
“Am not.”Sabrina grumbled even when she smiled back. “I know. She has always worked herself up badly.”Matron smiled softly before nodding. “If she wakes, we’ll get you. And no, we don’t.”She promised smiling.

It was indeed the next afternoon, Sabrina stepped out of the house, looking happy and relaxed, having left painting the outside of the house to johnny, she’d helped the girls start redoing the bedrooms, the cautious excitement that they all displayed made her glad that they’d come to stay. Glad to be able to help. Tilting her head back to look up at the man finishing up the second story wall above the room, she tilted her head. “Johnny! I’m calling it a day. Wanna go out to dinner?”She said blushing ever so slightly, because she was clumsily wanting to show off the city, and sorta of, not really asking him out, but proud enough of her city, and home despite her vicious memories, that she wanted to show him around.
"thanks." Johnny said to the matron with a smile. "i'm glad that the girls have you." he admitted happily.

in the morning the girls all had a good laugh about Johnny wearing a Batman shirt with Flash pajama pants to bed. not to mention the bunny slippers that he slouched around in until he'd had a third cup of coffee. he got his get up and go pretty quickly though and was soon working on painting, looking very lively as he did so. he did have to stop once to help a new girl who was entirely too panicked when she came in, still bruised and cut from the beating she'd gotten from her now Ex-husband. he proved what an awesome man he really was when he took her aside and whispered softly until she calmed into hiccups instead of wailing sobs. he handed her a book that Sabrina recognized as the one he'd given to her and talked the woman through it until she was calm and, while not happy, was more content to be in the house with the other women who would help her. she didn't look very ready to accept herself as a Submissive but she did look much calmer at the knowledge that it wasn't really her fault, the funny things that happened to her.

Johnny looked up when the called, splattered with paint but nowhere near as bad off as he'd claimed he would be and offered her a bright grin. "sure! lemme just finish this last little bit and we'll head back to your house for a shower and a change of clothes and my meds." he admitted, turning back to finishing the last little bit he hadn't finished before sliding down the ladder and beaming at her. "hows it look!?" he asked, looking delighted. "house looks better already! there's a bit of a hole in the roof though. i'll have to call someone in to fix that." he admitted, grinning at her and letting her lead the way home, freezing at the sight of the smashed in door and broken windows. "...oh fuck." he gasped, eyes widening as he motioned for her to stay. "wait here. i'll make sure no ones left inside." he ordered, inching his way in, flames licking along his fingers. he came back out ten minutes later, shaking his head. "i'm sorry. the entire place is trashed." he admitted softly. "anything worth money has been stolen and anything left was destroyed." he admitted. "come on. let's go back to the ladies home. you don't want to see this."
"Wounds good."she smiled watching him, a little paint splattered herself. Nodding slightly."we'll get someone out tomorrow to fix it."be he agreed so so happy that the house was getting everything it needed. Eyes widening when she saw the house she stayed on the porch as he went to check out everything, and by the time he came back she was curled up against the doorframw, her head in her hands as she struggled to breath, to not pass out. Because she'd seen her house like this before. It was her childhood home, the one she'd kept after her parents had died, tras he'd by both the police after their deaths, and her husband when she'd left him. Glancing up when he spoke she pulled a shaky breath in, struggling to focus on his face."...clothes. medicine. Get our stuff."she panted trying to think clearly enough so they wouldn't have to come back once they got the police to look into the breakin, even if she had no faith in the police actually finding who did this.
he nodded. "yes. i like that." he agreed with a smile before swallowing thickly at the house and moved inside. "easy. easy." he murmured, gently stroking her hair, calling Tony once he went back inside to get their things. "Tony! it's Johnny! i need your political pull, some fucker wrecked Sabrina's house and stole everything of value and destroyed everything that wasn't... and they stole my pills." he admitted. "i need you to tell Sue immediately." he admitted. "i won't b able to get them until i get back but i can manage until then." he hoped. he hung up without another word, Tony would take care of it. he packed the few clothes that hadn't been shredded and went back outside, gathered her up into his arms and carried her through the streets, snarling at anyone who whispered in his sight. he slipped back into the ladies home, dumped the bag and settled her on the couch, holding her and murmuring gently to her while explaining to the matron in a tense, annoyed voice what had happened. he wasn't annoyed at them of course, but he couldn't stop it from leaching into his voice when speaking to anyone but Sabrina. he was able to keep his voice very soft and soothing for her.
Sabrina whimpered, shuddering a little as he stroked her hair, closing her eyes as she listened to tony shouting angrily on the other side of the phone, knowing he would take care of things. Swallowing hard as she was picked up, she rested her head against his chest, focusing on listening to him talk. Simply calming as he talked to her. Not even noticing as most of the girls stayed out of their way, simply letting matron take care of things, barely focusing when she heard tony's ringtone. "Hey. So, I got people looking into it, and Fury's got agents looking into what happening and cleaning up. Clint wants to know if you're okay to fly, or if you want him to fly out with the agents to get you guys back here?"Tony asked sounding anxious and upset himself, worried about them both.
he did everything he could to hold her together until they got back tot he Madam's house, trying everything he could to sooth hr, not about to mention that while her pain pills had been at Madams and therefor, safe, all f his, where gone. his daily, his in case of emergency, and even his depressive pills where gone. things where going to get very bad. "thanks Tony. your going to need to send someone." he admitted. "by tomorrow morning i'm going to be in a fit." he admitted. "i'll instruct Madam how to handle me if i'm too bad to function." he promised Tony. "and Natasha and Clint both know how to get me to cooperate." he admitted. i hate the idea of leaving though, the house needs work and one of the girls here is a Submissive." he admitted, stroking Sabrina's hair as he talked. "Sabrina is in bad shape, i'm not sure how to help her through this one. i don't know if i can before i start wigging out myself."
“Fit?”Sabrina frowned as she stirred, tilting her head back to look at the othre as he held her, frowning slightly. “Kay. Clint and Natasha are packing bags.”he said before frowning, waving a hand at Steve as the man watched him talk. “I can’t come myself, business stuff, but Steve’s suiting up to come himself as we speak.”he said already gesturing for steve to go join the other two getting ready to go. “steve can help the girl, and build things, and make sure the house is taken care of. You have to come home Johnny.”Tony said, and for a submissive, the tone sounded commanding, because he knew johnny, knew that he would settle faster with his own stuff around him, instead of another place. “morning, Johnny. Clint says they can make the trip in 9 hours, but I suspect that he’s going to be breaking some flying rules, and be ahead of that. Can you hold on till then?”
"hush, darling..." he murmured trying to sooth Sabrina, kissing her forehead before returning his attention to the phone. "thanks Tony. the girls will love Steve, he's so shy and awkward." he admitted, grinning when one of the girls starting muttering, very excited that Captain America was going to be visiting! none of them seamed to understand how serious this was, he couldn't really fault them for that. no one took OCD very seriously. it was pretty serious when Johnny pulled his nails off because they where uneven or plucked his eyebrows nonexistent for the same thing or cut his fingertips to the bone because he was pulling up flooring because the spaces weren't perfect or the color was off in one place. usually that only happened after several days without medication though, more like a week, still it was a serious problem. "i'm coming home, no worries." he promised. "at least until i get my meds built back up in my system." he admitted. "i have two hours before the fits start." he admitted. "but they shouldn't be too bad. i'll be struggling by the time i get home Tony but i should be okay so long as someone has my meds there." just two days of missed medication, would lead to a weak or more of issues for Johnny while the medicine built back up. still, it was the only chance they had because no Romanian doctor would just hand over medication without a doctors note, which Johnny didn't have.
Sabrina whined, but she was upset enough herself that the tone calmed and put her off from freaking out just yet. “I know. It’s adorable. He’ll be great.”Tony snickered. “Good. And for the first little bit, focus on Sab, it’ll help some if you’re taking care of her.”He reminded, knowing the worse johnny got, the worse sabrina’s freakout was going to be, because it upset her to not be able to help, and to not be able to fix something she was going to view as her fault, was going to be even worse. “They’ll be there soon. They’re leaving now.”Tony promised.

And indeed it was a little under 8 hours that Natasha knocked lightly on the home’s door, clint and steve hanging back to not crowd whoever answered the door, despite fidgeting and upset, clint was calm, prepared for whatever was waiting for them. “How bad?it’s been awhile since I’ve seen him off his meds, even for a few hours.”He muttered looking worried as he smiled as Tessa opened the door, greeting and gesturing them to come in.
Johnny soothed her again and then nodded. "i know, Steve is a sweatheart on his worst day." he agrees with a chuckle. "i will. don't worry so much Tony." he ordered, no matter that he was pretty worried about it too. "thanks again Tony.

Natasha and Steve both where extremely worried about Johnny. it was Natasha who knocked on the door and smiled at Tessa. "morning. we're here to extract Johnny storm. how is h..." she paused when Johnny's voice fluttered through the door. "no, no! don't step there! i just scrubbed there!" he complained, whining more than being annoyed. "oh dear..." he ha straightened everything, reorganized all of the furniture and had even perfectly stacked all of the plates, cups. even the coffee cups where organized by size with all the handles facing the exact same way when they walked into the kitchen. still, he hadn't gotten bad enough that he was tearing things up or hurting himself. "oh Johnny..."Steve sighed, walking into the room, Johnny looking at him. "Cap! come help me! the dirt won't wash out." "that's not dirt Johnny. it's a stain, it won't come out." "oh... well it'll come out." Johnny decided, resuming his scrubbing of the floor with a bucket of soapy water and a hand brush. this had kept him occupied for an hour and a half so far. they couldn't get him to stop and it seamed to keep him from loosing his shit over how the stairs to the upstairs didn't match so they left him to it. the girls where quite upset at seeing Johnny so... well, helpless. "Johnny, listen, Tony needs help organizing his lab." that got Johnny's attention immediately. "that place is a mess!" Johnny complained, Steve nodding. "he doesn't know your going to be helping him." that made Johnny grin, a vicious little look. "okay! let's go to Tony's lab! i love freaking him out." he admitted. "wait. where's Sabrina?" he demanded, looking around before looking at Tessa. "you'll make sure the stairs are fixed? and make sure the dirt is gone? and fix the light bulbs?" "easy Johnny, i'm staying here for a few days remember?" Steve reminded him. "i'll make sure everything is fixed to your standards." "oh. okay." Johnny agreed. "where's Sabrina?"
Clint winced at the sound of the other talking, swallowing hard as he stepped into teh room. “Hey johnny.”The man said leaning in from the door to look at the other but not walking in, from experience knowing that walking in there with his boots on would upset the other. “Stains don’t come out. That’s why they’re called stains.”Clint reminded him,teasing a little but glad that the other had focused on this. At least he wasn’t hurting himself. “It is a mess. Wires and iron man tech all over the place. He’s been making a mess while you weren’t there to help him clean up.”Clint said smirking a little, because he knew tony would let Johnny straighten out the lab, even if it made him nearly hyperventilate to watch his stuff be moved around. Because tony stark was one of the few people who worked better in the utter chaos of his lab, he knew where everything was, if everything was cleaned and straightened, it freaked him out so much. So so much because he couldn’t find anything. “We’ll make sure everything’s fixed. We have captain america to help us. We’ll put his muscles to good work.”Tessa said laughing a little, looking at the huge super soldier, before smiling a little. “She’s taking a nap remember?Why don’t you go wake her up, and I’ll get the rest of your stuff ready to go?”The woman said, sabrina having gone upstairs to hide out after getting yelled at for trying to help, and not doing it right. So she’d laid down to try and not get in his way. “Sabrina!Time to go.”Clint yelled up the stairs, smiling slightly when the sleepy looking romanian appeared.
Johnny narrowed his eyes at Clint and then looked down at his feet before nodding, Clint wasn't in the house with his filthy shoes. good. "hey Clint." he stated, rather dismissive of the archer since he wasn't causing problems. "yeah. gotta help Tony." he agreed, twitching a little at the idea of Tony's lab. "yeah. okay Tessa." he agreed, nodding, looking at Steve. "you promise?" "i promise." "swear it!" "i, Steve Rogers, do swear." Steve promised, using the boy scout salute. Johnny was satisfied with that. "oh. yes." he agreed, he did remember that. it wasn't that Johnny had yelled, he'd just gotten very aggravated and frustrated and upset because people where doing it wrong and not the right way. "okay! i'll go get her!" he decided, heading for her room before scowling at Clint when he yelled like a heathen. "Sabrina! Sabrina! look! Steve's here! he's going to fix the house perfect!" he informed her. "we're going to go to Tony's lab! it's a mess, horrible, frightful!" he admitted, nodding.; "i'm going to clean it!"
“Promise.”Tessa agreed smiling a little, looking amused at steve’s salute. Clint shrugged a little as the other looked at him. “Hm?”Sabrina smiled sleepily before perking up as she realized what they were talking about, smiling as she rushed down the steps. Oh good. Now they could go, and she could help johnny feel better. Needing to help, knowing he hadn’t really yelled or was upset with her, it was just his current status upset her and made her even more twitchy and upset. “Good. He’ll fix it perfectly.”She said smiling as she looped a arm through johnny’s, smiling a little as clint and natasha grabbed their bags. “let’s go then.”She smiled as she said goodbye to everyone, eager and desperate to help johnny. Needing to help him.

Across the street, James paused on the steps of the house he’d been renting, amused that he’d managed to choose the one house that had a sorta connection to the very people he’d been trying to avoid. Even if he was trying to, it seemed he was incapable of avoiding the avengers. Rolling the pill bottle in his hand he started down the stairs before paling when he saw who else was there. So freaked out for the moment, that he couldn’t even consider crossing the street to return the medicine, the sight of steve rogers messed with him that badly. Whining quietly as he melted back into the shadows of the house, working on getting the courage to cross the street. In fact, waiting so long to decide, that they left before he could. Cursing himself he growled as he set about making plans to follow them. Home. It looked like he was going home.
Steve chuckled a little when Johnny accepted that an offered Tessa a smile. "you ladies did a very good job taking care of him, thank you." it had been one of the other girls who had painted Johnny to the stain in the hopes that he'd stop throwing away the dishes that had chips in them. it was all well and good that they would get new ones but they still needed something to eat off of until they did! "okay!" Johnny agreed, beaming at Sabrina. "you know. your face is perfectly symmetrical." he informed her. high praise from Johnny indeed considering his state of mind at the moment. it was like he'd just told her she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. he paused for a moment to blink at the house across the street. "that house is crooked." he informed her. "we should have someone fix it. remind me to tell Steve to fix it." he decided before letting them drag him away and into the jet where Natasha gave him a good dose of narcotics which would keep him asleep until they got home. better for Johnny that way, on a nine hour trip with nothing to do he'd no doubt start picking at himself.
Sabrina’s eyes widened at that praise. “Thank you Johnny.”She said blushing as she nodded. “We’ll tell Steve, promise.”She said smiling a little.

The next day Sabrina smiled as they got to the tower, gently stroking Johnny’s hair a little as he started to wake up, “Hey. How you feeling?”She smiled at him, watching him. Because he’d just started waking from the drugs, so she was nervous on how he was going to handle being back at the tower. It was going to be interesting until his medicine kicked in. Sitting on the edge of the bed she held out the pill bottle and glass of water Sue had brought. “Sue brought your medicine. And if you’re feeling up to it, Tony said you can head down to the lab when you’re awake.”
Johnny blinked slowly, confused and disoriented. part of him knew he'd been drugged to sleep, he also knew that was normal when things like this happened. he wasn't able to think clearly enough to know that just yet though so it took him several long minutes to figure out where he was. "home." he decided before blinking at Sabrina. "hi. Lab!" he perked right up and struggled out of bed on wobbly legs. he didn't even seam to notice the pills in her hand. that was how he was different from other OCD patients. most OCD patients went off their meds because they felt better, but would take them again when prompted. he, on the other hand always took them without fail unless things like this happened. and then it was a big struggle to get him to take them again until he started thinking straight. Tony would, no doubt, slip a pill into Johnny when he gave the other a snack or something if Sabrina couldn't get him to take it.
“Home, indeed.”Sabrina smiled at him before laughing softly. “Yes, the lab. In all it’s horrible horrible mess.”She said wincing a little as she watched him wobble, shifting to slide a arm around his waist, walking with him, though she wasn’t big enough to really catch him if he went over, she could at least brace him some. While she was definitely as tall as him, she didn’t weigh nearly enough to keep them both from crashing to the floor if he fell. “Hey Johnny.”Tony grinned a little as he saw the two walking into the lab, wincing a little as he realized Sabrina was trying to coax him into taking his meds. Which meant he hadn’t had any yet. Smiling slightly as he held out a plate of snacks, holding out a plate for the pills. “Eat first Johnny, then you can organize.”Tony ordered, sounding surprisingly in charge as he took the pills for sabrina and shoved the right dose into the apple pieces. “eat.”he ordered.
Johnny nodded. "yes. have to clean the lab." he mumbled, offering her a happy smile when she stabilized him. he could walk on his ow just fine, he just couldn't go in a straight line. "hi Tony! i'm going to clean your lab. Steve said." Johnny admitted, looking around at all the chaos and started twitching. "don't wanna." he growled, already picking at a table whose leg was a bit shorter than the others, making it wobbly. still, he did gobble down the apples when Tony insisted again ad set to cleaning and organizing. he made a very impressive dent in four hours when they stopped to give him another pill, hidden inside of a doughnut this time. as these where the 'in case of emergency pills' they where to be taken every four hours until the OCD effects started to diminish, and then every six hours. this was on top of his normal every evening pill. it would build up the drug much faster in his system in a more safe way according to Johnny's doctor, who Bruce was communicating with every few hours to give an update on Johnny's recovery. Johnny was doing a lot better already, he was still organizing and cleaning, but he hadn't broken the table in the corner for having a wobble to it like he had the first one. by the time Dinner rolled around he had given up on the lab and willingly took his pill. thank god. eh still organized all of the dishes, making all of the coffee cups face the same direction even, but he didn't throw away the chipped china either, so he was improving. slowly but surely. he refused to go to bed though, too focused on organizing the library, so that was where they found him in the morning, curled up in the middle of the room fast asleep with all the books sorted by size and color.
Sabrina looked amused as she looked down at the sight of the man sleeping on the floor, looking sleepy herself as she crouched down at his side, ready to move away in case he woke up swinging, but crouching down to wake him up gently. Shaking his shoulder slightly, she smiled. “Johnny. Wake up sweetheart. You can’t sleep here.”She said looking a little ragged around the edges .while she was doing better then she had in romania, the wear and tear of watching johnny like this had been hard on a woman who needed to look after him, and the poor submissive truly needed a break, but not nowing that, or what she needed, made her simply keep pushing forward. Soon enough she’d hit a wall, but for the moment, she was okay.

Meanwhile, Tony paused as Jarvis drew his attention from the tech he was working on, pausing as he looked up at the screen before paling, already texting as he headed for the door waiting for her for a moment before stepping into the lobby, staring at the sight in front of him. While he looked better together then they had seen him, definitely more James Barnes then Winter Soldier, the man that met them was nearly as upset and anxious as the firestarter upstairs was. “Medicine. I have stuff. Need to return it. Got it.”James focused on them, nearly barrelling into black widow and iron man in his eagerness to give them the medicine that he needed to give back. "What?"Tony paused looking utterly lost as he took the medicine bottles being shoved into his hands
Johnny snorted and blinked at her a little. "don't wanna." he protested, even though he wasn't sure what she wanted. probably food. everyone kept giving him food. it made him a bit suspicious. maybe they where trying to make him fat? they where all jealous of his amazing good looks, that's what it was! yes. "will you sleep with me?" he asked hopefully once he'd gotten to his feet. "i have dreams. bad, bad dreams where nothing is lined up and there's garbage all over everything." he admitted with a shudder. he was starting to become aware enough that he knew she needed some help too. he couldn't do much, but hope that some snuggling would help her.

Natasha blinked and then twitched, startled. "those are Johnny's meds!" she muttered, looking at James. "i know better than to think you took them." she admitted. "do you know who did? are they still alive?" she asked him, determined to hut the asshole who had done this to Sabrina down. no one fucked with her girlfriends! no one! "relax James. just relax a little bit. Johnny has backup meds that he's already taking." Natasha finally tried to sooth the winter soldier. "do you want to come inside?"
"You don't want to go to bed?it'll be more comfortable."she said watching him. As bad as it was to see him like this, it was also adorable to see him so sleepy and cute. Gently stroking his hair she smiled. Even if she was nervous, she usually didn't sleep with people, she told herself they'd slept together before and that he needed her, not realizing it was her need to be with him to."I will. I'll keep the bad dreams away."she said smiling as she got him to his feet and headed for his room.

James' eyes went wide, anxious at her words."yes. And Dalca's. She was upset, had to get them back for her."he muttered showing that he had a generic bottle of pregnancy safe painkillers, because he had no been able to find sabrina's. He'd assumed they'd sold the drugs, instead of just not taking them. Looking relieved to know that they knew he hadn't taken them before his features clouded over."I don't know. I killed them, and they were screaming about someone being upset with the girl, but...."he shrugged struggling to piece the story together. Because he knew more, but the winter soldier had broken down, and there wasn't enough james there yet to make truly good sense yet. "Yes come in.please."tony said gently touching his arm even as his eyes glazed over as he considered the metal arm, smiling as james followed them up stairs even if he still looked anxious and upset about it.
he blinked at her for a moment and then nodded. "yeah. bed." he agreed. of course, he'd have to make it before he climbed in, making sure there where no wrinkles or bulges or anything. "thanks." he sighed, sounding very relieved even as he set about making sure the bed was perfect before crawling into it and going back to sleep.

"oh James. Sabrina's pills where never missing. she keeps them on her." she informed him, looking worried. "don't worry. she's fine." she promised, wondering if they shouldn't call Cap? "...well damn." Natasha sighed. "that's alright, i'm sure we'll be able to figure out who arranged it." she promised James. "we just have to learn the men's identities, the police will do that for us of course." she admitted with a smile. "come sit down, make yourself comfortable. do you need anything? shower? haircut? food?" she asked, worried about him. how in the world had he even followed them? if he'd been in Romania....
Sabrina smiled watching him make the bed, before easing down into it with him, shifting to get comfortable with a quiet sigh. Simply relaxing. Enjoying his peaceful company as she went to sleep.

James frowned at that, looking upset. “Oh. Good.”James muttered as Tony still took the pills he was holding. “But we’ll take them. She’d be able to use them.”He promised before glancing at Natasha as he eased out of the room, holding up his phone, knowing she’d figure out he was going to go call Steve. “...I tried. They didn’t, Or I couldn’t understand them well enough to know.”James muttered hanging his head a little, biting his lip. “They’re in romania. Left them in the warehouse I found them in.”He muttered, knowing she’d take care of that, because she always had. He dealt with the violent side of things, Natasha had always usually been his partner, better at cleaning up after him when he messed up, rare as it was. Letting her get him sitting she frowned thinking about it, as his stomach growled, even if he’d been ignoring it. Ignoring the questions, before focusing on her again. “...Didn’t mean to follow them.”he muttered twitchy a little, upset because he knew she had to be wondering if he was still working for hydra. “Didn’t go looking for them. They found me. Kinda. I mean. They came to the house!”He said sounding upset. Because he had really thought they’d come for him, until he realized they hadn’t known he was even in the country. “...Apparently staying in the backwards country, across from a woman’s shelter, is still no way to stay away from avengers...”he muttered.
Natasha smiled at him. "it must be hard." she admitted. "do you want me to call him for you? will you stay if he comes?" she asked him. "or do you need a few days?" she wondered, her head tilted. "that's okay James. i'll have all the information we need once i go clean up." she promised with a small smile. it was nice to see him again, you know, now that she remembered who he was. "of course you didn't mean to follow them." she scoffed, rolling her eyes and glaring at Clint when he opened his mouth to say something. "wait... we came to your house?" she asked before gaping at him. "we walked past you at least three times and i didn't notice?! son of a bitch! i'm going soft..." she grumbled, making plans to set up some training for herself. "why stay away?" she asked, looking worried. "why avoid us so much?" she asked, hesitating before reaching out and stroking his hair. "stay with us? for a while at least?" she asked, smiling at him. "Clint? will you have Jarvis order food?" she knew Jarvis wouldn't speak out loud. when she'd first lived in Avengers Tower, Jarvis had sent her into more than one panic attack. she didn't want James having one, no way. that would be very bad.
“Steve?You need to come home. I have a present for you.”Tony muttered, pausing only long enough to hear that it was okay for steve to come home. He didn’t need james bolting after all this time.

“ It’s okay.”James said, even if he looked nervous at the idea, if this showed him anything, he knew it was hopeless to try to avoid them all. This showed he’d have to just deal with whatever punishment Steve wanted to give him. Relaxing a little at natasha’s promise he nodded. “You always were good at cleaning up after me.”he muttered before glancing at clint, tilting his head as the archer simply watched them instead of saying anything. “...Well. Sorta. You walked by. And they nearly walked into me getting dinner. Scared the crap outta me...though it was easy to avoid her after hair sorta made it easy to see her coming...”He muttered looking amused, reaching out before he could stop herself, a trailed a hand over her side. “You always were soft and curvy.”He teased, more james then soldier, before jerking his hand back before she could respond. It was a good thing to see, that despite the brokeness, and utter loss on how to deal with things, he was slowly starting to piece himself back together again, even if he was still a little freaked out. Sighing softly as he leaned his head into her hand."...Not myself. Not Bucky....or James....or Soldier anymore...needed time to...."He shrugged a little, not sure how to explain “...Okay. For a bit.”He muttered. “Yea. I’ll be back in a bit. Better order enough for everyone. Hopefully Johnny and Sabrina’ll be up by then.”Clint said as he left the room to get Jarvis to get food, knowing the AI would already be ordering something.
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