A (fake) marrige made in hawkeye heaven (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Krystal snuggled him close, giving himna kiss. She had missed kissing him again. She had missed kissing him. "Bucky, would you like to meet our son?" She asked, callling him telepathically. She knew this was big and she knew he would want to know. "JJ, sweetness... i need you. Pop over to the basement of the house. I'mnin the living area" she told him, JJ sending back that he'd be right there. A few minutes later, a man wmho looked just like bucky save having blue shaggy hair walked in. "Mommy, what was so important that you'd risk your cover?" He asked, before his eyes went wide as he saw who she was holding. He almost fainted. "I'm gonna kill tony" he muttered, looking to his mother. "That's really him, mommy? He didn't die?" He asked, sitting down in a chair oppisite the couch.
Bucky's eyes widened at the sight of his son though something was off with him. He wasn't feeling right almost like his own body was rejecting his mind having been under winters control so long. He looked to JJ shaking his head "krystal can explain the basics though being fae you know there is very little that can kill us. He said knowing krystal had turned him before he left. "After my fall I was found by hydra and brainwashed. I was trapped in my own subconscious and basically forced to watvh as hydra used me to kill all who opposed them." He said sick of the thought looking to krystal to try and help him.
Krystal could sense the change, rubbing his back and snuggling closer. She knew it would take him a few days to acclimate himself back to what he'd been. JJ nodded. "Yes, I am aware. Though I can't imagine what that must have been like." he told his father, wanting to get closer, but not wanting to disturb his parents, who looked quite happy. He crossed his legs. "I finalky told him how I feel." He said, smile on his face as thought of his wonderful but haphazard genius. Krystal grinned. "thats great sweetness! Did stark thell you how he feels too?" She asked, curious, JJ nodding. "I'm gonna propose to him tonight." He said, grinning
Bucky's head was low feeling sick to his stomach and his chest in pain his body still trying to reject him. Hydra had really screwed with his mind and body from all the torture and brain washing. He looked to krystal his ears ringing as she spoke trying to hear her so it wasn't a horrible first meeting for JJ.
JJ looked at his father concerned, snapping his fingers and an ice pack appeared on bucky's head. He could tell the man was really out of it. He looked to his mother. "Mommy, I thinkbyou need to give him the locket." He said and she nodded, a golden locket appearingbin her hand. She put it ove bucky's head, chanting something in old moonian. It was a spell that would make his body stop rejecting his soul and push the soldier further down.
He smiled seeing them begin to take care of him feeling her put the locket around his neck, hearing her chanting. He watched as the locket began to glow not making him feel better but it woukd eventually kick in. He stood up with the best of his ability looking at JJ "I'm sorry I wasn't around JJ" He said giving him giving JJ a hug knowing he wasn't feeling well though
JJ hugged him back, rubbing his back slightly. "Its okay dad. What matters is you're here now." he said, smiling softly. He had never thought he would ever meet him. He sniffed slightly, making a notenof jow bucky smelt like his mother's favorite colonge, sweat, and isopropyl alcohol. He could feel the shot marks on him. "Why do you have gun shot wounds dad?"
Bucky looked backed to krystal and then to JJ breathing heavily as the sweat from fighting the rejection rolled down his forhead. "Before he was locked up in here, The soldier did on heroic act that kept me from absolutely obliterating him." He said pulling back from the hug amd pointing to his head. His heart raced as his body still wasn't done fighting though the locket was working "He saved your mother. Knowing your mom a few bullets wouldn't stop her but it's the thought that counts" he said showing them the last gun shot wound closing up. "Anyway I would have destroyed him for his crimes but hd stopped the bullets so I spared him. Granted I still can't let him roam so I used a little spell I picked up from you" he said looking to krystal knowing the spell was what she used when she wanted to keep him still in the bedroom.
Krystal chuckled. "Oh, that spell. Yeah, an oldie but a goodie." She said, snuggling close to him in comfort. Shebwas glad to have him back, hoping it would be forever. She hoped too that clint was okay, not sure. "JJ, stay with your daddy? I gotta talk to clint." She said as JJ nodded, disappearing upstairs. "Arrow? Where are you baby?" she asked, worry in her voice. She hoped she hadn't hurt his feelings.
Bucky's body still was trying to fight him though the necklace was helping as it was dying out faster then he was. "Sorry JJ wish our first meet was amlittle more pleasant" He said chuckling leaning forward off the couch and into his knees.

Clint was sitting on the couch with his head in hands covering his eyes as krystal came up stairs. As she came closer he pulled his hands down from his eyes taking in a deep breath. His shirt was off and his body had been beaten though he refused to tell fury why, having given him a few off topic mission reports and knowledge to keep from saying what really happened. He heard her gasp at the sight of his bruised body his chest and side being the worst though he was good at not showing it when he was downstairs.
JJ smiled a little, sitting next to his dad and rubbing his back. "Its okay dad. I understand." He told the other, handing him a drink. It was dark fae wine, and itbwas meant to help his predicament.

Krystal gasped as shebsaw the bruises all over him. "Clinton Barton, you tell me what the hell happened to you right now!" She exclaimed, sitting next to him and crissing her arms. He would know just by her tone she woukdn't give up until he told her. She was very worried about him.
Clint looked to krystal the feeling having left his beaten body after it happened that he was starting to get worried about it. "The CEO caught me lurking in an off limits section of the building. Something even off limits too the highest staff other then him. He tried to have me disposed of but I got away, Krystal we need to take down that company now, I know bucky just came back but this is a danger to this world and possibly anybody elses. Nuclear war heads almost 10 of them are planted under the building each one soon going to be sent to a different nation." He said looking up to her. His beaten body barely able to move and broken to the touch. "I can't go back there to continue workkng because they now think I'm dead which right now is a strategic advantage" he said his breathing becoming heavier as one of his broken ribs was becoming painful to breathe with.
Krystal face palmed. "Alright. Give me a bit. I think the CEO tried to kill ne as well." She said, motioning jarvis to make a secured line directly to fury. The machine whirred and fury came up on the screen. "Nick. Big trouble. Both clint and I have been marked for death. They think he's dead right now. The company has nuclear weapons. They're selling them to enemy contries. We need to take them down now" she explained, hand glowing as she healed clint, bucky and JJ coming upstairs. "Director Mom's right. I just have the mainframe." He said looking afraid.
Fury looked over to JJ who was supposed to be with Tony right now staying away from them while they wer on this mission. "Well miss koboyashi as it seems your son doesn't know how to follow a direct order I'll have to deal with him later... However from what Barton told me earlier everything was going fine... now why didn't you tell me sooner I could have had a strike force halfway there by now." Fury said looking from JJ to clint quickly not even caring about the extra man in the room right now. "I didn't say anything because I didn't get a confirmation if it was Hydra or not" Clint said knowing that bucky was there but never found out if he was sent by them. "Look, if the have WMD's you contact hydra or not barton" fury said furiously looking to krystal. "Krystal I need you to take care of taking them down, if JJ has the main frame you can get the schematics of the building find it's weak point amd blow it" he said pissed off at clint for not telling him sooner.
Krystal nodded. "I can do that. But don't yell at JJ I asked him to come." she said, the looks she was goving him saying she would explain to him later. "I got the scematics. The weakest point is the basement. Thats where all the WMDs are. If you plant the bomb we'll put a shield around it to reduce the damage to zero." He explained, krystal nodding. She could easily go invisible and plant the bomb. Luckily no one but a few gaurds would be there. "Nick, arrest the CEO. I'll take care of the building JJ, stay with Clint and heal him..buckeye, you're with me. I need you to strech this fae powers again." she said, changing intona steath suit with a snap of her fingers. "Glamour yourself bucky. If they are HYDRA, i'm not taking any chances on loosing you again." She told him, hoping her son's boyfriend could find steve soon.
Fury nodded hearing everything she had planned, only being slightly surprised at the fact he wasn't needed for the rest of the conversation except for him to arrest the CEO. "Already have teams setting up to go out, Krystal we need to keep this mission on the down low. If you can get that shield to cover the basement with out destroying the building do it." He said before looking to clint "JJ fix him up asap I need him in one of the breaching squads." He continued before nodding "good luck, Barton your squad will be meeting at the north side of the building" he finished before the screen dissappeared.

Bucky looked to krystal his body still not fully cooperating with him though he'd have to get over it. Unfortunately this mission was unknown to him so all he coukd do was try to follow best to his abilities. Clint started to move reaching for a case that had a set of ear pieces stark had made for the mission though there were only two. Luckily he packed one for himself knowing it could was a model thwt coukd change it's frequency if needed. "Take these, keeo in touch with me I'll grab my communicater from upstairs before I go." He said knowing his bow was up there too.
Krystal Nodded at the director. "I can do that nick." She said, looking to her son as she put a handnon clint, healing him faster as she gave him a kiss. She was already planning how to for the shield. "Okay, we'll have to be at basement windows on either side. I can shield it all myself, but it would be easier with someone else to balance. Bucky, with me. You too JJ." She told him, giving nicky a kiss, adding to the magic that was helping get accustomed to his body again.

She looked to clint, nodding. "Good idea. Try not to get to beatbup thisb y ime, okay?" she asked, worry in her eyes. She put necklaces over both vlint and bucky. "there, you're impervious now." She said, looking satisfied. She didn't want to see either of them hurt. She glamoured bucky's arm, as well as his face. He jow looked like steve. That would confuse hydra.
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