
he smiled at her. "good." he murmured before grinning when she wriggled and writhed under him. he moaned when her hands tangled in his hair. his tongue slid inside and out, stroking all the softest, best places he could find inside and outside of her. he sucked, he nipped, he teased, riding her until she was done, working her through her orgasm before backing up so he could watch her once she had finished, a sly, happy little smirk tugging his lips. "and how was that?" he asked, smirking at her, picking up the book again. "shall i continue or do you need a second?"
Sabrina panted as she slumped back into the bed, loosing her hands in his hair as she let him pull away, giving him that quiet contented smile, a little dopey, a little hazy, that said she had dropped, that she wasn’t truly focusing on anything except the sound of his voice, not the actual words. Stirring a little as she realized he was actually saying important words, her eyes followed the book before focusing on his face, “Continue. Green.”She muttered remembering the rules, remembering what he’d told her about doing stuff, and wanting to please him, and in the process knowing he’d protect her, and take care of her, knowing that she was safe with him.
he smiled at her before chuckling a little and looking very proud of her. "there's my love." he purred, pressing his lips to hers and kissing her as deep as he could while his fingers started on her shirt, wanting her aked so he could touch and stroke and play with all of her. his fingers where soon dancing patterns on her breasts while he mouthed her neck, kissing and sucking and licking and nibbling, teasing her until he knew she wanted to scream at him before slowly, carefully slipping inside of her, pausing to make sure it didn't hurt.making sure she enjoyed it. making sure she was okay because she was his whole world and he wanted to make sure that, for the first time he suspected, she was the most important thing in the bedroom.
Sabrina whined as she kissed him back, squirming as the other touched her, definitely by the time he slid into her, the woman as very near violence, squirming a little as she shuddered, eyes wide at the feel of him sliding into her. It wasn’t hurting, simply...overwhelming amount of pleasure. Shuddering as she ran her hands through his hair, tugging him down for a kiss, clinging to him tightly, and for the first time truly enjoying sex as she came clinging to the man she loved.
he smiled as he gave her all the attention he could, kissing her and stroking her while he rocked, just right. there was no better pleasure for him than knowing how much his partners where enjoying themselves. he pulled out, out of habit, and shuddered, painting her delicate rear end with his seed, panting as he nuzzled her, laying her with affection still, kissing her neck and murmuring loving adulation to her until she fell asleep, smiling as he gently wiped her clean with a moist rag, tucked them into bed and snuggled her until morning. or rather. pre-dawn, considering the entire Tower was shaking so hard that Johnny was shaken right out of bed. "ow! is Thor here fighting with Hulk again?!" he demanded, staggering to his feet. "Jarvis!? update?!" "it would appear that a 5.5 magnitude earthquake has just struck Sir." Jarvis informed him. "highly unusual as there was no warning seismic activity previous to this event." "what the hell is going on? is the earth imploding or something?" Earthquakes in New York was rare, but not all that unexpected. Johnny didn't know much about them but he did know that there where minute tremors in the earth that came up before the big earthquake did, Jarvis would have alerted them had there been a warning so this earthquake almost wasn't natural. how... weird.
Sabrina jerked awake, looking startled and confused as she fell to the floor on top of johnny, wincing as she nearly kneed him in a uncomfortable spot, wincing as she looked at him. “Whaat?”She looked confused as she staggered up, holding onto him as she frowned. “Where’s everyone else?” “Moving towards the living room. Sir and the Captain are currently suiting up-” “Sabrina!Johnny.”James pushed open the bedroom door just as they got to it, the assassin looking at the two of them in concern. “Tony and Reed have found something. Your team’s heading out. Said I'd stay with Sabrina."
Johnny yelped when he was nearly kneed, more expecting pain than anything else and he frowned a little as he helped steady her, making sure she was okay before smiling, glad that she was okay. "Fuck. okay, i'm out." Johnny promised, grabbing his suit from the closet and pausing to give Sabrina a kiss. "stay here. if anything happens Jarvis will give you instructions to the safe-room down in the basement where it will be safe." he explained. "the others will be joining you soon enough i'm sure." he admitted. Jane was in town and Pepper would probably be showing up as would the various random 'civilians' that lived in the tower. Phil would probably be staying behind as well. "Flame On!" Johnny yelled, racing out the window and taking off even as he put the Comm in his ear. "This is Johnny, what have we got?" he asked, wondering what had everyone gearing up for battle.
Sabrina winced eyes wide and scared back calm as she nodded. “I will. Go.”She swallowed thickly, “we’ll be okay. James is gonna come to, you just take care of yourself.”She smiled snorting amused a little as james hovered and herded her towards the door, even without instructions the man was going to put her in the saferoom. Tony appeared at his side as he took off, the others still on the roof, looking at the oter flier. “You remember that comet Rhodey called me about a few days ago? Not a comet. Apparently it’s a alien on a surboard causing the weather problems. He’s heading for the tower right now....should be here any moment....”Tony said even as he had jarvis searching, he was tracking it, and yet it was still a startling surprise when he saw the silver streak arriving.
he nodded to her. "it will be fine. i have the whole gang backing me up." he promised, smiling at her. "i won't do anything stupid." he promised her before chuckling when he realized James was being overprotective again. not that it mattered, Phil had already taken Charley and Alice down to the safe room too. Charley thought it was a grand adventure! "nope." Johnny admitted. "Rhodey don't like me remember? puke on a guys shoes six or seven times and it's the end of the world apparently." he huffed, shaking his head a little. "seriously? an alien on a surfboard?" he asked, watching the silver being rocket down. "if we're really, really lucky, it's a friendly being." he mumbled, though he doubted that very much considering all the earthquakes, Tsunami's and avalanches/landslides that had been happening. "so... is there a game plan, or?"
“Hm, yes. That does sorta put a damper on a friendship. Though you’d think he’d be nicer about it.”Tony huffed a little before nodding. “inded.”Tony said frowning before swallowing hard. “Hm, we’re going to talk to him, since we can fly and get close. Before he finishes that hole in the ground.”Tony said looking annoyed as he watched the silver surfer starting to create the holes that had turned up across the world, nearing enough to shout a hello, reaching out to touch the surfer to get his attention when they were ignored, anything to stop him from leveling a chunk of the city and cursing as he lost everything but basic power. “Johnny!Get him out of the air!”Tony snarled even as he fell, with just enough repulsor energy to land safely on the roof, cursing and spitting mad as he rushed to get out of the damaged suit and go find another.
he shrugged. "it's not like you haven't puked on him and he forgave you." he complained, sulking a little before scowling. "yeah, we can't let him keep doing that." he agreed before snarling when Tony dropped. "you okay!? what happened?!" he demanded even as he pulled a mass amount of liquid fire into his hand condensed it until it was a boiling mass and then threw it with all of his might at the creatures head, slamming into the back of the skull, rushing th silver being, hoping to force him back and down. he wanted to punch the bastard out, but he had a feeling it would b his hand that ended up broken if he did that.
“Yea I’m fine. He crashed the suit, it’s locked up. Give me a few, clint and nat are helping pry me out of this one.”Tony snarled sounding angry and annoyed even as he got out of the suit, having every intention of rejoining the fight. The surfer turned as the fire brushed over him, the metal shimmering bright, but didn’t seem effected as he looked at the fire starter, already moving towards him, reaching out and grabbing him, holding him up before tilting the board back, and flying up even as he heard Tony’s curses from the ground as the rest of the avengers realized that the surfer was pulling johnny up. The surfer tilted his head as he watched the flames starting to die as the air deprieved him of oxygen, before opening his hand and letting the flamestarter fall.
"okay. i'll get him." he promised. honestly he was just glad that Tony was okay. "well fuck." Johnny said, trying to fling himself backwards, choking when the cold metal hand wrapped around his neck. his hands immediately went for the thumb and the forefinger, trying to break the hold or break the thumb but he couldn't budge the drip even a millimeter. he choked, struggling in the grip as they rose, and rose and rose. Johnny could feel the sharp cold chill against his skin as he struggled to breathe. he needed air! he needed to breath! he gaped like a fish, trying to suck in air, he couldn't. he could feel tiny bones in his neck bending, breaking, his lungs screaming and tears pulling up as he realized he was going to die. he was going to die like this because he hadn't been careful enough and now he was going to break his promise to Sabrina. he felt the hand let go and he tried to suck in a breath, no air. still no air! nothing to breath! no air! darkness swallowed him as he felt himself falling and he knew no more. it was Hulk who caught him, in a horrible Deja Vu moment where Hulk dumped him on the floor and Johnny wasn't breathing. unlike Tony however, Johnny's fingers and lips where blue, he was too pale and he wasn't breathing. ad didn't breath for long, heart breaking moments as Steve used CPR to bring Johnny back from the brink of death, the fire starter legally dead for seventy five seconds before he started to breath again. even then, they had to keep going with the CPR because he kept stopping. only being hooked to a respirator once the EMS got there kept him going.
When johnny woke, tony looked up at hte man, resting a hand on his chest to hold him down to stop him form moving or trying to get up. “Calm. You’re safe. You can breath.Don’t move.”He ordered knowing the man, like him, would want to get up and move, and look around as soon as he was awake, to see and to fight again. Trying to calm him, before swallowing thickly. “Rest. Don’t work, you might stop your heart again. You’ve been dropping out every once in awhile.”Tony said looking upset and worried, scared at the idea ,but calmer, because while it had happened alot those first few hours, in the last couple, he had been steady, calm and alive enough that tony and steve had actually gotten Sabrina to get some sleep., the last 24 hours having scared the young pregnant woman into overworking herself and so close to panic that everyone was avoiding james to as he responded, the winter soldier so far not hurting anyone, but the man had settled into being overbearing and protective of sabrina, and wouldn't budge from her side
Johnny heaved a deep, desperate gulp of air when he woke, even if he had been breathing the entire time. he started coughing and choking in his breaths, panicking because he couldn't figure out where he was and if his air was going to run out again. it was only when he felt Tony's hand, heard Tony's voice that he knew he was safe and could relax. "a-again?" he asked, voice cracking and rough from having broken bones and harsh bruises and no physical liquid for the time he was out. if he'd been a normal human, he likely would have had brain damage. thankfully, while he couldn't heal as fast as Tony, he was a swift healer and most of his injuries where already gone. "S-S-Brina?" he managed to force out, wanting to know where she was and if she was okay. Alice and Charley had settled in with James as well, Alice feeling much more calm and safe with James fussing over her and it gave Sabrina a break when he got too overprotective for her tastes. "'T happ'n?" he asked, wondering if the silver bastard had hurt anyone after he'd nearly smothered Johnny.
"Yes again. You're heart stopped a few times before we got it steady, but don't overdo it."tony said looking him over worriedly gently stroking his hair, trying to calm him, smiling a little as he gestured to the woman curled up against johnnys thigh, head resting against his side, looking small and vulnerable curled up as small as she could."drugged and resting. Think you nearly stopped her heart a few times, but she calmed a bit when we got you steady."tony promised."he flew you both up out of regular air, then dropped you. Between me and reed we got you safely to the ground but by the time when went to find him, he was gone. We're still looking....not sure if he did anything to you, but we're being careful, no one besides me and Sabrina have been in here."
he grimaced, oh god Sabrina and Sue must have been loosing their minds if his heart had stopped. he closed his eyes, savoring the hand in his hair because he was frightened and upset and Tony's touch was always enough to make him feel so much better. he smiled a little as he realized Sabrina was there, stroking her hair, running his fingers through the soft locks, trying to keep her as calm as he could even while she was sleeping. "I'm sure i upset her a lot. thanks for taking care of her while i was out James." he murmured, because his throat didn't hurt so much if he spoke gently. "So being dead wasn't enough, he might have done something else to me? that's just great." he grumbled, wishing he had the energy to get up and head out because he hated the Hospital. "when can i go home? and where's Alice?" Alice had recovered a lot, but she was still so frightened that she was only comfortable when she was with James, Clint or Phil. Clint was her favored protector though, she she was clinging to him back at the tower for now. Charley on the other hand didn't seam to like Clint because he kept taking up all his mothers attention and was sulking with Natasha.
Tony smiled a little as he stroked the other’s hair, knowing it was helping, looking amused as he watched Johnny do the same thing even as sabrina shifted closer. “She’s going to be a mess when she wakes. You’re welcome, but it’s going to be bad. Only thing that stopped her moving long enough to get a needle close to her, was Steve used his ‘uber dom’ tone, and she froze for a few seconds before breaking away. Probably going to fall apart.”Tony warned sighing softly before nodding a little. “Might have. I mean, he messed with the suit just by touching it, we didn’t want to take any chances.”he said before smirking a little. “You can go home as soon as bruce looks you over and says you’re okay. And alice is with clint at the tower.”
Johnny sighed at the hair stroking, relaxing even more, smiling at Sabrina. "seriously? you drugged her?" Johnny asked, even more worried. had she really been so bad as to need to be drugged? that wasn't good. not at all. not to mention she would be a bit fucked up because Steve had made her drop a little. it wasn't bad, in fact it had probably helped, but it would leave her kind of messed up once she woke up. "that's okay. if i can't take care of her myself i'm sure you can." he admitted. not very happy that he might have to let someone else take care of his Sub, but he would if that was what would keep her safe and comfortable. "well where the hell is he then!?" Johnny whined. Bruce was talking to the doctors at the moment, looking over what they had collected and found in Johnny's system. " the way. how pissed off is Sue?" he wondered.
“Yea. She wouldn’t sit still, and she was panicking, and Sue was getting pissed with her. As bad as it was to do it,”tony winced a little because he knew how bad it could be to be drugged while dropping, “it was the only thing that kept them from coming to blows. Your sister doesn’t like your girlfriend. And she was working herself up so much, we were afraid she was going to hurt herself.”Tony sighed softly, before nodding. “We’ll take care of her.”He promised before smirking. “Talking to the doctors. Don’t get your panties in a twist, he’ll be in soon.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before wincing, glancing towards the door, before looking at johnny. “Pissed. Not only at the surfer, but you, sabrina, us....about anyone. You know how she gets when she’s not able to fix things right away.”
he scowled a little and resisted the urge to call Sue and chew her ass out for picking on a woman who was already torn up, but decided all that would happen was Sue getting pissy all over again. "if it had come to blows, James would probably have killed Sue." he admitted with a sigh before nodding. "have you told her i'm awake yet? you probably should." he admitted. "she's probably at home chewing her knuckles to the bone." he admitted before scowling. "i only wear panties when i'm gonna have awesome gay sex with you." he pointed out, looking amused. "and since that's not about to happen, i'm not wearing panties." he stated with as much dignity as he could before smiling a little at Tony. "thanks for protecting her." he said, gently taking Tony's hand. "and thanks for being here when i woke up. that means the world to me."
“Don’t worry, I think it stayed as civil as it did was because James was there. As it was we convinced him that killing Sue wasn’t worth it, but you still will probably want to talk to her.”Tony sighed a little before nodding. “Probably, and no I haven’t. As much as she should know, thought you could use a few minutes to both yourself, and talk to sabrina, even if she’s not waking.”Tony said glancing down at sabrina, worried but relaxing some when he realized the drugs were simply still working, and she was stirring some, but that she was mostly asleep. “....You are so weird. And you should wear panties for Sabrina.”he said rolling his eyes before nodding, squeezing the other’s hand back as Bruce stepped into the room. “You’re very welcome. Now, talk to the scary doctor while I go talk to Sue.” “You know, I think you have the worse job of talking to sue. At least johnny’s reasonable most of the time.”Bruce pointed out as tony left.
he nodded, glad that James had been there, even if he was a bit worried about what he might do to Sue if she kept poking at the Bear that was James. "yeah, i could definitely use the time to calm down a bit." if Sue was there he probably would have been driven right into a panic attack and Sabrina sure as hell wouldn't have been sleeping. "she's probably exhausted and the drugs will keep her out until she's had enough of a rest." he admitted before pausing, his head tilted. "you think she'd like seeing me wearing panties?" he asked curiously before beaming at Bruce. "my hero! so when can i go home Brucie!?" he asked hopefully. "in an hour? sooner?" he asked hopefully. "i can leave right!?" he demanded. "you wouldn't let them keep me here? they're evil Bruce! Evil!"
“Which is another reason I’m the one in here. Everyone thinks I’m a calming influence. Silly people.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, “Probably. She’s been out for nearly 12 hours, so she’ll probably be getting up soon.”Tony smiled before snickering, “Probably.” Bruce frowned at him before shaking his head. “No, not yet. You have two broken ribs and a sternum, along with fractures in your neck from being thrown around. You’re not going anywhere for at least a day or two. And no trying to flame on either, I don’t know what it would do, but you’re system is unstable at the moment, don’t hurt yourself if you don’t have to.”
Johnny chuckled a little and shook his head. "very silly people." he teased right back with a smile. "you have no idea how soothing you can really be." he admitted. "Especially since i've known you nearly my whole life and i know i can trust you more than anything and anyone." he admitted. "your a comfort because i know you won't let anything bad happen to me." he admitted with a smile. "and because you know me well enough to know exactly what i need." he said rather happily before scowling at Bruce. "Broken shit my balls! i can heal just as well at home, in my own bed, where crazy stalkers aren't going to try and sneak in with my or crazy Hydra assassins aren't going to try and poison me, as i can here.... actually i'll probably heal better at home!" he whined. "Bruuuuce why do you hate me?!" he whined, sulking. "i won't flame." he grumbled unhappily. "but i demand to see my lawyer! you can't hold me against my will here!"
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