
Steve smiled a little and followed Tony, eager for some shower sex. leaving James and Natasha to stand guard over Sue.

he smiled at her. "i'm fine. still sore but no longer in danger." he promised, smiling at her, taking the spoonful of ice-cream with a hum. "i'm thinking a normal shower taken together." he admitted with a smile at her. "a sponge bath is nice, but i don't feel really clean." he admitted. "and my ribs are tender enough that i don't know if i'll be able to wash my own hair just yet. and i really want to wash my hair." he admitted, snuggling her and accepting another bite. "will you help me wash my back and hair?"
“Good.”Sabrina smiled brightly at the other, so very pleased he was feeling better before snickering. “well, a shower then.”She agreed nuzzling him a little, before smiling. “I like washing you off. Your hair is so soft.”She smiled letting him eat the rest of the ice cream before stretching, “Come on. We’ll shower then go see the others. I know tony wanted to see you when you got up and moving.”
he smiled at her again. "yeah. a shower." he agreed, snuggling her before chuckling a little. "well. it's greasy right now." he admitted before letting her feed him before happily dragging her into the shower where he scrubbed himself pink and then sighed in delight as she washed his hair. he had considered having sex but his attempt was aborted when the attempt made his ribs hurt. a lot. "sorry." he sighed, pressing his face against her belly because he liked to touch her. "i want to, but my body tells me i can't yet." he huffed. "stupid body."
Sabrina laughed smiling as she rinsed his hair out, looking down at the man kneeling at her feet, gently running a hand over his hair, sighing softly as he pressed close to her. “I know. I didn’t think we’d be able to. And you nearly died johnny, of course you’re not ready yet.”She said gently pressing a kiss to the other’s head. “Come on. Back to bed.”

“You okay?”Tony smiled leaning against the other as he was held up against the wall, looking concerned at how flushed the other looked, leaning in to kiss him lightly.
he smiled a little at her, looking up at her. "but i want to." he complained. "and i want to be ready. i'm horny Sabbie." he whined. "i miss touching you." he admitted before groaning. "but i just got out of bed Sabrina! nooo.... can't we snuggle on the couch in the bedroom?" he asked, pouting at him.

Steve smiled a little at him. "i'm fine. just feeling a little under the weather." he admitted, stroking Tony's body, kissing him and then nuzzling Tony's neck and biting at his neck while his fingers worked his way into Tony's body. "mmm your as warm and tight as ever." he teased. "i wonder what would happen if i slipped something a little bigger in there? i happen to have something bigger that needs attention, what do you think, should we try it?"
"I know me to. And I'm sure I can do something about that. I mean standing still for a blow job wouldn't be hard would it...or sitting down."she said thoughtfully before laughing a little. Willing and eager to agree to anything he wanted, simply because she was glad he was okay and even more glad to be away from sue."the couch it is."she said following him to the living room and settling on the couch with him."comfy?"she said running her hand through his hair.

"Sure."tony muttered worried about him, sighing quietly as the other stroked his body, relaxing under the others touch. Squirming a little as the other stretched him making desperate little whines."please. Though are you sure it's bigger?"he teased stealing a kiss before squirming."okay I was being mean. Your bigger, please steve."he said even before steve could protest the teasing, desperate enough he was starting to lose his train of thought and rambling alot
"i can't sit still for blowjobs." he grumbled. he liked to wiggle and thrust and moan when he was getting sucked off, all of which hurt. "very comfy." he sighed happily, snuggled up into her with a smile. "this is the best i've felt in several days." he admitted with a smile. "how are you feeling?" he asked her.

Steve snorted and pulled his fingers free of Tony's body. A 'punishment' for teasing him. "you where being mean." he teased. "come on. wiggle that butt for me." he ordered with a chuckle, rubbing Tony's ass before gripping those perfect hips and sliding home in one quick, slick movement, moaning softly as he was encased in Tony's perfect heat. "oh god, yes." he hummed. "always so tight around me." he purred, holding still for a moment, just to tease Tony and himself before rolling his hips, deep long movements that pulled him nearly all the way out before pressing back in deeper than most people could ever imagine. he loved the noises Tony made when he did this.
"Hm that's true."she said looking amused because she knew it was true. "I'm fine. Really."she promised shifting snuggling as she could get, closing her eyes. Simply relaxing next to him. Glad to be there.

"Am not. Never mean."he muttered squirming a little, growling as he looked at the other, blinking big brown eyes as he squirmed, gasping as the other slid into him, eyes wide as he looked at him. Whining quietly, desperate as the other held still then pressed into him, it was amazing to feel. Sounding so very needy.
he smiled at her. "your not. but that's okay." he admitted with a smile before yawning, tucking himself into her, and went back to sleep. because he was still healing, even if it was safe for him to be up. "Steve and Tony are fucking." he mumbled. "dirty boys..." poor Johnny, every time he keyed into Sabrina's powers, he seamed to pick up every single person who was having sex.

"you are. always. i like it. gives me an excuse to be mean to you right back." he teased with a chuckle before growling at those bg, doe brown eyes. so big and expressive and impossible to resist. "your such a twit." he complained. "making those big eyes at me that i can't resist." he huffed, gripping Tony's hair and forcing his head back so he could kiss him senseless while he fucked him without mercy. shuddering as he tipped his head back with a groan, cumming hard and shuddering as he emptied himself into Tony. "god i love you."
“Am to.Rest.”She muttered rolling her eyes a little smiling as she laughed a little. “Hm, you’ll be able to show them up soon enough. We’ll have sex. Soon.”she promised looking amused as she settled in close to sleep herself.

“You’re to mean!”Tony whined before whimpering at the name calling. “A twit? A twit!”He growled whining at that, groaning as the other forced his head back, for once kissed into utter silent submission as he kissed the other back, shivering as he came, clinging to him, like a limpet. “Love you to.”
"okay." he murmured with a smile. "i love you."

"i am mean." Steve purred. "yes! a Twit!" he grunted with a snicker, kissing Tony eagerly before snuggling him. "hmm. you make life perfect." he murmured happily. carrying Tony to bed and settling in for a good sleep. when Tony woke up it was to the sound of Steve in the bathroom, coughing up a lung and trying to smother the noise so he wouldn't wake up Tony. Steve Rogers, super soldier, was sick. that wasn't supposed to happen and a muttered curse as the beep of a thermometer went off let Tony know that Steve had a fever. well, more of one than he normally had anyway. Steve had always run a few degrees hotter than most so for him to have a fever it was a big deal.
Tony stirred sleepily, flailing for his coffee, which steve always had ready for him, before frowning when he realized that it wasn’t ready, trying to figure out what was going on. Blinking slowly as he sat up squinting in the dark room.”Steve?”he said stumbling towards the bathroom and looking confused as he looked at the other. “What’s wrong?”
Steve groaned a little when he realized he had woken Tony. "it's nothing. it's just a cold." he said, sounding fairly miserable. "i was trying not to wake you up. you haven't been getting enough sleep. and before you fuss, i'll go see Bruce in the morning, i don't want to wake him up either. he's been busy enough with Johnny."
“It is morning, well. Morning-ish.”Tony said frowning looking worried as he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up without coffee, and not succeeding well. “You don’t get sick.”He pointed out before frowning. “I get plenty of sleep. Sabrina makes me sleep, says if we’re doing our interview and pictures with Morgan next week, I can’t look like the living dead.”Tony said before making a face. “I don’t fuss. You fuss, I express concern. And good. And johnny’s doing better, but I agree, we wont wake him yet.”
Steve coughed some more into his handkerchief and shook his head. "of course i can get sick Tony." he scoffed before smiling a little. "come on. we'll go get you some coffee while we wait for Bruce to wake up. we'll ask Jarvis to ask Bruce to come to us once he's awake, hows that?" he offered Tony before chuckling a little. "she has a very good point... whose Morgan?" he wondered, trying to remember if that was a name he was supposed to remember. "you fuss." he huffed before pausing to hack into his kerchief again even as he walked into the kitchen for coffee for himself and Tony.
“No you can’t. I mean, you didn’t even get sick when I got pneumonia last year. I don’t believe you about getting sick.”Tony whined a little, definitely not awake yet, before nodding eagerly. “Okay. Yes. Coffee is needed. Out of my good cup.”He said because while he wasn’t usually particular about his coffee cup, first thing in the morning he drank out of one that was nearly a whole coffee pot by itself,a anniversary gift from steve. “I do not look like the walking dead! And morgan’s the friend she did the wedding shoot with johnny with. Said she was struggling to get jobs, apparently photography is hard to get into. But between the exposure she got for the wedding thing, and our wedding pictures, it’ll be good for her.”Tony said,"Do not."he muttered trying not to look to worried as the other hacked
he chucked a little. "Tony. relax. i'm fine. for all i know this is what would be a deathly infection in a normal human." he pointed out. "that comes out as nothing more than a chest cold." he admitted. "i'm sure i'm fine." he promised, grinning at the sight of the Coffee Cup. "you do sometimes. but, at least your a cute zombie walking." he teased with a smile. "i'd kiss you, but if this is infectious i don't want you catching it." he admitted before blinking. "oh! right, i remember now." he admitted, coughing into her kerchief again. "it'll be nice to have a Sabrina and Johnny approved Photographer." he admitted with a smile, looking up at Bruce, Johnny and Sabrina as they walked in, because Jarvis fretted as much as Tony did and had woken them up so Steve would get help. and breakfast that Steve didn't have to cook.
“...Oh. I hadn’t considered that Maybe it is.”Tony said frowning a little before huffing a little. “I do not. And I’m always cute, not just as a’re not allowed putting that in your toast for the wedding, or your vows, or something else riddiculously adorable. No teasing me to badly ebfore coffee.”Tony grumbled as he got his coffee, relaxing happily as he sipped the drink, before wincing. “Yea, no. Don’t get me sick. That would be bad.”he agreed. “And it will be.” “How are you feeling?”Bruce asked as he started looking over the man as Sabrina started to cook
"you are always cute." he agreed with a chuckle. "oh it's so going into the wedding vows." he teased, coughing once more. "it's not my fault your picking fights before you had your coffee." he teased, handing over the pot. Tony having infected him with the types of coffee Tony favored. easier just to give in than complain that Tony was using both coffee pots instead of just his own. "yeah. don't get Tony sick." he agreed before rolling his eyes at Bruce. "i'm fine. it's just a chest cold." he paused. "or it feels like a chest cold. i haven't been sick in a long time though." he admitted, coughing harder into his kerchief and sighing. "your gonna do tests aren't you?" he asked, pouting at Bruce. "totally not fair."
“Is not. Don’t do it.”Tony whined a little before sulking. “Somehow this is all your fault!”Tony grumbled before smiling as he sipped his coffee, starting to wake up. “Yea, no making tony sick. A sick tony is whiny tired and annoying.”Sabrina snickered a little.“Well. Yes I am, since you haven’t been sick since you were young, it’d be good to find out what’s wrong.”Bruce said frowning a little wincing as the other coughed, “And yes it is.” “Don’t complain.”Sabrina said setting the waffles in front of them all, a look of concern on her features as she watched steve, biting her lip a little.
"i'm gonna do it." he admitted with a smirk. "of course it's my fault. i have orchestrated everything." he agreed playfully. "yeah. Sick Tony is adorable, but a bit much to handle when i'm sick too." he agreed before sighing. "fine. fine." he grumbled, sulking. "i like to complain." he grumbled even as he ate his usual massive amount of food. at least his appetite hadn't diminished at all. though he did get hungry again an hour later and eat another good large portion of food halfway through his exam. "well. at least his apatite is still up." Johnny mused, watching Steve scarf down more food. though it was actually not a very good thing because it meant his serum was working triple time trying to keep his body up like it normally did.
“....No. I don’t think it does.”Sabrina frowned looking worried. “No, it isn’t. His body’s working overtime, him burning this much calories, means it’s serious.”Bruce frowned looking annoyed and worried, as he settled in to work. “It’s okay. We’ll make sure he’s resting and everything.”Tony muttered looking anxious at the idea as he fussed over steve, glancing up at the others. "He will. Let him rest, and you go work. You need lab time, Tony."Sabrina said glancing at johnny, not sure how to help, but knowing tony needed to relax, the last few days had been hard on them all.
Steve nodded. "i'll be fine." he promised. "i'll go lay down after Bruce is done poking me and rest until i feel better." he promised. "you go work in the Lab, Love. i know your getting twitchy. and make sure you go to Johnny if you need him." Steve ordered, Johnny nodding. "James? you go make sure Steve rests would you?" he asked the assassin. Steve whined at that but let James bully him into bed where he immediately went to sleep. waking only to cough up a lung or to complain he was hungry, thirsty and that his chest hurt. he was quickly getting worse and by dinner time he was delirious and was convinced Natasha was Peggy and that Tony was Bucky and that Bucky was Bucky and got very upset when they where both in the same room with him because he got confused, there weren't supposed to be two Bucky's after all. even with Tony in the room though Steve wanted Tony. he just didn't recognize Tony at the moment so even when Tony was there Steve wasn't happy because he was convinced Tony was actually Bucky. and once, was dead sure that Tony was Peggy. thankfully, never once did Steve ever wonder if Tony was Howard.
“Okay....and fine. I’ll be in the lab if you need anything.”Tony said frowning worriedly before nodding slowly, kissing the other’s head before heading down to the lab. “Of course.”Bucky said smiling a little worried even as he got the other settled into bed. After nearly 12 hours of being sick, tony looked exhausted and lost as he looked up at johnny, anxious and tired as he leaned into the other, not overly worried about him being unstable, since tony didn’t have anything he could change, closing his eyes. “....I’m not sure if I find that he’s never thought I was howard more amusing or disturbing....”He huffed a little, so upset and scared for steve, he had no idea what to do.
Steve coughed hard, the coughs sounding very wet and terrible, mumbling that his chest hurt and that he was cold and wanted Tony and Bucky. "it should be a good thing. from what i understand he never did like Howard." Natasha admitted. "even if he never said why." she admitted, yelping when Steve yanked her into the bed. "hmmm, peggy." he mumbled. "i'm cold." he murmured, looking a little more comfortable, Natasha sighing. "there's no point in pretending to be straight right now Steve." "not acting straight. cold. want snuggles." Steve grumbled. "yeah okay. but only for a little while." she ordered, stroking his hair, just as upset and worried as the rest of them. "do you suppose this is my fault?" Johnny asked, looking miserable. "he gave me CPR right? what if i fucked him up?"
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