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Snow-covered Boughs IC (D&D 5e, closed group)

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"Oh please. That should barely hurt. It was just to get a point across. Nicole," Jen says, her tone one of sympathy, "how would you feel if you were being offered up as a prize by your father? Wouldn't you feel upset-that you were just some kind of object to be traded for services?"

Stepping beside the taller woman she but her hand on her shoulder affectionately and leaned her head on her arm "dearie, I am suprised that you feel ready for marriage ... unless you are going the the harem route with her being your primary wife" she smiled.

Breaking away again "anyway can you both explain this prize pig behaviour to me - if my father had tried to sell my brother on for services he there would have been blood, and even with myself at a young age would have had some say. Yet the baron treats his childred like cattle to be auctioned off for favours ... I don't think I could tolerate someone that subservient for any length of time in a real relationship", running her hand through her hair "I mean say we fail today someone else - that this beautiful daughter might hate - could claim her sight unseen, hell me or Jen could do it if we wanted if you - touch wood" she tapped a branch to ward off the ill luck of stating harm aloud "didn't make it. Just seems creepy to me".
Nicole cuddled up to Hanna.

"Well I don't know if I were being offered up for marriage, I would have lived in a bitchin castle. With dozens of servants to convince to help me in experiments."

"And what experiments are you interested in doing with all those servants", as Nicole cuddled her she remained at her side - the warmth was nice "and don't worry about your princess - without knowing your style I am sure you had some magic to get her hooked" she joked, "there was this sorceress once, magic fingers" she whispered low "literal invisible magic fingers".

Smiling up at the wizard "I am sure this daughter won't be forgetting you in a hurry if you choose to really show her why marriage is good", chuckling "or maybe you are saving that for the wedding night to ease her", she knew if she had magic she would not have been able to resist with Vera last night.

Smiling at Jennifer "oh I sometimes think she understand quite a lot more than she lets on, it is somewhat charming", and a trick she used herself on occassion.
"Just make sure you make her happy. It's the least you can do when she's being forced into it, Nicole," she chides gently.
"What do you mean? It's part of who I am, yes, but it seems odd to bring it up," Jen says, just as puzzled by Nicole's question as Nicole is herself.
"I'm saying that all that potential for SCIENCE is more important then my happiness." Nicole replies.

"The SCIENCE will make me happy." She adds beaming.

She had zoned out of the conversation looking at the trees - and enjoying the heat from Nicole.

"You mean the people starving for your experiments, or that she should be grateful to marry you for the people that won't be starving because you ended winter?" she asked confused.
"And it should be never. You're usually good about it, but sometimes you get carried away Nicole," Jen says.

"Well on that front I should point out you might not be getting the castle - where you may take the girl, and Jennifer may take the maid - I am still debating what I want" she paused "but I am leaning towards being named the single true heir for the barony - from which all inheritance shall flow", shrugging "I'll be happy enough to let you run certain tests and improve the region once the old man dies, I will need educated advise and all that - but if I take the responsibility personal honour will demand that I defend the rights and freedoms of the populance as of they were my own tribe, so no lethal test without the permission of the subject ... or I suppose criminals", it would be a good way of forming a base of operations in her older days for her actual tribe also if she could get the shamans to begin trading for some goods.
"That's... I'm not sure the baron would ever accept that. But if he does... Well," Jen says. "I suppose you'd be set, then. You'd have responsibilities, a position of power, wealth, land..."

"You're a surprising woman, Hanna," she continues. "I never would've expected that from you."

"Jen I am a barbarian at heart, and I have barbarian dreams" pausing for a second "and there is one dream of mind that is almost so unrealistic that even I know that trying to move towards it is likely just the silly imaginations of a naive girl recently come into some power", she smiled at the thought "but I want to unity the barbarian tribes under my leadership - become the Barbarian Queen" fantasising now "now imagine - with a foothold in the northern realm we would be able to sneak the most sizeable hoard of hardened warriors ever assembled past the northern sentries, i.e sentries that report to me as there baroness, and invade the Realm properly", chuckling at the thought "you would be better at this than me Nicole - unexpected attack in the center of the Realm by the barbarian hoards? what do you think conflict over in less than a year?", her voice almost gleeful "Hanna the Barbarian Empress, ruler of the known world", she sighed, "it is an old boast amongst chieftens that they could do it - maybe I actually could" she finished.

Smiling up to Nicole "and yes under that as one of my top people, you will be able to marry whoever you want - if they accept you or they are criminals".
Hearing her words, Jen stops in her tracks. "Hanna-you don't mean that, do you? An invasion? The slaughter of innocents for your own gain?"

"For everyones gain", she broke from the warmth of Nicole and turned to face Jennifer, "the barbarian clans have slaves yes - taken in raids - but the slaves quickly become members of the new clan. The south has institutionalisd slavery from which there is no escape, I have seen damaged whores - good men and woman - cast to the streets after a client damaged them, or when they were too old to be worth feeding, or when they overdosed or any number of other things", her hands at her hips "the Realm is a great place for the powerful and it sucks for the weak - you are both thinking about trading for the lives of people you barely know - people who are not actually slaves, and whether you do are not that is the culture that is present those people have no choice".

"The realm would surrender quickly if the attack was well orchestrated, the institutions that didn't match my ideals would be cast down - sometimes an old beast needs to be killed to allow better beasts to emerge", shrugging "or I would lose and the story would be spectacular either way", sighing "but anyway likely the fever dream of a delusion child".
"I..." Jen starts, but she remembers what she's seen in the south. "I think that I need to think about that."

Shrugging "there are good people in the south" she stated "and some of them do bad things for pressures out of there control, if you are being taxed on whores in your brothel than if one is not performing you need to lose them. The route cause of my issues with the south are the societal issue, and fixing them likely needs dramatic change" she offered Jennifer a smile "but yea think on it".

She looked confused at Nicole "I am not a scientist - but wouldn't an upset like what I propose allow those that are poor and weak an opportunity to become stronger" smiling at the woman coyly "and wouldn't some of that strength flow to science, better weapons, tactics - understanding of the allies that come to the aid of both sides that are normally elusive", she worried that they would have just laughed at her but they were treating it seriously which was nice - even if they were horrified.
"The baron's still healthy. It'll be years before this would happen. I think-and this will need reflecting on later, but for now-that if you worked in the south to try to engender societal change, and failed by the time the baron was dead, I would support your invasion. It would have to be the cleanest an invasion could be-focus on military targets, leave the lands intact, accept surrenders-but if it was, you would have support."
"Not in a quick war. In those the books are burned. Only longer wars produce better technology and tactics" Nicole replied.
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