
“Do not.”Tony said rolling his eyes, even if he knew it was a lie. “Hm, Steve’s turned me into a romantic. I just have to believe it’s going to happen.”Tony said smirking a little.

“Hm, you are a old man. I mean, I caught you taking a nap the other day.”She teased looking amused before nodding. “Good. At least we wont have to worry about them then.”She said before laughing out loud as she sipped her tea. “Hm, not so much not punishing you, but not punishing himself. Makes sense.”She teased a little before looking startled, hands flying up as the window shattered, falling with a groan to the floor.

“Already there!”Tony growled even as he jumped out the window as the suit closed around him, ignoring Natasha and clint stumbling out of their rooms, armed and dangerous as they looked around. Clint settling in as backup for tony as the man took down green goblin, and natasha helped Steve keep pressure on the wound even as bruce arrived and worked to bandage him up, even as he cut away the suit to get to all the wounds, for a moment, not even registering that they were unmasking the man to save his life.

Sabrina looked up at Johnny with wide scared eyes, stumbling a little as he guided her out of the room, arms crossed protectively in front of her stomach, even if she wasn’t sure she was pregnant, she was already protective of the maybe baby. Looking up at him, eyes wide and scared, trusting Johnny to help her, stumbling as she walked. “....Hands.”she muttered frowning slightly, sounding disconnected and panicky, she’d checked out. A childhood that had left her hurt and scared most of the time, she wasn’t really....truly aware of being hurt. Holding out her hand she frowned at the bump in her arm, poking at it even as blood smeared over her forearm.”Might have broken something...”She said her voice going breathy as she suddenly checked in, scared. "Gotta go, help...The others-need-"
"i always take a nap." he pointed out with a chuckle. "nah, they'll do as i tell them if they know i'm super serious about it." he admitted. "Pretty much." he admitted with a chuckle. "yes. exactly. because if he cuts me off of sex, he doesn't get to have any either." he admitted with a grin before gasping when the window shattered open. Green Goblin wasn't much a match for Iron Man and was soon laying out cold on the street. normally he wasn't much a match for Spiderman either but it looked as if the Green Goblin had managed to catch the Spider by surprise. he woke up briefly, realizing that there where hands on him, peeling away his suit and mask he panicked, trying to struggle away before they realized who he was, how young he was. terrified they would make him stop. he couldn't keep up the struggle for long before loosing consciousness again just as Steve was pulling off the mask. "Jesus! it's just a kid!" he hissed, stunned even as he helped Bruce try to keep the young superhero alive. "hey... what are thse do you suppose?" Natasha asked, helping them, or rather trying not to get in the way. she pressed on the canister and yelped when webbing spat out, making her blink because she was now covered in surprisingly sticky threads. "....his signature web is... manufactured..." "well, he'll get along great with Tony then."

"it's okay." he promised, gently taking her hands and resisted the urge to wince at the glass still stuck in her hands. "don't touch it." he ordered sternly. "you need to stay calm, you cannot help them right now." he informed her. "come along. to the bathroom. i'll do what i can for your hands and let Bruce know you have a broken arm Via Jarvis." he promised her. "look at me." he ordered her, voice firm, stern and Dominant. his eyes catching hers. "take a deep breath, and let it out slowly through your nose. in and out, through your nose. there you go. calm down." he ordered, gently settling her on the toilet and picking up her hand, the one that wasn't attached to the broken arm and gently started picking out the glass, all the while speaking to her calmly, but firmly. keeping her attention focused completely on him instead of on her panic as he carefully picked glass out of her and gently bandaged what he could. none of the cuts looked too bad thank goodness, considering that Spiderman was encroaching on deaths territory a bit.
"What?"clint turned away from the window as tony and the newly arrived shield agents took care of the newly comatose green goblin, eyes widening."bloody hell, it is a kid." "A kid who's dying if you guys don't let me concentrate."Bruce growled, the hulk in the tone as he focused on dealing with the bleeding super hero before snorting a little at natashas predictiment."well damn. Tony's not going to make him stop...he'll give him better toys."by he doctor grumbled before looking up at steve."me and clint cqn get him down to the medlab if you want to go join johnny in getting sabrina cleaned up and downstairs herself."he said knowing steve would worry until he saw her after jarvis announcement she'd been hurt. Glancing at steve."you're not hurt are you?"

Sabrina stopped, having been about to pull the glass out looking up at him before down again, watching the blood and trembling.eyes snapping to his face at the order, and indeed she followed his orders, calming as she slumped a little. Sniffling, in pain now that she'd registered that she was hurt. Sitting down she silently watched him, quiet and obedient waiting for instructions as she watched him take care of her. Watching him, so totally focused on the dominant taking care of her she wasn't really revise ring anything else."...not so bad..."she muttered after a minute frowning slightly
"we're telling no one." Steve informed them all, very sternly. "not a soul. it's his life and it's not like any of us weren't doing the same thing when we where his age." he warned, helping Bruce bandage a thick cut on his leg. "i just want to know how the hell he made this." Natasha admitted, pressing a little black, thingy, to her throat, her voice altering when she spoke next. "i could use one of these." she admitted, sounding slightly older and a bit more masculine even if it didn't really change her voice that much, it was enough that no one would recognize her by her voice. which was the whole idea. "okay." Steve agreed, standing up. "let me know once you have him stable. i think i heard someone's bone break and it wasn't Spidermans." he admitted. "it was either Johnny, Sabrina or Tony's so they'll need it set." he admitted before checking himself. "a few scratches." he admitted. "my skins tougher than most so i'm not hurt anything worse than a band-aid for an hour or two."

"that's it. calm down." he murmured with a smile. "everything's going to be just fine." he promised, gently wiping away a tear and carefully set about doctoring her up. "okay. this one might hurt a bit." he warned, carefully, so very carefully settling her broken arm onto her own leg so she wouldn't have to support it and gently, so gently turned her wrist so he could work on her other hand. "once Bruce has fixed up Spiderman we'll go up and have your arm taken care of." he promised, using tweezers to so very gently remove the glass. he'd probably had to do this a lot for the Fantastic four. he looked up when she spoke, his head tilted. "what's not so bad?" he asked curiously. not sure she could actually tell him. she seamed to be subbing out a bit and some subs didn't really notice anything around them. she was likely just lost in her own mind right then, which was fine, she was calm and that was what mattered right then.
“Of course not. Except for tony. Who in all likihood, will want to give him a job, since the kid seems to be a tech genius.”Bruce said as he worked. “We’ll ask him.”Clint said taking the voice alter-er, holding it to his own throat, sounding different. “that would totally be good to have on a mission.”he mused. “I will. And I’ll set whoever’s arm it is as soon as you get to the medlab to.”He smiled slightly, nodding, glad that they were all okay before helping clint get spiderman downstairs so he could keep working.

Sabrina sighed quietly leaning into his hand as he stroked the tear away, before wincing, a hissing breath coming between her teeth as he moved her arm, whimpering softly but not trying to pull away as he worked. “Okay. It’ll be okay that long.”She said though she didn’t look like she was together enough to understand except that they were going somewhere eventually. Frowning slightly at the question, looking like she was coming up with a answer, “...this attack...Even mama didn’t seem to upset...”She muttered.
"probably." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "young as he is, he could probably use the emotional support." he admitted. "plus, we need more smart people so Bruce and Tony will stop babbling at me." Steve decided with a chuckle, glad to know that Spiderman would be okay. he knew Jarvis was already working on an Identification. "thanks Bruce. i'll make sure they come down." he promised, heading for where Johnny and Sabrina where.

"you'll be fine." he assured her with a smile before pausing, blinking at her and then offered her a smile. "yes. this attack wasn't so bad. i do need to check for a concussion okay? so i want you to answer a few questions while i work. can you do that for me? what is your name?" he asked. "how old are you? do you know what year it is? do you know where you are right now?" he asked, pausing after every question for her to answer, looking up when Steve knocked on the door, checking to see if he could come in.
“Probably.” “and we do not babble.” “I heard that. Are you implying that I do babble?”tony asked as he walked into the room, rolling his eyes a little before following tony to check on the other’s.

“...Oh. Okay.”She muttered before nodding, thinking about it. “I can answer questions.”She muttered before frowning slightly. “Sabrina Dalca.”She muttered before frowning, “ It’s not. It’s 2015 isn’t it?”She muttered before looking around her, before focusing on him again. “With you, at Stark Tower.”She hummed a little. “That’s right, right?”she hummed, looking eager at the idea of getting his questions right
"you do babble. a lot. especially when you haven't slept in four days and don't want to go to bed and are trying to convince me that you can stay up just a little longer." he teased with a chuckle.

"yes. two thousand fifteen." he agreed. "that's right. your at Stark Tower, very well done. and do you remember who i am?" he asked her, looking up at Steve and motioning him in. "alright?" "i think so. she's got a broken arm but i think i got all the glass. she might have a head injury or she's... dropped." he warned Steve who grimaced and nodded. "Bruce said that she should come down to get her arm set. Spider-man is stable... and young." he admitted, Johnny blinking. "how young?" "uh. sixteen or seventeen. eighteen maybe." Steve admitted, Johnny blinking. "seriously?" "yeah. Jarvis is running an I.D. kids either a thief, or super smart." Johnny had to laugh at that one as he gently urged Sabrina to her feet. "come on now, up we get. we're going to go see Bruce now to have your arm set. and maybe get you some pain killers, okay?" he asked her with a smile.
“Storm. Johnny.”She frowned slightly. “We’re working together. I thought of something for you, can’t remember it right now.”She muttered. Tony leaned against the door a little, looking worried as he watched them, wincing a little as he realized what was wrong. “How young?”Sabrina frowned coming up enough to hear that, panic tightening her features as she considered that, letting johnny get her to her feet. “hey, hey, easy Brina. No need to worry, we’re going to take care of it.”Tony said smiling as tehy headed downstairs. “Sit, Sabrina.”bruce said gently, looking startled as she obeyed without speaking, glancing at the other three as he worked on setting her arm, tilting his head at johnny. “Good job. You did well cleaning these up.”
he smiled a little at her and nodded. "that's okay. you can tell me later." he promised, gently patting her knee. "you're doing a very good job, holding still for me and being calm." he admitted before shaking his head. "not that young." he promised her. sixteen wasn't so young after all. "it's going to be fine Sabrina." he promised before looking at Bruce and lifted his hand, setting it in the air flat and dropping it down as if he was pushing something flat, down to the ground. it was his way of telling Bruce that she had dropped, hard. "thanks." he said, flushing a little at the praise. it didn't happen all that often. "it helped that she wasn't screaming or crying or carrying on." he admitted, hesitating before stroking her hair, wondering if she had any idea what was going on and why her thinking process had dropped so much. "hows the Spider?" he asked, moving over to the bed, heart clenching at how... how YOUNG the boy looked. a glance at the medical chart let him know what he needed to know. Peter Parker, Age 17, Male. Blood type AB -. the attack had left him with internal hemorrhaging that Bruce had managed to stop without the need for surgery. broken ribs and bruised internal organs. Peter wouldn't be moving at all for a while, let alone fighting crime. with luck, they'd convince him to stay at the tower for a while. "has anyone called this aunt?" Steve asked, examining the information that had cropped up on the Tablet. "never mind. i'll head to her house and inform her in person. i'll tell her that he was caught in a crossfire and is being cared for by the Avengers ourselves." he decided. "we'll tell her he was protecting a child or something so she'll feel good about it." after all, Spiderman was always protecting people and he had gotten hurt protecting New York just now.
“Kay.I’ll remember later.”Sabrina muttered blushing softly at the praise, before frowning a little. “Still to young to be good.”She muttered worried about the teen before sighing softly. “Ah.”Bruce winced as he considered the woman, smiling slightly at johnny. “Welcome. Probably a good thing this happened, as bad as it is. I mean, she usually hates the doctor as much as teh rest of you.”Bruce said before wincing, “Though I do want to call her doctor later, don’t know if this will effect the child.”He said looking worried before glancing at spiderman. “He’s going to be okay. Got the bleeding stopped, and he’s going to be bruised for awhile.” “He’ll stay here, I’ll just tell him I have a desire to pick his brain over a new Stark internship that he should apply for, and that since he wrecked my dining room, he has to stay and amuse me.”Tony reasoned, before glancing up at frowning slightly. Thinking about it before nodding.”I’ll go with you.” "go?Go where?"Sabrina tuned in, frowning slightly as she stirred.
he nodded. "i'm sure you will." he agreed. "still young, but he's old enough to make his own decisions and a good number of us started that young so we can't be hypocrites here." he warned with a smile before nodding at Bruce. "you'll give her a full checkup while she's under then?" he asked before writing down that she needed to call her baby doctor so he wouldn't forget to remind someone. they all nodded, relaxing at the promise that the Spider was okay. "okay. well you sit here and wait for him to wake up then." Johnny teased. "you'll have to get him while hs still drowsy and confused." he admitted with a grin. "actually. he's already applied for the Stark Internship. several times." Steve piped up, reaching through the files Jarvis had sent him. "he was rejected because of his age. Stark policy means he can only work here after his majority." he admitted. "meaning eighteen, but his scores are off the charts. he attended the biggest school in New York in the advanced classes and still came out with straight A's and in the top three for every school year." he admitted. "damn this kid is smart." he admitted. "he accepted an internship for a year at Oscorp with a Dr. Connors on regenerative biology and cross species... mutation and breeding?" he asked, looking at Bruce. "huh?" he wasn't sure what that meant. "they're going to inform Spiderman's family that he's hurt so they don't panic when he doesn't show up for dinner." Johnny explained to Sabrina. "so he won't move while he's injured."
“Yea, I can.”Bruce smiled as he started looking the woman over, glad that she was simply letting him do what he wanted, simply because Johnny had wanted her looked over. “...Damn. Okay. Steve you can go talk to his aunt, I’ll stay and wait for him to wake up.”Tony said before sputtering, frowning. “Truly?Well. How far away is he from 18?”Tony asked, wondering just how much he was goign to be bending the rules to be able to have another smart person around, wincing as Sabrina whimpered at the mention of Oscorp. She didn’t like Norman osborne, and he could totally understand the emotion. “He’s not here, don’t worry.”He muttered glancing at sabrina. “How species could cross breed, adn improve each speices and such.”Bruce said smiling a little. “Don’t think about it to hard, it’ll make your head hurt.”Tony teased his fiancee. “Oh.Okay. Food sounds good to.”She muttered. “Well, beyond her current state, and the broken arm, she’s fine. I’d still like her to check in with the OB/GYN, but she’s fine.”Bruce smiled slightly
"i'll go talk to her, you keep Peter calm and Johnny can take care of Sabrina." Steve decided before looking at the paperwork. "eight months." Steve admitted. "however since he has been living on his own and has been working at Oscorp he is technically an emancipated minor and thus, can be hired as a Stark employee." Steve admitted, looking very pleased. "no, he's not here." Steve promised, gently patting her knee before blinking at Bruce. "what, like...Gryphons or something?" "more like the genetically enhancing animals, like increasing the potency of a venom in a spider to create a base antivenom. or working with a jellyfish to work on a cure for cancer or whatnot." Johnny admitted. "weird." "Oscorp is big on the genetics." Johny admitted with a grin before chuckling at Sabrina. "we'll go up and get some food in a little bit." he promised her with a smile. "can you put a cast on the arm?" he asked Bruce. "that's what we do right? put it in a cast?" he'd never had a broken bone before so he wasn't sure what to do about it. "we'll set up a doctor's appointment as soon as she's not... you know." Steve decided. "i'm going to go talk to.. May Parker." Steve decided, looking at the tablet again before heading out to explain to Peter's aunt May why Peter was laying in a hospital bed. she was torn between being very, very unhappy and very proud of her nearly adopted son. finally she promised to stop by later with a pie for everyone and to check on him when he was feeling a little better.
“Awesome. I’m going to compose the most awesome speech. That he wont even consider turning it down.”Tony snickered a little before making a face, looking pleased. “Good. Then I’ll send pepper a message and have her set things up.”He grinned pleased with the idea. “Oscorp is the closest to finding a cure for cancer, but it’s still slow going.”Bruce sighed a little. “Yea. I will. And how is it you’ve never broken a bone?”Bruce said already gathering what he needed for a cast, raising a eyebrow. “He has a hard head. Sorta protects him.”Tony said from his seat next to peter, looking amused. “There. All set.”Bruce smiled as he finished the plaster and wrapping cast, looking pleased as he considered her. “Here. Painkillers.”He said holding out the bottle towards Johnny, knowing he was more aware then she was at the moment. “Can’t. Bad.”Sabrina muttered. “They’re baby safe, I already made sure. Get some food, and rest Sabrina.”Bruce ordered softly, smiling when she nodded quickly.
Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "i'm sure you'll be able to convince him." he agreed with a smile before nodding and making a notation. "the question now is, who do we st him up with?" Steve wondered. "Tony, or Bruce?" he wondered, looking amused. "i suppose we could let him choose." he muttered. Stark Industries employed a head of department 'apprentice' sort of system. only some people could have interns otherwise the place would be flooded with them. Tony and Bruce of course, could have Interns. they'd just never chosen one before. "actually no, i had a sheltered childhood shockingly enough." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "and after i was very lucky. all of us where really." he admitted. "we've been hurt, but they've always been mostly minor injuries." he admitted before smiling at them and accepting the painkillers. "thanks Bruce. come on Sabrina. up the stairs now." he urged. "we'll have sandwiches and then have a nice nap." he promised. well aware he shouldn't give her painkillers while in a head-space. it could fuck her up if she was high and subbing out. he knew from experience with subs who where addicted to drugs.
“We could co-apprentice. People annoy me. I’ll send him to you when he gets to annoying.”Tony decided looking pleased with the solution. “Huh. Not someone I’d picture with a sheltered childhood. Or a adulthood really, considering who know the Klutz over there?” “Hey. I haven’t done anything.” “You broke your nose cause you fell asleep under your car, and forgot you were there when you woke up. Klutz.”Bruce said looking amused. “Kay.”Sabrina smiled as she followed Johnny upstairs.

Eyes widening, taking a step back towards the hall though when Sue walked in, looking flustered and upset, her normal worried face set as she considered her brother. “Are you okay?”she asked worried, having caught everything on the news and rushed over, her tone just her normal judgemental annoying tone, shaded with worry, but even so, it was enough that it was going to fuck up Sabrina’s headspace as she watched the two, trembling as she fought to not run and hide like she always did when she dropped. Instinctively knowing Johnny was safe, that he was taking care of her, and not wanting to leave his company, but sue upset her enough over the years, to screw with the woman when she was off balance.
"i'll make a note of that." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "as smart as he is, i'm sure he could manage two different majors." he agreed. Johnny chuckled a little and shook his head. "Tony was always majorly uncoordinated. i, on the other hand, took Ballet when i was a child and later took Tea Kwon Do and Jiujitsu so i'm actually extremely coordinated." he admitted with a smile. " where in Ballet?" "Sue insisted." Johnny mumbled, sulking a little.

"easy." he mumbled to Sabrina before looking at Sue, scowling a little. "i'm fine. Sabrina's not. she's in shock and she's on painkillers so try to calm your tone a bit or your going to throw her into a panic attack." he informed Sue, gently steadying Sabrina. "Steve's gone to talk to Spiderman's family and Tony's sitting with Bruce and Spiderman, they're doing what they can to keep him stable." that would keep her out of the lab. "i need to get Sabrina some food and into bed." he informed her. "could you go and check in with Shield? i don't think they realize we have Spider with us." he admitted. they did, but Johnny was pretty sure that Sue didn't know that. "come on Sabrina. food and then sleep." he reminded her. "come on." he urged, leading her to the kitchen and settling her at the table and feeding her a sandwich.
"He dances quite well really."tony said looking amused at the others shock at johnny dancing

Sabrina whined softly turning her head towards johnny easing. Loser, ignoring the look that sue was giving them. Not aware enough to see the curious and thoughtful look that sue was giving them."okay."sue said calming as he watched the two, "good. I was worried. Get some rest to johnny."sue said before nodding."I'll go take care of shield, don't worry about it."she said before leaving, heading for the elevator again. "What are we having? Oh! Steve's rolls and french toast. It's probably ruined by now."sabrina scowled looking upset as she followed johnny into the kitchen as sue left.
"it's fine. we're all fine." he promised her. "even the Spider is expected to make a full recovery. he'll be bedridden for a week or two but he's expected to pull through just fine." he promised her. "i will." he promised her. "i just have to take care f Sabrina first." he admitted. "Tony made me promise." he admitted with a smile before offering her a truly grateful smile. "thanks Sue, and make sure they understand that we are NOT removing Spiderman into their care. he's a superhero, not an Agent and they have no rights and no reason to demand him to be handed over." he admitted before shaking his head at Sabrina. "i'll check. don't worry." he promised her. "he won't be upset if they're ruined." although Johnny was pretty disappointed when he popped open the oven and found the items inside blackened to a crisp. thank god the stove had a venting system that sucked the smoke out of the oven or that would have been a disaster. he removed the ruined food and made sure the pans where soaking before settled about making as many sandwiches as he could for the rest of the avengers, letting Sabrina pick out what she wanted to eat.

Peter woke with a panicked gasp and twisted, trying to escape the searing pain in his side. who was hurting him!? had he been captured?! who had him!? his mask was gone, people knew who he was, they would make him stop, Gwen was in danger! he had to get away! too much pain, why was he in pain!? where was he!? he gasped again, struggling to calm down and blink the tears away so he could see who was sitting next to him. a final blink and he nearly pissed himself. Tony Stark, Iron Man, the biggest most brilliant name in technological advance was sitting right there, grinning at him. "oh god...."
“Good. Then I’ll take care of everything else.”Sue smiled as she nodded. “I will make sure it is clear to them that spider man is under the avengers protection and that they are not welcome here.”She paused, “Though I wouldn’t try to forbid Coulson from coming in.”She said smiling a little as she left. “...Kay. Hope not. They’re good.”Sabrina muttered before sighing quietly when she realized they were burnt, whining softly, upset but munching on some of the fruit that tony and steve made sure was around for her. “Romania. Wanted to tell you something.”She muttered starting to sound sleepy now that she was starting to calm down and starting to be sleepy.

Tony reached out, gently pressing the other man back into teh bed, looking entirely to comfortable from his perch on his lab stool next to the bed, “I am totally god. Thanks for recognizing that.” “Tony, stop being a ass.”Bruce said from the other side of the room where he was reading, rolling his eyes a little. "So. You're currently a guest of the avengers. and I'm hoping I can convince you to stay for the whole time you're hurt."
he nodded. "thanks." no one would fuck with Sue, just like they wouldn't fuck with pepper. not ever. "Coulson is cool." he agreed with her, grinning. "he doesn't try to control us or manipulate us or anything." he admitted before smiling at Sabrina. "it's okay Sabrina. Steve can make some more. he likes to cook." he reminded her. "i know you did. you can tell me in a little while." he promised, urging a sandwich into her hands so she could have something a little more filling than just fruit. once she had eaten at least half to all of it he urged her to her feet and into the bathroom to have a nice nap, tucking her in and sitting up to watch over her, reading a book so she wouldn't wake up alone. nothing soured a subspace worse than waking up alone.

Peter gasped, fighting the hands for a moment before going limp n the bed when he realized he wasn't being hurt. he blinked dumbly at Tony and then turned to look at Bruce, squeaking. fucking hell, that was Bruce Banner! the Hulk! the leading expert on anything to do with radiation or biology! oh god. oh god. he was going to hyperventilate, he needed to breath, calm down, he could gush about his Heroes being Right There! "what!? no, i can't stay! my Aunt..." "is fine." Steve said as he slipped into the room, Peter uttering a short squeak and stared at him. breath! breath! breath! oh god. oh god... wait,"what?" "your aunt is fine. i informed her that you had been injured protecting a child during an altercation between Spiderman and the Green Goblin." he admitted. "...what?" "i lied, kid." "...your Captain America you can't lie!" Peter protested, Steve tossing his head back and laughing good and hard at that one. Steve lied all the time. people where always surprised by it. hell even Johnny had been shocked the first time he'd heard Steve lie, and then swear about it. "so... so no one knows that...." "that your a vigilante? no. no one is going to tell on you."
When she woke, she frowned slightly, blinking slowly. Frowning in confusion. Not quite remembering what had happened, but knowing that she wasn’t liking...”Oh.Hey.”She flushed brightly as she realized that she wasn’t alone, smiling slightly at the sight of johnny reading. Shifting she snuggled under the covers, for the moment content to not be moving and awake just yet, wincing as she remembered what happened. “’s everyone?”She said looking concerned.

Tony snorted watching him. “If he passes out, Brucie-bear, you owe me money.” “You pay us. Technically it’s already your money.”Bruce pointed out. “And yes you can.”He said looking at peter, grinning as the boy squeaked as steve walked in. “Don’t worry, she was probably so distracted by the sight of America’s favorite spandex model showing up, to worry to much.”Tony snorted amused before looking at his fiancee, smirking a little. “He’s also a virgin holding out for marriage and tastes like apple pie.” “Tony, if you keep telling people that, someone is actually going to believe you sometime.”Bruce pointed out rolling his eyes before looking at peter. “No, we’re not going to tell on you. Or give you problems with being underage.” "In fact, we're going to ignore the fact of your age so hard, we're going to give you the Stark internship whenever you want to start."
Johnny looked up and smiled at her. "hey. feeling any better?" he asked her. "everyone's fine. Jarvis informed me that the Spider is already awake and planning his escape." he admitted with a chuckle. "Sue is fielding Shield, Steve told Spider's family some sort of lie... i still can't get over him lying." he admitted with a shake of his head before smiling at her again. "you have no idea what happened to you, do you?" he asked, wondering how this conversation was about to go.

"she was pretty distracted." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "she promised to bring us an apple pie." he admitted, looking quite eager before snorting at Tony. "please. i'm a slut." he scoffed with a grin and a shake of his head. "jury's still out on the apple pie." he admitted before he smiled at Peter. "just calm down, Tony? i love you but stop talking, your freaking him out. "but. but. but. i'm not eighteen!" he gasped. "no, but you are living on your own and have worked at Oscorp for the last year. this allows you to apply a year early for the Stark Industries Internship. you will be doing a duel internship between Tony and Bruce." Peter was dreaming, he was DREAMING! "if you accept of course. we'd like you to stay here while your recovering. we have the false video of you stepping in the path of the Green Goblins last attack to save a little girl. don't worry, no children where ever actually in any danger. it's a lot of smart people words and technology that i don't understand." he admitted when Peter tensed. the boy relaxed again and flicked his eyes between Tony and Bruce and then nodded. "yep. i'm in a coma." he decided. "i'm just going to go back to sleep and when i wake up i'll be in a hospital as a ward of the state or something. it'll be fine." he decided, closing his eyes, Steve chuckling.
“Yea. Though my arm aches.”She made a face as she laid on her side watching him, “Hm, I’m sure Tony’ll convince him to stay....and good. Sue seems good at keeping people away.”She said laughing a little before snorting. “It’s always amusing to watch him lie. I’ve seen tony take him out just so they could come up with the most ridiculous lie and see if people believe it cause ‘Steve can’t lie’.”She sighed before frowning slightly, “The mood?Always happens when I get hurt. Or upset."She shrugged a little.

“Hmm, pie.”Tony hummed smirking at the other. “You are. It’s amazing. And we’ll have sexy science time to try and discover the apple pie thing.”Tony hummed a little before frowning, looking upset as he shifted, hands under his thighs, forcing himself to be still. For all the world looking like a child who’d gotten scolded for doing something. He was trying so hard to not be insane or as hyper as he normally was. “If you accept, you’ll be dealing with me on a regular basis.” “Which means insane conversations, hyper active running around, and bouts of sleep deprieved anxiety. Just as a warning.”Bruce said looking up a little, mostly teasing the genius who looked like a overexcited puppy who’d gotten a new toy. “Steve, you never understand the tech involved.”Tony teased smiling up at him, before smirking at peter a little. “You’re not in a coma, promise.”
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