Love can bite deeper than any beast or blade... ((Me x Dragonsfoot))

Thomas nodded, as he said, "Sometimes I wonder if it's Fate, or Destiny that's the biggest bitch. Then I remember their sisters, and probably so it's probably a contest between them."

He looked at Alyissa, his blue eyes meeting her amber ones. He wasn't sure why, but suddenly he leaned forward capturing her lips. But it wasn't just a kiss. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted to own the brunette, to force all memories of all other lovers from her. So he cheated a bit, he used his power, suddenly what had been a skilled kissed turned into a divine one, a kiss that the most skilled mortal, or half breed lover couldn't copy, well unless they were a son of a god of lust. Pure carnal heat and passion flowed between them.

As much as he'd forced himself to hold back with Jesse, he now pushed forward with Alyissa.
Alyissa's back went stiff not expecting the sudden kiss but melted into it when she realized how talented he was at it. Her hands reached up to interlock her fingers into his hair. Pulling herself closer to his body so half of hers layed over his chest. Nipping Thomas's lower lip to urge him for more made her lower regions heat up from the passion that flowed through him into her "Thomas" she gasped quietly.
Thomas ripped her top open, his hands sliding down to squeeze her ass. His power flowing like a river to stimulate her body. He wondered why he'd struggled for so long. Releasing his power, feeling it dance under Aly's skin was glorious. He leaned down taking her nipples into his mouth and sending even more of his gift into her body.
She grinded her hips into his to tease him and her toes curled in sync when Thomas sucked on her ivory colored breasts. The feeling was blissful but Alyissa forced herself to bite back her moans so she wouldn't distub Jessie's sleep. Her breathing hitched when he fed her more energy to keep her going. She tilted her head back revealing bite marks scarred into her neck. The universal Vampire symbol of 'mine'
Thomas snarled at the sight, a deep chilling anger flowed through him. He bit down on the scars. He wanted to change them, to alter them. The power of Cupid flowed through him. Shredding Alyissa's clothes, he buried his cock inside of her as he rolled over on top of her. His power flowing, he wanted her to have the most potent orgasm of her life. He wanted to mark her as no other could.
She dug her nails into the flesh of his back when Thomas tryed to imprint her like Gideon did five months ago. Try as he might the scars stayed bruised and red from Thomas's love bite. Her spine arched in approvel when he plunged his manhood deep within her folds, feeling herself be pushed to the edge within seconds of him being inside of her. Alyissa replaced her hands to try and soothe the tension in his shoulders. "easy" she managed to breathe out feeling his posseive energy grow rapidly in him
Thomas began rocking his hips hard, his power flowed through him and into her. His cock filling her as he fucked her. His energy would flow causing her nerves to burn with pleasure literally. Thomas's body was beginning to smoke, as the sheer amount of energy being forced on him met mortal limits.
Alyissa was caged under Thomas body as he continued to thrust harder until tears spilled out of the corners if her eyes from such intense preassure inside her. She hoped he wouldn't rip her vaginal muscles from forcing himself into her. She was never one to be submissive up until this very moment. He was showing her no mercy and her body began to shudder violently from the powerful orgasm he gave "Damn Thomas" she breathed rolling her in sharp angles trying to slide herself farther on his manhood.
Thomas focused hard on not being TOO rough. Just rough enough to cause the mind melting pleasure he knew Aly craved. His hands move down her body to dig into her ass. His nails would leave marks of half crescents. His hips rolling hard and deep inside of her. He wanted to make her crave him, lust him, when she thought of him he wants her lower lips to drip in anticipation. His power flowing like a river around and between them.
Alyissa began to go numb until the only thing she felt was pleasure. The power began to make her blood pound and her ears ring. Thomas seemed to be filled with energy while Alyissa whimpered when he lifted her rear to shift his angle. Alyissa captured his mouth with hers to muffle her moans into his mouth.
Thomas kissed her for a bit, before pulling away as he said, "Give in, I want to hear you, I want to know your mine. Say it Alyissa, moan like a whore for me. Tell me you love it."

He rolled the Irish lass over. His right hand wrapping in her brown hair pulling it taunt to ad just a sliver of pain. He'd kept his cock inside of her, but given the new position her slit ground into the silk sheets. His free hand began rubbing her nipple expertly with his palm, however because of his power her other breast would feel it as well. His new position allowing him to rub her G-spot even faster and harder causing more friction as well as allowing him to go deeper into her.
Alyissa took in a deep inhale and before she could think she responded in the only fraise that she swore to never repeat again "I-I love you" she gasped before arching her back. Alyissa wasn't sure if she ment it or not it was a sudden impulse and her thinking was clouded over by Thomas's power.
Thomas stopped, like a puppet with his strings cut. He looked at the girl, "Wow, you kind of suck at this whole casual harcore sex thing. Really? You really had to say that? I wanted dirty or kinky talk, not that.'
She blinked when he stopped grinding his hips into her, Alyissa's mind was released from the fog. Sitting up so she rested on her elbows "Wait, what did I say?" she asked shaking her head to gain composure "Did I say the L word... Shit I knew this would happen I'm sorry it was a stupid inpulse" scolding herself for muttering something like the L word "I'm yours" she smirked her hips into him
Looking at her he groaned and began pushing his hips back into hers as he said, "You sure? I mean fuck, that's a hell of a thing to say on a guy when he's balls deep in your pussy working you to the strongest orgasm of your life. We've know eachother a few days after all. I was expecting dirty talk and you dropped that on a guy."

Thomas raised an eyebrow, leaning down he took the sensitive flesh between her shoulder into his mouth giving it an almost harsh bite and sucking the skin. His hips speeding up again so the mattresses squealing and the sound of their sees meeting filled the room.
Her breath hitched when he plummeted into her, wouldn't this be her third orgasm of the night? yeah she was pretty sure it was the third. "I'm fine..w-with...nngh..being friends with benefits" she managed to gasp out when Thomas bite her roughly.
Thomas kept rolling his hips, slowly his left hand to move to her clit. Rolling, pinching, and twisting the sensitive bundle of nerves between his thumb an middle finger. His other hand slid up to her chest. His thumb and for finger rolling and lightly pinching her nipple. He traced the skin he'd just bitten with his tongue before saying, "Aw is the poor little Demi-god all tired? I figured you'd have a bit more stamina then this."
Alyissa narrowed her eyes playfully "Shut up" she hissed before tossing back her head when Thomas teased her most sensitive areas "Fuck" she hissed arching her back again and again as the contractions of her walls began to signal another tide wave of an orgasm.
Thomas smirked focusing a bit soon the silver glow, now with hints an flares of yellow mixed in flowed from him. The silver flowing into her most sensitive places stimulating them in a sharp flash of pleasure. Thomas's hips speeding up as he wanted the demi-god to cum for him. However, where the silver energy was sharp almost painful the golden energy was more smooth, slowly increasing the pleasure. Almost like a lover's caress rather then merely sex.
She swore that she couldn't breathe can't breathe she echoed in the back of her mind. Thomas had more energy being supplied to him from god knows where in a endless cache. Alyissa was close very close, her body was seared under his touch. Then the sweet release came freeing her from drowning in the sea of pressure between her hips. Her nails left angry red marks between his shoulder blades from where she was left clinging on for so long.
Thomas groaned, as she came and came for him. Her cunt squeezing him was driving him somewhat insane with pleasure. he pushed her somewhat violently to the bed pulling out. His cock tightened and spasmed spraying his hot white see across her lower stomach. He was breathing heavily. He kissed Aly on the forehead.

He went to bathe, then allowed Aly to do the same, putting Jess into bed with them but not undressing her.

The next day a bit after noon, he took another better shower. He ran a hand through his hair, before coming to a decision. He put it into a top knot rather then the braid or ponytail he normally did. He'd made his decision, he gently shook the girls, "It's time to wake up ladies, we've got us some snake bitches to kill."
Alyissa didn't recall much from last night other then her hips were extremely sore from trying to keep up with him. She was guessing that she passed out in Thomas's bed because she hard heard someone snoring quietly beside her. Groaning loudly while turning over she grumbled "Five more minutes lover boy" chucking a pillow not well aimed at his head before pulling the blanket over her head.

Jessie on the other side awoke abruptly but didn't carry a ounce of drowsiness like her friend. More of morning person then Alyissa was for sure "What time is it?" she questioned in mid yawn while she stretched out the cricks in her spine.
Thomas smacked Alyissa on her bare ass, "Come on princess, it's time for us to get this shit done. A plan to came to me, I think the solution was staring us in the face, or more specifically your tits."

Thomas pulled on a leather almost vest, then his damaged chain mail shirt. Then his shirt, then his kevlar vest, finally his coat. He's also pulled on his cargo cants, a cup, leathers like a motorcycle wearer might ware, and finally his snake skin boots. His gloves were adjusted. Thomas opened the gun case, pulling out the Henry rifle, he loaded the eight rounds it could hold for sure. Of the reloads he put our into a chest bandoleer. He gave two to both the girls. His gun was put on his hip nice and high. He pulled a bandanna onto his hair, tying the back into a knot. He put his fedorah on his head. Then his sunglasses. The God Killer was put on his back.

He moved towards his armory, as he showed the girls two massive cross bows, "I won these in a card game with Hephaestus cabin. Arrows fired from them will pierce a steel plate. No guarantees but I figure you two firing arrows while I fire the rifle will do damage. Serpent skin is like any armor the more damage you can do, the more will pierce."

Thomas looked at them, "I'm going to try and hit them all with the rifle, when they get close Jessie, you get Medusa, Aly, take water bitch, I'll take snake bitch. Remember your eyes and theirs have to function or their vision to effect you. If you can try to hit their faces with one of the greek fire bolts. They are only effective at half the range the bronze bolts are though."

He smiled, "You ladies ready? Relax Jess, it's a good day to die, but tis not our day."

He handed Jess his Basilisk skin vest.
She grumbled to herself turning to narrow her eyes playfully at him "real classy" she smirked rubbing her rear from the spanking. Sitting up she Changed into her clothes. "Not to complain but can we eat before we go, I rather not fight Gorgons on a empty stomach" she said before tugging on the belt loops of his pants to pull Thomas closer so her chest pressed against his "Do I get to make love to my Lover boy after the quest?" she whispered, the corners of her mouth turning into a mischievous grin.

Jessie rolled her eyes at them, slinging her bow and arrows over her shoulder "So that's what the groaning and moaning was I heard last night" she laughed
Thomas chuckled as he pulled out a hand rolled cigarette, "No to breakfast, and as for the love, well sweets, I don't make love, I fuck."

He moved outside of the van. Gesturing towards the ladies the three gorgons, were curled up in a pile. Smirking he said, "See you on the other side ladies."

He pointed the large rifle and squeezed the trigger, the first round tore a chunk of "Flesh" and scales from one of the larger sisters. Her roar of pain filled the air, Thomas worked the lever and squeezed the trigger again swearing as the round misfired, lever was worked again an the trigger pulled Medusa howled this time as her right arm was practically severed. He worked the lever and pulled the trigger, nothing, same with the net round, round six missed, he'd aimed at The mother of all snakes center mass but she'd dodged so the round took off a soft ball size chunk where her human stomach met the snake bottom. Seven misfired, and he was surprised when the eight round actually hit the water snake dead in the chest blowing a golf ball sized hole through her. They were fifty yards by this point, he chambered his our new rounds and fired, he enjoyed the look of pain as the water snake lost her left hand. The other two were total miss fires, but as the mother of all snakes got close enough or him to smell her breath he fired causing her to howl. The round had hit and destroyed her let eye cheek, and cheek bone. He was pretty sure the actual bullet had hit her cheek bone.

All three snake women were pissed, but atleast he'd taken out one arm on both of them. He hoped the girls would survive the tails, good hands, and teeth. Thomas ducked a claw drawing his revolver emptying the chamber so fast it was impossible to count the shots. The snake woman roared, five of the rounds did nothing, six hit the major wound in her chest, an seven his her good eye. He drove his bowie knife into her side trying to twist it, but a back hand sent him lying through the air, a good ten feet. He scream a sharp jagged pain as he landed and his left shoulder was violently dislocate. He forced it back not place fighting the urge to scream. The snake bitch roared and sent hundreds of very deadly snakes at hm, at least all were mundane. Of course they were propelled at speeds that would crack his bones if they hit him. Luckily he'd rolled forward sliding on a celestial bronze brass knuckle he punched her across the face saying, "Shut up bitch."

Her tail shot out like a stinger as she roared and he just ducked it. Grabbing one of his flip knives he shoved it into her lower back. Using it and his bowie knife. to climb her body. His right hand drawing his Basilisk knife. His left hand wrapped in her snake hair ignoring the bites as he jerked her head back. Shoving the knife with his full weight behind it into her right eye socket, the she snake howled in pain. Thomas in a single movement drew the god killer, shifting position so he was standing on her shoulders he swung the blade down, cutting her in half from her forehead, to the middle of her lungs. He allowed himself to drop to the ground and god killer blurred before her head fell from her body which instantly shifted to golden sand.

Thomas looked around, four broken ribs, four cracked ribs, and a very tender possibly cracked shoulder. Holding God Killer he said, "I'm still alive, you two?"
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