
Alice managed a weak little giggle and a sniffle. "it would be kind of cool to live with superheros." she admitted. "i guess he would be okay." she admitted, wiping her eyes, Johnny blinking at Sabrina. "wait. she gets to choose? i already told Tony we where getting a new roommate." he admitted, making Alice giggle again before smiling when the a young little rocket blitzed into the room. he had bright silver hair that was sticking up in every direction and he was jabbering away at a million miles a minute about how he had learned how to count all the way to one hundred and then proceeded to show her. the only strange thing about him as far as Johnny could see, was that there where white bandages covering the boys eyes. they weren't too tight, it looked more like it was to keep the light out than it was to cover a wound. Johnny suspected that the child was blind, and either had no eyes, or extensive scarring that made people nervous or frightened so they covered it up.

"i don't know..." he admitted, frowning. "should we go join them? as fast as they left, maybe the woman was flown here Via emergency?"
“It is indeed. Never a dull moment.”Sabrina grinned before looking at johnny, snickering. “It’s polite to ask, even if you already have Natasha and Phil over at her place and moving her stuff over.”She teased before looking down at the kid, tilting her head a little. Frowning slightly but not questioning it, she smiled as she settled back into the seat, amused as she listened to charley, before smiling at the boy. “Hey Charley. I’m Sabrina, and to your right, that’s johnny.”She said nervous because she was still nervous around kids most of the time.

“...Maybe. Let’s.”Tony sighed quietly moving to get up and dressed quietly, running a hand through his hair as he headed for the garage, sulking a little. “We can’t ride your bike....””He sulked before perking up. “We’ll take mine.”While he normally didn’t ride, he did still own the classic indian that had inspired the iron man red when he first designed the suit.
Johnny shrugged. "come on. who says no to staying with the Avengers? besides, Alice clearly needs help." Johnny admitted, examining Alice's arms. that configuration, the way the ropes had laid on her arm, she had gone into the ropes willingly. she was either curious, or had been desperate for a drop. either way, Alice had wanted it, until the Dom went way, way, way too far. he smiled when Charley barreled into the room and he giggled, smiling at her. "i know! our Sabrina Dulca. your from Romania but you didn't like it there. you where really unhappy until you met Tony Stark." Charley admitted happily. "do the babies in your tummy feel finny? they don't know if they're going to be a girl or a boy yet though, they haven't decided." he admitted before turning his attention to Johnny. "and your Johnny Storm, also known as the Human Torch. your a math genius and your finally learning to stick up for yourself. that's good, you should keep doing that." he admitted, Alice smiling at her son because she knew Sabrina and James where 'wigged out'. though, that hadn't been as bad as it could be, for example, the two police who had brought him in, one had been informed that cheating on his wife was a very naughty thing to do and the other had been informed he had cancer in his 'weewee'. the second cop was already making a phone call to his doctor, just in case.

Steve chuckled a little and kissed Tony. "i'll make it up to you later." he promised. "don't forget, you still have our reward to think about." he teased before smirking as he settled onto the bike with enough room for Tony decide if he wanted to Drive or wanted to be the rider.
Sabrina’s eyes widened startled at the boy’s words, staring down at him for a long moment before stuttering a little. “they do sometimes. Make me sick to. But only sometimes.”She said sounding utterly puzzled at the child in front of her, before glancing at johnny, smiling quietly. “He’s right, you are learning how to stand up for yourself. Sue’s so upset about it.”She muttered smiling, though she still looked a little startled and lost at the child in front of them.

“Kay. I’ll think on it.”Tony said sounding pleased as he slid onto the bike in front of the other, smiling as he started it, he enjoyed having the bigger stronger man plastered to his back as he weaved through traffic, made him safe and precious, even if he was the one driving. Smiling slightly as he parked, heading inside, before pausing, glancing at steve. “So, remember what her name was?Sorta makes finding them harder....”
Charley beamed at her. "don't worry. that won't last too long. unless you smell eggs." he admitted. "then you'll get really sick." he admitted. "so you should avoid eggs for a while." he admitted with a nod, Johnny smiling. he'd remember that before smirking a little. "i know it's driving her nuts. it makes me feel very empowered too." he admitted happily. "still, she's off my back so i don't care so much." he admitted. "i'm sorry." Alice said, even if she looked amused. "just don't hold his hand for more than fifteen seconds at a time and he'll stop eventually. he's too young to really control himself." she admitted. "it's fine. no creepier than Charles." Johnny admitted before pausing. "....that's kind of a coincidence..." he admitted, examining Charley who giggled. "Mister Xavier is my hero!" he said, jumping on the bed. "he's super cool! i wanna shave my head off like his but Mommy won't let me." Johnny looked mortified at that and Alice snickered. "hair, sweetie. shave your hair off. not your head." "but he has such pretty hair..." Johnny admitted, tugging on the silver locks, making Charley giggle. Johnny didn't look at all bothered by the boy randomly spouting weird information. "so, he can see into the past, and he can tell the present, how far into the future can he see?" "depends on the length of contact." Alice admitted, looking rather surprised that Johnny didn't look even a little bit 'wigged out'.

"Alice Montroy." Steve informed Tony with a chuckle, checking his phone where Jarvis was giving instructions up to the room with four police outside, discussing the 'creepy kid' and the poor mother and what evidence they'd been able to collect against the man who had raped her. making sure to speak quietly enough that they wouldn't disturb the woman inside. "morning gentlemen." Steve stated, smiling when they all snapped to attention. "would you mind asking Johnny Storm Alice if we're allowed inside?" "yes sir." one of the officers said eagerly.
“Ah. Okay.”Tony grinned as they headed upstairs, snickering as they snapped to attention, and knowing it wasn’t for his presence. Even in the suit did tony get that kind of reaction. And it annoyed him some that steve in t-shirt and jeans could. “You have no idea how hot that is.”Tony muttered to his fiancee.

“Okay, no eggs then.”sabrina smiled before nodding, amused that he was so pleased with getting sue off his back before tilting her head at alice, nodding slightly. “Good to know.”she smiled before looking down at charley, “A very amusing concidence really.”She snickered a little before looking at charley, “oh, no you can’t shave your hair. It’s to pretty. See?I have to dye my hair to get like yours, yours is just so pretty naturally.”She said blushing the blue hair out of her face, before smirking at Alice. “You have to remember, like I said, we’re friends with the x-men. If Charles and Jean in a room doesn’t drive a person to drink, a kid’s not going to be totally weird.”She teased a little amused at johnny’s reaction. Before looking up when the officer stepped inside.”Yes?”
Charley smiled at her before pouting a little and touched his head. "well... if it's pretty." he agreed, Alice chuckling a little. "Charley's never actually seen his own hair with his own eyes before so he doesn't get the appeal." Alice admitted with a smile. "he's seen himself through how other people see him, but..." she shrugged. "whats a 'Coinciden?'" Charley asked curiously before getting distracted by the police officer who asked if Captain America and Iron Man could come in. "Captain America!!!! Captain America!!!!" Charley squealed, racing out of the room to find his second idol.

"i know how hot it is." Steve teased with a snicker before blinking when a young voice screamed his name and a silver haired boy wearing a red shirt and blue shorts and no shoes slammed into his knees and started babbling at him about how Captain America was his second most favorite superhero. Steve just blinked at the bandages, wondering if the child had been hurt. "he came in like that." said one of the officers. "he's a creepy kid." Steve scowled at him. "sorry..." "Mommy says we're going to live with you now!" Charley admitted to Steve. "that's the coolest!"
“It is very pretty.”Sabrina said before wincing, having not thought of that. “ah, well that makes sense. It’s very pretty. And a coincidence is something that happens by chance, but is a interesting thing.”Sabrina smiled before laughing, amused. “Oh, tony’s not going to be happy about that.”She snickered.

Tony yelped tensing, before relaxing as he realized it was just a kid, staring down with a sulk as he pouted at steve. “that’s not fair.You get all the fans.”He grumbled before smiling at The kid, “Yea, well you’re a fairly creepy looking adult.”Tony sniped sounding annoyed at the officer before smiling, “WEll, if your mommy says it’s fine, you can come stay with us. It’ll be fun. We’ll even make a fort.”Tony said sounding eager and interested, it wasn’t his own fear of kids that kept him hesitant about having them-though he was nervous about that- it was mostly his own fear and anger, and hurt over how the world reacted to the thought of him having a kid that he wanted to avoid for as long as he could.
"no he's not." Johnny admitted with a laugh.

Steve chuckled a little. "it's because i'm big." Steve admitted, smiling at the child when Charley turned his attention to Tony. "Really?! Really Mr. Iron Man?!" Charley asked, looking completely ecstatic and delighted, slamming into Tony's knees and informing him that he was his third favorite superhero, but only because Professor X was bald and Steve was oooooold. now it was Steve's turn to pout. "Can we color too Mr. Iron Man?! and ply Hide and Seek!? i can't seek real well but i'm really good at hiding!" he admitted happily, looking over at Johnny when he poked his head out. "Alice says you can come in." he informed them with a chuckle, watching Charley dart back into the room to jabber at his mom about how amazing Iron Man was and how it was sad that those mean people in the cave had been mean to Tony and how he was pretty sure Captain America was in love with Iron Man.
“It’s Tony, kiddo. And really, we will. I like building things.”Tony said yelping a little as the kid slammed into his knees, startled before snickering, “Old Charley?You like him cause he’s old?”He said sounding interested and way to amused as he glanced at his fiancee before smiling as he ruffled the boy’s hair. “we can. And we’ll play hide and seek. We’ll get the Hawk to, he’s really good at hiding, and if you’re really good, he might show you his favorite hiding spots.”Tony teased a little smiling as they went in, looking down at the boy startled at his announcement, before slanting a glance at his fiancee. “...You better be in love with me.”he muttered before smiling at Alice. “Hello.”
"Okay Tony!" Charley chirped, looking very happy. "yeah! he's super old! and he used to get picked on a lot just like me!" Charley admitted, making Steve blink a little. he knew how cruel kids could be. he imagined that little Charley with bandages on his eyes and strange colored hair and odd powers was often a serious target for abuse, and not just from kids, but teachers and other adults too. "oho boy! i wanna learn how to shoot a bow just like hawkeye!" he admitted, bouncing in place. "do you think he'd teach me Mr Tony?!" he asked, looking delighted, Steve had to chuckle at Tony. "i am." he agreed with a smile. "but he's four after all, love to him is yanking on pigtails and what he feels for his mother i think." he admitted with a smile, offering Alice a grin, since she looked very overwhelmed at how much attention she was getting from so many important people.
“Ah, I see. Well I got picked on alot to, just made me work harder to prove them that I was more amazing then them.”Tony said looking down at the kid, swallowing thickly as he fought the dash of anger that made him wonder why he even bothered saving humanity sometimes. ‘I’m sure if you ask, he will. He’s very good, and he likes helping people.”tony said before snickering. “well, you do pull on my hair sometimes.”He muttered before looking amused at Alice. “Don’t worry, the awe will wear off as soon as we deprive him of caffeine, then you wont find him nearly as awesome.”Sabrina teased patting Alice’s hand lightly. “Hey!I’m always amazing. Steve, tell here.”
Charley grinned at him. "i'm gonna be a superhero like Professor X when i'm a grownup!" he admitted. "Professor X said that when i'm older, i'll be able to go to mutant school and learn how to control my p-psychoscopy." there was a slight stutter but Charley had clearly practiced that very big word over and over until he could say it perfectly. "Professor X says that my Precognition will probably be controlled on it's own once i start having self control. what's self control?" he asked curiously, looking at Tony who Charley seamed to have dubbed as smarter. "that's very true." Steve agreed with a chuckle, tugging on Tony's hair playfully before sniggering when Sabrina picked on Tony. "you are always Amazing. it's just that some days your a little more amazing then others." Steve teased with a grin, Alice giggling a little. "uhm... if it's not rude to ask... has Charley been injured?" "no. it's just... the scars. and his eyes... people find it unnerving." she admitted. "he got tired of people being afraid of him, so he asked me to cover them. sunglasses didn't do the job properly and blindfolds just... looked wrong, so we use bandages because people leave him alone a little bit more then." Alice explained softly.
“Really?Awesome. Will you come and help the avengers, figure out all our problems?We sorta have problems talking sometimes.”Tony teased a little, though not mean, just amused before grinning. “Very good. And self control is holding back, so you’re not reading everyone every time you get near them.”Tony smiled at the boy, shivering as his hair was tugged.”Tease.”He muttered. “....What?” “You’re less amazing when you’re tired.” “No I’m not. I’m amazing all the time, cause I’m adorable when I’m tired.”Tony huffed before looking startled at the boy, frowning a little, even as Sabrina plucked his phone out of his pocket and shoved it into his hands. “What?” “Do it. I recognize that look, go ahead start working.”Sabrina ordered, looking at tony who looked so utterly confused and torn at tuning them out to work, that he had no idea what to do.
he giggled and nodded eagerly. "yeah! i'll help the Avengers! i'll train really hard and get really good at it and i'll b just like Professor X!" it was heartwarming to see such a bright bubbly boy eager to help others. "oh. i can't do that yet." he admitted happily, Steve smirking at him. "no. your adorable for the first twelve hours of being tired. after that you turn into a monster." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "go work." Steve suggested, kissing Tony before settling in the corner to stand guard over the people in the room, since Charley had suffered the one thing all kids suffered. the spike and crash. he had been so hyper he'd nearly been crawling out of his skin, and now he was laying on the bed and was seeping, dead to the world with his hand tucked under his chin, looking utterly adorable. Alice had to chuckle and she gently covered him with an Iron Man blanket that he'd come in with. it looked hand stitched. she looked much better already, knowing she and her son would be safe. taken care of even. "thank you..."
“Awesome.”Tony grinned before nodding. “yep. That’s why you need to wait and grow up some and practice later.”Tony smiled ruffling the boy’s hair before sulking as he looked at his fiancee. “Do not.”He grumbled before relaxing. “kay.”Tony muttered settling on the floor in the corner next to steve’s feet, leaning against him as he started working on glasses for charley. Sabrina smiled patting the woman’s arm, “You’re welcome.”She muttered settling onto the small cot that the nurses had brought in that sabrina had asked for, knowing they weren’t going anywhere till alice could go home ,settling in and reaching for johnny. “Come lay down. You haven’t slept in awhile, and steve and tony are staying up. Get some rest.”She ordered quietly.
Charley nodded. "i will Iron Man!" he agreed. Steve just chuckled at Tony and shook his head, stroking the man's hair as he worked. Alice had settled in to sleep as well, exhausted by her day. Johnny of course, whined that he wasn't tired but he was asleep as fast as Charley had been. snoring softly on the cot next to Sabrina.

Alice was the first person up in the morning, though Steve hadn't gone to sleep. he was still there, reading a book and petting Tony's hair. she had her bandages changed and was informed she could leave anytime she wanted since there was no concussion and no internal bleeding. the nurse informed her that she was to change her bandages twice a day with some cream they where going to give her to prevent infections and to keep the scabs soft, which would prevent scarring. Steve assured the nurse that if anything happened, then their resident doctor, Bruce, would be able to handle it. if not, they would brig her directly to the hospital or to a primary doctor who specialized in such things. that seamed to satisfy the nurse and she patted Alice's knee, praising her for being such a strong woman and for being such a god patient. Johnny had woken up at the sound of the nurse and was scowling at Steve. "you should have woken us up." "you know i can only sleep every few days." Steve scoffed. "i slept the night before so sleeping tonight would have been impossible." "...good point." poor Steve. he had to choose between sleeping for a few hours a night, or sleeping a full eight every couple of days. he usually chose to sleep, when he could, on the same schedule as Tony.
Sabrina stirred smiling a little."don't give him that look. You know he sleeps when tony does. Which, is erratic at best and rarely longer then a few really are his perfect boyfriend, even suited to life for his bad habits."she teased smirking at the sight of tony snoring ever so softly even as his fingers kept twitching around his phone as if he was working in his sleep. Sabrina smiled before frowning."what vehicle did you guys bring?or did clint bring a car?"
Johnny huffed and sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning before smiling at her. "okay, you might have a point." he agreed, shaking his head. "i am the perfect boyfriend." Steve agreed with a grin, blinking when Charley stirred and whined that he had to go to the potty and that he wanted an apple for breakfast. Alice just chuckled and let him wake up, gently unwrapping his head so sh could reapply the bandages a little more firmly so they wouldn't slip off. it was easy to see why people where disconcerted when they looked at the young boy. he had heavy scars, burn marks all over his face. they started at his forehead and trailed down over his eyebrows, which had grown back, mostly. they covered his eyelids and down his cheeks like someone had poured hot oil on his forehead and let it drip down as it pleased. his eyes where completely undamaged, though they too where very, very, very strange. they where a bright golden color, like hot liquid gold had been poured into his eyes and had yet to be cooled. they where shimmering, like hot water with a little bit of oil in it. and there where no pupils at all. just solid gold that seamed to peer into their very souls. "" Johnny whispered, not frightened, but amazed. "he was born with eyes like that?" he asked, stunned and awed. "yeah. he was born like this. the doctors came up with some bullshhh...... fairy tail to keep my husband from freaking out. claimed it was a medical condition, extremely rare that caused the color pigments to flex and shift." she smiled. "but since he never had any pupils he didn't have any of the other things inside pupils to let him see, so he's always been blind." she admitted, stroking Charley's hair out with a brush one of the nurses had dropped off. "Mommy says i have Angel eyes." Charley said happily.
“i always do have a good point.”Sabrina giggled a little smiling at Charley, “We’ll get apples at the tower, unless you want to taste hospital food.”She teased the boy a little smiling before pausing as she studied the bandages. “they’re beautiful...”she muttered tilting her head before glancing at Alice, nodding a little. “well, Clint doesn’t always look at what he’s shooting. Maybe he’ll be able to help Charley with the other sort of ‘seeing’”She said thoughtfully before nodding. “So you do.” “And I have plans. Awesome plans for glasses.”Tony muttered starting to wake up, yawning a little as he stuided the group, patting steve’s thigh in annoyance as he moved to get up. “Coffee. Stve. Coffee.”
Charley nodded, mumbling that he still had to pee before blinking at them. this was probably the first time anyone had ever liked his eyes, as odd as they where a lot of people where probably very disturbed by the eyes, as well as the scars. he looked like he wanted to cry he was so happy that the people around him weren't scared of him. "glasses?" Johnny asked, looking very amused at Tony. "i don't think any glasses you make will cover the scars. though, Bruce might be able to help with those." Johnny admitted, stroking the boys forehead, wondering what had happened but not about to ask since both mother and Son looked so upset about it. "could Mr. Bruce really make my scars go away?" "i don't know, i know he's been looking into it, but i don't know how far he's gotten." Johnny admitted. "we'll get Coffee at the Tower Tony." Steve promised with a smile. "come on. all of us up. Phil and Clint are downstairs with the cars." he admitted. "decide who you want to ride with right now because there's not enough room for all of us in the same car." "I wanna ride with Mr. Tony!" Charley declared. "Cus he's the coolest!!!!"
“Coem on then, there’s a bathroom right there.”Tony smiled gesturing to the small bathroom, watching him go before returning. “Yes glasses.”Tony huffed, soundign vaguely defensive about it. “And i wasn’t worrying about those. Bruce can take care of those. Hopefully. Maybe. I was working on the eyes.”Tony muttered before looking down, “Maybe. We’ll ask him.”Sabrina smiled ruffling charley’s hair a little before laughing as they got up. “But I want coffee now.”Tony whined a little even as he shuffled towards teh door before startling looking at the boy before grinning at Steve. “hear that? I am totally the coolest.” “Oh gods....”Sabrina muttered rolling her eyes before looking at alice, “we’re never hearing the end of this.”she warned before holding out a hand. “Can you walk, or do you want carried out?”
Charley headed into the bathroom once Tony had drawn attention to it and Steve realized that Charley was blind, he hadn't know where the bathroom was until Tony focused on it, then using his limited control, Charley was then able to use Tony's information on where the bathroom was to find it himself. "oh! well damn. that's kind of cool." Steve muttered. "you can wait twenty minutes Tony, unless you want to risk Hospital Coffee?" he asked. "Peter already has all of the Coffee going back at the tower. he's also gone at the moment, apparently there was a situation on third involving a hold up so Spider-man went to go deal with it." he admitted. sounding a little bit worried. he couldn't stop Peter, but knowing who Spider-man really was made him fret a little bit now. "oh, he always thought Iron Man was the coolest." Alice admitted with a chuckle. "but Charles is the man he idolizes and he thinks Captain America traveling through time is 'epic' so.." she shrugged, looking amused before hesitating. "i don't know..." she admitted, wincing as she moved her legs. "...i think i'm going to need to be carried." wearing a pair of shorts they could see why she was having trouble. the rope burns on her legs where not torn open, but they where intensely red, welted and bruised. no bandages needed, but they must have been in agonizing pain.
Tony grinned realizing what was happening smirking a little. “That is really cool...wonder if he’d be able to do the same with building stuff?” “tony, remember-” “I know I know. I remember being a kid in a lab, thanks.”Tony scolded sounding annoyed. “But he could totally sit and talk to me while I work.”he said sounding vaguely stressed at what had simply been a worried note of concern, sabrina knew how tony was, hadn’t really been worried about it, but wanted to remind him in his excitement at having a new playmate. “ That’s torture and cruelty, and I’m going to tell on you for threatening me with hospital coffee.”Tony grumbled frowning a little before patting steve’s arm. “he’ll be okay.”He promised before smirking, “Ah....well, the time travel is fairly epic. We have another super soldier living with us, who is actually older. In a slightly more disturbing way. He’ll be epic to.”Tony said amused because he knew James fretted something horrible at the idea of being around kids and fragile people, but he hadn’t even hurt any of the adults, and was extremely careful with a pregnant sarina. Tony wasn’t worried about having a kid around james. “Well, muscles, time to carry. It’s what your good for.”Tony said with the light hearted tease so gentle as he looked up at his fiancee, that you knew it was a long standing joke about steve only being good for toting lab equipment or lifting his car without a car jack.
"building things? yes he builds all the time with Legos." Alice admitted with a smile. "he's fascinated with how things are put together, as all little boys are." she admitted with a giggle. "i could really help you work Mr. Tony!? that would be the coolest! can we make things blow up?!" "No." Steve said sternly. "not until your older." "aaw. but older is forever away!" Charley sulked. "it's not so long. ten years at the most i think." because he figured at about ten Charley could start some basic chemistry and that had some small, controlled explosions. at least, that's how it was in school for Steve so why not let Charley learn all he could? Xavier was one of the smartest men he knew, if Charley wanted to be as smart having Tony teaching him higher learning stuff, well, that was just a nice bonus. "gee, thanks Tony." Steve huffed, looking amused before very carefully settling Alice into his arms and carried her, carefully, gently, down to the waiting cars, settling her in the one Phil was driving, because Phil was gentle and calm and didn't come off as 'uber dom' the way Clint did sometimes which would hopefully keep Alice a little more calm.
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