
“That’s awesome. And you have a tight ass, one that I’m totally using later.” “Awww, hawkass, stop it. I don’t want to consider your sex life more then I already do.” “You think about me having sex?Thanks Tony. It’s always good to know I have a admirer.”Clint smirked amused as he watched Johnny get Sabrina settled into the car, already heading his own car. Heading back for the tower. “What?’sabrina frowned looking at the men in the car with her as they headed back to the tower. “Just wait. Peter’s got it all organized.”Tony promised knowing she was going to lose it when she found out, before smirking a little. “He’s like the world’s best secretary. Even better then pepper, since I don’t want to sleep with him. Or pepper anymore. I mean, I don’t but...”Toyn stuttered to a stop trying to explain what he’d meant as steve drove and sabrina giggled as they headed for the tower.
Phil smirked. "only if i don't get to yous first." he pointed out before snickering at Tony, since Johnny seamed to be completely ignoring them. "i'm not sure i like the idea of Tony thinking about us having sex." Phil admitted, frowning a little. "i'm too possessive for that." that was, of course, totally true. Phil had broken fingers of people who had tried to flirt with, or worse, flirt with and touch Clint. the only people allowed to get away with flirting with Clint, where the people of the tower, and that was only because Phil knew they didn't actually want to sleep with Clint. "he is the worlds best secretary." Phil admitted. "it sucks that you snapped him up so quick. i'd much rather he was working for me." he admitted. "Tony. relax." Steve suggested with a chuckle. "you'll always love Pepper, i know that." he promised, looking amused. honestly, Pepper was probably the only person Steve wouldn't mind if Tony fucked. simply because he knew how those two where. Tony would always come back and Pepper would always apologize and they'd both be adorable for ages. honestly if Tony ever asked Steve, he'd totally be cool with an open relationship regarding Pepper. only Pepper though, well. and Johnny. only on Tony's end though, he sure as hell wasn't having sex with pepper. too many boobs. or Johnny, too creepy.
“Don’t worry, I don’t. It disturbs me to think about your sex life, Agent. Since I’m sure it involves Captain stuff and a little roleplaying, and I totally don’t want that.”Tony teased smirking a little. “I know. It’s hot.”Clint smirked leaning into phil a little looking amused as they headed back. “I think you’ll prefer him working for me in the long run, Agent. I mean, you’re actually getting my paperwork now aren’t you?”Tony snickered before relaxing at Steve’s promise, smiling at him. “Oh. Yes. Pepper’s amazing. She’s doing well planning the wedding to.”He muttered because while him and steve were involved, pepper had taken over for the most part-with natasha- and forbidden them from being hands on, since the women were sure they’d mess it up somehow. Sabrina looked amused as they got to the tower, sighing softly as she rested her head on johnny’s chest as he carried her inside. “Living room johnny. I don’t want to go to bed yet.”She muttered smiling slightly as she saw the others waiting for them. “I’m okay. Really.”She promised waving off bruce, natasha, and peter’s questions and concerns. “Really I am.”
"it only involves Cap stuff sometimes." Phil said, eyes glittering playfully before pondering. "you know. that's a good point. and if i just keep all of my paperwork in with yours, he'll do it too. so.... i think it will work out better that way. i already live there, might as well claim an office too." he admitted happily. "Pepper is amazing. and scary." Steve admitted. "i'm pretty sure she's plotting something evil." he admitted. "remind me i need to talk to her later." Steve ordered Tony, he knew Tony wouldn't forget to remind him. "okay." Johnny agreed, heading for the living room where peter was working at a coffee table on some sort of homework that Bruce had assigned him. after all, he wasn't just there to do paperwork, he was also there to learn and help in various projects and assist both Tony and Bruce in anything they needed. it was basically real life experience coupled with school. "Are you sure?" Natasha asked, fussing over her before heading into the kitchen to inform Pepper and James that Sabrina was back. Peter was quick to scoop his things out of the way and set down a portfolio instead, handing it to Phil so he could look it over.
“ disturbing.”Tony whined a little before laughing. “Exactly. Just move in totally, and you can have a office.”Tony shrugged, because he really had been after the agent to leave shield’s office and simply move in the tower. “She is...and she’s always plotting evil things. Okay.”Tony said not bothered by steve talking to pepper. If steve was going to be scared off by anything his ex-girlfriend said, it would have happened years ago. “Promise. Just a few weeks to make sure I’m balanced and okay, but I’m-we’re fine.”Sabrina promised, looking up at James and Pepper as they walked in, startled as the winter soldier moved over and shoved Tony out of his spot next to her, though he left johnny alone, the winter soldier simply slumped into the seat next to sabrina, a very annoyed looking guardian, fussing over him. The day she’d been missing had upset him terribly, and it was only though Pepper’s orders that he hadn’t brought both the medicine cabinet and the fridge with him into the room in the effort to take care of her. The things that usually kept people from being obsessively overprotective missing in the man who’d been stripped down to the basic instincts most of the time, and his instincts to;d him to protect.
Phil nodded. "i might just have to." he decided, well aware he was pretty much just doing what Tony had wanted him to do for a good long while now. he had been resisting up until now because, well, he honestly wasn't sure why anymore. "always." Steve agreed with a chuckle before frowning at her. "she's not 'fine' she is however in no danger." he assured them all. "she's going to be very moody for a few days and might become extremely uncoordinated at random intervals. the doctors think that the physical effects will be gone in a matter of a few days, while the emotional and mental may last upwards of two weeks." Steve admitted before smiling when James strutted in and positioned himself as Sabrina's bodyguard. "yeah, we're going to have to deal with that too." he admitted with a grin. "alright...." Phil closed his eyes and shook his head. "so. whose ready to hear the bad news?" he asked, studying them all.
“I’m fine!”Sabrina growled looking upset even as she stifled a yawn. “No you’re not. But we’ll make sure you’re looked after.”James said watching her, his voice thick with both his brooklyn and russian accent, not able to control it when he was upset and agiated. “She wont be left alone. Between us all, we’ll look after her.”Tony said settling on james other side, trying not to worry to much and resisting the urge to fuss over sabrina when she looked ready to beat their heads in for fussing. Tossed in with the pregnancy hormones, he was amazed she wasn’t yelling yet. Smiling slightly as he settled in. “Not to bad. At least he’s not being scary to go with it.” “I can scare you if you wish, Stark.”James said studying the other, smirking slightly at the other man as tony squeaked and moved a little further away. “...okay. Lets hear it.”Sabrina frowned looking at phil.
"your exhausted." Steve scoffed right back before smiling. "we promise not to fuss too terribly much." he promised. "but we will fuss i'm afraid. we can't help ourselves." he admitted. "James will probably be the worst." he admitted. "he's really very fond of you, you know." he admitted, smiling at her, and then grinning at James. "not as fond as he is about Natasha, but fond." he admitted with a snigger. "alright. well. first things first, your Ex-Husband David is demanding you be returned to Romania and forced to marry him once more. he is convinced that the baby is his." he admitted. "he is attempting to go through the legal system to do so, however, he cannot legally force you to return to him. the most he can do is demand to be in the baby's life, proving that it is, in fact, his. since it's not, all we need to do is do a paternity test to prove so. however, he's going to be causing all kinds of fuss and ruckus until then." he admitted. "we do have the law on our side however, since he was the one who informed those... pigs, to return you to Romania. the only reason why he's not in trouble is because one: we cannot prove it and Two: even if we could he didn't order the men to drug you, tie you up, or kidnap you. he just told them to 'return you to him'. however. we CAN have him nailed for the theft of over sixty percent of the remains of the money that actually made it into Romania. we can also nail him for orchestrating the destruction of your house and the theft of Johnny's drugs. unfortunately, since people like him, those charges probably won't stick for too long."
"Am not.” “You’re falling asleep.” “Shut up tony.”Sabrina grumbled even as she shifted, snuggling into johnny as she rested her head against his chest. “I’m not the worst. I’m never the worst. You and your shenanigans, Rogers, are in fact, the worst person.” “Cause he makes you be protective and worried, and stop at every alley to make sure he’s not down it getting beat up?” “Exactly.”James huffed before growing serious, growling quietly as he considered sabrina’s ex. “No. I-I don’t want to. And the child-children aren’t his.”She frowned looking annoyed and upset at the idea before nodding, relaxing as she realized that she wouldn’t have to before frowning. “H-he’s been stealing?” “Yes. He’s nearly gotten everything actually that was supposed to go to the shelter.”Tony frowned as he read over the information, frowning as he looked at the shell shocked looking woman worriedly. “...It’s stealing drugs. I mean, high class narcotics, the charges should stick.”he grumbled, even if he better then anyone knew that popularity and money would keep anyone out of jail.
Steve smirked a little. "at least i'm not sick and pathetically weak and you don't have to worry about that anymore." he pointed out happily. "besides, i am the BEST person! i save women in distress, that makes me a hero!" he pointed out happily before wincing at the news. "hush, Love. you don't have to go back. he has no right, legally or otherwise, in either country to force you to marry him. no matter Romania's laws against women, even they do not condone forced marriages." Phil promised her. at least he didn't think so. "if it comes down to it, you can repudiate your citizenship in Romania and that will cut off any attempts they can try to make about Romanian Citizens having to live in Romania, if they dare go that far. i doubt it will get that bad, but it's an option." Phil admitted before sighing a little. "he has been yes. we're still working out the exact number. he will, of course, be forced by BOTH governments to repay all moneys stolen. it might be enough to bankrupt him, but we can't be sure." he admitted before looking at Tony. "he has the ear of many important people. i doubt the charges are going to actually see him in court. however, he will have to pay back every penny or the American's are going to start raising hell and not even Romania will risk that."
"Well that's true. Though you get into more ridiculous problems now."james teased tensing a little though when sabrina grew worried and upset."...promise?I won't have to?"sabrina said looking at johnny anxiously. Relaxing a little at the promise as she swallowed thickly, relaxing as she closed her eyes."good." "Well that's good to know. That he'll be paying everything back even if it does nothing else for him."Tony scowled a little well aware it'd be hard to punish him, but that it would be okay. They could do this."no they wont. Romania doesn't have enough power to keep things from going badly if things are forced to that ..."Sabrina sighed softly relaxing at the knowledge that it was bad, but it would be okay
"i do not!" Steve protested. "i promise." Johnny murmured, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. "i swear it even. we have three master assassins here after all if the worst comes to worst." he admitted, trying to make a joke. he had a feeling he had failed. "yeah. with the amount of money he has to give back, it's really going to dig a ditch in his accounts. plus, we're going to start a news campaign against him." he admitted. "i have a friend in ABC7 and the New York Times." he admitted. "once they start reporting on it, the other channels and papers are going to jump on it as well." he admitted. "they'll really rub his nose in it and with as good as they are about finding dirt, they might manage to find some on him, maybe even a few skeletons in his closet." "he's also under investigation by Shield for the way he tried to have her kidnapped." Phil admitted. "between the Agents and the journalists, someone should be able to find something on him."
"G9ood. Thank you."she muttered going utterly relaxed and pleased with the idea that he would keep his promise. Because she trusted him to keep his promises. "That's good. That'll definitely get everyone looking into him, and they'll probably find more. I mean, if this is what he's doing and it's easily found, I'd hate to see what he's hidden better."tony frowned tilting his head as he watched sabrina blinking sleepily,struggling to focus on them as she started to drift to sleep."you probably should get her to bed..."
"exactly." Phil agreed before looking at Sabrina. "yeah. come on James." Johnny said, carefully scooping Sabrina into his arms. "i know you want to help too." he admitted to the man with a smile. "would you go get two glasses of water, a couple extra blankets and get the doors for me?" he asked. "not necessarily in that order though."
James looked startled at being talked to before nodding, getting up."come on then."he said smiling. "I can walk."Sabrina muttered sleepily as she stirred, blinking up at the other as jamesfollowed after them, getting the door before going in search for blankets and water. Smiling slightly as he looked at johnny settling sabrina into the bed."anything else?"
"no you can't. Doctors orders." Johnny reminded her, smiling at James when he opened the door. he knew, because Steve had told him, that treating James normal was the best way. "thanks James. would you run down and grab me a book? Tony will know which one i'm reading." he admitted. he was in the middle of the silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkein. he was soon settled down with her in bed, reading while she slept. he wouldn't leave her alone. never. when he did have to get up to pee, he made sure James was right there, just in case.
“Fine.”Sabrina sighed softly, smiling as James grabbed Johnny’s book. Amused as tehy settled in to rest.

A few days later Sabrina sighed softly, rubbing a hand over her face as she moved into the room, smiling slightly as she listened to tony and johnny talking science, shuddering a little as she moved over to Johnny’s side, sinking down onto the floor next to him, resting her head in his lap. Tony paused, raising a eyebrow at the sight as he shifted a little on the couch, smiling slightly. “You know, one of the good things of this all happening, is she seems to be a little more accepting of herself.”He said watching the girl simply sitting at johnny’s feet, not asking for attention, but needing it to.
Johnny was chattering about the rotational speed of the engine when he was startled by Sabrina. he had to smile and settled his hands in her hair, gently, carefully running his fingers through her locks because he knew she liked that. "yeah. unfortunately she keeps dropping and it scares her." he admitted. "the drugs, and what those men did to her really messed with her." he admitted, worried about her. "at least she's finally starting to understand that she's not the one at fault for her failure of a marriage. if i could gut that bastard i would in a heartbeat." he admitted. "you know, i don't think she realizes it yet, but David systematically raped her through her marriage." he admitted. "if he tries to sue for custody of her, or the babies, i'll be bringing that up in court, but i don't know how to tell her." he admitted, well aware she was too out of it to keep up with the conversation. he knew she wouldn't react unless he said her name, or a name she was frightened of. like David.
Tony winced at that, “Good thing you had already had the bondage talk with her, otherwise this would be worse then simply upsetting her.”Tony sighed softly, and as off step as sabrina looked, she was calming under johnny’s hand to, so it wasn’t a truly bad headspace, just not perfect. “No wonder. I’d be messed up to. She has you, which is good. You’re doing well with her.”Tony smiled watching them, before nodding. “I’d kill him to. We could totally get away with it.”Tony said looking thoughtful, wincing as Sabrina whimpered, pressing closer to johnny’s legs as she heard david’s name. Paling slightly as he realized what david had done, because she hadn’t considered that. That was just painful. “Damn.”He cursed softly nodding. “Definitely will bring that up if we need to.”She sighed softly, “you’re going to have to wait for awhile. If she’s dropping randomly, it’d be worse figuring out how to tell her.”he sighed softly, shaking his head, not sure how to bring it up either
he nodded. "well... we had a very brief overview anyway." he admitted, stroking her hair still and smiling at her. "she's a natural though. she does things like this without even realizing it's typical behavior of a trained Submissive." some people just knew what the liked, she seamed to be one of them even if she didn't want to admit that she was a Sub. "i'm just glad she comes to me." he admitted softly, stroking her hair again. "i can't imagine what would happen if she tried to handle this alone." he admitted before nodding. "i'm sorry love, i didn't mean to say his name." he murmured, stroking the back of her neck and giving her a gentle kiss to try and calm her down before looking up at Tony again once she had. "i just... don't know how to help her through this." he admitted softly, running his fingers through her hair once more. "i know i need to wait, but when she's more stable... she's not going to want to admit that she was..." he shook his head. "she still seams to think that all those problems, the things he did to her, where her fault."
“Well, it was better then she was willing to admit before. Which is a improvement. I mean, she’s interested, even if she’s reluctant to admit that she’s submissive.”Tony sighed a little before nodding. “It’s adorable to see. Amazing to see her like this, just natural, even if it’s going to be a bitch when she gets steady again.”Tony sighed looking thoughtful. “I think part of her problem is...he....made her feel like this wasn’t normal, that she was...broken for feeling this way. So she resists letting herself accept it, even if she wants to.”Tony sighed. Glad that sabrina had johnny, that they’d be okay together. “Kay. It’s okay.”Sabrina muttered sighing softly, whining a little as she nuzzled her face against johnny’s thigh, relaxing at the touch. “No she wont...And I’m sure that he made it seem like it was. After all, who would want to blame himself, when he had a submissive that was such a natural that she’d simply accept that it was her fault, rather then fight him over it? As...bad as she is, she’s a little better then before you met her Johnny. You knew it’d be alot of work. But I’ve never known you to shy away from work.”Tony grinned a little before tilting his head as he considered her, “....have you considered....maybe taking her to bed like this? I mean...she’ll resist when she’s more stable...but if she has this to compare it to, to know that this was what she was meant to be like, she might be more accepting when she’s stable....”
he nodded. "it is an improvement." he agreed softly before smiling. "it is kind of amazing. knowing she trusts me this much. makes me feel really.... good." he admitted softly. not a whole lot of people knew that Doms, proper Doms had needs too. to know he was trusted, to know he could take care of her made Johnny feel very good about himself. sated the deep part of him that wanted to make her his. "yeah. i think your right. you think D... he knew she was this way?" he asked Tony. "or just assumed she was broken and never bothered to worry or wonder about it after?" he mused. "yeah, it's okay Sab." he promised her gently with a smile before scowling once he was sure she was no longer paying attention. "that's true of any abuse victim too. those abusing them always make it out as if it's the victims own fault." he admitted. "considering her childhood i don't think she's ever realized she can stand up for herself." he admitted before nodding. "i've seen women in much worse shape." he agreed. "she's a peice of cake compared to some Submissive's i've seen." he admitted. "i have considered it..." he admitted. "but i can't. not until she knows what she's asking or i'd be no better than a rapist myself. when she's like this, she won't have the mental capacity to tell me no if she doesn't want it. it would be so very wrong to take advantage of her ike that, and worse, she'd likely never trust me again." he admitted. "all i can do is comfort her when i can and hope she still trusts me in the end." he admitted. "i think once she starts coming out of it, she'll realize no one thinks she's a freak, or gets upset when she's like this, she'll be a little more accepting. she went to Steve the other day instead of me, and when she realized she nearly panicked until she realized Steve didn't even care. it was kind of cute." he admitted with a smile. "Steve never even stopped reading his book, he just hummed to her and stroked her hair." he admitted, looking pleased that Steve hadn't made any kind of fuss. it would, hopefully, show Sabrina that being submissive wasn't the scary thing she thought it was.
Tony grinne, because he'd seen a similar look on johnnys face before, and steves, when tony had trusted them to take care of him."all yours. Feels good doesn't it?"he teased a little."I think he was to much of a sadist to not know, and probably enjoyed stripping her of any enjoyment she could get. A virgin submissive, it had to be a dream come true for him."Tony said making a face."probably not. But she's figuring it out now. Which is so good to see."by on smiled at the idea."damn. Hadn't thought of it that way...but she's mostly stabe when she's not dropped. Might consider talking about it soon, just so she can think about it."tony smiled before grinning wider."it was cute. I have a picture of it. He was so good with her...he got a reward for it."tony snickered amused laughing quietly as he gestured to sabrina."be I'll it fuck with her to fall asleep like that?"he asked amused by the dozing woman
Johnny smiled at him and nodded. "yeah. it really does feel good." he admitted with a smile before scowling, very unhappy at the idea of David doing such disgusting things on purpose. it was enough to make a person sick. "she is starting to figure it out." he agreed happily before nodding. "your right, i do need to talk to her about it." he agreed, running a hand through his hair before grinning. "i want a copy of that picture." he demanded, grinning even wider. "what kind of reward?" he asked playfully before smiling a little down at her. "no. she doesn't get weird when she falls asleep unless she's upset. she's relaxed right now so it's okay if she goes to sleep. she might have a nightmare or a bad dream but it's easy enough to calm her down fro those and she needs the sleep."
"I'm always right. And I mean, she's figured out it can be fun, so sex won't be as scary for her anymore. It'll be fine."tony said knowing johnny was probably was worried about doing anything."of course. I'll make sure you get a copy."tony promised before smirking."a blow job and me in heels if you must know."tony said rolling his eyes a little."good. She does need the rest." "...johnny?"she muttered stirring a little starting to wake up. Because while she needed the rest, she also wanted held and be cuddled and just listening to the talk was enough to make her start waking up
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