
"yes exactly. it was a good idea, Sue just doesn't like it because she wants to swaddle Johnny in cotton." he huffed, rolling his eyes. "it's pathetic really." he admitted. "she's so fixated on Johnny it's unhealthy." he admitted with a sigh before smiling as he settled in. he loved to watch Disney. he remembered when there had only been three cartoons. Johnny was grinding his teeth when the video finished, his bright red flames danced along his skin, spreading across the floor and the carpet, charring everything it touched. it took him a long moment to force himself to calm down but by then everything within a three foot radius around him was black and ruined and there where a few more stubborn flames still trying to creep along the floor. "....sorry."
Tony eased away from Johnny as teh movie started playing because he’d known it would be bad, eyes wide when eh saw the damage, swallowing thickly. “It’s okay. I figured it’d be a bad reaction.”Tony said sighing quietly, “I hadn’t been going to tell you, but if she was so upset she grabbed a hot pot without paying attention, it’s something you need to talk to her about.”
Johnny nodded a little. "yea. bad reaction... i can pay for this." he promised, poking a toe at the ruined floor and carpet. "i am going to have to... but, i think there's something i need to do first." he admitted, heading into the bedroom. "Sab, love?" he asked, smiling at her. "i need to run out for an hour." he admitted. "will you be okay here with Steve and Tony?" he asked her, stroking her hair, his head tilted, smiling when her powers shifted to him, bluebell flames crawling up her arms, promising to protect her. "you sit here and console Steve when... you know what happens and i'll be right back, okay?" he asked with a smile before heading out to find sue, feeling the emotions of the intense crowds pressing against him as he hunted down Sue. "Susan Abigail Storm!" he snarled at her, his eyes blazing with rage as he reached out and grabbed her wrist. "if i ever hear you've said something like that to another soul, i will never speak to you again, do you understand me!?" he demanded, releasing her arm. "we'll see how long you last. feeling what other people feel for a while." he decided, turning on his heal and walking back to the tower. he knew Sabrina would be angry at him, for giving Sue empathy, but Johnny was hoping it would be what Sue needed to wake the hell up. Sabrina would forgive him when he explained why he'd done it. Sue might not survive the next week if she mouthed off to the wrong person in a fit of temper. especially if that person lived or worked at the tower.
“Seriously, don’t worry about it. IT’ll give Sab and Steve a reason to redecorate in here.”Tony said smiling a little as he settled in bed with the other two. “Hm?Oh. Yea, we’ll be fine.”Sabrina smiled as she looked up at the other, sighing softly as she felt the flames curl around her, settlign in to rest. “And I will. We’ll take care of steve. Be careful.”She smiled watching him go. “Hm?”Sue looked at him as she walked into the tower, startling, eyes widening as she looked up at him, “Johnny!What did you do?”She scowled watching him go, and feeling the press of so many emotions it was hard, cringing a little. Tony looked up when Johnny walked back in, raising a eyebrow, watching over the two sleeping others. “So, how did it go?”
Johnny smiled a little at Tony. Sabrina would love being able to redecorate. he'd blame it on his glitchy powers. "okay." Johnny agreed, smiling at her. "i did what you deserve!" he snapped at Sue. "i'll let you have your own powers back in a few days, if you've learned your lesson." he promised. "it went well." Johnny admitted with a smile, dropping the small shopping back onto the table. since he had found Sue so fast, he'd gone shopping to cover for his absence. "it went well. i couldn't what i was looking for but i found a good second place." he admitted, smiling at her and handing her a small box with a necklace tucked inside. "so you would never doubt my love for you." he admitted to her with a smile.
“Hm, so what did you do to her?”Tony said looking interested before raising a eyebrow as he saw the shopping bag. “You didn’t find anything?”She said frowning a little upset that he hadn’t found what he wanted, easily upset at the moment, wanting him to be happy. Startled as she looked at the necklace as she held it, looking up at him. Looking utterly baffled at getting it. She’d only ever gotten her wedding ring as a present, so this... This was utterly confusing. Seh didn’t understand why he would want to. “...Johnny...I can’t....”She looked lost.
Johnny smiled at her. "not the perfect thing. but i didn't expect to find it right away." he admitted with a smile. "of course you can. i wanted to get you something that would make you feel better." he admitted with a smile, holding out something else now with an impish grin. an adorable stuffed snow leopard kitten. "i really do love you, and i know how much you like snow leopards." he admitted with a smile. "i just thought it would be nice." he admitted, sliding into bed with them so he could snuggle, letting Jarvis tell Tony what had happened. since Jarvis knew everything now that Johnny was wearing a bracelet that monitored all of his power transference spikes and glitches.
“Oh. Yes, finding the perfect thing would be hard.”She muttered thinking about it. “okay.....I accept.”She said offering a quiet smile as she held the box with the necklace tighter, not putting it on, for the moment content to hold it before offering him a smile smile in response to his, “....Oh!it’s adorable.”she giggled a lttle as she took it, shifting to snuggle close. Sighing quietly as the flame danced between them, his presence enough to simply make her comfortable and relaxed enough to sleep again. Utterly safe in his arms, mood balanced for the moment.
Johnny smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her, letting the powers switch between them as they pleased. he didn't understand how Sue had so much trouble with her powers in the beginning. the invisibility was easy enough to control. nowhere near as difficult to manage as his fire. he smiled as she settled in to sleep, gently stroking her hair, resting with her while she slept, letting her feel loved even without her powers. he was well aware that once she woke up and found out what he'd done he was going to get yelled at.
Two days later Sabrina stirred, resting her head against Johnny’s chest, frowning at the storm starting to go on outside. While she’d yelled at johnny for sharing her power without asking, she had understood why he’d done it. “...It’s getting dark out.”She said frowning, watching the storm whipping into a fury even as she heard tony and reed talking, knew that things were getting bad. Whatever was causing the storm, was going to be getting worse now, and she had a horrible feeling that this, was going to be because of the silver surfer somehow.
Johnny stroked her hair, watching the storm with worry while his flames danced between the two of them, perfectly happy to dance from person to person. Johnny was a little bit worried that when his powers came back to normal they'd still cling to Sabrina. not that he'd be upset but she might be. "...i think it's time." Johnny admitted, looking at her. "you need to go downstairs." he admitted, kissing her forehead. "go to the safe-room." he suggested. "we'll need to fight." he admitted, taking a deep breath. "it will be fine." he promised her. glad that he had given sue back her invisibility powers back. this mean that he could have his fire and Sabrina could have hers back in case of anything going wrong.
Sabrina looked up at him in fear and worry, swallowing hard as she nodded."I'm careful. I'll be safe. You're who I'm worried about."she said reluctantly pulling away before leaving. Anxious and upset as she settled into the safe room to wait and be kept informed by jarvis."ready to go flame boy?"tony said as he landed on the edge of the balcony, faceplate snapping down
he smiled at her. "everything will be fine, i'm sure." he promised her, kissing her forehead. "now go be safe." he ordered her with a smile. "i'll be fine." he promised again, watching her leave before swallowing thickly and moved over to Tony. terrified that this time, he was really going to die. "yeah. ready." he agreed, flaming on and following Tony to where the Silver Surfer was causing chaos again. he paused to look at Sue, fear in his eyes, terrified that she too was going to die. her powers, while very impressive, would do little to protect her from the silver surfer. Reed was almost as helpless against the strength of the being and Ben? Ben might make it, but he doubted it could be unharmed. the Avengers too. Clint and Nat where just humans. Tony's suit was fried every-time the surfer touched him. Steve was still tiny and thin, though Bruce was assuring all of them that his Serum would kick-start back up and he'd start regaining his muscle and height in a few days to a week. poor Steve was sitting in the safe-room with Sabrina and sulking about it because he was barely five feet tall and weighed less than Sabrina did at the moment. he was adorable really, but helpless. he held a hand out to Sue, silently asking her for comfort and reassurance like when they had been little kids alone in the world.
Sue offered a small, sick looking smile, so scared as she looked over at her both, slipping a hand into his and squeezing, offering what little assurance she could offer as they faced the surfer. “Why are you doing this? This isn’t right. Your going to kill us all!”Sue yelled into the fury of the storm, upset and scared, and startled when the surfer did pause in the middle of coming closer, looking curious at the humans that were facing him. “....There is no choice. Galacticus must be fed...”
Johnny smiled back at his sister, looking just as sick and scared before he took a deep breath squared his shoulders and took on a brave, fierce face. "so you will sacrifice an entire planet, for an evil creature that doesn't deserve to live?!" he demanded. "you invade our world, nearly kill us, scramble my DNA all for a monster? why?" he demanded.
The surfer watched him, and for the first time in all the planets, really interacting with them, and feeling the same sort of feeling that effected him on his own world. “My loved one is being spared.” “ spared...your doing this?”Tony said sounding outraged. “This is not right. WE will turn you away here.”
Johnny frowned. "your loved one." he mused. "and how do you think your loved one would feel, knowing that because of them hundreds of thousands of other lives are being snuffed out?! you selfish, greedy asshole. how do you think your loved one will feel, being the reason for murder?!"
“...They are safe. That is all that matters.”The surfer said, though there was signs of compassion starting to show, turning to look at the storm gather, going still before turning the board. “It is time to end this, you and I.”He said talking to the storm, before heading into the heart of it.
Johnny blinked a little and looked at Sue. "..did i just... win?" he asked, baffled. "...did he just sacrifice himself to kill that... whatever it is? i'm so confused!" he complained, shaking his head and watching intently so he could see what was happening and he wasn't able to. "....i've lost my mind right?"
"I just won..."Sue stared as she watched the storm, and eyes widening as the storm seemed to implode on itself before disappearing. "I....I have no idea what happened, but I think Johnny just saved the should get victory sex for that...."Tony said hovering near johnny, tilting his head a little.
Johnny blinked a little and then. "but i never win." he protested. "not ever...." he frowned a little. "i'm in a coma maybe?" he muttered before jerking at the mention of sex. "Sabrina." he mumbled, racing straight for home, never realizing that even though he'd held Sue's hands, she had not swapped powers with him. "well... at least Steve won't sulk for long this way." Natasha mumbled. "there wasn't even a fight. this was... nice. it was nice. no wounds, no dead innocents. nice." she admitted, turning and heading back for the tower as well. there was no catching up to a flaming, supersonic Johnny.
“...No...I don’t think we are.”Sue said staring, grinning as he raced home. “Definitely wont sulk long at a non-fight.”Clint agreed grinning as tehy headed back to the tower.

6 months later Sabrina whined a little as she struggled to get into her dress, glancing at the blond helping her. “You know, I’m never forgiving steve and tony for this. They could have put off the wedding till I didn’t look like a blimp in the pictures.”Sabrina whined looking up at johnny as she slipped on her sandals.
Johnny chuckled a little and stroked her belly. "you look glorious." he admitted to her with a bright smile. "you have no idea." he admitted with a smile. "i'm going to laugh if you go into labor during the ceremony though. any chance of inducing your own labor? i want to meet my baby." he admitted, stroking her belly again and cooing at the forming twins inside. "come on out babies. daddies want to meet you." he cooed with a smile. he'd gotten really bad about that, speaking to the babies, reading to them. not that he ignored her, he just didn't buy into the whole 'they can't hear you, you know.' thing. his babies could totally hear him, why else would they settle down when he talked to them?
“Do not. I look like a whale.”Sabrina whined a little before snorting. “Maybe. Might. I’ll see about it. Tony would die if his wedding turned into a circus.”She snickered smiling a little as she watched him stroke her stomach, “You are bad about that. I’m feelign ignored.”She teased looking amused as she ran her fingers through his hair, teasing because he’d paid as much attention to her as he did to the babies. Tugging him towards the door. “Come on. Time to go.”
he snorted. "sexiest damn whale i've ever seen." he admitted with a smile. "do damn sexy... are you sure we can't pause to have mutual oral sex before the wedding?" they couldn't have penetrative sex because her belly was too big, but he loved bringing her off despite that. "i'm sorry. do you need attention?" he asked playfully. "fine... fine... we'll go." he grumbled. "stupid old men having to get married when i'm horny." he grumbled playfully.
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