
\”You don’t have to.”Sabrina said looking up at him with wide eyes. “Tony would do just as fine.” “Can’t. Sorry, I have my own wedding pictures to get ready for.”Tony answered smirking a little. Setting them up was just to much. Quite adorable really. “...You could still refuse. I have friends, I can find someone else to do it....”Sabrina said looking at Johnny, before nodding a little. “Yea, between photoshop and hiding it during the takes, it’ll be fine.”She said looking upset at the idea of asking him, before sighing. “I better go get ready to go.And find someone else.”She said anxious, not wanting to ask him to do it even as she headed for her bedroom to shower and get ready to go. Knowing that her blue hair wasn’t what anyone would want, but well, they asked last minute, they could deal with having a eccentric bride.
Johnny shook his head. "but i don't want someone else to do it." he informed her, looking a bit agitated and just a touch jealous. "i don't want anyone else around you while your wearing a wedding dress." he admitted, chewing on his lip unhappily, trailing after her because he was going to be the one in that photo-shoot even if he had to leave her at home! he was never, ever letting her be in a wedding dress unless he was there to see it! and he sure as hell wasn't letting anyone else touch her!
Sabrina looked up at him startled, tilting her head a little as he trailed after her, ignoring Tony and clint’s muttered betting and snickering. She’d deal with the later, in the form of pranks. “Fine. If you insist.”She said picking up her phone and unlocking it, glancing at him. “What size suit? I doubt you’ll fit the one they have, and if we send it now, they can get one’s a shoot for Armani and Vera Wang’s new wedding collections, so sizes. Ring finger sizes to.”She said sending the message with her own, though she knew the dress would be easily fit, she might not be as thin as she’d been when she was steadily working, but she was still model thin and the dress was a corset top. Easily enough to fix. Waiting for johnny’s answer she sent the text before shooing him out. “I’ll be right out. Go get ready to go.”She said shooing him out as she headed for the shower. And indeed, soon enough she was out and dressed in jeans and one of tony’s button up dress shirts, which was easily to see why she was wearing it, as she’d already done her hair, all that lush dark and light blue mingling, and having a dashing effect on the hairstyle she’d chosen. Slipping on her shoes she smiled at johnny, tilting her head a little. “You sure you’re okay to do this?”She said worried about him, after all, he was still recovering from his ow episode.
He nodded. "i do insist!" he admitted before smiling at her and responding with the ring and suit sizes. all the proper measurements instead of just 'size ten' or 'size fifteen' he actually responded with shoulder, chest arm, neck, waist, leg, thigh, inseam and other measurements. he was swiftly dressed properly for a suit, meaning underwear, and smiled at her. "that's amazing." he admitted, gently tucking a stray strand down. "you look amazing... i should dye my hair green or something, so we match." he admitted with a grin. "yes i'm sure." he promised her. "i don't want some filthy man near you." he admitted with a sniff. "if anyone gets to see you in a wedding dress it's going to be me." he decided.
Sabrina’s eyes widened a little at the sizes. That was quite something new, to hear someone actually knowing it. Though considering he was friends with Tony, she guessed she shouldn’t be that surprised. Even clint knew his sizes since Tony bought suits for them all at one point in time. Blushing slightly as he tucked her hair back she rolled her eyes a little. “It’s not that amazing. And no you can’t. Weird colors would mess with the colors of the picture. Not to mention it’d probably clash some. Your blond’s fine.”She smiled reaching up to run a hand over his short hair, simply liking the feel of it against her palm before snorting. “You just want to watch me be weird in front of the camera.”She said rolling her eyes.

And indeed she was fidgety and nervous as she let her friend get her into the wedding dress, so long out of actually modeling, she was out of sorts at actually doing this. Stepping out of the dressing room, the soft black corset wedding dress hugging her body, the soft under stated makeup, setting off wide blue eyes, making her look even more vulnerable and soft then normal, and you just knew that whatever else the photoshoot was going to be, it was going to make every dominate that looked at the pictures pant just to see the woman submissive. “Well?Johnny?’Sabrina said looking up at him, nervous when he was silent for a few minutes. “Is it that bad?”
he chuckled at her surprised look. "i grew up in high society right alongside Tony. of course i know my measurements." he admitted with a smile. "it is amazing." he admitted with a smile before blinking a little. "huh. forgot about that." he admitted. "how about some red highlights? i'd look great with some strips of red." he admitted with a grin. he was fitted into his Tux, looking rather perfect in it and had to freeze at the sight of her, swallowing thickly. he managed to make a squeak before clearing his throat and... squeaking again. finally, he managed to force out the. "you look so beautiful i can't even breath..." he whispered.
“Ah, true.”Sabrina smiled looking amused before grinning. “Hmmm, maybe after the photoshoot, we’ll dye your hair. It’ld probably look good.”She said looking thoughtful at the idea.

Sabrina’s eyes widened at the snickers around the room as they responded to Johnny’s squeaking. “Really?Are you sure you’re okay?”She said looking him over, looking worried as she gathered the skirt in one hand, moving over to him, looking up at him, ignoring the camera going off. Well aware that they’d take pictures, and simply use a few of them. Glad for the shoulder shrug that hid her cast she smiled at him, realizing he really was doing okay, before nudging him a little. “Come on. We have to do wedding things. They even have cake.”She said tilting her head at the simple wedding cake waiting for them to cut, knowing that it really would be like they were at a wedding reception at least for a bit. And glad, that it was him pretending to be the groom, instead of some stranger.
he nodded. "F-fine! just... something caught in my throat! that's all... fine!" he promised her, trying, and failing, not to blush. he stared down at her when she came over, looking so sappy and lovestruck that it seamed like the only person who didn't realize he was head over heals in love with her was her. "Cake!" he gasped, looking utterly delighted. "is it a pretty one? i love pretty cakes. mutilating them is so much more satisfying when they're pretty." he admitted with a lopsided, mischievous smirk.
“Okay.”Sabrina tilted her head blushing herself as she looked down at him, smiling slightly as she watched him blush. Resting a hand on his chest, for all the world looking like a bride comforting a overanxious groom. “I do thank you for doing this. I know you didn’t want to.”She smiled before grinning, “It is. Let’s cut the cake. Do the wedding thing, shove it in each other’s face.”She grinned simply enjoying pretending to be a bride with him, knowing that they were getting their photographs taken, and only vaguely listening to her friends encouragements to do stuff, knowing her friend didn’t care what she did, as long as they were acting like a couple. “Come here.”Sabrina smiled as she picked up the knife, handing it to him as she looked down at the cake.. “I’ll have to remember to ask who made this one. Tony and steve’ll need someone to make theirs soon enough.”
he chuckled a little and smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, ignoring the cameras going off. he was never going to hear the end of this teasing, no he was not. "it's not so bad. there's no one telling at me for moving and i don't have a bunch of women fussing over my hair and face and clothes. or lack of clothes. i like it a lit better since i have clothes on." he admitted. "and this is kind of fun, being with you." he admitted before laughing at her. "are we really? we can't just feed each other little bits of cake instead?" he asked, smiling at her. "that seams more like something people do at weddings and i don't want to get frosting on this suit. the photo people will kill us." he admitted with a chuckle, picking up the knife and setting her hand on his so she was helping him, cutting into the cake with a sappy little smile, humming 'another one bites the dust' under his breath. he had a very strange, strange sense of humor.
“Hm, Morgan’s fairly good at not being to demanding.” “Thanks Sabrina.” “You are. So much better, you just let us do what we want.”She smiled a little, because it was true. Morgan generally let her models do what they wanted, figuring the photos looked more natural that way. “Well, I’m sure there’ll be someone somewhere disappointed that you’re not in photos shirtless.”She teased before shrugging, looking amused. “Well, if you want to be civilized about it, yes we’ll just feed each other cake. Though I doubt tony’ll be that nice. Steve’s going to end up with frosting everywhere.”She snickered a little at the idea, resting a hand over his, revealing a blue black french manicure, really she looked like a bride just married. Looking amused as she helped him she gently cut the cake easing a piece out. “You are so weird.”She teased before picking up the piece carefully, cupping her hand under it to not drop any crumbs, looking at him. “Eat.”She smiled at him, when he was done, gently wiping the icing off the corner of his mouth, the soft happy look on her features...oh yea. They had everyone nearly believing they were newlyweds. Or at least newly fucking partners.
he smiled a little. "this is the best photo-shoot i've ever had." Johnny admitted with a smile. "well they'll just have to deal." he admitted with a smile before snickering. "Tony and Steve can afford to actually buy a suit, they will own those, these are borrowed and i don't feel like the hassle of messing up someone's suit." he admitted with a grin. "besides, your accusing the wrong man, Tony's going to be too worried about looking as proper as possible. it's Steve whose going to strike with the cake." he warned with a snicker, smiling at her. "you really do look beautiful. if i was brave, i'd give you a kiss." he admitted softly before smirking. "so i like cutting into perfect, beautiful cakes. it's not a crime you know." he teased right back. "it's very satisfying." he admitted with a chuckle before blushing when she wiped icing off the corner of his lip. "thanks... it's really good." he admitted, looking surprised at the cake before feeding her a bite, smiling at her with an almost besotted expression before gaping at the woman. "what do you mean i have to take off a garter? what's a garter? was i supposed to wear one?"
“I’m glad.”Sabrina smiled before looking amused, rolling her eyes a little. “True. I don’t want to get anything on the dress either....and it’s totally going to be tony who shoves the cake in his face.”She said looking amused. Flushing brightly, ducking her head a little, embarassed at his desire to kiss her, even if she didn’t protest. “No, but its weird. Somehow I thought you OCD wouldn’t like cut cake.”She teased before smiling as she took her own bet. Laughing at the look on his face at morgan’s words. “No, Sabrina is. How have you never gone to a wedding?”Morgan said snickering a little at the look on both their faces, sabrina really did look like a blushing bride, as she rested a hand on johnny’s shoulder. “You know what a garter belt is right?I mean, you’re not that innocent right?”She said gently pushing him down into the chair, raising a foot to rest it on his knee, the skirt falling back revealing a pale perfect calf and ankle, “Well, it’s a tradition of removing the thing from my knee. While I’m not actually wearing a garter belt and garters like I would have a century ago, it’s still a traditional thing. Be thankful they’re not asking you to do it with your teeth like some weddings still do.”She explained, still blushing so bright you’d think she’d almst pass out.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i bet you, fifty bucks, that it's Steve who smashes Tony's face with the cake first." he teased with a grin before swallowing thickly. "nah. the OCD in me doesn't like cakes. it's impossible to make them perfect, so the prettier they are the more i take delight in ruining them and proving that they're not perfect at all." he admitted with a grin before shaking his head. "no. never been to a wedding." he admitted. "Sue and Reeds don't count i don't think. it wasn't exactly a normal wedding after all." he admitted. "uh, no." he admitted. "what's a garter belt? he asked. "aren't garters made from intestines?" he asked, looking baffled before going beat red when she revealed her perfect leg, setting his hand on her calf because he couldn't not touch and looked up at her. "my teeth? like this?" he asked, bending his head and catching her... garter belt, with the edges of his teeth and tugged on it a little, his hot breath ghosting over her knee.
“You’re on. It’s totally going to be tony.”She giggled a little before laughing. “I see. That makes sense.’She said amused at his pleasure of ruining cakes. “No, I don’t think theirs counts as normal.”She giggled a little before snorting. “They used to be. Not anymore, they’re nylon and such. And a garter belt is simply a belt that holds up stockings. More comfortable then pantyhose.”She said blushing a little shuddering a little as he touched her, looking startled as he caught the garter with his teeth, nearly whimpering out loud as she rested a hand on his shoulder to steadied herself. “Said you could do it, not that you had to. Now just pull it off.”She said sounding breathless as she trembled, need and desire hitting her like a sledgehammer. “Okay, I think that’s enough for today.”Morgan’s voice was full of laughter as she watched the two. “C-can I burrow the dress?”Sabrina asked sounding a little lost as she pulled away looking up at her friend. “Of course, but why?” “Playing tricks on our friends will be amusing.”She grinned moving away from johnny to steady herself, and despite being covered up again, she looked moments away from falling apart.
he nodded. "definitely not. there was none of this for one thing." he admitted, indicating the cake and the dancing and stuff. "huh. Garter isn't what i thought it was." he admitted with a shrug before smiling a little at her, looking entirely too impish. "this is more fun." he admitted, breath ghosting down her shin now. before he lifted his head, looking very smug, Garter dangling from his teeth and he gave her a playful little eye wiggle before tilting his head. "oooh pranks! Tony's been a bad influence on you." he teased with a grin before standing up and shaking her hand. "can i have a card miss? i think i'll be contacting you for further business." he looked at Sabrina with a smirk. "Tony and Steve still need their wedding pictures taken don't they? don't you think Miss Morgan would be perfect?" it would also skyrocket Morgan's business, everyone would want to have their picture taken by the same woman who photographed the biggest wedding since the birth of the universe.
“Hm, I’m very glad it wasn’t what you thought it was.”Sabrina snickered a little, swallowing hard at the impish look on his face, trying hard to not tremble to much, and knowing that somewhere, there was going to be a picture of him and that damned garter. “You are entirely to smug.”She muttered rolling her eyes before grinning. “Of curse he has. But telling them we really ran off and got married will just be amusing since it was their idea we pretend in romania.”She snickered a little. “Of course.”Morgan stuttered a little looking a little wide eyed. “Yes they do. And they’re planning on doing that magazine article about the tower living arrangements and all that the Home&Garden wanted to do.”She snickered nodding.”She’d be perfect.” “Thanks Sabrina. And here, look through the pictures, since you did me a favor, you two can choose which pictures are being used. I need four for sure good pictures, and a few alternate pictures to give the company.”Morgan smiled. “We’ll get back to you by tomorrow. Promise. Come on, let’s g et out of here.”She smiled looking at Johnny, pausing to gather her own clothes befroe heading for the door, smiling slightly as she got downstairs, climbing into lola with a sigh. It was amazing really, she almost felt like a newly wed.
he sniggered a little. "yeah, you wearing guts would be... oh! i get i! it's because of that saying 'i'll use your guts for Garters' that's why i was confused... Tony was in a pirate phase for a while." he explained, blushing a little when they stared at him. "i am smug. i stole your garter and your never getting it back." he informed her with a smirk before smirking at Morgan. "you will never escape us now." he warned her, grinning brighter. "we will probably end up using you for every single thing we ever do. you'll learn to hate us in the end." he teased, patting her shoulder. "can i keep some of these pictures? after we've decided which ones are okay to be published or whatever... well, after Sabrina decides." he admitted. "okay!" he chirped with a smile, following after her. he loved that Phil trusted him with Lola, he really did. he adored this car. "so. wanna go grab something to eat or just head back?"
“Hmm, yes. I know that saying. Makes sense....and you know, I can totally see tony in a pirate phase. Probably dressed up and everything.”She snickered a little before flushing. “Well, if you insist on keeping my clothes, go ahead.”She rolled her eyes even if it gave her a secret little thrill to know he was keeping it. “Well, I’m sure I can stand to take some amazing pictures.”She snickered a little with the knowledge she was stuck with them before nodding. “You can. “she smiled amused that he wanted them. “Well, if you know somewhere we can go dressed like the top of a wedding cake, I’m open for food, or if you want, we could get take out, head out to the park, enjoy the sunset.”She said tilting her head. “I mean, we have lola. Put the roof down, we’d have a good picnic in it.”
he nodded. "he did dress up." he admitted with a grin. "for a month. and bought a parrot and went to class like that every day. it was awful but the parrot was quiet so no one cared." he admitted with a chuckle. "he insisted on speaking like a pirate too. we where thirteen though, or he was anyway, so it was tolerated with amusement." he admitted. "i have pictures." he admitted with a smirk before chuckling a little. "i do know somewhere we can go." he admitted. "but yes, we'll get takeout and no, we can't eat in Lola, Phil will kill us." he warned with a chuckle. "we can kiss in Lola and we can hold hands in Lola and anything else is a permanent ban. we may also drink water in Lola but only from a bottle and the cap must be put back on as soon as we're done drinking. he has a list." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's a very long list."
“....I don’t think there’s ever going to be a time when I’m not surprised by the things Tony does.”She said looking amused at the idea, shaking her head a little. “Okay. So no eating in lola.....and since the hand holding and kissing isn’t happening, I’m fairly certain nothing else will be happening.”She snorted amused as he drove, looking relaxed and happy, and for once, not worried about anything. Looking amused as she thought about it, turning her head to watch him, even if she was thinking about other things that could happen in the car, but she’d never enjoyed it, so doing more puzzled her. “Get the food, we’ll still go to the park, I think there’s a blanket in the trunk we can sit on.”
he sniggered. "it would be best if you never anticipated such a thing." he admitted with a grin. "i've now the bastard since we where six and he still surprises me." he admitted, sounding quite affectionate considering it was Tony he was talking about that wasn't much of a surprise really. "not even a little kiss or hand holding?" he asked, pouting at her a little even if he was smiling to show he was joking. "i like that idea. a picnic would be fun." he admitted. "i even know where to get some food. he admitted with a smirk. "we'll go to that little Cafe that Lo... Tom owns." he decided. "they make amazing sandwiches." he admitted. "and the best soup ever, and they have fruit salad and stuff too, it would be a great picnic treat right?"
"Indeed. Its both alaeming and endearing to consider hes a continuous surprise."she said smiling."I thi knot. You've already gotten your mouth close to my skin for one day."she said though she squirmed a little in her seat so it was more she was batting down her own reaction to him rather then not wanting him."it would."she smiled in agreement, settling back in her seat to rest until he got their food. Looking amused as she dug out the blanket when they reached the park she smiled as she spread it out on the ground sitting down, bemused as her skirts poofed up around her."I forgot how awkward being in wedding dresses could be..."she smiled as she carefully started to eat, not wanting to make a mess
he nodded a little and then grinned. "it's beautiful skin." he admitted. "very soft and warm." he admitted with a chuckle, struggling to maintain his own composer. while she was getting the blanket he was gathering up the food and drinks and settled next to her on the blanket with a smile. "you know. technically, this is a date." he teased with a smile before chuckling at her issues with the dress and helping her pat it back down so it wasn't in her way so much. "there you go... you know. you really do look beautiful in that... kind of makes me wish that had been a real wedding." he admitted with a smile.
"Technically this is paying you back for doing me a favor."be he said smiling a little not willing to admit to anything, even if she blushed at the idea of being on a date. She might protest, but she knew what it was. It was a date.smiling as he patted down the dress she shivered a little at even the almost touch of his hands.flushing brightly at his words as he sipped her drink."maybe I'll just buy the rest and keep it for special occasions then."she said tilting her head a little but not protestin having him so close like she would have even a week before.
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