
“Hm, that sounds about right.”Tony snickered a little, worried that the trip would bring up a episode for johnny, or Sabrina, but they were adults, trusting them to know if it got to much, and trusting them to rely on each other to. “now there’s a idea. We could totally do it. Call it a Avengers Intervention.”Tony snickered at the idea. Sabrina looked at the two with wide eyes, “I don’t think that would work.”She stuttered a little before sighing, “okay. Well. Yes. Pretend marriage then.”She huffed a little looking a little weirded out at even pretending to be married again before snorting. “I admit you’re dashingly handsome, still not dating you though.” “...You’re being stubborn. It’s weird.”Tony mused looking amused as they got settled into the jet. “Have fun you two.”he said shutting the door, stepping back. “Ten bucks says they come back dating.”He muttered glancing at steve.

“...Thanks. For doing this. Even if things had gone wrong with the donations before, you’re still”She sighed twitching a little because she was nervous about going home, because the shelter had gotten her out, and while she was better these days, and she was going home with someone she trusted even if she hadn’t known him long, it still took her back.
Johnny smiled at him. "don't worry Tony. i'm taking my meds just in case." he promised. "and pot. i'm taking pot." no he wasn't, but Sue would freak out when it got back to her. "see Steve!? it's a good idea!" James admitted with a smirk before heading up to the Jet. Steve snorted a little. "i am not taking that bet." he admitted. "screw you Tony." he admitted, looking rather amused. "ten bucks says this mission goes to hell." he admitted.

Johnny smiled at her. "of course i'm donating. i don't need all my money, i don't buy things, ever. so why not giv it away?" he asked with a smile. "as long as i have enough to pay my taxes and live a semi comfortable life then i'm happy." he admitted. "besides, we're taking care of the problem and it won't be happening again, Jarvis will be keeping an eye on it now." he admitted with a smile before gently settling a hand on her shoulder. "it will be okay, i won't let anyone give you a hard time." he promised. "no one will hurt you."
“Good.”Tony said looking at the man before snickering. “I’ll be sure to tell Sue.”he promised rolling his eyes a little. “Oh, I have no doubt it’ll go to hell, but they’ll be okay. And she might just let him help her.”Tony smiled a little.

“I do to. I mean, give it away. I don’t need alot, and tony gave me a apartment in the tower, so its not like I have I help people.”She smiled a little, looking over at him relaxing a little under his touch, offering a quiet smile as she relaxed. “Okay. We’ll be okay.”She smiled settling back for a nap.

When they arrived, it was obvious that Burcarest was like most of europe, where old and new overlapped and blended together into a odd mash of everything, that was both breathtaking and odd, well at least to american eyes, were everything was new mostly, compared to the old world stuff in europe. Yawning as she ran a hand through her blue hair she stood, looking around as she braced herself to be home. “...I have a home here. I don’t know if you want to stay there, or we could get a hotel. I mean, it wouldn’t be to weird.”She said sounding a little awkward and out of sorts with her ‘husband’
Johnny was pretty tired by the time he got there because she didn't know how to fly a plane so he had to do all the flying. he had to admit, this was a gorgeous place. "it's really kind of beautiful." he admitted, looking around before smiling at her. "whatever would be more comfortable for you. i'm not the one who is about to freak out." he admitted with a smile. "it's going to be kind of odd anyway, i mean..." he paused, his eye catching a flicker of movement. someone was listening in. "we are just married and i've never been to another country before. well, not really anyway, going in and stopping aliens isn't exactly the same as visiting another country." he admitted.
“Sorry. For not knowing how to fly I mean. I forgot it was a long flight.”She muttered looking up at him before smiling. “Kind of?Hmph.”She teased before biting her lip, frowning a little as she considered that. “My house. And I’m NOT about to freak out. I’m fine.”She said simply because she indeed was heartbeats from panic at simply being at home again, even if she loved the country, teh place had to many bad memories to be completely at ease. “..No. I guess going in and stopping aliens doesn’t count.”She said blushing a little as she realized someone was listening, had probably seen the avengers quinjet coming in. “Let’s go home, and we’ll get a fresh start in the morning.”She said letting him take the bags since her broken arm left her a little short handed, smiling as she headed for the taxis waiting, waiting for him before giving the address to her house. While it wasn’t as grand as some of the houses in the city, it wasn’t a hovel either. A simple retreat, that looked years out of style, definitely a older house. Smiling as she let them in, she smiled nervously as she paused in the doorway, smirking at him, even if she was blushing. “Groom’s supposed to carry his bride across the threshold.”she teased
he smiled at her. "it's fine. i've had longer flights. no matter what he tells you, Tony cannot Fly. ever. don't ever let him. you will die. or wish you where dead." he admitted. "or you'll crap your pants, one of the three. it's terrible." he admitted with a snort before smiling at her. "your nearly hyperventilating." he pointed out before lowering his voice. "just calm down a little bit okay? i know there are a lot of bad, even terrible, horrible traumatic memories for you here, but i won't let anything happen to you, i promise." he murmured, looking for all the world like he was whispering sweet endearments to her. "no, especially since the places i'm in are usually ruined and destroyed." he admitted with a chuckle and a smile, gathering up the bags and following her. "...Sabrina. our arm is broken. do you really want me scooping you into my scrawny pencil arms and then dropping you because i'm a wussy?" he asked, eyes glittering with laughter. "here. let me set these down." he settled the bags just inside the door and then scooped her up and carried her through the door, grinning as he kicked the door shut, winking at her. "this is gonna be fun." he admitted, gently settling her down. "shall i make some food?"
“....Really?I would have never guessed.”She teased, rolling her eyes. “Watching him flint about in the suit is enough to make me never get in a plane with him if he’s flying.”She snickered a little. Swallowing thickly as she tried to breath normally, her whole chest aching as she leaned into him a bit, sighing softly. “...Okay.”She muttered, relaxing at the other’s promise, and surprisingly enough trusting him to keep it. “...Hm, yea. That would put a damper on the visiting places while saving them thing.”She snickered a little. Wincing as she carried her small messenger bag, hating that she couldn’t help him carry more before rolling her eyes a little. “Yes, cause you totally have scrawny arms. I think you’re bicep is as big as my waist, ‘husband’.”She teased laughing out loud as she was picked up, startled as the movement flushing as she looked up at him. “I’m glad you think so.”She said before smiling. “And food sounds amazing.”she said as her stomach growled
he snickered a little and shook his head. "i wish i'd had the foresight." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at her. "it's okay, your just having an anxiety attack." he informed her, gently rubbing her back. "just calm down and breath through your nose." he suggested. "yeah, a bit of a damper. especially since people always blame US for the property damage instead of the villains. i'm half temped to say 'screw you all' and not save the world for a week and see if people change their tune." he admitted. "i do have scrawny arms! they're nothing compared to caps!" he admitted with an impish grin. "i do think so." he admitted before smiling. "i can't make much, but i can manage an omelet or some soup." he admitted, checking her pantry and her fridge to see what was available. he knew Tony had called ahead and had someone stock up. "hows your arm by the way? i do still have those painkillers."
"Hm well you're male. Sorta cuts down on the looking ahead time."she teased amused a little as she looked at him. Swallowing thickly as he rubbed her back, relaxing slowly."I'm okay."she muttered sighing quietly. Before snorting a little."you'd think they'd blame the villians, but it never works....we'll you're going to be here. That's sorta a vacation."she said before shaking her head."no one has arms like caps, that's a unfair comparison."she said before shrugging."soup would be okay."she said before frowning slightly, looking down at her arm."it aches some, but it's not so bad. But I think I will take some of those painkillers."she said starting to move their bags into the bedrooms.
he nodded. "good point." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smiling at her. "it's basic human reactions. the villains aren't there to yell at anymore so they yell at the next closest fault." he admitted before smiling. "this is kind of a vacation. the best kind too! i get to help people, and that's always a great time." he admitted happily before smirking at her. "have you been ogling Cap's arms?" he teased before nodding. "soup it is!" he agreed. "will you grab my pills too while your up?" he did have fast acting medication in case of a flair up, but he still took a pill every night at dinner time to prevent day to day problems. his pills where right next to hers. his said clomipramine (Anafranil®), Take one pill daily with food or milk. while her's was basically a triple strength Acetaminophen since prescription drugs where normally not safe for unborn, or breastfeeding babies. it wouldn't stop the pain, but it would dull it to a more manageable level since Bruce knew she would refuse to take opioid which could cause a number of problems with a fetus, including dangerous withdrawal in the fetus when she stopped taking the drugs. she was allowed to take one pill every eight hours or as needed. when she came back, Johnny already had the soup on the stove and was watching it simmer, offering her a grin. "chicken noodle." he admitted. "it's the only one i can make, but we could have some grilled cheese with it. i'm good at grilled cheese." he admitted happily.
“Hn, humans are stupid.”She supplied making a face. “Makes it easier to convince them of things though. I mean, they’re even being nicer to tony.”She said looking amused before laughing. “Not to mention to be with your ‘wife,’, great times there.”She teased before nodding. “Be right back.”She promised smiling as she headed for the bedrooms, digging out their medicinations, for the moment not curious about it before heading down to the kitchen, getting her own medicine out as she handed him the pill bottle. Smiling slightly. “very good. Not burning or anything.”She teased smiling slightly as she took her pills before nodding. “Grilled cheese sounds good to.”She said, so was so simple to please, sometimes you’d have to wonder if she was simply agreeing to not cause waves.
"we are a bit dull." he agreed with a chuckle before grinning. "they are being nicer to Tony. it's very pleasant." he admitted. "i am here with my wife." he agreed with a nod. "too bad your arm is broken or i'd christen your house." he teased, winking at her because he knew they couldn't have sex even if she where willing. "nope! i'm not as good as Steve... well, not even close actually, but i am much, much better than Tony is." he admitted with a smile as he settled into making grilled cheese, glad that she was okay with those food options because honestly? it was the only thing he was capable of making really unless it came from a box. "so when do we go to the shelter?" he asked her curiously, pouring himself a half a glass of milk and chugging it before taking his own pill. "hmm... i'm going to need to get my prescription refilled before i forget." he admitted. "i'll call Sue and have her do it, then i can just pick them up when we go back." he decided.
Sabrina’s eyes widened, staring at him as she blushed brightly, sputtering a little. “I-can’t! You have rules, I kn ow tony gave you rules!”She sputtered, not denying, which was actually progress, but not accepting either. “No one is as good as Steve.”She pointed out with a smile, “And everyone is better then tony. That’s not a good comparison really. It’s a very good thing tony has someone to cook for him. Did you ever see him eat moldy bagels, cause he didn’t want to go out for more food?”She said rolling her eyes a little as she started to eat, going quiet for a long moment before glancing at the clock. “We’ll go first thing in the morning. While me and you are wide awake, since New yorks hours behind us now, I don’t think they’d apperciate us showing up in the middle of the evening...most of the time here, evenings are just family quiet time...”She shrugged a little. Her features going quiet and thoughtful as she stared down at her soup as she ate, not asking, because demanding him share things he wasn’t comfortable up. “Your cell phone should work. It’s a starkphone right?”
"he snickered a little. "he did give me rules." he agreed. "but i was never good at following rules." he admitted with a sigh before chuckling. "Steve's just too damn perfect." he complained, shaking his head and sulking before gagging. "yes. i have seen him do things like that. remember, i went to school with him." he admitted. "we shared a dorm room for a little while." he admitted, pouring soup into a bowl and sliding it over to her. "that's true. i didn't know that about the family time though." he admitted before smiling at her. "driving you nut isn't it?" he asked with a chuckle. "i have OCD." he explained. "it can get very bad. i'll count y steps sometimes still." he admitted. "and i'll catch myself counting how many times i chew, and how many bits are left on my plate. can't stand odd numbers unless they're in groups of five." he admitted, shaking his head. "but for the most part i have it under control. you'll know it get's really bad though, when you walk in on me trying to pry out the floorboards because they don't line up properly, or i'm in Tony's library organizing the books by color and size." he admitted, blinking at his phone. "yes. but Sue's probably asleep by now. what time is it over there?"
“now why don’t I find that a surprise?”She said looking amused though snorting. “You aren’t the one who should be complaining about his perfection. Tony should be, I mean, he is marrying him. Imagine having to deal with that all the time.”She snickered before wincing, “I pity you then. I mean, he’s better now from what I understand, then what he was like then.”She snickered amused before nodding. “It’s a weird little european thing, I guess. Evenings shops are closed, more then the states.”She shrugged a little, before she looked up at him. “I wasn’t going to ask you know.”She said wrinkling her nose a little, “I was very politely not asking.”She said looking amused, before wincing. “That sounds painful, and horrible all at once.”She said watching him, before thinking it over. “It’s nearly 2 in the afternoon. We’re nearly 6 hours hours ahead of them now.”
he sniggered and nodded. "that's true. but Tony's almost as perfect, in a different way as Steve is so they're well suited for each other." he admitted with a smile before grimacing. "you have no idea how bad he was back then. he was still... affected, by the things Howard did, or rather, didn't do." he admitted. "so he was manic, constantly and completely addicted tot he craziest shit." he admitted. "nah, i think lots of cultures have a time set aside just for family. American's used to, but we don't anymore." he admitted. "family isn't important to most people anymore, money is." he shook his head. "it's one of the things that's so very wrong with America these days." he admitted with a shake of his head before smiling at her. "no. i know you wouldn't have asked, but i figure t's better if you know, in case i have a relapse or something." he admitted. "they don't happen often but they do happen so..." he shrugged. "it doesn't hurt. not really. it just really gets in the way of my daily life sometimes." he admitted. he didn't bother admitting that he only got medication and help for his OCD because Social Services made his foster parents take him tot he therapist or they'd stop sending the checks and remove Johnny to another house. Johnny really wished the fuckers at SS had removed him, maybe he wouldn't have developed such a reluctance to get attached to people that way. "oh... well i'll call her then. here." he handed her the finished plate of sandwiches and called Sue, asking her to refill his prescription and that he was fine he still had two weeks worth left.
“True. He’s sorta a genius.”She snickered because she’d described him like that once, and had listened to a hour long rant about it. It had been adorable, not that she’d told him that. “I know. But even without seeing him like that, I know it’s better now.,even if he says he’s traded all his addictions for two:Coffee and his captain.”She smiled a little before tilting her head a little. “You’re right...they do. Money is....good. But look at tony, he has all the money in the world, and it only makes him happy because he knows it makes others happy.”She sighed a little before smiling slightly. “Well. At least I’ll know what happened if it does.”She smiled watching him, before snickering as he called sue, simply eating. Quiet as he talked to sue and ate himself, simply enjoying his company. Before stretching, moving to get up, “Can you do dishes?I know it’s not fair you cooked, but with the castI can’t really.”She said frowning slightly.
he nodded. "he's brilliant." he admitted with a smile. "Tony likes to rant." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "he's traded most of his addictions yes, but he hasn't gotten over all of his problems." he admitted with a smile. "money can only make you happy if you have people to share it with and most people don't know that." he admitted. "yep." he agreed. "i don't typically have any problems anymore but once i lost my pills and couldn't get them refilled because i was trapped in another country and i ended up picking all the leaves off of a tree because it was uneven." he admitted with a small chuckle before giving her a grin. "of course i can do the dishes." he promised her. "your injured. and still a bit frantic. and pregnant." he paused trying to think of any other excuses. "i guess those three will do." he admitted, already working with a sink-full of hot water.
“....I’ll make sure you don’t lose your pills. Want to protect the innocent trees.”She teased looking amused. “I am not frantic. Nor are we sure I’m pregnant yet. But I will let you use injury as a excuse.”She teased looking amused as she headed for the living room. “I’ll see what we have to do. I’m not tired yet.”She said though she knew he was, so she looked around before heading upstairs, picking out one of the sherlock holmes movies before flipping on the fan and opening the balcony door before going down after him. “Now, I don’t want you to get any ideas, but I’m inviting you to watch a movie with me in bed.”She said smirking, teasing him a little. Frantic enough, and worried enough about him....and trusting him enough, to flirt, just a little. Even if she wasn’t really aware of it.
he nodded. "i'm sure i won't lose them, but things are known to happen so i do like to be prepared." he admitted with a smile before rolling his eyes at her. "you are fairly frantic. you don't like being here, don't try to deny it." he pointed out before smiling a little. "no i don't imagine you are if it's only two back home." he admitted, settling the dishes in the drainer before blinking at her and then smirked a little at her, looking rather playful. "no funny ideas. promise." he agreed, drying his hands before following her. a nap would be wonderful. he settled into bed, watched the first thirty minutes and then was out like a light, snoring softly on the pillow and looking rather adorable.
“...I like the country just fine. It just makes me nervous.”She sighed a little making a face. Looking amused at his look, “Good. Better not.”She smiled heading down to the bedroom with him, the almost cave like bed making it easier to go to sleep as it gave that sense of being closed in and protected. Which is exactly why she loved it. Smiling slightly as she watched him sleep, before falling asleep herself.

In the morning, when Johnny woke, sabrina was cuddled against his side, her back pressing against his side, using his shoulder as a pillow. Almost not touching ,but not quite able to make her sleeping self not touch him. Even if her waking self wasn’t prepared to admit it, her subconscious recognized johnny as what she’d always needed. Stirring a little she groaned, wincing as she realized she was laying on him some, swallowing thickly as she moved to distangle herself from him, moving carefully not wanting to wake him up, not realizing he was already up, not prepared to admit just how drawn to him she was. Enough that he’d given her a night of peaceful sleep when she rarely slept well when she was here.
"that is epic." he admitted, staring at the awesome bed. "i want one. totally yes." he admitted, sighing as he snuggled into the bed.

Johnny blinked slowly at the ceiling of the bed and felt Sabrina moving against him. he had been holding very still for her, simply enjoying the cuddling. it had been a while since he'd enjoyed a good cuddle.when he did have sex, it was usually just that. only sex, no emotional attachments, no spooning, no cuddles so this was very nice. "mmm.stop squirming 'm tryin sleep." he slurred. being as he'd lingered in a very nice doze for some time he was still rather sluggish and sleepy. "time 's it? are we late?"
Sabrina stilled as he spoke, for a moment frozen as she considered that she was cuddling him. Aware that he was awake just made her freeze, not sure what to think or do. Before listening to the orders and going still. Raising her head to look at the clock before slouching back down."its about 7 in the morning.they said we could come about 9, or whenever we get moving."
he nodded. "okay. i should get up." he mumbled. "i really should. need to take a shower. and eat food. and check with Jay and see if they found out anything more." he mumbled, though he didn't move. "up. Johnny. up!" he commanded himself before groaning and doing as he ordered, sitting up very slowly and sighing. "does Romania have Coffee?"
Sabrina laughed softly looking at him, easing up out of the bed even if the order hadn’t been directed at her. Laughing quietly. “Of course. Even if we didn’t, Tony did our shopping. He’d make sure you have coffee.”She teased looking amused as she gathered her own clothes before heading for the second bathroom. “Shower, I’ll get breakfast started when I’m done.”She said smiling as she left to wash up herself, and indeed, she was making toast along with eggs and coffee. Nervous but settled more after rest, looking forward to seeing the shelter.
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