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Snow-covered Boughs IC (D&D 5e, closed group)

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"Beris?" Alden replies. "Actually, he just got back last night from keeping watch along the east path. I can have someone fetch him--he can follow us to the forest edge, and you can speak to him along the way." He waves one of the servants over and tells him to go get the knight before addressing you again. "Alright, then. If you all have everything, let's be off!" With that, he spins around and heads for the doorway, clearly expecting to be followed promptly.

Impressively, Sir Beris is already waiting at the side door Alden leads you to, in winter furs and with a sword at his belt. He's a short but broadly built middle-aged man with a shaven head and short, greying beard. He, like the baron's son, looks only mildly surprised at the sight of Jennifer--evidently, word has gotten around thoroughly since you arrived. "My lord," he bows to Alden as you arrive, his tone surprisingly melodious where you'd expect it to be gravelly. "I was told the mercenaries wanted to speak to me. You three them?" He addresses the last part to you.

"That's right," Alden confirms, not waiting for you to answer yet. "Here, we're heading out now. If you'll follow us?"

"Of course," the knight nods. Mikken pushes open the door, letting in a chill breeze; outside, the sky is clear blue, though the air is every bit as biting as last night, and snow still lies thick on the ground. Your escorts head through, motioning for you to join them.

"So," Sir Beris addresses you collectively, "what did you want to know?"

Hanna extended her hand in greeting to the man, her grip firm if he took as her eyes fixed on his not a hint of humour on her face, "large white wolves" she said bluntly, "word has you saw some close enough to notice their eyes nearly got your horse", she let him remember the topic if he needed "I want to know about it - all about it, from the attack to you getting away, to their behaviour, size, numbers, location, any fatalities that occured and what happened to them, or any that you know of that might well be there work in hindsight ... everything you remember" her tone reflecting how seriously she took the these wolves ... a stark contrast to her reaction to the idea of dealing with an actual god.
Despite what she had indicated the day before stories were plentiful of gods being fought, tricked, bargined with, appeased etc ... but there were more stories of the white wolves (if these were the same breed) and the success rate was dramatically lower in those cautionary tales.
"Ah, fair enough," the knight agrees. "Well, it might be a bit scattered, everything happened damn fast. I was out on the riverside path, probably an hour or so after dark, when a whole pack of them came charging out of the trees all around. Hadn't heard them approach at all, it was all I could do to spur my horse fast enough to keep from being surrounded. We've been seeing a few wolf attacks these last couple months, they usually happen when winter's been hard and the beasts are starving, but they hardly ever go after anyone with lit torches, like I had--these ones didn't seem to care one bit. Couldn't get a count on their number, but they were huge, nearly the size of my horse, and of course they were all pure white. But I do remember," he shakes his head, "I caught a look at one's eyes, and they were...well, they weren't like the eyes of any wolf I've ever seen. They were green, for one, not yellow like usual, and...well, it sounds mad, but I swear they almost looked like a person's eyes."

"I still say you're worrying about nothing there," Alden pipes up. "Doesn't sound to me like you could've gotten that good of a look if everything happened as fast as you say."

"I'm only saying what I remember, my lord," Beris shrugs, matter-of-fact. "Anyway, I ran and they chased. Took a few swings at them when they got close, but I don't think I hurt any. One took a chunk out of my mount's leg, though. Poor girl's going to be lame for weeks."
"Was there anything unusual before they showed up? Any sign or warning that you only noticed in retrospect?" Jen asks.
"Well, that's the strangest thing, isn't it?" Beris ponders. "I didn't hear anything. Usually there's howling while they close in, isn't there? But this time, dead silence."

"Wasn't it windy that night, though?" Alden supplies. "Was up here, at least. Could be you just didn't catch it."

"Could be," the knight agrees with another shrug. "I just know what I remember. Sorry to not be of more help."

"Sounds like em" she muttered "damn". As Alden spoke up she nearly snapped at him but bit it back - those in the south had there own stories which she often dismissed to their annoyance, instead she adopted a more reasoned approach "unless you were there it is impolite to challange another's story of events", at home the young man would be seen to be challanging the elder, a challange that - chieftain's son or not - she suspected he would lose badly.
That no chieftain would ever consider his son to have the worth of a prize pig - a thophy to be claimed by outsiders should they win a challange, she wondered if he had even seen combat or as she looked him over was he merely another soft southern nobel trying to play hero.

Still one thing didn't add up in the story, returning her eyes to "Beris - did they let you escape" her voice sympathetic "and was anyone else with you?" she was not accusing him of cowardice regarding abandoning people - but she needed to know, possibly the wolves might have been sending a message on territory and not starting a conflict, she hoped at least.
Alden looks taken aback and more than a little offended at Hanna's admonition--most likely he's used to being allowed to say what he likes. He seems on the point of retaliating, but holds his tongue and turns his gaze down to the snow.

"I was alone," Beris replies, shaking his head. "As for whether they let me go, I couldn't say. They kept hot on my heels right until I made it to the bridge," he explains, pointing up ahead where a wide stone bridge spans the frozen river that separates the keep from the woods, "but they broke off once I got on it. Might be they changed their minds, or maybe they just didn't want to leave their home ground."
"Well," Jen says, "Unless there's any last details worth sharing, I believe it's time for us to set off. Alden, lead the way."

Nodding slowly, it didn't really but her at ease about the wolves - but perhaps they would leave them be if they left them be. "Thanks Beris", she let out a chuckle "doesn't really comfort me what I heard, but better to know than not", turning to Jennifer.

"No other true concerns on my part - if we could avoid there territory I would prefer it but I am not skilled in woods enough to even guess where the boundaries would be, assuming they have any", she throw her eyes over the men to gauge there combat prowess. Both Beris and Mikken she expected to be similiar to the guard she had tested, but the boy seemed a liability to her mind.

She was sure that they would not be overly useful, else highly paid adventurers would not have been called in.

Turned to Alden, "I would here about your relationship with your grandmother - your father's mother" she clarified "and any old stories she might have shared with you, I would like to hear them as we walk", she tossed a meaningful eye to Nicole as she did so, perhaps her prize had mentioned something worth noting also.
Alden's look turns to one of curiosity at your request. "Well, I'd be happy to tell you some of her stories some other time," he says apologetically as you approach the bridge, "but I'm afraid this is as far as we're to escort you." He indicates the structure. "The path you'll want to start on is just across here," he explains. "Keep going on the main way east until you find the first of the game trails, heading north. That'll take you the first part of the distance, although it's the part we know the bandits have been active on, so if you'd rather head off the path to avoid them, that's up to you. Either way, that trail links up with others that go about twenty miles north in total, so you'll want to leave them there and keep heading north-northeast. I'm not exactly sure what you'll need to look for," he shrugs, "but there are hills where you should be able to get a good vantage."

He gives you all a conciliatory nod. "It's been a pleasure meeting you all. Unless you have any other questions that I can answer quickly, though, we do need to be getting back--we all have other duties."

She nodded sharply, it was unfortunate but not unexpected "thank you for the escort" she smiled at him, he might be somekind of pampered prince but his directions were clear "prefer bandits to wolves anyway and they might not compete - so could be safer", she clasped his hand firmly "have a safe trip back", nodding to the other two men "Beris thanks for the input, Mikken the escort".

With that if her campanions were happy to move on she did also - happy to make small talk to pass the time "so Jennifer - how did it go with the maid?" she asked casually "could make more coin in other work now that you have ... met her" she joked.

The wolves bothered her but humour and comradery were important, and helped to take the edge off somewhat.
"Very well," she says, her eyes scanning across the forestscape as they move. "We talked a while, swapped some stories, had sex, and, well," she says. "I may have invited her on as my squire, once this little adventure is over."

"Sounds like a nice night" she chucked "serious about taking her on as a squire - or just bedroom talk?" she queried.
"I would never make a promise I didn't intend to keep. If need be, I'll make it part of my reward that she be released to my service, assuming she decides to accept," she says, giving Hanna a look before going back to scanning the forest. "I thought you would know me better than that, Hanna."

She shrugged "hey everyone tells the occassional embellishment in the bedroom" she scanned the wood "but mostly I would be suprised if she could tough this life", considering "but than I suppose I lack your magical powers, you see something special in her than?".
"She's got some determination. And I'll make sure she's well protected, so if she does decide it isn't for her, she can leave without harm," she says. "The only thing I can truly do is offer her a chance."

Looking askance at the other woman she shook her head ruefully "I sometimes think I will never understand you southerners, a local lord offers a boon for a quest and you both decide on mates - i.e those things you could get in any most villages once you impressed the locals with your abilities".
She walked on for a bit "I never asked you - is that how you got into this work? somebody give you a chance once" she asked.
"Yes. It's... Well... I was..." Jen tries to start telling the story, but fails. "It's a long story and one I'd rather not recount. Let's just leave it that I owe my master a lot."

"Sure" everyone was entitled to their secrets. Looking to Nicole "so on the topic of mates as rewards, how was the Baron's daughter - more mannerly than his son I hope?", she asked with a smile.
"I don't care about manners." Nicole replied with a dismissive wave.

"As for the daughter. She's hotter then we heard. She likes me, but she isn't sure she's ready for marriage." Nicole pouted.
"Nicole. I do this with only love in my heart, so..." Jen slaps the back of Nicole's head. "No duh she isn't ready! She just met you!"
"Don't strike me head!" Nicole said offended. "I keep my knowledge in there!" She cried out arms up in the air.
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