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Snow-covered Boughs IC (D&D 5e, closed group)

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"They are criminals - death row criminals, the penalty for bandity is death" fuming "how do I know? because I asked last night" she almost shouted.

Pointing at her own wound "see I am injured" jabbing a finger at Jennifer's own wound "so are you - and more so. And both of us being healthy for when the wolves come, or her friends find their courage would be nice" she hissed.
Unfortunately for Jen and Nicole (though perhaps fortunately for Hanna), Jen knows as soon as she tries to heal the woman that she's far beyond the help of her powers. The flesh refuses to knit, deprived of enough life to draw on.

"Happy she is dead" she raised an eyebrow "yes, she made her choices and paid for them", calming down a bit "and before you get on your high horse lets remind you that I was dealing with them and they were talking - right up until you drew steel" fixing her with look "the leader may have accepted the challange at that point - you escalated".
"I..." Jen starts. "I wanted to resolve this without bloodshed. I thought a decisive strike-not to kill-would've ended it. I was wrong."
"Nicole, now is not the time. Just... Give me a few moments. By myself. Someone needs to bury her," Jen says, drawing a shovel from her personal demiplane.

She stretched her arms about her head and let them fall with a sigh "look I sortof get it - kindof - but these people were murderers and the next people along might not have our abilities" shrugging "they likely weren't bad people - needing to feed there families etc. But mercy is for the weak - and if you are strong enough to commit to murder you can't expect any" she stated. Placing her hand and Jennifer's shoulder "regardless I am sorry I snapped at you - but I will continue to use lethal force when I think it appropriate".

"I will scout ahead a bit", she needed to clear her head - and hoped Jennifer didn't notice the other body "want to come Nicole, give her a few minutes?".

Frankly she thought buring the body was pointless and a waste of time, the wolves would dig it up anyway - but Jennifer likely felt she had to do it.
As the others left, Jen started to dig into the icy ground. It was hard work, but it was something she had to do-give a proper burial for the deceased.
Nicole was about to point out that the grave had to be at least 6 feet deep. Before the invisible force of SCIENCE dragged her along with Hanna.

"I hope Jen knows to dig at least 6 feet down." She muses out loud.

"That would likely take me quite a while - and I am a good bit stronger than her" she muttered "likely just symbolic", she smiled to the taller woman "you southerns are odd people".

Remembering the earlier conversation "so science?" she asks "what is it?".
Hanna and Nicole

The path continues along its course, winding around the thick trunks of the aging conifers and over the gentle hills of the wood. You continue on for what feels like long enough for Jen to have finished her task, but nothing else appears to threaten you--apart from birds and the odd squirrel, it seems you're alone. The sun is rising to its peak, and a few scattered clouds have started to blow in on the northerly wind.


Even with the snow cleared away, the ground beneath is frozen hard, and cracking it is hard work. It's lucky you're in excellent shape, and that the power of your oath prevents you from getting overly dirty--otherwise, the task might not be bearable.

It takes a while, but you manage to dig the woman a suitable grave and get her into it. Just as you're shoveling the last of the icy dirt back into place, though, you hear a faint rustle in the undergrowth, almost imperceptible. Your eyes catch a flicker of movement, something white enough to be almost invisible in the snow, if it weren't for the grey bark of the trees. Before you can get a better look, the shape is already gone, so fast it might have just been a trick of the light. Nothing else seems to stir.

"Whoever's out there, leave me be! Long enough at least to give these two proper rest," she shouts out, before continuing her work. The grave is barely large enough for the two bodies, but even with her supernatural vigro, Jennifer can only do so much.

The forest is silent around you. If anyone is around to hear your call, they don't answer.

She shrugged, "well I assume it is like magic except that it doesn't really do anything" finding a log to sit on "you know, with magic you can make a fire from nothing - but with science you can make a fire providing you have stuff and time and know how to make a fire" - someone had once explained it to her along those lines anyway.
"SCIENCE is how I do my magic." Nicole explained.

"Constant study, constant research, and the constant search of knowledge."

"Uh huh" she stated "ok so for you science is the 'rules' of magic - like why the gobs bother granting magic to the shamans" she was not scholor and was frankly out of her depth in this conversation "or why Jennifer can magic up stuff from nowhere", she was dubious about the concept.

She smiled somewhat dimly and gave Nicole a light hug "over my head I am afraid" beginning to walk back to Jennifer "but if there is any truth to it I could see how you might not want a barbarian invasion to destroy a lot of the work", mulling it over "any chance you would start a study center - could be in place to help me with my plans, I could ensure it was protected in the conflict, and after it could be a think group for my new order?" you didn't have to understand something to see a benefit - and a secret army of wizards could be useful for any conflict.
"Hmmm. Study center." Nicole mused out loud.

"I could, I could, but how would I get the knowledge that it exists out there?"

"Hmm ... it would take some time" she slowly as she put together the idea "but if you are wedding this girl her father should put up a dowery, right?" looking at the sky "and if you intend to leave the girl at home while you adventure you might be able to use her noble connections to ... I don't know get the word out, get students etc?" her own thinking would be how things worked in the barbarian north about new tribes forming but the nature of it seemed transferable.

"With a reputation in the area and selling your services you can get a reputation and more funding - and than when the war comes you can ensure it is over as quickly as possible and the right material is safe, possible bringing the material to the barony - or the north first to fully avoid the conflict" she beamed somewhat proud of herself.
Hanna's last words find her and Nicole returning to Jen's impromptu grave site, the paladin just finishing her work. The sun has passed just a little beyond its zenith for the day, leaving a good chunk of daylight remaining in which to hike.

Alright, I'm bored now.

Huzzah! Get on with the plot! :p
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