A (fake) marrige made in hawkeye heaven (Krystal x KGT Witty)

He looked to her noticing that she was scooting closer and it wasn't sitting right with him He couldn't even sit this close to her without feeling weird. "No, thank you I don't eat fast food" He finally spoke again seeing her getting closer to him again making his heart pound as if it remembers her but he doesn't. He stood again "Okay well as long as your fine I'm glad" He said beginning to walk towards the door "I'll see you later " tonight he said reaching out for the door.

tony watched as JJ's cum shot onto the bed "JJ you're gonna mess up my bed" Tony chuckled before moaning letting his cum shoot into JJ's tight ass. He couldn't hold it anymore and it was amazing that he had held it in so long already.
Krystal grabbed his arm. "No, please stay. I-I don't want to be alone. Jeremy won't be home for hours. I-I need someonebto stay with me. Please " she said softly, her whole body looking quite deflated. She needed him right now. She was so alone, and it was Steve's birthday. She couldn't handle the stress. Not today.

JJ moaned out loudly, though he chuckled. "Sorry tonykiNs. I'll clean it up." He said, swishing his hand and the cum disappeared, moaning louder as he felt tony cum in him. This was amazing
Bucky let out a sigh looking back to her letting go of the door "alright I'll stay" he said really uneasy about the situation. He still had no clue why he felt horrible when he was near her but he had to deal with it at this point. Something about leaving her felt even worse to him allow he wanted to, he walked back to her sitting on the couch again feeling her body brush up against him making him shiver slightly.

Tony chuckled lightly feeling his hot cum sliding down his shaft, JJ's tight ass sitting all the way down his cock tightly wrapped around his cock.
Krystal smiled softly, letting go of his arm. "Thank you for staying, Sebby. I appreciate it so very much." She told him as she sipped on her strawberry milk shake, jarvis flipping on som jazz music frommthe late 30s and early 40s. She sang along softly, wanting to just snuggle up in his arms, but nit sure how received that would be. She held her bear. "This is my Bucky bear. My deceased fiancee won it for me when we went to coney island." she said softly, looking vulnerable though she smiled.

JJ smiled, kissing tony softly, snuggling close. "I love you tony. Please don't ever leave me. It would destroy me." He admitted, his grey blue eyes looking quite vulnerable. He loved this man to the bottom of his soul, and him leaving might actually kill him.
Bucky leaned back hearing the songs causing memories to flash through his head though he didn't know what they were from. He brushed them off the song making the memories more vivid but more confusing to him before he tuned them out not paying attention anymore. He looked down top her singing the songs softly and without realizing he began singing the songs softly as well. It was almost as if he had heard them before but he didn't remember, Like if someone deep inside of him was trying to break free of what was holding him in. He blanked out having no idea that he was singing softly and no clue that he was pulling her closer into his arms.

"Oh really, would it have destroyed you if I wasn't caught that day?" He asked chuckling slightly meaning for it to be a joke. "I won't JJ I promise if I did Fury would drag me back anyway, Not to mention what Krystal would do" He kissed JJ full of love never wanting to leave his side anymore.
Krystal noticed him pulling her closer, and she smiled a little, letting him do it, relaxing into him. She sang softly, leaning into him, smiling as she heard him sing along too. She had missed this, just the two of them, snuggling and singing together. It was an almost daily occurance back before the war. She kissed his cheek, really wanting to kiss his lips. But knowing that was not a good idea. "Thank you, sebby." She whispered softly, snuggling closer out of both habit and need of someone.

JJ frowned. "You mean if the hulk hadn't saved you? I don't think I would have survived that. I think that I would have pined away until I too died. You've no clue how much I love you, Tony." He told the other softly, chuckling a bit. He knew his mother would likely kill tony if he left him. Though, judging by the way he was kissing him now, he didn't see that happening anytime soon.
At this point it's as if he wasn't caring anymore, almost as if everything that made him The Winter Soldier had dissapeared and been replaced with someone else. He nodded slowly having heard her call him sebby, his fake name being Sebastian though he had never even mentioned it. He looked over to her still before stopping and nodding "of course celeste but I think this is something jeremy should be doing, not me" he said now realizing what he was doing though something kept him from stopping it. Neither of them aware that Clint would ve returning soon.

"Yes I do mean that and I do now" he said knowing more then anyone how scary krystal can be. He loved her dearly having known her a long time but it was very rare that she was angry though when she was she could tear cities apart. He kissed JJ back loving every second he was with him never wanting it to end now that it started.
Krystal smile and nodded, though there was an unreadable sadness there. "I didn't want to bother him on his first day of work. He needs to acclimate himself to his new surroundings and teammates." She admitted, sighing a bit. While she would have like to had clints arms around her, there was something just perfect and relaxing about being tucked in her bucky's embrace again. If only he coulfd remember who he was. "Have you ever heard stories about sgt James Barnes of the 107th? My grandmother, who's named Krystal, knew him intimately. She would have have married him if he hadn't of fallen from that train. She still mourns him everyday. That's why I get like this. I'm very close to my grandmother, so sometimes it feels like we're the same person." She admitted, cuddling closely. She hadn't heard the door open and clint walk n in.

JJ nodded. "I suppose you do." He said, snugglinv closer to Tony, not wanting to let go. Be was content to just snuggle for as long as tony wished. "I love you to the moon and vack, tony." He whispered, kissing him again.
Clint walked in having a neutral day, he didn't like his boss but his boss liked him which was what was important right now. "Celeste I'm home" he said walking in to see krystal cuddling into bucky's arms while startled by the sight he wasn't surprised. Krystal wasn't going to give up till she had bucky back unfortunately if this kept happening it could jeopardize the mission. "Hey there Celeste told me you'd be coming over" he said smiling lightly though he gave krystal a mixed looked. "Thank you-" clint said not knowing his name though bucky quickly answered "Sabastian." Clint nodded looking back to him "Thank you Sabastian, my wife can get very depressed around this time of year and I always like help when I'm not around, but let's keep it professional" he said watching as Bucky let go of Krystal.

Tony smiled as JJ kissed him back "and to the stars I'll go to keep you with me" He said holding JJ closed as they snuggled up. "Jarvis if I have any meetings today cancel them, say I'm sick or something. Whatever is going around right now" he said chuckling lightly looking into JJ's eyes
Krystal smiled at him and then at bucky, kissing bucky's cheek before walking over to give clint a very passionate yet chaste kiss. "Welcome home, love." She told him softly, hugging him for a moment before going to make dinner. "Jeremy dear, could you go get some wine from the cellar? White and red please." She asked, smiling at him through the kitchen window. Smells of steak, potatoes, and all of bucky and clints favorite foods wafted through the house, and she sang along to the jazz music as it played. Dinner would be ready in about an hour.

JJ snuggled into Tony, kissing him lovingly. "As I would you, my heart." he whispered softly, happy to be with him. Jarvis piped up. "Your only appointent today was with agent coulson, sir." he said, and JJ chuckled. "Jarvis, tell uncle phil that we'll see him tomorrow"
Clint smiled walking downstairs to grab the wine that he was asked to, he closed the door behind him and looked to the workstation before going to the wine cooler. "Well Jarvis, it looks like this job is going to take much longer then I thought. It also looks like I won't get much help." He said sighing as he looked through the cooler. "I don't know why, I just don't like him especially since at this point she's paying more attention to him then the reason we're here." He said putting the bottle back "I don't know maybe I just fear she's gonna go to far trying to save him and it'll blow our cover." He continued looking up at one of the cameras "what do you think?" He asked genuinely curious.

Tony smiled pulling JJ to the bed next to the seat that they were still on before pulling him into his embrace again. "Thank you Jarvis" he said now spooning with JJ kissing his neck. His breath hit the back of JJ's neck beginning to slow down as he drifted to sleep like he hadn't slept much the previous night.
Jarvis was unsure what to say for a moment, whirring as he thought. "I do believe that miss krystal is experiencing some heavy guilt. She knows that all this isn't her fault, yet she blames herself because she still loves him quite deeply. I have observed her on many occasions, and I know that she would not jeopardize your safety for her own piece of mind. I believe that she wishes to make him fall for her all over again. It is an old fae magic few know about but agent Coulson has given me information on. If a fae and a human have a strong a connection as she and Sgt Barnes, and if something were to happen to them, the magic inside the human will gradually grow, healing whatever had been wrong. In the Sgt's case, its his memory. In making him fall for her all over again, she strengthens the magic that already resides in him. She knows how important this mission is, and I know she wants to see Hydra burn. Her emotions are somewhat clouded though. She needs you to keep her sane, or she'll likely run to the Sgt, like she ran to sir asking him desperately to find Captain rogers. She's broken Clint. can you be her glue?" the AI explained in a concise yet cramped way. He knew Krystal was waiting for him upstairs. Jarvis had made key observations from what he had witnessed in the mere day and a half he'd observed her. He whirred again. "As for he Sgt? I do not think he means any harm. It is obvious by his mannerisms that he is already falling for her. The love he felt never truly went out, Clint. He just didn't know why he was feeling it." he added, nudging Clint back upstairs with he wine.

JJ snuggled close to Tony, giving the man's lips a light kiss as he relaxed, stroking tony's hair. "rest, my heart. I'm sure you didn't sleep much last night. I'll still be here when you wake." he said, snuggling closer as he pulled the covers over them.

Weeks had gone by since that first dinner with Bucky, and Krystal and he had become very close friends. They were coming home from the grocery store one day before Clint got home, and a car whizzed by, shooting at Krystal, who was just barely showing she was pregnant. "Watch out!" she yelled, looking scared for Bucky, who looked like he'd taken a few hits from the gun. It seemed as though he'd been protecting her from what wasn't actually a random shooting. the CEO of Clint's company had put a price on he head because He simply didn't like her.
Bucky was walking next to her until he heard the sound of tires screaching as a black car rushed past firing shots off at them. Out of reaction though not sure why he jumped in front of her taking bullets to the stomach and chest. 3 shots hit his torso an 1 his right arm though 5 shots wer fired. He fell backwards his breathing quick and heavy as he pulled up his grey shirt to reveal the bullet holes. The shots hadn't past through his body allowing a much better chance to live by falling backwards. His vision became blurry and pictures ran through her head of him and her though they pictures began to move and his memories rushed back into his head. He turned his head to see her and began to whisper "Krys... Krystal" he said his breathing heavier and quicker with his memories flashing through his eyes all the way to his falling off the train.
Krystal knee-led at his side, groceries forgotten. Her magic had made them appear in the house. "Shhh, shhh, don't talk. You're okay. I've got you." she soothed, disappearing with him to the house, landing in the basement where the medical room was, because Clint could be an idiot and get himself hurt. she washed herself up, pulling on some latex gloves, then got the tools she'd need."This might hurt a little" she warned, taking the bullet out from his right arm and cauterizing the wound, bandaging him up before starting on his stomach, carefully taking out each bullet, cauterizing each wound, then bandaging him up. Krystal glowed a bit, adding to his accelerated healing. She smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Thank you for saving me." she said softly, hoping he would be aright. She still loved him a lot, and wanted him safe. she heard the door open, and knew it had to be Clint. no one with evil intentions could step into the house. "In the basement sweetie. come down if you like." she yelled up before focusing back on Bucky, who had seemed to pass out.
"Krystal" bucky continued to whisper as he bagan to pass out his life flashing before his eyes soon sounding like a video playing on an old movie projector. The room around him turned dark and Krystal dissapeared from his sight only to find a dark room with a table playing his memories over and over. He looked at the film watching as everthing that happen flashed on the screen before he heard a voice behing him. "Hello soldier" he heard the man call out behind him. He looked behind him seeing a replica of himself but with a different attitude and wqy of thinking. "Who are you?" Bucky asked looking at himself although he felt it wasn't him. "I'm you or strictly speaking you are me. After the fall, Hydra took me and fixed my wounds and gave you that arm." The man said showing that his arm was still his own in stead of the metal one on bucky. "Fine then why am I here and why do you care?" Bucky asked nit sure what to make of any of this.

"Two questions three answers, answer one, you are here because you are dying and Krystal is fixing you up however you have gone into shock so you're stjck in here till we are done. Answer two, I care because going into shock seems to cause our body and mind to retreat into this room it's happened once before and I met a man I'll never forget. He told me about my past self and why I was so special, however since that man is not here it means he is somewhere still in my head so I'm just going to use his name for less cunfusion. Answer three, I care because my name is Prince Onyx and I want my body back, I've been locked in ths room while you were using my body to kill people who shoukdn't have been, Now I want to stop this from happening and I'm taking my body back by force" Onyx explained before walking towards bucky and placing a hand on his head locking him in place using fae magic.

Clint walked downstairs seeing krystal pulling out bullets from from bucky's arm and torso looking shocked. "What happened?" He said placing his stuff down and running to the wink to wash up and put on gloves to help. "Why is he full of holes and most importantly why is he saying your real name?" Clint said looking into the bullet wound closest to his heart missing by just a few inches. "Shit we may need to cut this bullet out" he said looking to her
Krystal stroked his hair slightly before changing her hlove and going to work on the one in his chest, assessing it first. "Ah, i see now." She said, looking over as clint came in. "He saved me from a drive by shooting. Luckily they weren't as good a shot as bucky. I've to many issues already to deal with his death twice. Also, prince onyx is beating him up in his mind and retuenjng his memories." She explained as clint washed up, jarvis controlling a mechanical arm to help as much as possible. She had aready gotten the chest bullet halfway out by the time he'd finished, so trained was she. "Yeah, cut around the edge there a little clint. Once its out, he'll heal." She said, knowing because ofnhis fae magic and the serum, he could heal as fast as steve.
With bucky incapacitated hands locked by invisible chains which kept his arms tightly to his sides. What held him place was indescribable having only felt like the chains were pulled tight and locked to the floor eliminating his ability to move. Onyx let go of his head and looked into the soldiers eyes, watching him to squirm out of the spell "get comfortable you're going to be here for a while and even when I take my body back you'll still be here." He said watching the man rying to move making him laugh "You aren't getting out of that, it's fae magic... Strongest magic around, atleast strongest we know of. Point is it can't be broken by physical connection, It's a little trick I learned from the best." He said looking towards the screen as it played more memories of her and only her.

He knew there was at least some possible truth in her words, No fae was exactly like anther and some had weird things in their heads before. But something about two people fighting in his head made absolutely no sense to clint. He looked to her with both his eyebrows dropped giving her a look like she was crazy but part of him knew it wasn't important now. He made a small incision where she she had said to cutting away only enough to help her pull the bullet out. "Are the other two bullets out?" He said not seeing them on the small metal pan she was using. Looking to bucky who was still saying her name now and again.
Krystal chuckled a little. "When bucky passes out he goes to a place deep in his subconcious. Prince onyx is my fiancee from about 5 centuries ago. He is also Bucky's past self. Onyx's pure love for me allowed him to be reborn, albeit a few hundred years later. That's who's returning his memories." she tried to explain, sort of telling Clint how old she really is. She took the bullet out, counting each that were on the tray. There had been 5 shots made, and she'd only seen 4 holes in him. "I don't sense any other metal or bullet material in him. The last shot hit his left arm." She admitted, stroking his sweating head a little, and putting a cool towel on it. She pulled a holographic replica of bucky's body hovering over top him. "See, only 4 holes. I pulled them all out." She said, examining him again just to make sure.

JJ's head snapped up at the new fae energy. It felt like his mom's, but there was something else there. Something he'd only dreamed previously. He walked over to Tony, sitting next to him. He took the other man's hands, looking him straight in the eyes. "Tonykins, is there something you want to tell me? Like maybe about my father?" He asked in that soft dominant tone he only used during sex or to get what he wanted. Despite Tony's personality, the man was a full blown submissive in bed.
Onyx watched as the scenes played through the projector seeing pictures of him with her hoping that he would be with her again soon as he always did. He looked back to bucky who was still struggling in the chains feeling something trying to raise him off the ground but he was being held down. "That thing your feeling is our body going out of shock, she saved us and now that our body is safe it's trying to put you back. However, now that you're stuck it'll put me back because there is two of us. Funny though, all I have to do is walk through the doors behind you and it'll close this room with you in it." Onyx said looking down "Then why don't you just go" Bucky says squirming from the pain of both forces tugging on him. "I've been in here to long watching your actions and yet I know nothing of what has happened with my love or even how long I've been trapped in here" He said feeling his body begin to get lighter making him get up. "Guess it gave up on you" He said feeling odd about what was about to happen.

Clint looked at the bullet holes nodding and seeing them slowly closing up "Okay I thi... wait, did you say 5 centuries?" Clint asked feeling like there was things she should explain knowing Bucky would be awake soon.

Tony looked to JJ raising an eyebrow "nothing you don't already know." Tony said having hidden away his memory of his talk with Krystal that night. He knew she was already mad about him telling Clint after that morning but he made a point to obey her words on keeping it from JJ. He looked to JJ holding him close "Believe me JJ I know you're hoping your dad will come back at some point and I want you to be happy, Shield is working on it especially you" He said rubbing his head "Don't worry he will be found." He continued giving JJ a kiss
Krystal chuckled as she stroked bucky's dark hair. "Yes, i did. Fae don't age or die, Clint. My last birthday i turned 1, 994." She said, though she blushed. She was actually very self concious about her age. Here she chuckled again. "Agent coulson is close to 10,000. He was my father's best friend." she added, sensing bucky coming out of the coma. Things would be interesting now for sure.

JJ raised an eyebrow. "Hmm.." he said, knowing the man wouldn't be able to lie to him now. "I'm not sure I believe you, but, I will leave it alone for now. I have a feeling it will all be explained soon." He added, kissing the man back. Not even a fae for a month and he was already a pro at distraction techniques. That was just tony for him.
Bucky's eyes began to open seeing that he had Krystal standing over him and another man he did not recognize other then what he had seen through the soldiers eyes. Clint saw his eyes open and took off his gloves before passing by Krystal a little confused but not angry "We'll talk later" He whispered passing by her and walking upstairs allowing her to speak to him alone. Bucky's eyes scanned the unknown room before he caught her eyes again "Krystal..." He whispered slowly getting up in pain as he had not fully healed quite yet.

Tony new what it meant to become fae it meant he couldn't keep secrets that he was meant to. The night he talked to Krystal and then talked to JJ he forced the memory out of his head knowing JJ would eventually become curious. He knew that if JJ asked he would have to tell the answer so that night he forced himself to forget and overtime he didn't have any memory of it.
Krystal gave Clint a small smile, nodding at him before going back to Bucky. She took off her gloves with a snap, concern in her glacial blue eyes. "Bucky?" she asked softly, the name coming out more like a question than she wanted as she lead him out of the med room and into the living part of the basement. She sat him down on the couch, sitting next him. "You'll be okay. I fixed you up. but we should talk, Buckeye. You have missed alot." She said with a smile, giving him a light kiss. She'd missed him.

JJ made a face. "Whatever you say, tonykins. I trust you" he said, even if he knew something was amiss. He would hope it would be explained soon. Fae are very impatient.
Bucky looked to krystal his vision still slightly blurry as he was moved to the couch, his voice was low and and barely audible as she spoke to him. He was still a little worried on the fact there was still a hydra agent somewhere in his head but it was obvious she couldn't hear him and didn't care. The light kiss became long as he put his hand to her face remembering how soft her lips were this kiss being lengthened. He nroke it looking into her eyes as his hands dropped feeling a ring on her finger knowing it wasn't the one he gave her so long ago. He looked at it before looking back up to her seeing a necklace he had never seen before. On it were his dog tags which were found when they searched for him the engagement ring she was given the day he proposed was on it. He looked in silence before he finally was able to mu0uster up the sound of his voice "so it would seem" he said voice still light but able to be heard as well as the sadness in it.
Krystal stroked his cheek. "It isn't what it looks like, Buckeye. I'm undercover. We had to look like a married couple. While I admit I care for him, I still love you. Our son, bucky, he needs you. His name is James. James buchanan barnes jr. I named him after you." she explained, scooting over closer to him. She needed to feel his arms around her for awhile. She could tell he was fully healed. It was So nice to have him back. She had never thought she'd have this chance to be with him again. "When I lost you, steve came home to me. He took a month away with me, but when he went back to war, I lost him too. The artic swallowed him and the plane. We're still looking. Howard died trying. You know if he'd have looked for you too.":she said, snuggling close and giving him kisses everywhere.
Bucky listened to her words and felt her kisses along his body and face but he felt so confused. Her words were rushed and confusing as she kissed him wanting to explain everything while still loving him. He grabbed her arms adjusting himself so he can face her with his body "krystal please, I don't need to know the whole story." He said the sound of sadness still in his voice, he still wasn't sure about the fact she was wearing a new ring. He laid back on the side of the couch feeling her body lay on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her body as she laid ontop of him.
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