
“It is,but he doesn’t know it’s me. I don’t know what to do.”tony said sounding upset, laughing a little as natasha was yanked into the bed, leaning into johnny more, startling a little as sabrina stroked his hair. Going still as she looked up at johnny, eyes wide as she considered that. “Well...” “He did. But Johnny, the serum’s tapped into his genetic code, it’s kept him alive for decades. Even if you...messed with it...I don’t think you could have taken it from him. Otherwise, you’d look like the hulk. I mean, it would change you. You altered it maybe.”Bruce said looking worried, and hoping that he was right before swallowing hard. “I’ll have to get reed, we’ll figure this out johnny.”
"it's the Fever." Natasha soothed Tony. "he's just having delusions. it's okay." she promised. "you've seen Clint get like this when he has one of those nasty ear infections right?" she asked. "it's no worse than that." she assured Tony before looking at Bruce, her head tilted. "so... maybe Johnny scrambled his genetic code? maybe if he touched Steve again, he'll pass over the power back like he does for everyone else?" she wondered. "like, if he scrambled Steve's genetic code, maybe touching him will unscramble it?" she wondered, Johnny looking uncertain about that. "okay." he agreed. "Reed and Bruce, no one better to find out what's wrong..." he agreed, still looking rather miserable.
“...Okay...”tony frowned before nodding miserably, “Clint’s horrible with those. He’s sulky and talking to everything weird.”She muttered trying to relax. “Yes....I think he did.”Bruce said frowning a little before eyeing johnny uncertain before nodding. “It might. Johnny, touch him for a moment, then let go. And don’t touch him again after that. We’ll see if a single touch works, then wait and see.” “It’s okay.You didn’t kill him johnny, we’ll sort it out.”Sabrina muttered wrapping her arms aorund him, hating to see him so miserable.
"he is horrible when he gets those." Natasha agreed, gently stroking Steve's hair, since he had settled down. "uh, okay." Johnny muttered, gently laying his fingers against Steve's skin, looking a little less freaked out by the idea when nothing happened. he stopped touching Steve when Bruce told him to and Steve blinked at him. "oh my god!" Steve gasped, staring wide eyed at Johnny. "Tony! Tony! get Reed on the phone! he's been playing with the time stream again! Tony where are you?!" Steve demanded before pausing. "oh yeah. he's in Germany for that science thing..." he mumbled, settling down because Johnny had quickly left the room so he wouldn't upset Steve anymore. "this is horrible." Johnny whispered, setting his hands over his face because he wanted to cry. he couldn't believe everything was going so wrong so fast. Steve wasn't dead, yet, but if he got too much worse he was certainly headed that way.
“Steve?Steve, I’m here. I am.”Tony said sounding anxious as he knelt on the edge of the bed, looking worried and upset as he studied him, gently brushing his hair out of his face. Sabrina winced following Johnny out of the room, getting johnny to sit down so she could crawl in his lap, looking for all the world like she wanted sex, but it wasn’t. It was simply a need to be pressed as closely to him as she could, clinging to him like a limpet, “johnny, you can’t expect it to fix right away. Him being sick, isn’t like me and you switching powers. It’ll take time to right itself. And bruce’ll fix it. And tony.”
Johnny wrapped his arms around her and tucked his face into her neck, just taking in her scent and the feel of her in his arms. "i know. but i want to." he whispered. "i don't understand why the Silver Surfer would do this, of all things." he whispered, shaking his head. "i'm tired of ruining everything i touch." he admitted with a sigh, closing his eyes and just holding her. "i want everything going to be okay again." he admitted. "i want me to be fixed and Steve to not be sick and for Sue to stop being such a bitch to you." he admitted. "i want things to just... be okay again."
Sabrina sighed softly stroking his hair as the other held her, closing her eyes as she rested her head against his. “He might not have understood it was what he was doing. Maybe he didn’t mean for you to live, didn’t know it would change you. Or anything you touched.”She sighed softly before hugging him tighter.”You don’t ruin everything, Johnny.”She muttered before sighing. “We’ll fix things. We will....and Sue’s not that bad. Just protective.”She muttered not about to tell him the conversation she’d had today, that just wouldn’t be a good topic. As much as she hated hiding things form him, she knew he was to upset to handle her and sue, which was why she had mostly simply let sue get to her, not wanting to cause a scene. “It’ll be okay, really.”
he nodded a little. "yeah, that sounds a lot more likely." he admitted. "i do ruin everything." he grumbled before he smiled. "yeah. Tony, Bruce and Reed can fix anything." he agreed. "she's a pain in the ass and i know she's been picking on you." he admitted with a scowl before smiling at her. "i hope so..." he admitted, snuggling her. "wanna go snuggle and watch Bizarre Foods or something?" he just needed some cuddles.
“Do not.”She muttered stubbornly, before nodding. “They really can.”She said before sighing softly, “Not to much. I can handle it.”She said resting her head against his before grinning, “Yea. Let’s go cuddle.”Sabrina smiled simply clinging to him as he carried her to bed.

A few days later Sabrina scowled slightly as she worked on cooking, mostly tuning out what Sue was talking about,before startling. “What?” “You. You’re just makign it worse. Distracting johnny from helping the others figure this out.” “No one more then me and johnny want to help steve. And help johnny.” “But you’re not fixing it, or letting him figure it out. He’s intelligent, and smart enough to do it.” “He’s good with numbers, not biology. Besides, he’s not something you can ‘fix’, he’s not a toy, Sue.” “No he’s not, so why do you treat him like one?” “W-what?”Sabrina looked up at the woman, eyes wide. So startled that she hadn’t even considered that Jarvis was getting Johnny and Clint from the gym where the two were taking a break, or that Sue was just being bitchy. “You can still touch him, so you two run off to have sex as much as you want. Why else would he need you, if not fo rsome relief?”Sue muttered scowling a little at her brother’s girlfriend. “N-no, that’s not-”Sabrina stuttered turning to pick the pan off the stove, before dropping the cast iron skillet back to the stove as she grabbed it to close to the pan itself, and while the burn wasn’t bad, it hurt like hell. Sadly, she hadn’t currently had johnny’s resistance to heat.
Steve was there just in time to hear the sex comment and he hauled Sue out of the chair before she even realized he was there and tossed her, gently yes but he'd still tossed her, towards the door. he'd done it making sure that she would land on her feet. "get your ass out of the Tower. now. before Johnny finds out what you just said and decides to show you just how possessive and protective he really is over Sabrina." "and just what did she... Jesus! Sabrina!" Johnny gasped, rushing over to her and gently cradled her hand, forgetting all about Sue. "you've burnt yourself! come on, let's go to the med lab. i can't do stitches or broken bones but i know how to help burns." he admitted. "no, no don't put it under cold water, the burns too bad for that." he warned. "lift your arm up, there you go." he said, moistening the softest towel he could find and very gently laid it over the burn, careful not to apply any pressure. "Steve? grab the Ibeproven wold you?" it would help the pain and keep down the swelling. Steve was also now ignoring Sue, but if she was around after first aid had been administered, then Steve was really going to make her regret sticking around.
Sue yelped, startling as she was pulled out of the chair, stumbling as she landed on her face, looking pale as she looked at the two, nodding as she moved towards the door. “J-johnny?”Sabrina muttered startled at their sudden appearance, looking confused and a little blind with pain as she let Johnny take her hand. “It’s not that bad...”She muttered looking up at him, even as she swayed on her feet a little. Emotionally overwhelmed with it as she nodded. “Okay.”She muttered, lifting her arm up, whimpering softly even at the softness of the towel, swallowing thickly as she followed him downstairs as she took the ibuprofen.”
"hey, hey. shh, i'm right here." Johnny promised her. "it is that bad. just keep calm okay?" he asked with a smile. "your fine, it just hurts a lot. there's blisters but they aren't too big." he promised, leading her carefully down the stairs and carefully coated the entire burn in Aloe-Vera burn cream, carefully making sure the entire burn was covered, which would help with the pain and gently bandaged it, which would help keep the burn from seeping too much or getting infected. "there. are you okay?" he asked, gently rubbing her shoulders, knowing that the burn would make her feel really cold as her body heat was sucked into the wound. or that's what it would feel like anyway.
“Kay...”She mtutered sounding a little spacy, shocky now not with just pain, but more about sue’s words as she followed him as docile as a lamb, barely looking around her as she moved. Wincing as he rubbed the cream on, she shuddered as she leaned back on the exam table, hunching and huddled in on hersefl, nodding miserably. “I’m okay.”She muttered, not ready to talk about what sue had said. “Jarvis said I was needed?”Tony said looking at steve and johnny worried;y as he walked in, his dark hair slicked with oil, having been hiding out in the lab to steady himself as steve started feeling better, allowing him not to feel so guilty about spending time in the lab. Looking at the three, fear tightening his stomach when he saw a miserable sabrina.
he smiled at her a little. "it's okay." he promised, gently setting his hand on her cheek. "whatever Sue said. it's not true." he promised. "your not okay, but you will be." he promised, kissing her forehead. "hey Tony. yeah, Sue said something nasty and somehow Sabrina got a nasty burn, she was cooking so i think she grabbed the wrong part of the pan." he admitted. "i think Steve kicked Sue out but i'm not sure." he admitted, shaking her head and gently kissed Sabrina's hand, where he knew it wouldn't hurt. "there. i can't do much else about the pain." he apologized, stroking her hair out of her face. "how can i help you love?" he asked her.
Sabrina sighed leaning into his hand, closing her eyes before nodding. “I’ll be okay.”She muttered leaning into him. “Jarvis?”Tony asked, “She’s gone sir.”Jarvis confirmed. “ what did she say?”tony asked looking at sabrina. “’s okay....”Sabrina muttered not wanting to get sue in any more trouble then he already was. “Thanks....and Ice cream?It’d be distracting....and...oh. The’s probably burned. I better go finish making it....”Sabrina said looking anxious at the idea as she stumbled to her feet a little.
"he smiled at her. "you'll be fine." he promised with a smile before glancing at Tony. "she'll tell us when she's ready." he told Tony, even as a finger flicked towards one of Jarvis's speakers, indicating that Tony could ask Jarvis what was said and Tony would tell Johnny if Johnny really needed to know. "it's okay Love, Steve has the food." he promised her. "Tony would you go get the ice-cream?" he asked, carefully gathering her into his arms and taking her upstairs to the bedroom where he could keep her calm, as best as he could.
"Yep, steve's amazing at food. He won't let anyone burn it, promise."tony said nodding a little he was going to ask before grinning."I'll get ice cream for us all. I'll be right there."tony promised watching sabrina snuggle into johnny as he carried her upstairs before heading for the kitchen, livid by the time he got there. Slamming around getting the ice cream, and for once ignoring mostly his still recovering boyfriend. Before turning to face him."can we have james kill her? He'd never get caught."
Steve blinked a little at Tony and then shook his head. "no we can't. it would upset James and Sabrina." he admitted, his voice still hoarse and miserable but recovering very well. only... he seamed to be getting smaller. they had tried letting Johnny touch him a few more times, only to realize that was only making it worse. he was still sick, but more than that, he was reverting back into pre-Serum Steve. already he had lost about sixty pounds. "what did Sue say?" he asked. honestly he was impressed with himself that he had been able to haul Sue out the door the way he had. "by the way. Bruce said i needed to get an inhaler... in case my lungs fail." he admitted. "i'm not used to things like that. i'm used to injections." he admitted. "i did have a Reynold Inhaler but apparently chloroform isn't an approved form of self medication anymore." he admitted.
“Damn.”Tony sighed shaking his head a little. Shifting over, he wrapped his arms around the other, flinching a little as he realized him and steve were nearly eye level with each other. It scared him so badly to be the strong one, so afraid he was of hurting the other. Afraid that with his extremis powered body, he’d harm him. And bruce and and reed were working frantically to fix it, but hadn’t had much lucky just yet. “That sabrina’s the reason he’s still screwy. That he’s intelligent enough that if he was focusing, he could be helping us figure out how to fix you and himself. And that Sabrina was just treating him like a sex toy, used when she wants and that’s all johnny saw her as. Some relief.” Tony swallowed hard, before nodding, looking scared and upset for a moment before wrangling it under control. “We’ll get you one....and no, chloroform isn’t good.”Tony said trying so hard to be calm and in control even if he was so scared for the other
Steve smiled, leaning into Tony with a small sigh. "....fuck. that woman. i shouldn't have been so gentle with her." he growled, shaking his head. "Johnny's a brilliant man, with math, but Math won't help us here. just like her nuclear crap won't help here. she's such a bitch, a freaking hypocrite." he growled, shaking his head and pausing to cough into a kerchief. the coughing had gotten much better, but he still coughed now and again. "yeah. okay." Steve smiled at Tony. "relax Love." he ordered. "it's going to be fine. i promise. Bruce and Reed are pretty sure that even if i fully revert to my pre-serum body, i won't have nearly the number of problems i used to have. between having all the food i'll want, a warm house and a soft bed..." he admitted with a smile. "proper medicine and stuff i'll be fine." he admitted. "did you know, that back when i was a kid, having Asthma was like being disabled? like, proper disabled. we weren't allowed to swim, or play at recess. we couldn't go outside if it was windy or chilly. it was terrible. we had 'delicate constitutions' and because the medicine was so poor, if a man had an Asthma attack, more often than not it would kill him." he admitted. "i've never been more comfortable while feeling like shit in my entire life."
“I know. I hadn’t planned on telling Johnny, but I think I’m going to have to. And don’t worry, I’m thinking James and Natasha are going to be having a interesting talk, they were walking through the living room when I was discussing what happened. They abandoned their argument and walked out. It’s going to be interesting.”Tony said looking amused before nodding. “No it wont. And I know, but she doesn’t like Sabrina, and is determined to make her feel horrible. And she did.”Tony sighed before swallowing thickly, trying to calm. “...I know. Bruce told me....and you do. Best of everything. I can buy it. I can take care of you. I mean, you take care of me, easy enough to take care of you.”he muttered still anxious before wincing, shaking his head. “I didn’t. That’s...horrible. Definitely better now.”he said resting his head agianst the other’s chest. “Wanna come talk to Johnny with me?You could snuggle sabrina while I see him.”
"i think we'll have to." he admitted. "Sue struck right where it would hurt most and if we don't tll johnny she might think he really feels that way." he admitted before shaking his head. "Sue's a dead girl walking." he mumbled, shaking his head. "what where they fighting about? that's not good." he admitted with a frown before shrugging. "i don't know why Sue hates Sabrina so much but she better get over it or Johnny's never going to talk to her again. he loves Sabrina, if Sue makes him choose he's going to choose Sabrina." he sighed. "this whole thing is a mess." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "besides, you have all those blood samples still, right? you could replicate the Serum between you Bruce and Reed i'm sure." he admitted. "i'll certainly be more willing to share what i know about the process than i was with other people." he admitted with a smile before smiling at Tony. "you take very good care of me." he agreed. "yes. i want snuggles. a big snuggle orgy." he decided, giving Tony a kiss before heading for the bedroom, smiling at Johnny and Sue when he walked in. "hey Steve, how are you feeling?" "much better and looking for snuggles. Tony's on his way up. he was mumbling about ice-cream."
“She probably will. Dammit, I really didn’t want to tell him,”Tony sighed a little before nodding. “She really is. And I don’t know, they were talking and arguing about that date johnny and sabrina were going on, cause sue didn’t want him leaving the tower, and Sabrina thinks it’d help, if only to get them both out of tower for a bit and not feel as caged.”Tony sighed a little before shaking his head. “I think she’s jealous, and dislikes her for indulging what sue thinks is a perversion, but I don’t know.”Tony sighed quietly before nodding a little. “True...we could. If we had to, we could replicate it probably...”he said looking worried at the idea before relaxing at the idea that he took care of the other well. “Me to.It’ll be fun.”he said gathering the ice cream. “Come snuggle, tony’s bringing me ice cream.” “And so I have, my lady. Here is your ice cream.Steve, here’s some for you, and come on flame boy, me and you have to plan my bachlor’s party now.”
he nodded. "i know." he admitted with a smile, shaking his head. "it probobly would help Johnny to get out of the tower for a little while." he admitted. "even when he has his powers they're very glitchy so he's feeling nervous as well as extremely cooped up." he admitted before shaking his head. "she needs to back the hell off before someone snaps her neck." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "i like to snuggle." Steve agreed, curling up with Sabrina. "hmm. yum." Steve mumbled, accepting the Ice-cream while Johnny chuckled and accepted the ice-cream Tony had brought him. "shit. you think you get to plan your own bachelor party?" Johnny scoffed at Tony, following him into he other room. " bad is it?" he asked, wondering if he was going to have to kill his own sister.
“I know that, it was a good idea. And they were only going out with James and Natasha, so it wasn’t like they were without people to watch out for them.”Tony sighed a little before nodding in agreement. Looking amused as he watched the two settle in to watch the lion king and snuggle he grinned. “Of course I get to plan my bachelor party.”He said looking amused before wincing, waving a hand at the tv. “Jarvis, just show him. It’ll be easier.”
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