
h smiled at her. "that's true." he agreed with a chuckle. "i'm not nearly as bad as he is about it though. i can survive without it if i have to." he admitted with a grin before shaking his head a little. "i shouldn't make you cook, but i already made everything i know how to make." he admitted. "so i guess your stuck." he admitted, taking his time in the shower to make sure he was perfectly shaved and clean, humming as he headed down, dressed in fancy, but not overwhelming rich clothes. he looked like a businessman that was out for a relaxed dinner rather than a rich snob. which was good, he hated dressing like a rich snob. "perfect." he sighed, drinking a long swallow of coffee, offering her a smile. "your perfect." he admitted.
“Well, we can’t be having soup for breakfast. Don’t worry, I’ll make food.”She smiled looking amused, because while she’d taken a pain pill to handle the dull ache in her arm, it wasn’t to bad really. Looking amused when he walked in, she smiled slightly as she saw how he was dressed. Good. Nice but not to nice. “You look good. Relaxed.”She smiled her dressy black jeans and nice black t-shirt, she really looked good, a good compliment for his own clothes. “I am definitely not perfect.”She said flushing bright red as she set their plates in front of them, smiling slightly as she started to eat.
he smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "thanks very much." he said softly before heading off to get clean. "i am relaxed." he admitted. "this is how i usually dress unless i'm hanging out with Tony and know i'm more than likely going to get dirty or going to a meeting or something." he admitted. "your perfect enough." he admitted with a smile, gulping down his breakfast and savored his coffee before hopping to his feet and did the dishes before grabbing the suitcase full of money and grinned at her. "so! ready to go?" he asked with a grin.
“Hm, you look good.”She said smiling a little, blushing slightly, ducking her head a little at his praise. Not believing him, but a little embarassed at the idea of being perfect. Looking amused as she followed him towards the door she nodded. “Yea, let’s go.”She said smiling as she headed out, smiling as she walked with him the few blocks over to the shelter, looking up at the house for a moment as memories hit her like a sucker punch. The two story house looked simply like a cute little B&B, except for the small sign on the porch railing that said ‘Dalca shelter house’ “Come on then.”She smiled bracing herself as she headed up the stairs, smiling as they stepped inside. “Sabrina!Welcome, welcome.”the matronly woman moved towards them, her grey hair pulled back into a braid as she fussed over the romanian woman, before looking at johnny.”You must be NMr. Storm, welcome.”
he smiled at her. "thank you." he said, running a hand through his hair. he'd styled it a little bit like Steve's. not exactly, but close enough that he looked like an almost carbon copy. he thought it might make him look a little less like a miscreant or a greedy asshole. "it's cute." he admitted with a grin before frowning. "the steps need some repairs and the light is out..." he mumbled. "i'll fix that before we leave." he decided. "i should see about getting the house a good paint job too." he admitted, writing down a list of 'let's fix this now while i have the chance to see it is being done'. Johnny smiled, hanging back while Sabrina was being fussed over before moving in and shaking the matrons hand. "yes, i'm Johnny, just Johnny please." he admitted to her with a smile. "it's a lovely building. i'll see what i can do about getting everything fixed that i can while i'm here. i'd like the poor girls who make their home here to be as comfortable as possible." he admitted. "Professor Xavier said you where doing a wonderful job here, i'm glad to see how friendly you are in person." he admitted with a smile. "you should be proud, it's hard to impress the professor." he admitted happily. "here. this is for you and the girls." he admitted, handing the matron the suitcase.
“It is. More comfortable then if it had been a mansion or something.”she shrugged a little before looking up at the light, looking amused at him. “Planning on painting yourself?”She teased looking amused as they stepped inside. “I’m Penelope Darling. Thank you, we try our best.”The woman smiled a little blushing slightly before smiling. “The good professor is to kind truly.”She said smiling as she took the bag, glancing inside as her eyes widened. “Sabrina, whatever-” “We figured that you deserved this right now, until we can get the rest of the donations sorted out. It’ll be soon enough. For now though, you’ll have enough to not go bankrupt.”Sabrina smiled at the woman, looking amused as she heard the others in the living room. “How many are staying right now?” “Just three.”penelope smiled a little as she escorted them into the living room, looking at the woman in the room with a small smile, the three all near and around Sabrina’s age giggling over the paper before looking up at the two walking in. “Hello, ladies.”Sabrina smiled.
he nodded. "it is a very comfortable looking place. and yes i was. why pay some dickshit to do it when they'll do it badly?" he asked with a chuckle before smiling at her. "it's a pleasure to meet you madam Darling." he admitted. "the Professor is very honest." he corrected with a smile. "oh, yes. you wouldn't know would you?" he asked, looking at her. "about ninety eight percent of the donated money you are supposed to receive, never gets here. three people in the united states have currently been busted for 'shaving' off the money and there's someone here in Romania stealing from the donations as well. we're attempting to work with your government to find out who." he admitted. "oooh! is Steve in the paper again?" he asked, grinning at the giggling girls. "or is it Bruce?" he asked, not getting too close since one of the girls looked close to a panic attack at a man being so near.
“Huh. Well. It’ll be a sight to see you painting.”She teased looking amused at the idea. “The pleasure’s all mine.”She said smiling, not protesting his words about the professor, before shaking her head. “I don’t.”She said eyes widening as she realized what was going on, looking at Sabrina startled. “It’s true. HE’s working to fix it even now, soon, you’ll have enough to do everything you want or need to do.”Sabrina reassured the woman. “S-steve.”The panicked woman looked up, startled, pausing. Wondering maybe they were wrong?Maybe it was this man? “This is Johnny Storm ladies.”Sabrina smiled at them, before moving over to look at the paper as one of the others held it out to her, before huffing. “Oh damn. And yes, it’s steve. Though I doubt he’s going to be happy about it.”She said swallowing thickly, hiding her own reaction to the paper as she looked at johnny, showing him the article about her and steve going to the fertility clinic together. “Tony’s not going to be happy about this. He’d hoped no one would find out for awhile.”
"well. Tony's working on it." Johnny admitted, he was as modest as Bruce and Tony was sometimes. he never liked to be acknowledged for things he'd done that was for other people. "we'll have this fixed." he promised the Matron with a smile. "we won't let the girls suffer." he promised before blinking at the woman, his head tilted. "Miss? are you okay?" he asked, worried about her. "just Johnny. please." he urged them with a smile. "...well it's not so bad." he admitted. "we'll just claim it was me and i'll take the heat for it. i'll say i was donating sperm and you went with me for moral support or something. the ladies won't tell right?" he asked, giving them a friendly smile, tossing a text to Tony, waring him that he and Steve weren't going to like the paper this morning. no matter that it was only like, six in the morning, or something, over there. "in any case, no one can really be sure though that won't stop them from flapping jaws and wagging tongues." he admitted with a grimace. "are we going to need to hire a publicist for you?" he asked, trying to make a joke to calm her down.
The girl looked up at him, eyes wide but calming a little as she realized he wasn’t upset or as scary as she’d thought he’d be. Smiling slightly she looked at that paper, looking curious. “Of course we wont tell.”She said with a little giggle. “Well, you know, we are married. We could totally have the papers going for awhile, thinking we’re pregnant.”Sabrina pointed out looking amused at the idea, even if it freaked her out still, to even pretend to be married again. “He’s going to kill you for texting him. It’s before noon.”She teased. “What?You think anyone could do better publicity then me?”sabrina huffed, looking upset, but a little calmer. Flustered though trying not to show it. “So. How about getting them to help you paint?” “Paint?Paint what?”one of the girls looked up at them, curious. “He wants to paint the outside of the house. He wants to pretend to be a handyman.”Sabrina snorted looking amused.
he smiled at her. "of course you won't! because Sabrina is scary you know." he pointed out. "i have nightmares!" he tossed her a wink, showing them all he was just joking to make the girls relax a little. "pregnant?!" he yelped, looking horrified. "my poor figure." he whined, examining his slender body. "i don't have the hips for labor. or the constitution... or the right parts. it just won't do!" he wailed playfully. "he won't kill me. because it's before..." he paused. "three in the morning there." he admitted with a smirk. "if we're six hours ahead of them." he admitted with a snigger. "besides, if he wants to kill me he has to come here and then all the lovely ladies can distract him by crying. he's a sucker for crying girls." he admitted with a grin. "of course, they'll only b pretending to cry, us men can't really tell the difference between fake tears or real ones so we treat all tears like it's the end of the world." he admitted. "well, decent ones anyway." he admitted before sulking at her. "i don't pretend! i am perfectly capable of painting! so what if i end up with more paint on me then the house does?" he asked, pouting at her.
"She looks very scary. I'm tessa."the girl said smiling calming at his teasing as she looked at the two, eyes wide at his words. Sabrina rolled her eyes as she looked him over."you are so dramatic. No wonder it's taken this long for anyone to agree to date you."she said even if they were just pretending, she was sorta enjoying being his girlfriend."...true. we are 6 hours ahead. Hes probably still awake."sabrina snickered amused as johnnys phone buzzed with a reply from tony telling him they'd already been told about it. "He does freak out at crying girls. It's so amusing. He nearly has a heart attack trying to fix whatever wrong."sabrina snorted looking amused as all the girls settled in to talk and relax. "You're supposed to be painting the house not yourself."shesaid rolling her eyes a little.
he smiled at her. "Johnny, it's a pleasure to meet you." he admitted, shaking her hand because he knew it was rare for a woman around here to be treated like an equal. "i am dramatic! it's fun." he admitted with a grin. "he is still awake. he'll go to sleep in another hour... typically anyway." he admitted. "although with the news he probably won't sleep at all, he frets you know." he admitted before smiling a little. "it's hilarious." he agreed. "Tony freaks out fairly easily about pretty much anything though." he admitted with a chuckle. "but it's more fun to paint myself." he admitted with a chuckle and a grin, settling into a chair to watch the ladies chattering, glancing at his watch a while later. "huh! it's lunchtime! how about i order you lot something nice?" he offered with a grin. "my treat.... wait, does Romania have fast food delivery?" he asked, frowning. "the few places i've visited did, but those where really big cities. this isn't a big city is it?" he should have read the damn folder faster. he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
Tessa smiled shaking his hand."hello."she smiled. Because indeed it was so rare to be treated as a equal by a man."he does fret. I'll email him and remind him I'm his publicist for a reason and I'll take care of it."she said smiling before nodding.he does." "Truly?" "Oh yea. As calm as he is in the suit, get him to be just tony, and he frets and freaks out.its adorable."Sabrina said looking at the women in amusement who all looked so amazed that the calm and collected tony stark was just as a mess as they were. Which is why she'd told them. Grinning at johnnys question she smirked a little."we might not be as big as NYC, but we have fast food. It is the captial. We'll just have to go pick it up." Penelope smiled tilting her head."Sabrina feel free to take the car. You can show johnny a bit of the city while you go."
"yeah we better." he agreed. "he'll fret himself sick if we don't remind him that we have people to help us with this." he admitted before grinning a little. "yeah, Tony has a bit of a..." here he paused and then tapped his own head. "mentality. can't say i'm much better but i have medication for that." he admitted with a grin. "this is the Capitol?" he asked, blinking a little. "huh... i really needed to have gotten some research done." he admitted with a sigh before blinking. "oh, we won't be that long i don't think." he admitted. "i wouldn't want to put you out of a vehicle you might need." he fretted, worried about taking advantage before deferring to Sabrina, letting her decide what to do. "you girls decide what restaurant and what you want while i check and make sure i can use my bank card in this country." he was pretty sure he could, but who knew what kind of currency they had here? he just sent a text to Jarvis and let the A.I sort it out. he freaking loved Jarvis.
“Yes it is. It’s the biggest city in the country actually, even if it could fit on staten island.”Sabrina looked amused. “Oh, don’t worry. We do not drive alot, and you’d be back soon.”Penelope promised. Sabrina bit her lip tilting her head, glancing at the girls. “What do you want to eat?That’ll decide it.”Seh said smiling slightly. “Santani’s.” “Okay. That’s downtown. It’ll be a short trip, and he’ll see the city.”Sabrina smiled compromising, looking amused as they headed out. Climbing into the car as she backed out, heading for the restaurant with a list of what everyone wanted. “Welcome to downtown. Oldest part of the city. And where I got married.”She wrinkled her nose a little at the memory as they headed into old resturant that had the glass top, a melding of new and old.
he smiled a little. "must make it easy to wander at least. get lost? no worries! just follow a path and you'll find our way eventually! can't do that in new york. just ask Steve!" poor Steve had been in a constant state of 'where the hell am i?' for years after he'd first woken up. by the time he'd gotten his bearings in D.C. he'd moved to New York again and had all the same problems. solved only because he started taking Jarvis with him everywhere. "Santini's? why does that sound so familiar?" there was a Santini's in New York that Phil and Steve often went to. it was a Deli in new york, who knew what it was in Romania. "thanks for letting us borrow the car! we'll have it back in perfect shape i promise!" he called, sliding into the car before blinking at her. "you know. i always manage to forget you where married." he admitted sheepishly. "oh wow!" he muttered, stepping out of the car and looking around, ever noticing a face that he should have recognized. "wow! this place is kind of amazing! it reminds me a bit of Brooklyn." he admitted.
“Pretty much. And I know, poor steve gets so lost sometime.”Sabrina snickered a little looking amused. “Cause the one in new york, is this one’s father. The daughter moved her with her husband, and made a similar deli and small romanian resturant.”She smiled at him as she made a face. “I know. I do sometimes to. I mean, I was barely older then a teen.”She said shrugging a little, sighing quietly, looking amused as she watched him. So focused on him that she didn’t even see James Barnes walking out of Santini’s, pausing to watch them for a moment before heading home. Calm and collected as the Soldier headed for home, careful not to draw attention, even if he had every intention of finding out what they were doing here. “It’s mostly built about the same time as Brooklyn. While the older buildings, downtown is older, medieval really, the rest of the city is newer, rebuilt when WW2 ended.”She offered a small smile as she headed inside, ordering the odd mix of deli sweets and romanian desserts, waving a hand towards the menu. “It’s in english to so you can get whatever you want.”
he nodded. "i even get lost sometimes. but i can just fly back home when that happens." he admitted with a chuckle before blinking a little. "that's epic!" he admitted. "i'll have to go there now. i'm pretty sure all the food in Santini's in new York is American, but i can look." he admitted with a grin before nodding. "that's really kind of cool." he admitted before examining the menu. "i'll take a... Ciorbă de legume..." he mangled the pronunciation but he did much better than most American's managed despite that. "and Mititei." he decided happily. why be in Romania and not eat the real Romanian food? "and i'll have... Amandine for dessert." he decided, that one looked the best. he was very glad all of the food came with basic descriptions. he supposed, being in the capital, they got a lot of English speaking tourists.
“I think it is. Tony eats there alot when he’s in a mood.”Sabrina smiled a little looking amused at his pronunciation. “Very good. Maybe I should start teaching you romanian.”She said looking amused as she gathered the food, smiling as they headed back to the house. “We’ll have to stop and get paint to. Later. So you can paint the house.”She said looking amused as they got back to the house, grinning amused as the girls gathered and started eating. Simply settling at johnny’s side, simply relaxed, for once, not overthinking things or thinking about anything really. Simply enjoying the company.
he beamed at her. "i would love that!" he admitted happily. growing up multilingual made learning more languages much, much easier. it would take him a year, maybe three at the most to learn Romanian. "yes we will!" he agree. "there are all kinds of problems in the house that i'm going to start hiring people to fix while i'm there. i'm going to be there because i don't want some punk asshole taking advantage just because they're girls." he admitted, before grinning as he passed out the food and tucked into his vegetable soup and chunks of meat. he happily ate everything the girls offered him to try too, though he didn't care much for any of the sour soup.
Tessa smiled as she watched the two, tilting her head as she considered the woman curled up on the couch next to johnny, looking moments from letting her head fall onto his shoulder. “johnny?”Sabrina muttered listening to him gossip and talk with the girl, “We probably should get going.”She said, yawning as she stretched. Running her hand through her hair, looking utterly content to simply being curled up with him on the couch, almost looking to sleepy to even walk back to the house. Which, would embarass her later, but for the moment, she was simply glad to be with him, someone she trusted. Which was a rare thing for her.
Johnny was smiling as he read a book aloud to the young ladies, very much glad to have Sabrina curled up next to him. it was one of his favorite stories, The Princess Bride. "hmm?" he asked her before chuckling. "your exhausted." he admitted, watching her. "will you even be able to make it back to your house? we should see if Matron might have a spare bed for you to sleep in while i check in wit Tony." he admitted, kissing her forehead. "i'll just make a quick dash to get my meds and call Tony to see whats what." he promised her. "and then i'll be right back, fast as a rabbit." he promised, smiling at her before looking up at the Matron. "would that be okay? her staying the night? i'll sleep on the couch, it's only proper in a house for women." he admitted.
Sabrina whined a little, blinking up at him sleepily. Closing her eyes for a moment as she leaned into him, smiling a little. “I can make it back.”She muttered. “No you can’t. You’re exhausted. Come, sabrina. Bed.”The matron smiled as she helped the blue haired woman up, glancing at Johnny with a smile. “That’s fine. Go, we’ll take care of her.”She promised shooing the other out the door as the girls helped sabrina upstairs.
he chuckled a little. "your adorable on purpose." he whined playfully, smiling at her, feeling his heart clench because he knew once they went back to the states she'd go back to not wanting to date him. "thank you for taking care of her. she gets herself entirely too worked up. if she has bad dreams come and get me will you?" he asked hopefully. "i'll be back in an hour." he promised the Matron. "is there anything you want me to pick up while i'm out? i left my toothbrush so i need to stop at a store." he admitted. once he had the answer he headed off, unaware of the man following him. the man wasn't anyone important, just a thug who fucked with people, hired by someone who had the money to hire such men. he headed into Sabrina's house, showered, snagged his pajamas and a change of clothes, took his pill, grabbed her painkillers and headed out to a store to pick up what was needed. he had no idea that when he returned to take his meds again tomorrow, or sooner, whenever they stopped by next, the house had been trashed and everything valuable, including his meds had been stolen.
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