Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

"Oh really?" He eyed her butt just before it was covered, then looked Izzy in the eyes again. "I guess I'm not so surprised... He did handle us, after all. By the way..." He stopped a moment, both to adjust his clothes and find the right wording. "What exactly happened after I left?"
"Not much... I was the only one, long with our Master, that wanted constant searches... But you were just one person. They didn't think you were worth the effort. I broadcast it to the rest of the Order... I got a few Jedi to leave in disgust."
"To... leave?" He finished dressing and took his lightsaber off the bed. He was wearing white pants and tunic with black boots, undershirt and tabbards, just like his last day as a Jedi seven years past. He guessed that the Jedi as a whole would simply move on but not that anyone would actually leave the order. It was such a passive aggressive thing to do that it actually irritated him "What did they think that would solve?"
"I don't know. They probably assumed that if they went missing too, the Order wouldn't care enough to go out and look for them." she replied, shrugging.
At this, Kira balled his fist and looked down. "Of course they wouldn't. They say "value every life" but then ignore individual loss as unimportant in the big picture." He could already feel anger at the Jedi for such hypocracy. "They probably don't even deserve that holocron back. They couldn't protect it, why should they have it? Can you answer that?" He now looked at Izzy, doubt and anger painted his face and tinged his eyes toward yellow again.
"Now now Kira, be the better man." she cautioned. She spoke,"Be the better man, prove that you're better than them." She was trying to calm him, and she spoke,"But look at it this way, at least me and our former Master never stopped looking."
He WAS better, he knew he was, because now that he knew the Darkness as well as the Light, he could be honest and sincere about anything. The Jedi still hid their minds in the Light like frightened children and had to make up half truths to keep their students in the same place. Still, he knew that until this was over and the Holochron was in it's place then his family would not be safe from the influence of the Jedi. He released the tension and hooked his lightsaber on his belt. "You're right," Kira sighed, and leaned in to kiss her lips once more. "Ready?"
She was glad she had calmed him down, and she happily kissed him back. She hated seeing him in a bad mood. It was never good for any body to be in a bad mood. But it was worse for a Jedi or Sith, due to their abilities. Bad things could happen.
"Alright, let's go then, and hope someone is glad to see me." He smiled and squeezed Izzy's hands, then walked out of the bedroom. On the way out, he gave Izzy her belt from the couch and let her put it back on before they left the suite. In the turbolift down, Kira spoke to her rather casually, "Should we have breakfast on the way over? It's not a long walk but who knows how long we may have to wait to see the council..."
She had always been able to calm his moods, and likewise, he was always able to calm her. They were soulmates, an impossibly rare find, but there they were. She smiled, and she put her belt back on. While they were in the turbolift, she answered,"Might as well. It does not do to start a new life hungry."
"So be it, my love," he smiled ecstaticly at the thought of a brand new life with Isabelle. Kira remembered the dream he had glimpsed last night, wondering how accurate it would prove to be. They left the hotel and walked toward the Jedi Temple. About a block away, Kira bought a pair of sweet berry-filled pastries from a street vendor, along with some water. He steered Izzy to a bench where they could eat without being noticed by the Temple Security...
She smiled as they went to a tiny bakery and got the most delicious little pastries. She spoke,"Haven't been to the bakery in awhile."
"Yeah, I've been craving one of these since I got here," he replied as he pulled his tart from the bag. He let his eyes fall shut when he took a bite so he could focus on the delicious treat. He scarfed down half his breakfast before realizing how thirsty it made him. After taking a long drink he breathed and said, "Man it feels good to be back here. Especially with you." At the last part he took Isabelle's hand and didn't let go through the rest of his now one-handed meal.
"This be one of those places where you go with a loved one. You don't go alone, which is why I never came back here until now." she happily replied as she took his hand, and finished her tart with her other hand.
Kira finished his meal quietly, basking in Isabelle's radiant presence and the peaceful moment. He had hung tightly to memories like this in his darkest times at the Sith Academy, and the fact that he was sharing another peaceful meal with Isabelle at last gave him hope. Hope that life would be good again now that his Love was by his side. But they had one last mission to accomplish before they could break ties with the Jedi Order. He presumed that it would be a fairly painless process, unless there was some ritual he did not know of. He could only hope, however, that the Sith would be so ameanable. It was not likely, but he could hope.
"It shouldn't be too long," she spoke, as if she was reading his mind, continuing,"I don't think there's anything special about leaving the Order. Nothing seemed to happen to those that left before."
He looked at Isabelle in surprise, he had forgotten just how similar their thoughts could be, they were usually "on the same wavelength" as folks would say. "Oh, right. It's... not the Jedi that I'm worried about... so much as the Sith." His eyes shimmered with fear, the fear of loosing his new future with Isabelle.
"That's putting it lightly." He said. His mouth felt dry all of a sudden so Kira drank the last of his water and tossed the bottle into a nearby trash chute. He sighed then said, "But we can only do one thing at a time. C'mon, let's do this thing."
He smirked and hopped up from his seat. "Race you to the top," he said and took off running toward and up the stairs to the Temple's front entrance. He couldn't believe it had been seven whole years since he had they had raced up these stairs. He wondered if his head start would be enough to beat Izzy to the top...
She smirked and rolled her eyes, and went chasing after him. Of course, she cheated, and used the Force to aid her, giving her a considerable lead over Kira. And of course, she won, and she spoke,"Lets go to the Masters, shall we?"
Halfway up the stairway was when the dark blur of his partner passed him up. Kira doubled his speed but still finished the climb several seconds behind. When he did join Isabelle he laughed and said, "Yeah, I'll start by telling them how you cheated!" He flicked her nose lightly and ran down the Grand Entrance Hall, past mildly confused or ruffled Jedi who whispered things like "So immature," and "He could do that outside" and "Who IS that, anyway?" He ran up the stairs and toward the central spire where the Grand Council Chambers were before a masked Sentinal stopped him. "That's good right there! What's your business with the council? For that matter, who are you? I don't remember seeing you around here before..." His tone was authoritative and suspicious, which triggered Kira's defensive response; "My name is Tyler, I was a Padawan of Master Ulrich and I need to talk to the council about the missing Holo-

"Sssshhhhhhht!" The Sentinel cut him off. "Not so loud about that! Just a minute," He looked at Isabelle, nodded his recognition then back to Kira as he pressed a switch on the wall to call a Master.

Kira looked at Isabelle, surprised by the ease of the first step, and grinned.
She smiled at how easy going Kira was, that was the sweet man she remembered, the nose flick completing her memory. Ah, business as usual. She rolled her eyes at the Sentinel... Though she was pleased the Sentinel recognized her, she kept a hidden hand on a lightsaber, in case it turned into a fight... Though a fight inside the home of the Jedi was surely suicide.
"Alright, the council will see you," said the brightly dressed Sentinel after a few seconds at the comm station. The turbolift nearby opened and he stepped out of the way. "Welcome back," he said with a bow as the doors shut.

Kira just looked at Isabelle as he leaned on the wall. Being back here was stirring up memories and feelings he had thought he lost. He could feel his Sith training kick in, turning these emotions into fuel, tensing his muscles and warming up his mind. The last thing he needed was to walk into the Council room to find twelve blades pointing at the door. He reached for Isabelle's hand and held it tightly. She would provide the stability he did not have. "Whatever you do, don't let go," even his voice belied his inner turmoil.
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