
he nodded. "it's broken." he reminded her. "if the pain gets too much i have painkillers that Bruce gave me that are safe for you and the baby." he admitted. "i'm more betting that Bruce and Steve will convince him to stay." he admitted with a chuckle. "i know! that's hilarious! people have nodded and agreed while Steve says the most amazing things about how he learned electricity is a liquid and stuff. people just nod and marvel at his amazing intelligence. and i'm not sure if it's because they honesty believe him, or because they thing he's been taken for an idiot and no one wants to explain that he's wrong." he admitted with a snigger. "...oh your poor naive Little thing." he sighed, closing his eyes and wondering how to go about this before he finally shook his head and stood up. "wait here. i need to go get you something." he'd do it the same way he always did when he saw a dropping sub in the streets who didn't know what was going on. there was a little book he'd written about what Subspace was, why it happened, the chemical and scientific reasons and how they could self manage if they didn't want to find a Dom. there where also sections explaining BDSM and how you did not have to be a part of the BDSM community or lifestyle to be a submissive. it was an all around perfect book to give to someone who didn't have a clue, written by Storm. no last name, just Storm. him, but he didn't want the whole world to know after all. "here. read this. if you have questions i'll be right here. okay?"

"we'll have to." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head, smiling at Tony and stroking his hair, indicating that he was being a very good boy. "....if!? if i accept!? of course i'm going to accept! i've been trying to join the Stark Industries Internship program since i was thirteen!" " that's ambitious." "....only a little..." Peter mumbled, flushing a little before shaking his head. "i'm sure he can't be any worse than dealing with the ADHD kids i tutor." he admitted before shaking his head. "too bad this is all a dream." he grumbled, settling into bed. "it's a great dream. i don't want to wake up." and with that he was asleep again, exhausted from the battle and his injuries. "well that was fun."
"Okay. It's not so bad at the moment."she smiled before laughing a little."probably. If anything, tony like scare him away even if he wants him to stay."she said amused before snickering."it is quite amazing what he can get people to agree to. And probably think he's a idiot who got hit to many times in the head."she said.sputtering a little at his words."what?I am not."he's he said looking utterly confused as he handed her the book."okay."she said looking it over going quiet as she read before shutting it after a bit."so. How many people know your storm?"she said looking interested, which was such a rejection of what he was trying to show her, you knew she was digging her heels in about accepting.

Tony smiled leaning into his hand, nearly purring at the conact."very ambitious. Good you'll need to be if you're going to keep up with us."tony grinned."I wouldn't be so sure. But it'll be fun watching you discover how it is."Bruce grinned looking amused before nodding."it was. And leave him alone tony, he needs rest."he said the genius having been moments away from poking the sleeping teen
he nodded a little. "just remember that i have them if you need them." he assured her before chuckling a little. "from what i've been able to understand, Tony and Bruce are this kids idols." he admitted. "Jarvis said that Peter Parker, spiderman, has every single paper either man has ever published stored on his computer." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's wonderful really." he admitted with a smile before he gave her a roll of his eyes. she was so, SO naive. "around ninety people." Johnny admitted, leaning back in his chair. "this is what i do for a living you know." he admitted, indicating the book. "i help people, like you, who don't know they are submissive, or help people who need help with their relationships." he admitted. "this is what i do, every day, every week, every month and every year. this is my life." he admitted. "this is what has Sue's knickers up in a twist. i go to people's houses, i help them in the streets, i do what i can to help people understand who they are, how to have safe, sane, consensual BDSM sex and lifestyle choices." he admitted, staring at her. "i've met dozens of people, just like you, who don't want to admit what they really are because they think it is a weakness, or because they think it is disgusting. people just like you who are afraid, or simply in denial. never realizing that there are hundreds of millions of people just in this state alone who are just like you." he admitted. "why don't you read the whole book and you can talk to me about it later." he suggested. "i think i need to go rescue Sue, she's been gone for a few hours now."

Steve smiled and Peter blinked and then shrugged. "i'm sure i'll be okay. i think. maybe. i'm sure i'll get used to it." he decided with a smile before slipping off to sleep, Steve chuckling at Tony. "come on Tony. you can help me make some more french toast hows that sound?" he offered the man. Tony was all but useless in the kitchen but he loved to help anyway and Steve had mostly managed to curtail most of Tony's more destructive kitchen habits.
Sabrina nodded, smiling a little. Relaxing a little at the knowledge that he was looking after her before snorting. “Oh god, Tony’s going to be impossible to talk to. His ego, is going to explode.”She giggled a little even if she knew it’d be good for tony to have people who liked him. “Huh. Well. That does explain why Sue freaked out.”She said frowning a little, looking thoughtful and a little stubborn, the poor romanian woman having no idea what to think. “We just meant. You can’t know whatever you think it is you know. I mean, it’s been a extraordinary few hours.”She said frowning slightly, before sighing. “Okay. I’ll read and rest. Go ahead and rescue sue.”She said smiling, watching him go.

“Awesome. I’ll get the french toast right this time.”Tony said looking determined as he followed the other upstairs, starting to gather what they need before looking at johnny as the man walked through. “Stop. Come back. French toast is being made. And you can tell us whatever’s got you upset.”he said watching the other.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "he really is going to be impossible, but... well, if it makes him happy." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head before nodding. "Sue is a bitch." he stated with a shrug. "sweetie. i've met people in the middle of a street having an episode and knew exactly what was happening and how to talk them through it. something like this? it can't be faked and it can't be mistaken for something else once you know what your looking for. i have been helping Submissive and their Dom's for upwards of six years now and i am well aware of what i am on about." he informed her. "if i had a fancy degree you wouldn't think twice about my ability to inform you of what just happened. and yet there are doctors who only needed two years to apparently know what they're talking about." he scoffed and then smiled at her. "don't fall into societies trap." he suggested.

Steve chuckled a little and kissed Tony's forehead. "you'll do fine." he promised before looking up at Johnny and grinned at him. "she didn't take it well?" "no. she's firmly in the 'denial' category." he admitted. there where three things people did when they first found out. they where upset, thinking their lives where over. they where angry he would accuse them of such a 'dirty' thing, or they point blank denied it. some took longer than others to accept it.
“...You. Are. Insane. I’m normal. Really.”she frowned looking upset even as she opened the book, growling quickly. “No, I wouldn’t. I mean, home...not here, but Romania, our people with degrees are usually the ones who did the most harm, so no, I generally don’t trust people with them.”She said though she wasn’t watching him, and mostly ignoring him in favor of reading.

“I always do fine.”Tnony grinned before wincing at Johnny’s answer. “Well, we sorta expected that. And no one does stubborn quite like sabrina. I expect you’ll be saddled with some horrible task to do or something.”Tony said smiling a little. “Sit, eat.” “Sir?Ms. Storm wanted to tell you that she has gotten Shield to agree that Spiderman is allowed to stay and that they will not be bothering you. Also, that she is going back to the Baxter Building should you need any assistance.”Jarvis said. “Hm, there we go. Now, just to get the rest of the people calm in the tower, and the world will be set”Tony said before looking at johnny. “So, any ideas on how to help sabrina best?”
"i am a little bit insane." he agreed with a smile before blinking at her a little. "i don't really know anything about Romania." he admitted before smiling a little. "just read the book and think about it." he ordered, patting her knee. "and you can get up anytime, our not on bed rest." he promised.

"i'm not all that surprised by it." he agreed with a shrug. "it's hard to watch someone deny themselves though." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "oh i expect so too." he admitted with a smirk. "it will work to my advantage i'm sure." he admitted with a smirk. "it always does." normally anyway. "Thanks Jay! tell her i love her to pieces and i'll buy her those shoes she was looking at last week as thanks." Johnny promised. "i think everyone is calm." he admitted with a smile. "not very happy, but calm." he admitted. "nothing. actually. we do nothing. she needs a chance to calm herself down." he admitted. "and accept that she is what she is before we can help her. trying to push her, or force her will only make things much, much worse." he admitted.
“I know, but she has a good teacher. You’ve dealt with some difficult people over the years, and you care for her.”tony said, brown eyes bright with the knowledge that johnny had come to care for the woman more then the short time they’d known each other would normally be. “I’m sure it will.”Tony agreed snickering a little. “Of course, Johnny.”Jarvis said. “...Dammit. I don’t like it, but okay. We’ll wait.”Tony sulked a little, because he was truly horrible at waiting.

That evening when Sabrina emerged from the bedroom, she looked better, more calm and better then she had that morning, her blue hair for once not tied back out of her face, falling in a cascade of soft beauty around her face as she dropped a folder onto the table next to johnny as she sat down to eat, for the moment ignoring the other’s at the dinner table. “In there, is the good deed I’ve chosen for you. Since you said you didn’t know anything about Romania, you can get a crash course.”She said, sounding more stern and dominate then she really had any right to be, considering just how submissive she was. Even if everyone at the table, knew that it was a false front, as stubborn as she could be, even the stubborness had a quiet submissiveness to it. As if even as she tried as hard as she could, she couldn’t help responding to certain people. “A woman’s shelter in Bucharest needs funding, and some work. Thought your presence would draw attention to a very important cause, since you want to help take care of people.” Tony winced at that, oh yea, she wasn’t going to be graceful about this, she was going to jab and poke at them all as she sought to deny what they knew.
"it's hard not to care for her. she's so sweet and soft." he admitted. and he wasn't talking physically. "
Thanks Jay." Johnny chirped happily, hopping into his chair to wait for food, Steve snorting and making him get up and Help. Johnny wasn't as bad as Tony was, but he was bad enough that he did try to avoid the kitchen when people where cooking.

He blinked at her and then smiled, looking very, very, very amused. he never lost the amused look as she rambled on about what he was going to be doing for his good deed. honestly didn't she realize he already worked at hundreds of women's shelters? what better way to find hurt submissive and help them out? she had practically given him a winning hand. "your adorable." he admitted simply, well aware it would completely derail her before opening the packet and began to read even as he ate his dinner. managing to eat spaghetti without splattering anything at all was a remarkable, amazing skill. "you are certain they'll be okay with the publicity? most women in a shelter are shy, traumatized and terrified." he admitted. "you've asked them if they'll be alright with me, a known celebrity, being there?" he asked. "i get to choose the reporters, i don't want assholes in there pushing their microphones into the women's faces, they've had a hard enough time as it is." he admitted looking up at her. "i want the Matron to speak with me before the official visit, i won't sponsor someone whose only in it for the money, they need to want to actually help the women." "does that happen a lot?" "a hell of a lot more than you'd think." Johnny admitted. "just like with Foster parents and orphanages, some are great and others, well. they let the kids suffer so that they can get all the money."

he'd know better than anyone, after his parents died he ad sue where split up and placed in different foster homes. she went to a very strict household who did actually care about her. Johnny went to a house where they didn't give a shit what he did so long as he only bathed once every three days so he didn't ramp up their water bill and didn't eat more than twice a day, what they gave him only. it wasn't until John turned eighteen that he left and checked on Sue and made an arrangement with the foster parents that they could continue raising her but that he could come over and visit anytime. by then he had access to the family fortune, something that Johnny had gotten his ass kicked for when his foster family realized that they couldn't access that money even if they fully adopted him. Sue's foster parents where still alive and Johnny always sent them flowers, fruit baskets and small gifts on their birthdays, Sue's birthday, Christmas, Easter and thanksgiving. too grateful for the way they had taken her in and loved her to do anything less. he'd never told anyone but Sue about his time in foster care, which was why most people never understood how the two very close siblings could be so different.
Tony meanwhile had to stuff food in his mouth to keep from dying as he saw what sabrina was making him do. It was almost unfair letting it happen since he knew it wouldn't turn out the way she'd expected it. "Bucharest h-what?"she stuttered to a stop, staring at him for calling her adorable. Having no idea what to say to that."I am. While they are mostly quiet, this shelter is in such need of help that they don't mind the publicity to much. I've had both Jean grey and professor Xavier there to, their brand of mutation does 2onders for the women."she smiled a little."also they only ask those who want to meet you, to be there. They have two different homes in the cty, so those who don't want the attention don't need to be there."be he frowned looking down trying to explain. "What she's trying to say that the women who do have the guts to get out of their homes, which I understand is much like the middle east at times, are mostly brave enough to meet your obnoxious ass for a few hours."tony supplied smirking a little.Sabrina frowned slightly at his words, watching him but not 1uestioning, nodding slightly."I'll set up a call with the matron."she promised tilting her head a little.
"Bucharest what?" he asked curiously at her, his head tilted before he nodded. "good. good." he agreed, feeling much more comfortable with the promise that the women there would be there because they wanted to be there. excellent. "oh good! if Jean Grey and Xavier where there i'm fairly certain they would have made note of any nastiness regarding the Matron." he decided. "i'll ask Xavier's opinion of the state of the women's shelter." he decided. "do you have bank reports for the shelter?" he asked, looking through the folder. "never mind here they are. let's see... carry the two, add that in... plus a bonus...." he mumbled, running through an entire years worth of costs, inputs, output and donations in his head. "damn. they're bankrupt." " the hell do you do that?" Steve wondered. he was always impressed with Johnny's remarkable mathematical skills. "i'm smarter than you." "everyone is." Steve admitted with a chuckle. granted, no one could ever come close to Steve's tactical capabilities. not even James could manage to outmaneuver Steve, be it in life, a prank or chess. in a way, every one of the Avengers was a genius at something. "hmmm... i think i'll donate... yes and maybe... hmmm... i need to go check something." Johnny admitted, wandering out of the room with the bank reports, muttering under his breath with a faint frown. "uh oh.." Steve muttered. "he's noticed a discrepancy. that's not good." since Johnny did ALL of the Avengers taxes, all of Tony's business reports and the like, they had all recognized the look on Johnny's face. it was his 'there's money missing somewhere' face. and from the frown, it looked like it was a lot of money. "Jarvis! Get Xavier on the phone! i want to know if he's donated to any of these shelters!" was the last they heard from Johnny for several hours.
“Bucharest has one of highest quotas for human trafficking because there are so many displaed and battered women who call it home.”She sighed saidly before smiling at him. “I’m sure they would have.”Tony said looking curious, before nodding. “Xavier’s probably free, he usually is in the evenings.”he added. “Yea. They’re there.”sabrina said watching johnny looking through things, before wincing. “Damn. I knew they were still struggling, but I didn’t know it’d been that bad.”Sabrina said looking upset, because it was bad indeed, if between her own donations, tony and some from the rest of the avengers, not to mention some from the x-men, they should be able to manage for awhile. “No, well. In math, yes. But not on a battlefield.”Tony teased kissing steve lightly. Frowning slightly as he watched johnny go, oh this was not a good sign.

Later Sabrina frowned, fidgety and upset as she walked into johnny’s room, frowning slightly.”johnny?Did you figure out what was wrong?”She said looking upset and worried as she looked around the room, to fidgety and upset to relax easily in his company, even if she wanted to.
Johnny scowled. "slavery." he spat, hating the word. "they're gathering women to make them into sex slaves! barbaric!" he growled. "i wish i could put a stop to THAT, but now. i'm a US citizen and we're not allowed to get involved." he sneered at that and shook his head. "it's disgusting." he admitted, shaking his head again before mumbling and grumbling and muttering as he looked through all of the files and folders on the bank records and accounts and everything else.

Johnny was surrounded by paperwork and computers when she walked in. "Mr. Salfron. do you or do you not understand the concept of a federal investigation?" Johnny was demanding into a headset. "then you will be answering all of Agent Coulson's, and my questions." Johnny informed whoever was on the other side of the phone, glancing at her and motioning for her to have a seat. "yes there is a problem Mr. Salfron, the fact of the matter is, over 3.5 billion dollars from various non prophet organizations have somehow managed to leach their way into your bank account. 3.5 million dollars that where supposed to go to children, women shelters, cancer funds, drought, flood and other natural disaster relief funds and other such donated monies." Johnny said, his voice very angry. "and that's not counting the nearly ten million dollars thats still missing. of course we didn't 'just discover' this mess. you think that it would take only a day to root through so many various organizations? of course not, we've been looking into this for over a year now." she would notice the way his finger started tapping when he told the lie. "then i'm afraid we have no other choice than to have you arrested. i'll be speaking to you soon enough Mr. Salfron. have a good evening Agent Coulson." he turned off the headset and leaned back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose. "there's a man, who is supposed to handle all oversees transactions. he's been stealing." he explained to her. "but there's no way he's the only one. it seams there's a crime ring centered around shaving off certain amounts of money from donated funds. so far, we only have Mr. Salfron for sure, but there are at least three others i'm currently looking into. by the time the donations reach Romania they have been shaved down to, depending on the original donation, two to less percent. some of the donations never even get there." he admitted, looking at her. "i'm sorry."
Sabrina’s eyes widened as she looked aroun him, looking shaken at the sight of it. Tilting her head a little as she moved to sit down, fidgeting as she listened to him talk. Those wide blue eyes growing even bigger as she listened to him talk. Going utterly still, as she listened, because it was the only way to deal with the riot of emotion. “...You mean...the money I gathered...and took care of, tried to give to help, is being used to make things worse?”She swallowed, her accent coming thicker, hurting as she realized that she might have made things even worse. Because she’d done the worst thing she could have, she gave them hope, and failed to see it through. Hanging her head a little she swallowed hard, “.......I’m going to step down as your publicist. And tony’s. And most definitely as a founder of the shelter...”Her voice shook and sounded so very pained at the idea.
Johnny looked over at her and shook his head. "sit. calm down." he ordered firmly. "the money you gathered did not make things worse, it just never got there. people who are supposed to help have taken advantage of you and the people that money was supposed to go to. no more, no less. every single penny will be recovered even if we have to drain their bank accounts and sell every single thing they own." he promised her. "this is a serious crime and they will pay for it." he promised her. "and our not going to step down because Tony would do stupid shit without you there to tell him to knock it off." he pointed out. "and i won't let you step down as mine because your the last chance i have to get Sue off of my ass." he admitted. "the foundation needs you. who else is going to advocate for a woman's rights in Romania of all places?" he asked her. "your the only one brave, and stubborn enough to make that work." he admitted, smiling at her. "if it makes you feel better, it took me three hours to find where the money started vanishing, there's no way you could have known it wasn't getting to the shelters." he admitted with a smile. "we'll fix this, i promise." he assured her.
Sabrina froze a little at the order, before easing into the chair, obeying without truly thinking about it, sighing softly. “I trusted them Johnny, I-I messed up. Even if it’s their fault for taking it, I made the mistake. I shouldn’t be in charge.”she stuttered a little, before frowning a little. “He has steve to tell him to knock it off, you know. And you...well. You sure you want to trust me to take care of it?”She frowned a little staring down at the floor, fidgeting a little. “...Well. Someone needs to look after them. Of the whole eastern block, romania is one of the highest at risk places for women to travel or be in.”She muttered before nodding, starind down. “Okay. We’ll fix it.”She said biting her lip a little. Thinking. “....I’d like to go to Romania, sooner then I’d planned. I wanted to go before I started to show, but I’d like to go in the next few days now....I mean, I’d feel better going to see the shelters, reassure them that we’re fixing things in person...”
he smiled at her a little. "hundreds of thousands of people trusted them. they where voted into those seats after all." he pointed out. "you made no mistake. you went through all the proper channels and made it legitimate and legal so that the Romanian government could not, and would not do what out own disgusting politicians did." he promised her. "there might be a few on the other side, the Romanian side doing the same but we will find out after i've finished gonig through all of this." he admitted, waving his hand over the paperwork and computers. "Jarvis is actually doing most of it now. i'm just watching." he admitted. "i'm smart, but i'm not as smart as he is." he admitted with a chuckle, gently patting her knee before tilting his head at her. "the next few days?" he asked, frowning a little. "what's the weather like in Romania?" he asked, trying to think of what he would need to pack. "and how much do tickets cost? no, never mind i'll borrow a jet from Tony. i won't be able to speak the native language i don't think. what do they speak in Romania?"
“Well. That’s true....It seems horrible that we mistrusted the romanians, when it was our own people who did this.”She frowned sighing quietly, nodding as she looked over the paperwork. Amused that he was doing it so well ,and wondering what it took for a man to choose such a odd profession, when he obviously had a choice of a more mainstream one. Even if she didn’t think he was right about her, at least it made her understand him a little better reading his book. “Hm, Jarvis is amazing.”She agreed chuckling a little smiling at him a little nodding. “yes. I had planned going next month, before I started to show, but with this...I think it would be better to go visit them now.”She said tilting her head a little. “It’s summer. 90s, mostly, with nights dipping down to 60 degrees, muggy. Sunny mostly.”She shrugged a little tilting her head thinking about it. “And tony’s already offered us his plane, so it wont be a problem.”Though she knew the man didn’t like it, she knew tony hadn’t outright forbidden her from going either, and he’d feel better since she was taking johnny with her. “Romanian, but most know english. At least in the city.”
he nodded. "granted, i'm fairly sure that the Romanians would have done the same if the money going into it would have actually been worth it." he admitted. "people are greedy beings." he admitted with a smile that didn't look quite right. clearly something from his past had mad him a bit bitter about greedy people. "don't give me that look." he ordered, looking more amused now. "i do have a 'real' job too you know. what, you think i do all of Tony's, Stark industries, Steve's, Clint's, Natasha's, Pepper's, Bruce's, and other people's taxes for free?" he asked with a chuckle. "of course not. i have many money managing businesses that i handle personally or hire staff to do for me." he admitted. "i left most of my mom and dad's fortune to Sue and built my own." he admitted. "Jarvis is amazing. i'm half tempted to ask Tony to make me a duplicate A.I. it won't be as amazing as Jarvis, but it would help a lot." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "i'll go pack." he agreed with a grin. "well. if we run into someone who doesn't speak English, you'll translate for me, right?" he asked her with a smile. "will you keep things running for me Jay?"
“Maybe. Probably.”she sighed softly, tilting her head as she considered him, wondering what had put that smile on his face but not questioning it, before startling at his words. Eyes widening a little, looking vaguely worried that he was upset, before relaxing as she realized he was amused. “I thought you’d consider the sex side the real job, and real life a side job.”She teased because she knew tony, and tony usually put his sex life before his business adventures, even if he could get lost in the lab for days and ignore his libido. “Hm. That’s awesome, makes me feel a little better about helping you be more presentable.”She teased looking amused and slightly amazed that he had done such a good job before nodding .”You’re probably one of the few people who he’d consider making a Jarvis Jr. For.”She said thoughtfully before nodding. “of course I’ll translate. I’ll go get ready myself.”She said as she left. “Of course, Johnny. Don’t worry, I and Agent Coulson will figure everything out.”Jarvis reassured
he chuckled a little. "the 'sex job' isn't a 'job' Sabrina." he informed her, his smile soft and affectionate. "it's helping people who need it the most. it's showing people how happy they can really be. it's not always about sex. a person can be submissive without ever being fucked before in their lives. i've helped several virgin Submissive who are still virgins. it's not always about sex, i fact most of the time it's never about the sex, sex is just a good way to help a Submissive." he admitted with a smile. "don't feel bad though, everyone makes that mistake." he admitted. "i hope so. though i don't think i'd call him Jarvis Jr." he admitted with a smile. "i was always partial to the name Gabriel." he admitted. "thanks Jay!" he chirped, winking at a camera and heading off to get ready. he was very much, not surprised to find Steve waiting for him when he finished unpacking with a list of things she couldn't do. drink, smoke, have sex, lift anything over a hundred pounds. (not that Johnny thought she could do that in the first place) he also gave Johnny a bank card, his and Tony's, to pay for anything if they got stuck or needed something. Johnny didn't think they would need it, but he accepted the card anyway to make Steve feel better.
Sabrina frowned softly thinking about it. “But you do it, more then most people would. I mean, it’s like a part time job.”She said thoughtfully. “And that’s why there’s psychiatrist’s in the world you know, to help people be happy.”She pointed out mostly teasing, because the conversation was making her uncomfortable and she had no idea what to do. “Hmm, I like gabriel.”She said smiling a little.

Tony twitched a little, wanting to tell them to not go, but knowing if he tried to forbid her from going, then things would be even worse. Biting his lip as he smiled at his friend. “Also, if anyone asks, you two are married. Not only because they’ve stoned pregnant single women before, but because it will make things less difficult. Romania’s not nearly as strict about their women as some of the Islamic states, but it’s still not the states. And a unwed woman traveling with someone who’s not her husband will cause more trouble then its worth. Just pretend, you two get along well enough to have it come off true. She wont think of it, she’s famous there for modeling, and while she ignores’s given her a bad rep in a country where women are supposed to be modest. Just be careful.”Tony said fussing over johnny a little fidgety and upset, even if he stepped back as Sabrina walked in wheeling her suitcase and a black messenger bag. “You two can have the quinjet for the trip. Clint and Natasha are grounded until the mess with the reporter is completely handled, so for the moment, take your time and just enjoy the use of the plane.”Tony said before she could protest. “What?But-” “No. Go. We can live without the extra plane, and we can handle the reporter, she wont be bothering you. Just go.”Tony smiled kissing her cheek. “Have fun.”He said hugging her gently, as if she was going to break, and sometimes, he thought she would, letting go when she squirmed.
he chuckled a little. "that's because most people don't do it just to help others." he admitted. "most people do it for money, or fame." he admitted. "besides, most psychiatrists make things like this worse, because a lot of them don't see submissive tendencies as a 'scientifically proven 'disorder'." he sneered. "they're solution is always to pump people full of drugs, and drugs can make submissive episodes very, very bad."he admitted before blinking at Tony. "uh..." he blinked again, realizing why she had wanted to go before she showed. "well damn. okay. we're married then." he agreed before smiling at Tony. "relax. Tony. i'v figured out how to fly with a passenger. if i have to, i'll fly her out of danger okay?" he asked before brightening eagerly at the idea of having the quinjet. he loved the quinjet! "come on Sabrina!" Johnny chirped. "by the way! Tony says we're married now!" he informed her, mostly to get Tony into trouble, Steve laughing.
“Ah.....And some of their recognized disorders aren’t really disorders. Sometimes, I wonder what psychiatrists are thinking, really.”Sabrina muttered looking thoughtful, wondering if that’s why he hadn’t given her the painkillers until he’d gotten some sleep. Not that she believed him, but she could understand why he thought so. “Hey, don’t look so stunned. You knew romania’s repressed sexually, I mean, seriously, not being open to outdoor sex?”He snorted a little, “But they’re weird about unmarried women.”He said making a face before nodding. “Good. You make a truly lovely married couple.”he snickered before sighing, “...I know.’ll be fine.”he muttered trying to relax. “Wait!What?”Sabrina looked startled, sputtering, “Tony!Johnny, what?!”She sputtered even as tony got them headed out towards the quinjet. “You know you’ll be safer that way, even if you don’t want to admit it.” “No one knows I’m pregnant, I would have been fine without being ‘married’” “You’re considered a unmarried-worse a formerly married- whore, you’ll be safer if they think you have a husband who not only looks like he can protect you, but can back it up with flame and temper if you’re hurt. Don’t fuss.” “Tony...” “Stop. You two know its just pretend.” “And what about the reporters.” “Don’t worry about it. They claim we’ve all married people before.”Tony said taking the bag from the woman and settling them into the quinjet.
"yeah." he agreed. "now, granted there are a lot of mental health issues that they really can help with." he admitted. "but not everything they diagnose is correct or accurate." he admitted. "they tried to tell Sue she had a learning disorder you know, because she was smarter than the other students and was so bored she wouldn't pay attention." he admitted. never mind that he DID have a disorder himself, but he managed it perfectly well on his own, and when he couldn't handle it, he did have fast acting medication. it usually only kicked up when he was extremely upset or stressed though. "not being open to any sex apparently." he snorted, shaking his head before scowling a little. "why don't we just take all of the women in Romania, and relocate them to other countries, and see how well Romanian men do without them?" he asked. "that would teach the bastards." Steve snorted and shook his head. "i'd rather have to deal with silly rumors, than have to try and rescue from angry stupid men armed with rocks Sabrina." Johnny admitted, picking up his bags and heading inside the jet as well. "it will be fine, and who knows, maybe you'll admit how dashingly handsome i am by the end of all this." he teased with a smile. "it will be fine. and i'm bringing cold hard cash with us, so we can donate straight to the shelter." he promised her.
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