A (fake) marrige made in hawkeye heaven (Krystal x KGT Witty)

"Yes Jarvis I know why she doesn't want to show him her feelings but she's been a love sick puppy for to long." He said already getting to work on the wiring. "Everyone also knows how much clint's feelings for her. No matter how hard he tries he doesn't hold it back very well, at least not till recently" he continued moving a see through screen that acted like a magnefying glass. "What I think he needs is a wake up call, a video that shows just how much she is hurting perhaps." He grabbed a couple peices of small metal as he continued to speak. "I know it might hurt her to know I showed him the video but she needs him more then she wants to admit. I bet you they're huddled up really tight to eachother right now" he said not knowing how right he was. "Point is when he wakes they wake up they need to talk before he goes to work or after as long as it happens tomorrow Jarvis." He said making the blueprints larger and getting rid of some unneeded feature that may make the device smaller.
If Jarvis had had a body, he would have shook his head. "I trust you sir. I just hope this all works out on their favor. I have no way of telling how this will end. Miss Krystal is very unpredictable." he admitted, letting out another programmed sigh. While Jarvis couldn't really worry, he still managed to in his own way. "clint, krystal please" he thought to himself, helping tony worj onbthe device.
"Believe me Jarvis I have no idea how this will end up either but it's the best I can think of." Tony said twisting some wire together sure it wasn't rediscovering an element but he wasn't exactly sure he had the pieces to build it. He stopped wiring to look at the device seeing that the main piece that caused the sonic pulse was a small chip that could be set to find different types of frequencies and types. He looked to the blueprints and then to the Iron man suit he was building before giving a breath "hey, Jarvis you think this device could be fitted to goggles or glasses?" he asked having an idea in his head
"Of course sir. We can only hope. Also, prince james is here to see you. Shall I let him in?" He asked, chirping at JJ who simply waited for his friends approval to come in. JJ was tired of suffering, and wanted to tell his friend just how he felt. He only hoped the man didn't turn him down. Jarvis looked through the plans, then spoke. "Yes, I believe it can sIr. The suit should be able to accomodate it." He said, still waiting for an answer on JJ.

The next morning, krystal was up making breakfast when clint got up, smiling happily as she sang along to the jazz. She didn't feel as guilty now, and her dreams had given her a plan. If she could make bucky fall for her again, she could free him from hydra forever. "Motning my handsomesome husband." She said with a smile, kissing him before putting his breakfast on the table for him. She hadbmade him a bento for luncb, knowing how much he enjoys chinese and Japanese takeout.
Tony looked at the plans and then back to the suit "sure but let me do this." He said grabbing a microphone from a counter and opening up another screen to look at the front door camera. "Hey JJ go ahead and come in, I'm down in the lab working on something that just maybe will help on finding stars and stripes forever. Please come in I'd rather it not be seen till it's finished so if you want you can sleep in one of the guest rooms and we can talk in the morning" he said almost frantically, Star and stripes forever was one of Tony's little nicknames for steve who he a0had always been fascinated with especially since his dad was part of the creation process. "You're free to wander about the house but I would really like it if you stayed because you're gonna like this when you see it" he finished hearing JJ's response.

He put the microphone down looking back at the suit "Jarvis I know it can be implemented on the suit that's a given the hardware would even upgrade it but I'm talking glasses you know, round things covers your eyes, well not your eyes mainly mine when I'm on a magazine cover" He said starting to get full of himself again "I'm not going to mass produce my suits to shield that would be dumb so I need something that I can make multiple of. Snowboarding goggles maybe, in case he ended jp somewhere cold." At that point he disregarded Jarvis entirely and began working on a prototype pair. He started by trimming the chip's size to fit a pair of goggles.

The next morning Clint woke up to Jarvis who gave him a wake up call wanting them to get into the same room for what he would show them the video stark had him record. He looked into the room sewing she had already made him lunch and breakfast. "Jarvis you realize I still have 3 hours before I actually have to go to work right?" He asked sitting down at the table. "Thank you sweetie everythng looks delicious" he said looking up at her before starting at the food not expecting of what would happen next.
JJ sighed slightly, though he smiled. He hated it when his friend worked long hours like this. "Okay, Tony I will. Just remember to get some sleep yourself, genius-boy." he said with a chuckle, letting himself in and making some food for his friend, knowing the younger man wouldn't eat if he didn't make it for him. he brought it down to the lab, leaving it on the counter next to the door. "Jarvis, tell tony I've made him dinner." he said before heading back upstairs to play some captain america video games. JJ was a bit of a fanboy of his uncle, and hoped to meet him soon.

"ah, i see sir. I was thinking that you would put on the suit and use it to find the good captain. also, the prince wanted me to tell you he made you dinner." Jarvis said, quieting and letting his creator work. He knew the man wouldn't listen if he told him to eat.

Krystal smiled, sitting down next to him with her tea and a plate of food as well. "you're welcome Jem dear. i just thought you might like some lunch to take with you, and i know how much you love Chinese." she said, kissing his cheek and taking a sip of her tea. She had no idea what Jarvis was about to do either.
"Jarvis I can't be there with them everyday so they need gear that can, yes I will be implementing into the suit as well." He said looking towards the door and going to grab the food. "If you want you can power dowm for the night I don't think I'll need help." He said, happy JJ made it for him but he wasn't all that hungry. He put it to the side getting back to work on the device which he spent the next few hours concentrating on.

Clint smiled taking a bite out of breakfast before he heard Jarvis speak "Sir message from Mr. Stark for you he sent it saying it was urgent. Would you like me to play it" He asked before clint took another bite. He chewed and swallowed loudly on accident before being able to answer. "Jarvis as long as it's only Celeste and I in the house urgent messages can be played immediately" he said watching as a screen appeared in front of him. The message played and tony began to speak "Hey you two I hope the mission is going well, you know what screw it this isn't a happy message, Krystal or Celeste whatever you prefer right now I apologize but this message is unable to be stopped now that it's started. Clint last night I recieved a call from krys about bucky now whether you care about saving him or not, You need to do it she hasn't shown you her true feelings on the matter but I can... Sorry Krys." The message said Tony knowing she would be pissed off at him. The video of tony turned off and all that was on the screen now was what Jarvis had recorded the night before.
"Makes sense sir. Goodnight sir." He said, shutting off with a whirring noise.

Krystal frowned, talking under her breath. "Bloody traiter" was all she said before sighing, walking out of the room with her tea. She'd be yelling at tony later. She ran a hand through hernlong blue hair, trying to relax. She had no idea how clint would react, and she was almost scared. She hadn't shown him her true feelings because she lohadn't trusted him enough. She almost expected the younger man to laugh at how stupid she looked when she cried.
Clint watched as the video showed Krystal breaking down into tears and his heart sunk, He knew she cared about Bucky and wanted to save him but he didn't know that she was ready to cry the entire time he was blowing it off. He watched the video his eyes watering as he began to realize just how much she cared for Bucky, The knowledge of how much she cared hurt him but for a few reasons. She walked out meaning she obviously didn't want him to see it and he felt it meant she didn't trust him, he also now thought she could never love him considering he hurt her so much and that she loved Bucky so much. He had mixed feeling of sorrow, Heartbreak, and fear knowing there was no way he was going to be able to preform with this in his mind. He walked out when the video finished his head hung low and his back arched as he past by her the words "I'm sorry" playing over and over in his head telling him to tell her, but he didn't know what to say as he looked to her hoping she would read the thoughts of his love and his sorrow so he didn't have to say anything.
Krystal put her tea down and sighed running a hand through her hair. "You don't have to apoligize. Its probably somehow my fault anyway. I guess I thought you wouldn't understand, especially the way you were shoving it under the carpet. I know our mission is just as important, but this is Bucky. Even seeing that video you couldn't understand how this hurts. I've spent 70 fucking years coming to terms with his death, and then boom! He's not dead, and working for the sleazeballs at hydra taboot. I just feel aweful, Clint. You've no clue." She said softly, though there was an edge to her voice that wasn't directed at clint. She was through dealing, and wanted just for all this to be over and to be able to curl up in Steve or someone's arms and just cry. "I need to save him, Clint. If for nothing else than for Bucky. If he knew who he was working for, he'd want to be saved. " she said, laying on the couch and just breaking out into tears again, because there was no need to hide from him anymore.
He stood straight every emotion he felt leaving his body when she began to cry, He felt even worse but he had to do something. Her current state would now cause him to reveal his feelings for her and hopefully JJ wasn't watching. He walked towards the couch seeing her body curled up crying hoping his next action would help. He kneeled over her body moving his face in front of hers while her eyes were closed. He pressed his lips against hers kissing her as he pulled her closer, the first kiss he had given her that wasn't because of the job. The difference was noticeable as well while he had been kissing her for a while to practice for the job this kiss was different he poured his heart into it hoping it would help before he broke the kiss "I'm sorry for what I said and I'm sorry for everything I said" he said worry in his voice
Krystal was shocked a moment before she kissed him back, running a hand down his back. She could feel the change, and wondered what had prompted it. The realization was quick, yet shocking, but she snuggled closer to him, tears calmed for now. She stroked his cheek, looking up at him with clear glacial blue eyes. "I forgive you arrow, and.. I love you too. I've been hiding it. Thinking you'd never see me like that. I'm sorry I'm so manic, but its important to me, and i've got alot on my mind." she said softly, relaxing into him. She couldn't believe she'd just told him, but he'd sort of told her first.

JJ had been watching, but he wasn't aware of why his mother cried. He smiled a little to himself, rolling his eyes. "He did just what I asked him not to. Lets hope he doesn't screw this up." he said to himself, deciding it was time he told Tony how he truly felt.
Clint blushed as she cuddled into him, His breathing slowed slightly unbelieving of what he had just done. He closed his eyes listening to her and shaking his head "It's okay, don't worry about it" he whispered before pulling her into a sitting position. He sat down and pulled her back into him. "I love you Krystal." he mumbled.
Krystal snuggled into him, letting him handle her, giving him a light kiss. She smiled up at him, playing with his hair. "Clint, we can save him, right? He needs to be saved. Don't doubt I love you Clint, but I need to save him." She told him, ready to cuddle for awhile before he went to work.

JJ went down to the lab, seeing Tony asleep at his desk. He shook him softly. "Time to wake up, genius boy." He said, putting his breakfast next to him.
Clint took a deep breath and shook his head "We can try, I'm not sure how it will turn out though" he said grabbing her hands and folding them. He sat behind her pulling her into him with his arms overlapping hers. He rocked back and forth holding her knowing it calmed her sometimes "I can't promise you anymore that everything will be alright but I can say that we will take them down" he said trying his best to comfort her.

Tony shook his head his eyes half open as the man woke him up with breakfast "hey JJ did you sleep well?" He asked stretching and standing from his chair. There was a pair of goggles that lay next to him on his desk and the suit in the back behind him. "Thanks for breakfast but you really didn't have to" he said looking over at the dinner that he never ate.
Krystal snuggled into clint, a hapoy sigh escaping her. It was nice to finally have someone to talk to about what she was feeling. "I'll try my best. For his sake." She said softly, giving clint a soft kiss. If bucky were watching now, he might feel jealous. She wondered, the smiled. "Can i invite him over for dinner? Lird knows hes probably living of store food cause bucky can't cook." She said with a slight chuckle, curious as to what that would bring.

JJ chuckled when he saw the uneaten dinner. "Working to hard again, tony?" He asked, handing the man a large cup of coffee. He knew how much he liked coffee. In his head though, his mind raced, hoping and praying hisbfriend didn't turn down his feelings, because he truly loved him.
Clint sighed playing with her hands "Well, considering he's brainwashed I doubt he'd want to come over but it's worth a shot" Clint said a little hesitant on it. Sure it was Bucky but they didn't even know what his mission was, whether he was sent to kill or what however it was obvious Hydra is onto them. What ever it is I can't let it effect me at work I'll be even more suspicious at that point He thought to himself taking slow breath a little worried about what the future held.

Tony bent backwards slightly cracking his back before looking to JJ "Well considering we've been looking for Shield Boy for almost 75 years now I thought you guys could use this, Well I didn't your mom did I just thought it could use a few..." he looked to goggle tapping at them "Improvements" He continued letting out a large breath. He moved his hand to the cup of coffee "thanks" he said taking a sip of it.
Krys smiled. "Thats true, but he showed himself to me. If he truly were sent to kill us, he would just donit. He's the winter soldier. Made to be a myth." She explained, giving him a kiss. She wondered what it wouldnbe like to have clints baby As she reclined. "Relax my love. Its going to be fine." She said, having a good feeling about all this.

JJ chuckled. "Mom's pretty genius with technology, and I know you are, so i'm sure they're brilliant." he said with a smile, giving Tony anlook that ordered the manbto eat. He knew that he hadn't eaten his dinner. "Its no trouble tony. I like spoiling you. Its your favorite." He said, smiling softly. He really did like pleasing tony despite being the dom, if they ever dated or had sex, which JJ was hopeful for.
Clint let out a large sigh before returning to his slow breathing "I know Krystal but still I just don't know, when I locked eyes with him they were pure white almost lifeless. Almost like a shell that wasn't meant to be cracked or opened." He held her close "A grim reaper in flesh" he said just the shear thought sent a shiver down his spine. Sure Krystal might have seen the man she loved but he wasn't sure if he was even human anymore.

Tony closed his eyes and sat back down to begin eating, The omelet was folded perfectly and the meat in it cooked beautifully it was almost as if JJ put all he could into it. He took another bite before grabbing the goggles and giving them to JJ "The button on the left side will show a sonic pulse that will outline walls people and if there is an open spot behind something it will show it, Sonar goggles basically. So you'd probably see him in the ice without a problem, if that's not go ahead and hit the button twice it will go into night vision mode and a third time will go into a heat signature mode." He chuckled knowing there was a few more he wanted to say but was laughing as he turned out the lights. "Try them on, hit it a fourth time and it will go into a battle ready vision mode that can pin point and target enemies while staying off friendlies. The rest is something I'd rather not do in here, could break something" continued taking another bite.
Krystal nodded. "I know, I saw it too. I also sawnin himnthe ideosyncracies he carried when we were you. He's burired, fighting to be let out." she told him, snuggling into him closely. It was nice to feel someone's arms around her. "So, we both know how we feel... so are we dating now arrow?" She asked, looking curious.

JJ smiled as he put the goggles on, going through them as tony was explaining, stopping at battle mode. He rested them on his forehead. "These are brilliant, tony. Thankyou. They'll help us find him quickly I hope." Hensaid, somehow his knowing his mother needed his uncle for some reason, but he didn't voice it. He knew everything would be revealednin good time as it always had been.
Clint blinked looking around the room and taking in a deep breath "I guess so, seems like the right thing to do" He smiled kissing her neck. His only worry about this was he would get to attached and Bucky would end up interfering because she wouldn't give up on him. He was truly town between getting his job done and making her happy and it wasn't sitting well with him.

Tony turned on the lights taking another bite and chewing before speaking "I can't mass produce them, Even if I could I wouldn't, but I can make a teams worth" He said knowing JJ knew he didn't trust shield still. There were to many questions left unanswered, and to many secrets being kept, the only reason tony worked with them is because Krystal asked him to.
Krystal let out a soft moan as he kisses her neck, relaxing more into him. Her neck was very sensitive. She looked out to the sky through the window, praying to whatever god was out therebthat she could save bucky. She loved clint anwhole lot, but bucky was important to her too. She needed him safe from harm.

JJ nodded. "A team's should be all we need anyway, and i've assembledbthem myself. My aunt peggy's neice, phil, myself, and if course natasha. You if b uou want. Only people I trust" he admitted, sipping his tea.
Clint looked to the clock seeing that they had only spent about 45 minute together and he didn't expect it to take to long to get ready, he looked down at her pulling her body a even closer to him. "two hours before my first meeting, I don't think I can do it" He said letting out another sigh "Natasha is the undercover master not me" he continued letting his head fall to one of his shoulder. Worried again about what possibilities could possibly come from this mission.

"Well I'm going to be implementing the vision modes into my new suit but I'm not going to be able to be with you guys everyday. I'll be helping when I can but I do have things here that need to be taken care of" He said finishing up the omelet. He stood up walking towards the suit which had not been painted over yet. "this particular suit will be more for heavy condition missions but it will be linked to my body like the past few" he said looking over the suit
Krystal scoffed, giving him a kiss. "You'll do fine arrow. Undercover work isn't so hard. You just have to be yourself, but as someone else." She advised sagely, having fone this plenty of times before. She rubbed his back a little, kissing him again. "When you get home, i'll have a few good surprises for you, okay? You'll be okay. Promise." She soothed, snuggling into him and turning on the tv. Captain reruns still played, and she chuckled, though she missed her friend.

JJ smiled. "I know you won't tony, but I appreciate the help anyway. We need to find him for mom. I know she cries about him." He said, taking the plate away when he'd finished. "Tony, can we talk?" He asked, suddenly blushing and nervous, hoping tony wouldn't turn him down.
Clint nodded understanding what she meant but still not sure what to do, Be himself unfortunately that meant his life was based around bows and thats all he knew. "Be myself doesn't quite help me Krys" he said watching as she turned on the TV. Seeing all the captain america reruns "does this channel ever show something else" he said chuckling and forgetting about the mission. He knew she enjoyed them and had been told many times that he wasn't proud of any of the shows or movies he did. He had also been told steve hated doing the stage shows but did it because they wouldn't let him fight yet. "Well if I ever meet him I guess I'll have something to talk about" he chuckled again watching the re-run.

Tony nodded at JJ's words knowing he was right about Krystal crying, he took in a deep breath with his eyes pointed towards the suit before locking them with JJ "Unfortunately your mother cries about alot of people sometimes it's hard to tell who she's crying about" he said quickly changing his attitude when JJ asked to talk. "Considering we were already talking I would say your wish has already been granted but what's up?" He asked interested in what he wanted to say.
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