A (fake) marrige made in hawkeye heaven (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Clint put her baggage closing it and then walking to the door. "Comfortable Celeste?" He said sliding in and next to her holding her tight. He held her this way the entire drive getting used to the feeling not worried as much about the mission as she was. He looked at the cab driver who was paying attentiom to the rode rather then talking so he could get a better look at the guys face. He wondered how things would turn out but trusted her abilities and knew if they played it smart things would turn out alright.
Krystal smiled and snuggled into hiqm as he pulled her close, giving him a light kiss. "Now I am Jem." She said, admiring her shining ring. She had outdone herself this time. On the way to the airport, she fell asleep in his arms innocently, her mental exhaustion taking her. She slept peacefully with no dreams or nightmares, opqetnng her eyes just as the taxi came to a stop. She wiped the sleep from her eyes, being the first to get out of the car. Krystal opened the trunk, pulling out their luggage and waiting for Clint to follow. Even if she was leary, she was also excited. She hoped to make the handsome archer fall for her.
He was quick to grab the tickets and get the baggage going to the plane, he kept her close getting the feeling of being watched at all times. Once they were through security he walked with her knowing that there was at least an hour before their flight left. He looked around him the feeling growing more and more piercing. "Hey Cel, have you ever felt like you were being watched?" he said looking around to no avail. he stopped walking in the middle of the hall only to be pushed by a man who was trying to get through. The man had most of his face covered in bandages and his long dark brown hair covered part of his eye. He didn't say anything as he continued to walk and sit by the door to their plane.
Krystal nodded. "All the yime Jem." She admitted softly, following him to where they would wait for the plane. She looked curious as she sensed something from long ago, pulling at Clint's shirt after the man had passed. She whispered softly to clint. "I think that was bucky..." she was very close as she said it and she could almost sense the bandaged man watching her cuddle up to her "husband." If it reallg was bucky, how was he still so young?
The man looked down and crossed his arms his long jacket covering his upper body, the gloves he wore matched the jackets black color and he gripped tighter feeling something he had never known before. He looked at the couple who stood still in the walkway briefly before closing his eyes which were the only part of his body not covered other then his hair. His eyes were young and his skin seemed unharmed so why did he wear the bandages clint thought as he turned the other way.

Clint nodded thinking it was the only reason he would wear bandages "Keep your eyes peeled but don't get your hopes up" he said raising his head towards the opposite wall "If that is him by that push he certainly isn't friendly" he said picking up his briefcase and walked towards two open seats. He sat hanging onto her sitting in wait of what was to come.
Krystal discreetly looked at the man, though she snuggled into clint, happy to be with him. While she knew he didn't feel the same, it was a comfort to be in someone's arms for a change. He so reminded her of bucky in the way he held her. She rested her head on his shoulder, kissing his cheek softly as she snuggled closer.

"I know I shouldn't, but the energy is the same. If it really is him, i need to save him, Jem. You've no idea" she said softly, crying into his shirt. She still carried so much guilt over bucky's death, blaming herself for not being able to catch him when he fell, or as ot seemed now, found him before HYDRA had.
He stroked her hair trying to calm her down as he held her close "It's okay, It's a one in a billion chance it's him." he said knowing she had always felt him to still be alive. "Let's focus on the task at hand and if it turns out to be him we'll have JJ look into it." he said hoping the hour would pass quickly as he continued to comfort her. He held onto her knowing if she didn't she might do something rash but trusted her enough to keep his grip light. "The 10:15 flight to new york is landing currently and will be ready to depart in 15 minutes" he heard a voice say over the intercom. He sighed "and now it begins" He said knowing that it had begun the moment they left the hotel.
Krystal snuggled into him, sniffling a bit. "I know, but i can feel him. Stronger than I ever have since his death." She wispered softly, looking up at him. Her heart hurt rightnow, and she was ready to get to thir house and relax. She wanted to get away from the feeling that bucky was near. "Jem, I love you." She told him softly, drawing circles on his chest. Clint wouldn't know she was also admitting how she really felt for him. When it was tome to board, she clinged to him, snuggling into him as they took their seats. "I'm gonna rest Jem." she told him, snuggling close, the bandaged man sitting on her other side.
Clint froze at her words "I- I love you too cel" he said swallowing his awkwardness, sure it was just for show but it really was odd to him. they're group was called up and they walked onto the plane the bandaged man being in the next group. He sat down across from them hearing what they spoke but not giving much thought to it. he looked to his left arm clenching it looking at it in disgust. Clint nodded giving her a kiss as she leaned into him. He looked at the man carefully trying to keep from making himself look suspicious "He seems to have something with his left side, then why wear the bandages?" He thought not entirely convinced it was the missing bucky.
Krystal relaxed a little at the sound of his voice saying it as she cuddled close, even though she knew for him it was just for show. She wished it were his true feelings though, seeing as she had fallen even harder for him in the time time he had stayed with her. Krystal napped on the plane, her dreamsnonly of bucky, and you could softly mutter his name. Clint would know she was dreaming of bucky the way she clinged to him in her sleep, though her face pointed toward the bandaged man, grabbing his hand as she slept with an iron grip, magic unintentionally running through him, showing him just what she was seeing, though her other hand was firmly grasping clints. She didn't know what she was doing.
The bandaged man saw the visions wondering what the hell was going on. He looked around seeing a couple in the distance. One looking like the woman he currently sat next to and one looking familiar though he had no clue why. He looked around watchung the scenes change and the feeling of seeing all of this before. He shook his head snapping out of it feeling his left arm surge with power he hadn't seen before. He roughly snapped his arm away from hers waking her up as he jumd up and looked at her his gaze almost that of death itself. He turned from her scoffing as he walked down the walkway to the open restroom feeling the power still pulsing through him.

Clint looked away feeling her cling to him "must be bucky again" he thought giving a heavy sigh as he looked the other way not realizing that she was grabbing the man's hand. When he jumped giving them a stare like no human would he gave it right back knowing it was krystals doing. He looked around as the man left seeing all eyes on them as he leaned back pulling her with him. "Damnit krystal you have to be more careful" he said using her real name to show how serious the matter was. He had his mouth next to her ear so no one could hear but still it wasn't the greatest of ideas. "Please don't do that again" he whispered his hand clenching, slight fear of the man's stare being shown.
Before the man pulled his hand away, she saw something sge hadn't before. dhr looking at it through his eyes, and she saw Dr. Zola, calling him Sgt Barnes, and looking at his new metal arm. She had flashes of the brainwashing, could feel it happening. When the connection broke, she awoke, eyes showing distress. "I'm sorry." she muttered meekly, every part of her body slumping.

Krystal could hear clints words in her ear, and she clung to him, shaking. She was still so shook up from what she had seen. "I'm sorry Jem" she said outwarly, though in his head, she showed him all of what she'd seen, shaking. Now she was even more convinced she'd found bucky.
The man closed the door behind him taking off the large jacket showing revealing the metal arm he was hiding "Damn it" He said to himself clenching his arm. "Who are they?" he wondered closing his eyes as he leaned against the door. He imagined what he had seen wondering what could possibly be going on he took the glove of looking at the metal arm he thought of as an abomination trying to forget what he had seen.

He held her tightly feeling her shake wondering if it was because of him, he stopped himself realizing it wasn't because of him he raised the arm rest allowing her to get even closer to him. "If this is in my head we're fine to use real names" he thought knowing she could hear him since she spoke in his head "Krystal you need to tell me what's going on" He said leaning his chin on her head trying to calm her.
The bandaged man eouldn't know tuis, but now thag Krystal's magic coursed through him again, it would gradually heal all that was keeping him from her. HYDRA woild no longer be able to brainwash him because of the pure love that had been in her accidental release of magic.

Krystal snuggled into him sadly, talking to him telepathically. "It is in your mind, arrow." She told him before she began to explain her theory of hiw that was bucky, but he didn't know who he was. "They have him so brainwashed, he'd kill steve if he crossed his path wrong. He must be here for a reason. I have to save him." She added, snuggling into him, blocking her thoughts from clint now. She didn't want him to know how badly this really was taking a toll.
"Don't worry krystal I have a feeling we will see him again" he moved his arms around her waist to hold her close "Just don't do anything stupid leave him be for the plane ride I feel we will cross paths again" He whispered into her ear closing his eyes. "Go back to sleep we'll switch seats for now you just rest" he said before pushing himself to the middle seat and switching where he sat.
Krystal snuggled into him, yawning as he switched seats with her. "Okay Jem, goodnight. I love you." she said, giving him a groggy kiss before falling asleep yet again, this time her sleep dreamless, and until the plane had landed. When they left the terminal, there was a complementary Limo waiting for them as a present from the CEO. It was a sort of a welcoming present. The driver put their things into the trunk, and hey drove back to the house that tony had bought them. A lovely Old refurbished Victorian mansion, which Tony had taken the liberty of furnishing with all the tech he could, including JARVIS. that had been JJs idea though, so he could keep an eye on lint and his mother. He as worried for them. Wait until he saw who his mother would befriend, his father.
Clint sat in silence as the man came back with his jacket and gloves covering his body again. "Sorry my wife is really tired and didn't know what she was doing." Clint said giving the man a straight face with no emotion to it at all. The man knew nothing of these two or even himself but he did know manners and his own job, if he was going to get the job finished he needed to stay away from causing a scene. "It's quite alright" he said though his face showed that he didn't care either way. He sat back down quietly with his arms crossed. Clint sat back taking a look to see why in the hell he would wear such a huge jacket on a plane so hot especially if their destination was New York. He saw a glimpse of metal under his sleeve when his jacket adjusted by sitting back. Clint looked the other way towards Krystal "Could she be right is that him?" He thought to himself waiting for the plane to land so they could get away from the man.

He planned there to be someone sent by the CEO "good thing I wore something nice" he thought, giving the driver his bags. They got to the house quickly sending the driver away before he had the chance to try and get into the house. He grabbed his bags giving krys hers before opening the door, The door closed hearing the voice of jarvis as the door closed. "You guys even put jarvis in?" he asked knowing krys had been here everyday and he hadn't even seen it yet.
Krystal took her bags from him, giving his cheek a light kiss. It was partly for appearance and partly because she wanted to. She already loved him, so it wasn't particularly hard for her to pretend about that aspect of it. When she had gotten inside, she smiled. "It was JJ's idea. He's a bit of a worry wart. He gets it from Stevie." she admitted, glad that she didn't have to pretend here. Unless one of "Jeremy's" new business associates was here, they had the freedom to act as they normally would. She had heavily charmed the house with old fae magic so that anyone with nefarious purposes against them would not be able to find it. She had pulled many all-nighters on making this house look just perfect, and she admitted, She wouldn't actually mind living there after the mission. She had done a good job.

Krystal smiled softly, flipping on some music. The stereo was that of surround sound in the whole house, each room having at least 2 speakers. The music was a shuffle of every type of music she had ever liked in her long life, starting with an old jazz song, which made her bite back tears. It was their song, Bucky and hers. The one they had first danced to the night they met. She sang along flawlessly as she put away both hers and Clint's clothes away, because she was sure Clint was already busy in the basement shooting range. When she was finished with putting away the clothes, she started dinner, deciding to make macaroni and cheese, steak, and fried onion rings. It was one of her specialties, and she could make it magic or no. When she was finished, she set the smallish table in the dining room, and called down to Clint. "Dinner, Jem!" she yelled, only to keep in practice. They couldn't afford to make a mistake.
He rolled his eyes at the thought of JJ's worrying thinking JJ being worried does not call for him installing Jarvis. "Alright well, since you've been here I'm gonna look around" he said realizing she had already started cleaning. He chuckled seeing that she was really getting into this mission before walking the house it was beautiful but definitely not the modern feel he was used to. He walked downstairs into the basement finding a note left for him by tony. "Clint, I thought you might not get the feel for this house in fact I told her you might not so we came up with this idea so you would get used to it." He read to him self eye brow raised in interest.

"In the basement, where I hopefully left the note, you will see a work tool bench thankfully we know your hobbies so we knew what to put in the house" He shook his head in disbelief about how badly written the letter was but there was still more to go."Anyway Krystal and I agreed to put in something you would like so why don't you check out your work station you may find something you like. Good luck, Tony" the note finished but he wondered what he could mean he walked over to the station touching the tools seeing what he meant. "They're nice tools but what the hell tony" he said giving a sigh grabbing the table feeling another peice of paper he ripped it off taking the tape with it as he read what it said. "Just put your hand on the corner of it smart guy" it said though it wasn't signed "very nice tony" clint said shaking head as he place his right hand on the the top corner of it.

The wall qucikly moved inward with the tool bench splitting by an originally unnoticable cut down the middle. "You both outdid yourself he laughed seeing it open into a giant room with what seemed to be a gun counter. The room must have taken up atleast 450 feet and only one solution he could think of that woukd allow this much space for a house just inside the city limit. He looked around trying to find any signs of possible fae magic but none could be seen, not to his eyes at least. It didn't take long for him to hear that she was calling him and he soon realized that he had spent an hour looking for one hint of fae magic.
The table and food were already set, and krystal found herself relaxing, waiting for clint to come back upstairs. She sang softly to the jazz music on the stereo, eyes closed. The soothing sounds brought her back to her few wonderful years with her dear bucky, and wonderful, brave, yet stupid steve. It was a simpler time. She missednit, and yet at the same time she didn't. It was just that days like this reminded her of bucky, and it hurt. When clint would find her, she'd be singing softly, tears streaming down her face, clutching the locket, digtags and engagement ring bucky gave her. She almost that man from the plane was her buckeye.
He looked around for another button to hit hearing jarvis speak from the room "sir miss Krystal is upstairs waiting for you" clint hooked his hands on his waist looking up "yes jarvis I know kind of trying to close this" Clint said looking at the ceiling, where the voice was coming "Might you try the panel on the door sir" clint being very perceptive and having not seen a panel doubted his words and laughed looking at the large door opening into the basement. He pressed his hands against the large walls "no panel jarvis" he said bluntly laughing though a little frustrated. "Not those doors sir the basement door" jarvis said a small glass panel now glowing next to the door. Clint walked to it pressing his hand on it hearing the walls close "thank you jarvis" he said sounding defeated and feeling stupid.

He walked up to the living room hearing the jazz music and recognizing it from the stories Steve had tols about his times with bucky and krystal. Having known most of their dirty secrets asa best friend to one a potential lover to the other but he never admitted to this fact. He saw that she was crying and holding the necklaces and stayed to the side to let her finish, he let the song finish then turned it off knowing if the album itself continued it would become worse. He stood in front of her wiping the tears from her face before taking her hand and turning her towards him with a smile on his face saying nothing knowing it could be worse if he did.
Krystal looked up at him, blue eyes sad and vulnerable. Her usually prettilyand precise makeup ran down her cheeks, and she looked as though she had been crying for awhile. "Clint, its been so long. Why does it still hurt so badly?" She asked, sniffling a bit. She was calmer now, but still nof quite right. She wanted Bucky. She wanted him back in her arms. She smiled lightly, though there was a meekness tonit she rarely showed. "After dinner, will you hold me awhile? Normally the jazz music wouldn't faze me, but with thet prospect of him being alive? It makes the old scars become new." She admitted, her whole body showinv how beaten up she was by this. She had no idea that Bucky watched b her from the shadows, her magic coursing through him.
He nodded smiling "it'll be okay" he said taking her hand and walking with her. He sat her down in front of the food grabbing his and bringing it right next to hers and then grabbed a chair sitting right next to her to comfort her. It was a quiet dinner almost nothing was said but he looked over to her every now and then to make sure she was okay. When they finished he took the plates and put them in the sink rinsing them off as well as washing his hands. He had only one thought in his head now, Make her happy at all costs, fake marriage or no he would give her anything she wanted to keepcher from crying once more.
Krystal smiled a little, nodding. She wiped away her tears and ate in silence, the food a comfort. When the were finished, she took a shower, letting the sound and warmth of the water calm her. She dried her hair, leaving it down just like Bucky had liked it best. She put on a SSR tshirt much to big for her, and a pair of panties under it, snuggling herself in It and sitting on the couch. "Come cuddle me?" She asked Clint innocently, almost hiding in the tshirt that still smelt like Bucky. He had given it to her before he went on the mission that killed him. She only wore it when feeling really lonely, as it was a comfort and a promise of his coming back. Even after all these years, and the impossible odds, Krystal still held hope that he was alive.
Clint smiled at her long hair and the fact she was practically hiding her body in the shirt, He nodded sitting next to her pulling her into his embrace. He held her close in silence wanting to say it would be okay but he truly wasn't sure, after seeing the robotic arm on the plane if what she had thought was true there would be hell to pay. Granted there was no Captain America around anymore he died crashing a plane into the ground. So there was no way to possibly stop him especially if he was under the control of Hydra, Clint stopped worrying about it remembering she could tap into his thoughts if she felt like it. He yawned the plane flight having been extremely long with absolutely no sleep but he didn't care keeping her as close to him as he could.
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