
he nodded. "yeah, i'm quite proud of myself for giving her, her first real orgasm." he admitted with a chuckle before grinning happily at the promise of more pictures to put in his wallet before smirking. "did you video it? can i have a copy of that too?" he paused, a thought suddenly striking him. "actually. now that i think about it. i wonder if maybe she wouldn't feel better seeing a Sub and a Dom actually interacting with each other?" he mused. "i know you like to do full lifestyle once and a while. do you think it would be weird if we joined you one night? so she could see for herself?" sometimes, Steve just had to go the whole nine yards. Tony would spent the day mostly naked, sitting at Steve's feet, being fed and fussed over. Steve didn't need to go that far all the time, but sometimes he or Tony just needed it. "shh, Sab. i'm right here." he promised, stroking her hair some more, smiling at her. "do you want to go snuggle in bed with me?" he offered her.
"I'm sure you are."tony snickered amused at the others pride before snorting."so greedy. But yes I did. And you can have it. I'll have jarvis put it on your laptop."he promised before startling, having not thought of that before grinning."hm steve's gone awhile since the last time, so yea. Give us a few days, get her a little more stable and figure out what we want, but we'll do it."tony said looking pleased and amused at the idea. Sabrina sighed quietly relaxing at his words before nodding, stumbling sleepily to her feet."please."
"i am greedy." he admitted with a grin before brightening at the promise of getting to see Tony in heals. he loved Tony in heals. "make sure you ask Steve too." he warned. "he won't like you just deciding on your own." he reminded the other with a smile. "and Laci has to agree too, but it might help." he admitted before smiling at her. "okay. up we'll go." he agreed, scooping her into his arms and carrying her to bed because he liked to carry her to bed.
“Of course. I will. I doubt he’ll protest though.”Tony smiled a little before nodding, “Yea, talk to her to.”he said looking amused as he watched them go. They were just so adorable really.

A few days later Sabrina sighed softly, running a hand through her hair as she sat on the edge of the counter, simply listening to johnny shower, amused because she had been tempted to join him, but hadn’t been quite that brave yet, so she’d settled for watching him as she discussed their plans for the day. “Hey. So...are you sure this is okay? I mean, they’re usually fairly private about stuff. And you sure they’re not just doing this because I’ve been off so much?”Sabrina said looking upset at the idea, even if there was lust in the look, because well, who could resist not being attracted to johnny when he was wet and dripping, raising her voice just enough to be heard over the spray of the shower.
Johnny rolled her eyes, knowing she couldn't see it. "yes i'm sure. while Tony would be willing to do this just because you asked, Steve would only do this if he knew both him and Tony was actually okay with it." he pointed out. "and you haven't been off that much you know." he admitted before turning off the water and walking out of the shower, wearing only a tiny towel. one that wasn't anywhere big enough, in fact, all it managed to cover was his... well. "remind me to kill Tony." Johnny ordered. "he hid all the towels again, help me find them would you?" he asked, looking amused and disgruntled. "are you sure your okay with this? you don't have to interact." he promised. "and if you get scared or upset we'll leave." he promised. "i just thought you might like to see an actual functioning BDSM couple at the height of their Lifestyle. some people live the way Tony and Steve are going to act tonight every day, others like Tony and Steve only do it once and a while and others never behave this way." he admitted. "every lifestyle fits only the people living it, so never, ever think you have to do something you don't like just because i want to okay?" he asked smiling at her. "the boys will understand if you decide you don't want to go." he promised. "seriously though, where the hell did Tony put the Towels?!"
“Oh. Well. That makes sense.”Sabrina sighed, leaning back against the mirror, “And I know. But I also know you three have been worrying.”She said shrugging a little before swallowing hard, staring at the other as she watched him. “....Uh...towels. Yea....”She muttered looking utterly distracted by the sight of the man in front of her. “I know. I said it was okay. I’m just nervous.”She said wrinkling her nose, not even making a effort to find the towels, “...Okay. I promise. You kept telling me to not do anything I don’t want to, and I’m seeing that it’s okay to ask. So don’t worry.”She smiled at him before grinning. “Probably down in the lab or something....and the only reason I’m not going to see this, is if you’re going to lose the towel and stay here with me.”She said looking amused.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "we have been worrying, but we won't let worry get in the way of doing what's best for all of us. you, Tony, me and Steve." he promised before chuckling at her. "come on Sab, i know i'm gorgeous but you need to focus a little here." he teased her. "it's okay to be nervous. most people are." he admitted with a smile at her. "good. i'm glad your starting to see and starting to express yourself." he admitted. "dammit!" he grumbled before flames erupted all over him, drying him instantly. "there!...oops...." he had burned the towel to ash and was now hiding himself using his hand. "...i'm going to go get dressed." he decided, heading back into the bedroom, doing nothing to hide his ass. he was back out ten minutes later wearing jeans and a T-shirt, smiling at her. "ready?"

"hes going to kill you." Steve admitted, looking very amused at the pile of towels on the bed, watching Tony get ready. he was such a prissy little bitch sometimes. "they'll be here any minute, are you sure your okay with this?" he asked Tony, watching him with a smile, the collar in his fingers, rubbing the silk and leather because he loved the feeling of it in his hands. not nearly as much as he liked seeing it on Tony of course but holding it and knowing he would be putting it on Tony any minute and lavishing his lover in attention was extremely satisfying.
“True.”She smiled before frowning, startling a little as she considered him. “I am totally focusing.”She smirked as she studied him, not really focusing on anything but his body before startling, yelping a little as she was suddenly confronted with a naked johnny. Snickering as she watched him walk away. “You should come with a warning label that says: You will not walk right after a night with me.”She teased watching him before slinking off the sink and nodding, “let’s go then.”She said smiling as she shrugged into the hoodie she was wearing, having been more cold these days, her hormones ranging all over the place, amusingly enough, she was wearing more then a few article of his clothes. Hoodie, socks, jeans. She looked utterly adorable really.

“Hm, no he wont. Maybe he’ll finally get laid, it’ll make him happy.”Tony snickered a little before pausing, glancing over at the other. “Of course. Though I am glad I’m wearing jeans, Sabrina might sulk at me being completely naked.”Tony snickered even if he was only wearing the snug black jeans and a pair of high heels, avenger heels of course, showing off a toned and fit upper body as he moved over to look up at him. “You look as fascinated as ever with the idea of collaring me.”he teased a little.
"...totally focusing on the completely wrong thing!" he huffed, rolling his eyes before flushing when he rendered himself naked. "your adorable like that." he admitted, looking very pleased that she was all dressed up in his stuff. it wasn't much to most people, but every Dominant instinct at Johnny was screaming 'i've marked her, she's mine! look at her, wearing my claim! "shall i escort you, my lady?" he asked, smiling at her and offering her his arm like he was some sort of gentleman lord.

"good point." Steve chuckled, shaking his head a little. "i'm not." he grumbled, examining Tony's glorious ass. he liked to be able to touch as he pleased, but this was a good tease for later. he liked to be teased. meant he could punish Tony for it later. "now the big question." Steve admitted, watching Tony. "do you feel comfortable letting Sabrina watch me put the collar on you, or do you want me to do it before they get here."
“How can it be wrong?”she teased a little before blushing at his praise, ducking her head a little. “Thanks. You’re looking good yourself.”She smiled slipping her arm through his, nodding. “Please.”She smiled looking amused as she let him escort her upstairs.

“Are to.”tony teased looking amused as he looked up at the other, biting his lip a little, actually seriously considering the question, instead of simply giving a glib answer. “No, wait. We’ll let Sabrina watch, she should see someone besides herself dropping.”He said thoughtfully, tilting his head when he heard the elevator, poking steve in the ribs a little, simply enjoying the knowledge that he could touch if he wanted. “Come on, we better get moving before Sabrina convinces herself that this is a bad idea.”
Steve chuckled a little and then waited for Tony to respond before nodding. "if, at any time you feel the audience is souring your head space, you are to inform me Yellow or Red." he ordered. Steve used two safety levels. the red, yellow green system, which Tony could, and would use if he was uncertain or unhappy about something but didn't want to stop, and the Safeword, which was all stop 'get me down/out/back off' he moved to the door with a chuckle. "go get the door and then go and get the wine." he ordered Tony, well aware Tony loved to be helpful, this would allow him to be helpful while still obeying orders, allowing him to start slipping down. "and be polite Tony! no bad jokes!"
“I promise. I will.”Tony smiled, nodding slightly. “And spangles if it’s to much. Promise.”He muttered before perking up, shivering at the order. “Kay.”He muttered whining a little. “I’m always polite, and I don’t tell bad jokes!”Tony said as he went to get the door, grinning, eyes widening as he saw sabrina’s clothes, shooting johnny a smirk of knowledge before stepping back. “Come on in you two. What kind of wine do you want?”Tony smiled already heading for the bar to pour some. “Red’s fine.”Sabrina said looking a little wide eyed as she watched the half naked man walk around. Not that she’d never not seen him dressed, it was just a little odd, but sorta explained some of those days she’d walked in on him walking around half dressed.
Steve nodded. "good. i'll be explaining to her what i'm doing to you and why." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i know talking can upset you so feel free to tell me Yellow if i'm talking too much... or whine." he shrugged. "whichever works." he admitted. "and you are the most impolite jerk i've ever met." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "and your jokes can be even worse than phil's, and he likes Puns!" Steve admitted with a chuckle. Johnny grinned at Tony, eyes glittering in delight and understanding that Tony had answered the door like this because Steve thought it might make Sabrina feel a little more calm. seeing Tony still acting like Tony. "good boy." Steve purred at Tony with a smile, stroking the man's hair before letting Tony pour the wine while Steve saw them into the living room. there was a coffee table, a love seat and Steve's favorite armchair that he sat in when Tony was being subby or when he was alone. Steve sat down in the chair and made sure that the super soft pillow, big enough for Tony to sit cross legged on and covered in some sort of super soft, super silky fake fur of some red and gold variety was in place. "i know this is the first time you've ever experienced anything like this." Steve admitted. "so i'l run over the basic rules." which where simple. never touch a sub without the sub and the Dom's permission, always obey the Red Yellow Green Spangles system and a few other basic rules that all Dom's and most subs knew once they had been playing for a while. "do you have any questions before we begin?" Steve asked before smiling at Tony when he walked in with the wine. "good boy." he purred. "take your seat." Steve ordered, letting Tony choose if he wanted the pillow or not, or to sit in-between Steve's legs.
“kay. And talking doesn’t bother me, as long as it’s me doing the talking. I like the sound of my voice.”Tony grinned looking amused as he nodded, agreeing to stop it if it was to much before huffing. “I am not. And they’re not.” “.You’re the one who told thor that you wanted to try his hammer. Cause it was big and long.” “It is!” “You are horrible.”Sabrina said shaking her head a little, looking a little bewildered before relaxing at the sight of tony still being his tempermental moody self. Tony smiled sighing quietly as his head was stroked, leaning into the touch for a moment before getting the wine. “Okay, rules are good.”Sabrina said smiling a little as she settled into the couch, sighing softly as she looked at the other. “...No...well....traffic colors and spangles?”Sabrina said looking interested as she took the wine from tony, “Thanks.”She muttered sipping it, looking amused at the sight of tony nudging the pillow around to get it where he wanted it before settling between steve’s legs sitting on the pillow with a sigh.
he snorted, very amused now. he'd forgotten about that Hammer joke. "Thor didn't even get the joke." Johnny huffed, looking just as amused as Steve. "he's incorrigible." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "yes, traffic colors. these work in two ways. if Tony says them, they mean one thing, and if i ask for them they mean another. for example, if Tony shouts, without being prompted, 'Yellow' that means he's upset, he either upset himself, i upset him, or he's being overwhelmed in a bad way and he needs a moment to compose himself and that i need to slow down and back off a little bit. if he yells 'Red' then his mind went sideways or he's too overwhelmed and is drowning and i need to immidiatly stop what i'm doing and try to calm him down and comfort him and bring him back up a little. on the other hand, if i ask for his colors, that means i'm not sure where he's sitting or how i'm doing. Green means 'i like this, keep going'. Yellow means 'i'm a little nervous' or 'i'm getting a little overwhelmed, please slow down a little'. Red means he's scared, or he's at the edge of shouting yellow or red on his own and i need to stop and calm him down and comfort him." he explained. "if any color but Green is shouted, then we do not pick up on what i was doing until Tony is of a mind enough to talk about what happened and why. it is never, EVER a subs fault if they 'color' or Safe-word out. the mental well being of the Submissive is the most important." he explained. "as for Spangles, that is a safe word. that means everything stops. he says that then i immediately release him from any bonds, take off or take out any toys and back off and do not touch him until he's calmed down." Steve admitted. "The Safe-word literally means 'No' and to keep going when a Sub says there safe-word is tantamount to rape." Steve explained, running his fingers through Tony's hair as he explained.

"now, Tony is a very challenging sub." he admitted. "it has taken several years to get him to the stage where he will actually use the colors and the safe word. he's what is known as a 'no limit' Sub. that means he didn't know, and still sometimes doesn't know his own limits." he explained. "adding to that, he has previously been abused, by adults and by other Doms and even other Subs. making him an extremely difficult, and temperamental Sub. he can drop himself completely by accident, or even on purpose, and he has very odd quirks." he admitted. "neither is very good for him mentally to say the least. speaking of which, if you don't mind, i've made a list. please refrain from using any of these words while Tony is down." he asked, handing Sab a list. it included things like Bitch, Whore, Slut, Cuntboy, Pussy, Blowjob(added because if Tony heard the word he would want to give one and would get very upset when he wasn't allowed to) and others that upset Tony. they had decided that this would all be nonsexual, for Tony and Sabrina's comfort. "Tony also doesn't like it when i talk to much while i'm down. so if i suddenly go quiet and focus all of m attention on him, that's why. he's not down far enough for it to bother him too much just yet, so i'm trying to explain what i can now. he knows if i'm talking, then i'm not focused on him, which leads to him feeling alone and abandoned. never a good thing for a sub to feel."
“Huh. Okay. I get that. Makes sense really....”Sabrina frowned looking overwhelmed at the knowledge being given to her. “it isn’t?” “Nope. Never your fault no matter what. It’s not anyone’s fault that things could go sour. You’re open, vulnerable like this. The walls down, which brings some memories closer to the surface.”Tony muttered sighing softly resting his head against steve’s thigh, sounding vaguely spacy, not really paying attention, but working on trying to. “....What if I don’t know my limits?”Sabrina frowned looking upset at the idea. “Johnny’s good at this. He can help you figure it out.”Tony muttered smiling a little before wincing. “Unless I’m in life threatening danger, like a fight, I tend to drop without warning.”Tony said sighing softly, watching Sabrina read over the list. “Kay. I can not say that.”Sabrina said looking thoughtful, frowning as she read it over, before watching tony. “How long can he stay like this?” “few hours usually. It’s relaxing, cause for once my head’s not being scrambled with ideas.”Tony muttere sighing quietly, closing his eyes, the quiet mood, soft and gentle starting to drop him even more as steve’s steady heartbeat against his ear dropped him further.
Steve nodded. "no. it is never, ever the subs fault. ever. not to say it's always the Dominants fault either. yes, sometimes i might do something that will upset Tony, but more often then not, it just happens. it's no ones fault. a memory or a thought will crop up and it will sour a sub's head-space fast ad hard and there is nothing that can be done or said to stop that. it happens and all you can do is help the Sub through it." he admitted. "as for you, Sabrina. you are very, very new to this. this means that you don't know your limits because you don't know where limits can be. Johnny is very skilled at helping new subs. listen to him, he won't take advantage of you." he promised with a smile. "a lot of Submissives don't know their limits, sometimes, the Dom actually has more limits than a sub does and that's okay too. a true Dom/Sub relationship is about cooperation, compromise and consent." he admitted. "for example, Tony and I. Tony likes to be hurt in almost all ways. his only limit for pain is no fire. no burning." he admitted. "however. i don't like knives or needles or hitting him with my fists or hands." he admitted. "so we compromise in a way where we can both enjoy ourselves using a crop, or delivering a light spanking." he admitted. "i don't like to physically punish him either, but Tony is a sub who sometimes desires, or even needs to be punished." he admitted. "so, to get around this, i make him stand in a corner, like a naughty child." he admitted. "he hates it, almost as much as he loves it. so he's being properly punished and feels better for it, and i don't have to feel like a dick." he admitted with a smile.

"as for a subpace. Tony's typically lasts anywhere from an hour to six hours depending on what we're doing and how bad he needs it. when we're 'living lifestyle' we can even extend the space to last upwards of twelve hours. though that leaves him very exhausted and he's usually pretty grumpy for several days so we tend to avoid doing that." he admitted. "as you can see here, it doesn't take much effort to drop Tony. he's 'in position' so he knows that it's his time to be as submissie as he wants. a 'position' is any action or sitting/standing position that allows a Sub to understand that it is time to submit, time to float. a 'position' allows a Sub to feel safe, content and in control. and yes, i said control. Submissives have a control all of their own as well." he admitted with a smile. "Tony has two specific actions that allows him to feel safe, content and in control. the first is sitting at my feet, something he particularly enjoys, though i've never thought to ask why. not all submissives enjoy being in this position and that's okay. the second action, is collaring." Steve admitted, indicating the leather and silk collar that was sitting on the coffee table. unnoticed until now. "Tony has given permission to let you see me collar him, it's a very private action normally, and he's never felt comfortable letting anyone else see him wear it until now. once it goes n, Tony will drop completely, and i will have to focus most of my attention on him. so if you have any more questions please ask them now. talking is okay after i place the collar but they will have to be very soft, gentle whispers."
“Oh.”Sabrina bit her lip a little, shifting a little, relaxing more into Johnny with a sigh, snuggling closer, wanting to be close while talking about it, because it was such a very emotional and raw thing to be discussing. Relaxing at the knowledge that she wouldn’t be blamed for needing, or wanting to stop if it happened. “I know that. He’s a good guy.” “I wouldn’t go that far, but he is good at this.”Tony teased looking up at his friend, smiling slightly. It was good to see her not simply resisting and turning things down,simply listening and accepting. “Fire scars more.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little before snorting. “I do not like the corner.”he sulked a little.

“,....does...subspace, usually leave you feeling more...exhausted. Tired?Moody after?” “Some. But cause of the drugs, you’re probably feeling worse then you’d normally would.”Tony said with a small smile, before grinning a little at sabrina’s startled look. “Control?I can...” “No matter what, it’s really the sub who holds most of the control. While we listen and let them dominate us, we have control of the game. Same as them. It’s not a unbalanced thing, but a partnership.”Tony said smiling a little before humming a little, amused because for the moment, he wasn’t answering the question as to why. That was to private. “Collaring?”She looked startled before staring at the collar, the slight widening of her eyes, then dilation as she responded to the idea of being collared by Johnny, before shaking her head.”No, no questions.”She said smiling a little, eager to see. and feeling warm, so utterly amazed at the idea of being trusted that much
Johnny wrapped an arm around her and held her close, simply holding her. "don't be mean Tony." Steve ordered firmly, even if he looked very amused. "Johnny's a Jerk, but he's still a good guy." "hey!" Johnny complained, pouting. "what is this, pick on Johnny day?" he complained before smiling a little at Tony. "i don't leave scars on you anyway." Steve pointed out to Tony, well aware it was more than that. fire was a Battle thing. fire was for fighting, Fire was heat, and burning, and falling. it was why Steve never kept water around when Tony was down, even a glass of water could freak him out. they used juice, apple grape or orange. something colored, something that didn't look like water. "i know you don't like the corner. but it still makes you feel better." Steve admitted with a chuckle before looking up at Sabrina. "that also depends on the Sub. some feel tired, some feel hyper, some feel moody and others are just fine after they come back up. every Sub is different, that's why every lifestyle is different and why there can be serious problems between new partners." he explained.

"that's exactly right. the Submissive controls everything. we Doms get to boss you around, but ultimately you decide the pace, what happens, when it happens how it happens and when the game is done." he admitted. "if you ever feel like you are not safe and don't have any options or control then you immediately say your Safe-word." Johnny explained. "if, for whatever reason, your Dom does not back off, then you scream bloody murder and do whatever you can to get help, because anyone who will ignore a Safe-word is little more than a rapist." "yes. collaring. again, not all subs like to be collard. for me and Tony, the Collar means that he belongs to me. he's mine, and only mine. it's a mark of ownership that makes him feel loved, wanted, needed and cared for." he admitted with a smile, bending his head to look at Tony. "are you ready? i want you to kneel for me baby. i'm going to put your collar on." he informed Tony, gently nudging him into position and with soft fingers brushing along Tony's throat the collar was in place. Steve waited a moment and then. "what are your safety colors Tony?" Steve demanded. Johnny lowering his voice to whisper to Sabrina. "this is what's known as a safety check. he's making sure Tony has enough mental cognition to know his Colors, and his Safe-word and will be able to use it." he explained. "a good Dom will always check to make sure a Sub can remember their safety net." "And what is your Safe-Word?" Steve demanded, pleased when Tony responded. "that's a very good boy Tony. my good little Kitten."
“Never mean.”Tony whined a little before snickering amused at johnny’s reaction. “I wont let them tease you.”Sabrina muttered whining a little, resting her head on his shoulder. “No, you don’t.”Tony smiled a little looking up at Steve with a smile, utterly relaxed at the knowledge that the other knew him, knew how to take care of him. “It does.”He grumbled a little looking amused, but so glad that sabrina seemed to be accepting everything they were telling her.

“...Good. That’s....good. I can be in control...”She muttered looking pleased and relaxed with the idea, knowing that she’d be able to say no, if she wanted to. That she’d be okay. That she trusted Johnny, to know what she needed, and how fast they could go. “I’ll remember that.”She said smiling a little before tilting her head. “Hm, and it helps I also lay claim to him half the time, he’s wearing iron man briefs under his cap suit.”Tony hummed pleased with the idea before stirring when steve looked down at him, whining quietly as the other nudged him up, sighing quietly, going relaxed as the other slid the collar on. “hm...?”tony hummed frowning for a moment before stirring again. “Yellow, green, red.”He muttered. “...just making always making sure the safety’s on a gun....I get it...”Sabrina muttered back to johnny, looking more and more comfortable as she watched the two men. “Spangles.”Tony said before smiling happily, perking up at teh praise, “Not a kitten.”he grumbled, even if everyone in the world, knew he was the scuff eared kitten that was prissy and fussy and insane, but cuddly.
he huffed. "i don't think your going to actually stop them. imp." he teased Sabrina with a smile. "you seam more likely to join in." he admitted with a smile. "and yes, you can be, and in fact will be, fully in control." he promised her with a nod before chuckling when Steve blushed a little. not about to admit he had a... piercing for Tony too. he'd let Tony pick the piercings and everything, Tony had called it a Lorum. that was private though, and not exactly something that was going to be shared around. "yes, exactly. Tnoy's been doing this often enough that he can usually respond without having to think to much. for a beginner, it brings them back up a little bit, so they don't stay down too low for too long. for a beginner, a deep subspace can be very scary, and safety checks force them to think a little bit, which resets their space a little bit, preventing them from panicking." he admitted. "if i was to drop you, i would run safety checks every once and a while, anytime i where to think you might be dropping too low." he admitted. "you are a Kitten." Steve teased, rubbing the top of Tony's head before looking at the two. "usually, when we do this, i sit in my chair and read and stroke Tony's head and neck. since that's a bit boring for you, Tony and i agreed to give you a small rundown through what else we usually do." he admitted. "Tony just needs a minute to bask before i can get him to do anything though." he admitted, tugging on the collar a little bit, because he knew Tony loved to feel it on his neck. feel it tighten and loosen.
“Ah. I see. revving a engine to make sure it’s not going to stall out, making them think...”Sabrina frowned trying to understand, to think as she watched tony, and not simply lay back and sink low herself, simply watching tony was setting her down some. “Am not.”Tony whined a little, sighing softly as he nuzzled his head into steve’s hand. “Yea, a bit boring...but we can go if you guys want to do that...”Sabrina offered smiling slightly, eyebrows raising slightly as Tony shuddered as he felt his breathing constrict for a heartbeat, leaning into the touch before stirring, sighing softly. “Kay. I’m okay.”He muttered turning his head to look up at the other.
he nodded. "yes, kind of like that." he agreed with a chuckle. "no. while that is normally what we would do, it's not always what we do." he admitted. "this day is just as much for us, as it is for you. both Tony and i have been giving some thought into Voyeurism, so this is a good, safe way to test if this is something we would like to explore further in the future." Steve admitted. "now, since this is an 'open' play of sorts, anytime you feel upset or overwhelmed, make sure to tell Johnny or myself." Steve informed Sabrina. "this is a way for you to see the way a Sub, and a Dom acts during stages of Play. how we act during a 'Scene' and it allows us to further explore our own interests." Johnny quietly explained what a Scene was and what Open play meant. a Scene was any sexual actions within the BDSM 'boundaries'. and Open Play was basically when anyone not part of the common relationship was part of the Scene. Clubs where always 'Open Play' for example. it meant people where welcome to watch, and with permission, even interact. "Good boy." Steve praised Tony with a smile. "what would you like to do first?" Steve asked him. "this is another example of giving the Submissive the control." Johnny murmured to Sabrina. "Giving Tony options to choose from, while we don't currently know the options, Tony does. it's always important to give a blissed out Sub a list to choose from, and make sure it's not too long, or they quickly become overwhelmed and it can, and most likely will sour their subspace. Ton probably has a list of what they are planning on doing, and is either going to choose one, or tell Steve to choose." Johnny admitted. "by letting Tony choose, Steve is giving him a further level of control. if Tony tells Steve to choose, it basically means Tony is too content and doesn't want that added layer." he explained. "this allows Steve to judge how Tony is feeling and how far Tony wants to go. this is also different for every sub, and only Steve will know exactly what Tony's answer will mean, though i'll have a generally good idea, since i'm one of Tony's secondary Doms. learning how to read your submissive is extremely important, because when they are like this, they often won't b able to actually tell you anything."
“Ah. I’m glad I’m not the only reason you invited us.”Sabrina smiled a little, wincing a little as Tony whined, responding to the talking going on around him, without getting to upset. Sabrina smiled listening to the information, filing it away to think on later, there was just to much to think on everything right that instant. “...A short list of things, does it change with each time, or what’s going on?”Sabrina muttered before thinking it over, nodding a little. “Sort of like a drunk who’s aware, but not enough to make decisions about stuff.”She muttered. “...You choose. I’m good.”Tony muttered sighing softly as he leaned further into steve’s touch, slotting his torso between the other’s tree trunk thighs, leaning into him.
Steve murmured softly to Tony, focusing completely on him and running his hands up and down Tony's arms. he wasn't really saying anything, just speaking only to Tony, well aware that would calm Tony down the fastest was knowing that as soon as Tony had fussed, Steve gad been right there. "hmm, the list is more of a technique to help." Johnny explained. "not all Doms and subs use that technique. but yes, the list can change everytime, or it can stay the same. it all depends." he admitted. "i think Tony has a couple of lists that never changes. like a list of positions, a list of toys he likes or how he wants to be hurt, depending on how they're playing. i'm not sure though." he admitted. "more often then not a 'list' is just the Dom asking if you want a dildo or a cock ring, or a flogger or a paddle, or a blowjob or a kiss or something like that. just a simple choice, that makes the Sub feel a little more in control." he admitted. "okay. we'll start simple then." Steve agreed, nudging Tony. "go get the Bonds." he ordered. there where three options for Bondage, leather cuffs, which Steve usually used to force Tony upright, or stretch him out flat. he usually used those for when he was going to hit Tony with a flogger or a crop. though sometimes he used it too when he used the feather. the rope was for more interesting positions. for when he wanted Tony to be completely incapable of moving. he usually used the rope to tie Tony completely immobile and then ruthlessly teased him with toys, denying him an orgasm until Tony was crying. the Tape was used for simple bondage. forcing his hands behind his back or tying them together in the front. he used that when he wanted Tony to be unable to squirm away, but still wanted to be able to move and position him as he pleased. he liked to tie Tony's hands behind his back and then force him to swallow every inch of his cock. that was always fun. in this case, he was going to use the Ropes, to show Sabrina how Bondage could be fun, as well as relaxing. he would Tie Tony still, and let them see how completely relaxed Ton would get, because when Tony was in the Ropes, nothing mattered. he had nothing he had to do. he didn't have to be in control, he could give it all up and give in completely. it was the ultimate sign of trust and Steve loved watching Tony completely submit.
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