Love can bite deeper than any beast or blade... ((Me x Dragonsfoot))

Thomas smiled and chuckled a bit, "Good to know, although I'm not surprised. Like I said before, us Demi-gods live short violent lives. I was getting a bit arrogant, a bit cocky. It's always good to learn a lesson."

He smiled at Jessie saying, "I'm ok babe. Want to bathe me, then feed me to prove it? I've got to admit the idea of you giving me a slow sensual wash turns me on a bit. Like women did for their masters in the old days. I'm hungry though, so no elaborate sex scene ok?"
Jessie nodded "Fine with me" she said flashing a smile and slipping her hand into his to lead the two lovers into the bathroom. Jessie shed her clothing, standing naked before Thomas.

With Alyissa left alone she finally had time to herself. Putting Tray's diary in her pack she grabbed a different one. A book she had never shown anyone, not even Tray had seen it. Aly flipped through pages until they became blank. Ink began to swirl like watercolor. It showed a painting of the Gorgon battle and Thomas performing blood magic to save her in seventeenth-century European style. She flipped a couple more pages until she found something very alarming that made her drop the book.
Thomas stripped quickly, but stiffly. Soon he was relaxing into the large rub. The sight of his naked concubine had his cock twitching and spasming and semi erect. He chuckled, "I always love the view of your pale flesh."
Jessie allowed her body to relax in the soothing hot water and started to gentle lather Thomas's chest wit soap to clean him "So what now?" she asked softly.
Thomas suddenly grabbed Jessie's hair, pulling it sharply he growled, "When worshiping your Master's body, that should be your soul focus. every bit of your focus, concentration, and soul should be focused on completing your objective. Speak when spoken too, or when praising your master only. Don't half ass washing me Jess, it's your job as my concubine to focus on me and my well being. Do your job, focus on it and me. Show me that you get pleasure just from being in my presence and from treating me as I should be treated."

He released her hair. He wasn't sure why he'd felt the need to be so rough. But he just wasn't in the mood to plan for tomorrow. Plus some of Jess's behaviors were bothering him. He was suddenly a bit worried about the bond.
Jessie yelped and fell completely silent, it was very surprising to see her lover act so aggressively all of a sudden. She continued to wash him fully without a single word not wanting to anger him further. Jess fell back to her meek nature and didn't feel like speaking after Thomas snapped at her. But it did make her wonder what she did wrong to make him so angry.
Thomas spoke his worry, "Sorry babe, suddenly I find myself a bit worried if someone messed with the bond a bit. That's sort of worrying. But we'll just have to pay attention to it from now on. If I act unreasonably tell me. It's just, I feel like you're doing this half ass. Not because you want to. You're not praising me either. If's annoyed me for awhile but it sort of hit me worse, like a sore muscle turning into he pain of stepping on a tack. I think the bond is trying to make me be a bit more of a master to you."
"Do you take me as slave?" Jess asked gingerly still focusing on getting his neck before switching to his shoulders. Making sure to get every inch of skin clean, Jessie felt hairs raise on the back of her neck at the mention of someone tampering with the bond between them. "I do get aroused whenever I'm around you, that's why I have such a hard time trying to control myself around you. I thought with the bond between us you'd be able to tell" she murmured in a soothing tone while beginning to pump his length.
Thomas groaned in pleasure as he said, "I don't know. I think I can, but the concubine bond open you more to me, then the other way around. Don't worry, the bond is set, that means it's impossible to mess with. What I mean by messed with was when it was set. Remember it just came to me, as we were having sex. I've been doing a bit of research into it, but most of what I can find is vague. I'm worried this is one of the side effects I wasn't aware of, that we're getting used again."

Thomas sighed, "I'm trying not to focus on the bond too much. I'm worried the more I do, the more I'll subconsciously change you. I didn't take you as a slave, but a concubine should still defer to their master as such. Still praise him, still give him her best attention. A slave has no say, a concubine sees it as an honor. At least that's what I think, but don't quote me."
Jessie was silent for a moment "I do want to please you Thomas but maybe we could take a brief break from all the intense sex and focus on building a stronger bond between us" she suggested finishing cleaning him tracing each individual scar but paid most attention to where the Owl spirit had ripped into him.

Alyissa took a shaky breath and called out to the other demigods "when you two are done there is something I want to show you"
Thomas sighed, "I like the sex. It's hard for me to focus on all the emotional crap. To me, it just, it doesn't matter. Not really."

Pulling her close he said, "We can't have kids, we do and you are dead. If you get assigned a quest during your pregnancy, your done. We can't get married, that never works out well for heroes. Emotions don't matter, because we don't have time for them. We don't get the cute dating, or awkward flirting stages. Tomorrow you could be ripped apart by cockatrices, or I could be mauled by a Stygian bird. That's our lot, we're demi-gods. We're going to die, horribly, brutally, and probably against overwhelming odds."

Thomas pet her, kissing her on the forehead, "I'm not trying to be a dick. Or to hurt you. I do care alot for you. But Jess, I've watched women I love get ripped to pieces. Watched them die. Seen the corpse left behind. As a son of Eros I feel the pain when it happens to others. You've seen Alyissa how she is broken inside because of Tray. That happens to all of us. I can't take that again, I can't. I'm tired of watching it, tied of dealing with it. I just don't know how to anymore. That's why I don't talk about emotions, why I don't act more loving with you. If I lose someone like I lose Lily again, I'm going to put my gun, in my mouth, and pull the trigger."

He kissed he gently holding her close. Almost desperately. He hoped she could understand.
Jessie felt her chest tighten and ache as he pulled her closer, she clung onto him as if she was scared to let him go "I understand" Jess whispered softly. Everything made sense now, Love for a them would only cut them open and leave cuts that would never heal if Jessie let her feelings loose and if she were to die or he did... She wouldn't let that happen. She exhaled slowly her throat tightened as she struggled to speak "I love you....But I won't let it rip into us. If sex is the only way then I'll work with it" her voice cracked, burying her face into his neck so Jess could breath in his scent.
Thomas held her as he said, "I feel bad for saying this to you. For acting like this, but I feel like it's a damned if I do, or damned if I don't. I have to try and pick the bet option. I don't know if their is one. I feel like you're a Christmas bulb, and I have to decide how to break you to fix damage. If I throw myself into loving you, and one of us died, you'll be shattered. But at the same time, that by saying this that by trying to limit the connections, keep what we do fun and forgettable in an emotional sense I'm hurting you as well."

He pet her gently as he said, "I'm open to ideas if you have them. I don't now what to do. We also need to go see what your dork of a friend needs."
Jessie laughed a bit when he called Alyissa a dork "I tend to just go with it not really having a plan, I didn't plan on becoming your concubine but here I am. It hurts but I'm not about to give up you fucking me" she smirked "The sex is fun and you drive me crazy with lust most of the time, it makes me forget about not being able love you at the same time"
Thomas kissed her on the cheek, "Tell me my favorite daughter of Athena, how does love traditionally end for Demi-gods?"

He knew saying it like that she's understand. Hercules beat his family to death. Jason spent years way from his wife. Romeo and Juliet. Even Thomas and Lily and Aly and Tray.

Thomas chuckled, "Come on Luv, let's do see what your whale penis needs."

He winked submerging himself in water to clean off the soap, before he headed towards the door. He winked at her, "Maybe afterwards we can see some of your being driven crazy with lust.'
Jessie smirked, finished washing her own body before getting out from tub. clothing herself she followed Thomas to see what was wrong with Alyissa.

Alyissa paced back and forth looking very anxious as she muttered something inaudible to herself. Not looking up Aly took a shaky breath "I should have showed it to you sooner" she mumbled clutching a leather bound book filled with parchment paper. in swirling ink it revealed images of Aly's life up to the gorgon battle where it looked like her blood had even stained the parchment. Alyissa passed the book to Thomas so he could see. it showed a
Large Sphinx the same creature that Guarded Gideon's coven. "Gideon's alive.."
Thomas blinked, "Oh no, not Gideon."

Thomas looked at them, "Seriously you two, I'm knew to your lives. I have no idea who Gideon is. Monster? Demon? Ex-boyfriend? Hell it could be an Ex-girlfriend."
Alyissa pinched the bridge of her nose "Vampire Halfling boyfriend" She snapped feeling like her skull was splitting in half from all the withdrawal of being without him "I'm his female and I've been fucking Thomas, His scent will be all over me. If he hasn't been feeding....fuck" she growled to herself.

Jessie grabbed Alyissa's arm so she would sit next to her on the couch "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know...we've delt with the important part of the Quest but we still have to deal with Ares for killing demigods, it's all too sudden" she sighed gritting her teeth before glancing up "Thomas I have to find him... please" the word felt foreign to her since she was used to being in charge but this was Thomas's call since it was his quest.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "If he was alive, and didn't hunt you down he has a reason. Also I don't really care, he comes for me, I'll punch him in the dangles. Not many people enjoy a full contact nut punch."

Thomas nodded, "Let's stop and get some food. Then we can head that way."

Thomas pinched Jessie's bum saying, "I always forget how cute your ass is. As for Aries, not much we can do."
"I didn't exactly leave on good terms, even if he did track me I was in camp half blood last time he was able to catch my scent. The barrier around camp must have made him give up, as for confronting you I doubt he'll make it a full blown fight. He'd warn you to keep to your own female AKA Jessie but that's just a hopeful assumption" Aly rubbed her temples ignoring Thomas's snarky remark. "It's possible that I could make a deal with my old man, like you said the gods are like children"

Jessie turned red as she felt him make contact with her rear "ay that's tender" she smirked coming to his side so she could rub up against her.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "Jess, I'm used to fighting creatures like the 20 foot tall Minotaur who can crush a ten ton car like a human can warm butter. Or creatures faster then a string cobra. Do you forget, I'm fast I've fought a few vampires before. Hell I'm fought Impousse, or well their basically Grecian vampires. If the future contents of a dust buster bag feels the need to push me, I can introduce him to a celestial bronze bullet to the head. Celestial bronze is metal from Olympus remember. That means it's extremely hold. Hell I may dust his twilight ass because of all the shit he put you through."

He kissed Jess on the cheek as he said, "I know, it's why it's so much fun to play with it. What do you think?"
Alyissa felt the hairs on the back of her neck raise at the thought of Gideon dying "NO" she growled before taking a moment to calm down "don't interfere, this would be similar if Lily was alive and she found out you had feelings for Jessie. He hasn't hurt me I'm more hurt at the thought of not seeing him again...Let's get some food and figure out what to do next 'Kay?"

Jessie narrowed her eyes in concern for her friend "Aly if he hurts you...if this is what you want then I'll come with you" before turning to Thomas her eyes pleading for him to understand.
Thomas shrugged, "Lily loved me, she'd know I thought she was dead. She'd understand, and be glad that I was happy. Of course she wouldn't take it lying down. She's probably fall into bed with us. Lily was cool like that."

Thomas shrugged again, "You want to go be with your abusive vamp lover, I say go for it. But if he smarts off, mouths off, or attacks me I'll put him down like any other monster. Monsters are monsters, demi-gods are demi-gods, out war is eternal and unending. But for you, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."

Thoma looked at Jessie, "Want to work on your foot job technique while Aly drives?"
Alyissa groaned in frustration "you're impossible to talk to, he's not aggressive towards me but you have a chance of getting attacked aren't slim" she said not wanting to discuss it with him. She started up the Van eager to find some place to eat so they could head to Gideon's coven in the Tennessee mountains.

Jessie smirked slightly "there's always techniques I can work on" she whispered letting her delicate hands slip under his shirt, drawing a seductive line to above his groin area.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "You're the one who made him sound abusive when talking about him before. Don't blame me for listening. Besides as I said it's not like it really matters. Abusive relationship are fun too, and we're all going to die anyway. I find it a bit icky you crew a monster, but I dated a Lamia before so."

Thomas shrugged. Lamia were obscenely beautiful women monsters, who sometimes ate babies.

Thomas smiled at Jess as he kissed her neck and said, "Yup, you're never the best you can be at everything. Part of the reason I'm really excited to go out with a daughter of Athena. You're all sort of perfectionists."
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