
he shook his head. "there are no others." he informed her. "i haven't had sex in three months." he pointed out. "and even when there are more, i've dated and done what i do before. as long as you and i are okay with it, no one really bats an eye. even then, more often then not the people i help don't want me actively involved." he admitted. "more often then not i never even see the people i help naked. it won't affect my Professional job." he promised. "it's more of an assistance i guess." he admitted. "i don't always get paid for it so it's more of a donated time thing?" he shrugged. "i have no idea. never actually had to put what i do into words before... kinda makes me sound creepy..." he admitted. "in any case, i have dated before and done it so it's not really all that weird." he admitted with a smile at her, wrapping her up in his warmth, letting the blue fire curl around her since she seamed to like it so much. it came off his body like smoke, curling in the air and forming pretty glowing patterns before dying, only for another wisp to take it's place, pressing his lips to her forehead and murmuring that she should go back to sleep and that he'd keep the bad dreams away.
“Oh. I....yes. It’s okay. I don’t understand it, but it’s okay. I don’t understand alot of sex things.”She smiled slightly, resting her head against his chest, trusting him to know what was good for him, and her. Sighing quietly she frowned a little. “Then why’s sue bent out of shape about it?It doesn’t...if you’re not sleeping with them, its not...odd.or to weird.”She muttered starting to relax, before snorting. “Sounds like a fun donation.”She muttered before smiling. “it’s amusing to listen to you try describe it. Sorta makes me curious.”She muttered yawning as she started falling asleep, watching the flames as she did.

In the morning Sabrina frowned a little as she stepped out of the shower, dressing and drying off her hair as she paused in the doorway to watch Johnny as he woke up. Biting her lip, feeling stupid in the bright light of day for being stupid last night. Braiding her hair she sighed, rubbing a hand over her face, walking over to the bed. “I have a doctor’s appointment this morning, if you want to come.”She said blushing ever so slightly.
he smiled at her and shook his head. "because she thinks that BDSM and Dominance and Submission is a sin. she thinks it's disgusting and that people just decide that it's fun. she doesn't want to understand that people are, more often then not, born that way. she doesn't understand that most people dn't 'choose', it's something they need. it took her thirteen years to get over gay people after all. she still doesn't like Tony and Steve getting married. she thinks it's a perversion. she's bent out of shape about it because it's not what she thinks is 'right and proper' in this world. she's basically being a bigoted bitch." he explained. "it is a fun donation." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "anytime you want to now more, i'll be happy to show or tell you." he promised with a smile at her.

"hmmm?" Johnny asked, blinking at her. "for the thingy?" he asked sleepily. "forget what it's called... when they put the baby in you... i don't think that's how it works.." she admitted, rubbing his eyes. "i'd like to go." he agreed, sitting up. " first though." he decided before smiling at her. "you look really cute."
"...just because she doesn't think it's right doesn't mean she should treat you like this...I'll help you. We'll get through to her."she muttered sleepily annoyed that sue managed to upsrt not only johnny but her friends before smiling."later. We'll play show and tell later."she muttered.

She snickered a little but nodded."yep that's today. It's been a week since we made sure I wasn't already pregnant so today we get to try and make me pregnant...."she over explained because she was nervous and worried about the appointment before smiling a little."coffee first. I have to check in with the boys anyways."she said having already forbidden tony from going to the doctors with her, and she knew the man wanted to fuss, so she would let him."thanks. You look good yourself."she said flushing brightly as she looked down at the man in bed, not sure she wanted him out of bed, or to just join him
he blinked a little and then. "i thought you where already, uhm..." he paused, frowning as he tried to think of the right words. "uhm... you know, i thought they already put the baby in you?" he asked, his head tilted. "i thought that's why you wanted to go to Romania earlier, so they wouldn't...oh! i get it, you wanted to go to Romania before they put the baby inside of you, i get it! i think..." he admitted, scratching his head. "yeah the boys will need reassurance." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smiling at her and started getting dressed. he'd shower later, didn't want her to be late after all. "morning you two." Steve chirped from where he was making french toast for Johnny and Sabrina's favorite simply because he was fussy and nervous and wanted her to be happy today.
“I am. Sort of. This is the appintment to make sure that I am. For the first time mothers, it has a habit of not...sticking.”She said wrinkling her nose a little, wincing slightly, realizing she’d messed up. She was so nervous about actually seeing the doctor, that she was feeling weird.“If it doesn’t show that I am pregnant, we’ll have to do it again, but I’m really hoping it stuck the first time.”She smiled slightly looking amused as she watched him dress, even if she blushed as she did. Looking at steve with a smile as she followed johnny into the kitchen. “Morning.”She said raising a eyebrow as she watched him cook, “Is the french toast and strawberry oatmeal for us, or cause you’re nervous Barnes’ has flown the coop?”she teased a little kissing his cheek as she took her bowl of oatmeal and settled at the table. Amused that tony wasn’t hovering yet, then realizing he probably wasn’t out of bed yet.
he blinked a little and then. "i'm confused, but then, i usually am." he admitted before smiling. "i'm sure you'll be fine." he promised, kissing her knuckles playfully. "your going to look glorious pregnant." he admitted. "i wonder if they'll let me be the uncle?" he mused, oddly eager about the idea. "we could have the baby on date nights, load it full of sugar and send it home so hyper it's bouncing off the walls! that'll be fun!" he admitted with a grin. "...a little of both..." Steve admitted, fidgeting. "you don't think he has do you? you don't think he'd leave again?" poor Steve, trying to fuss over two people at once was not the easiest thing to do. "calm down Steve, James is still here, Natasha will hog tie him down if he tries." he reminded the other. "she has every intention of rekindling their passionate love affair after all." Johnny admitted, making Steve blink. "oh.."
“I’ll get you a book. Tony has a few, explaining the whole awkward surrogate process. Just know I’m getting checked out today, that’s all.”She said smiling a little, blushing as he kissed her knuckles. “I’m going to be fat. And they’ll definitely let you be uncle, even if Steve might consider killing you if you do that. It’s bad enough he has to deal with a sugar high tony.”She pointed out before sighing as she started to eat. “No I don’t. He could have left at any time during the last two days. He’s staying put. And did you not know about that love affair? It seems he’s willing to stay put, rediscover it. He sorta looks confused when she brings it up.”Sabrina snickered a little as she ate, looking amused as james shuffled into the room, looking sleepy as he glanced around at the all, before moving over to steve, holding out a plate.”Food.”he ordered. “Careful. He’s can’t eat alot yet. Just give him a few things, and eat slowly.”Sabrina said looking up at the two.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "i'd like a book." he agreed before scoffing. "your going to have a baby growing in your belly. that's not being fat, that's being gorgeous." he pointed out. "besides, Steve would never turn me into paste, it would upset you and Tony too much." he admitted with a grin, happily swallowing down all of his french toast and watched Steve shake his head. "no i didn't know about that actually." he admitted. "it will be good for him to have some affection and love in his life again." he admitted with a smile before scowling at James. "well your just as bossy as ever." he grumbled, handing the man a bowl of oatmeal. "are you sure you don't want me to go with Sab?" he asked, fussing over her now that he knew James was still there. "i'll be going with her." Johnny promised Steve. "your going to need to stay and keep Tony calm. you know how worked up he gets." Steve grimaced at the reminder and nodded, distracted by the idea of needing to fuss over Tony. damn Johnny was good.
“I’ll get one.”She promised before rolling her eyes.”Whatever. I think you have a kink, Fireboy.”She teased blushing a little before snorting. “If you say so. He might still consider it though.”She looked amused before smiling. “Ah. Well, apparently it was a on going thing while he was training her. And it will be good for him.”She agreed. “Hungry.”James muttered frowning slightly, tensing at the look on Steve’s face. “He’s just teasing,James.”Sabrina smiled slightly watching the soldier relax as he shuffled over to the table, hunching over his bowl and eating. Having noticed until he was really awake and aware he was usually pushy and shoving, one word demands, as if he wasn’t truly himself till he ate. “I’m sure.”She smiled looking up at him, “We already got your picture with me once going, last thing we need is for another. Besides, if johnny goes, they’ll think it was him in the first picture, not you. Easier.”She shrugged a little before snickering. Amused at johnny’s ability to distract. “Besides, Tony might need your help. He’s been working on something for Rhodey when he’s not taking breaks”Breaks which Steve demanded he take,even if the man wasn’t home, so not to overwhelm himself or get to manic “so it’d be good for him to have a babysitter.”She said finishing her breakfast, moving to get up. "Come on. we better get going."
he shrugged. "never done it with a pregnant girl before so can't really know if it's a kink or not." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling when Steve blinked, startled. "well that's good. i think." Steve admitted, wondering if he needed to worry about James and Natasha? nah, they where adults and knew well how to handle themselves. "yeah, i know. here, eat our breakfast." Steve ordered, rolling his eyes, he wasn't going to be treating James any different. he knew from experience that trying to coddle the man would only make it worse. "...well damn, that's true... does it really matter though?" he wondered, frowning a little before heading off to the lab right then and there at her comment, Tony working on something for Rhodey meant that something had happened to Rhodey. "you left the Stove on! Steve!... dammit!" Johnny complained, even if he looked minutes away from bursting into laughter, turning the stove off and tossing the now burnt final pancakes into the trash. "yeah, we better. see you later James." Johnny chirped, following his new girlfriend out the door.
“Hm, maybe it’s just a me kink then.”She teased a little.“It will be. I mean, it’ll give him someone else to rely on instead of just you.”Sabrina pointed out smiling slightly as James settled at the table to eat. “probably not, but Tony didn’t want everyone knowing he was having a baby yet. And he had good reasons for not wanting it, and Johnny’s reputation wont suffer any from escorting me to the doctor’s. After that ad, alot of people are going to think the truth, and what Sue thought, that we’re together. Better that then making Tony face things before he’s ready.”She shrugged before looking startled as he left, paling a little at the reaction. It wasn’t a normal reaction but letting him go. “...He’ll take care of tony...”She muttered a little worried. “Bye.”James muttered around a mouthful of food, looking up as they left.

“Ms. Dalca, it’s good to see you. Come in, come in.”The older woman smiled stepping back out of the doorway to let the girl into the office, studying her before doing a double check as she realized it wasn’t the captain that had walked in with Sabrina. “it’s okay. We’re....together now. Him or Steve are going to be coming with me now. He had questions, figured it was easier to bring him along..”Sabrina said blushing a little at actually admitting they were dating. “Ah. Well, I’m doctor Emily Hooper Mr. Storm, welcome.Sabrina, go ahead and change into the gown and I’ll be right back.”She said closing the door behind her as she left. Sabrina blushed tilting her head, smirking a little. “Now is it going to be to much temptation if I strip down and change in front of you?”She teased as she started undoing her dress shirt.

“Rhodey, I dont’ care. I’m not the one you need to be talking to about this. I don’t know storms, or earthquakes or shit like that. Richards. Banner. They’re the people you need to be talking to.” “I trust you t-” “Nope. I trust them, you goverment people can just deal with it, and ask for help. I don’t understand this!”Tony said sounding frustrated from where he was working on the computer, glancing at the hologram video call he was on, startling as Steve walked in.”Sorry Rhodes, gotta go.Bye. I’ll call later.”He said turning off the call as he twisted to look up at steve with a smile.”Hey honeybunch.”
he smirked. "now that i could believe." he admitted. "yes, a kink for you. makes perfect sense." he agreed with a chuckle before nodding. "if people found out that Tony was having a baby there would be chaos. no one would care that it would be Steve's baby too, he doesn't need that kind of bad energy aimed at him. if they think i've gotten you up the duff then so be it." he decided before taking her hand. "it's okay, Steve will take care of Tony, no matter what the problem is." he promised her before smiling at the Doctor. "she didn't want to come alone and Steve's a fusser" Johnny explained to the doctor. "he'd be in your way constantly. i kinda feel bad for setting him on Tony like that though." he admitted before smiling at Sabrina. "do you want me to turn around?" he offered, already doing so when she started undressing. "besides, your a temptation when your dressed." he teased with a smile.

"Steve listened at the doorway just long enough to make sure no one was hurt or anything before he moved into the room, grinning at Tony. "and just what are you hiding Tony?" he wondered, ducking his head to kiss Tony. "your horrible at keeping secrets." he informed the other, peering at the computer, not that he understood any of it.
“exactly. Not only will others think he’s going to be a bad influence on the kid, he already thinks he is going to be. Better to put it off as long as we can.”She smiled smirking a little, raising a eyebrow as she held his hand.”Up the duff?Just how old are you?”She teased at the odd phrase, though not protesting the idea of having his kid. It was sorta a nice idea really. “Steve is a fusser.”The doctor agreed looking amused as she left. “Don’t be. Tony’s marrying him, he knows how he is.”sabrina snickered before nodding. “Please. I think you’ve seen me near naked enough for this week.”She said blushing at the idea of their photo shoot and what followed, smiling as she slipped the gown on. “I’m not sure about that, but whatever.”She said rolling her eyes a little as she settled on the table. “Sabrina?”The doctor smiled knocking on the door before stepping inside, tilting her head as she looked at the two, gesturing for her to lay down, “lay back. This will just be a moment, really.”The woman promised, smiling slightly as Sabrina jumped at the cool goo spread across her stomach, “Ah. There.”The doctor smiled as she focused on the screen. “Good news, and bad news. You are indeed pregnant, but like we warned you guys, there also is a better chance for multiples. At the moment, you are carrying twins. Which isn’t bad news per se, just more then you expected.” “What?” “Twins, sabrina.”The doctor smiled reassuringly watching the woman. Worried about her.

Tony yawned sipping his coffee as he leaned up to kiss the other. “Not hiding anything. STupid goverment is trying to hide things.”He grumbled leaning into him a little. “There’s and land anomalies worldwide, and no one can figure out what’s goign on. Told them they should talk to Reed or bruce, hell, even Johnny would probably understand it better then me.”
he snorted. "that's all bullshit of course." he admitted. "Tony's one of the best when it comes to kids." he admitted. "he's the one they all flock to after all. they adore him. the only one more popular than him with the kids is Steve. they both volunteer with kids all the time." he admitted. "the only people who don't see it are the assholes who want to pretend Tony is an ass to make themselves feel better." he admitted with a huff before chuckling. "that's a good point." he agreed with a smile before grinning. "i don't think i'll ever get enough of anything you let me see." he admitted, making sure to keep his back to her and to not peek as she got dressed. he settled by Sabrina's shoulder so that he wouldn't see anything she didn't want him to and blinked a little. "...uhm. sorry, new to this, but how is Twins a bad thing?" he asked, looking confused before looking amazed at the picture. "wow, that's what a girls insides looks like? pretty wicked." he admitted, smiling at her. "don't worry, Tony and Steve will definitely work with you." he promised. "with two baby's, you'll have to sit down with them and decide if you want them to have both, or if you want to keep one too. either way i'll support everything you decide." he promised with a smile before he couldn't take it anymore. "Two babies! this is gonna be so cool!" he gushed. "with two of them i might even get to be godfather to one of them! that would be so cool!" he admitted, squirming in his seat. "i'll have to get some baby books for Tony before he starts freaking out. although, Steve's probably done that already hasn't he?"

he snorted a little and shook his head before he frowned. "Jarvis? send all of this to Reed Richards would you?" he asked. "if 'they' don't want to give the information to the people who can actually use the information, then we'll do it anyway." Steve decided. "besides, maybe this will shut Sue up for a little while, the frigid bitch." he decided. "come on, i have breakfast upstairs for you." he promised with a smile.
“we know that, tony doesn’t. Despite his popularity with the munchinkins, tony still thinks he’s horrible with them.”Sabrina shrugged a little before rolling her eyes a little. “You are a pervert, Johnny.”she teased even if it amused her despite his teasing, he did keep his back to her. “It’s not. Really, but it can be a little overwhelming for a first time mother to be having twins, or to raise. It’s just something unplanned for. And considering how/...slight Sabrina is, it can be a strain on her, more then a single child would be. But there are good medicines for it these days, and I doubt the others would be upset with twins.”The doctor shrugged,, because she hadn’t really thought the idea of another child would be to much for them, but it had worried her some to know Sabrina was just a pint sized little thing. “You are so weird.”Sabrina muttered rolling her eyes amused at Johnny’s reaction to the picture before sighing a little. “I know. We’ll figure out what we’re going to do. It’s not a bad thing really, just a surprise.”She shrugged a little before snickering. “You could be a godfather.”She said blushing a little as she considered another role for him, not quite brave enough to voice that, snickering a little at his reaction. “You’re acting like a overexcited puppy.”She teased before nodding. “Probably, but we can still stop by the bookstore on the way home, get some twin-specific books.”She shrugged a little.

Tony smiled a little leaning into the other. “Sounds good to me. But when rhodey yells at me, blaming you for it.”She snickered before nodding. “Hopefully. Last thing Sabrina needs is for Sue to be getting on her she still upset about last night?And is Johnny going to the doctor’s with her?”He muttered whining a little. “But I have work to do steve.”
he grinned. "only a little one." he admitted. "i've seen much, much worse perverts than myself." he admitted before frowning a little. "well. the raising won't be a problem with how much help she'll have." he admitted to the doctor. "with as many people int he tower with experience with children, Bruce Tony and Steve especially she'll never have to worry about being overwhelmed." he admitted. "as for the strain on her body, she's an active girl and that's supposed to help right? if it gets too bad i'm sure she'll take to bed rest with minimal fuss." he admitted, smiling at her. "after all, my own mother was a little bit smaller than Sabrina and she pushed out ten pound twins just fine." he admitted. "she didn't stop bitching for twelve years but she did it." had he been asked, he would have admitted how his thoughts had turned as well. he thought he might make a pretty awesome father. he just didn't want to overstep by admitting that out loud.

he snorted. "he won't dare yll at you, i'll turn him into a paste." it had taken him three days to calm Tony down the last time Rhodey had yelled and Steve had made his feelings very, very clear to Rhodey that he would not be treating Tony in that manner ever again. "Sue is always upset." Steve stated simply. "as for Sabrina, i think Johnny managed to settle her down." he admitted. "she looked pretty swell this morning." he admitted. "and yes, Johnny went to the docs with her." he admitted. "you can work after breakfast."
“Like I said, most of it’s good news.”The doctor smiled nodding a little. “that’s true. And being active does help. Eating more then she usually does will help to.”Hooper smiled at the woman, looking amused. “And yes, if it does get to bad, bed rest.”She said knowing Sabrina’d probably dig her heels in about that if she had to do it. “Hm, I’m not sure you and Sue are just ‘fine’ though. I mean, come on, you’re a little weird.”Sabrina teased looking up at her boyfriend, smiling as the doctor cleaned up her stomach. “Otherwise, you are fine Sabrina. Just take it easy and rest when you need to.”Here hooper looked at Johnny. “She, and Jarvis, has my personal number, if you need anything, and she’s being stubborn about calling, Jarvis can call me. I wont mind.”She promised showing them both out. “Well. That was fun. Exciting stuff.”Sabrina smiled a little nervous though with the idea of twins, despite johnny’s reassurance his mother had been fine, she was scared of being pregnant. Even before she’d known it was twins, and despite wanting to do this for her friends, it was still worrying. “So. Bookstore?”She smiled looking up at Johnny.

“....Did you yell at Rhodey?”Tony frowned a as looked up at steve, tilting his head a little. Sighing softly as he absently tried to figure out the weather problems, even if it made no sense to him before smiling. “Sue is always upset, though I thought she was going to lose her cool more with that ad....and good. Sabrina doesn’t need upset. It’s been a rough week on them....”He frowned a little. “Any leads on what happened in romania?Who stole johnny’s stuff?”He said even as he followed after the other, not protesting working after breakfast.
"i'll even exercise with her, that will help too right?" he asked hopefully. eager to be able to help. "she won't like that, but i could probably talk her into it." he admitted with a grin before pouting at her. "i'm not THAT weird. Sue is the weird one." he complained, smiling at her. "okay. i'll make sure to call you at three in the morning because the baby kicked and i freaked out." he promised the Doctor happily. "yes, very exciting." he agreed happily. "babies!" he gushed, looking utterly delighted before nodding. "yes. bookstore would be good." he agreed happily.

"...not recently." Steve admitted before smiling at Tony. "i think the only reason why she didn't loose her shit was because Johnny lost his. i think that's the first time he's ever actually raised his voice to her, let alone told her what he really thought of her." he admitted. "it's been a rough weak on everyone. but yeah, i think Sabrina and Johnny where the worst hit by all of this." he admitted with a smile before scowling a little. "not yet. Nat's still looking into it. she's planning on making a trip back down to look a little closer and put a little pressure on certain people." he admitted. "we have a few suspects though."
“”Yes it will. She’ll excerise more if she has company.”The doctor smiled amused at the eager man, at least sabrina would have someone looking aftr her. “And that’s true, you’re not that weird.”Sabrina smiled kissing him gently before snickering. “We wont be calling you at that, but if we need you, we will.”Sabrina promised rolling her eyes a little at how utterly delighted Johnny was, before following him outside. “Did we need anything else?”She said smiling as they got to the books a million store, stepping inside. Heading for the baby section and looking for both books for twins, and books that steve hadn’t already bought.

“Hm, that’s true. And it’s about time he told her how he felt. Hopefully she gets a clue.”Tony sighed making a face before nodding. “True. Rough for everyone, but it wont be that bad. We’ll be okay....and damn. That sucks. But Nat’s the best. She’ll figure it out, and she has james’ help now. Surely they’ll find something.”Tony muttered sighing a little as he started to eat.
he nodded, looking very happy to be able to help. "is there anything she shouldn't be doing? like running or situps or something?" he asked before pouting at Sabrina. "your mean." he teased, grinning at her. "i dunno. i might call you. i'm prone to fits of paranoia and terror you know." he admitted. "yes." he admitted, picking up other books as well. what to expect when your expecting was the biggest one, which had everything in it, including what would happen during the birth. he also got a guide to child care, how to feed, burp, take temperatures and other such things. how to hold it, what to do during Colic, how to help with teething and even how to encourage learning and fun in infancy. he was already reading the expectancy book when the paid for the books, the cashier smiling at them. "First time expecting?" she asked with a grin, Johnny peeking up at her. "don't worry so much. read the books, practice on a baby doll, take a parenting class and let your instincts guide you." she suggested, ringing up all the books except for one. "you don't want this book." she informed them. "i read it when i was pregnant and i had nightmares until Charley was six." "we're not getting that book." Johnny informed her, realizing it was a book he'd picked out about baby diseases and malformations and anything else that could happen to a baby inside, or outside of a womb. he didn't want to have nightmares.

"hopefully, but i doubt it." Steve admitted. "she's even more bull headed than you are after all." he admitted. before smiling at Tony. "i'm sure they'll get things straightened out." he agreed. "they're only having troubles because whoever did it, hid their tracks very well." he admitted before grinning. "they do have James help. i don't know if he'll actually be a help though." he admitted with a chuckle.
"Not until a few months in,. For now do what you want as long as you don't feel badly doing it. Later on, you'll want to take it easier." "I can do that. I mean it's not like I'm saving the world or anything."she said with a snicker before smiling at johnny."but you like me mean."she pointed out."well, if you think you need to, call.the doctor said looking amused. Looking amused as they got the books she blushed looking at the cashier, actually vaguely surprised no one had asked johnny about their shopping yet, especially since she could see one of their ads on one of the nearby registers. Nodding at the cashier she smiled."obvious?and yes, first time."she said tilting her head."that's good to know. At least I won't feel totally stupid at not knowing what to do sometimes. We'll be okay..."she muttered mostly to herself before wincing at the book."yea okay. Not that book...any other reading you suggest before we leave?"

"She is. And I'm not that bull headed....and it's james. Have you seen his scary look these days? He doesn't have to help. He can just take them where he found the pills, and be intimidating to whoever they find."
Johnny nodded and then grinned at her. "i do like it when your mean." he agreed before beaming at the Doctor. "okay!" he agreed before chuckling at the Cashier who shook her head. "no. it's not obvious at all really, i wouldn't be able to tell if not for the fact that he has his nose stuck in one and you keep touching your belly. i did that too with my first." she admitted with a smile. "i just couldn't get over that i had a baby in my belly." she admitted. "you'll do fine. as for reading material i'd go with what you got." she admitted with a chuckle. "just make sure you have a birth plan, it makes everything go a lot more smooth. i'd suggest having your... oh my god your Johnny Storm!" she gaped at him, suddenly realizing who she was talking to, Johnny snorting. "sorry... that was rude... anyway! i'd have him read the part about labor as often as he can until he has it memorized so he can walk, and talk you through it. during the panic, and the pain, you won't be able to remember much of it." she admitted. "what's a birth plan?" "what you do when she goes into Labor basically. you'll want to be ready. have a doctor on call and a backup doctor in case something happens with the first." she admitted. "you'll want to have the route to the hospital mapped out, and the number memorized or on speed dial. you'll want to have overnight bags packed with whatever you might need. and a Camera of course." she admitted with a smile. having a plan makes the whole process go much more calmly which helps a lot with the labor. the more stressed the mother is, the more intense the labor is. if you can keep her, and yourself calm, it goes so much more calmly and easily." "i'll do that, thanks!"

"you are bull headed." Steve teased Tony with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "it's cute really, how much you dig your heals in about the silliest things." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling at Tony. "that's very true, i'll suggest that to Nat."
“Ah, good. At least I don’t look like I’m as lost as I’m feeling.”She said looking amsued before looking down at the books, smiling slightly. “Thanks-and- yes he is.”Sabrina snickered a little, amused that for once, she was going unrecognized. At least that was easy. Amused at the cashier’s reaction, biting her lip as she considered it before looking at Johnny. “Yea, we’re driving to the hospital. No suit or Firestarting, or motorcross escapades to get me to the hospital.”She rolled her eyes a little as she paid before writing her phone number down, along with her name. Handing the stark industries business card over. “Thanks. Truly. I don’t have alot of girlfriends, so give me a call sometime, it’ll be fun having someone to ask questions to, who wont start trying to make me insane devices, or sit down, or I don’t know, whatever Johnny’s going to do, if I talk to them.”She smiled nudging johnny. “ready to go?”

“It is not the silliest things.’Tony grumbled nodding, before looking up at Jarvis’ words. “What?” “Sir, there is a video that you should see.” “put it up. Tv me.” “Sir, you sho-” “Jarvis!Put it up.” And there was a pause before. Oh, tony. Fuck.Tony...god harder...” Tony’s head snapped up from his food, staring at the tv. On the screen, in not very good quality, but absolutely recognizable, tony was bent over the glass desk, steve pressed against his back and thrusting into him, dress shirts hanging open, and tony’s jeans shoved down his thighs, and steve’s barely unbuckled, mardi gras beads shining bright in the low light that tossed a sparkle off the new ring encircling tony’s finger.
"you look fine." she promised with a smile before smiling sheepishly before laughing when Johnny pouted. "oh come on, the babies would love a motocross ride tot he hospital!" he whined, grinning. "don't worry so much, we all know Steve is going to carry you ina bride carry and run you straight to the hospital. when that guy gets going i'm pretty sure he can outrun a car. especially if it's rush hour." he admitted with a chuckle, grinning when the woman stared, wide eyed at Sabrina at the offer of a phone call. "oh... oh, uhm. yes! of course!" she agreed, looking a little shaken when Johnny pulled out a photo card that he always carried with him, signed it with a flourish and handed it to her with a wink before skipping out the door, nose still buried in the book. "uhm. i'm Alice." she introduced herself to Sabrina with a shy smile. "is he always like that?"

"hmm?" Steve asked, looking at Jarvis before tensing when he saw the video. "...Jarvis? why did you think we needed to see this?" Steve asked, staring at the video. he knew that video, it was the very night he knew Tony was the only one he would ever want after staring at naked men and women all night at this massive drunk fest known as Mardi Gras. Tony had been stunned ofter the proposal and Steve had to calm Tony down with some sex and some Domination. he was too upset to be horny now though, that was a public domain URL, he knew that much at least. that meant people where watching him have sex.... strangers, all around the world. he never noticed that he had bent the spoon in his hand until there was no chance of fixing it.
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