Love can bite deeper than any beast or blade... ((Me x Dragonsfoot))

Jessie felt defeated when she felt his instinctive grinding her hips into hers, She didn't want him to feel so stressed but every time she got closer it got harder to control. Thomas's aura sent tidal waves of foreign feelings into her body but something inside her when Thomas kissing her. No not now, not like this she scolded herself. Not sure if she should pry herself from him quite yet

Alyissa had to break from watching the two interact or she too would succumb to her arousal. This was far by worse then fucking around with a Vampire Halfling.
Thomas gently began planting small kisses along the tendon of Jessie's neck. Then along hew jaw. Finally her cheek and earlobe. Rolling his hips against Jessie's. He could feel the denied lust in her body. How easy it would be to make her cum for him. He captured her lips with his. He wanted to make her cum for him, cum just from a mind blowing toe curling kiss.
Jessie began to shudder as her lover took her higher and higher until she came crashing down. toes curling in her sneakers and grabbing at his shirt tightly in a bundle all from his touch. The only thoughts that were left in her mind is what drove her to kiss her like that?
Thomas wanted Jesse, he wanted her now, but he forced himself to remember she was a virgin. Forced himself to fight the urge to bend her over and take her. An idea came to him. He pushed Jesse on the couch her pants, shoes, and socks tossed on the floor. He looked at Aly want to see the lust in her eyes, wanting her jealous of Jesse. He focused his ability.

Thomas gently taking her right foot. He knew form the way Jesse walked she had sensitive feet. Slowly not bothered by the slight smell of sweat he ran his foot from the base of her heel up to her middle toe. Kissing it gently he ran his tongue along the bends of her toes, taking each into his mouth and sucking on it hard. His tongue dancing on it as if trying to rub the polish off. He then nibbled down the inside curve of he foot, before kissing his way back up Then taking her pinky toe into his mouth he sucked it. Chuckling he kissed the arch saying, "Tell me, do you like this Jesse?"
it did feel good but not in the way he was expecting her to react. Jessie bursted into laughter her toes curling instinctively at the tickling sensation he gave her. "w-what are y-you doing?" she managed to say before going into another laughing fit. She didn't want to be a cockblock but her feet were one of her many ticklish spots.

Alyissa's envy swelled up inside her until she couldn't watch it anymore. He was doing this on purpose to make her jealous now and it was working. He better not be using Jessie to get to me. I'll rip that smug grin right off his face she growled quietly at the thought.
Thomas rolled his eyes, but smiled a bit, "Did you know that the foot has more nerves in it then the clit? It also connects to every major nerve group in the body? The bottoms are very sensitive. I'm trying to find a middle ground between making you cum, and fucking you like a bitch in heat. I don't want to take your cherry tonight for obvious reasons, but I still want you to cum. I'm enjoying watching you cum for me, and giving you a taste."

Thomas whispered going slightly red in the face, "Plus I have a bit of a minor foot kink."

Thomas looked at Aly using his lust speak, and channeling his power into her he said, "What do you think Aly? Do you like the show? You should feel free to touch yourself, to cum while you watch us."

With Aly Thomas could send alot of his aura into her. She wasn't like Jessie, every word he spoke he took her to the edge a knowing smile on his face before he focused on Jesse again. Slowly kissing up Jessie's leg, running his tongue along the skin between kisses. Until he finally reached her panty clad sex and gave it a kiss.
Jessie tilted her head in thought at his rather sexual fact of the day "No I didn't.. I usually don't partake in learning such Knowledge" she said holding her sides from laughing so hard "Thomas I don't wan to be 'fucked'. I want to have someone make love to me not crude coidice that thuggish brutes do"

Alyissa narrowed her eyes and barred her teeth like a dog would do "Focáil leat" she cursed before getting up to leave the van not wanting to watch the live soft porn that was going on in front of her.
The van door was locked tight and the windows were gone. Thomas kissed Jesse on the ankle, "You should learn about your body, it's the most reliable tool you have. Sex is very well, different. What people call "Making love" isn't really about sex. See, sex isn't pleasure in it's own right. Pleasure is caused by friction on nerve endings. A larger cock, or proper techniques allows that stimulation. However, it's friction which causes pleasure, from a purely biological point."

Looking at Jesse he said, "So, when you're a virgin those nerve endings are extremely sensitive. Going slow will feel like your grading glass inside of yourself. Honestly our first time I'll probably eat you out right to the point of orgasm, then thrust in so the pain is eclipsed by the pleasure."

Thomas looked at her, "Would you like some books to read? It's a bit annoying you think you know what better during sex then me. Not only can I LITERALLY see the most sensitive places on your body, but I have had sex with dozens of women, three of whom were goddesses, and yet you, a virgin thinks you know more about sex then me. It would be like me saying you were wrong about some Athena thing or Aly didn't know how to kill properly. Making women cum is literally my schtick."
Jessie furrowed her brows together and sat up a bit to straighten herself "I never questioned your knowledge, I just stated I don't want a brute to bed me." she said before gasping in shock when he peppered kisses trailing up her shapely leg.

Feeling Hephaestus's fire boiling in her blood, Alyissa gritted her teeth in frustration. Thomas was determined to make her stay and watch his infuriating display.
Thomas nodded kissing and nibbling along her thighs, "And I get that. But trust me babe, relax and let me show you the depths of pleasure your body can reach. I think Aly is a bit jealous of you."
Jessie lifted her gaze to where Alyissa was standing, desperately trying to exit the Van. Sighing heavily she scooted herself farther away from Thomas's reach "I-I can't" she said before looking at her friend again. This was beginning to feel uncomfortable for the both of them.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "You both suck dick, and not in the fun way."

It was said more pouty then genuinely angry though as he casually stripped flipping both women of and getting into a warm bath. He turned on his Ipod. Ignoring the women, he drank on a bottle of Tequila beyond giving a fuck. If they died, they died, if they were too stupid to get what he was saying it wasn't his problem He was honestly past giving a single fuck.

When he was out of the bath he said, "One of you cunts can handle the driving. I'm done giving a fuck. Totally out of fucks to give. I'm going to crash, wake me up when something tries to kill us. I'm done being the mature responsible one. Fuck it."
Jessie winced at the harsh words "So I'm a cunt for not letting you fuck me infront of my friend huh?" she snapped grabbing her pants and moving to sit up front. "If any one is the cock sucker it's your manslut of a ass" she snorted before buckling up and waiting for Alyissa to start up the Vehicle to their next destination
Thomas shook his head, "No, that's your choice, the wrong one I feel but yours. Your a cunt because you are selfish. I made you cum what three times, and how many times did you make me cum? Oh that's right none. Also you seem not to understand modesty is stupidity. Oh but wait."

Thomas suddenly smirked a bit cruelly, "Oh but you wanted your friend to die. Or she wanted too."

Thomas opened the door showing them a dozen pairs of glowing red eyes, "Hell hounds, they were attracted to your scent during your earlier bitch fit. If Aly had walked out their, she'd have been ripped apart. You both need to realize I'm smarter then you. Atleast when it comes to demigod stuff. But you both know SO MUCH, oh wit one of you went and killed a few mortals using her demigod combat skills, and the other's big accomplishment was an owlbear. Well it doesn't matter, I'm done, you two want to die from stupidity it's your choice. When you apologize for being bitches, and ask my my opinion I'll give it to you. Oh and since I'm the only one who knows how to find the three snake sisters I hope you both enjoy sitting in a parked van."

Thomas was tired of the two thinking they were better then him.
Alyissa lost her temper fully and she felt the need to wipe the smirk off of Thomas's face "Don't even go there, Jessie has tolerated your Bullshit since we left Camp. Your only acting like a Asshole because you didn't get your dick wet. If your done bitching about how we are acting why don't you start the Car and drive yourself?" she growled "This ain't my first run around on a Quest and let me be the first to say your no leader"

Jessie ignored the fighting zipping up her jeans she fiddled with one of her Arrows.
Thomas seemed to ponder something, before casually raising his right hand and flipping Aly off. He got comfortable on the bed saying, "I just said I'm not doing anything until you two apologize. I'm not doing this because I didn't cum, I'm doing this because, well honestly I'm past giving a fuck. See the gods always forget there's a sweet spot with drama and torture. You go too far an a person's sanity sort of snaps."

Thomas smirked, "So children are being horribly murdered, not my problem. So the gods are having a pissing contest and humans are caught in the cross fire, not my problem. So your an emo bitch because your boyfriend was stupid and took a fang to the heart not my problem. So Jesse is so repressed a Nun would say she needs to relax, not my problem. So I'm being driven slowly insane by the gods games, and their screaming in my head, not my problem. I, I honestly have no more fucks to give. The gods have jumped the shark, they made me be so worried for so long, I just don't care anymore. Sure one of you will die a horrible death, not my problem and I can probably bang the other one."
She scoffed "I won't humor your idiotic thoughts Thomas, the more you talk the more I'm willing to carve your guts out and feed you to the hell hounds." Alyissa spat her head reeling and her fingers twitching impulsively to reach for her Apache gun and put a bullet in his brain. Atleast then he would shut up.
Thomas smirked, "So you say, yet last time you drew on me I fucked you like a bitch in heat."

Thomas gestured to the sawed off shotgun resting on the bed side table, "A double barrel, side by side, 14 gauge shotgun. Both barrels guarantees you'd look like swiss cheese. You're quick, but I'm FAST. Can I shift, get it, and fire before you can draw? I'm willing to find out."
"I don't want to kill you, If I did it would have been done. It's how I seduce" she said smirking crossing her arms "I'm twisted and broken ever since Blue eyes died. I have shitty luck in love and I'm guessing we aren't far apart" she said sitting next to him without any fear in her.
Thomas nodded, "Some people say, that when you love, a true love, parts of your soul are exchange. If your soul mate dies, then you lose that part of your soul, and the fragment of their soul left behind misses their soul. In some ways I think you got the better deal. At least your love died defending you, you didn't have to kill them because they were a child of prophesy."
"I've had two Soul mates, Tray and Gideon" she said recalling the familiar face that she dearly missed "Gideon is still alive I just don't know where he is. I see him time to time but just glimpses in the corner of my eye when I'm our on my own. I'd like to think he watches over me"
Thomas shrugged, "Monsters and Half-monsters are a strange breed. Their nature rips at them even more severely then demi-gods dual natures. To hunt, to feed, from what I understand there's a reason few half breeds make it to the age of majority."
"He was destined to be a royal ruler of some sort of his Coven, He's been around since the 1930's they age slower then we do. He'd feed off of me when needed then be filled with bloodlust. Sex was crazy hot. For a creature that could bench lift a car he could have snapped my spine while making love to me but he never did. Halfling's are dangerous for sure, especially Vampire." she pulled her knees to her chest and got doe eyed when she carried on "He called me His toothache"
Thomas chuckled, "Sorry I've been kind of a dick. I know you two don't deserve it. This is just a massive pain in the ass. It sucks not being able to trust myself, I don't know what I'm thinking, or at least not if what I'm thinking is me thinking it or the gods. I haven't tried to have a relationship since Lily. As a demi god we are dead, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but sooner rather then later we are dead. Seeing that we have an expiration date, I don't see the point. You get that right? I mean let's say me and Jesse date and we both live that long, then what happens? If she dies, or to her if I do? Falling in love when your a demigod is like cutting yourself, seems like since she's so smart she'd get that."
Alyissa's eyes traveled to where the Red head had passed out in the passenger seat with her ear buds in her ears. "Jessie has a guy waiting on her back in Nashville but who knows when she'll get a chance to see him again. She believes in fairy tale romance , all small town girls do. I've learned to take my pleasure where I can but Fate is a tricky whore"
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