Love can bite deeper than any beast or blade... ((Me x Dragonsfoot))

Thomas growled low, "What did I say about teasing. And you won't lose control because we aren't going to have sex. You're just going to use your tight lean body to get me off. I'm thinking hand job, while you talk dirty sounds good. Then when I cum we can get dressed and go eat."
"No need to get in a twist, Did I mention your so intoxicating I can't even think straight" she whispered biting his shoulder as she slipped into the water and pumped his cock slowly still teasing him despite his growling.
Thomas groaned as her skilled hand rubbed his cock. His member twitching and spasming a bit in her eager hand. He smiled at her, "Fuck you sexy slut. I love hearing you talk like that."
Jessie left a dark colored bruise where she bit him "Your so hard baby" she said picking up a faster pace "Keep growling at me and I'll have to bite you again" Jessie whispered moving to the head of his length "I can tell when your about to becuase I get wet and I feel weak" she moaned lightly against his skin.
Thomas groaned at the bite, his cock dripping pre from her dirty talk and fast pace. He smacked her ass giving it a firm squeeze as he pouted a bit, "Your supposed to be a bit scared of me when I growl. I could spank you or something."

He groaned loudly at her getting wet and feeling weak when he was about to cum. He spread his legs to allow her a bit more room to work.
Jessie straddled him and let his cock go, she began to grind along his length but kept a good enough distance so Thomas couldn't straddle him. Jess's voice was shaky as she spoke "Your growling dosen't scare me it turns me on" she smirked licking his lower lip for entrance.
Thomas smirked a bit, "That's a good comment. Fuck sexy I love what a horny little slut you've become it turns me on. I mean fuck."

He let her lick his lip. Smirking at her, he smacked her ass, "What did I say about mutual pleasure? You get me off none for you. In this position it's just a matter of time until I end up in you."
Jessie pouted "Spoil sport" she snorted and returned to the position she was in before. Thomas's Member was rock hard and quivering and with his moaning it made her folds burn with arousal.
Thomas groaned and smiled, "See, not so easy is it? You see my hard, thick, cock. You want to feel it, to taste it, to rie it like a bitch in heat. But nope, none for you. Fuck, you're so hot jerking my cock like that."

He groaned pulling her head closer as his balls tightened. Soon his balls were spasming, and shooting his thick cum into her mouth an across her face. He stood up after giving himself a quick rub down. Smiling as he left her to finish cleaning up. He got out a just short of too revealing skirt, thong, thigh highs, and four inch heels for the woman. Pulling on a pair of black slacks, a button up shirt, and silk boxers for himself.
Jessie wiped herself clean and stared wide eyed when he showed the slightly revealing clothing. "Shit Thomas" she gasped "I don't think that I'll be very comfortable in wearing something so provocative. I don't want to attract the wrong type of attention" she said meekly. Jess backed away from him swallowing the lump in her throat. "Are you sure you want me to wear..that?"
Thomas gave her a smack on the ass, "I think you can. I think you'll look good in it. Besides, if anyone gets too pervy, I'll punch them in the dick. You're mine, and like any beautiful belonging I want to show you off. My sexy little concubine."

He began getting dressed, before he tried to ravish the beautiful woman infront of him.
She playfully glared at him but took the clothes and closed door to get some privacy while she changed. It took a little while for Jess to adjust the clothing the way it felt slightly comfortable to be in before she revealed herself to Thomas "well how do I look?" She asked adjusting the skirt so it didn't ride up on her.
Thomas smiled rocking his hips against her ass, so she could feel a light bulge, then whispered in her ear, "Does that answer tht question?"

He moved towards the door, looking at Aly, "You ready? Or you need to shower too?"
Jessie blushed when he grinded against her rear "Stop teasing me you'll turn me on"she hissed quietly despite the smirk on her face.

Alyissa shook her head "I'm fine, I washed up after the battle with the Gorgons" she said feeling her stomach growling in hunger.
Thomas smiled as he nodded, pulling on his dark red coat, and gun belt and knife. His sun glasses were put dangling from his pocket. His whip became a slap bracelet, which he slapped on. He said, "Let's go eat some food then babes."

He blinked as three snake men, also called Nagas were waiting for them. Thomas smirked, he said, "Why'd it always gotta be blood snakes?"

The center one had a king cobra esk head, while the one on the left and right more resembled diamond backs. The middle one hissed and spewed a thick poison at Thomas. Thomas raised bis gloves arms. The gorgon hide gloves easily neutralized the venom capable of melting concrete. Thomas was almost buzzed from all the sex, thus instead of waiting or planning with the girls, he dove into combat. Ducking and dodging the snakes claws and tails like it was a dance. Only his Basilisk dagger in his hand, it blurred as he struck shallow cuts on the king cobra Naga, The Naga was visibly slowing down. The wounds looked infected and dripped with goo. Soon it quit responding collapsing and having a hard time breathing. Thomas threw his knife with a practiced ease, the second Naga died almost instantly because of the massive dose of venom. The third was on Thomas then, but Thomas hit it in the face, the celestial bronze making the wound more impressive. THe snake moved back and Thomas drew the whip, three sharp "Cracks" later, and the Naga had three foot long tears in it's torso, less then a minute later it had dropped barely breathing. Thomas took his knife, and finished the two poisoned Nagas. He'd recieved a celestial bronze mace, a Naga bone Bowie knife, and naga skin shield. The shield seemed to shift to a watch, the knife a knitting needle, and the mace a collapsible baton.

He smiled, "Come on ladies, let's hurry before more can find us."
Jessie narrowed her eyes, how the hell was she supposed to defend herself in clothing like this. Now she was starting to regret agreeing to put it on at all "Thomas what the fuck is wrong with you" she snapped and for a moment she sounded like Alyissa but she was more concerned then angry with her Boyfriend.

Alyissa didn't interfere instead she crossed her arms and was waiting for Thomas to make a smug remark that would piss Jess off even more.
Thomas shrugged, "Sex with me, gives you a sort of high right? Well, that high for you, is like chugging red bull for me. Well, redbull mixed with good steroids. Normally, me and Aly are pretty equal, in a fight it would come down to luck. If she started killing lots of monsters, she'd get this sort of rush, she'd get super horny, but her body would flood with adrenaline, she'd feel like a god. She'd feel invincible. I've seen it happen to daughters of Athena as well, but it's different, your eyes dilate, suddenly you KNOW what your enemy is going to do, a plan comes together perfectly in your head, a small version can happen from chess, but in actual combat against a superior number it can happen hardcore."

Thomas nodded, "I call it "The divine touch", but in truth, it's well. Your parent is always watching. When you impress them enough you get a "Blessing" from them. For Aly her father's blessing would make her get six inches taller, 80 pounds of muscle, and blood would turn her on like an aphrodisiac, she'd get it by slaying hundreds of monsters at the same time, like taking on an entire monster army. With you, you'd gain 150 I.Q. points, and get logic pules so easy a Vulcan would go "Damn"."

Thomas looked at them, "But, sons and daughters of love or lust gods, we get our boost a bit different. The more sex I have, and the kinkier the sex is, the bigger the boost I get is. Also, because of Aphrodite, the more I care about the person, I get a "Bonus". That's why despite being the camp man slut, I don't hurt anyone's feeling or anything. Aphrodite's gift makes sure even thought I might not care for them like I do you Jess, I'm not rude, or a dick about it. I'm honest with the girls, and given demigods short lives that's all most ask."

Thomas moved over to Jess, kissing her on the cheek, an actual spark of pleasure jumping from his lips to her cheek, it would flow making her body tingle in the best ways. Looking at her he said, "You looking sexy as hell, makes me fight better. vice versa, because of the concubine bond, I can channel that power into you. But I'm not sure about that, since normally it boosts your demi-god gift, but your mother being a virgin it might counter it or only the physical effects might transfer, you cumming your brains out isn't good in a fight."

Thomas added, "And before you two think I marked Jess for this, I didn't. Honestly, if I tried something like that, Aphrodite would punish me. My father wouldn't punish me, but he wouldn't have blessed the bond the way he has. It would just be neutral. The bond has to be made with both willing. Honestly, I was a bit worried my father had increased your lust or something, but the bond has to be wanted by both, and with free will. So on some level we both wanted it I guess."
Jessie sighed and dropped her arms when he kissed her cheek, his power lightly running through her body again. Comforting her that Thomas was alright "You scared me there for a second" she murmured still looking upset that he just charged at the Nagas without any warning at all. "Don't do that again" she said giving a small smiled and punched him in the arm lightly to show he was off the hook for now.

Alyissa made fake gagging noises and walked past the two "When you two are done making doe eyes at each other let me know so I can look away." she joked teasing Jess and making her blush intensely as she returned to her awkward mood.
Thomas chuckled and gave both women a hard smack on the ass, sending a potent pulse of his power into each of them. He said, "Don't be jealous Aly, your welcome to join us in bed any time. Your friend hasn't gotten to try being dom yet."

He winked at them. Moving into the restaurant, Thomas ordered two orders of fried mushrooms, cheese sticks, cheese stuffed and deep fried peppers, mushroom caps filled with chicken and melted cheese, cheesy bacon fries, and three orders of biscuits. Then two boiled lobsters and two 40 oz steaks, with a baked potato with all the sides for each of them. Also a blue berry cobbler, and a cheese cake with chocolate. He finished off his ridiculous order with two glasses of sweet tea and a glass of Dr. Pepper. he let the girls choose their own drink, using the Aphrodite card to pay, and gave the server/check out woman a 60% tip. Soon the three were taken to a corner booth. He let Aly get in first, then Jess sit across from him. His stomach rumbled as the smell of food cooking almost made him drool.
Alyissa glared daggers at him when he spanked her rear "Watch it will ya!" she grumbled rubbing her bum of the power that spiked through her. While Jessie smirked and returned the butt grab herself.

The girls had no problem polishing off the food he had ordered, it felt like they hadn't ate in weeks. But it was more that their stamina was run down and fatigue plagued their bodys.
Thomas smiled, eating his portion of the food. While the sex felt good, it was sort of a hollow good feeling. It made him faster a bit stronger etc., but it was like eating sugar. The food helped restore his core, as he ate he practically felt the aches and pains he'd already had healed sort of melt away. Demi-gods were always attractive, because their bodies burned a massive amount of calories, when you added in the healing, which while it was possible to do "From scratch", gods tended to super charge the cells so they'd heal faster. That meant even if a demi god was a bit over weight such a healing would burn the calories instantly. Without calories to pull from his boy had been forced to forage inwards bone, muscle etc. While he knew that was was over simplifying things, it almost felt as if his body had been burning on embers, and nod had dozens of gasoline soaked logs thrown onto it.

After the food and dessert was gone, and Thomas was on his dozenth refill of his drinks he looked at Jess with a specific glitter in his mind. He brought up a map on his I-Pad screen, saying, "Where should we head net ladies? That book of Jess's is going to be a pain to get since it's a solo quest against a minor god."

He focused on the bond, sending Jess his arousal. He wanted to tease the woman a bit.
"Skinner's Inc is in Marlborough.. I won't lie to you, Edgar Allen Poe's original collection of his work won't be cheap. It's a rare find and the price would be around $662,500 at least. I know it's a pretty penny for a ancient book but is something I really do want" she said trying to resisting squirming from the Arousal that Thomas gave her.

Alyissa rolled her eyes "Figures you'd want a dusty book, your such a nerd" she teased poking her friend.
Thomas smirked, "Oh, I'm not buying it, that would be too easy."

He showed her an image, "This is Owl, he's a knowledge spirit, the more a spirit of knowledge knows, the more power they have. He's basically a lower tier god. he has a copy of every book, scroll, receipt, everything written lesser spirits gather for him. In his library he's as strong as Zeus in the sky, or Poseidon in the seas. He jealously guards his books, the cost to enter the library is information he doesn't have. Then, I'm going to steal your book, hopefully survive to escape. If I die I don't deserve you."

He smiled at her, focusing on sending her a bit more lust.
She smiled, she loved Owls but this Owl spirit didn't look friendly at all. Jessie recalled having Ramses when she was fifteen, since he was killed protecting her from the Owlbear attack she never too another companion again. "I have something in exchange for your Entry if you want. My art of War book was a gift from Tray for my 17th birthday, I've memorised every page of it. It's the only one of it's existence if your going to Risk your life for me allow be to give you a chance of survival" she sighed before shuddering at his power.

Alyissa bit back the urge to snap at Jessie for trading away something Tray had given her but kept her mouth shut, It wasn't her place to argue.
Thomas shook his head, "Any book he already has. Odds are he has an original. Nature spirits are able to make copies after all. otherwise people would notice. Also a book he'd be able to trick me out of. No, I have something the Big Three themselves would well not give up their domains for, but let me live to keep it a secret."

Thomas smirked, "I know where Eris's golden apple is."

Thomas smiled like a Cheshire cat. Eris's golden apple was a creation of chaos, offered to the "Most beautiful" goddess. Of course Aphrodite, Athena, and Artemis all thought they were the most beautiful. It had eventually lead to the Trojan War. It was arguably as powerful as Zeus's bolt, Poseidon's Trident, or Hades's helm. Of course it was as likely to turn the "Wielder" into a balloon or the enemy into a rubber chicken. After the Trojan war it had been lost to time and space. It was one of those things like Pandora's Box, or Chronos's casket, only a fool searched for it, and none of them ever returned. To a being that searched out knowledge, such a secret was the same as a pair of E breasted latina twins who were nympos to Thomas.
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