A (fake) marrige made in hawkeye heaven (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Krystal chuckled a little. "You think i'm afraid of James Buchanan Barnes? Hehe. I'm as strong as Steve, and I have more power. You forget, I can control metal. I'll be able too take him down if need be. But if he is who i think he is. That magic that I accidentally released should be reacting with the magic that has been in him since we met. You know the side effects of falling for a fae." she admitted, mood already improving. She knew how close JJ was to finding Steve. This would be a good thing. She would get the both back. Her men. Krystal breathed in the scent of both Clint and the shirt, relaxing into her friend. It was a comfort to be in someone's arms for a change. She could get used to this.
He smiled lightly knowing she was right "I know you could and I know the effects" he said chuckling a little. "The main reason I keep our relationship professional" he chuckled not knowing her feelings on the matter. The feeling of keeping her close was nice though he expected JJ to call to tell him to stop.
Krystal chuckled as well, but it was more in an attempt to keep herself from spilling her feelings. She wanted so badly to be his lover, maybe evennhis wife, but now she knew how he felt about it, she was feeling depressed. "Loving a fae is a complicated thing. Do you think JJ will ever admit his feelings to tony? Poor boy is suffering for no reason. Tony adores him." She admitted, sighing. All she wanted was for her son to be happy, and she knew he could be with tony. Krystal relaxed into clint, sighing softly. Hopefully everything would fall into place.
"I don't know" he said chuckling "tony's a little more confident in himself then I" he muttered quietly hoping she hadn't heard him. He had known the effects of loving a fae for a long time but before that he had fallen for Krys only to find out what it could do later in time. He trained himself day and night to stop his wants for her knowing that it could cause unneeded distractions. "I will say if it happens I have no doubt they would marry quickly" he said sighing imagining what it would be like with Krystal stopping himseld quickly before it got out of hand. "Hey krys, what are your thoughts on this mission?" He closed his eyes as she lay ion his chest. "Why did they need two people you probably could've done this one by yourself with no problem" he waved his hand through her feeling how soft and lovely it was.
Krystal sighed. "I hope onebofbthem confesses soon. I hate seeing my little soldier in such pain." she admitted sadly, thinking of her son. The two ofbthem were extremely close, but she knew he needed a man in his life. JJ is so madly in love with Tony, as madly as she was with his father. She was sure Tony is JJ's soulmate. She gave clint a light and kind of absentminded kiss, chuckling a little. "Nick explained it to me. The CEO is a 90 year old mysoginistoc pig. He wouldn't have accepted a woman in such a high posistion, and i prefer to not have a cock. Its annoying. Besides, a married couple looks less conspicuous." she said, snuggling into him. It was nice to have aomeone other than her loud not brother brother Thor to cuddle with.
It was nice to have someone in his arms and it was someonehe had been in love with previously, unfortunately he blocked his feelings long ago making it so he only thought of her as a friend. He took in a deep breath understanding the mission better now, he closed his eyes taking a deep breat "I guess of understand now" he said quietly "well I have to meet him in the morning, that's gonna be fun" he chuckled obvious sarcasm in his voice.
Krystal nodded. "Yeah, no offence to guys, but I prefer having a vagina. Though, I have masqueraded as a man before. In fuedal Japan I kept myself shifted into a man for 20 years, for samurai training. I really don't like it." She admitted, chuckling as she thought back. She had adored all those men, even if they were all mysoginistic. They were wonderful men, and she had touched them with a little of her magic only to make sure they became happy. She never liked seeing those she loved in pain. Krystal relaxed into clint's arms, mulling over the reasons He would want to keep it professional. "You do know that you're safe from the madness right? I'm queen, so my gancanaugh power is negated." She said kind of non-chalantly, curious of his reaction. She had no idea just how in love Clint is with her.
He chuckled at her words "yea being a man can suck but I'd rather have my own problems then have the bitchy attitude of some women" he chuckle hoping she knew he wasn't talking about her. Overall he was joking in general but he had met a lot of woman who only cared about themselves and what they felt. Krystal was different, yes she often did things out of personal gain but she cared about almost everyone she met and hated when she let them down. He laid his head back closing his eyes as he listened to her voice calming and lovely but he did not expect her to say what she did. Negated!? He thought as his head jumped from the position it was in, now it was fairly obvious that he was surprised by this and every locked up feeling he had for her was ready to punch it's way out of the the "jail cell" he hid them in. He tried playing it cool though anyone who knew him could tell by his voice he was a bit nervous now. "No I did not know that but thanks for telling me" He said his head slowly moving back to it's positioning.
Krystal chuckled too. "Yeah, having been both sexes, i can honestly say we both have our own problems." she said, rolling her eyes a little. while it sucked to be a girl, it also sucked to be a guy. she was curious as Clint seemed to tense with nervousness as he found out the truth, and she turned to kiss him before going to get the door. Surprisingly a man stood there, deep grey blue eyes looking her up and down. "Hello, i'm Celeste Barnes. Can I help you with something sir?" she asked, guessing by the feel of the energy that it was the same man from the plane.
His grey eyes examined her after hearing her last name was barnes it was almost as if it was trying to jog his memory. He shook his head snapping himself out of it before putting on a very loose smile. "Hi I noticed that you just moved in and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood" he said with a very cheery sounding tone. He hadn't been around the neighborhood long infact he had only moved in a few weeks ago at least that was the story he would give them if they asked. He looked to Krystal and then looked to the inside of the house just to get a peak. He took a note in his head that nothing seemed to suspicious it was just an older refurbished house. He gave another loose smile before looking back to krystal "I would love to stay and chat but I'm a little busy with some paper work but I'm a few houses down if you ever want to say hello" he said before turning and walking down the steps onto the sidewalk. He walked down the street a little before looking to see if there were any cars coming, when there were none driving down the street he crossed over and walked up the stairs to a similar looking old victorian house they lay just 3 houses down from theirs.
Krystal smiled at the man. "Well, feel free to drop by anytiime here too. I'm almost always home, unless i'm getting groceries! Do you have a name, stranger?" she asked with her mixed texan and brooklyn accetnts, smiling sat b him still. She couldn't help but smile around him, evennifnit made her sad to see him like this. It hurt her to think that to him she wasbthe enemy. Krystal gave him a quick kiss to the cheek chastely, handing him a smallish pie. "As a present from me. I'll be sure to come see you." She said, blushing slightly. She had forgotten to change before getting the door.
Clint heard her speaking and then the door he watched as she walked in noticing she didn't change or atleast put pants on before going to the door. He was still a little jumpy from what ahe had said earlier but even then he still couldn't pass up this opportunity. He cracked a smile before it grew into large laugh "so who was at the door?" He asked knowing it had to be one of the neighbors "Because I'm pretty sure who ever it was did not expect you to open the door without pants" he laughed but at the same time also felt bad. He stopped laughing trying to hold it in but it was still obvious he was chuckling under his closed mouth.
Krystal made a face, but she chuckled as well. "Oh, it was Bucky. Yeah, i'm positive now. Saw him with my own eyes. He doesn't know me though. told him he could come see me anytime. He lives down the street." she said non-chalantly, plopping back down on the couch and flipping on the TV. Re-runs of the old Captain America serials were on, in honor of Steve's birthday, and Krystal chuckled. If Steve knew they did this, he would die from embarrassment. He hated these old war films. Krystal smiled a little as she watched them, chuckling to herself. Her best friend was so awkward, even when he was being a captain. It made her miss him. She hoped that she would see him again.
Clint's face became flushed as he heard her Bucky's voice again "Krystal I know you're set on saving him and we'll do our best to do so but he isn't our mission" He said knowing that when she thought to do something it was hard to convince her to stop. He watched as she sat down next to him turning on the TV to see Steve's old war films and he wondered if they would ever find his body where ever hew was. "I have to be up early in the morning so I'm going to go to bed" He said giving her a kiss before retiring to the bedroom.
Krystal nodded. "I know he isn't arrow, but even Nicky can't fault me for trying." she admitted, forgetting she had promised not to use that nickname around the archer. She sat down, a small smile on her face as she saw the war films on. She knew her son was working tirelessly to find him for her. JJ understood just what both his father and uncle had meant to her. She kissed him back, nodding. "okay arrow. i'm gonna stay yup a bit longer." she said, smiling softly. when she was sure he was asleep, She called the only person she knew she could trust. "Tonykins, can I tell you something? you have to promise not to tell JJ though. I don't want to get his hopes up until i'm sure i an manage doing this and my mission." she said over the phone, the nickname used only as a marker for how serious this is. He knew she only called him that when she was feeling very vulnerable.
Clint gave her another kiss smiling lightly as he headed up to the to the bedroom, he fell asleep effortlessly knowing she would be in soon. He was unaware of what she was doing as he fell into a deep sleep no thoughts in his head to stop him. Tony picked up the phone as he was putting the last touches on a new suit that he had been thinking of. He heard the name she used and it worried him she had never called him that, only when something dangerous was about to happen or if something had worried her. "Krys? Is everything alright?" What's going on? Is clint okay?" He hit her with questions left and right until she stopped him so she could speak and when she did tony was petrified and could see why she was worried.
Krystal couldn't get a word in edgewise, until she stopped him. "Clint is fine, missionnis going well. But I may have a serious problem. Bucky is alive, tony. I saw him with my own eyes. He diesn't know who hebis though, and I think he might be HYDRA. I need to help him, but i'm not sure how. Its all my fault hes not here now. That JJ grew up fatherless. If I hadn't been pregnant, i could have saved him." She lemented, on the verge of tears now. She hadn't shown Clint the full painnit caused her because she didn't know if she could trust him with her burdened heart. While she loved him, she was still twitchy about showing all she felt. "Tonykins... I just don't know what to do. I can't let HYDRA have him any longer. He was never meant for this, and if he knew what-who he was wirking for, he'd want to be saved." she said, now letting the tears come over the phone. Tony would know just how much this hurt her just byw that. No one ever saw or heard Krystal cry. If you did, you knew something was eating up at her so badly she could handle it no more.
"Hey, hey, hey Krys it's okay." Tony knew how much it hurt her unfortunately he wasn't in much of a position too help her right now. "Krystal hey I can't really help in a close quarters way right now but I'm here" he said not quite sure what to say "Do you want me to get fury to get an agent and grab him or what would you like?" He asked knowing there had to be something he could do, he heard her start to cry and that's when he knew it was even worse then he had thought. "Krystal" He said worry in his voice as there was nothing he could do. He covered the phone so he could speak out loud without her hearing. "Jarvis I want you to record her she may not want Clint to see her but if she is going to get over this she needs to see it." Tony said hearing Jarvis reply "Yes sir do you want me to make a wake up call?" Jarvis said knowing Krystal would be able to tell if he began recording. "Only if she turns off your camera" Tony said returning to Krystal. "It's okay I'm here just calm down." Little did Tony know that Jarvis was always recording on JJ's orders.
Krystal took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself. She shook her head. "No tony. He's to dangerous. Hes super soldier dangerous." she admitted sadly, still breathing in as she sniffled. She knew JJ was recording. She didn't want her son seeing this, and not because she was crying. "Jarvis, I want you to strike from 8:00 to now from the record. I know JJ is recording this, and I don't want to give him any false hope. Knowing his dad is alive could possibly get him killed in the state Bucky's in right now." She explained, taking in another breath. Just having someone to talk to who understood how she was feeling helped, but truthfully she needed steve. She needed him more now than she ever had, because he was the only one who could honestly understand what she was going through. "Tony. I need you to do something for me. I know JJ has tirelessly been looking, but I need him. You've no idea how much I need him. I need you to find Steve. Please." She said, voice quiet and full of vulnerability. Tony would know just how important this was.
He heard he speak through the phone and he blocked the phone again "Jarvis keep the footage but don't let JJ see it, if anyone will help her it needs to be Clint" He said knowing that this would be extremely important. Jarvis listened to Krystal and then heard Tony speak and hey complied, sure Jarvis was programmed to listen to Krystal but tony had authority over her at least when it came to Jarvis. "Krystal I promise you I will find him and I will do my best to find him quickly." He said although he wasn't quite sure. The trail had gone cold and there weren't many clues to go off of in fact the only real clue was what he had told Agent Carter just before he had crashed.
At hearing that, Krystal relaxed a bit. She let out a breath. "Thank you tony. You've no idea how much it means to me. I'm sending over some blue prints for something that might help. A sonic pulsation device that Howard and i designed before his death. I hadn't thought about it until now, but the hydra ships emit a certain kind of energy that the device is programmed to pick up. I've no idea why i never thought to build it for all these years." she admitted with a sigh, praying that it worked. She knew that tony would enhance and modify the design, and certainly improve upon it. Hopefully it was just what they needed to find Steve. She needed him now more than ever. All this was taking a huge toll on her, and he as the oly one who could truly understand the pain of it all.
He heard his email go off before he looked to the computer using his hand to create a large see through screen that now show the blue prints. "all right I see it now go to bed. You really need the sleep, cuddle close with Clint if it helps" he said examining the design on his screen to see if there was anything he could do to enhance it. "Goodnight" he continued hitting the end button and sighing. "Jarvis we got a long few days ahead of us" He said walking towards his new suit. He looked at the suit and then at the blueprints "So then where should we start?" he said grabbing some tools from behind him
Krystal yawned, sniffing the shirt and hugging herself tightly. "Okay tony. Make sure you get some sleep to sweetie." Knowing full well how weird Tony's hours could be. She ran a hand through her hair, and sighed. "Night" she added, watching as the call ended and turned the TV off, going up the bedrrom. She climbed into bed next to clint snuggling him close. "I love you, clint. I'm sorry i'm so manic, but there's just so much on my mind. She whispered softly into his chest, soon dozing off and dreaming of her yet to be son with clint. She wouldn't know how light the man slept and that he'd heard what she'd said.

Jarvis's tone altered slightly, reflecting his concern for Krystal. "Sir, might I suggest the device? Miss Krystal seemed quite distraught." He admitted before quieting. Even the AI knew how unusual it was for Krystal to cry, and took note with worry in his own way.
While he was not aware of the situation and he was asleep as her arms wrapped around him and her head went into his chest he smiled. He held her close never wanting to let go even as they slept, his body embraced her even when he wasn't aware of it. Tony looked up sighing "yes jarvis I know but maybe she should trust who she is with right now." He said knowing it sounded harsh. "Don't get me wrong I am going to find him for her but I still have no clue how quickly I can do it." He said walking over to the blueprints again.
Krystal snuggled into him, her dreams peaceful for once. If Steve popped in at all, it was simply to give her hugs while Clint was off on a mission, and the heavily pregnant fae demanded cuddles. In her dreams everything worked out, including bucky. They got him away from hydra. She slept soundly all night, her dreams keeping her heartache at bay.

Jarvis sighed. "I think she does, sir. Its just she belives mr clint sees her only as a friend. With this new developsment, miss krystal is running for the unfound captain, because she believes him the only one who would really understand her pain. As for the device, I have faith in you sir." he said in a flat tone, still recording over at krystal and clints, and still worrying in his way.
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