
he nodded and headed inside to find Sabrina. "shh. Rina. it's okay, i'm here. i have you." he promised, well aware that on one of the cameras, Jarvis was taking pictures as evidence against the men. he gently stroked her hair and carefully removed the blindfold so she could see him, not sure what he should do. would he hurt her more if he untied her? Steve scowled when Tony held him back, but settled in place, letting the Doc go in alone. "okay." Johnny agreed, gently picking her up and cradling her, murmuring soft reassurances as they walked down to the ambulance, trying to keep her calm. if she started to panic, he had a feeling that she was really going to hurt herself. especially where he was pretty sure she was dropping, which wasn't good when she was drugged so severely. he nearly flamed out when he saw three black limos appear until he realized one of the Limos was Phil, the other was Natasha and the third was Clint with five shield 'grunts' each to their name. they where here to deal with the kidnappers he supposed. he didn't care much anymore, so long as he got Sabrina to safety. some part of him was impressed with the Doctor though. "she's pregnant. about a week or so along?" Johnny guessed, looking at the boys. he wasn't sure how long it had actually been. a week? two? he wasn't sure.
“Kay...”Sabrina muttered sighing quietly as she leaned into johnny’s hand, closing her eyes, indeed she was dropping. And being picked up made her start to panic struggling a little as she squirmed. “Shush, Rina, it’s just Clint and Natasha. And Agent, you like agent don’t you?”Tony muttered as tehy got the girl into the ambulance, trusting the others to deal with the cleanup, focusing on the pregnant woman as she calmed slightly as they drove. “Two weeks.”Tony muttered wincing a little as he watched Sabrina struggling to focus on them. Which in turn was making her panic as she fought the drugs. “Shit.”The doctor cursed before wincing, knowing it wasn’t good bedside manner, shaking her head a little. “Till we know what tehy gave her, I don’t dare give her anything else. Talk to her. Gently rub at her hands, and feet. Bloods returning to them, it’s going to hurt.”The doctor winced a little, “Hopefully we can keep her calm until we know more.”The doctor said worried about the woman as they got her into the hospital, glad that the press hadn’t figured out anything going on yet. Swallowing thickly as she drew blood and stepped out to see about getting the labwork done, leaving the men to keep her calm.
"it's okay. i have you." he promised Sabrina. "shh my Love, it's okay." he whispered, trying to keep her as calm as possible. "it's okay." he murmured, stroking her hair. "hey. Brina. calm down. look at me." he ordered her when he realized she wasn't going to calm down. "i'm right here. it's okay, i won't let anything happen." he promised, stroking her hair some more because that usually worked on submissive who where starting to go sour. he let Tony and Steve focus on her hands and feet and legs while he focused on keeping her attention and keeping her calm. "Johnny then did one of the only things he knew would really help. he called Sue. "Sue it's Johnny. listen Sab was kidnapped, she's been drugged and she has lacerations where they tied her up. i need a perimeter around the Hospital we're heading to. i know we can't stop the press from finding out but i don't want those leaches anywhere near the hospital when shes stoned out of her mind and freaking out." he explained to Sue, his voice so tight you knew the only reason why he wasn't completely freaking out was because it would upset Sabrina. Sue was many things, but she wouldn't tell him no when it was something so important.
Sabrina whined softly frowning a little as she tried to focus on Johnny, usually bright blue eyes dulled and drugged as she whimpered softly under his hand, calming a little. Panicking a little when she felt the others touching her. “Hey Brina, it’s us. Stevie and me, tony. We’re helping. You’ll feel better soon.”Tony muttered smiling quietly when she calmed as she realized who was touching her. “johnny?”Sue sounded sleepy and tired, startled at getting called having been afraid it’d be forever before she heard from him. Startling a little as she realized why he was callingm not for himself, but Sabrina. Wincing a little as she realized what was going on, Sue nodded even if he couldn’t see her, already moving to get things done. “I’ll take care of it. Just work on taking care of Sabrina, I got this.”Sue promised, keeping her voice strong and calm, not wanting to upset him more, “call if you think of anything else you need.”She promised as she hung up, and indeed soon enough there was a perimeter of shield agents set to keep the press out, along with Ben and Sue themselves.

In a few hours the doctor stepped into the room, relieved to see that sabrina was resting, even if it was a restless sleep. Looking at the three men who looked strained beyond endurance, she knew she was going to add more stress to it, but there was no fixing that. “Gentlemen. She was drugged with Valium, which while safe for pregnant woman, they also gave her nearly double what they should have done. Thankfully, it was just a single time, I doubt they had to drug her more then once. While dangerous, and she’ll have to see a doctor to make sure there was no lasting problems for mother or children, I don’t think it will be any lasting damage.”
he smiled at her. "shhh.. it's okay. i have you." he promised gently. "i have you." he looked over at Steve and Tony before gently kissing Sabrina's forehead again. "it's okay." he murmured before calling Sue, wincing when he realized how... late? early? what time was it? "thanks Sue." Johnny sighed, sounding a little more relieved. while Sue stalked the perimeter outside, Reed was making sure no one bothered them inside. him and the rest of the Tower where stationed everywhere making sure the people coming in and coming out where not reporters or people eager for a chance to have some sort of revenge or something. the place was crawling with Agents, no one was getting in to Sabrina.

"Valium?" Steve asked, looking worried before he and Johnny relaxed, Johnny more than Steve, at the promise that the drug was safe with babies. "oh god..." Johnny breathed, resting his head on her shoulder because he didn't handle stress well. not at all. "will she be okay? will there be any... side effects of her coming off the Valium?" he asked, worried about how ill she might become. if she became ill at all. he just didn't know what to do to be honest. "will you be keeping her overnight?" Steve asked, since Johnny didn't seam capable of asking any more questions. "and is there anything we need to keep an eye out in the future for?"
“John...”Sabrina muttered sighing quietly as the other kissed her forehead, relaxing. Falling asleep. “Welcome.And make sure you get some sleep yourself, it’s nearly midnight.”Sue scolded lightly, sounding worried about him as they settled in to make sure sabrina and the boys were safe.

“Yes. It’s a high level tranquilizer.”The doctor, emily swallowed hard, watching johnny, worried about him to before nodding slightly. “She will be okay. Not many. She might be a insomniac for a few weeks as her body gets rid of the drugs, and reestablishes normal levels. She might be even more moody and upset. But she should be okay. But I would prefer her to see a doctor at least once a week for the next month, to make sure she is fine.”Emily said biting her lip. Glancing at johnny then sabrina. While she had never been a submissive to him, she had a friend who had been while living in new york. Knew about his life, and assumed that sabrina was similar. “She wont stable as she normally would be.” “We’ll watch her.”Tony said looking upset and worried anxious himself, and struggling to keep from worrying. “We will be. Just till after breakfast, and you can take her home after she’s a little more aware. I don’t want to upset her more by moving her while she’s unaware....and extreme drowsiness, restlessness and insomnia is the most common problems valium withdrawal. She watch her, and if it seems to extreme of a reaction, get her to a doctor.”
"so she's just going to be really sleepy now?" he asked softly, desperately worried about Sabrina. "that's okay. one of us is always awake no matter the time of night, someone will be able to sit up with her." he promised the doctor. "i'll make sure Bruce at the very least sees her every day, even if it's just to study her from a distance." he admitted with a smile, gently holding Sabrina's hand because he couldn't stand the idea of not touching her while she was so hurt. "won't be as Stab- oh." he studied the doctor and then nodded, indicating that he got the message and understood. she was going to be fluctuating. rising and dropping in dangerous patterns. "that's a good idea. she won't react well to being moved while she's asleep." he admitted, swallowing thickly before he looked up, eyes burning with rage when Phil walked in. "they're being stubborn." Phil explained to them. "they seam to think that because they are foreign dignitaries they are immune to our persecutions. they are wrong. they are on their way to Shield where they will be buckled down on by both Natasha, and Fury." Phil promised. that shocked Johnny. "Fury is getting involved?" "you bet your ass he is." Phil admitted, gently checking on Sabrina without getting too close or touching her. he didn't want to get burned. "he seams to think that Sabrina is the only reason why the Avengers haven't been chased out of new york with Pitchforks and torches."
“Yea. Probably sleepy and exhausted, but not able to sleep. Just make sure she tries and gets some sleep.”Emily smiled a little before nodding. “Good.”She smiled looking vaguely amused as sabrina stirred slightly as johnny touched her. “A week or two should see her back to normal.”she said smiling at the other, glad that the other had understood before looking up as phil came in. “I’ll see that you guys get some beds, get some rest.”Emily promised as she stepped out of the room, leaving them to talk. “Stupid people.”Tony grumbled looking annoyed before frowning. “Do we need to go? Putting a angry captain america in the room with a pissed black widow and Director would be interesting.”Tony said sounding thoughtful. Before snorting amused. “Probably right. Sabrina’s a whiz kid with the press.”Tony said looking up at phil. “She’s going to be fine. Overdosed on Valium, but she’ll be okay.”Tony promised smiling a little as he rested against steve, looking tired and exhausted.

When she woke, sabrina frowned softly, turning her head to the side to look at the man laying next to her. “johnny?”She muttered wincing as she raised a hand, gently running her fingers through his hair, gently trying to wake him.
Johnny and Steve both nodded, making a mental note to do what they could to keep her calm and relaxed enough to sleep. "probably closer to two. i don't think she's ever taken drugs before in her life, being drugged against her will is really going to throw her off." he admitted, stroking her hair and watching her very closely until she settled back down. "thank you, Dr." Johnny murmured, aware that he was being kind of rude but unable to really help it. "i'll go Tony. ou stay here and help Johnny." Steve suggested, giving Tony a kiss before stalking out the door, looking very thunderous indeed even as he dialed someone. "Hey, it's Steve. listen, I need a favor. we have a few boys sitting cold down here from Romania, just tried to kidnap an American citizen of duel nationality. oh yes, i'm sure it was a kidnapping. they had her pumped full of Valiem and tied so tight her wrists and ankles where rubbed raw." he admitted before the door swung shut and his voice was cut off. Johnny looked at Tony, confused. "who is he calling?" he wondered, pulling Tony over to him for snuggles. he needed snuggles.

"...Sab?" he asked sluggishly, waking up instantly and blinking at her. "hey. how are you feeling?" he asked, fussing over her instantly. "we have water and food here. i'm sorry if your in any pain but we can't give you any painkillers because of the drugs those kidnapping bastards gave you. don't worry abut those nasty filth. they're in Shield right now, Steve's pressing them for information." he babbled.
“Then be even more careful. Valium isn’t a drug for a first time user. It’ll mess with her even more.”The doctor said before smiling, patting his shoulder.”You’re welcome. I’ll check on you later.”She promised as she left. “I’ll stay.”Tony muttered smiling softly, settling in next to Johnny, looking thoughtfully as he snuggled in close to him, sighing softly. “James maybe. Maybe the Professor. I dunno, but whoever it is, is going to scare the shit out of the romanians.”he muttered.

“johnny...”she muttered smiling at him, frowning slightly. “Sluggish. Weird.”she muttered before looking at the food, before nodding. “Water sounds good.”She muttered before wincing, “It hurts’s sorta dull to....”She sighed before looking at him worried. “Are you okay?”
he nodded. "i know." he admitted with a smile at her. "how is Isabelle doing?" he asked her, finally remembering where he knew the doctor from. he'd only met her once or twice, but he had a remarkable memory for people, even if he pretended not to remember who people where to piss them off. mostly reporters and supermodels. "i hope whoever it is, makes them squeal like gutted pigs." James admitted, looking quite pleased with the idea.

"yeah. that's the Valium sweetie." he admitted, stroking her hair before very carefully helping her to sit up and gently feeding her the water she wanted. "i'm fine." he promised her. "finding you like that, it set me off a bit and i'm still a little shaky is all." he admitted, kissing her forehead. "you'll be off balance for a week or two but the doctors say that it shouldn't affect you long term. you or the babies." he promised.
"Good. We're both good."the woman smiled startled he remembered,and still pleased that he had. "I have no doubt that they'll be squealijg."tong smiled as he settled in close.

"Oh...I think...I remember them giving me something..."she muttered frowning so slightly, still off balance enough that her emotions lIke worry for herself or the babies was beyond her." you need me to help?or steve?tony can get steve...."she muttered looking anxiously up at him, mood shifting, eyes widening some as she considered him.worried for him."good. That's're sure?"she said starting to work herself up again
He smiled at her. "you struggled like holy hell too if the scratches, bite marks and bruises on the man are any indication." he admitted, gently stroking her hair. "Doc says they probably stuck you with a needle and pumped you full of a good dose and when it didn't make you stop they stuck you again." he admitted before smiling at her. "no. it's okay. Tony's helped me already." he promised. the snuggling had helped a lot. fussing over Tony had helped even more. "Steve's with Shield right now and i'm sure. very sure. they want to monitor you and the babies for the net two weeks or so just to be sure, but they don't anticipate any problems." he promised her, kissing her gently. "everything's going to be just fine now. we won't let those bastards anywhere near you ever again."
“Oh. Good. They should suffer.”Sabrina muttered sighing quietly as the other stroked her hair, before wincing. “Damn.”She shuddered as she realized just how bad it had gone, before calming at his promise, lifting her head a little to look at the billionaire curled up in the small cot, snoring away. “Good. We’ll have to reward him for it later.”She muttered before relaxing, nodding, kissing him back. “Good.”she muttered relaxing, calming at his promise that everyone would just be fine, struggling to think clearly when all she wanted to do was sleep. “ we...know why?”She muttered yawning.
he nodded. "they are suffering. i don't know who Steve called in, but they sounded scary." he admitted with a smile, grinning at the sight of Tony. "he's cute right?" he asked her with a chuckle. "we'll find something very nice to do for him." he agreed, smiling at her. "we don't know just yet, but Natasha called earlier and said she had a lead on who was stealing from the girls." he admitted. "now i need you to rest okay? i'll wake you up if we learn anything new." he promised.
"good. deserve to be scared."Sabrina muttered, sighing softly as she settled back before nodding ."He's adorable."She agreed before sighing. "Well, that's good. And I will. I am."She muttered closing her eyes, indeed drifting off to sleep at the simple command.

When she woke, Tony grinned as he helped her sit up, carefully avoiding waking Johnny up as he helped her get dressed. "Time to go home, sweetheart."The billionaire said, looking so so relieved that she was doing okay. even if he knew they'd have to wait for both Steve and Clint, or Natasha(depended on who got stuck with guard duty) to come get them, he knew Sabrina would want to go home. that she'd settle more to go home. "Johnny?" "He's sleeping. We're goign to let him rest for a little longer."Tony grinned smilign as he helped her get into the change of clothes, knowing that moving around would wake the firestarter, but simply willing to see how long it took him to wake
Johnny was dead to the world when she woke up. sleeping so heavy that one might have bee worried he'd been drugged himself if the nurses hadn't all denied it. not to mention as soon as she started sliding out of bed he was up, on his feet and ready to attack. he had one hand on Tony's chest, holding him against the wall, the other arm cocked back with a fist ready to slam into Tony's face before Johnny realized who it was and backed off to wake up a bit more and try and figure out what the hell was going on. it wouldn't be the first time Johnny had done that to Tony, or others. especially when someone he cared very much for was hurt or he himself was hurt, drugged, sick or just too tired to realize what was happening. so in other words, it happened a lot. "S goin on?" Johnny finally managed to ask, looking very cute, and baffled.
Tony yelped as he was shoved against the wall, reaching out to make sure Sabrina was steady on the bed, even if he allowed johnny to push him away from the other. Smirking at the other, knowing if he got punched, he got punched. He regularly got hit by super soldiers, he knew how to take a punch these days. Smiling slightly. “Time to go home, flameboy.” “Johnny, it’s okay. He was just helping me up and dressed. We thought you could use the sleep, didn’t want to wake you.”she said resting a hand on his arm, gripping his forearm, trying to calm him, looking worried about him, even if she was finding this cute baffled johnny adorable.
Johnny frowned a little, not sure he was awake for the kinds of things before shaking his head a little. "i like home." Johnny admitted happily, yawning as he struggled into his own clothes before smiling at her. "i'm okay, i just don't wake up well." he assured her, trying to wake up enough to actually b of use and beaming at Agent Coulson when he came in with four, extra large cups of coffee from somewhere Johnny didn't care about. he was already gulping down the coffee, uncaring whose it was he was drinking.
“Oh. Okay. Well. Relax, we’re okay. We’re going home.”Sabrian said fussing over him some, looking happy to see coulson as she took the offered cup of hot chocolate, having given up coffee for the pregnancy, she sighed softly in pleasure as she sipped it. “I knew you loved me, Agent.”Tony grinned as he took his drink, amused that johnny was drinking his espresso, but not overly upset about it as he sipped it, looking around for the fourth person he had expected with the other. “Where’s cap?And are you our ride home?”Tony smiled looking relieved as Sabrina finished getting ready, picking her up. “Let’s go.”He said well aware that johnny was going to take her from him, but listening to her sputter over being carried was definitely worth the moment’s hold.
"i'm fine." he promised with a smile at her before grinning happily at the flood of life saving caffeine. "yeah. i love you Phil." Johnny sighed at him, Phil looking mortified at the idea before smiling softly at Tony. "Steve is waiting by the car to make sure we make it out just fine. there is a contingent of agents clearing our path as we speak and her room is prepared at the tower for her comfort and stuff." Phil admitted with a smile. "...and stuff? Clint's been a bad influence on you." Johnny teased Phil with a chuckle and a shake of his head before scowling when he realized Tony was carrying his girl and slipped her out of his arms before Sabrina even knew she'd changed hands. phil had to stuff his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing when Johnny stalked off with her like he was some sort of demented husband with a new bride.
“Don’t worry, he doesn’t mean it. He loves Sabrina, and clint would be very jealous if Johnny expressed true love.”Tony said snickering as he looked at the mortified Agent before calming a little, relaxing at the idea that his hero was there. That everything could be fine if steve was there. “Stuff?Definitely Hawkass slang there.” “Thanks, Ironass.”Clint said poking his head in the room, to tell them it was okay to come down. Nearly laughing himself as they followed after Johnny, smirking a little. “Think he’d get annoyed if we put a sign in the window that said ‘newlyweds’ and made him carry her across the threshold of the tower and all? There’s some wedding cheer we could do with this act.”Clint said looking thoughtful as they headed downstairs. "Johnny, I can walk you know."Sabrina muttered even as she snuggled against the man carrying her.
Phil snorted a little, looking amused. "that's true enough i suppose." he admitted, chuckling before shrugging. "well, he lays naked next to me every night, of course he's going to rub off on me." Johnny snorted coffee out of his nose at Phil's dirty, filthy comment. Phil looked very pleased with himself. "i think he would. let's not do it when he's so upset, this is my favorite suit, i'd be very unhappy if he set fire to it." he admitted. "you can't walk. hush." he ordered her. "Doctors orders. she said you might get really dizzy if you tried to walk on your own for a few days. so your just going to have to put up with it."
“...”Tony to choked on his coffee, staring at the man before grinning. “Very good, Agent.” “I’m so proud of you making them spit coffee. You’ll be rewarded for that later.”Clint muttered snickering as he looked at the two men who were usually the ones causing coffee to be spat out noses, not the ones who did it. “....Yes. That would be upsetting.”Clint snickered a little smiling slightly at the sight of the agents and cap waiting for them. “...No I wont hush. I can walk.”Sabrina whined even if she made no move to get down or walk, smiling at steve as they got to the car. “Hey steve. Sorry for the trouble.”She said upset as she looked around her at everyone who’d taken the time to keep the press back, embarassed that she’d caused this.
Phil smirked a little. "i've been waiting to do that for weeks now." he admitted to Clint. "i might be a tight ass, or i have one, i'm not sure, but i like to have fun too sometimes." Johnny nearly dropped Sabrina at that one. "hush." Johnny ordered again with a chuckle, looking at her with such affection it was amazing he wasn't professing his undying love to her. "it's no trouble. however, your going to be... extremely upset when i tell you what we've found out." he admitted. "we have all the information back at the tower, so we'll tell all once we have you settled and comfortable there. Peter is compiling everything into a more manageable timeline or something. that kid is a godsend." he admitted. Peter had, in just the few days he'd been up and about, completely organized everything. all of Tony's, Bruce's, Steve's, Phil's, Natasha's, Clint's and Johnny's paperwork was now organized and perfect. he took calls, made appointments and helped Jarvis whenever the computer needed something, which wasn't often. Peter was basically a secretary on steroids and the kid was actually enjoying himself! it was WEIRD!
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