
“No they wouldn’t Me either. Though, if you’re nice, I might let you take me on one, before I get to fat to ride one.”She said looking amused before snorting, shaking her head. “No, he wont. I’ll be afraid to drop me or something. It’ll be tony who offers to carry me, or worse, makes a pregnant IM suit so I can fly myself there.”he said rolling her eyes a little before grinning, looking relieved. “Thanks...sorry. I’ve been told I’m abrupt, but I don’t....make friends easily. And this talk has been nice.”She smiled rolling her eyes as she watched johnny go, “Sabrina. And yes, he is. I’ll invite you over for dinner sometime, and you can see just how weird he is. Promise.”She snickered picking up her books. “Bye alice.”She said following johnny out.

“It’s onlnie, Captain.” “Shut it off, Jarvis!”Tony said staring at it before shaking his head. “Some people. Stupid hotel. I’ll have to make sure some calls, sue them. It was a private room, even if it was Mardi Gras. Jarvis, shut down the website.”Tony said shrugging, it wasn’t the first time he’d ever had his bare ass up on the internet, and despite the change in partners, or the utter private moment, the vulnerable moment of them like that. For him, it was just something that was a accident. He’d never known that it had been him watching steve almost all the time at the party, instead of the revolving crowd of people around him, that had gotten steve to propose. “Can’t do anything about the people who downloaded it, but we can stop people from seeing it again.”
he chuckled a little. "how about after your not pregnant anymore? then we can ditch the kids with Tony and Steve and go motocross without having to worry." he admitted with a grin before rolling his eyes. "it's Steve. do you really think him capable of dropping you?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow before looking very amused. "better not let him hear you say that or he really will think it's a great idea." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh that's okay!" Alice promised her, shaking herself out of her shock. "uh, i'll have to bring Charley with me if i come over for dinner..." she admitted, writing down her number, name and Email address as well and handing it over to her with a blush. "goodbye!"

"That's it Tony. Take my cock. what a good boy. what a good Fiance." Steve on screen spoke, affectionately stroking Tony with a grin. hand reaching down to play with the Mardi Gras beads wrapped around his cock. Steve swallowed thickly, feeling rather dizzy and disgusted, pale when it finally flicked off. "Downloaded?" Steve asked, sounding faint. that meant, all across the world, there where people who had that video saved on their computers where they could watch it, and share it, any time the wanted. he really was going to be sick.
“Ah, well that works to.”Sabrina snickered a little before smiling a little. “No, not really.”She said. Before groaning. “Oh god, he would. I better not tell him.”She wrinkled her nose a little before smiling. “Awesome That’d be fun.”She said grinning as she took the address, waving goodbye as she walked outside, snorting at the sight of johnny. “Storm, you better stop that, you might run someone over.”The submissive woman said, fussing over him as she watched him, wrapping a arm around his waist. “Come on, let’s go home.”

“yea. But not that many, as a whole. No one else can get it. And I’ll see to making sure the hotel’s taken care of.”he said before pausing, looking up at Steve, studying him. “Steve’s it’s okay. I know it wasn’t a normal thing, but this isn’t the first time I’ve had it happen. We ignore it, they’ll move on.”he said shrugging a little.
"no. we won't tell him that." he agreed with a snigger. Alice smiled at her and waved goodbye before wondering if that had actually happened or if she was asleep. "huh?" Johnny asked, blinking at her before flushing. "ah. yeah. walking and reading. not the best idea..." he admitted sheepishly, tucking the book away. he'd already gotten Jarvis to run a background check on Alice from Books A Million. just in case.

"yeah. okay..." Steve agreed, swallowing thickly. "it's not okay Tony." he protested. "that's... that's Private...." he couldn't really explain why it bothered him so much. he didn't like people seeing that side of Tony. he didn't like people be able to see them, either of them, naked like that. Dominant like that, Submissive, helpless, it felt like he'd been molested really.
“No it’s not.”Sabrina agreed, leaning into the other a little as she snuggled in under his arm, knowing that someone somewhere was probably taking their picture, but simply needing to touch, to be held. “So, what did Jarvis have to say?”She said, not even bothering to sound upset. Used to tony and steve checking out everyone who got even remotely close to them. “So. Anywhere else before we go home?”

Tony frowned looking a little lost. Because he didn’t understand. “It is, and it’s highly annoying that people know I can look like that, but like I said, it’s not that bad. I mean, it’s only a small clip of what happened that night. They’ll forget about it in a week or two.”
he smiled and cuddled her as they walked. "he hasn't found anything, which is a good thing. he always searches public domain information first. like if someone made it into the paper or something. Google things. he's found her Face-book but it's almost all really cute pictures of this little four year old named Charley." he admitted with a smile. "he hasn't found anything else yet." he admitted before pondering. "i can't think of anywhere else we would need to be." he admitted, blinking when his phone dinged and he looked at it before wincing. "....oh dear..." he admitted, flicking through the news reports. "oh shit..." he shook his head. "about two years ago, her husband was arrested for beating her and Charley. her one year old daughter was dead on the scene, beaten to death." he explained softly. "her husband had a massive family and she moved away when they started heckling her for 'driving her husband to do it'. shit..." he looked at her. "i always forget how the nicest of people are usually that way, because their lives are shit." he admitted. he knew, instantly that the young woman was going to be adopted by the Avengers before long. hell, Natasha and Sabrina in particular would be coddling her. not to mention Clint, who was always overly empathetic to women in need. Steve too.

"...yeah. annoying." Steve agreed, shaking his head. "i don't feel well. i think i'm going to go lay down." Steve decided, shoving his food away and heading for his room. he had the deepest need to scrub himself raw, wash the icky crawly feeling off of him.
“Definitely a good thing.”She agreed snorting a little. “Good. Let’s go then.”She said smiling as they headed for the tower, pausing as she looked up at him, flinching a little as she sighed. “Damn. Just....damn.”She cursed softly, shaking her head. “They are. We’ll invite her to dinner soon. I’m sure charley would be absolutely thrilled to meet Cap and Iron man. And well. You I guess.”She teased him a little. “Though you don’t get nearly as many kids clinging to you.”She teased smiling as they headed into the tower, frowning slightly at the sight of tony puttering around the kitchen looking at a loss. “Tony? What’s wrong?” “I don’t know.”Tony said looking upset and lost, sipping his coffee, not sure how he messed up, but pretty sure he had. Had he accidently been the reason the video got out? Was it one of their videos? “Tony?”Sabrina said softly, looking upset, before wincing a little as the man ignored them in favor of trying to figure out what was going on in his head.
he nodded. "yeah. damn. she seams happy here though so that's something right?" he asked with a smile. it was a strained smile, but it was a smile. "it's weird though, in the reports, the husband never gives a reason for suddenly trying to beat the shit out of all of them." he admitted before grinning. "you know, i'm sure Charley would be happy to meet them too." he admitted with a laugh and a shake of his head. "we all know that Tony will be happy for the practice." he admitted with a chuckle before frowning, worried at the sight of Tony. "...shit. he needs to Drop." he warned her. "why don't you go find Steve and see if you can't help him with whatever happened? he'll probably talk to you better than he would talk to me." he admitted, giving her a brief kiss and a small smile before heading to Tony. "come over here, tell me what's happened." he ordered, worried about Tony.
“Yea that’s something.”She said before sighing softly, frowning a little. “Huh. Well, we’ll just have to make sure they’re safe, and let her talk when she’s ready.”she shrugged before snickering. “He’ll definitely enjoy the practice.”She smiled before looking at Tony. Frowning. “...Damn.”she cursed softly before nodding. “Yea, I’ll do that.”Sabrina said before going looking for steve, worried about what could have happened. Even as Tony shuffled over to johnny, butting his head against the other’s shoulder like a puppy demanding attention as he shifted to lean against him, looking anxious and upset. “J, show him the video.”He muttered wincing as he heard the sounds of the sex even as he stared at the floor. “Someone took the video, put it up online. Got it pulled off, but steve’s upset, and I don’t know what else to do. I got it down. And made sure no one else could download it. And sabrina’ll be able to give them something else to focus on besides our sex lives....Steve left......does this mean he’s breaking up with me?”Tony said looking suddenly anxious at his missing boyfriend.
he nodded. "sounds like a good plan." he agreed with a smile before frowning at Tony, stroking his hair and rubbing his neck a little, trying to do what he could to help. "Jesus..." Johnny muttered, glaring at the TV. "people have no boundaries. honestly. he's probably just upset that someone spied on him like that or something, you know how sensitive he is." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead. "of course he's not breaking up with you." he scoffed. "he loves you. adores you even." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "he'll be okay, he just needs a chance to calm down." he hoped.
Tony whined softly, relaxing a little under the other’s touch, sniffling a little. “Oh. Yes. He is sensitive, I didn’t of that.”He muttered whining softly. “Oh. Well. I told him he wouldn’t like dating me sometime, seems like sometime has come in.”He muttered sighing quietly. Relaxing into the other with a quiet worried frown, closing his eyes. Not even aware of the text that told johnny sabrina was going to look for steve. Or that he wasn’t in the tower. Simply going quiet as he tried to deal with the fact that steve wasn’t with him right then.

Hours later Tony frowned looking worried as he glanced out of the crack in the blankets, buried under the layers, he looked like a small puppy all swaddled up as he squirmed to look up at steve as the man walked in. “Steve?”He muttered sounding upset and scared, despite johnny’s assurance, he was sure the other was leaving.
Johnny smiled a little at him and nodded. "he is sensitive, and i don't think he'd ever had to deal with this before. he's probably struggling with how to feel." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead ad grimaced a little at the text. where the hell had Steve gone? turns out he hadn't really gone that far. just to Shield to demand someone pay for violating him like that. Phil and Fury had promised to do something about it. if they could. then he beat the shit out of some new recruits for a while before taking a rapid paced run to try and burn off his furious energy.

"Tony? what's wrong?" Steve asked, worried about him as soon as he saw the other all swaddled up. "don't worry. Phil and Fury promised to take care f the people who video taped us." he promised, sliding into bed with Tony and snuggled up to him because he wanted to hold his fiance and pretend he didn't feel dirty and defiled.
Tony snuffled a little shifting, looking up at the other, “Good. They should be of some use if they’re going to demand so much of your time sometimes.”Tony grumbled, disliking the utter fear that had gripped him for the hours that steve had gone, not answering right away as he snuggled close, pressing his face against the other’s chest, disturbingly enough his dark hair clung to his face with a faint sheen of sweat, saying just how upset he’d been that he hadn’t gotten rid of the nest. Not about to admit just how upset he’d been at being left, or what he’d thought was going on. “You okay?Sabrina make you feel better?She always makes me feel better. She bought me strawberries once.”He muttered.
"yeah exactly." Steve agreed, shaking his had a little. "Tony, your going to sweat to death under here." he complained, though he didn't throw off any of the blankets, well aware that would really upset Tony. Tony would come out only when Tony wanted to. "Sabrina? i haven't seen her. i was up at Shield. and i went down to D.C. and looked into the Embassy to see if i couldn't find some information on the ladies. apparently none of them eve realized that donations where coming in from America and they promised to spread the word. it was actually very refreshing. the six who where there where very proactive in their views on women. they hate the idea of men being able to smack a woman around. they promised to start an investigation into the matter for me." he grinned. "it's a good thing i'm known internationally." he admitted. "then i beat up some new recruits and went for a run because i was still too aggravated... i've never felt so... defiled before. how does it not bother you?" he wondered.
"Am not."Tony grumbled even if he shifted the blankets to let re air in and cool off before frowning a little"Huh. Hey Jarvis, check with johnny will you?Make sure Sabrina came back."Tony said not overly worried yet, before smiling slightly."Well, at leas you got some good wok done. I've glad they're loking int things...and it comes from extreme old age, being known so far around the world."he teased before looking upset, realizing now where he'd messed up, and trying so hard to understand the other's view. "I started out at a extremely yung age. Even before I really made a name for myself as a genius, Steve, I was still Howard stark's son. Hell, there's a picture of mom and me minutes after delivery floating around somewhere that a reporter took. I got used to it quickly."he shrugged a little.
Steve smiled at Tony and shook his head. "are too." he teased with a smile before snorting at Tony's paranoia. he was pretty sure Sabrina was fine. "i am not that old!" he protested, looking very amused. "i don't think they'll have to look very far. one of the men in the Embassy looked very panicked that they where going to start looking into things. he was definitely involved, or at the very least knew about it." he admitted before looking rather horrified at the idea of Tony just being used to having such intimate, personal moments being invaded. "Jesus..." he mumbled. "i hate people." he admitted, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him in close. "i'm sorry your so used to it. that's horrible." he admitted softly.
“You are to. You traveled in the middle of war world two, that’s old.”Tony huffed a little before wincing a little. “Well, good. We’ll figure out what’s going on soon enough then.”Tony sighed softly before wincing at the look on Steve’s face. “Yea me to sometimes.”He said smiling as he snuggled close. “It is horrible. Not anything I want for our kids. Yes, kids. Sabrina’s having twins, according to Johnny.”he muttered before sighing. “We’re going to shield them better then howard did.”He said not about to tell the other that sometimes he was pretty sure howard was the one who put the reporters up to stalking the Stark heir half the time. Yawning. “We should get some sleep.”he said his worry and paranoia set aside for the moment, calm enough to have Steve back that he wasn’t worrying.

But it was a few hours later that Jarvis woke them both, “Sirs?Ms. Sabrina still hasn’t returned and Johnny is growing worried. We both have been unable to reach her, her phone is going straight to voicemail, sirs. I’ve also located it, and she is in central park.”the AI said sounding worried. knowing that waking them, would cause a Avenger mode waking rather then simply a grumpy annoyed tony and steve waking. it'd be the captain and iron man who woke
he huffed and pouted at Tony. "that's not fair." he complained before smiling a little. "we'll figure out everything that needs figuring out." he agreed before smiling at him a little before gasping. "Twins!" he sounded shocked, but also delighted. "...oh dear..." he hesitated. "are we sure she won't want to keep one?" he wondered, frowning a little before shrugging. "we'll figure it out later. it's not like she isn't going to be a parent to the child, or children anyway." he admitted. "i'm kind of amazed at how well Johnny is taking all of this." he admitted before smiling a little. "we will protect them." he agreed. "i'll slaughter any damn reporter that tries to get into a hospital room while Sabrina is giving birth." he admitted before smiling as he snuggled into Tony with a happy little sigh, relaxing into sleep.

he was awake in seconds when Jarvis contacted them and he was up and in his closet to get his Cap Am costume in seconds. he was dressed in seconds and handed Tony his Iron Man suitcase once the other was dressed in his under-suit, leading the way down the stairs where Johnny was waiting, looking rather anxious indeed. "i know i shouldn't be so paranoid, but i looked in the park twice and i can't find her anywhere." Johnny explained. "i have this really bad feeling."
“Yea. Johnny said we’d have to talk about that, that sabrina was trying to figure it out, but, it’s not like she’s going away even if she wants one. They’ll all be here.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding. “Me to. I think he’s got a pregnancy kink, might be why he’s taking this so well....and she’s submissive. His submissive, he’s taking care of her.”Tony shrugged before grinning. “Good. Better you then Johnny, he’d catch everyone on fire.”

Tony smiled a little, though it was grim as he took the suit, pulling it on as he looked at johnny. Frowning behind the mask as he sighed. “Dammit. We’ll take care of this.”Tony said looking anxious as he flipped the mask down. “Jarvis, give me the phone.”Tony said paling as the AI zeroed in on the ringing phone, walking before running towards the lake at the center in the park, frantically looking over the water, desperately hoping not to find a flash of blue hair in that still water before paling when he saw the flash of the phone’s screen under the water, looking at the other two before wading in, scooping it up. “Well. She’s not here.”He said sounding shaken. “Jarvis, dump the videos city wide. Find her.”
he nodded. "i agree." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think he just likes Sabrina and thinks she's doing an amazing thing for us. still, most people wouldn't take it so well." he admitted with a smile. "i'm really glad she's starting to accept who, and what she is." he admitted.

Steve stalked the park while Johnny flow about overhead, both of them coming in when Tony landed and fished something out of the pond, both of them thinking the worst. "...shit..." Johnny ran a shaking hand down his face. "oh god.. something bad has happened. i'm sure of it..." Steve nodded, already dialing Phil and informing him that Sabrina was missing and her phone had been dumped. they needed to find her, now.
“Yea. Something has happened.”Tony said sounding shaken and upset even as jarvis showed him the videos he’d found, trying to sort out what was going on, frowning slightly. “She followed you to the embassy. You sure you didn’t run into her?”Tony asked wrapping a arm around johnny, “We’ll find her, Johnny. We’re going to DC. You coming with?”He asked even if he was looking at Cap, “Want a ride like this, or drive yourself and meet us there?”he said before cursing as he caught up with the video, "Shit. Cap tell Coulson that idiot you talked to, got to her. She went missing after talking to him, trying to get to you."
"....fuck." Johnny breathed, his eyes wide when he saw the filthy Romanian smile at her, looking very much like a sleazeball. "no, i didn't see her at all." Steve admitted, looking very upset indeed. "fuck. Tony... that video of us. i think it was released on purpose to try and distract or discredit us." Steve admitted, looking even more enraged. "yes. i'm coming with." he agreed, watching her enter the embassy, not two minutes later he left, making him bristle with rage. "i'll drive, it's too hard on your suit to carry me for that long and i want you in as fighting shape as possible." Steve admitted. glad that his motorcycle had been equipped with the flashing lights of a police car, not to mention the siren. this had been given to him since he often handled terrorist attacks, hostage situations and everything else so he needed to be able to get there fast. soon he was on the rode, going as fast as he could, cars and other vehicles pulling over for him as he raced past. New York and D.C. where both used to the sight of Captain America racing past them at a hundred plus miles an hour. most of them would start turning on radios, waiting to hear the latest.
“Probably. Fucking hell. And it worked.”he shuddered realizing that whatever this was, it was bad. Worse. And soon enough he found the woman, wincing a little as he had Shield ground the plane, landing within moments. Glaring ta the romanian they were dragging off the plane, before looking at johnny as the man landed next to him. “After you, mr. Storm.”Tony said being jarringly polite because it was the only way he was going to be able to function without screaming at anyone. Snarling quietly as he stepped out of the suit, and heading up after johnny.
Steve was soon turning onto his new route so that he could catch up to them while Johnny landed. "you find out what the fuck they where thinking, kidnapping a duel nationality woman who is currently registered as living in America." he ordered. as an American citizen, even if she was also a Romanian citizen, these men where in deep shit for taking her against her will. "Sabrina!?" Johnny called, looking through the plane, trying to find her, nearly snarling when he found her curled up and stuffed behind a seat like she was some kind of luggage, her hands tied behind her back, ankles tied together, blindfold over her eyes and a gag over her mouth, and even worse, drugged to the gills. he could only hope that they where drugs safe for the baby. "Tony! we need medical aid!" she was bruised up, pretty bad. one or more of those bastards had struck her. whether it was because she was struggling or just because they could Johnny didn't know. he also didn't care. these people where soon going to face his might wrath for daring, DARING to hurt her.
“I will. Go take care of her.”Tony growled already heading for the shield agents, looking angry as he talked. Sabrina meanwhile whimpered when she heard him yell, but to drugged to really register who was there, looking up at him when he tugged off the blindfold, blinking druggedly, “”She muttered her hands and feel a distressingly red from the to tight bonds, definitely not good for either mother or child. “Coming. Doctor’s coming in with Cap.”Tony said as he watched the doctor’s car, looking shaken as he looked at Steve, “Let her go in by herself. Plane’s small. No reason to crowd Sabrina.”Tony muttered not wanting to move her until the doctor said it was okay. The doctor winced looking her over quickly, making sure it was okay to move her before cutting her free, looking at johnny. “Carry her out of here, there’s a stretcher waiting. We’ll move her to DC general, and then get a better look.”She ordered smiling as she followed, gently rubbing tingly feet and hands as they settled in for the trip to the hospital, the doctor resolutely refusing to be intimidated by the three glowering and pissed superheros riding in the ambulance with her.
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