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"Seconded," Annastrianna calls out. "How was that not a first clue? You showed us last night that you know what you can do with it, as Luna can attest to."
Luna nods, "Besides, you didn't get to see any 'Fucking magic' as you put it. I used a few spells, sure, but none of the ones I used were ones that are usually good for the bedroom. I'll have to show you the fucking magic tonight."

"Anyway, I am curious about how we got here, but...I don't know if seeing who assigned the rooms is a good idea. I'm less concerned about whether or not they know about magic, and more about the fact that one of us probably isn't supposed to be here, and I don't want to risk any of you getting kicked out when there are other, more fun solutions to our bed problem."
"I agree; fucking magic is fun. Oh, the room thing..." Anna lapses into silence for a moment. "It shouldn't be a huge problem; it'll only ever come up if they check our room after visiting hours for some reason, and even then we can probably hide at least one person for the duration of their visit with magic...well, unless the entire staff is also magically-capable..." she lapses into silence once more.

After a few moment's thought, she asks "You're a shapeshifter, though, so that might present a rather...interesting solution to the problem. How would you like to have one of us inside you?"
Faye glances down at Anna's cock. "I, er, don't think sex is the answer to hiding one of us-Oh! You mean like a skin-suit? That... Might be possible? It could have the potential to hurt whoever does it, though, so I'd like to avoid trying it."
"Also, since we're talking about that", Amalia reluctantly gets out of bed, "it probably shouldn't came as a surprise to you that I am... well, putting it in simple terms, a vampire. Ad before you start panicking, no, I don't drink human blood. Or, rather, I do, but very infrequently, and only from willing partners... and I would still like to take a look at the rooming table, just to make sure. Of course, it can wait until at least lunchtime... meanwhile, though, I suppose we should start getting ready for the classes - I wonder... should I ask any of you to help me change, or should I stick to the fashion of middle-sixteen-century Rutenian royal court?"
Faye looks away, concentrating hard on not getting sucked in to another sexual escapade when class was so soon.

Roll time again! Who can help Faye get to class on time?

2 VP

Skill 1d6
Conflict 1d5
Luck 1d6
Allure 1d2
"Color me surprised, Violet", Amalia chuckles, "I would have thought you, of everyone, would appreciate my current attire... but so be it. I hope my luggage wasn't misplaced, at least... now, let me think... something that would take less than half an hour? I think I have such a dress somewhere..."

Pulling out a fold of black fabric, Amalia slips into it and turns her back to Violet, "Help me with the ties on the back, would you? Meanwhile... if we don't want to be late, I believe the optimum route would be through the library -that is, if my yesterday's exploration of the campus was of any worth..."

Skill; Reneccaince Lady +1
Noticing Faye's concerned look, Luna senses an opportunity and moves in, hoping for a chance to seduce the shapeshifter on her way to class...or at least get a peak at her schedule.

Luck; +0, +2 if Peeping Tom can apply
Annastrianna piped up: "Normally you would be right, but navigating around the construction makes the trip longer on foot that it has any right to be. In any case, I've the same class first thing this morning, and I've got a short-range teleportation spell that'll make getting around such things much easier, although we'll have to go around the back where there's less traffic, to avoid causing too much of a temporary panic."

Skill (Strength); 1d6+1 (or 1d6+3 if you'll allow Anna's "knowledge of magic" bonus to apply)
Of course Violet could help as well.

And by that, we mean find a cute girl who happens to know where Faye's class is, who seems eager to help.

"Hey! Anna! This cute girl says she might know where the class is!" Violet shouted out.

Luck, School queen (+2), Sharing is caring. (+2 to Anna's roll, gain half of her VP she gets from the roll.)

Amalia 7
Luna 5
Anna 9
Violet 6

"I think that sounds like a good idea, Anna. And sorry, you guys, but I'd be too distracted to get to class if I went with you. I'm already kinda dripping. Now where the hell are my pants..." Faye says.

Outside, the girl Violet was talking to looks over. "Oh, uh, hi," she says meekly.

"Ack!" Faye says. "Close the door, I'm still naked!"
Violet does so, going onto the other side with the cute girl.

V was fully clothed. Fully clothed for her being a push up bra, low cut shirt, and very tight shorts.

"Hi, my name is Violet. What's yours?" She asks extending a hand,
"I'm, uh, Alessandra. Hi?" she manages to get out. "I should, uh, probably go. I don't want to interuppt your changing."
"Why not?" Luna calls out from inside, "It's more fun when it's unexpected," she says after slipping on her illusory outfit and exiting the room. Making sure to open the door enough to give the new girl another peak.
"I'm just gonna go with Anna. Anna? You ready to go?" Faye says, hiding behind the bed and pulling her pants and shirt on.
"You don't need to go." Violet protests.

"You helped." She replied booping her nose. "You can stay as long as you want."
Annastrianna waves a hand, and her robes fly to her before wrapping around her. Quickly tying the belt, she replies "As ready as I need to be for the first day. Let's go," she added, as another waved hand summoned a professional-looking briefcase.
Faye rises from behind the bed, fully clothed in a t-shirt and jeans, her breasts shrunk from last night and invisible under her shirt. She takes Anna's arm and starts to walk out.
Winking at Alessandra, "Well, I can think of a few things you should do, but we might be late for class."
Violet pulls her close, letting her bosom squeeze up against the girl's arm.

"Well, perhaps after class, I could make a few suggestions?" Violet hinted, starting to whisper in the girl's ear.

[Allure check here? ]
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