
he snorted. "no. i re-payed you for taking care of me. this is a date." he teased with an impish grin before smiling at her. "what kind of special occasion calls for a wedding dress but a wedding dress?" he asked, looking very amused before smiling at her. "i'd like it to be a date anyway." he admitted. "i might not get another." he admitted, hesitating before gently taking her hand. "i really like you." he admitted softly. "i don't think i've ever liked someone as much as i like you."
“Fine. It might be a date.”She said making a face before shrugging, laughing a little. “I’m sure tony could come up with something that requires a wedding dress.”She said smiling a little, blushing slightly as he took her hand, setting aside her food as she looked up at him. “I....I like you to.”She chewed on her lip, because she was nervous and worried about admitting it, and not just for her own peace of mind. But she knew there was other reasons he might not want to date her, even if he thought he did. “Johnny....”She sighed quietly, upset. Not wanting to tell him, but was something he’d need to know. “I’m not good at this. Dating. Or marriage really. Or sex. I totally suck at sex. You’re going to hate it, and you should totally double think getting involved, since I know you like sex wont with me.”She shrugged, looking so very miserable sitting there in the mounds of her dress and the setting sunlight.
"of course it's a date." he crowed, looking very, very happy indeed before blinking, surprised when she set the food aside and blinked at her. "....really?" he asked, looking surprised that she'd actually like him. he grimaced a little when she said his name. here it came 'i like you but i don't like you like that'. only that wasn't what came out of her mouth. "what? oh for... if i could, i would kill your fucktard of a husband." he admitted to her, gently setting his hand on her face. "there is no 'being good at' marriage or dating'. you stumble through it with your partner." he admitted. "as for sex, of course you think your not good at it. your only experience is with a jackass who probably just laid on top of you and put it in and was done with you in a matter of a minute. right?" he asked. "sex like that is bound to be terrible! that's not even real sex." he shook his head. "Sex is supposed to be about exploring, about pleasure, about getting closer together by sharing that physical release." he admitted. "your husband was greedy and selfish and took what he wanted for himself. that's not a relationship. that's not a partnership." he admitted. "dating isn't about giving things up, it's about sharing. sharing the burdens of life, sharing your wealth, sharing the joy of living with each other." he admitted, smiling at her. "relationships are about being with each other and being happy with each other."
“Yes really.”She muttered blushing as she ducked her head a little, tensing a little as he touched her face, staring down at the ground. Frowning slightly. Not wanting to look at him, not when she was sure he was simply fooling himself because well, she knew what she looked like. A beautiful woman, who might make it worth putting up with horrible sex. At least for a time. “He tried. I matter how we did it, I just....wasn’t good. Johnny, I’m serious. You’re not going to enjoy it.”She said sounding upset and horrified at the idea of losing him, of not having a friend anymore, a submissive who’d been told that she was the problem, that she was the reason that sex hadn’t been good. No wonder she’d resisted being so submissive or willing to try again. “This isn’t...johnny. Come on. You might think you want it, but I can’t Tony and steve. Or any of the other couples I see. There’s something wrong with me, Johnny. Just...I don’t want to ruin this.”She said,”I enjoy your company. Even like sleeping next to you. but...I can’t...”She huffed a little starting to cry quietly.
he smiled a little at her and shook his head. "oh Sabrina yu poor silly, nieve thing. you think that people get to be like Steve and Tony just because they're born that way? of course not. it's like riding a bike, writing, flying a kite, sex is like everything else. you don't just know how to do it, you have to learn how. someone has to teach you how. your husband expected you to just know what to do and that isn't right." e admitted, gently brushing his lips against hers. "it's like soft kisses. you have to learn how to move. how to breath. how to touch." he whispered against her lips. "and besides. i don't have to have sex with you, to be in love with you. don't you know? there are two Submissive that i've helped that don't have sex at all and they are deeply, madly in love with their partners." he admitted. "they have never had sex, and never want or need it and they live just as happily as any other couple. so if we don't like the sex, that's okay. why don't we try, and see how it goes." he offered. "maybe i won't like it. maybe you won't like it, but that's okay because we can work together until we find something that we, both of us, are happy and content with. please. just try? would you rather try, try, and try some more until it works or have the regret for not trying for the rest of your life? don't let fear rule your life. don't let fear ruin your life. try living, with me. just try."
Sabrina frowned at him, looking annoyed at the name calling, but not protesting outloud before shrugging a little. Not sure if she believed him or not. “Well, tony says he’s always been this way.”She frowned a little starting a little when he kissed her, nearly jerking back but going still under his lips. Torn between the desire to move away, and to cuddle against him. Frowning slightly as she considered that, something fragile and hurt in her voice when she answered. Because she didn’t believe sex wasn’t a necessary thing, because her husband had made it a necessary thing, and her lack of excitement over it, had left her feeling so utterly at odds and lost. “....Okay. I’ll try.”She offered a quiet shy smile as she looked up at him.
he smiled at her. "no. not always. he just started very young because it was what he thought you where supposed to do. you think a fourteen year old boy is going to be anything but a five second shot off? he had a lot of teachers is all." he admitted, kissing her gently. not that it was all that much of a kiss but he had a feeling it was the most gentle she'd ever gotten. "you have to understand, Sabrina. your husband was a sick fucker. he wanted someone to blame, so he blamed you. he never showed you what to do, he never told ou, he just expected you to know and when you didn't he got pissed. he would have done the same thing if you hadn't been a virgin the night he first took you, and i bet that night was horrible and painful for you too, wasn't it? a first time shouldn't be like that, not ever." he admitted before smiling at her. "how about i show you, just how good it can be, this once, and if you never want it again, then we'll never do it again, hows that?" he offered, smiling at her. "we don't even have to have actual sex to do it. there's so much more than just me sticking it in you know." he admitted.
"I'm sure if you ask him, he'll tell you he was amazing and lasted longer."she snickered a little at the idea because it really would be what tony said, even if you knew he was lying.kissing him back, relaxing into it, frowning slightly as she considered his words. The submissive part of her simply accepting that he was good for her, that he was trying to take care of her, even if she'd almost always rationalize David's actions. Looking down at the ground she nodded, staring at her hands."it never...really got better. He said after the first time it was supposed to didnt."she muttered. Eyes snapping up to his face at his words, eyes wide."I'm not good at blow jobs either."well wasn't that a kick in the balls. Everything she knew, was in relation to how it'd make a guy feel, instead of her own pleasure.
he snickered a little and shook his head. "i know. but it's Tony." he reminded her with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smiling at her. "of course it didn't. he was a greedy, selfish asshole. sx isn't supposed to hurt, ever. not unless the person likes pain." he admitted. "even then, the actual act of sex shouldn't hurt." he admitted before snorting at her. "you might not be. but i am..." he paused, looked around and then stood up. "come on. we need somewhere a little more comfortable. i'll show you exactly what you've been missing." he promised her with a smile. "i'll show you the pleasure that real, honest intercourse can bring. i'll show you what sex, for a woman, is really supposed to be like." he smirked at her, eyes dusty with lust now. "i'll show you so much pleasure, you keen for it."
“...oh.”Sabrina said simply, because there was so many emotions hitting her, that she had nothing else to say to teh idea of that it didn’t have to be as bad or painful as it’d been. “...I’m not a guy you know. Can’t really give me a blow job.”She frowned looking lost before carefully standing up, looking utterly like a bride about to be spoiled on her wedding light as she looked up at him, her own blue eyes starting to darken with need as she squirmed a little. “I doubt that. I’m never that needy.”She frowned at him even as she gathered their things, starting for teh car.
he smiled at her. "of course you can give girls a blowjob." he stated with a chuckle. "i'll show you in just a moment." he promised with a smile. "you've never had a man pay any actual attention to your needs either." he admitted, stuffing everything into the trunk and then slipping into the back seat. "oka, you lay down first, get comfortable and find something to grip." he suggested with a smile. "i'll go slow, and you let me know if you get scared or need me to stop." he ordered gently. "you say stop, and i will stop." he promised before leaning in once she was ready and giving her a kiss. one that focused only on her, teasing her mouth before slowly pulling away and laying kisses all over her face, neck and what he could of her breasts, giving her a smile. "okay so far?"
“....okay.”She said looking thoughtful as she considered him, before smiling slightly. “Thought phil had rules about this.”She teased even as she eased into the backseat, shiting to get comfortable, stretching out across the backseat, resting a hand on the back of the seat before kissing him back. “Okay. I promise, I’ll....safeword, yes. That’s the word. Yes I’ll stop if I need to.”She said remembering what she had read, kissing him back with a sigh, whining quietly as he kissed her skin. “I’m okay.”She said sighing softly, relaxing as she gave him a smile back.
he shrugged. "it's me. Phil should have known better." he pointed out with a chuckle. "yes. that's the right safeword. thuogh 'no' and 'stop' work just as well in this situation." he admitted with a smile, giving her sensitive flesh a small nibble before smiling at her. "good. now, here's where things get really fun." he admitted, sliding down her, lifting her dress and slipping inside it, not flipping it up, just slipping into it, his breath tickling her inner thighs while his fingers carefully slipped her panties down to her knees. "ready?" he asked playfully before brushing his lips against her most sensitive places. he started slow, gentle half touches and careful strokes and small brushes. getting her used to having someone touching her. soon enough, he had his tongue buried inside of her while his fingers played with her clit. stroking, rubbing, giving her everything he had to offer and riding her through her orgasm before slipping her panties back up and removing himself from her dress, looking very smug. it was one of those 'bet your husband couldn't do that' looks.
“Hm, maybe.”She snickered a little. “Okay.”She said looking a little nervous but simply letting him explore, shivering a little as he nipped at her skin, “Fun?”she muttered shivering a little as she watched him, whining quietly as he slipped under the dress, hands gripping his shoulders as he slipped under the dress.”A-as I ever will be.”She said stuttering a little, nervous yelping as he brushed his lips over her, whimpering quietly, sounding so very odd and confused at the touch but not trying to get him to stop. Moaning as she gripped both his shoulder through the dress and teh headrest, she whimpered as she came, slumping back into seat, looking up at him with that sleepy, subbed out look that said he was definitely going to be carrying her inside when they got home. “oh....that was nice....amazing...johnny...”She muttered struggling to focus enough to talk, to tell him how she felt.
he smiled a little, though e knew she couldn't see it. her gasps and moans and whimpers where music to his ears. he knew he was the first person to ever do this for her and that was as much of a delight as it was a heartbreak. "hush now. i know it was good for you." he promised with a small smile. "just bask." he suggested. "enjoy it. i'll take us home and carry you upstairs." he promised. "just relax and enjoy the new sensations." he suggested, well aware she had dropped and knowing that the best thing for her was to enjoy it.

"hey Barnes!" Natasha called, knocking on his door. "come here! i want you to see something! i'm playing a prank on Steve!" she informed him, hoping that would get him interested. "i have food too! your not helping anyone by sitting in there an starving to death! if my guest rooms starts stinking i'm taking the dry cleaning bill out of your bank accounts!"
Sabrina smiled slightly, calming under his words, sighing quietly as she shifted, getting comfortable. “Kay. Rest is good.”She muttered though she’d regret falling asleep in the car in a corset, but she did, dozing as he headed home. Blinking as she was picked up, resting her head on his shoulder, frowning when she heard the others talking, pressing her cheek into shoulder. “....Did we miss the wedding?”Tony asked looking up from his dinner, raising a eyebrow at the ‘bride and groom’ walking in.

“.....What?”James cracked the door, looking more tidy and steady then he had in awhile, his dark hair pulled back into a ponytail as he watched her from the inch wide crack, before opening the door. “....Don’t have a bank account. I have other people’s accounts.”Hydra’s mostly. Stealing money he’d stashed around the world was good for making him feel better. “?...what’s the prank?...and I didn't know he weas back...."he said looking freaked out
"you did." Johnny said as they walked in. "it was an amazing ceremony, i sent you all texts but no one responded." he lied with a shrug. "i think it might be Sue's fault, she probably forgot to pay the phone bill again." he admitted before grinning. "anyway, i have to take my new bride upstairs so i can ravish her. don't worry, i won't actually have sex yet." he promised. "but i'll certainly do other things to her." he lied with a giggle and skipped up the stairs, grinning at her. "i wonder how long it will take before they're banging on my door demanding answers?" he mused, gently settling her on the bed. "can you get changed into your pajamas on your own or do you need help?"

she smirked at him. "well. we'll get you a bank account." she promised before shaking her head, he's not yet. won't be back until Tomorrow evening sometime. i just want to have it ready before then. plus your kind of freaking me out with the whole hiding under the bed thing." she admitted, handing him a tablet and letting him see the ad she'd posted, a smirk on her lips.
“....I’ll have to talk to sue about that. No one should miss your wedding.”Tony said still looking a little shell shocked at the idea. “...I like other things.”Sabrina muttered nuzzling her cheek into his shoulder, smiling quietly. “Not long.”She muttered looking up at him, and while it took a few minutes to register what she was wanting to say before nodding, “I can change if you undo the back.”She said standing, letting him undo the laces before shuffling to the bathroom with her pj’s, sighing quietly as she changed. “Johnny?”Tony knocked on the door, for once not simply walking in.

“Okay.”James said tilting his head a little before relaxing, “Oh. That’s what I thought.”James said relaxing with the knowledge that he wasn’t home sooner before frowning. “I wasn’t hiding under the bed.”He grumbled, not about to admit to it as he took the tablet, snorting. Starting to laugh as he saw it. “I’m two years older then him you know. I look better for my age.”
"yeah. it was fun, there was cake and everything." Johnny admitted with a grin. "we have pictures too, but Sabrina is exhausted so you'll have to look later." he admitted, carrying her upstairs before chuckling. "that really was fun." he admitted to her with a smile. "how are you feeling? a little more settled?" he asked curiously before carefully unlacing the back, muttering under his breath about tangled strings. it took him a lot longer than it should have because he was used to zippers, not to laces so he kept trying to undo it wrong. "hold on a minute Tony, Sabrina's getting changed." Johnny called, stripping down to his own pajamas. Batman shirt and flash pants and bunny slippers, his favorite outfit. only once Sabrina was dressed again did he tell Tony that he could come in. he gently tucked her in, kissed her forehead and wished her a goodnight and promised her she could come get him if she needed anything at all and then headed out with Tony, looking very amused. "before you get pissed off, it was her idea."

she snorted at him and shook her head. "i don't know why your so terrified of him. he's not going to be mad at you you know." she pointed out. "and you where too, i had Jarvis check." she lied with a chuckle before smirking when he snorted. "so, it's good right? and you look old so it doesn't work as well with you. it's the scruffy beard i think. granted, if you where still baby-faced i wouldn't want to fuck you so we'll put it as a good thing."
“It was fun.”Sabrina said with a giggle as she smiled. Sighing quietly as the other undid her dress, nodding slightly. “I feel...tired. Settled more.”She sighed softly, “Careful.”She muttered shivering a little under the other’s hands as he undid the strings, amused as she listened to him talk. “Kay.”Tony said leaning against the door. “You look adorable.”She smiled at him, amused as she watched him tuck her in, looking sleepy and content, nodding a little. “Promise. I’ll get you if I need you.”She said blushing ever so softly as she settled into the bed more, looking adorable and content as she fell asleep. “....To get married?Or pretend to do so?”Tony said looking up at the other as they headed for the bar, pausing as he tried to decide what to drink. He’d been sober for nearly 5 months, but.... Pouring them two glasses of whiskey he smiled as he sipped it, studying the other with a long look. “So. Dating, yes? That’s cause for celebration.”

“....I’m not terrified of him.”James grumbled, he wasn’t about to tell the other why he was afraid of steve. There was things and moments that would make no sense to anyone but them. “...Jarvis lies.”james said, though there was no convincing there, he knew jarvis was right, he’d been totally hiding under the bed. “It is good. And I don’t look old. I look amazing.”he huffed before raising a eyebrow. “You want to fuck me?”
he grinned. "it was." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he smiled at her. "that's normal. you might have a moment of panic in the morning though." he warned her smiling a little. "i always look adorable." Johnny admitted. "besides, i have to wear the slippers or Natasha steals them." he admitted, smiling at her once he was sure she was settled and comfortable. "pretending to." he admitted with a smile before frowning a little when the other poured some alcohol. still, he couldn't really tell Tony he couldn't. "well. yes, i think that we are. i talked her into trying it at least... god, Tony... i went down on her just a few hours ago and i honestly don't think she's ever had an actual orgasm before." he admitted, rubbing his face. "who is her husband? can i kill him?"

"...if you say so." she scoffed before smirking. "i don't think Jarvis knows how." she admitted before snickering at him. "you do look amazing. and yes i do want to fuck you. then again, i've always wanted to fuck you, even when i couldn't actually remember who you where. you trained me you know." she admitted. "we used to fuck all the time, but Hydra didn't like it i guess because they took us away and wiped us both." she admitted with a sigh. "it was pretty bad. i didn't remember until after you vanished again."
“...Okay.”She said to content to worry about the morning just yet, before snorting. “Not so sure you’re always adorable....and I’ll protect you from natasha.”She looked amused as she went to sleep. “Ah. Well, good. I’d hate to miss your wedding.”Tony said relaxing with the knowledge he hadn’t missed anything, having been preparing to be really upset about it. “I’m fine.”He said having seen the frown, sipping his drink before smiling. “Good. You two are good together.”He said before looking startled, eyes widening slightly as he realized why Sabrina had dropped. Well, at least that explained why the girl was so utterly content. “Damn...that’ one should make it to 29 without that....”He muttered before shaking his head. “Doubt you could kill him, but his name is David Wales. Leading kicker for the English soccer team.”

James frowned slightly thinking on it, tilting his head slightly. “...Hm. Well. That explains why you don’t want to kill me. Or punish me.”He said frowning as he considered it, dark eyes thoughtful and worried as he tried to remember, thinking on it. “I...I think I remember. I remember training you.”he said staring at the floor, tense and upset, because the almost memories he had, was enough to make him worried about both her and steve. No wonder meeting them again made him twitchy.
he smirked a little. "oh, i am. just ask anyone." he teased her with a smile. "of course we wouldn't get married without you." he scoffed at Tony with a smile. "not to mention we only had our first date ten minutes ago." he admitted. "honestly i'm lucky she even let me touch her." he admitted. "i know you are. i just worry." he admitted to Tony before he smiled. "i had to talk her into it you know. she thought that she was bad at sex, that it was her fault her filthy ex husband didn't like having sex with her.... did you know that he hurt her?! he never once made it pleasant for her. he never bothered doing anything to her at all except to stick it in." he admitted with a snarl, gulping down his shot. "if i can't kill him. well. i know a few people who could arrange an accident." Phil, Clint and Natasha just to name three.

she snorted a little. "no one wants to punish you James, don't be stupid." she ordered with a shake of her head. "honestly, you training me was one of the few good memories i have." she admitted, smiling at him. "you don't have to worry so much. we don't blame you for what happened James." she promised, gently leaning down and kissing him. "it's all going to be okay."
"I'd hope so. I'd be annoyed if you did."tony said rlwrinkling his nose a little before snorting."it's you. I wouldn't be surprised really if you got married on your first date."tony snorted a little."....truly?I knew he was a ass....I hadn't realized it was that bad."tony frowned considering that, shuddering a little before looking angry."steve has a layover in london. We could arrange for him to meet a angry superbsoldier."he said looking thoughtful as he considered that. "No...I didn't know that. That's just...."he shook his head a little.

"I'm not stupid. You're being stupid."he muttered making a face as he considered that sighing quietly. "...really?"he said eyeing the other tilting his head slightly."...I dont...I am to blame."he frowned kissing her back.
he snickered. "i know Tony. i know." he promised with a chuckle before sulking. "you know me better than that. i'd only do that if i was drunk." he stated simply. "or drugged." that had actually happened three times. he had been ut at a bar or even having a first date with someone and he'd get drugged and dragged to a wedding chapel and he woke up married. the marriages where annulled the second that drugs that no sane person would take where swimming in his bloodstream. Johnny took public Drug tests every month to prove he was sober, always so that no one could say he had taken them willingly if it ever happened again. he had no doubt it would happen again. people where sick, twisted and wanted his money. "yeah, really." he admitted, scowling at his empty cup. "i don't think Steve would make the man suffer enough, or be able to do it without getting caught." he admitted with a huff. "still... she has us now, that asshole won't ever touch her again." he decided.

"i'm not the one hiding under my bed." she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "don't be an idiot Barnes." she ordered before smiling at him. "really you moron." she scoffed, kissing him because he kissed back and it seamed to make him feel better.
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