Love can bite deeper than any beast or blade... ((Me x Dragonsfoot))

"Vampires are sex machines part of the reason is that I went for him, He's a half breed like us too. They rarely mate outside of their own kind, humans are considered sort of filth to them, it's disgusting to them to bed a human but we aren't really humans now are we" she shrugged

Jessie laughed a bit "babe why would you stick your dick in a snake monster?"
Thomas rolled his eyes, "Lamia aren't snakes, Snakes are ether Gorgons or those two tailed versions of gorgons, whose name is very greek. Lamia are names after a queen of Libya, she was a demi-god daughter of Hecate, so beautiful that Zeus saw her as a mistress. Well Hera the goddess whose name could mean Crazy cunt bitch, didn't like that. So she locked her in a room with her children, and cursed her to only be able to sate her hundred with the flesh of babies. She devoured her own children after a week. Hera then made her unable to close her eyes so she'd see their bones for all time. Eventually she escaped, and somehow mated with either Medusa, or a Chimera. Or a demi-god child of Heras, or possibly one of Hera animal children. Anyway, they became a race of monsters who like all monsters are attracted to young demi-gods and crave their flesh. But, while they can do the jaw dislocating thing, they don't look like snakes. Lamia look like the most beautiful women."

Thomas moved towards his bedside table and showed her a picture. Looking at her he said, "You saying you wouldn't hit that? Because of their specific craving for babies, any demi-god over the age of 5 isn't attacked by them. They do crave to get pregnant though. So I used my touch of Eros to distract her, we ended up dating for almost a year on and off. She she went after the wrong demi-god infant and got her ass dusted."

Thomas chuckled a bit, "Seem like you know how useful unhinging your jaw would be when it came to sucking me off. Some do have scales, but it's subtle and their flesh colored. No, Lamia are more ambush predators then straight up monsters."
Jessie shook her head "I wouldn't sleep with her because she's female and I rather not have the taste of demigod flesh, but I see your point. I still think you and Alyissa have much in common when it comes to fucking around with Monsters." she shrugged "is there anything more I need to know about your sex life that i should know about?"
Thomas shrugged, "See, that's another part of the story. When you're a demi-god, you start to care less about idealism. The gods, Hera herself, made someone only able to feel nourished, if they eat babies. Tell me, how would you feel if from right now onwards, all you could enjoy eating was prime rib? Or veal? You'd start to hate it. Remember Monsters are immortal, they can't starve to death, just feel this horrible pit of hunger. Then remember that Demi-gods are maybe, MAYBE, half of one percent of the population. Ten billion humans, that means five hundred thousand Demi-gods all over the planet. I have no ethical isues eating Monster Meat, or any meat for that matter. While I've never had human meat, if I was offered some I'd try it. Remember, we kill because the gods ask us two constantly. I'd kill baby gorgons if ordered. The only difference between killing a baby born from rape, and a baby gorgon, is that the go say it's ok to kill the baby gorgons. The same gods, who turned a woman whose raped into a monster because of where they were raped, or who they were raped by."

Thomas shrugged, "It's sort of horrifying when you think of it like that right? That we're the gods enforcers, letting them punish whoever they want with impunity. We're the ones holding down rape victims, or threatening them if they testify. Luckily, most of the monsters we fight have gone insane from the constant trips to Tarterus. I've honestly wondered before, if the gods don't make the monsters crave us, so that we don't work together. Remember, most of them WERE Demi-gds or those favored by the gods."

Thomas looked at her, wondering if her Athenian mind could point out flaws in his logic. Deep down he'd always felt a bit guilty.
Jessie nodded "Such as Medusa and so on I get it. But despite the gods turning demigods to monsters dosen't excuse the fact they hunt us down. Alyissa's brother was turned to a hellhound after he pledged himself to hades declaring he was no son of Ares. But why made you want to bed a Lamia?" She asked dodging her impulse to find every hole in his logic. "I've never really been outside of Camp Halfblood for this long, part of what I've read on these monsters is outdated since modern times. The gods throw their tantrums, we do our best to keep them impressed with monster killing and quests but I think Aly has a point about how much our godly parents fuck us over. I don't want to be cooped up in Camp until I'm thirty years old. Perhaps I don't want to go back...maybe I want to stay with you" she said softly "I am your concubine but surely there can be more to us then that."
Thomas chuckled and nodded. Sitting down beside her he said, "Fun mostly, Lamia are sort of like me, sex personified. They are all as attractive as their mother, who was beautiful enough that Zeus bedded her. Plus, it was fun. When I'm with mortals I have to hide part of who I am. When I'm with Demi-gods theirs our parents to consider. But with a Monster just avoid letting them rip your throat out, and it works really well. Remember Monster hunt us they crave us. I like that a woman was addicted to me."

He kissed Jess on the cheek, "I'm not planning to abandon you love, or leave you behind. I like camp because it's a place that's 90% safe. That's good for us. But if we go back and or leave we'll be together."

Thomas kissed her on the cheek, "Now I believe we mention working on your techniques. So, you know I like feet, dirty talk, and dominating my partner right? I can't think of anything else you need to know."
Jessie smirked and straddled his lap with a mischievous glint in her eyes "We've discussed alot about your kinks, but you still haven't mentioned how you're going to fuck me" she said leaning foreward a bit to trail kisses down his jawline "unless you rather bore me with conversation. Nothing entertains me more then pleasing you" Jess stared at him through the fringe of her lashes, just wanting to get her fix of Thomas's power filling her.
Thomas smacked her ass, "I'm the master, my pleasure matters more, Miss has no stamina. You make me cum twice, I'll make you cum."

He suddenly stopped talking. Looking at Aly, he suddenly shot to his feet, "Change of plans. Hold on."

He got onto a highway. Soon he was pulling over. Smirking he said, "I realized we were in Kentucky, and I was an idiot."

He lead them to a large river. Smirking he walked along the bank. Until he reached a cave. Walking inside the heat was intense. Four of crab women moved around. They had the lower bodies of crabs, with massive pincers, a torso where the "Face" of the crab would normally be that lead to muscular arm and heads. Thomas stripped naked as he said, "You two strip as well."

One of the hybrids a woman with large breasts smiled, "Hello again Thomas, here for some work?"

Thomas nodded, "Yes Xix."

The woman took all of their weapons and tools, along with the raw monster parts. Thomas explained, "This is the den of the Cabeiri, their demi-gods. Well, not really, their father is Hephaestus, their mother is Cabeiro, one of Hephaestus's consorts. I think, that's entering the Grecian history where it's all sort of mucked up. But, next to Hephestus themselves, they are the best forge Masters. Better in some ways."

Xix returned, smiling she said, “I've been working on a few new girls, since you left. I hope you like them lover boy.”

She had brought out three ornate boxes, Thomas opened them, and kissed the goddess hard. It went on for a minute, before he pulled away. The goddess licked her lip, “I take it that's a yes?”

Thomas pulled out a pistol. He slid back the chamber and said, “What is this sexy lady chambered in?”

The Goddess chuckled, “500 Magnum, the compensator on the barrel, and special rifling means she's plenty accurate up to 80 feet. That's a lot. Plus she's an accurate girl.”

Thomas smiled, “My Jessie, a good name for her.”

Xix nodded, “An Interesting one, ready for the other two.”

She opened the largest box, revealing a massive Heavily Modified Gatling Gun. Thomas whistled as Xix said, “She's chambered in .45 caliber rounds. I know you like that round. She's too big to be held by one person, but she should be a hell of an equalizer next time things get violent.”

Thomas nodded, as the goddess opened the smallest box revealing a A strange gun, that looked like it had six barrels. Thomas's smirk was evil as he said, “Does it work?”
The goddess's answering smirk was just as evil. She gestured towards a shooting range. Thomas smirked, “You'll like this Aly, I've always been annoyed how out guns are pointless if a monster is really large. So I asked Xix, to come up with a hybrid. Girls meet Gungnir, watch the target. She has two modes, first is standard double barrel shotgun mode, but she can be fired three times, from both barrels before you need to reload.”

The target were shredded as the 20 gauge shot tore through them at twenty yards. Thomas broke it open and reloaded it. Smirking he said, “Or, it's got it's Fuck Off mode.”

He pointed it at the target set his shoulder, and pulled the trigger, all six barrels fired at the same times. It tore the target to pieces. Thomas looked at Aly, “Pretty cool huh? Imagine if you shot Medusa in the face with this.”

Soon the armor had been returned, it was much better quality now. It not only ft better, but you could tell it had been modified to provide more protection, and better protection. The armor had formerly been generic camp Half-blood fae but now it looked like general or lieutenant rank armor. Aly's had a snarling hound on the chest plate the symbol for Aries. Jessie's had a owl with it's talons barred the symbol for Athena. Thomas's had the symbol for Aphrodite over his heart.

Thomas smiled, “Thanks Sis.”

The half sister of Thomas smiled and nodded, “Come by any time brother.”

As they headed out, he rubbed Jesse's ass, “So, ready to play love? I wanted us to level up our gear before we headed out. Also restock our supplies my step sisters did that for us.”
Jessie shuddered when Thomas hit her rear but was suddenly pushed aside so he could tell her to pull over. The cave wasn't so bad, it was pretty nice if she were to choose a spot to set up camp. She didn't know why they had to strip down but suspected that it had to do with respect or something. Unlike Alyissa, Jessie blocked the view of her breasts and nether regions. Thomas kissing his half sister in thanks made Jess's chest tighten in jealousy.

Alyissa took a good look over the armor and Weapon the demigod creature had given her "good crafting Xix" Aly whistled "Better then what'd you would get from the Hephaestus's Cabin that's for sure"
Thomas nodded as he said, "The problem with Hephestus Cabin, is that they all want to be the chief, and none of them want to refine the recipe. Yes, admittedly their more glamour in being a chief who makes new recipes, but a chief who can make a half a dozen recipe the best they can be, can be can be a better chief all around as well. That's what the Hephaestus kids don't get."

Thomas kissed Jessie on the side of the neck, giving her neck with his teeth. The sight of his new guns had him rock hard as he moved with her.
Jessie took a sharp inhale feeling his teeth grazing her tender flesh "I'm always ready" she whispered softly wrapping her hand around his hardened length "you named your gun after me?" She asked grinning slightly at the thought.

Alyissa carried the large Gatling gun, having no problem on how heavy it was "Looove the new guns, our new ladie friends will be good help with the Sphinx in case any of us get his riddles wrong. Oh for future reference this monster is not like others. Sphinxes tend to guard entrances to holy areas such as the Coven we are headed too. Originally there were only in Egypt guard Tombs of the dead from Strangers who would try and steal the treasures of the dead. Answer the Riddles correctly you pass get them wrong...well you get the idea. This should be easy for Jess"
Thomas shrugged, "Maybe, I don't see why we don't just kill it because it's in our way. The more monsters we kill off, the less are in the planet. Especially given how it guards a coven of monsters. But I'll leave you to deal with it.'

It was obvious Thomas still wasn't really thrilled with the whole visiting her boyfriend thing. But he also didn't trust them to go it alone. Then again, Thomas had admitted himself that he didn't trust anyone, even Alyissa he was paranoid about. So it wasn't that surprising to hear he was a bit worried. His new gun belt was Basilisk hide. His Pepperbox shotgun on his left hip, Jessie on his right, his colt hidden in a behind his back. Aly's Pepperbox shotgun was alot less ornate then Thomas's but would still do the job, obviously it had been made quickly. His pants were gorgon hide, but seemed more like heavy cloth or jean.He wore a short sleeved shirt. The armor was only a solid piece of steel on the upper chest, it was smaller almost fit pieces on the lower chest and or stomach. The sides and back were a mix of chainmail and metal pieced slid together to give flexibility and movement. His gloves had added plates of bronze over the sculpted knuckles. He also had a cape of heavy thick ancient giant spider silk, dyed a color that matched his coat, that could be added or removed. A hood of a lion's head fit comfortably.

They all looked like commanders now rather then mere soldiers. Thomas had been gifted a pen that with a twist could become a heavy Celestial bronze spear.

He smiled rubbing himself against Jessie he said, "Oh? Promises promises."

When they got to the vehicle, he told Alyissa, "Remember, stop for food first sexy."

He began stripping upping his gear on an armor rack in the van. He looked at Jessie, "Why don't we start with a foot job and dirty talk, my favorite daughter of Aphrodite?"
Jessie quivered under Thomas's touch, feeling arousal burn her insides. she was worried about confronting a creature that had the same intelligence as her. Jess refused to be eaten and let her friend down. "Alyissa is there any weakness to the Sphinx?" she asked nervously almost blocking out the feeling of being turned on by her boyfriend

Alyissa took a moment to think back to last time she encountered him "the riddles are tailored to each individual. So another person cannot answer anothers. Thomas even if we managed to slay the beast. there is really no point, it dosen't target demigods. Its sole purpose is to be a guardian. so we have. a 50/50 chance of breezing past it" she explained before starting up the Van
Thomas smacked his girlfriend roughly on the ass, and then punched Alyssa in the mouth. Looking at her he leaned down and aid, "Use your brain for once, you should know Jess has performance issues. Why don't you stop being a stupid bitch and adding to her worries? I swear I'm the sex addicted one, yet you lose your mind over men."

Thomas helped her up saying louder where Jess could hear, "Sorry hand slipped. As for the Sphinx, I'm not worried. You can me can go towards it, it can ask me a riddle, I'm dumber then you in raw knowledge. If we screw up, Aly can open fire with the machine gun as fast as she can crank. The thing is huge, between my Jessie, and Vivica, not to mention Sonya which Aly will be using, that's the Gattling gun, and your arrows I pity the thing. Now, I'm horny, so let's go do as I said."

Thomas shot Aly a light but firm glare. His message obvious.
Alyissa flinched as he knocked her off her feet in surprise, she stared at him "What the fuck!" she growled covering her mouth but not feeling any blood or teeth missing. Her eyes flickered between a shocked Jessie and a angry Thomas

Jessie narrowed her eyes at him "Thomas what the hell is wrong with you!?" she snapped clearly knowing what his intention was by his body language. Not wanting to anger him further she motioned for Aly to back off so she wouldn't do anything that would cause further tension. Jess turned back towards Thomas "Alright babe" she smiled using a velvety tone.
Thomas smiled at her, "Jess, I love you, but you melt under pressure like butter in a boiling pan. Aly should know that. All she's doing is pointlessly worrying you. Your My concubine after all, and my concubine is the sexiest, and smartest bitch this side of the river styx. So she needs to shut up, and not stress you out."

He looked at Aly, "I was trying to be subtle, but you didn't catch on. So do you now? Just drive, leave the thinking to Jess, but don't needlessly stress her out. Jess is my woman and I only accept the smartest, sexiest, toughest women. And if that Sphinx uses some trick to beat her, I'll gut it and offer it's head to my woman as a gods be damned rug."

Thomas's aura burned brightly like a blue and pink flame. His aura wrapping around Jessie and like a candle burned her self doubt away. She wouldn't be arrogant, but she's know he believed she could, so she'd think she could as well. He smirked, "Now sexy, foot job and dirty talk, while ALy drives us."
Alyissa still glared briefly before resuming to start the vehicle, leaving the two demigods to indulge in their lust.

Jess got tingles up her vertebrae from where his electric aura had been. Opening her eyes, the pupils were dilated and her breathing slow. A smirk creased across her lips "As you wish" she whispered. sitting on the bed she used her toes and arches of her feet to pump his manhood "I want you to fill me with your seed, bury your length into me Thomas"
Thomas groaned, "Oh, oh goddess, fuck yes you little slutty tart, pleasure you're master!"

Thomas's cock wasn't limp before, but under her attention it spasmed, and throbbed. Thick drops of precum dripping from the shaft. He waved his right hand in a circle, focusing his power in her core then squeezing in a very specific way. Groaning low he moaned, "F-fuck yes, so eager, so good!"

She'd feel an almost insane almost physical bolt of pleasure slam into her core. The more intense, mind numbing pleasure she'd ever felt. Deep inside her mind she'd hear a voice, just louder then a whisper, "Isn't this great? Isn't this grand? Letting your slutty pussy make decisions instead of your mind. Always thinking, always debating. Master doesn't like that. Master likes you like this. What use is your brain, when your pussy makes you feel pleasure like this? Just stop thinking let your pussy be your guide. Let it's oozing slime flow, constantly needy for master's cock doesn't that sound perfect no more stress no more responsibility. No more anything except Master's cock and how to please it! Doesn't it feel good to please him like this? To be this!

Thomas unaware of the voice, but somehow hit her core with another pleasure pulse/bolt every sentence the voice spoke. But despite her pleasure the whisper would always be just within her "hearing range", but of course it was in her head. The words it put special emphasis on vibrating her whole body with pleasurable tingles.
Jessie was straining to listen to the voice in her head that had briefly distracted her from pleasuring Thomas before continuing. She remembered him mentioning Cupid had blessed their bond. Did that mean the god of lust could speak to her through it?, the voice was right. She was overthinking things and despite the son of Eros's aura wiping all worry from her it still didn't stop her Athenian mind from running wild inside. "I could spend hours between your legs; teasing… sucking; sipping; tasting you. No stops this time. Let’s see how many times I can make you come." she moaned
Thomas groaned as he said, "Fuck yeah you naughty slag, do it. Show me why you're my favorite Concubine. Worship me as a man of my status deserves to be worshiped. I am a son of Eros and Aphrodite, Master of all carnal pleasures. Show me you deserve your location as my head concubine. Show me you're worthy! Show me that you will worship me as I deserve. Prove to your master, your owner, your god your allegiance!"

The pale blue of Eros's energy filled the van. So thick Aly would be hit by it and have a powerful squirting orgasm just from being near it. He growled at Jessie, "Make me cum!"
Jessie smirked and felt herself shudder at every word that rolled off his tongue "I can do better than that babe" she purred letting herself fall to her knees and put her skilled mouth to use on his manhood. Jess let her tongue glide over the shaft of his manhood, allowing him to savor the feeling. In that moment it felt as a Succubus has been attracted to the son of Eros's power and had taken over Jessie's body as when it came to being with him. Her meek personality was nonexistent, Jess had quickly learned what Thomas liked. "Give me the honey from your manhood Thomas, your power is burning my body to nothing without your release. my mind feels like breaking from just thinking about it" she whimpered
Thomas gave her a slap to the face, not too hard but firm. Even this contact would cause a sharp pulse of pleasure to rock her body. He glared at her, "That's because you don't deserve it yet you naughty slag. I said I want to feel your feet Cunt, not your slut mouth! Disobey me again, and you won't get to cum for a week. You are MY concubine, you exist to pleasure me, not the other way around. You get to taste me when I allow it, not before! Remember your place! You do look beautiful on your knees like a whore. But your dirty talk needs work, thus why I ordered you to do so. Remember your master knows more then you in the arts of pleasure! I suppose you do deserve a small reward."

He stroked himself, letting a few drops of pre drop to the ground, "Lick it up, then get back to pleasuring me as I ordered."
Jessie yelped when he hit her and shuddered at the pleasurable intensity running down her spine. Anger flared within her making grimace then swallowed the impulse to show her own rage at him "Yes love" she hissed before bending down to taste the bittersweet precum. Jess resumed her position on the bed continuing what he had ordered her to do. Her gaze was no longer filled with affection but instead smoldering anger though she not dare lift them to meet his. Jess started by just slowly dragging her feet down towards his crotch, as she reached his length Her soft arches caressed Thomas's manhood and began to pump his length until she found the pace he had been craving from her. "Your body feels so soft and smooth… I love it when you’re pressed naked against me, I can’t get enough of your sexy broad shoulders and gorgeous chest. I want to make you moan when I touch you" she panted feeling his Aura burn her again driving her wild with lust.
Thomas groaned in pleasure, this drops of pre dripping from his cock head. Running down his shaft and her feet. He leaned back as he gave her a light but firm smack on the cunt, "Watch that tone. I can tell you're angry, but I don't want to hurt you. I love you Jess, but I have certain demands, certain expectations. I punish you not to hut you, but to show you and make sure you pay attention to what I want. It's the best way isn't it?"

He hit her with another pulse of his lust. The voice in her head growing stronger, it was feminine, "Master speaks the truth Jessie. He has to teach us. To train us. To make us better. Look at him, we're making him groan. Making him moan. We're pleasuring him. We've never done this before, normally we get the pleasure and as a side effect he's pleasured. This is all us, we're being good isn't that great? Doesn't it feel good to pleasure him as we should? To know we can do this to him?
Jessie relaxed her muscles and lighty ran her hand down his chest "No, I learn with guidance not punishment unless I'm getting some pleasure out of it. Be gentle with me" she murmured with affection. Her smirk returned "Show me what you need not what you want" she growled before her seductive demeanor "I want to give you so much pleasure. I get so wet when I see you staring at me with such hunger" Jess moaned finally lifting her eyes to meet his. In all love Jessie had for the son of Eros, he really did scare her sometimes. And what was with this voice in her was strange but she wasn't sure if she should mention it to Thomas. "Babe...I k-know you're enjoying yourself but there is something you should know" she panted feeling sweat coat her body from Thomas's blue flame consuming her like wood. Her head was suddenly reeling from all the lust and he hadn't even penetrated her folds yet.
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