. To save these people, to save his master. "ENOUGH!" Azrael roared as his blast increased in volume to equal the Jupiter Cannon's forcing the blast back before it completely overwhelmed the attack and allowed Azrael's blast to connect with the cannon obliterating it in the process.

"WHOA! He took out the Jupiter Cannon!" Happy exclaimed as the member of Fairy Tail cheered. As Azrael stood slouched forward before collapsing to one knee with a fist on the ground to support his weight as he looked at his Necroplasm counter.


"That was a little too close..." Azrael growled out weakly barely able to remain conscious at this point.
"That was way too reckless to do on your own" Katie said with a worried look on her face. "I don't care that you said your technically not alive even the spirits attached to the keys can vanish from both realms if they use up all of there magic while here. Always remember you have a duty to keep yourself safe. After all if you get yourself killed you can't protect the ones you desire to keep same from harm, plus everyone has there own life to live". Katie said passing Lucy the puppies before she knew what happened she just stood there with this stunned look on her face. Leaving the stunned Lucy she continued with what she was saying. "Oh and please enough with the formalities i have never liked them. My parents may have been from money, a true master is one of their craft not over ones who work with or for them only a teacher is known as a true master. After all Azrael I do have a name and it has never been master". She said helping Azrael into a near by chair. She was pretty concerned by how much he got weakened and thought the last part might lighten the mood a little.

The puppies started crying again for some more food, due to there age they needed feeding every 3 hours will they can feed on there own.
Azrael did not move to the seat but instead resumed his stance on one knee once more. "Listen to me...you have to leave with Lucy right now. I have to replenish my energy before I can end this..." He said as slowly his body turned to stone. "But it will not matter if they capture you both. So go and hide." He said before bowing his head as he turned to stone completely.


"Impressive feat for destroying the Jupiter Cannon but do not get comfortable Fairy Tail. " Jose spoke through a loud speaker. "Makarov has fallen and now your only trump card is nothing but a stone statue. Surrender Lucy Heartfilla and Katie Godmores and we may let you live yet." He offered

(Need some of Fairy Tail to oppose this like in the show before Mira knocks them out so they can be taken to the warehouse like in the show as well.)
(Can only remember bits of this sceane)

Marie Jane knocked both of the girls out after she placed her hands on there shoulders and talked to then normally.
Wakaba drew a carriage and horse bringing it to life then placed both of the girls and pups inside before taking them to the fairytails secret warehouse where they both came around. He explained what happened and where they both were.

While the fighting was going on Loki worked out that all of this was a diversion so he rushed over in the direction to try and stop them in there tracks but the knollage of Lucy being a celestial wizard brought back some painful memories making things a little hard for him to do.
Reedus Jonah told them the entire situation as he drew a sketch of the two girls while the puppies slept peacefully nearby. The artist mage explained that this wasn't because the two girls were weak but because they were trying to protect them. "You did a lot for Fairy Tail young lady despite not being a member along with your guardian. Have you consider joining?" Reedus asked as he continued to work on his drawing.
Lucy sat there with a sad guilty look on her face feeling that this was all of her fault coz she ran away from home.

"I don't think it's really a good idea. Enough lives have been lost already without adding any more to there numbers, and I don't even know why till i talk to my godfather and find out what he knows about the attack on the estate". Katie said if it wasn't for the fact that Lucy was still in danger she would have marched up to Lucy's father and put things straight.
Reedus nodded in understanding of the young woman's decision. "Then I think I speak for the whole guild with this next part. you both will have a place at Fairy Tail if you want it." he said with a kind smile before resuming his drawing before a loud banging was heard on the doors as Reedus turned his attention towards it. Getting his paint brush ready as the door was busted down revealing several figures.

One that had glowing red eyes with a chain like whip in his hands. "Hello pretty..." He said barring his teeth revealing a set of razor sharp teeth.


"Things are looking bad." Macaro said as the hundreds upon hundreds of Phantoms flew through the skies surrounding the guild hall as every wizard under their banner save for the group that went inside the Phantom Lord castle giant continued to wage their battle. All the while Azrael remained encased in stone as his Necroplasm slowly replenished itself.


"Wish we had some help from our big scary friend right about now!" Wakaba said taking out several more of the phantom ghosts. Then out of the blue the unexpected was heard.

A loud horn blairing accompanied by the sounds of a large engine. That is when they saw it, a magic vehicle semi rig hauling a large tank approached the guild hall pulling up close to the petrified Azrael. Slowly the door to the semi-rig opened as a large dark skinned man wearing a pair of shades and smoking a cigar emerged. "Well look at what we have here." the man said releasing a puff from his cigar as he watched the scene before punching a phantom in the face destroying it while not even looking at the abomination. Turning to look back at his truck he frowned. "Hey gramps get out! I aint a taxi service." he spoke as Alister exited the passenger side.

"weapons." Azrael said to Alister as they made sure the unconious Katie was ok as she slept on the table within the damaged guild hall.

"Any specifics?" Alister inquired as Azrael sharpened one of his fingers into a talon and etched a symbol into a nearby post.

"Look for this symbol and you'll find my provider. His name is Rodin."


"Hey who the hell are you?!" Cana asked launching another card spell at her opponents as Rodin causally moved to his tanker and removed a large hose with a spray nozzle on it.

"Me? I'm just your friendly weapons provider. I heard a battle was going on and thought I would swing by to give an old friend a hand." Rodin said casually with a grin as he aimed the hose at Azrael's stone form. "I hope your burnt ass is thirty for some Necroplasm." Rodin commented releasing the valve as a green fluid emerged and sprayed the statue.


-Meanwhile Phantom Lord Castle-

Jose watched with a smirk as the magic circle required for the Abyss Break was almost finished that is before he felt a new presence. "Well Qui that was fast." he said turning to the dark haired pale skinned man with a whip as he held a beaten and bruised Katie by her neck and dropping her to the ground. The last of the Godmore family in my presence quite the honor." Jose said with a smirk before frowing.

"Gajeel is bringing the other one as we speak." Qui commented. "Girl could barely put up a fight when she found out my whip is immune to her little gold magic." he said in a bored tone.
"Who say's I am the last my father has siblings you know". Katie said kicking him where ever her high heal shoes would reach. "If any of you make Lucy cry i will make sure you can never do that again". She snapped as she saw Lucy get knocked out. "How dare you?" She said aiming some gold shards at Lucy's attacker she couldn't do much coz Lucy was too close and her gold magic was perniment. The last thing she wanted to do was turn Lucy into a golden statue.

Marajane transformed into Lucy telling them that she was Lucy Heartfelia.
Qui merely smirked as he wrapped his whip around Katie's throat. "Now now.." Jose said. "I have a contract to bring her back alive. The only thing keeping you alive right now is my good will so to speak." Jose taunted with a smirk "Now excuse me I have a message to give".

-Meanwhile outside-


"Attention Fairy Tail worms." Jose said over the loud speaker as the guild members were busying battling as Rodin merely shook his head and continued to hose down the stone encased Azrael with Necroplasm. The sounds of Lucy in pain were heard as Jose continued. "We have captured both your precious Lucy Heartfilla and for those who care Katie Godmore." he said with boredom at the last part as Alister tensed.

"What?!" Alister said in outrage as Rodin chuckled.


"Relax gramps it aint gonna matter now." Rodin said cutting off the hose as the statue began to crack before a pair of glowing green eyes opened. "Cause he just made a Hellspawn his enemy." he said as the stone broke and Azrael emerged releasing a roar and a glowing green aura from his body.

-Inside the castle-

"Whats this?" Jose said with a rose brow as he took in the sight of the fully restored Azrael who's glowing green eyes glared directly at Jose from within the castle.

"Now I should get ready for the big event." Qui said pulling Katie along with him with his whip still wrapped around her neck.

Azrael was livid with rage fully aware of everything that transpired while he was restoring his power. Right now approximately a few hundred phantoms stood between him and the guild hall as it was nearly finished drawing the Abyss Break. "Here brought these little beauties for you!" Rodin said tossing a pair of magic assault rifles to Azrael who held both effortlessly in each hand. "You have fun. When your done playing come find me around town. I'll hook you up with more" Rodin said placing his cigar back in his mouth as climbed back into his semi and started the engine.

"Azrael....they have Katie inside somewhere." Alister spoke as the Hellspawn raised both weapons up as the Phantoms drew close.

"Not for long." Azrael said and like that his cape billowed behind him as he took to the skies. Opening fire on everything that was anywhere near him. Each high explosive magic bullet impacting a phantom and causing explosions to appear all across the sky of the battlefield. The wizards of Fairy Tail cheering below as Azrael cut a path through the spectres and towards the Abyss Breaker as it began to glow.

"Your too late! The Abyss Break is ready!" Jose's voice shouted out as Azrael slid the weapons over his shoulders using the straps both had and a pair of massive blades sprouted from his arms. With a mighty roar Azrael sliced the entire arm of the Phantom Lord Guild hall off sending it crashing into the water! Thus abruptly ending the Abyss Break spell in the process just as Erza defeated Aria of the Elemental Four. Then with another powerful slash Azrael created an entrance into the giant.

"You know I really should just kill you now." Qui said as they entered a large empty room tightening the whip around Katie's throat as the entire castle shook. "What do you think? Wait till that wretched Hellspawn shows up or just do it now? I'm content with either or. Especially since your little gold magic doesn't work on me." He grinned
At that point the golden box she had been carrying around with the photos in glowed with all the colors of light. A white haired guy wearing black placed a large blade on his through. "Do you want to die for threatening the last heir of the Celestial family" He said placing the large sward he carries around to his through.
Another guy with a monkey's tail with brown hair and a javalin pointing towards the man stood facing Katie. Then a black haired guy in a mouse hoodie apeared. "Please be a gentaman and get her go". The black haired guy said
"Mouse. How are you here?" Katie said shocked to see him befoure her like this
"Exsplain later but we are not human but from the yearly Zodiacs' i am the leader ran, next to me is one of the monkey's and behind him is Carl the cat". He said revealing a masive ball of wind. There wasn't much they could do as Katie didn't know how to use there keys yet.



"Oh boy you got Celistial buddies too? Well I'm content with this. You try to kill me I can break her neck the moment you try. Then I die...so we have a stalemate. That is until your magic energy burns out sooner or later." Qui said looking at the spirits with a grin as he heard explosions and gunfire getting closer and closer. Then an explosion occured ripping the doors leading into the large room apart revealing the shadow of Azrael standing there with both of his guns smoking from firing.

"Knock. Knock."

As soon as the spirits saw Azrael they went back to the spirit world. Mouse needed to preserve his energy and he already used a large amount up bringing the monkey to our world.

Katie started to caugh we the smoke hit her lungs and started to sting her eyes.
"You." Qui said with narrowed eyes as Azrael opened fire his magic bullets destroying the whip choking Katie while the other gun was pushing Qui back. "What the hell how did that gun damage my whip?" He asked coughing up blood falling to the floor as Azrael stepped forward aiming the barrel of a rifle at Qui's face.

"They are designed to hurt scum like you." Azrael said "Now talk demon how are you working for?" Azrael growled as Qui remained silent. "Talk!" Azrael snapped shooting one of Qui's kneecaps out.

"T-T-The Night Hand!" Qui cried out as Azrael slammed a boot down on the wound. "They wanted the Godmore family dead! They hired Phantom Lord to help attack the estate!"

"Why!" Azrael demandaded placing the gun at his other kneecap. "I grow impatient demon."

"I don't know Hellspawn! You won't get anymore out of me I'm just a grunt demon!" Qui snapped
"Thank-you". Katie said when the whip was off her neck as she held her hands around of it. She moved away from the demon and watched the pair at it. "They have Lucy". She said using the wall to get to her feet. Her back killing her from where the whip had touched her skin. The cloths Mariejane had lent her all ripped.

Lucy was tied up in another room with a guy covered in melt stumps.
(Can't remember what she said to him)
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