
“Hm, I’ll remind you of that next time I’m manic and annoying.”Tony said snickering a little rolling his eyes before smirking. “And no, nothing to bad will happen.”He promised before looking at bruce, sighing quietly. “You might as well move him home. He wont stop, and the others will probably settle better if he’s at home.” “...Fine. We’ll move you home. But you’ll follow instu-and what did I say about fire?”Bruce scolded seeing the flames licking up against johnny’s side, those soft bluebell flames that sabrina so loved even as she started to stir, not realizing that it was sabrina with the flame not johnny.
Johnny chuckled a little and smiled at him. "you don't bother me when your like that remember?" he asked with a chuckle. "Yes! Thank you Tony! i knew you loved me!" he admitted happily before frowning at Bruce. "i'm not doing anything with my.... oh..." he gaped at Sabrina and then looked at Bruce. "uhm..." he looked at Bruce. "i think i've figured out what happened to me." he admitted, blinking at the man. "i think i just gave my powers to Sabrina." he admitted before looking at Bruce. "by the way, you probably shouldn't go out with that girl from accounting." he paused and then looked confused. "did i know you where going on a date? i'm pretty sure i didn't...." he blinked at Sabrina, understanding dawning in his eyes. "so That's why she's so good!"
“I bother everyone.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before snickering. “I do love you. And don’t look so upset with it bruce, he’ll rest eaiser at the tower and you know it.”Tony said eyes widening as he started at the flames. “....I think you did.”Bruce agreed frowning before looking startled, “What?”He sputtered. “You’re going on a date?”Tony said looking interested. “Well, apparently not, but...Oh hell. No wonder she’s so good at her job.”Bruce sputtered a little as he looked at sabrina. “Hm...??”Sabrina frowned stirring a little, nuzzling her cheek against johnny’s hip as she blinked slowly, the flames sputtering out at the touch as her cheek found the bare skin at his hipbone.
"you don't bother me." he promised with a smile before smiling at Bruce. "we'll all be more comfortable and this way certain people can fuss over me without having to sleep on the floor." he pointed out. "and i won't have to escape and then be yelled at once you find me." he admitted with a grin before blinking at Bruce. "yeah.... that's... wow..." he admitted, smiling at her as she started to wake up. "morning Love." he murmured, stroking her hair, smiling at her. "are you waking up a bit?" he asked her, now completely focused on her instead of being at the hospital or Bruce or why she was now in control of his fire.
Bruce sighed nodding. “True. Okay, I’ll set it up to move you home.”He said before frowning slightly as he watched the two, looking at tony, “I’ll go get them home, and figure out what’s going on.”he muttered leaving the three of them alone. Tony smiled slightly as he eased back itno the bed, not quite sure leaving them alone was a good idea, but giving them the privacy they could have. “John?”Sabrina muttered sleepily, not aware really yet, before jerking up so fast that her drugged addled body nearly went tumbling off the bed as she looked down at him, eyes wide and startled. “How do you feel?”She muttered, definitely not all the way awake, but getting there in her panic as she looked at him
"Thanks Bruce." Johnny sighed, looking much relieved. he'd feel so much better at home in his own bed where he knew he could be safe and protected until he could protect himself. his hand settled in Tony's hair when he eased back, stroking the locks because comforting Tony was just as comforting to him. "hey, hey relax." he urged her, still talking quietly because it hurt to talk. "easy. Sab. easy." he murmured, gently stroking her face with a smile. "i feel achy." he admitted. "Bruce said i can go home, but they'll have to transport me. i have bones in my neck that are still a bit broken." he admitted. "so i'm not supposed to move or something, i wasn't actually paying attention." he admitted with a smile. "i'm going to be fine... did you know you where a mutant?" he wondered to her.
Tony smiled looking amused, relaxing a little under the man's hand, content as he watched sabrina worried. "...Johnny?"Sabrina muttered eyes wide and frightened, upset for him even as she leaned into his hand, calming a little as he spoke, realized that he was okay, or at least as well as he could be. "No, no moving. stay here. it's safer then moving."She said looking anxious and upset before paling, shaken at his words before frowning. "N-no I'm not."She said though the man's calmness was starting to calm her, simply by being a empath she was relaxing at his calm.
Johnny smiled at her. "i'm fine. i'll be more comfortable, and safer, back home." he admitted. he figured it would be a bad idea to remind them all of the last time he'd been left in the hospital and one of the overnight nurses had tried to smother him to death with a pillow. "i won't move myself. there's a brace that Bruce will hook me into." he promised with a smile. "Sabrina Love. you have powers that you seam to be completely unaware of." he admitted, realizing that somehow, their powers had switched back. was it random maybe? timed? he wasn't sure how it worked but he would going to have to figure it out because he didn't want to have to be alone until they figured out how to fix him.
“Good. Definitely better at the tower.”Sabrina sighed softly, relaxing a little before frowning, wanting to protest but trusting bruce to move them. “....Oh. What can I do?I mean, I’ve never noticed anything....”She frowned. “You’re a empath, and a slight precognitive, you get bad feelings for thigns to come, or good ones. Or general moods around you. It’s why you’re good at your job.”Tony said smiling a little when Bruce came in. “Time to go.”Bruce said before one of the nurses helped him get Johnny into the brace, gently moving Sabrina to Tony’s side as they worked. “Ready to go?”Sabrina smiled a little as she took Johnny’s hand as they moved out to the car, startling as flames licked between their hands, pulling away, looking even more confused as it followed her hand and not his. “...Oh fuck.”tony cursed as he realized what caused it, looking at johnny in horror, because if she couldn’t touch him, sabrina was going to come unglued. “It’s touch. Skin on skin. whatever's got you two moving back and forth...."
he smiled at her. "it's probably something you've just been so used to that you never noticed it." he admitted with a smile. "i had your powers for a little bit and i knew it was a bad idea for Bruce to go out on a date." he admitted. "it was baffling because i didn't even know he was going on one." he admitted with a smile. "you are really good at your job." he agreed, smiling at her before wincing when he was settled into the Brace. fuck it hurt, but it was necessary and it meant he could go home so he was more than happy to put up with a bit of pain. "more than ready." he admitted happily, holding her hand before looking quite horrified at the idea of it passing through touch. he was a very tactile person, he needed to touch and be touched to be truly happy and settled. "will it hurt? like, can they catch what i have if they touch me too often or is it just a power transfer? because i don't think i can go months on end without touch Bruce." he admitted, sounding as horrified as Tony looked.
“probably.”Sabrina smiled a little before looking amused. “Well, at least we got to tell bruce to avoid a bad date.”She said blushing at the praise, glad to know that she really was good at what she did. Sabrina looked horrified as she stared down at her hand, looking anxious as they got downstairs to the car. “It didn’t hurt just now.” “If I had to guess I would think it’s just a power transfer, since sabrina keeps giving you back your own powers but....”Bruce frowned tensing a little before reaching out and touching sabrina, ready for it but relaxing when they didn’t switch. “I think it’s just you they have to touch.”Bruce said frowning a little. “Just be careful not to touch skin to skin with anyone you wouldn’t want to be switching powers with.....and steve. While it wouldn’t affect you alot, I don’t know what it’d do to him if you ended up with the serum instead of him.”
he nodded. "yeah. no idea why it was a bad idea though." considering how, er, 'soft' her powers where, it could be anything from a boring date, to an assassination attempt. Johnny just didn't have the knowledge to know when something was a bad thing and when something was a dangerous thing and whatever. he just couldn't figure out the slight nuances the way she could. he tensed when Bruce touched her, shit, a Hulked Out Sabrina would be bad.... actually. "uhm, no offense Bruce, but is Hulk actually a power that can be transferred? i mean, he's more... kinda part of you." he admitted before paling at the idea of having the Super Serum. sure Steve wouldn't mind, but if he was remembering correctly, Steve had been one sickly little shit. granted, with modern medicine he wouldn't be as miserable as he had been in the forties but it wasn't something he wanted to put Steve through. not to mention he wasn't sure if they touched again if he would get the Serum back. he could destroy Steve's life with just a brush of his fingers and he didn't like that thought at all. "so... so it will be okay if me and Sab touch? since, since the fire wont hurt her? she has enough self control to learn how to control the fire easily enough and it really likes her anyway." he admitted, looking very relieved to not have to give up touch completely.
“I get....glory hound I think. I’m not sure.”sabrina frowned thinking it over, knowing what she was sensing now, she understood more. “Well, I’m not going anyways, so don’t worry.”Bruce said before frowning thinking it through. “You know...I don’t know. Hadn’t considered that. We’ll have to get Sue or Reed over when we get back to the tower., they’d be the best ones to experiment with.”Bruce said frowning a little as they got them settled itno the car and heading back to the tower, frowning as he thought about it before nodding. “Yes. I think you two would be okay. She seems to not be suffering from effects of changing, and your flame likes her. Between her own self control and being around you, you two should be okay to keep touching.”Bruce said. “Good.”sabrina said though she still looked worried, relaxed a little. “Johnny?”Sue asked as the car stopped and she opened the door, looking her brother over worriedly. Though she was refraining from fussing or trying to help as tony and bruce eased him out of the car, and mostly ignoring sabrina.
"Glory hound? huh. i got the oddest sensation that it was going to be painful." Johnny admitted with a shrug, wincing when that hurt and wincing again because wincing hurt. "ouch." he grumbled before smiling a little. "i don't think experimenting is a very good idea Bruce." he admitted with huff because he couldn't shake his head. "thanks Bruce. that makes me feel a lot better." he admitted, actually looking relieved before his eye twitched at Sue's sudden appearance. "i'm fine. but i can't be touched. the Silver surfer did something to my powers." he admitted. "they seam to jump, and i don't know what my flames would do to you." considering his fire didn't like Sue, he couldn't imagine it would go well. he restrained the urge to yelp when they lifted him up out of the car and onto the wheeled stretcher and reminded himself that A: he wasn't in the hospital anymore and B: there was only one more move onto his own bed.
"It might have been....I'm never quite sure what sort of trouble comes from fans."Sabrina frowned a little."no probably not but would you rather not touch anyone till we get things fixed?"bruce said wincing a little as they got johnny out and moving.sue frowned pausing as she considered her brother before stopping to not touch him as they got him up to his...we'll sabrina's rooms. "Almost there johnny."sue said smiling a little as they got him settled into bed, not even noticing sabrina had mostly hung back, trying really hard not to draw attention to herself."need anything?"tony asked tilting his head as they got johnny settled.
he nodded. "it is pretty hard to tell with Fans." he admitted. "and i could have gotten the reading wrong." he admitted. "it's not like i know what i'm doing with a power like that." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before grimacing at the idea of not touching anyone. "...yeah... okay." he agreed, sighing a little. "but Sue's going to be pissy." he admitted before smiling at his sister. she was grating and frustrating but he was glad she was there anyway. "i need to pee, i need someone to scratch my ass and my elbow and i need food because i'm starving." he admitted. "also i need Sabrina. she didn't ditch did she?" he couldn't raise his head to look for her.
“Sue’s always pissy.”Tony pointed out before looking up at Sue with a small smile as the woman made a face. Fussing over her brother with a slight smile, before nodding. “I’ll go get some food.”She promised as she left. “Bedpan.”Tony grinned at the other as he helped johnny go to the bathroom before dumping it, scratching his elbow. “I’ll leave your ass to Sab. And no, she’s here.”Tony said looking back at the chair sabrina had settled in, pulling her close, smiling slightly as sabrina got up and crawled in next to johnny, reaching down to scratch him, before sighing quietly as she settled in close to him. “Hey.”she muttered quietly, relaxing.
"yeah, she kind of is." he agreed with a chuckle. "Thanks Sue." he said before whining at the bed pan. he hated the damn bed pan! but he had to go and getting up wasn't an option and he sure as hell didn't want to have to use the catheter. he had to do that before, when he'd broken his back and had been paralyzed from the waist down for about a month. that had been nasty. "thanks, that feels a lot better." he admitted, relaxing a little more when Sabrina settled next to him. "hey." he smiled at her, watching her for a moment, looking very content even if he was very hurt. "i love you."
“Good.”sabrina smiled kissing his forehead, “Hey.”She muttered sighing softly, closing her eyes. “Love you to.”She muttered snuggling as close as she dared without hurting him.

A few days later Tony looked over the edge of his book towards the living room, before smirking at the blond still laying in bed. “I vote we let them mud wrestle, and send steve in to referee. It’d be awesome.”Tony snickered a little though the strain ofo having his best friend hurt was showing, along with the strain of having no idea what was going on with the silver bastard. It was like he’d disappeared. The fact that the two women who had seperate claims on johnny were currently snarling and snapping at each other- well, as much as sabrina ever snarled at anyone- it was tiring.
Steve smiled a little and shook his head. "Sue would win and then Johnny would get very stroppy for letting it happen." he admitted, turning a page in his book and just glad Johnny was still in bed where he couldn't see his girlfriend and sister fighting. Bruce said the bones would probably b fully healed by now but wanted to scan him to make sure. Johnny was just glad to know that he could take a shower soon. sponge baths where only fun when he could enjoy them. "i suppose i should go and stop them." he sighed, watching Sue and Sabrina spit at each other. "alright." he sighed, standing up and heading over. "that's enough you two! i'll put you in a time out if your going to act like children!"
“Probably, but we would get some peace, and maybe sabrina would stop looking on the verge of tears.”Tony grumbled because he’d tried to stop them, which had only twisted sue’s panties to a even worse knot. “Yes, yes you should. Go get them, cap.”Tony muttered smirking a little as he watched steve stop the two arguing over what to make for lunch. “...She started it.”Sabrina said sounding like a grouchy, scolded two year old. “I was just making grilled cheese.” “He can’t eat it yet. It’ll take to much effort to eat, and if his neck’s still messed up it’ll hurt.”Sabrina said looking quietly defeated as she sighed quietly, not wanting to argue anymore, simply giving up the fight as she looked up at at steve. “I’m gonna go see Johnny.”She muttered heading for the door, bracing for sue to forbid it, which she’d tried doing before, but for the moment sue let her go.
he sighed a little and nodded. "yeah. i hate this too." he admitted to Tony before glaring at Sabrina and Sue. "i don't give a damn who started it. i'm ending it." he said before sighing. "for gods sakes... Sue, go make the grilled cheese. lots of them. the rest of us could use the comfort food. Sabrina is right though, Johnny can't eat that yet. soft foods only. broth or puree would be best for now or ice-cream if he's being a baby about it." he didn't bother reminding anyone that Johnny hated cheese and that included grilled cheese. Steve waited until Sabrina was out of earshot before he spun on Sue and hissed at her. "if you don't stop picking on Sabrina right this instant i am going to start banning you from this tower Susan Storm. your not helping Johnny by doing this, in fact your making it worse!" he hissed at her. "you keep running under the impression that Johnny is stupid, but hes not. he's very aware that you and Sabrina are fighting and that upsets him more than you could ever imagine." he snarled, pointing at her. "one more word in that nasty, bossy Tone of voice of yours and i'll have Jarvis lock you out. this is not your home. These are not your people and it is Johnny's life, not yours so back off, shut up, and for once in your life put Johnny's needs first."
Sue nodded a little even as she started to cook. Sabrina bit her lip a little thinking about it, “I’ll take him ice cream.”sabrina muttered grabbing the bowl of chocolate before retreating to johnny’s rooms to wait for bruce to finish the scans, knowing the men would be back soon enough, knowing bruce had stolen johnny down to the lab for a bit while sue was in the shower, otherwise she’d have been annoyingly present in the exam. Curling up with her bowl of ice cream to wait. Sue’s eyes went wide at steve’s words, Looking ready to protest, truly wanting to scowl and berate the captain for deending the prissy little bitch her brother was with, but knowing tony would get involved if she did, and knowing better then to piss tony off enough to get involved. “”She muttered starting to cook. Tony snorted a little amused, shaking his head a little as he looked up at steve. “I didn’t think it could be done, shutting them both up.”Well, sue, but he knew better then to take sides, knowing sue didn’t like him enough to take the criticism without lashing out.
Steve smiled at her and gently squeezed her hand, offering her comfort before letting her go so she could be away from Sue. "yes. food." Steve agreed, turning and bopping Tony on the nose. "be nice." he ordered with a smile at him, giving him a wink to let him know he wasn't actually in trouble.

Johnny looked healthy, happy and freshly showered when he walked into the room and beamed at her. "hey!" his throat still hurt, a lot, but he no longer had to worry about broken bones or fractured ones breaking so he was free to do as he pleased so long as he made sure to rest. "ooog, Ice-cream. that's perfect." he admitted, wrapping himself around her and nuzzling her. "hmmm i missed holding you." he admitted with a happy sigh. "feed me?" he asked hopefully, knowing it might help her settle if she took care of him.
Tony’s eyes crossed a little making a face as he was bopped, “I’m always nice.”he said stretching, smirking a little. “Come on. I want to take a shower before food’s done.”he said already heading for the bedroom.

Sabrina smiled looking happy to see him up and moving on his own, “You okay?”She said looking him over, smiling as he nuzzled close, shifting to rest her head on his shoulder. “It is perfect.”She muttered relaxing a little, settlign some at simply being held again before nodding, shifting to hold out a spoonful. “I;m thinking sponge bath later. I mean, you can enjoy it now again.”She pointed out with a quiet hesitant smile. Sue really had managed to get in her head, messing with her.
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