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"I... Um..." Alessandra says. "I have to go!" she says, running out of the room and blushing fiercely.
"Yes, we should go..." Amelia says, "time to refresh myself on the progress of science again - I'm almost fifty yeasts behind on some fields, I'm afraid..."
Somehow, everyone manages to end up to class on time. It's a Comms course, and the teacher is someone Violet recognizes-the recruiter, Jack Richard, a rather handsome looking young man.

"Alright," he says, "everybody pull out there textbooks. We're starting on chapter 2-chapter 1 is pretty much BS, so we skip it here."
-oooooo.- Violet was interested. If not in the subject, then certainly who was teaching the subject.

"What's chapter 1 like, Mr.Richards?" Violet beamed, making sure he got a nice view of her chest, as she bent over to pick up her textbook.
Violet giggles.

"Oh. Okay, are they repeated in chapter 2. Or should we read chapter 1 on our own time?"
"J-just ignore it. Sorry, class, had a late night last night," he says. "Now, if you'll all start reading," he continues, his eyes going to his own copy of the textbook and away from Violet.

Faye, next to the group of freshly made friends, yawns heavily. "God I hate comms courses."
"Why, in that case, did yo apply here in that case?" Amalia asks, confused, "Let me guess, something to do with a family? Or..."
"You're really touchy, you know," Faye says, in a tone that indicates she doesn't seem to mind a whole ton.

"And no, just a required course. I like the college-just not this class."
After class, Jack says, "Oh, and Miss Violet? I'd like to see you in my office,"

Faye rolls her eyes. "Have fun going to bone him. I'm gonna get some lunch-Anna, Luna, want to join me?"
"Oh I will." Violet beams to Faye, giving her a peck on the cheek.

-Shit. I think I forgot my school girl outfit.- She thinks to herself as she follows the teacher.
With Violet

"Now, Miss Violet, I think you know what you were doing in class today was highly innappropiate," he says, pulling out the seat in front of his desk for her.

With Faye and Company

"So what do you guys want to do? Dorm food, or head out?"
"Dorm food for now; we've already skipped breakfast unless we count last night's cream, and skipping lunch as well will just leave us famished by dinner," Annastrianna says. "That is, unless one of you has a different preference, of course."
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