
he chuckled a little. "i doubt you've learned things like this." he admitted. "but i'll tell you anyway." he admitted before dealing with the press. "....yes. incest. apparently i'm such a fucking slut i'd even go so far as to fuck my sister, her husband and Ben." Johnny snarled before turning the car on and offering her a very tense smile. "i was just asked if i was fucking the rest of the fantastic four. do you think i'm okay?" he asked, looking perfect calm, but she could see the fire flickering in his eyes that promised pain for someone. "alright. good. i can crash in Tony's pad. i don't feel like looking at Sue right now." he admitted, pulling out carefully into the street. his level of self control was amazing. he was so furious he was mumbling mathematics under his breath and seamed to have developed a tick in the form of an eye twitch, but he drove calm, he hadn't yelled or screamed or set anything on fire and he wasn't taking it out on anyone else, not even the asshole who pulled out in front f him and almost caused a six car pileup.

"we'll check it later." Steve promised Tony, pinning him to the desk again. "shh Tony. i got you. you can have all you want now. my very good boy. you made me very happy." he admitted, knowing that would make Tony feel even better, knowing he had pleased Steve. "my perfect little Submissive." he purred, slipping into Tony and rocking his hips a few times to make sure he was loose enough before bending down and sinking his teeth into the back of Tony's neck, which would leave a perfect tooth mark impression for hours while he fucked Tony as hard as the man loved it.
“....What?You’ll have to give me names. Tony can get them fired, and make things miserable, but even if they’re fired, the other publicists should know them, might be able to make things even worse, or so their clients can stay away from them.”She muttered hands in her lap, and even if she looked calm, she was twisting her hands together, so hard that you had to feel sympathy for the small bones, reacting to him, anxious and upset that he was, and wanting to do something about it. “No, I don’t think you’re okay, but it’s the only question I know to ask.”She said looking at him wide eyed as she saw the fire, but the fact that she wasn’t running screaming from him, spoke of a fierce level of self control to. “Yea, you can. I have to talk to him for a bit anyways, so we’ll head on up.”she said nearly bolting from the car as soon as he parked, already heading for the elevator and asking jarvis to take them upstairs. Because that was something she could do to help him, get him to tony.

Tony moaned, humming pleased, whining quietly. Happy and content to know that he had pleased steve, moaning as the other bit him, gasping as he came with a shout as the other pinned him down and fucked him. Trembling a little as he laid under him, shivering when he felt the other coming. Only raising his head a little when he heard Jarvis warning that both Sabrina and Johnny were on their way up to the penthouse.
he nodded. "i texted him. he's probably working on it already." he admitted, lips in a tight, thin line. he did notice the hand twisting and reached over, gently patting her knee. "it's alright." he promised her. "Tony will take care of it." he promised. "don't be so upset. it's going to be alright." he promised, helping her because it helped him calm down. already the fire in his eyes was starting to dim. "yeah. sounds good." he agreed, parking the car in the massive garage and heading over to the elevator, taking his time because he was pretty sure Steve and Tony where having sex, otherwise Tony would have texted back right away.

"fuck. fuck... Tony. yes.. good bo. so tight...." he moaned, shuddering as he came, panting in Tony's ear, hand wrapping around Tony's cock to stroke him off the rest of the way, groaning when he realized Johnny was coming up and tensing when he realized Johnny was 'Domming Out.' which was a term Steve had coined for when Johnny was so pissed off, he had to take it out on someone. usually, that someone was Tony unless one of Johnny's other 'partners' was in town. "Tony? you going to be okay if i send you and Johnny to your room?" he asked the other, probably sure Tony would be fine with it. still, Steve liked to be sure, this wasn't the first time Johnny had needed to hit Tony. usually with a horse crop or a flogger, Tony liked it, Johnny needed it and they'd both have awesome sex after so it wasn't like Johnny was taking advantage or anything.
Sabrina relaxed a little at the pat, looking over at him, nodding a little. “Tony will.”She muttered sighing quietly.”Well. At least this gives me a idea of what I’m going to be facing.”She said even if she made a face at the idea. It’d be okay.

Tony sighed quietly, resting against the desk, squirming a little, nodding slightly. “It’s fine.”Tony said waiting until still untied his hands before pushing up off the desk and getting dressed. “You take care of Sabrina, I’ll make sure Johnny’s okay.”He said even as he snagged his phone as he headed for the door, paling as he saw the text. “Bloody hell. Someone asked him if he was sleeping with the rest of his team.”He said sounding annoyed and upset himself, but still low enough to not be completely pissed about it. “Johnny?”He called as they got to the penthouse, looking amused at the sight of Sabrina making hot chocolate, since it was usually what she did when people were upset. For herself, and even if he didn’t want it, Johnny was going to get some. It amused him and it was quite adorable really.
Steve nodded, stroking Tony's hair. "you where a very good boy." he admitted with a grin. "i'm very proud. your such a perfect little Sub." he admitted, kissing Tony again, a silent promise that Tony could choose the 'game' next time. "i'll keep her busy. i might take the time to explain to her what a professional is." he decided. "excuse me?!" Steve demanded, stunned before he scowled. "i can handle this." he admitted. "you help Johnny, i'll deal with those fuckers." oh shit, Steve swore, he was honestly pissed off. that was usually the only way you could tell since Steve very rarely showed he was in a rage. he was too big, too strong, too Dominant to let out honest expressions of anger. "Tony." Johnny's voice was tight as he stood up and headed over to Tony, glancing at Steve who nodded his permission. Johnny set his hand on the small of Tony's back and urged him out of the room, pushing Tony gently, but firmly out of the room and up to Tony's bedroom. he could feel Johnny's fingers trembling, itching to hit someone, desperate to let the anger out.

"don't worry about Tony and Johnny." Steve assured her. "Tony will help Johnny calm down. you and i are going to be dealing with the press. there are line that people, no matter who they are, that you just don't cross and this is one of them." he admitted, already texting Pepper and letting her know that some of the reporters had WAY crossed the line.
Tony blushed at the praise, smiling a little as he kissed him back, before nodding. “Maybe. But you might want to leave it to Johnny. Might take it better from him then you. You can be sorta overwhelming sometimes, and I have a feeling she’s already freaking out cause of this.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding. “Yes, the dumbasses asked him if he’s screwing the fantastic four.”Tony said sounding a little stunned before nodding. “I’ll help Johnny.”He agreed, pleased with being able to help his friend, and knowing steve would help Sabrina take care of the stupid reporters. “Fireboy.”Tony muttered looking up at him with wide brown eyes, smiling quietly to himself as he headed for the bedroom, wincing as he felt the trembling. He was so going to kill the reporters for upsetting him this much. Really. “Where you want me?”He muttered looking around.

“Really?Good. And I’ve already started.”Sabrina smiled calming a little at the other’s reassurances as she sipped her hot chocolate, waving her phone at him a little. “Texted some of the other’s, see if they had any dirt on the reporters to go with this. Apparently, the same journalists have crossed the line with the x-men, even talked to Nat and Clint,” who were currently out of country on a mission, but had been touching base every night to make sure their team knew they were okay “and their mission got blown cause the international versions of those papers, blew their covers. They’re on the way home by the way. And fury’s not happy about his mission being blown cause some people wanted to ask Clint about his sex life concerning Nat.”Sh esighed rubbing a hand over her face, smiling at him. “Ready to get to work?”She said, because she really enjoyed working with steve, they worked well together.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "your probably right." he agreed. "i might be a little too dominant for her." he agreed. "i suppose you could always explain it, you're fairly submissive, she probably won't react too much to you." he admitted before wrinkling his nose. "so they basically asked him if he was fucking his own sister. that's sick and twisted." he admitted before smiling, kissing Tony one more time before sending him off with Johnny. "i want you standing." Johnny decided, going into the closet for Tony's stash of goodies, grabbing the chain and leather cuffs that would allow him to force Tony into a standing position. "strip." Johnny ordered, voice firm and sharp as he hooked the chain onto the hook in the ceiling, he had to use the step stool to do it but it would keep Tony's hands over his head, open and helpless to the crop that Johnny had tossed onto the bed.

"good." Steve stated before grabbing the cup of cocoa that was supposed to go to Johnny and taking a sip. "so it's the same reporter." Steve muttered. "good. that will make things so much easier... fuck it's her." he said that with such loathing you knew she'd crossed the line with him as well. "good. i hate it when they get sent oversees." Steve admitted, shaking his head before smirking, looking like a shark about to sink his teeth into something very unsuspecting and deserving. "you bet i am." he growled, eyes flashing. the chance for some revenge was too great to pass up.
“Probably. And I could, but Johnny’ll be good for her.”Tony was a horrible, horrible matchmaker sometimes. “Yea. It is sick and twisted.”He agreed. Tony shuddered at the decision, turning his head to watch Johnny as he got everything, shuddering as he stripped down, “So demanding.”He teased a little, goading johnny a little as he straightened from sttripping down, holding out his hands towards the other.

“It is.”She agreed before looking startled, staring at him for a long moment. “....Did something happen that you didn’t tell me about?Steve!”She scolded looking annoyed at not being told before nodding. “Yea, me to. Clint said it’d be a few hours but they’d be here by morning.”She said before offering him a hesitant smile, acting like prey to that big hungry shark look he weas giving her. “Good. Let’s go to my office, and we’ll get to work.”She said smiling a little at the idea.
he snickered a little. "you think she's going to react any less to Johnny than she would to me?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow before rolling his eyes before grinning at Sabrina. "yes actually. that bitch found out that Peggy was still alive and dared to ask me if i was trying to rekindle the old fling." he admitted, fists tightening. "she barely remembers me on a good day and that bitch dared ask me if i was taking advantage of that poor old woman." he admitted before smiling a little. "sorry. didn't mean to give you a fright." he promised her, following her up to her office.

Johnny turned and swatted Tony hard across the ass for the teasing, well aware it would just encourage Tony to keep being lippy. he wrapped the leather shackles around Tony's wrists and hauled them over the man's head and cinched the chains tight so that Tony was stretched out. unless he stood on his tiptoes he wouldn't have any slack. "Safeword." Johnny demanded, snapping up the crop and watching Tony, flames dancing along his fingers. he wouldn't set anything on fire, but it was an impressive display. one he knew really got Tony hot and horny.
“well, maybe.”Tony said snorting amused. “....Tony doesn’t know right?I mean, the woman is still among the living...”Sabrina sighed. Because she knew tony couldn’t give a fuck about his own publicity, or what people asked him, but crossing that line with steve, provoked a protective violence that was rare for the billionaire most of the time. “It’s okay. Just still unnerving to see you like that.”She said looking amused a little as she headed upstairs.

Tony whimpered moaning as he stretched, groaning as he tilted his head to watch the other. “Spangles.”Tony moaned shivering. This was gonna be fun.

In the morning Tony smiled slightly as he sipped his coffee, glancing down at the other as he woke, for once, being the first person who woke in the morning, though that might have been cause Jarvis had turned on his coffee machine to make his normal glass of coffee. “Want some?”He said picking up johnny’s cup and holding it out towards the other as he woke,
he shook his head. "no. after a week of nothing i forgot about it actually. i didn't want to tell anyone while i was so furious and she pretty much vanished after that so i never thought about it after." he admitted before shrugging. "i know. Tony doesn't like it much either when i get like this, i usually have a bit more self control." he admitted. "i don't like people attacking Johnny in such a disgusting way though." Steve often treated Johnny like he was a little brother. since the man was so close to Tony that did make a bit of sense. he eventually sent her to bed, even if he continued working well after the rest of the house had settled to sleep. that was pretty normal for Steve though, he needed a lot less sleep than most people did.

Johnny stirred a little and blinked sluggishly at Tony for a moment before accepting the coffee "hows the marks?" he asked, as he always did, examining the heavy welts littered all over Tony's back, chest, ass and the backs of his legs. they weren't all that serious, Johnny never hit someone too hard. still, he always worried he might have gone too far, even if he'd only hit Tony once or twice, he always checked to make sure his partner was feeling okay and make sure he hadn't hurt them too much.
“Well, apparently she’s out to piss off the whole group of superheros. Makes me wonder why she’s got a grudge.”Sabrina frowned looking annoyed at the idea before smiling at him. “we’ll take care of him, we’ll make sure this woman is taken care of.”She promised, shuffling off to bed to bed when he sent her.

“Good. Stinging a little when I move, but nothing to bad, promise. Just normal stings.”He said smiling at the other, going quiet as he considered the man, trying to decide what to talk about first, deciding that the other needed to know before they stumbled out of bed for the day. “...So. Me and Steve have decided to try and have a kid.”He said waiting for the other to be sipping his coffee to announce that, simply because he was a dick like that. Smirking as he went on. “Sabrina’s our surrogate.”
he shook his head. "we;ll find out, i'm sure, when Fury arrests her for putting the lives of Agents on the line." he decided. "she's crossed too many lines and i'll be releasing a press release about why she's in so much shit." he decided with a vicious grin, delighted that Pepper was already setting it up.

"good." Johnny murmured, leaning over and kissing the teeth imprints he'd left on Tony's shoulder. "thanks for last night. it really helped." he admitted with a smile before taking a sip of his coffee, promptly spitting it out all over the bed and started hacking and coughing and choking because he'd inhaled a good portion of the drink. "Jesus Tony! you can't just spit out information like that you asshole!" Johnny complained, well aware Tony had done it on purpose. "well that explains why she didn't want to date me." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "as if her being pregnant is going to stop me... she's delightfully submissive... she has no idea, does she?" he asked Tony. "how does she even function?"
“Hm, you keep doing that, I wont be getting out of bed today.”Tony muttered shivering under the other’s lips, smiling a little. “You’re welcome, and you’re welcome here anytime. You know that.”Tony smiled at him, grinning as the other started to cough, holding back laughter until he was sure the other wasn’t going to be dying on him. “Apparently you can, since I just did.”Tony smirked at him, before nodding. “It does. And she can’t have sex for the next week, cause if she does, it might end up being your kid instead of ours, but after that, go for it.”tony smiled a little before snorting. “Oh no, she’s delightfully innocent. Even steve finds it to be a trial at times to be around her since she is so delightfully submissive over stuff.”Tony snickered before shrugging. “By simply ignoring that part of herself. She functions at a fifth of what she could, and has for years. Even when Steve tries, or Clint, she’s....”Tony frowned thinking about it. “She responds to them, but it’s...stilted. Cut off. Like she’s learned to not want it, but she’s so submissive that she can’t help but respond if she spends enough time with a dominate.”Tony sighed.

“Her ex-husband was....a dick who didn’t understand what she needed, or if he did, was abusive enough to never tell her, or give her what she needed. I asked her once, you know, just cause I’m me, and interested, where the most exotic place she’d had sex was. I was expecting like bathroom, or outside or something. And she was shocked at the idea of people having sex out of bed.”
Johnny chuckled a little. "i won't complain if we don't get out of bed." he admitted with a grin before he smiled at Tony. "yes. i know Tony." he promised, kissing the others cheek gently before promptly choking on his coffee. "ah. makes sense. i guess. are you saying my sperm is more powerful than yours?" he asked with a grin. "Jesus... i'm going to have to give her the talk, aren't i?" he asked, staring at Tony. "you planned this." he grumbled, shaking his head. "can't blame you for that though if things are as bad as you seam to think they are." he admitted. "she doesn't know what she wants right? she doesn't know about being submissive or that there even is such a thing as a submissive?" he asked, his head tilted, scowling.

"she was married?" he asked, scowling even more. hw could anyone be married to her and not realize she needed something!? "...are you kissing me?! fucking hell seriously?!" he demanded, pinching the bridge of his nose. "oh my god your setting off every Dom trigger i have." he admitted. "it's hard enough not to pin her down and give her what it needs as it is." he admitted, shaking his head.
“Hm me either, but I’m supposed to be at shield things this afternoon, so as long as you don’t mind Coulson interrupting, I’m okay with staying in bed.”He teased smiling a little. “And of course I’m not. I’m all powerful. But just in case, no sex. If she has your kid instead of ours, the cute little submissive will be utterly lost and upset. Besides, I want kids. My own, not yours.”tony teased snickering before nodding. “Yes. Probably. And...not all of it. I didn’t plan on Sue finding out. Just...once she did, I planned for you to meet her.”Tony said smiling a little, before shaking his head. “She’s from romanian. From what little she’s said, and what I saw when I went a few years ago, they have a very....restrictive view on sex, and women in general. I doubt she knows more then the casual BDSM that me and steve can’t resist doing around her, I mean....we’re us.”Tony shrugged, knowing johnny would understand that while they didn’t go around showing everything they were into, they didn’t exactly hide it all the time either.

“Yea. Soccer player got her out of Romania, but he was more interested in being married to a model then he was in taking care of Sabrina. Gone most of the time, she was left to her own devices. I convinced her to leave him after a few years, and brought her here, figured Pepper could help her find a job or something, never expected her to be as good as she is at publicist stuff.”Tony said looking amused before grinning at Johnny’s reaction, glad he wasn’t the only one who’d nearly fainted hearing it. “Nope. No kidding here. And I’m serious. In bed, missionary, under the covers and lights off. Granted, I didn’t ask for details, but..try imagine being me now, I nearly collapsed when she told me, at least you’re getting to hear this in private. I had to look at her being so politely confused at why I was freaking out a little.”he said smiling a little, before nodding. “And I know. But I figured you better hear about it now, instead of simply stumbling into it like the rest of us did.”
He chuckled a little. "well we can lounge for a little while at least right?" he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i won't have sex with her for at least a week, but even then i doubt she'd be ready. she seams very... stilted." he admitted with a sigh. he couldn't just leave her alone, every instinct in him was screaming at him to go and help her, he'd been helping Subs for entirely too long to just stop simply because she didn't know any better. "all three of you would be devastated." he admitted with a smile. "so. your having a kid. that's amazing. Rhodey is going to be the godfather..." he pondered. "is Pepper going to be the Godmother?" he wondered. he was honestly glad Tony's friend Rhodey was a lot more responsible and just a little bit closer to Tony. meant he wouldn't have to handle a baby too much. he loved babies, but he wasn't good with them.

"it's not your fault Sue found out." he promised. "she got suspicious and started monitoring my phone calls." he admitted. "the bitch." he didn't mean that, he loved Sue, he was just sick of her shit. "well jeeze. so while he wasn't abusive, he was extremely negligent, which instilled in her a reluctance to get too close to any man who was interested in her for her." he mused. "makes sense i guess." he grumbled before smiling. "she is good at what she does if people are even treating you better." he admitted. "Jesus... she needs help. bad. a lot of help." he admitted, shaking his head. "she honestly doesn't realize how messed up that is!?" he wondered, shaking his head. "how does anyone survive doing nothing but missionary? ugh." he shook his head a little. "it is better that i know before she informed me." he admitted. "i did promise to tell her why Sue got her knickers in a twist." he admitted. "i could give her an explanation about BDSM and see how she takes that." he decided.
"Of course we can. Im going no where fast."tony smiled a little. Before nodding."she is. And she probably wont, but a week minimum."he said smiling simply happy at the moment at having a kid. He'd probably freak out later as it got closer."he is. And I don't know. Steve gets to choose godmother since I chose rhodey. So we'll just have 5o wait and see. He'll he might choose sabrina, since she is carrying the brat."he snorted amused.

"I know it's not I just feel bad. She needs to stop being so...judgemental and annoying."tony grumbled before nodding.yes. indeed which is why I'm guessing she was upset when you said something about dating. She doesn't understand try lily the concept of being wanted for herself."tony shrugged a little."yea, she's good. Her and steve are amazing together really."he said sounding proud before nodding."she does. Which is why I was sorta glad that sue found out, gave me a good excuse to get her in a room with you without freaking her out."he shrugged before shaking his head."no she doesnt. She was honestly confused at why I was nearly hyperventilating in panic at the idea of a 27 year old being like that."he shrugged before snorting."by not knowing any better...though missionary does get boring after awhile. Might be why she hasn't actively dated really."he said thoughtfully before nodding."you should. She did ask, just tell her everything and see how it goes."
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'm beginning to understand why Coulson gets so aggravated." he admitted with a snicker before nodding. "you know, that makes sense." he admitted. "Natasha certainly can't be Godmother. she'd be a terrible influence. and so would Pepper. we'd have a proper child instead of a nice hellion if pepper was godmother." he admitted with a grin. "so Sabrina would make the logical choice as well as the carrier." he admitted. "she's going to look amazing pregnant." he admitted with a grin before blinking at Tony. "it's Sue. i don't think she's capable of being open minded." he pointed out. "it's okay, she'll come around." he admitted with a gin. "she'll have to because i'm not changing." he admitted before shrugging. "i'd rather Sue never found out, but i have to agree that this worked out much better." he admitted. "i'll have to." he agreed with a grin. "she's probably not going to look me in the eye for weeks, but i might as well." he admitted, sliding out of bed and stretching. "wanna have a shower?" Johnny asked. he loved showering after sex with his partner, he liked to wash them and feel like he was giving them just a little bit more attention.
“Hm, I think everyone understands why Agent’s aggravated.”He said snickering before nodding. “Definitely. And Sabrina is logical, in that even if she says she’s going to be okay, she’s going to be bonding with the kid.”He shrugged before snorting. “You just want to see her naked and pregnant.You pervert.”he teased smirking a little. “It did indeed work well.”He said before snorting. “She probably wont.”he agreed smiling as he watched the other get out of bed, nodding as he rolled to his feet. “Yep. Come on. Then we’ll go breakfast with the other two.”

“Morning, Steve. Want something to eat?”Sabrina muttered looking at steve as she shuffled into the kitchen, starting to look for something to eat.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "that poor, poor man." he muttered. "you just have to be so mean to him, don't you?" he asked, looking amused. "of course she's going to be attached to the baby. she is carrying it for eight to ten months." he admitted with a smile. "i do and i am." he stated, not looking at all bothered by the accusations. "i do like breakfast. is Steve cooking?" he asked hopefully, glancing at the clock, Steve would be just coming back from his morning marathon. he'd call it a jog, but as far and fast as Steve ran it was more like a marathon.

"good morning." Steve chirped, walking in, freshly showered after his 'marathon'. "i'll cook." he promised, pulling out a pan of uncooked, but made by scratch Cinnamon rolls that he had mad the night before, popping them into the oven before getting started on Johnny's favorite. stuffed french toast. "is the Coffee on? Tony and Johnny will be up soon." he admitted.
“I don’t have to be, but when I was nice to him once, he sorta looked freaked out.”Tony said looking amused before nodding. “I know. Which is why if something happens to us, it makes sense to let Rhodey and Sabrina take care of it.”He shrugged a little, rolling his eyes. He knew better then to think that johnny would be bothered by the words. “Yea. Which means we’re having french toast and probably, hopefully, Sabrina’s good coffee.”Toyn said humming pleased with the idea as he got in the shower, and started cleaning up.

“Good run?”She said smiling at him, amused rolling her eyes at the sight of the rolls. “It amuses me that you made those while we totally destroyed someone’s career.”She snickered amused as she nodded. “Yea, it’s on and going. Tony’s favorite, chicory straight from new orleans.”
he snorted. "maybe if you did it more than when you've blown something up, he wouldn't freak out." he pointed out before smiling a little. "it does make sense." he agreed. "i can be the really cool uncle who comes over with presents but never has to have any responsibility right?" he asked hopefully, eyes glittering playfully. "mmmm. French Toast." he purred. if there was anything Johnny loved more than sex, it was French Toast, sliding into the Shower with Tony, grinning as he washed his sometimes lovers hair.

"very good run." he agreed. "passed Spiderman on the way." he admitted with a grin. "it's good to have him back in town." he admitted. Spiderman had been in D.C. for the last two months. why? no one knew. they all just assumed it was something to do with his secrete identity. "we're not the ones destroying her career. she did that herself when she crossed the line." he admitted. "i am the national sweetheart after all, and people love Johnny. there's going to be serious outrage when people find out she's been picking on us." he admitted before grinning at the Coffee and shaking his had. that was just ridiculous. "and do you have normal coffee going?" he asked, hoping he'd at least get to have a cup of normal, bold coffee. he was delighted to find his preferred Coffee and poured himself a cup before sitting down next to her since the French toast just needed to be baked now with the rolls.
“Hn, I do it more when Clint’s blown things up. It’s not my fault.”He sulked making a face at the other, before laughing. “Of course you’re going to be that uncle. I mean, Sabrina’s going to be a aunt. Makes sense you get to be a uncle.”He teased kissing him before rolling his eyes at Johnny’s devotion to french toast, before helping johnny wash up to smiling as they finished. “You know, they say showering together is supposed to conserve water, we usually end up using more.”

“good. And really?That’s good. It is nice to have everyone home again.”Sabrina agreed before making a face. “True. Though I wouldn’t want to be her when Clint and Natasha wake up. Clint looked like his nose was broken again, and he either twisted or broke his ankle again. I heard mumblings about asasssination plans that I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear.”Sabrina snickered, only half serious, because she knew Coulson would keep the two assassins from killing the reporter. “Of course I have your coffee going. And don’t give the coffee that look, if you call his chicory coffee ridiculous, tony’s liable to withhold sex and sulk for hours.”She pointed up as she sipped her tea, smiling a little when Tony and Johnny walked in.”Morning.”
he snorted. "you do it when you blow up your lab. or when you've blown up Bruce's lab. or when you've blown up Times Square... again." he pointed out, looking amused before smirking at Tony. "you don't even know that me and Sabrina are going to be a couple. you know i've never been able to keep a partner." most people didn't like that Johnny went to other peoples houses and helped them figure out how to have sex. "yeah well 'they' are rarely right." he admitted with a grin. his body steaming as he ramped up his body heat, almost instant dryer. all he had to do was rub his hair dry and he'd be perfectly ready to go. lucky bastard.

"yeah. he swooped right past me and yelled out 'morning old man!' before heading off." he admitted with a snigger. he got a kick of all the Superheros referring to him like he was some kind of Grandpa. he enjoyed egging them on with stories of 'back in my days' and 'when i was a kid' and "you little whipper snappers'. "Phil has his eyes on her. they want to catch her in public, where people can watch her humiliation." he admitted. "he won't let Clint or Nat kill her." he admitted with a chuckle before sighing happily at his first sip of Coffee. "nah. Tony won't cut me off sex, he wouldn't cut himself off like that." he admitted with a chuckle. looking up at Tony and opened his mouth to say good morning, or maybe something sassy when an explosion rocked the building. "what the he...." Johnny staggered when another explosion wracked the place and this time a red blur smashed into the window, shattered glass spraying all over while the body of a torn, tattered and bleeding badly Spiderman hit the breakfast nook table. he grunted, rolled over hit the floor and fell still while the vile cackling of the Green goblin reached their ears.

"Shit! Tony! get in the air! take the Goblin down! Jarvis! get Bruce! Spiderman is down! Johnny! get Sabrina out of here!" he ordered, putting pressure on a wound in the masked heroes side, trying to stem the bleeding. Johnny didn't even question it, he just set a hand on the small of Sabrina's back and guided her out of the room, calmly assuring her that everything would be fine and asking her if she'd gotten cut and that if anything hurt she needed to tell him right away.
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