
Sabrina frowned slightly as she considered that, smiling a little when tony simply relaxed at the quiet mutterings as seh considered Johnny’s words. “Oh.Just depends on the person then...”She muttered sounding a little overwhemed as she considered things, tilting her head as she watched Tony get to his feet, looking amused as he returned with the ropes, offering them like a peasant bringing a present for a king. Looking at steve eagerly to see if that was right, relaxing even more when Steve told him it was okay. “ropes?”Sabrina muttered, tensing a little. Being tied up had never ended well for her, and she was nervous at the idea, but watching tony relax as steve started binding him, made her think maybe it was the person that had been wrong, not the act. She could trust johnny to try this.
he nodded. "yes. this is one of the reasons why BDSM is so very misunderstood sometimes." he admitted. "because every couple does it differently. there is no 'set' way. it's also why some people get badly hurt." he admitted. "it's a matter of having set guidelines in place. later this evening, i will show you a list." he explained. "you'll check each item off depending on how you feel bout it, and we'll use that to decide what to try first, if you want to try it of course." he promised her. "very good Tony." Steve praised, smiling at him, looking at them when Sabrina sounded hesitant, waiting to make sure she was alright before using a more simple bondage. this one lashed Tony's arms to his sides and forced his head down but didn't go any lower than his hips. the pants would get in the way of the bondage. this was enough for now though. "very good boy Tony." Steve praised once he was done, as he always did. "what is your Color Tony?" he asked, running his fingers through Tony's hair, asking more for Sabrina's sake than Tony's. he knew how much Tony loved bondage. he rather adored bondage too. he sat there, simply rubbing Tony's hair and tugging on various ropes so Tony could really Feel it before undoing the rope around his neck and pulled his head back and up so Sabrina could see his face. letting her see how spaced out, but content Tony was. letting her see what a true Sub looked like. it could be frightening for some, So Johnny made sure he was holding her hand, offering her comfort.
“Okay. Lists are good...I can do that...”She muttered sounding pleased and happy with having some guidelines to figure out what she liked, what she wanted,without having to come up with it on her own. Feeling so very innocent at the moment before tilting her head, relaxing a little when steve looked at her, nodding slowly. “I’m want to see...”she muttered. Tony smiled, pleased that steve was pleased, humming slightly, leaning into the other’s hand, and far down enough it took him a bit to piece the words together.”Green.”Tony muttered sighing, simply relaxing into the touching, into the holding. Even without sex, this was good for him. Sabrina’s eyes widened as she got a look at tony’s face, swallowing thickly, shifting squeezing johnny’s hand. Frightened, but also curious. As if part of her recognized that this, this is what she’d been missing. “...Thanks steve. Tony...for...doing this....I think....I’m done for now.”Sabrina said, overwhelmed at the feelings, needing to get away before she frightened tony by crying or something, to overwhelmed, she could already feel the tears starting.
he nodded. "most couples who are into BDSM fill out a checklist and compare theirs to their partners to see what they do and don't have in common." he admitted. "it gives the new couple something to work with. i'll show you mine after you've filled out yours. i don't want anything i'm into, to sway our decision regarding your own interests." he admitted with a smile, letting her decide if she wanted to continue or not. "there's my good boy." Steve praised, smiling at the tied up Tony. Johnny gently squeezed her hand back and then wrapped an arm around her, comforting her. "okay Sabrina." Steve said with a smile. "i need to stay here. it's never a good idea to leave a sub alone when they're like this." Steve admitted. "they will go bad places." he admitted, stroking Tony's hair. "in or Out Tony?" this was a simple enough question. Steve was asking Tony if he wanted to stay tied up, or if he wanted to be released and do something else. if Tony stayed In, he would shift Tony to the pillow and settle in with a book until Tony felt satisfied, if he wanted out, they'd probably go do something a little more sexual.

"it's okay." Johnny murmured, smiling at her. "a lot of people new to submission cry when they first truly encounter it." he promised her. "it's overwhelming and more than a little frightening, i know." he promised. "we'll go back to your room and settle down and relax. if you need to cry, that's okay." he promised her, gently leading her to her bedroom and getting her a glass of juice. he knew she had dropped a little bit just by watching and was now a bit scared of what she had seen and experienced. he also knew she was very curious and wanted to know more. first, he had to get her settled again and let her come to terms with what had happened and how she had felt.
“Okay. I understand that.”She muttered knowing even if she didn’t consciously let it, she wanted to please johnny, and worried slightly about simply doing something because he wanted to. So she simply would listen and choose first, before she saw what he likedn. Shifting, cuddling into jhnny nodding. “It;s okay. I wouldn’t ask you to leave him.”She said smiling as she waved goodbye with a bright smile, that said if she hadn’t been worried about tony’s reaction, she would have hugged them both. Humming quietly as he thought, tony sighed quietly. “out.”

Sniffling a little Sabrina wiped the tears away, loking up at johnny as she nodded. “yes...that’s how I feel.”She muttered sighing as she followed after him, quiet and content, sipping the juice as he gave it to her, sitting back on the bed with a sigh, biting her lip a little. “, was...”She paused searching for the words. “ seeing myself. Knowing that I could be that content, knowing it could be there....”She hummed a little thoughtfully struggling to come up with the words.
he nodded, smiling at her. "it's good that you want to please me. it pleases me when you take care of yourself and voice your worries and upsets too, remember that okay?" he asked with a smile before nodding once he got her settled into the bed. "ah. i see. you realized you could have that. that's actually much, much better than most submissive do when they first encounter something like this." he admitted. "it's okay to be afraid you know, i'm sure you are a bit scared of what you saw in there." he admitted with a smile. "but it's kind of exciting too, isn't it?" he asked her. "something else to keep in mind, is that you don't have to be like that all the time." he admitted. "many people only need, or want to be submissive like that every once and a while. others want or need it more often. once a month to a few times a day, it depends entirely on the needs of the couple." he admitted. "and just because you submit once, doesn't mean you always have to. if it's something your interested in, you can have common sex, also known as 'vanilla' and you can even dominate me in various ways as well." he admitted with a smile. "it's fluid and flexible and nearly anything your interested in, i am more than willing to let you try. okay?" he asked with a smile.

"okay. out it is." Steve agreed. "yu where a very good boy for our guests." he admitted, carefully untying Tony. "i think my pretty Kitten deserves a very good reward." he admitted happily. he was surprised by how much he had enjoyed letting people watch him. he wasn't sure he'd be okay with being naked or actually having sex, but showing off how good Tony was. showing off His Sub, His Tony, His Kitten was rather exciting. he liked seeing the arousal in Johnny's eyes, and how Johnny had seamed impressed. he wasn't sure if that would feel the same with strangers, but he would be more than willing to let Johnny and Sabrina come and watch again. with Ton's approval of course.
“Okay. I will.”Sabrina hummed pleased with the knowledge before nodding slowly, swallowing thickly as she sipped her juice. “I’m...not exactly afraid, but I’m afraid of wanting it...”She muttered shivering a little before nodding. “It is. I want it...even if it is worrying.”She said before looing thoughtful, biting her lip. “i...I don’t think I’d like it all the time. I mean...that level of stuff. I like knowing you’re happy with me, or content, but it’s not...I want a life outside of sex, out of the bedroom. I’ve heard of some couples who had nothing but this and....I want more.”She smiled at him before looking thoughtful, nodding slowly. “ said something about a checklist?”

“Really?”Tony purred looking pleased perking up as he looked up at the other, squirming his way over closer to the other, leaning into him. Smiling quietly, surfacing just enough to talk. “I didn’t mind them watching as much as I thought I would.”
he smiled. "you're nervous you'll like it too much and will become dependent." he summarized. "right?" he asked with a smile. "you don't have to worry. while people like Tony do need to drop, i don't think you will become that dependent, ad even if you do you have enough self control to choose when and where you do." he admitted with a smile. "that's fine. there are some people who live like that twenty four seven, and that's fine for them, but you, and i, both have a life. while BDSM does not have to be sexual in nature, i don't think either of us would be happy doing it every day." he admitted. "i like having conversations with you, and even arguments with you." he admitted with a grin. "your not a pet after all, your a partner. just because you like to submit, won't change that." he promised. "the checklist will come later. your still too worked up. i'll give you the information after dinner." he promised with a smile.

Steve nodded. "really. i'd suggest you start thinking about what you want." he suggested with a smile, sitting down in his chair and unzipping his pants, stroking himself with a sigh, smirking at Tony. "i want a dance, Tony." he growled, it wasn't a suggestion either. "i'm a little surprised i didn't mind either." he admitted. "i'm not sure if its because i trust Johnny and Sabrina or if it's just because i was showing you off. but we can explore more later. i want my dance, and then your going to suck me off before i fuck you senseless."
“...Yes. That’s it.”She swallowed thickly, looking down. “I was...utterly dependent on David, despite having a career of my own....I never want to be like that again.”She muttered swallowing thickly before smiling at that. “Yes...I don’t think we’d be that happy doing it all the time.”she smiled at him, leaning into him a little. “I want a partner, a real one, instead of....what I had before.”She sighed relaxing, frowning slightly. “what do you want to eat?”she said already moving to get up and cook.

“Hmmm, I will.”Tony hummed a little before watching the other man, tilting her head a little as he considered her. “explore later...dancing now?”Tony smirked even as he nodded, waving a hand at jarvis’ camera lense to get the music started, slowly, carefully starting to dance for the man, eyes locked on steve’s face, watching, making sure he was enjoying himself.
he nodded. "while you will be mildly dependent on me, i'll be just as dependent on you." he admitted with a smile. "a real relationship, is about offering each other proper support." he admitted. "David took advantage of you. he used, and raped you." he admitted. "he was not a good man and the fact that he hasn't been arrested for the shit he did to you makes me sick." he admitted. "honestly, i prefer to do it only when one, or both of us feels the urge." he admitted. "i'm perfectly content with once a day, but i'm just as content once a week or even less." he admitted. "i'm extremely flexible." he admitted with a smile. "the schedule we keep will mostly be set by you and we'll adapt our lifestyle to our personal needs." he admitted before pondering. "do you know how to make any pasta dishes?" he asked curiously. "if not, i'll order in or something." he admitted. "i have this hankering for noodles." he admitted.

"yeah, dancing now." he purred with a chuckle. watching with hooded, eager eyes as Tony wiggled and danced for him. he loved watching Tony dance, those long lean muscles and flexible body twisting just for him. he fondled himself while he watched, just to maintain his hard on before crooking his finger at Tony. "come suck me off." he ordered. "i was going to make you masturbate for me, but i don't think i have the patience."
“...yes. That’s what I want. Both of us, together.”She muttered sighing quietly, flinching at his characterization, but not protesting. “I wish...I would but I doubt we could get him arrested....”She sighed rubbing a hand over her face, before smiling a little. “Okay. That’s good....and I’m sure you are. Flexible I mean.”She smirked at him a little, before relaxing at the idea that it would be whatever they needed, leaning into him a little as she nodded. “I can make chicken alfredo.”She said smiling at him.

Tony paused tilting his head a little, smirking. Coming up enough to be fairly conscious of what was going on around him, because dancing wasn’t something he could do easily ,and while he looked graceful, he had to focus and be able to move, at least in heels. Smirking a little as he moved over, kneeling between the other’s legs, resting his hands on his thighs, “Do you ever have patience?”He teased even as he lowered his head, eager and happy at giving a blowjob.
he smiled at her. "that is all i'll accept." he admitted. "if one of us has power over the other, then clearly something is going very wrong in our relationship." he admitted. "and i'm sure we'll be able to arrest him, he's already in deep shit over stealing all that money and people are starting to catch on to the story. there's one thing people like, and that's a scandal. where there's one scandal, there's another and people are actively searching for skeletons in his closet." he admitted before smirking at her. "i can touch my nose to my shins." he admitted. "and i can lick my own elbow too." he admitted, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "pretty sexy eh?" he asked with a snigger before brightening eagerly. "ooh Chicken Alfredo! can i help?"

Steve grinned a little at him. "no. not really. start sucking pet." he ordered, gripping the back of Tony's head and pushing him down. he knew if Tony needed to come up to breath he'd tap his hip, or pinch his thigh, depending on how impish Tony was being. "you give such wonderful blowjobs." he moaned, tipping his head back to enjoy.
Sabrina smiled brightly back at him, so utterly content and happy with the knowledge that they’d be a good balance together. Before wincing a little. “Probably...eventually.”She sighed a little before snorting. “I saw a article about Cap and you and tony speeding all the way to DC to find me. Soon enough someone’s going to find out what really happened.”She smiled before nodding. “And I’m sure the skeletons exist.”She said before staring at him, for a moment distracted from the idea of food, at the idea of him being that flexible. “Huh?”She said staring before startling, “Oh!Food. Yes you can help.”She smiled heading for the kitchen.

Tony groaned growling quietly as he was pushed down, shivering as he felt the other’s hand on his hand, indeed tony was in a utterly playful mood as the scrap of teeth accompanied the pinch to the other’s hip, teeth playing over the piercing at the other's base, squirming ever so slightly.
"he smiled at her. "i'm sure people will make the connections, but for now no one seams to realize and that's enough for me." he admitted before snickering a little at how distracted she seamed to be. "i know they exist. he wouldn't have had you kidnapped if they didn't." he admitted before grinning a little. "awesome!" he turned out to be of no help at all. though he could at least stir the pasta and the sauce together and chop whatever she told him to chop.

Steve growled right back and tugged on Tony's hair. "don't be naughty. i'll give you a spanking." he warned with a grin. well aware that would probably just make Tony act up even more, gasping at the teeth on his very sensitive piercing. "Fuck Tony..." he growled. "fucking tease." he grumbled, narrowing his eyes at the other. "keep that up and i'll just fuck your throat and then make you wait till tomorrow to cum. little Vixen."
“Sabrina flushed as he snickered, before nodding a little. “True.”Seh muttered before smiling slightly. Laughing a little as the other as she realized he was nearly absolutely no help in cooking. Smiling pleased when the food was done, she pulled it out, cutting out a a small bite and holding the fork on towards him.”Try.”She ordered, simply wanting to feed him.

“Tony hummed a little at the warning, smirking around the other at the gasp. Coming up just long enough to get a full breath before going back down again, starting to hum the star spangled banner even as his teeth started to play with the piercing, tongue stroking over it.
Johnny smiled sheepishly at her at the end of the meal before his gaze zeroed in on the bite. he wondered if she knew that Steve had planned on feeding Tony tonight, just like this, for them? Steve loved to feed Tony. and Johnny, amusing as it was, enjoyed feeding and being fed himself. so he was quite happy to wrap his mouth around that fork with a soft hum. "it's delicious!" he admitted happily. "your an excellent cook." he admitted before pausing when Jarvis spoke up. "Sir. one Alice Montroy, who you asked me to do a background check on, has been hospitalized." "What!? why!?" "uncertain." Jarvis admitted, pausing for a moment. "she is going into the Rape ward. i believe she has been sexually abused." "Son of a bitch!" Johnny hissed, already going into the bedroom to get different clothes on. "where's her Son!?" "The police are going to her home to fetch him from the babysitter." Jarvis informed Johnny, hacked into the hospital and police servers.

Steve grunted and moaned, tossing his head back as Tony played with the piercing. that damn little curved barbel was enough to make him loose his mind and he shuddered, crying out as he curled his hand tighter on Tony's hair, forcing him down and keeping him down as he came, and came hard. "fuck!" he groaned, still holding down Tony's head a bit, just because he could before letting the other back up and get a proper breath again. "man i love your blowjobs." he admitted with a grin.
Sabrina smiled looking amused, even if she didn’t know steve had planne dsomething like this. There was just something about giving johnny food she made for him, to make sure it was okay, that appealed to her. Blushing at his compliment.”Thanks. You were good help.”She teased before startlign, “What?”She looked surprised before following him out of the kitchen after putting their food in the fridge, changing clothes herself before sighing a little. “we’ll meet them at the hospital.”She said slipping her shoes on. “And take steve’s bike, he wont mind, and even without the lights on, people are used to him riding like a madman through the streets. They’ll get out of the way bettre then for a car.”

Tony groaned shivering a little as the other held his hair, eyes widennig as he was forced down, closing her eyes as the other held him down, nearly coming himself as he felt the edges of his vision starting to black out from lost oxygen, sighing quietly as he pulled back, blinkign slowly, “Love you to.”he muttered resting his head on the other’s thigh.
he smiled a little at her. "your a natural. i daresay you might enjoy the dominant role." he admitted. "i don't know that you could ever enjoy hitting someone, but you would certainly like other aspects of Domination i think." he admitted before scoffing. "i'm terrible at cooking. i was no help at all." he scoffed, looking amused before scowling a little as he he nodded. "Jarvis! tell Steve and Tony we're taking his bike!" he ordered. "have Clint follow us at a slower pace with a car. we'll be bringing back a guest i'm sure." he admitted, making sure she was settled, comfortable and had a good grip on the bike before he started tearing through the streets.

"i love you more." Steve teased Tony with a smile, grin soft and affectionate as he stroked Tony's hair. "i love you." he admitted, licking his lips. "i think you where good enough today to decide what you want me to do to you." he admitted with a smirk. "shall i suck you off or finger you until you cum?" he asked before looking up when Jarvis informed them that Johnny was taking the Bike. "huh. i wonder what has him all worked up?" he mused, his head tilted.
“Maybe. You know more then I do. I just want to look after you.”she smled at him, kissing his cheek lightly, looking slightly amused before smirking. “You were. You helped chop up the garlic.”She teased before sighing softly as Jarvis informed them that clint would be there soon after them. Leaning against his back as he arrived at the hospital, “I know it is wholly inapporiate, but that was really fun riding plastered to your back.”She teased a little, teasing because she weas scared of what waited for them inside.

“Do not. Love you mostest.”he muttered before sighing quietly, pleased as he looked up at the other, “Hmmm,-”He paused looking startled as he looked up, jarvis’ voice breaking the mood for a moment as he considered it. “,...maybe him and sabrina are going for that pre-sex ride?”
he smiled. "that's the main focus of most true Dominants." he admitted. "i don't know that you'd ever be truly comfortable being fully Dom. i don't know if you'd be comfortable giving orders and expecting to be obeyed, but with training you could certainly help a Sub who needs to be talked back up, or needs to be dropped." he admitted. "it would be good to know for Tony, since he drops so randomly, sometimes me and Steve can't be there. so knowing you would be able to help him would be a relief." he admitted. "we'll worry about that once your a little more settled and confident though." he promised before smirking at her. "that was fun." he agreed, heading inside to speak to the nurse who directed them up to a room. there where two police officers on either side of the door and they almost refused to let Johnny in until one went in to ask Alice herself if she would be okay with company. Alice looked a mess. the left side of her face was a mass of bruises where she'd likely been backhanded once or twice. her arms where covered in rope burns, ones that Johnny recognized immediately at a failed attempt at bondage. a dangerous attempt at bondage. a nurse was carefully tending to those. he was quick to cover his eyes and close them when he realized she had no top on, her breasts bruised as well and scratched. there where thick, bad welts all over Alice's back where a Dom had whipped her bloody just to hear her scream. she was still and silent and terrified but seamed to look a little more at ease with Johnny and Sabrina in the room. Johnny excused himself until she was more decent and left Sabrina in there to help Alice stay calm while he spoke to the police about what happened. "...hey." Alice murmured, watching Sabrina. her red hair was caked to her face and neck from sweat and her normally tanned skin was pale and broken and her vibrant blue eyes where dull with pain. and shame.

"of course you do." Steve chuckled, smiling at him before lifting an eyebrow. "really?" he asked, looking amused. "they better not have sex on my bike." he grumbled, shaking his head. "your the one whose supposed to be strapped to that thing naked." he admitted with a grin deciding not to worry about it. if Johnny needed them, he'd call.
“Hey.”Sabrina said carefully keeping her eyes down to not make the other comfortable before moving over, slipping into the chair next to the bed, before looking up as she watched the other. “Hey. No shame, I’ve recently learned, that this....none of this. Is the victims fault.’Sabrina smiled lightly, feelign anxious herself not sure how to handle things, or deal before swallowing thickly. Deciding she might as well jump in feet first.”Hey. So. I have a offer. If you want. I mean, I assume you can’t go home after this....and well. I have the world’s best body guards on this side of the world, and a security system run by the world’s only true AI.”she rambled a little, simply because she was upset.

“Hm, yes.....and they wouldn’t have to undress. All Sabrina’s got to do is lose the pants and sit on him...they have a unfair advantage at having sex on a bike...or while he’s driving....”Tony said sounding thoughtful, not worrying about it, trusting johnny to call them if they needed something.
Alice smiled a little. "i know it's not my fault he did this." she admitted. "but... i still feel...." she shook her head before looking at Sabrina. "where you...?" she asked, looking rather unhappy about the answer she knew was yes just by looking at Sabrina. "...i trusted him though." she whispered. "i've been dating him for three months. this was going to be the first time..." her lip trembled. "he was so nice to me. and i felt as if... as if it wasn't all my fault that Cliff..." she sniffled and wiped her eyes. "he was my husband, Cliff... he used to do things like this too. but at least he never pretended to like me." she admitted before looking at Sabina. "no... i don't imagine i can." she whispered. "he was... he lived.. lives... he's in the same building as me. three floors down." she admitted. "that's where i was when... he wouldn't stop, so i started screaming, and when i started screaming he started slapping me and hitting me harder..." she was crying now. "he said no one could come because no one would care about a filthy whore like me..." she looked up. "but they did come... or at least, someone called the police." she admitted, accepting a shirt one of the nurses offered her once all her wounds had been cared for as much as they could be. "i just hope Marie is okay with Charley..."

Steve snorted a little, smirking at him. "you think about it often do you?" he asked, shaking his head. "i don't think Johnny would be stupid enough to have sex while driving." he admitted with a chuckle as he stood up and nudged Tony for the bed so he could do as he pleased to Tony in comfort.
“Yes. I married my abuser. And Johnny’s helping me work through it.”sabrina smiled a little, tilting her head a little before wincing. “Some of the worst, can seem so nice. My ex was amazing, world reknowned for being a amazing generous man.....and it had only been recently that I figured out it was abuse.”She smiled slightly before smiling a little. “Well, then. There’s a apartment rooms and plenty of people to help out....though Charley might end up learning cussing in russian....or start mainlining coffee....okay, maybe exposing him to natasha and tony might be a bad idea.”She teased a little before shifting, gently touching the other’s hand because she didn’t know if she could hug the other without hurting her. “We care. Me and johnny. And well, I’m sure if we had told Cap before coming, you’d have heard the news reports of cliff getting his ass handed to him by a irate captain and former weapons dealer....not two men I’d want angry with me. Tony’s a evil genius, and if he convinces Steve to let him indulge himself, it’s scary ass shit.”She snickered before smiling. “The police were going to go pick up Charley, though if you want, I can see if Johnny would go pick him up, if you think the human torch would distract him more from being upset about you, then the police.”

“I do. Having sex while going fast would be awesome, but I can’t figure out how to do it for us.”tony sulked a little before smiling as he followed steve towards the bedroom, completely content to be directed around.
she nodded. "oh." she hadn't known that Sabrina had really been abused. actually abused. she didn't feel so alone now. "would it really be okay?" she asked, looking bothered. "Charley.... he's... he's kind of. special." she warned, fidgeting. "oh, i don't think Mr. Stark would be that bad of a role model. he's always super sweet with kids." she admitted, biting her lip, jumping when Sabrina took her hand. "oh, no. Cliff was my husband. he was... bad." she admitted. "he was arrested a while ago and he's not getting out of prison ever." she admitted softly. "the guy who did this was Brandon Hoss." she admitted softly. "oh good. Marie is great, but Charley freaks her out a little bit." she admitted with a sniffle. "he doesn't mean to of course." she admitted before shaking her head. "no. it's okay. i'm sure Charley is already almost here." she admitted, looking up when Johnny knocked on the door. "it's okay. i'm decent now." she called, making sure she was properly covered before smiling when Johnny poked his head in. "the two officers are here with your son, Charley.... they seam kind of freaked out though." Johnny admitted. "they want to know if it's okay if he comes in with you? they're still on their way up." "yeah. bring him right in." Sabrina agreed. "and tell the police that it's fie, Charley freaks everyone out." she promised with a smile.

"Sir. Johnny has just texted, informing us that we will be having an abused woman for a house-guest for the foreseeable future. she has a four year old Son named Charley who..." here Jarvis paused. "apparently he 'wigs people out' though Johnny is uncertain about the meaning behind this." Jarvis informed them.
“It would be fine. And have you looked at the current residents of the tower? Billionaire playboy, a living legend, three master assassins, sometimes two demi-gods, and a man with breathtaking anger management issues....not to mention our occasional guests of spider man, daredevil, and most of the x-men”Sabrina snickered qouting tony, because loki told the story of that fight sometimes when thor and him visited, it was quite amusing really to watch tony and loki try to outdo each other with stories. “I think he’ll fit right in.”She teased a little before frowning thinking about it, before looking curious but not questioning, not wanting to be to curious, wanting the other to tell them in their own time. Glancing up at Johnny she smiled at her boyfriend, “Come on in. We were just discussing moving her to the tower.”

“....Huh.”Tony frowned looking thoughtful, “Wonder where he found this one. I mean, maybe she’s romanian? Might be a case from the woman’s shelter.”Tony muttered looking interested the idea jerking him out of his subspace, though it was okay, he was steady for now.
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