Love can bite deeper than any beast or blade... ((Me x Dragonsfoot))

Jessie was torn between the two. "Alright fine so what do we do" she asked with the defeated sigh. She couldn't argue with Camp Half blood history. "Aly is waiting on us in the Tennessee mountains. I don't have much experience on hunting down Monsters like you do. If we really are doing this we need to go in with a plan." Jess came around behind Thomas to look over the information herself and read it word for word. Her Athenian mind was racing for answers until she could feel a headache coming on. Pinching the bridge of her nose to relieve some of the pressure Jess spoke once more. "Dear Gods this is tearing me in two. I know this will break Alyissa but we can't let the Coven out find Camp Half blood."
Thomas sighed, "You still don't get it. Turn off your Athenian brain and LISTEN."

He realized he wasn't being clear as well. So he moved to a chalk board, and said, "You think Alyissa is in love, so does she. Right, you think it's pure and awesome. It's not."

He drew a circle, "Aphrodite made the curse, and then tried to correct it, vampires are a mockery of love. Never aging beauty, but likewise soulless and cold. They present illusions. What you and Alyissa see as love, isn't LOVE. He's her dealer and she's his crack whore. Vampires are hunters, they are a race designed to hunt and kill humans, and the best way to do that is to ensnare our senses. Addictive saliva that makes those they kiss or share spit with docile, feel pleasure, and more sensitive. Beauty that is beyond model or porn star level. Illusions that could make a person eat their own fingers with a smile. Able to read our minds, and tell our hearts desire. Any single one, is a dangerous tool, but all three? Then figure in their actual combat abilities, a bit faster then a Demi-God, strong enough to break our weapons with their bare hands, some have storm control, others shape shifting, some can even temporarily raise or control the dead."

Thomas looked at her, "As soon as we kill the bastard whose been pumping her full of drugs, she'll be fine, the illusions and drugs will fade all at once freeing her mind. It won't be fun, but she'll see what happened. Trust me, I'd know."

Thomas sighed, before saying, "I fell in with a vampire once, she told me this sob story how nobody loved her. How she was a monster trying to keep control. All that Twilight bull shit. Six months she strung me out like a fucking junkie. She wanted me to start luring Demi-Gods into ambushes for her. By my Mother's tits I was tempted. The only reason she failed, was she got greedy while we were screwing and brained alot of my blood, I reacted on instinct and hit her. It wouldn't have done anything, but my Mother had given me a Celestial Bronze ring. When I hit her with it, the surprising and unexpected pain made her illusions falter. I was so angry, I killed her by shoving my ring into her throat, and holding her down as it melted through her throat and vocal cords. Then I cut off her head. Her fangs were some of the first on my necklace."

He looked at her, "It doesn't help that Aphrodite has always hated vampires. You know how spiders will bite any child of Athena, because of Arachnia, or Atanthia, the Spider Chick? Vampire are Aphrodite's Spiders. Vampires love us, our powers are as close to love as they can get. If I could I'd wipe the fuckers out. There are no vampire children, or half bloods, it's all bullshit!"

Thomas was angry, until a slow clapping occurred. Aphrodite spoke to Jessie, "Do not worry young one, my son is correct. Alyissa isn't in love, she is in the realms of deceit, and false love. It's up to the two of you to save her, and slay the bastard whose played with her heart. And to aid with that, I grant you The Blade of Love, drive it into Alyissa's heart, it will not harm her, but remove the vampire's effects. This Blade was forged to kill Vampires and those who would impute upon Love."

The blade was a katanna with a red wrap, and a pinkish red blade. It glowed with reddish pink fire, and had a red sheath, the under wrap color was pink. It should have looked lame and girly but it looked wicked. To prove it wouldn't hurt Alyissa he cut his wrist, and the blade phased through his hand like a hologram. He poked the table and the blade gouged it a bit. He nodded in thanks to his mother saying, "Thanks Mom, What do you think Jess?"
Everything was starting to make sense. Gideon was preying on her heartbreak from Trays death. It was a trick to turn her into a blood slave for him to feed upon until he drained the Divinity completely out of her. If Alyissa would be turned he will use her to secure his rank in the Coven. There it was drawn out for her and then proved right when Aphrodite showed up. "Alright let's find the bastard and kill him she breathed with cold anger in the depths of her blue optics.
Meanwhile in the Coven courtyard. Alyissa walked hand in hand with Gideon throughout the courtyard garden, talking as they always had. "So you're telling me you've spent the last three months locked in a Van with a Son of Cupid. You helped slay three Gorgon sisters and lived to tell the tale. Yet I've been stuck here listening to squabbling in court about the War with Werewolves. Okay it's official your life is much more exciting than mine" He smiled giving a small flash of sharpened fangs. Alyissa laughed lightly in response "it's hardly exciting when we could have all horribly died in the process" she smirked pushing him playfully before he smirked snaking a hand around her waist. "Have you given any thought to what I offered?" Gideon asked his face becoming serious knowing the conversation would eventually come to it. Aly's happy expression faded "I have and I'm still unsure about it, you know how the Coven will react to having a demigod as your mate. They'll want the same power for themselves"

Gideon slowly nodded "They won't discover the location as long as you stay quiet about anything to do with it. I didn't chain your Step Father's soul into the depths of Hell for nothing. I love you Alyissa and you know I'll do anything to prove it" he said softly before kissing the scar of his bite where he had claimed her as his. The smell of Thomas's scent on her still made him want to tear the male apart who had touched his female. A ring of blood red circled the outside of silver eyes in anger but faded at Alyissa stroked his arm to break the trance of wanting to snap Thomas's spine yet he also wanted to thank him for watching over her. "I'm supposed to be meeting them past Peryton cliff soon." she sighed having a hunch that things were about to get ugly.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" He asked unsure if she'd be alright.

"No, it's better to go alone. I'll be fine " she reassured Gideon with a kiss on his Jawline before turning towards the rocky outskirts of Peyton rock.
Thomas was soon waiting a bit past the cliff. The Blade of Love on his back, covered in a celestial bronze chainmail, and then that was covered in leather and a carrying case. He wore a bandoleer of snake hide with two Holly crosses just over his left kidney, and two over his right shoulder. His pistol was at his side, the large gun looked intimidating. He also had a Machete along his back, another with it's hilt over his right and left kidneys, and one in each boot. He also had the between pouches on his bandoleer filled with bottles of greek fire. In his coat he had three small quivers of 10 arrows on each side, and a heavy Celestial bronze bow, strong tightly.

He was a bit worried, while his Holy Aura and boost from so much sex was powerful, there was no way of knowing exactly who Gideon's father was. Vampires grew in power as they aged, and they tended to change their names to keep hunters from relentlessly following them. The fact he was able to impregnate a mortal, well it wasn't a good sign. His mystical presence was so strong he could animate his dead seed long enough to cause a woman to carry the kid to term. He had a feeling he'd end up fighting a major threat before the day was over. The smart thing to do was walk if not run away, but Aly was one of them, and he's rather die trying to save her, then live having abandoned her.
Leather Armor was drawed tight against Jessie's lean body with branded metal plates protecting her limbs. She currently was occupying herself ontop of a nearby rock by Thomas, fiddling with a Gorgon fang arrow. Jess was careful not to let it prick her finger while she did so. "Do you think she's going to give us trouble?" she couldn't help but ask to break the silence that was making her nervous as time went on "I don't want to have to knock her out just to save her ass from whatever Fuckery Aly has gotten herself into-" she was cut off from the arrival of Alyissa make her way around the ridge. Aly stopped a few feet away before taking a moment to admire the scenery. "Beautiful isn't it, The Coven searched a century for a place safe from Mundane eyes. Besides the occasional Manticore that wanders onto the territory from time to time, it's almost as safe as Camp Halfblood except for a Vampire anyway. Gideon has invited you for dinner tonight if you want. The Coven have migrated south to feed before the next full moon comes. It's just us, his family and some of the elders from court. They won't attack unless he says so"
Thomas sighed a bit, "Son of a bitch. Why can things never be simple for us."

He sat down saying, "They love eachother, but that doesn't make sense. Monsters can't love, it's impossible because of what they are. Evil bastards. But I can see the string of love between them. It's a bit twisted, but it IS there."

He explained their plan to Aly, even as he said, "I'm not sure what to do now. Just ONCE could we have a simple mission?"
Aly switched to stare at Thomas then Jessie in shock. They couldn't be serious. She burst out laughing until her insides started to hurt. "You two want to....after I just" she continued until their expressions didn't change leaving the feeling of utter humor to panic. "Except you aren't joking...what the fuck guys? I just get to see my boyfriend in under a day and you want to straight up kill him after he invites you to dinner." Alyissa snapped coldly turning to glare at Jessie "I expect this from him but you, Jess...that hurts" she fell silent turning to leave them but stopped after Jessie hopped off

"Alyissa wait...I don't want to-" the red head pleaded to Aly knowing that she could be hurt if they slayed Gideon.

"Save it Jessie, you made your decision. Follow through with it, stop being a coward and listen to Thomas" she growled having her back to the Couple.
Thomas rolled his eyes, and slapped Alyissa hard. Pulling his shirt down as he said, "You get the fuck off of your high horse bitch. Look, this is what love a vampire got me."

The scars on his neck were deep. Like a junkie's track marks. There was still a sort of evil sense to them. They were painful to look at. Almost like pictures of a rape victim. He spoke firmly, "Maybe we were wrong about you, in this case. But I said all the same thing when I was dealing with Crystal. How she loved me, how she would never betray me. Do don't you DARE blame her for trying to help you."

He sighed a bit, looking at her he said, "And to be fair, maybe your boy is different, but are you telling me his coven is?"
Unbeknownst to Alyissa had Gideon followed her from a distance but as soon as Thomas hit her to try and wake her up from what was assumed a day dream. He used what was called tracing. A form of flickering from sight much like if you were to blink and something that was there before then no longer was. He shoved him away from Alyissa with a tight grip on the male's shirt into the face of one of the Cliffsides. "Don't you ever fucking touch her or I'll rip your dick off then force feed it to your fucking female then make her my blood slave Do you understand? Aly is soon to be mine and won't be treated like a common whore but I assume you treat all your women like it don't you Son of Cupid"? he spat with a threatening flash of bared fangs. Gideon's English accent was thick with anger, ready to kill the man in his grasp. "Such disrespect should be punished" Gideon growled while his pupils dilated until they were nothing then small pits in the Vampire's irises.

Aly held her cheek while looking at a pleading expression from Jessie "No, he is my friend's lover...regrettably so" she muttered.
Thomas headbutted the vampire in the face, he was stronger, but Thomas's holy aura made him comparable to a god so long as he had sex often enough, not to mention the aura itself. He spoke firmly, "Listen up, our plan had changed. When I made it, I though you were just another monster like your coven, evil manipulating and twisting her. But I can see love, a genuine love between you which means you aren't souless and evil. But you are evil, atleast partially. I can see it, you have a sort of oily presents that feed on your light. I'm guessing it's a choice, fight it, or give in am I right?"

Thomas sighed, as he said, "We need to kill your father, and your coven. I might have a way to save you think."

He revealed the blade, instantly all would feel stronger, more pure, except Gideon who would feel a mix of that and pain. He spoke easily, "This is the Blade of Love, it burns out the Taint of Illusions and such. I think if I stabbed you in the heart, it would make you mortal. The blade won't harm humans. If your love is strong enough it will strengthen it, and burn away the darkness. But so long as your connection to the darkness is alive, it could reform."

He looked at Gideon, "What do you say? Are you our ally, Aly's ally, or a vampire just using her."

He looked at both of them, saying, "Aly, you need to realize Jess didn't want to do this. But I've been used and abused by vampires. Trust me, I understand the power of their honeyed words and actions. If you saw Jess using heroin, or me beating her up, and her covering for me, would you let it go? Would you say "Bygones be bygones", no. You'd stand up for her. If literally any vampire BUT Gideon had "Saved you", and you can ask him about this, you'd beg us to kill you or save you."

He looked at Gideon, "Is what I said wrong? If any other vampire had her as you do, would we be doing the right thing by just letting it happen?"

They both knew the answer, Gideon was special.
Gideon held his nose and cracked it back into place then glared at Thomas in confusion. "You want me to help you kill off the last standing clan of Upir royalty for the sake of proving that I'm not manipulating Alyissa. " He looked offended then shrugged nonchalantly. "You want proof of a creature's love fine" he unbuttoned his shirt until his pale chiseled chest was exposed. Using the strength he had, Gideon split his chest cavity open until blackish molasses slow blood stained his hands. Flesh was rotten from years of being a dead man walking. He let out a pained groan before removing his heart then throwing it at Thomas's feet "a Vampire's heart only beats when met with their soul bond. It's the closest to being alive we get. Being apart from Aly for one year was like being in constant Heart failure. If it takes to slay my father and kill my demon half then fine. I'll do it for her." He breathed in sharp gasps as his body healed from the wound.

Aly couldn't help but advert her eyes from the slow beat of the gruesome sight of Gideon's heart "That really wasn't necessary Gideon but I love you two." She thought trying to hold down the what little contents she had in her stomach.

After Gideon released Thomas, Jess she rushed to his side to hug his side like a frightened child. Jessie knew that Thomas could hold his own in a fight but physical reassurance felt better then sight.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "Fucking drama queen, really ripping out your own heart? And you are wrong, well not wrong, but most vampires are evil. That whole soul mate thing is a myth. I wonder if the fact you believed it, cause it to happen. Anyway, vampires are evil. Monsters, we'd be freeing them if they were turned. I wish you would all quit being dumb. Monsters are evil."

Sighing a bit he said, "I am sort of worried about Gideon's father. I've killed some vampire Lords before, two of them. But it was a chore, and both weren't old or powerful enough to half a half breed son."

He tossed Gideon his heart back, "You probably need this, or we should burn it or something if you can grow another one. Wouldn't a stake through the heart paralyze you? The fact you can pull that out and not drop to the ground makes my fight with your father seem even worse."

He pet Jess, "Relax babe, the fanged bitch had no chance. I knew he was there, and had an arrow on his heart. One reason why I like coats, they hide your hands."
Gideon started to breath easier with his rapidly healing body recovering from the heart loss. "When you've lived as long as me you tend to develop a theatrical flare. My father has had more than just me. I killed my remaining half brothers in order to have what rank I am now. Regarding my healing factor is apart of being Upir, You could leave one string of a tendon trying to behead me and It would still be enough that I could heal. Even if Soul bonding is a myth I know what love is." He said twisting to crack his back.

Alyissa rolled her eyes "Thomas the only reason Gideon is a special case is because the fact he is Half Mundane. His humanity is still intact unlike the rest of his species. Being much older then you and has lived with the Coven for the entirety of his lifetime, maybe you should listen to whatever he tells you. Just because Monsters are evil doesn't mean they can't breed, You know The Book of Secrets I've let you see into. The notes I wrote down after spending time with in the Coven and reading the books on Upir rituals aren't there to be like romanticism bullshit. I'm sorry for what ever happened with you and Crystal but not all Vampires are equal. The Coven is a neutral evil, Monsters but act like a Beehive. You threaten them or get to close you are likely to be stung. I'm in despite not having a expiration date and a being safe from being eaten would have been a sweet deal" she sighed but picked it up, snapping her fingers a flame appeared at her finger tips to burn Gideon's heart. "Putting a steak through his heart would paralyze him along with anything with Religious symbols such as a cross. So now you know, so what's the plan?"

Jessie didn't respond but still kept her face tucked into his neck as she breathed in her boyfriend's scent. "He still could have hurt you. From the fight against the Gorgon sisters to the Guardian where you lost your eye getting my courting gift. I don't want to ever see you hurt" she breathed letting his Aura comfort her.
Thomas sighed, "My mother made vampires. The first vampire was a rapist and a killer and a favored son of Hades. He defiled a favored daughter of Aphrodite, and so he was punished to never be allowed to die. A few generations later that same vampire turned a favored of Aphrodite, so she tried to break it, but instead the curse twisted it, it's why the vampire of that clan are beautiful. The clan that looks like corpses are alot more terrifying, but more obvious."

He knew the knowledge of who made vampires was myth and legend to their race. Most believed it was a dark god. In a way they were right, women seemed to have the most potential for evil some days. He shook his head to focus, "Yes, Monsters are capable of breeding, but how? Tell me, do you actually know what makes up monsters? It's not bones, or blood, it's the golden dust that's left behind when we kill them. Taurterous energies or magics form them. In essence a monster's life force possesses a body."

He looked at Gideon, "So, your father managed to have so much raw power, he didn't notice when some of it leaked into your mother or he did but."

Thomas smacked himself on the forehead, "Returned Dividens, I'm so stupid."

He looked at the group, "Imagine an orange, it's the last orange on the planet. You can eat the orange, and it will be gone. Or you can take out the seeds. Each orange has say thirty of them. Well you watch the seeds and in ten years, you have ten trees full of hundreds of oranges. Gideon himself just said it, he's killed other brothers to get to his place. So lets say he gets half their investment back. A tiny amount would be all that was required to grow the orange, then when it's own energy has fused with that it separates. The fraction and anything with it returns to the whole."

He looked at Gideon, "That would explain why you are so close to human. Each of your brother's spirits, souls, whatever had a pinch of humanity, a hundred pinches equals a cup so to speak. I'd be surprised if he doesn't have a way to get more power then you. Runes or something. He's immortal, he could, and probably has done some variation for centuries."

He blinked, "He's min maxing his powers."
Gideon chuckled as if Thomas had told a joke. "Of course I know what Monsters are made of. It doesn't mean they magically appear out of thin air. Werewolves breed, Dragons and so do Vampires if they are powerful enough. I could have ended up like my Father if I wished but I rather spare the world of one more Vampire Lord. Females tend to feed off Mortal males, they are the closest relatives to Succubus so to speak. But like I mentioned before not all Vampire species are made equal. My father took my mother by force along with other women but I was the only one to be carried until birth. Half Brothers are practically demons after Morpheus fooled around with a Succubus. Now he sits on the Throne that should be mine, I have still yet to speak with Ares for his approval of taking his daughter to carry on the Upir legacy. Yet you want to destroy the Coven and ruin my chance of getting what I killed for. I don't care for Morpheus in the slightest but I need to secure my rank if to free them from the darkness that corrupted their lives. Including my own. I will help you slay my father but I'd like a favor in return" he said lifting Alyissa's chin to appreciate her Beauty. "What do you say Son of Cupid do we have a deal?" He asked flickering his silver eyes to stare at Thomas.

Alyissa was unsure what would happen now. She didn't plan on returning to Camp Half blood. Thomas could more than take care of Jessie now that Jess was his Concubine. Over the quest Aphrodite had given them. Aly and Jessie's friendship was on the verge of ending now that she was reunited with Gideon, the idea of outliving any demigod in history and bearing her Lover's children sounded like a pretty sweet deal but that came with the price of being sired to the Halfling Lord.
Thomas weighted the pros and cons, before saying, "No, once you start to bend your morality you never stop. I've seen it in my siblings. Did you know the girls of the Aphrodite cabin have a test. They make a guy fall in love with him, then break up and shatter his heart. They say they do it in honor of their mother. In truth it's a power game."

He looked at the half breed, "Tell me what favor you want. If I don't like it, I'll knock your sparkley ass out and do things my way. I am the son of two gods, and I refuse to let beasts live that prey on people, demi-gods and humans alike. The coven dies, the only reason I'm giving you a chance is Alyissa. Otherwise I'd end you with the rest of the monsters. So speak, and quickly or I'll do so anyway."

He looked at Alyissa, "And don't think I won't knock your happy ass out and drag you back to camp. I will if I have to. Part of being someone's friend is sacrifice for their betterment. A life with a half breed monster is no life. And honest to the gods themselves I will slit your throat before I let you join him, and become his monster bride putting the whole camp at risk."
Gideon bared his fangs like a snarling hound at the mention of harming Alyissa. "I'll let you behead me before you ever touch my female again" he hissed stepping infront of Aly. "I'll help you kill my father and the rest of the Coven but I get my throne and take Alyissa as my my mate. I also swear upon Hades the dark God that Camp Halfblood will remain hidden away from my kind. You get to leave unharmed. No blood spilled on ether side. Your choice" he explained offering a strong hand forward.

Alyissa narrowed her eyes at Thomas as her lip curled in disdain. "First of all I wouldn't be making threats here with a Century year old Vampire lord two minutes away from spilling your entrails to your feet. Even if you kill me and Gideon, do you really want to risk hurting Jessie seeing me die.

Jessie clung onto the Son of Cupid still. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. She didn't want to see anyone get killed let alone take part in it. "Please Thomas don't hurt Aly, take the deal please" she murmured into his shoulder.

It was all up him now and what Thomas decided would seal what would happen next.
Thomas pushed Jessie away, but nodded his head slightly, "Ok, lead on."

However, Thomas moved fast, too fast, super speed was his ability after all and from behind drove the blade of Aphrodite into his heart. Instantly the half blood was wreathed in fire, but he didn't burn to ash as he would have had Thomas tried to kill him. Instead he collapsed onto the ground, his chest moving slowly but surely.

Thomas spoke to Alyissa, "He's human. You want to love him now, then you can. Don't use love as an excuse. You wanted to get out of this life, you can't. You should know I don't make threats. Now, here's hoping I didn't just kill him."

Thomas put his palm and held up his lighter, igniting it he said, "Lord Aries, please except the sacrifice of my blood, freely given. I would have a word with thee. My mother as well if possible."

Soon the sound of a massive bike echoed, and Aries the god of war stood before them. He looked at Thomas, "Huh, interesting. You got rid of the taint. But, he's still going to die. His soul is too weak on it's own. Then again, I'm guessing that's why you called us?"

Thomas nodded, "Yes Lord Aries. I was hoping you would accept a wager in good faith."

The god looked at him, "Oh a wager? Interesting. Speak Hero."

Thomas spoke easily, "If I managed to kill every vampire coven member in their hide away, you give him your blessing, allowing him to live as a mortal. As a hero. If I fail I'll give you my soul, binding it to your service for eternity."

The god looked at him, "Fine, but if I save the half breed, I want ten years of his life in my service. I promise not to send him on suicide missions. I've been craving someone to do some labors for me. As for the coven."

The god snapped his fingers saying, "There you go, all of them, nice and full. 1000 vampires. Will you still try to save someone you barely know's soul?"

Thomas nodded, "For your daughter and my concubine, yes. They are two of my closest friends. I'd kill for them, die for them, I will do what I can." Aphrodite clapped, "So romantic my son is. Let the other two help him out Aries."

Aries sighed, but nodded, with a snap of his fingers, Thomas and the girls would have the mark of Aries on their foreheads, and an aura. Aries spoke, "The more you kill, the more the aura will empower you, heal your wear and tare, etc. You three ready?"
Gideon nearly clamped his jaws on Thomas's jugular but felt the blade jab into his heart first. He fell to his knees weezing as he went down by Alyissa's boots. She cried out in shock kneeling to hold him as the flames licked at her skin harmlessly. It was when her father appeared that she stepped away from his writhing body. "Father" she called boldly to get his attention. "I accepted Tray's death two years ago. As your Champion you owe me a debt to me not only for Tray but never stepping in after Phil abused Mom. She's not Aphrodite but she never was a knotch in your belt ether." she spoke clearly with Amber orbs matching the pits behind Aviators. "If you ever cared about me or Harley you'd do it" Aly added more softly. Alyissa became a different person completely trying to get him to remember how he spent a year after the twins birth. How she'd risen to be gifted the power of immunity to fire after Harley was turned into a Hell hound. "You owe your daughter"

Jessie watched Aly confront her father then Thomas move her to strike Gideon making another declaration to the Gods.
Thomas went to speak, but Aries cut him off, "My daughter, my champion, if it was just about your happyness, I would do so just to see you smile again. But, it is not. For a god to grant a mortal their power, their blessing, and make them a hero, it requires a trade, something to balance the scales in a cosmic sense. Just as some blessings require a sacrifice even to be granted from parent to child. However my daughter, I would not worry, there are certain intrinsic truths to the cosmos."

Thomas spoke easily, "You don't pull on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't be against a Sicilian when life is on the line, if someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes. You try to leave as soon as a child of Apollo starts with the poetry. As soon as the children of Bacchus break out the whiskey, it's time to leave. Nothing good happens after 2 A.M., but sometimes great things do. The ladies love a man in a well pressed suit. Finally, most importantly to our situation."

Aphrodite chimed in happily, "You NEVER bet against a child of love, when love is on the line."

Aphrodite squealed, "My son is so manly!"

Thomas sighed, "Thanks mother, for ruining my moment of badass."

He turned to face the conclave, "Well, we've got us a job to do. Whose up for sending some monsters back to Hell where they belong?"

He began to walk towards the conclave.
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