
“Really?I like legos. I built a car with legos once. And a suit.” “Which you then tried to power with a repulsor. At 34, so it’s not just a kid thing.”Sabrina said snickering a little before smiling, glad at least tony was getting practice with kids. “Yes. And y-Steveeee. I’d do it with him out in the hall watching. It’d be safe.”Tony sulked before huffing. “You’re very welcome, Captain.”Tony grinned a little. Smiling a little as they headed out.

When they got home Clint smiled as he climbed out of the car, having talked to Johnny about what he’d seen of alice, understood that he needed to behave himself, smiling as he got out of the car with sabrina and johnny, looking down at the charley as him and tony chattered at a mile a minute, already planning the fort that would indeed be both legos and pillows, and blankets. It’d be awesome.
Charley looked amazed. "you built a Iron Man suit out of Legos Mr Tony!? that's so cool!" he admitted, bouncing in his seat. "no explosions until he's at least ten." Steve ordered, Alice giggling. "we don't want him having nightmares or deciding he can do it on his own when he's older." he explained, Charley sulking because even he knew if he could get away with it, he'd totally blow things up.

Phil smiled and very carefully helped Alice into the wheelchair. Johnny crawled out of the car with Clint, having been explaining to both Clint and Sabrina that Alice was most likely a Submissive who was in need of a Dom that could be trusted and that he was, more than likely, going to have to help Alice the way he had helped Subs in the past. he wanted to talk to Sabrina about it in more depth later because she was, after all, his girlfriend and he didn't want to do something that was inherently sexual and passionate without her explicit permission.
“I did.”Tony grinned, smiling at the other, before sighing as he looked up at steve. “Fine. No explosions.”He agreed.

Clint tilted his head, looking at the woman he’d not really gotten a good look at before and had to bite back the growl that wanted to escape. Swallowing thickly as he smiled, heading inside with the,. It was going to be a interesting time. “Come on. Let’s get inside, and you can see your rooms, and while your mom rests, we’ll decide the best place for our fort. I’m thinking mine and steve’s apartments. We have two floors that connect with a balcony, we could totally do a two level fort.”Tony gabbered simply wanting to distract charley from worrying about his mom and well....he was a kid at heart. Sabrina smiled as they headed inside, glancing up at johnny, slipping a hand into his as she studied him. “You okay?”
Alice glanced at Clint and ducked her head, shy in the face of so, so many people. "it's aright Ms. Montroy." Phil assured her with a smile. "you will be quite surprised by how many people here understand your situation." her head snapped up and she stared at him with wide, astonished eyes. they knew, they understood, she could see it just looking at Phil. she couldn't take it, she buried her face in her hands and began to cry because so much kindness was so... overwhelming. she wasn't used to it. how could they be okay with her being this way!? wasn't she a freak? thankfully Charley and Tony where already headed up and where out of earshot and eyesight. Johnny grimaced and hesitated. "go on Johnny. i'll take care of her for now." Phil promised, Johnny nodding and looking at Sabrina. "come on. lets make sure her room is set up and give her a chance to calm down. too many people around her i think." Johnny admitted, gently sweeping her up the stairs, hearing the echoes of Charley laughing with Tony.
“We might tease some, but not until you’re feeling better.”Clint promised smiling a little before looking at phil, looking anxious at the emotions, wanting, needing to fix this, and clamping down on the need to do it not wanting to upset alice even more before smiling at johnny. “we’re okay. Go on.”Clint mtutered grinning a little as sabrina reacted to the order a little even before she’d registered hearing it. “makes sense.”Sabrina said looking at alice worriedly before following johnny upstairs, smiling as they got to the rooms, looking it over. Making sure everything was ready and okay.
Phil knelt next to Alice, gently squeezing her knee so she knew she wasn't alone, comforting her as much as he could and knowing it wasn't enough, but probably too much for her at the moment. it took Alice a good five minutes to calm herself down and another five to be okay to continue, though during the breakdown she had found herself holding Clint's hand and she appeared very startled by that though she didn't snatch her hand back. Phil looked very amused by the whole thing and by the time they got upstairs Johnny had aired out the rooms and changed the bedding for her and was in the process of asking Jarvis if Charley's room shouldn't b a bit more redecorated and if Tony should get in on the action. "hey Alice! what do you think?" "it's... it's massive!" she said, gaping around at everything. "this room alone is bigger than my entire apartment!" yes, she'd been living in a subsidized (low income) Apartment with two tiny bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen/living room combined. her new living room was well bigger than her old place had been. she looked completely stunned.
Clint smiled a little, calming as he held her hand, simply relaxing at being able to help her somehow, fidgeting slightly because he wanted to do more, but not sure what to do. Smiling as he followed them upstairs, and not taking his hand back, absently rubbing a bow calloused thumb across her knuckles as they walked, grinning. “we should totally get tony to redeocrate. If we do, it’ll be insane and weird and highly amusing.”clint snickered a little. “Truly?”Sabrina looked startled before frowning at the idea. “Well, good. Now you’ll have room to do anything you want, including redecorate. And I’m sersious, these rooms were simply empty. Let tony know what you need, and you can redecorate.”Sbarina grinned a little. “Also. I know you can pay for your own stuff, and you probably will want to but tell tony what you need, he likes helping, and it makes him feel good spending money on friends, and gets grumpy when we don’t let him spend some on us. Now I’m not saying let him always pay-”Though tony would probably want to, despite whatever alice said about it. “But redecorating, and anything like that, let him get. It’ll please him endlessly to not have to fight over having to get you to accept his help.”Clint smiled at the woman.
her fingers tightened around his, as if thanking him and asking him not to let go while Phil gently wheeled her into the elevator. "oh yes. but i do believe we'll have to put a limit on it or Tony's going to go way overboard." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "i was thinking of ordering some food. what do you guys want? Charley already voted for..." here he paused and checked the note he had written. "cheesy ravioli... whatever that is." "it's... uhm, it's Ravioli. you know, like Chef-Boy-R-Di? only in the little sealed packs so theirs no sauce. and then you cover it in cheese, like for macaroni and cheese. it's Charley's favorite." Alice mumbled. half asleep now that she was calm and felt so safe. "oh. i would just love to have a real, working shower." she mumbled. "the one back home doesn't work you see. there's only about ten minutes of hot water, and that's for Charley." she admitted with a nod. "and maybe even some clothes for Charley. he only gets the second hand stuff. it doesn't seam to bother him, but i wish he could have new things." she mumbled, too sleepy to monitor herself, plus she was dropping, hard, and in a bad state of shock too so she had no filter at all. "do you think i'll have to pay rent? i don't know if i could afford that. i could barely afford the old place, but i made a little too much money to get any help." she mumbled. "it's all sucked up by doctors bills. because Charley was born blind and they had to do all kinds of tests that cost so much. and then after, when we where in the hospital that cost so much too and i'm so tired of phone calls asking where the money is when i don't have any." she was rambling so much, but Johnny felt his heart clench hard. it wasn't bad enough that the hospitals had dragged out every cent they could out of her because Charley was blind. but to have to make her pay for the surgeries Charley had needed after that... creature, had tried to set his own son on fire. to make her pay for the funeral of her daughter, to make her pay so much and to hound her for more when she could barely afford food and clothes?! Jesus how Johnny hated this world sometimes. he was already texting Jarvis to transfer funds from his account to pay all of her medical bills. they where extensive.
“True. We’ll tell him he has to keep it under a half a million. That’s more then enough to please himself.”Clint said sounding amused even as he kept ahold of alice’s hands, before smiling. “Cheesy ravioli sounds good. Definitely better then what we usually have.”Clint snickered. “We have some. How about you get some sleep while I cook?”Sabrina smiled a little already heading up to the penthouse to watch over tony and charley as they worked on their fort, and start cooking. “....Well. You wont have to worry about not having a shower. I’ve stayed under a shower for a hour and not have the water go cold, so you’ll have as much as you want.”Clint promised raising a hand gently stroking her hair, “Don’t worry about rent. Use your money on important stuff. Like clothes. Or books. Or whatever else girls want. Not bills. You’ll be okay here, Alice. I promise.”Clint muttered glancing up at johnny his heart hurting and battered at the idea that alice had been treated like this. Tilting his head a little when he realized Johnny was taking care of it, ignoring the voice that growled in the back of his head that said he should take care of it. Alice was johnny’s friend, and sabrina’s, it was only right they took care of her, even if everything in clint wanted to say no, he could do it. Picking alice up gently he shushed her quiet, dominating gently,”calm alice. You’re going to get some sleep before dinner.”he muttered heading for the bedroom and settling her into the bed with a small smile.
"half a million!?" Alice gasped, looking rather stunned, and mortified. who spent half a million dollars on a guest room!? still, the hand on hers was so warm and comforting. "it is good. my mother used to make it all the time." Alice admitted with a smile. "she used to make it by hand." she admitted sleepily. "the Ravioli i mean. her's was the best." she admitted, nodding. "i am very tired." she admitted before smiling a little. "a nice, long, hot shower. that would be so nice." she admitted softly. "okay. yeah. books. Charley loves books. they make these special ones, with raised pictures for kids who can't see, but they're so expensive." she admitted. Johnny smiled at Clint and did a little half head nod that Clint would recognize as Johnny saying 'i know you have her, i just have more money, let me get this part so you can focus on more important things'. the entire Tower had odd little sign language quirks like that. though, Johnny had never used that signal with anyone but Steve before, they'd all seen it when trying to take care of Tony. just a little way of saying 'your the Dom in charge, i'm just helping'. Alice fussed when she was picked up but settled at Clint's words, though she recoiled away from Johnny when he got too close to pull the bedding back. Johnny quickly backed off, not wanting to upset Alice anymore than she already was. she recoiled from Phil too, though not nearly as much as she had Johnny. that was pretty common in abused Subs though. they tended to latch onto one Dominant person and was easily frightened by men and women alike. "i'll go and see what needs to be done concerning the court case against the evil bastard who did this." Johnny said softly to Clint. "she's likely to have nightmares. i wouldn't suggest leaving her alone even to pee." he admitted, wondering if Clint had ever handled an abused Sub before? or a traumatized one, or a Sub at all. "do you know what your doing?" he asked Clint, more than willing to offer some information if he needed it, but confident that Clint wouldn't say he knew what he was doing when he didn't. if Clint said yes then Johnny would trust him and go handle the police and such for Clint while he focused on the woman who so desperately needed help.
“Yea. It’s like pocket money to him. He’s spent a million on Steve’s rooms, but don’t tell him that, Steve’d be upset about it.”Clint muttered snickered a little, because well, even if steve and tony were getting married, tony had still kept a apartment set up in the tower for steve, because despite his faith in the other’s love, tony still harbored a quiet fear that steve would get tired of him, and it was easier to let him have a place in the tower, then to consider steve totally leaving. Even if steve wasn’t aware of the two bedroom apartment floors away from the one he shared with tony, well at least tony assumed he didn’t know, even if everyone really did. “When you get up. We’ll get you a shower and books.”Clint promised before nodding back, looking vaguely amused to see the nod. Because it amused him to see the languages starting to overlap on some things. “Shush, you’re okay.”Clint muttered gentling her voice, smiling as she relaxed, settling into a chair at the edge of the bed he frowned a little looking up at the other man. “You do that....maybe take phil with you. He’s good at legal stuff.”he muttered before nodding. “I wont leave her....and Some?It’s been awhile since I’ve taken care of a abuse victim for longer then simply getting them out.”He winced a little sighing quietly. “I’ll be okay. And Steve’s upstairs if I really need help. For now, we’ll be okay.”He promised a little. “Though I might take you up later on that advice.”He smiled, waving him off. “You probably should look after your own abused sub. Sabrina’s probably upset and worried.”
she gaped at them. she'd known Tony was rich, but to spend a million dollars on a room that was probably never going to be used?! that was nuts! "yeah. okay." she agreed because it was all she could manage at the moment. she was asleep in seconds and Johnny smiled. "Phil's going to have to stay here. if you have to leave for any reason, like to pee, he seams to be the only other she would freak out if he has to calm her down. plus, he'll be able to get food for you and her if she wakes up, and tea or cocoa or something." he admitted. "i'll get Jay to help me." he promised. "she's going to be skittish, try not to touch her unless she invites you." he explained calmly. "like how she took your hand today, she'll probably do that again, she'll be desperate for non-sexual, but comforting touches." he admitted. "thus, the hand holding, since Hugging is likely to be painful for a while." he admitted. "she'll be really spacy for a while. the constant pain and stress will likely keep her in a head-space for a few days, it's not unhealthy but she will be prone to-" here he paused and his lip twitched as if resisting the urge to snicker. "moods, not that you should ever, ever say that to someone who is having-" here the ip twitched again. "moods." he admitted. "other than that just keep your voice calm, don't speak in anger and never raise your voice when she's around until she's a bit more stable." he admitted. "or she'll fly into a panic." he admitted before nodding. "Sabrina will be okay while she's cooking. she's focused right now which is why i'm taking the time to explain what i can now. once she's not focused she's going to fly apart." he admitted, checking his watch. "...i probably have another four minutes or so before she starts to loose her focus so if there's anything else you need i need to know right now."
“Oh. Good. That’s good to know. Phil’ll be good.”Clint muttered relaxing a little at the idea of his dom staying around. He’d be okay if phil was there. Looking thoughtful at the words, he nodded slowly. “Okay. So treat her like I treated Sabrina when seh arrived. That’s easy enough.”Clint said thinking about it, putting it down in his mental notebook before wincing, “Don’t even suggest it like that!”He scolded looking quickly around to make sure natasha wasn’t hovering anywhere close. “Natasha’ll hear and beat you up. We’re not allowed talking about ‘moods’.”he muttered before grinning. “Good thing I’m used to being quiet most of the time then.”he said before pausing, frowning. “Though you might want to warn james about this. He’ll be upset about the new person being in his space, and that he wont be able to protect her without making her panic.”the blond said, well aware that the assassin would want to add alice to his list of protected people, because he protected sabrina, he’d want to protect alice because sabrina cared. Glancing down at alice he shook his head, “NO I’m good. Go.”
Johnny smiled, glad that Clint had Phil. he knew she was a little bit frightened of Phil because Phil was a Dom, wheres Clint was more of a switch. Clint could be dominant, but he was also very submissive and someone like Alice would find that very comforting until she was stable enough to be around 'real' Doms again. "yes. that's it exactly." he agreed with a smile before choking as he tried so very, very hard not to laugh. women where evil, vicious things. especially if they where in a... 'mood'. "Natasha won't beat me up." he promised Clint. "she might go after you, but i have Sabrina to put me in my place and she's a hella lot more creative than Natasha is." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah, i'll be talking to James if Steve hasn't already." Steve was actually doing that now, explaining to James that Alice was extremely skittish around men because she'd been raped and that he was going to have to keep his distance for now because as big and imposing as he and James where, she would find them very frightening. "one last thing, don't restrain her or et her get tangled up in the blankets too much." he warned. "she might have flashbacks, since there where ropes involved." he admitted before heading up the stairs to check on Sabrina.
“Yes she will. Natasha’s evil and creative, don’t even talk like that.”Clint muttered looing around blushing a little as he checked around to make sure she really wasn’t close. “I wont. I’ll make sure she doesn’t tangle herself up. I’m good.”he promised even as he started to settle in and watch over alice, making sure she didn’t tangle herself up.

“I was just getting ready to call you.”Tony muttered looking up at Johnny when he walked in, jerking his head towards the kitchen were James was taking over cooking. “She was starting to space out and damn near pulled out the fries without a oven mitten. I think she freaked out James.”He snickered well aware that steve had explained things, and that for as long as alice was scared of him, james was going to be on his best behavior ,and if that meant focusing more on sabrina when johnny wasn’t there to take care of her, well....”Johnny?”James called when he realized Johnny was there, looking vaguely anxious from the kitchen where he’d settled a spacy and freaking out, slightly panicked, sabrina into a chair.
"if anything happens Phil should know what o do." Johnny promised, Phil nodding from where he was sitting in the corner with a magazine. "i know." Johnny admitted to Tony with a reassuring smile. "she's dropping, the stress." he explained before smiling a little. "it's hilarious how such a man can be a worse mother hen than 'mommy Bruce'." he admitted with a snigger, wincing when Bruce smacked him upside the head as he walked into the room. "i'm right here James. it's okay." Johnny promised, knowing he had to be calm and in control. if he looked or acted worried, he would only upset her more. not something he wanted to do. "Sabrina, Love." he said to her, as gentle as possible. "come on darling, focus a little bit for me okay? do you want to go to bed?"
“I know.”Tony muttered looking worried before snorting amused. “He is way worse then bruce. Though considering he followed you two from romania, I guess it’s not that suprirsing. He’s probably bonded with her, because he needed someone to look after.”Tony said logically, knowing it was in part the woman, but mostly it was because james had spent so much time taking care of steve, small sick steve, that it was hard to stop the instinct that made him need to look after others, the weaker more fragile one. And the only one who really met that criteria in his life anymore ,was sabrina. Not a superhero, not strong, she needed protective. So she needed looked after. “Oaky.”James muttered calming as he stepped out of the kitchen, letting johnny look after him. “Hm?”sabrina hummed a little before looking up, struggling to focus on him before frowning, slumping a little. “You mean to sleep. I don’t want to sleep Johnny.”she muttered sulking a little.
"i think it's more that he followed Steve." Johnny admitted with a chuckle, smiling a little. "she does need all the help she can get though, and once Alice isn't so freaked out by everything she'll be glad to have James around as well." he admitted. "i do mean sleep." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "though, i wouldn't say no to being able to put my mouth on you again." he teased with a smile. "how about we go read together for a while then, you like it when i read to you, right?" he asked with a smile. "r we could play some card games." he offered. "something nice, just for us." he offered.
“Hm, maybe. Though he did bring your medicine back.”Tony muttered looking amused, before nodding, knowing james would let them tell him when it was okay to get closer to alice. “...I don’t want to sleep.”She grumbled flushing at his words, ducking her head a little. “You’ll read porn to me? I have some naughty books Natasha shared.”She said looking interested as she stumbled a little to her feet.
Johnny snorted. "yes, i'll read those nasty harlequin vampire romance books to you." he promised with a chuckle, leading her upstairs and reading to her until he reached one of the naughty parts and smirked a little at her. "are you sure you want me to read this to you?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "you might get frustrated."
“Awesome. It’ll be fun.”Sabrina grinned at him, eyes soft and lazy, still dropped and hazy, but not enough that she was upset, and settled enough at his plan to simply relax and want to be with him. Smirking at him, shifting a little, “And you’ll help me with that frustration right?I mean, you have to be better then Acheron.”She smirked at him, teasing him as she squirmed to his side to read over his shoulder, smirking wider.”Well....maybe you wont be....”She teased a little.
he chuckled a little and then smirked at her. "i dunno. are you sure your ready for that?" he mused, examining the book before smirking. "oh... i think i can add my own little... twist." he putted, handing her the book and throwing the covers off before taking the book back and started reading. "Archeron was slow, methodical in his loving. like he wanted to explore everything, touch everything, taste everything. Irene shuddered as he started, his fingertips stroking her ankles-" his voice was low and deep, husky and as he read, his fingers touched her ankles, stroking ever so softly. "This is your last chance'. Archeron said, voice a husky purr. 'Your last chance to say no. to turn away, to tell me no. there will be no backing out after this." he looked up at her, lifting an eyebrow, waiting for her consent.
“I think I’m ready. Come on. We’ve been dancing around this for days.”She growled sounding annoyed before smirking, “Hmmm maybe not. I mean, you are pretty. But not much imagination.”She said her smile bright and teasing, though her eyes were slightly worried, hoping he knew that she was just teasing. Shivering as he started reading, squirming a little as he stroked her ankles, toes curling a little as she looked at him. “I don’t want to back out of this.”She said her own voice husky as she looked at him.
"we have been, haven't we?" he asked with a chuckle. "i am pretty. but i'm also very imaginative." he admitted with a grin. "for example, i am now going to do everything Archeron is going to do to Irene." he teased, smiling at her and nodding. "you can tell me to stop anytime." he promised her before beginning to read again. "his fingers slid up her long legs, soft smooth skin goosing under his fingers.he paused at her thigh, running his tongue along the length of the vein he knew trembled underneath." Johnny read, tongue stroking the tender flesh. "Irene shuddered and Archeron knew what she was expecting, knew what she was anticipating. he let his teeth scrape against her flesh, teasing her, but he would not bite her now, not yet. he would wait, for the blood of those lost in ecstasy was ever sweeter. he paused to nip the flesh, just to tease and slipped higher, his breath ghosting along the regions of her most sensitive areas." he blew a hot breath along her lips and clit, letting her feel the hot air before he ran his tongue along her, ignoring the book for now because the book wasn't detailed enough for this part and he wanted to focus on making her cum.
“We have.”She agreed before snorting, “I dunno.”She teased before groaning at his words, squirming a little. “Okay. I remember, safe word if needed.”She muttered running her hand through his hair, simply enjoying touching him, trembling a little as the other read. Whimpering quietly as she felt his lips against her skin,panting softly as she watched him, she had no idea what got to her more. The sight of him doing something like this, or simply closing her eyes and enjoying it. Starting to lose focus, the pleasure and anticipation starting, because she remembered that last time, remembered what it was like, to feel him doing this. Gasping as he nipped at her skin she whined quietly, back arching as he slid his tongue over her, shuddering, hands finding his hair as she held onto him, eyes going wide as she came, legs pressing tight against his sides, holding onto the one steady thing in her life, him.
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