
“I know.”Tony grinned at the other, shaking his head a little. Because he knew the other would only be married without everyone, if he was drugged. “ True. We’ll deal with him later. And she does have us now. We’ll take care of her.”Tony smiled slightly.

“Not a idiot.”he grumbled, relaxing into her a little, kissing her back before stepping back. “Gonna go get some rest.”he said before pretty much fleeing her company, his nerves giving out as he retreated back to his bedroom.

The next evening Tony smiled slightly as he cussed at Johnny as they played mario kart, having settled in to play the game not only because it was good to see johnny and sabrina cuddled on the other couch, but because he’d worked himself into a annoyed frenzy-well, more like he bothered james enough over the man’s arm, that james had threatened him badly to either stay away from him, or risk bodily harm. So he’d come up here to hang out while he ewaited for steve to get home while james and natasha made dinner.

“Johnathan Spencer Storm!”Sue scowled angrily as she stepped out of the elevator, tablet and magazine in her hand as she stepped into the living room. “....She’s being loud...”Sabrina muttered, to content and happy to be moving, even as she drew away from johnny, moving to the other side of the couch. “What is this?”Sue said scowling as she showed him the ad, which while lust inducing, wasn’t that bad really. The one of johnny pulling off the garter with his teeth with the tag ‘Gucci:Guilty. What every bride wants for her wedding.’ paired with one of the pictures for the cake cutting, they really did look like newly weds.
Johnny snickered as he whipped Tony's ass at the video game. the only person better than Johnny as
Phil. and sometimes Steve, if Steve got lucky. and Jarvis of course. Johnny blinked when Sue stormed in, lifting an eyebrow at her. "whats got your panties in a twist?" he asked, looking confused before he blinked at Sabrina and then scowled at Sue. he had JUST gotten her comfortable! "this?" he asked, accepting the ad, his head tilted. "huh. i didn't think they'd use that picture." he admitted. "this, Susan, was a favor." he informed her. "you know, doing something nice for someone else?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her. "this photographer, Morgan. she needed a male and a female model to play the roles of husband and wife for their new wedding line." he explained. "she talked Sabrina into it and i offered to play the husband role so she wouldn't be pawed on by some twisted pervert." he explained, scowling at her. "ow are you done screaming in my face or do you feel the need to keep yelling?" he demanded of her. "doesn't matter what i do in the end anyway does it? you'll never be happy with me anyway." he decided, tossing the tablet at her head before stalking from the room just as Steve walked in. "...did i miss something?"
“You and modeling. Though I have to admit, at least you’re dressed this time.”Sue scowled a little. “Hm, she said it was more memorable, definitely a little racy, but not horrible.”Sabrina muttered though the edge of anxious stress creeping into her voice as she looked between the siblings. “A favor doesn’t have you looking at your publicist like your getting ready to spread her out over the dining table.”Sue scowled just as annoyed at her brother, ignoring sabrina as the woman tensed and looked between them, pressing back into the pillows. “Stop. It was a favor, and I refused to do it. Johnny was doing a good thing. Which is what you wanted him to do.”Tony scowled looking moments away from throwing sue out before he was distracted by Steve walked in, “Hm, Johnny’s new modeling career. Also. We have a guest.”Tony said twisting to look up at his fiancee, taking the tablet from sue before she could protest so he could show steve the picture sue was freaking out about, frowning slightly as he watched Sabrina curl up in the corner of the couch. Wondering if it would cause more problems if he sent her out of the room after Johnny.
he glared at her. "i might remind you that the last time i modeled it was for Playgirl and it was YOUR shitty mouth that got me into it!" he snarled. "this is not even racy! people do worse than this in fucking tampon and bra commercials so why don't you get up off of your fucking high horse before i punch you off of it!? i'm suck of you thinking you can tell me what to do and how to do it just because you think your morally righteous and oh so pious!" he snapped. "i'm so sick of you, pretending that your better than me just because your married and have a pretty job. well fuck you Sue and fuck your husband too!" he snarled as he stalked off. "oh. the one of him in that wedding ad? yeah that was kind of weird for him." Steve admitted. "i thought he swore never to do modeling again after Sue blackmailed him into it the last time? oh, hey Sue." Steve said, finally noticing her before blinking. "a guest?" he asked curiously. "am i going to like this guest or am i going to be unhappy?" he wondered before looking at Tony and twitching his head, just a little. Tony would understand, it meant 'go help Johnny calm down' the glance at Sabrina finished the thought 'before he scares Sabrina'.
“That wasn’t my fault.”She scowled looking annoyed for being blamed for playgirl, even if it was true. Sue’s eyes widened as she watched him. Startling as she considered him. For a moment at a loss for words, not used to johnny talking to her like this. “Hm, yea.”Tony said. “I-it was a favor. A-a friend’s models came down with the flu. Needed last minute couple.”Sabrina stuttered a little ;ooking up at steve. “Hey. I think...I’ll be going...”Sue said waving goodbye, ignoring the look tony was giving her as she left. “Yea. You’ll like this guest, after you get done being pissed at him.”Tony said levering himself up off the couch, nodding slightly. He’d take care of Sabrina. “Sab?” “Hm?” “Why don’t you go show Steve who’s cooking dinner with Natasha?” “B-but-” “I’ll take care of him. Go have fun.”Tony said kissing sabrina’s head and steve’s cheek before heading after johnny. "John?"

“Come on....he yelled at tony already, so tony’s avoiding being in the room with him.”Sabrina muttered fidgety and upset even as she slipped a arm through steve’s tugging him towards the kitchen, responding to him. And you could hear the spattering of russian/romanian talking going on in the kitchen, with some english, as james barnes bounced between being the winter soldier, struggling to force his mind together enough to really be functioning enough to make dinner.
"like hell it was! it's 'never' your fault is it!?" he demanded. "it's not your fault that i was kicked out of school, it's not your fault mum and dads fortune is gone! it's not your fault that we all ended up getting caught in a space explosion! it's not your fault i had to pose nude for some sick bitch who tried to rape me, it's not your fault i was kicked out of NASA and it's not your fault that i'm so fucking miserable that Sabrina was the first time i've smiled in MONTHS!" he hissed at her. "it's not your fault, it's never your fault is it Susan storm!?" he demanded of her. "you disgust me, i hope you know that you prissy, pretty, pampered, spoiled little rich girl!" at least he never, ever blamed her for having loving foster parents when he had neglect and scorn. and he certainly never blamed her for their parents death. he only blamed her for things she was honestly to blame for. after all, he was the one who had taken the fall for her fuck up during collage. during NASA he had covered for her after she made a huge mistake and he was the one who got busted for it. the only reason why he went into space at all was because she had told him he had to. no exceptions. he was in the Gym bating on a punching bag, his own special one that wouldn't burn when he hit it that Tony had made for him.

"it's okay Sabrina." Steve promised her with a smile. "Johnny is really upset, but he won't be for very long." he promised. "Just like Submissive, Dominant's like Johnny need to drop too. Johnny hasn't dropped in months, he hasn't dominated anyone and he's starting to feel the strain. i found out from one of Johnny's friends that Sue told him he had to stop, or she'd tell the papers. so he hasn't had any release at all in... well, who knows how long. it's very unhealthy and i wish that bitch would see that." Steve admitted. "he'll dominate Tony and be better by morning." he promised her. "and you don't have to worry, he probably won't have sex with Tony, he wouldn't want to cheat on you like that." he promised her before staring at James, a sharp intake of breath before Steve went very still and simply stared at him for a moment. finally. "...i see you brought back all my stupid. seams to have grown out in your hair."
“You know, it still puzzles me how she got you to pose for the pictures for your rapist. That’s....does she not understand just how sick it was?”Tony asked as he walked into the room, because while he knew it wasn’t a topic they usually brought up, he needed to know. If only because he knew it would upset sabrina, and getting johnny to talk to him would be better then to let him talk to sabrina when he was so angry. Not because sabrina would be upset by it, even if she was, but because it would hurt johnny to know he’d scared her as much as he had. “Okay. So, if you keep doing this, you’re going ot break the punching bag, and I’ll be sad.”He said as he crossed the room, easing around to face the other, tilting his head. “Just how long were you planning on actually following her rules? You know, good thing you didn’t try seducing Rina yet, you’d probably scare her half to death.”He muttered thoughtfully, more because he had every intention of goading the other into lashing out, rather then being nice about this.

“....I-I should get him another publicist. I mean, it’d be better right?”She frowned looking upset and stuttering a little, responding to Johnny’s anger even if he hadn’t been angry with her. Responding with a gut clenching anxiety, even if Steve’s voice soothed her some, it would take johnny’s reassurance that she hadn’t done anything to make her truly calm down. “It sounds u-unhealthy.”She muttered, stuttering because she always did when she got upset. “Okay....and I wasn’t worried. They friends, he should let tony take care of him however he needs to.”She frowned softly before looking up at him. “Steve!”James jumped twisting to look up at the other, freezing as he tried to figure out what to say, to do. “...apparently he was living in the house across the street from the women’s shelter. Saw us get upset over the missing medicine. Retrieved it and brought it back.”sabrina explained
he shook his head. "she never actually raped me. she just tried to while i was being photographed." he admitted. "i have no idea how she managed to be left alone with me but Sue should have fucking known better." this was before he ad been in space, so he hadn't had his fire. she had knocked him so hard over the head it had left him dizzy for days and then tried to force feed him Viagra. he'd managed to escape and when the police arrested her she had admitted to wanting him to get her pregnant so he would have to marry her and she could get the prestige, and the money he held. Sue had, granted, been mortified that a person she had thought was a friend could be so vile, but she'd never actually apologized for forcing Johnny to go be in Playgirl either. she just blamed him for doing it in the first place. Johnny glared at him. "working with Sabrina was my last concession to Sue." he admitted, lips in a tight thin line as he slammed his fists into the punching bag. "i'd hoped if i did this she'd get off my fucking back about everything, i'm done. she can fuck herself. i'm never, ever doing anything she ever says again!" he snarled before whirling on Tony and snaring. "what!? you think i'm not good enough for her too!?" he demanded, well aware Tony was just picking at him, getting him to let out all that rage. he did the only thing he could do. he tangled his fist in Tony's hair, forced him to his knees, unzipped his pants and ordered Tony to suck.

"Johnny won't accept another publicist." Steve stated simply. "he'll either go without or stick with you." he admitted. "better to make sure he doesn't go on a rampage, your the first person i've met that can actually control Johnny." he admitted. "it is unhealthy. it's..." here he paused, struggling to find a good comparison. "it's like telling a Runner they're not allowed to run anymore because it might ruin their good image." he admitted. "Running is very good for you, and it has a bit of an addictive quality. the rush of endorphins becomes something your mind, and bbody craves. dominance and submission is the same thing. there's a flood of endorphins and other good chemicals that floods your brain and system that becomes something your body wants, even needs. Johnny's a very controlled man, the sudden loss of his medication and control has left him depressed and his body is screaming that he needs those endorphins. that's why he snapped at Sue. he just couldn't control himself anymore." he explained before looking at James. he mad a sound, it almost sounded like a laugh. he pressed his hand to his mouth and made that sound again ad then he was laughing because he couldn't not. he wrapped his arms around James, holding him, hugging him and calling him a selfish son of a bitch' and 'you utter bastard' and 'you fucking asshole' all the while thanking him for coming back, expressing his delight in seeing him again and demanding he never, ever do that ever again!
“Hm. I see. Still. Sue’s a idiot.”Tony sighed softly shaking his head as he considered the woman. He knew that whatever happened, what had just broken in his relationship with Sue, was going to stay broken. Knowing that the other wasn’t going to simply let sue run roughshod over him anymore. “She probably would have, but I doubt that Sue has teh capability of not running roughshod over everything, if it doesn’t fit exactly what she wants, even if you’re trying. Helping Sabrina, liking and dominating Sabrina, definitely not something Sue understands.”Tony said before tilting his head, watching the other. “No. Just thinking you’re upset and scared your submissive, who’s just figuring out what she needs. Though, you know, if you keep it up, you and David are going to be in a exclusive club of people who scare Sabrina.”He muttered growling as the other forced him to his knees, sliding his mouth down over the other as he hummed Elvis Prestley’s ‘Burning love’ the song he always hummed when he had his mouth anywhere near Johnny’s skin, teasing the firestarter, which given his current mood, was probably going to result in violence.

“Oh. W-well I’ll see what he wants. Help.”Sabrina frowned a little before nodding, looking thoughtful as she considered what she was listening to. Understanding before nodding. “I see. Thankfully he’s got his medication back, and hopefully tony can help him...”She muttered calming a little, trusting tony to help him, and trusting herself to help him when he came out. “...Are you laughing at me?”James frowned staring at the man. “Indeed. I think he is.”Sabrina said watching them, looking amused slightly at the other’s look of utter confusion. James went still and quiet as he was hugged, not hugging him back, still and quiet, “...what....are you doing?”He said sounding so confused at being hugged instead of hit.
he nodded. "i'm not going home. can i stay here for a while?" he asked hopefully. "she has no self control at all really. she's too spoiled. she thinks that she should have whatever she wants, even if it makes other people completely miserable." he admitted. "it's time she grew the fuck up." he admitted before snarling at him, flames erupting all over him, they where blue, thank god. these flames where simply an expression of his rage. they could spread all over everything, but they where pleasantly warm and couldn't burn. sometimes he did this when he was in bed too and couldn't contain his reactions to a very nice orgasm. he barely managed to resist slapping Tony hard, right across the face for bringing up Sabrina's Ex. he snarled again at the teasing and yanked Tony's head again. "do it proper Tony, or i'll get the flail." he warned. granted, the Flail was more like a flogger, or even a Crop, it was mostly promising Tony that Johnny would beat the shit out of him if he didn't get on with it.

Steve nodded and smiled at her. "yes. he has his medicine back and he'll strop Tony good, which Tony needs too. Tony needs to drop in a bad way and i haven't been here to help him. Johnny and Tony will both get what they need this way." he admitted. "just remember, Johnny can get very, very angry, but he ever hurts or yells at someone who doesn't deserve it." he promised. "he doesn't take anger out on other people." he promised before smirking at James. "i am. yes, you idiot." Steve said before holding James close. "i'm hugging you, you asshole. i missed you. i thought you where dead." he admitted, pressing his face into the others shoulder so no one would see him crying. "your home. you've finally come home..."
“Of course. It’s not like you don’t have rooms. Though I think Sabrina’d like it if you moved into her apartment, instead of mine.”Tony shrugged because while johnny had a room in his and steve’s penthouse, he knew sabrina would probably settle better to know johnny was right there if she needed him. “yes it is.maybe with you out of there, she will.”Tony said tensing for a moment before relaxing as he realized it was the pretty fire, while worrying about anger, it was still pretty. “Hmm, might want to warn Rina about this. She’ll be shocked when you catch on fire in bed.”He muttered stroking a hand over the man’s flank, simply enjoying touching him before yelping as his head was jerked. “No, no I’ll do it.”He muttered settling in and giving johnny exactly what he wanted, knowing when the proding and annoying words were more then johnny wanted, giving into the need to simply take care of the other he gave him the best blowjob, tapping the other’s hip a little closing his eyes, knowing johnny would figure out what he wanted, for the other to fuck and use his mouth as brutally as the anger demanded.

Frowning slightly at his words she looked up at Steve, nodding slightly. “O-okay. I’ll remember that.”She said because she believed it, understood that he was telling her that johnny would never mistreat her. That she could trust him. “...Not dead. Simply enjoying freedom.”He muttered ,not ready to discus what had sent him running around the world to get away from, shifting a little, tensing slightly before wrapping his arms around the other’s waist, leaning into him a little. “....this is a better home. know, flea bitten. Or cold. And the water actually works. And I hear you’re getting married? Home definitely didn’t have a fiancee waiting for us.”James muttered deflecting with humor because like tony, he had no idea how to handle the emotions battering at him.
he nodded. "i'll have to talk to her about it of course." he agreed, calming already at the idea of being close to Sabrina and away from his bitch sister. he had given up so much for her and she just kept taking. he didn't have anything left to give and it was time he focused on himself. he snarled at Tony, annoyed with the constant chatter and teasing and let a pleased smile curl his lips once Tony promised to do it, and proceeded to do it. he started thrusting when Tony tapped, but was content to let Tony do all the work, feeling the rage swept away by the pleasure, closing his eyes and savoring Tony's hot mouth savoring his orgasm before pulling away, studying the man for a moment. "Thank you." he mused, stroking Tony's hair and his cheek, smirking a little. "your so good to me." he admitted. "do you want me to get Steve?" he asked, well aware he couldn't leave Tony like this, but also aware he needed to go calm Sabrina. he couldn't have a super spaced out Ton near Sabrina either though because Tony would freak her out. so, he'd either stay with Tony and trust he would keep Sabrina calm, or they'd switch depending on what Tony wanted.

he smiled at her. "it's actually kind of cool when he gets so pissed off he starts leaving these little blue flames everywhere. the Gyms probably all in flames right now. the blue ones don't hurt though, or burn. they're actually pretty cool. if you keep feeding them, they never go out. i have a jar in my room full of Johnny's bluebell fire." he admitted. "...oh but, don't call it that, he get's annoyed. something about his fire not being girly or something." he admitted with a chuckle before punching James in the shoulder "next time enjoy freedom with a phone call or a post card or something!" he complained. "This is a better home." he agreed with a smile before leaping away from him. "you better not have flees!" he protested, looking mortified. even when they'd been poor and homeless in Brooklyn they hadn't had flees! "anyway! i am getting married!" he admitted. "my Fiance is being sexually molested right now or i'd introduce you." he admitted with a grin, letting the other shy away from the emotions now that he had, mostly, regained control of his emotions.
Tony sighed softly swallowing around the other as he came, leaning back, moving his jaw some to simply crack it, the muscles aching in a good way as he leaned into Johnny’s hand. “Welcome....and I am?I am good.”He muttered sighing softly, happy and content before frowning, thinking about it. Even as low as he was, he was aware that he couldn’t walk out there. Knowing Sabrina would freak out, him and steve had so carefully kept Sabrina from being aware of this, knowing she’d freak out. Thinking it over because he knew steve was busy to. “....Okay. Yes. Get steve.”He said, knowing steve would forgive him for it, figuring james needed a break anyways. “Help me to the bedroom first.”He questioned smiling quietly as he stood, helping johnny do up his pants.

“Really?I’m gonna have to get some. They’d make good decorating things. My bedroom’s done in blue.”She said looking thoughtful and interested at the idea before snickering, “Bluebell? hair’s bluebell blue, so I can see why he’d think it was girly.”She snickered a little as james yelped. “Sorry!Sorry, I freaked out. Sorry.”He stuttered holding his hands up before snickering. “No, no fleas. Promise. I bathed and everything. No lice, bugs, or fleas. Hydra didn’t care, but apparently living across from a women’s shelter makes them feel badly for me when I went out. Penelope helped me get cleaned up.”He snickered a little before raising a eyebrow. “I’ve met him. Interesting man you have there. If he approaches me with a screwdriver again, you’re going to be done a fiancee.”He warned though he looked amused, glancing up when johnny came in.
Johnny smiled at him. "you are a very good boy." he agreed, smiling as he waited for Ton to make up his mind. it often took a little while when he was like this, but he answered a little more quickly than he did sometimes. "okay." he agreed with a smile, tipping Tony's face up and giving him a good kiss and then gathered him up and carried him to his bedroom tucked him in and told Jarvis to watch over him while he got Steve and cleaned up his fire.

"they are really pretty." Steve admitted. "the Gym is probably coated, i'll take you down to look once Johnny's feeling better." he promised. "they last for a good couple of hours unless he goes and puts them out so we have plenty of time." he promised before chuckling. "nah, he's been saying that before we even met you." he admitted with a smile. before glaring at James. "you should be sorry!" he complained before smiling. "i'm glad you had someone to help you though." he admitted to James before looking mortified. "oh god. i'm sorry... i'll have to distract him. he gets like that around Tech he hasn't made." he admitted before smiling at Johnny. "Sabrina want's a Bluebell!" he informed Johnny, laughing when a spurt of blue flames where flung at him. "they are not Bluebell!" he raged, glaring at Steve who laughed and fled to go to Tony while Johnny moved over to the blue fire he had splattered all over the kitchen wall. Natasha was already there, scooping some into a Jar and ran off with it, Johnny rolling his eyes. "i don't care if you take it!" he called after her, making her whine. it was only fun stealing it when Johnny didn't want her to have it.
”Awesome. That’ll be great.”She smiled looking interested at the flames, before tilting her head a little. Looking thoughtful as she watched the two friends. “Me to. They were nice.”He said smiling slightly, frowning as he laughed softly. “It’s okay. It was just a litle disturbing, and tiring. Thankfully, he listened when I told him to go away.”James said looking amused before looking up at johnny. Sabrina’s eyes went wide, startling as she watched the flames splatter, and despite steve’s promise that he wouldn’t be angry or yell at her, she was still nervous. Upset as she watched the flames, biting her lip as she used one of the glass cups to scoop up some flames for herself, clutching it close as she looked up at johnny. “Y-you okay?”she said nerves in her voice, though she wasn’t in a full panic, so she hadn’t totally lost it yet. "I-I can ask them to take the ads down. A-and maybe not date...I-I mean we don't have to."
Steve smiled at him a little. "yeah, Tony can be exhausting sometimes, i'll make sure he doesn't bother you again... although, strictly speaking, it would probably be better if he replaced that arm. i can't imagine they cared if it was a painful attachment or was slowly poisoning you or something." he admitted. "your going to have to let Bruce look you over too." he admitted. "and he always listens unless he's manic ad even then we can typically distract him away." he promised James before heading off to get to Tony.

Johnny smiled at her a little when she stuttered and moved over to her gently set a hand on her cheek, gently comforting her. "i'm okay now. sorry, i did dirty things with Tony." he admitted with a grimace before smiling at her. "here..." he gently filled the glass in her hands to the brim with his Blue fire for her. "the Ads are fine. i like them. and i'm not giving you up now that i've finally gotten you." he pointed out with a smile, kissing her forehead. "i want to Date you, so i will." he admitted. "i'm done bending and breaking to make Sue happy. i'm focusing on MY happiness now." he admitted with a smile. "and you make me happy."
“I’m sure he can be.”James said with that perverted little smile that said no matter the decades long torture, James Buchanan Barnes was still there and fighting to be himself again. “...I know. I already told him he could make a new one, as long as he got away from me for a bit.”He grumbled because even as damaged as he was, he was well aware that it wasn’t the greatest thing, and probably infected under the metal from where it rubbed at his skin. “...Fine. I’ll do that.”James said rolling his eyes a little as he followed the other out, before going in search of natasha. Tony smiled sleepily as steve joined him, whining quietly as he squirmed and held his arms out for the other. “Bed. Now.”he demanded.

Sabrina sighed softly as he touched her face, relaxing as she turned her face into his hand, leaning into him a little. “I’m sure he enjoyed that.”She teased a little eyes going wide as he filled he glass, holding it close, looking utterly fascinated with the flame, biting her lip a little. “C-can I have another glass?They’d look good on my end tables in my room.”She said blushing as she looked up at him, before frowning slightly, looking worried about his choice, but not about to fight him on it, when she really did want to be with him. “They are nice ads aren’t they?”She muttered blushing a little, sighing as she leaned into him, clutching the glass of fire and wrapping a arm around his waist, simply enjoying being close.
Steve smirked. "it's not often someone can keep up with me you know." he pointed out. "the fact that he can exhaust me is an amazing thing and you should be impressed with him Mr. Old guy." he teased James before smiling a little. "i'll make sure he's calm when he measures your arm and stuff." he promised. "in a few days once you've settled in a little more." he promised with a smile. "i'm glad your home buck." he admitted softly before heading to Tony, clicking his tongue. "bossy." he complained, looking amused, snuggling him.

"i'm sure he did too." he admitted, looking relieved that she wasn't pissed off at him. "of course you can have another glass." he promised pulling down another glass and filling that up too before smiling and pouring some into her hand. it was like holding warm Jello just before it was fully set. slimy and runny but solid enough that it didn't all run out through her fingers. "when the fire starts to fade, just feed a couple dozen matches and it'll keep burning for a few more days, or even weeks." he admitted with a smile, kissing the top of her head and snuggling her.
“I am very impressed, and don’t you start on the ‘old guy’ stuff, pipsqueak. I can still turn you over my knee.”He grumbled, because while he was still feeling off balance at not being greeted the way he thought he’d be, he was relaxing. “I’m glad I’m here to.”Bucky said watching him. “Am not.”Tony muttered smiling as he snuggled close. “glad your home.”He muttered sleepily.

“Awesome.”she smiled, eyes going wide as she watched the flame, her anxiety shifting into relieved giddiness that he wasn’t upset with her, while she’d probably have problems later, she was okay for the moment. For the moment, simply enjoying being snuggled.

It wasn’t until later, the middle of the night that her anxiety hit her like a ton of bricks, jerking her up out of a sound sleep, dreams twisting her up, panting as she leaned back against her hands, the bright flames she’d put in the tall vases, the glasses she’d sank in the middle of the tall vases still holding flame, giving a unique sense of water on fire, casting odd shadows across her features as she tried to steady herself, so torn up that for the moment, she was ignoring the sleeping firestarter next to her.
Steve snorted. "you couldn't take me when i was ten pounds soaking wet!" he scoffed. "don't talk tough Mutt!" he teased with a chuckle. "you are too." he scoffed, amused at Tony, nuzzling his neck before settling in. "i'm glad too. the ladies where great, but they aren't you." he admitted with a smile. "i missed you."

he shifted when she jerked upwards but didn't wake up too much really. he rolled onto his side instead of laying on his back and wrapped an arm around her waist, murmuring something in his sleep that sounded like it was supposed to be comforting, blinking sluggishly after a moment and looking up at her. "Brina?" he asked sleepily. "what's wrong?" he asked, starting to wake up a little. "did i wet the bed?" he asked, looking at the bed just to make sure. he hadn't done that since he was eight, but still, it might make her giggle.
Sabrina startled a little as he wrapped a arm around her, looking down at him, and instead of the comfort she usually found in watching him sleep, it just twisted her up as she considered just how messed up she was making things. N-no you didn’t.”She said though she was calm, there was enough upset in her voice to know she wasn’t resting well. Moving away from him as she started gathering her clothes. To distraught to really be thinking to well, simply doing what she usually did when things got to much, a habit instilled deep and lasting, running away. David had always let her run, for a few days for a few hours, to selfish to even consider trying to calm the upset and lost submissive. So she was reverting to old habits in the face of the utter upset Sue had caused.
Johnny frowned a little when she slid away from him and he sat up. "Brina?" he asked, worried now. "Sabrina? seriously, what's wrong?" he asked, gently catching her hand before she could make it to the rest of her clothes. "please. don't leave. if i did something wrong tell me.." he pleaded, worried that he had upset her. "Sabrina please... tell me whats wrong, don't try to do it all on our own. let me help, okay?"
Sabrina seemingly didn’t hear him, focusing on the task of getting her stuff, pausing when he pulled her to a stop. Keeping her eyes down as she panted ever so slightly, so close to a panic attack that she was teetering on the edge. “I-I have to go. Johnny, sue’s right. This is-isn’t good. C-can’t. J-johnny, I’m going to make things worse. I usually do. It’ll mess up your life, this thing with us.”
Johnny shook his head, settling his hand on her cheek. "hush.. Sabrina, shhh it's okay." he promised her softly, realizing she was freaking out. "there's one thing i know for sure about Sue, and it's that she's very rarely right when it comes to people." he admitted softly. "this is good. it's going to be just fine okay? you and me, we're going to be okay. yes, maybe we won't do any good as a couple, but that's okay because no matter what happens, i know you'll always be my friend." he admitted, smiling at her. "i don't think we have to worry though because your a smart, brilliant, wonderful woman." he promised her. "if we don't work out, it will be because of me, not anything about you okay? we can't work though, if every time you get upset you run away." he admitted gently, gathering her into his arms. "when your upset, you shouldn't be alone." he admitted softly. "we should talk things through until you feel better or until whatever is wrong has been settled and cleared between us okay?"
Sabrina whined still freaking out, but not pulling away or running away. A improvement, that said even if she was freaking out, she trusted him enough to stay still and let him talk. Let him calm her, to give him teh chance to get through to her. “...B-but there’s others. I mean, not just sue. No one is going to be happy your actually dating someone. You have people who rely on you, I mean, for your job. Is it a job? I mean, it’s something you do.”She frowned, for a moment her whole thought process derailed as she considered his life as a dom, trying to wrap her head around that. “They’re not going to want to know you’re actually dating someone. It’d be weird, right?Right.”She muttered mostly to herself because she’d managed to work herself up enough, torn between sleepy dreams and the anxiety she’d simply shoved away earlier. Frowning slightly as she listened to him she frowned. Thinking on that. Wondering if it could be true, that she wouldn’t be a fault for everything? Maybe. Whining quietly when she was picked up but not fighting him to get free, shifting, resting her head against his shoulder, cuddling into him, even in her anxious mood, she found comfort in his touch, because it had never been something she could expect before. For someone to look after her. Watching the flame in the glass as she rested against him, she nodded slightly. “...Okay.”
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